-- -- Copyright (C) 2021-2023, AdaCore -- -- SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 WITH LLVM-exception -- with Ada.Containers.Hashed_Maps; with Ada.Strings.Wide_Wide_Unbounded; use Ada.Strings.Wide_Wide_Unbounded; with Ada.Strings.Wide_Wide_Unbounded.Wide_Wide_Hash; with Interfaces; with Ada.Wide_Wide_Text_IO; use Ada.Wide_Wide_Text_IO; package body UCD.Characters is type Boolean_Array is array (1 .. 96) of Boolean with Pack; type Unsigned_16_Array is array (1 .. 24) of Interfaces.Unsigned_16 with Pack; type String_Array is array (1 .. 16) of Properties.Property_Value_Access; type Character_Record is record Boolean : Boolean_Array; Enumeration : Unsigned_16_Array; String : String_Array; end record; type Character_Array is array (UCD.Code_Point) of aliased Character_Record; type Character_Array_Access is access all Character_Array; Database : Character_Array_Access; function Hash (Item : Properties.Property_Access) return Ada.Containers.Hash_Type; package Property_Integer_Maps is new Ada.Containers.Hashed_Maps (Properties.Property_Access, Positive, Hash, Properties."="); Boolean_Properties : Properties.Property_Vectors.Vector; Boolean_Property_To_Index : Property_Integer_Maps.Map; Enumeration_Properties : Properties.Property_Vectors.Vector; Enumeration_Property_To_Index : Property_Integer_Maps.Map; String_Properties : Properties.Property_Vectors.Vector; String_Property_To_Index : Property_Integer_Maps.Map; function Internal_Enumeration_Value (Property : not null Properties.Property_Access; Value : not null Properties.Property_Value_Access) return Interfaces.Unsigned_16; procedure Register_String_Property (Property : not null Properties.Property_Access); -- Register property of "string" type. --------- -- Get -- --------- function Get (Character : Code_Point; Property : not null UCD.Properties.Property_Access) return UCD.Properties.Property_Value_Access is begin if Property.Is_Binary then return Property.Name_To_Value.Element ((if Database (Character).Boolean (Boolean_Property_To_Index.Element (Property)) then To_Unbounded_Wide_Wide_String ("Y") else To_Unbounded_Wide_Wide_String ("N"))); elsif Property.Is_Enumeration then return Property.All_Values (Positive (Database (Character).Enumeration (Enumeration_Property_To_Index.Element (Property)))); elsif Property.Is_String then return Database (Character).String (String_Property_To_Index.Element (Property)); else raise Program_Error; end if; end Get; ---------- -- Hash -- ---------- function Hash (Item : Properties.Property_Access) return Ada.Containers.Hash_Type is begin return Wide_Wide_Hash (Item.Names.First_Element); end Hash; ----------------------------------- -- Initialize_Character_Database -- ----------------------------------- procedure Initialize_Character_Database is use type Ada.Containers.Count_Type; begin -- Detect binary properties for P of Properties.All_Properties loop if P.All_Values.Is_Empty then -- Ignore non-enumerated properties. null; elsif P.All_Values.Length = 2 and then P.Name_To_Value.Contains (To_Unbounded_Wide_Wide_String ("N")) and then P.Name_To_Value.Contains (To_Unbounded_Wide_Wide_String ("Y")) then P.Is_Binary := True; Boolean_Properties.Append (P); Boolean_Property_To_Index.Insert (P, Boolean_Properties.Last_Index); else P.Is_Enumeration := True; Enumeration_Properties.Append (P); Enumeration_Property_To_Index.Insert (P, Enumeration_Properties.Last_Index); end if; end loop; Put_Line (" - boolean properties :" & Ada.Containers.Count_Type'Wide_Wide_Image (Boolean_Properties.Length) & " (of" & Integer'Wide_Wide_Image (Boolean_Array'Length) & ')'); Put_Line (" - enumeration properties :" & Ada.Containers.Count_Type'Wide_Wide_Image (Enumeration_Properties.Length) & " (of" & Integer'Wide_Wide_Image (Unsigned_16_Array'Length) & ')'); Put_Line (" - string properties : dynamic (of" & Integer'Wide_Wide_Image (String_Array'Length) & ')'); -- Allocate database and reset all information. Put_Line ("Initializing in-memory database"); Database := new Character_Array' (others => (Boolean => [others => False], Enumeration => [others => 0], String => [others => null])); -- Initialize special cases. -- Unicode 13.0: exception: Extended_Pictographic property is Y by -- default for unassigned code points in few ranges of the code points. -- -- To construct this property UnicodeData.txt must be loaded first, -- thus it is initialized when corresponding data is loaded from the -- emoji/emoji-data.txt file. -- Default value for General_Category is 'Cn' ("Unassigned") declare GC_Property : constant not null Properties.Property_Access := Properties.Resolve ("gc"); GC_Value : constant not null Properties.Property_Value_Access := Properties.Resolve (GC_Property, "Cn"); GC_Index : constant Positive := Enumeration_Property_To_Index (GC_Property); GC_Value_Index : constant Interfaces.Unsigned_16 := Internal_Enumeration_Value (GC_Property, GC_Value); begin for C in Code_Point loop Database (C).Enumeration (GC_Index) := GC_Value_Index; end loop; GC_Value.Is_Used := True; end; -- Default value for Canonical_Combining_Class is 'NR' ("Not_Reordered") declare CCC_Property : constant not null Properties.Property_Access := Properties.Resolve ("ccc"); CCC_Value : constant not null Properties.Property_Value_Access := Properties.Resolve (CCC_Property, "NR"); CCC_Index : constant Positive := Enumeration_Property_To_Index (CCC_Property); CCC_Value_Index : constant Interfaces.Unsigned_16 := Internal_Enumeration_Value (CCC_Property, CCC_Value); begin for C in Code_Point loop Database (C).Enumeration (CCC_Index) := CCC_Value_Index; end loop; CCC_Value.Is_Used := True; end; -- Default value for Decomposition_Type is 'None' declare DT_Property : constant not null Properties.Property_Access := Properties.Resolve ("dt"); DT_Value : constant not null Properties.Property_Value_Access := Properties.Resolve (DT_Property, "None"); DT_Index : constant Positive := Enumeration_Property_To_Index (DT_Property); DT_Value_Index : constant Interfaces.Unsigned_16 := Internal_Enumeration_Value (DT_Property, DT_Value); begin for C in Code_Point loop Database (C).Enumeration (DT_Index) := DT_Value_Index; end loop; DT_Value.Is_Used := True; end; end Initialize_Character_Database; -------------------------------- -- Internal_Enumeration_Value -- -------------------------------- function Internal_Enumeration_Value (Property : not null Properties.Property_Access; Value : not null Properties.Property_Value_Access) return Interfaces.Unsigned_16 is use type UCD.Properties.Property_Value_Access; begin for J in Property.All_Values.First_Index .. Property.All_Values.Last_Index loop if Property.All_Values.Element (J) = Value then return Interfaces.Unsigned_16 (J); end if; end loop; raise Program_Error; end Internal_Enumeration_Value; ------------------------------ -- Register_String_Property -- ------------------------------ procedure Register_String_Property (Property : not null Properties.Property_Access) is begin if not String_Property_To_Index.Contains (Property) then String_Properties.Append (Property); String_Property_To_Index.Insert (Property, String_Properties.Last_Index); end if; end Register_String_Property; --------- -- Set -- --------- procedure Set (Character : Code_Point; Property : not null UCD.Properties.Property_Access; Value : not null UCD.Properties.Property_Value_Access) is begin if Property.Is_Binary then Database (Character).Boolean (Boolean_Property_To_Index.Element (Property)) := Value.Names.First_Element = "Y"; elsif Property.Is_Enumeration then Database (Character).Enumeration (Enumeration_Property_To_Index.Element (Property)) := Internal_Enumeration_Value (Property, Value); -- Set flag of use of value. Value.Is_Used := True; elsif Property.Is_String then Register_String_Property (Property); Database (Character).String (String_Property_To_Index.Element (Property)) := Value; else raise Program_Error; end if; end Set; end UCD.Characters;