-- -- Copyright (C) 2020-2023, AdaCore -- -- SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 WITH LLVM-exception -- with Ada.Command_Line; with Ada.Streams.Stream_IO; with Ada.Text_IO; with Interfaces; with VSS.JSON.Streams; with VSS.JSON.Push_Writers; with VSS.Stream_Element_Vectors.Conversions; with VSS.Strings.Conversions; with VSS.Text_Streams.Memory_UTF8_Output; with Tests_Text_Streams; procedure Test_JSON_Writer is All_Controls : constant VSS.Strings.Virtual_String := VSS.Strings.Conversions.To_Virtual_String ([Character'Val (16#00#), Character'Val (16#01#), Character'Val (16#02#), Character'Val (16#03#), Character'Val (16#04#), Character'Val (16#05#), Character'Val (16#06#), Character'Val (16#07#), Character'Val (16#08#), Character'Val (16#09#), Character'Val (16#0A#), Character'Val (16#0B#), Character'Val (16#0C#), Character'Val (16#0D#), Character'Val (16#0E#), Character'Val (16#0F#), Character'Val (16#10#), Character'Val (16#11#), Character'Val (16#12#), Character'Val (16#13#), Character'Val (16#14#), Character'Val (16#15#), Character'Val (16#16#), Character'Val (16#17#), Character'Val (16#18#), Character'Val (16#19#), Character'Val (16#1A#), Character'Val (16#1B#), Character'Val (16#1C#), Character'Val (16#1D#), Character'Val (16#1E#), Character'Val (16#1F#)]); -- All control characters required to be escaped Escaped : constant VSS.Strings.Virtual_String := "\"""; procedure Test_Output_Failure (Writer : in out VSS.JSON.Push_Writers.JSON_Simple_Push_Writer'Class); ------------------------- -- Test_Output_Failure -- ------------------------- procedure Test_Output_Failure (Writer : in out VSS.JSON.Push_Writers.JSON_Simple_Push_Writer'Class) is type Test_Event is record Length : VSS.Strings.Character_Count; Event : VSS.JSON.Streams.JSON_Stream_Element; end record; type Test_Scenario is array (Positive range <>) of Test_Event; procedure Run_Test (Scenario : Test_Scenario); -------------- -- Run_Test -- -------------- procedure Run_Test (Scenario : Test_Scenario) is use type VSS.Strings.Character_Count; Limit : VSS.Strings.Character_Count := 0; begin loop declare Stream : aliased Tests_Text_Streams.String_Output_Stream; Success : Boolean := True; -- Step : Positive := 1; Length : VSS.Strings.Character_Count := 0; begin Stream.Set_Limit (Limit); Writer.Set_Stream (Stream'Unchecked_Access); Writer.Start_Document (Success); if not Success then raise Program_Error; end if; for J in Scenario'Range loop Length := Length + Scenario (J).Length; case Scenario (J).Event.Kind is when VSS.JSON.Streams.Start_Array => Writer.Start_Array (Success); when VSS.JSON.Streams.End_Array => Writer.End_Array (Success); when VSS.JSON.Streams.Start_Object => Writer.Start_Object (Success); when VSS.JSON.Streams.End_Object => Writer.End_Object (Success); when VSS.JSON.Streams.Key_Name => Writer.Key_Name (Scenario (J).Event.Key_Name, Success); when VSS.JSON.Streams.String_Value => Writer.String_Value (Scenario (J).Event.String_Value, Success); when VSS.JSON.Streams.Number_Value => case Scenario (J).Event.Number_Value.Kind is when VSS.JSON.JSON_Integer => Writer.Integer_Value (Scenario (J).Event.Number_Value.Integer_Value, Success); when VSS.JSON.JSON_Float => Writer.Float_Value (Scenario (J).Event.Number_Value.Float_Value, Success); when others => raise Program_Error; end case; when VSS.JSON.Streams.Boolean_Value => Writer.Boolean_Value (Scenario (J).Event.Boolean_Value, Success); when VSS.JSON.Streams.Null_Value => Writer.Null_Value (Success); when others => raise Program_Error; end case; if Length <= Limit then if not Success then Ada.Text_IO.Put_Line (VSS.Strings.Conversions.To_UTF_8_String (Stream.Buffer)); raise Program_Error; end if; else if Success then Ada.Text_IO.Put_Line (VSS.Strings.Conversions.To_UTF_8_String (Stream.Buffer)); raise Program_Error; end if; exit; end if; end loop; Writer.End_Document (Success); -- ??? Generated output can be compared here to match expected exit when Length < Limit; end; Limit := Limit + 1; end loop; end Run_Test; -- All kinds of events as elements of arrays, to check failure at array -- element delimiter. It tests many cases for primitive types too. All_Array_Scenario : constant Test_Scenario := [(1, (Kind => VSS.JSON.Streams.Start_Array)), (4, (Kind => VSS.JSON.Streams.Null_Value)), (2, (Kind => VSS.JSON.Streams.Start_Array)), (1, (Kind => VSS.JSON.Streams.End_Array)), (2, (Kind => VSS.JSON.Streams.Start_Object)), (1, (Kind => VSS.JSON.Streams.End_Object)), (3, (Kind => VSS.JSON.Streams.String_Value, String_Value => VSS.Strings.Empty_Virtual_String)), (2, (Kind => VSS.JSON.Streams.Number_Value, Number_Value => (Kind => VSS.JSON.JSON_Integer, String_Value => VSS.Strings.Empty_Virtual_String, Integer_Value => 0))), (21, (Kind => VSS.JSON.Streams.Number_Value, Number_Value => (Kind => VSS.JSON.JSON_Float, String_Value => VSS.Strings.Empty_Virtual_String, Float_Value => 0.0))), (6, (Kind => VSS.JSON.Streams.Boolean_Value, Boolean_Value => False)), (5, (Kind => VSS.JSON.Streams.Boolean_Value, Boolean_Value => True)), (5, (Kind => VSS.JSON.Streams.Null_Value)), (1, (Kind => VSS.JSON.Streams.End_Array))]; -- Few key-value pairs in the object to check failure at pairs -- delimiter. Object_Key_Scenario : constant Test_Scenario := [(1, (Kind => VSS.JSON.Streams.Start_Object)), (7, (Kind => VSS.JSON.Streams.Key_Name, Key_Name => "name")), (2, (Kind => VSS.JSON.Streams.String_Value, String_Value => VSS.Strings.Empty_Virtual_String)), (11, (Kind => VSS.JSON.Streams.Key_Name, Key_Name => "surname")), (2, (Kind => VSS.JSON.Streams.String_Value, String_Value => VSS.Strings.Empty_Virtual_String)), (1, (Kind => VSS.JSON.Streams.End_Object))]; -- All control characters in the string literal All_Controls_Scenario : constant Test_Scenario := [1 => (174, (Kind => VSS.JSON.Streams.String_Value, String_Value => All_Controls))]; Escaped_Scenario : constant Test_Scenario := [1 => (6, (Kind => VSS.JSON.Streams.String_Value, String_Value => Escaped))]; begin -- This test cover simplest cases only, content of the generated JSON -- is not checked. Run_Test (All_Array_Scenario); Run_Test (Object_Key_Scenario); Run_Test (All_Controls_Scenario); Run_Test (Escaped_Scenario); end Test_Output_Failure; use type Interfaces.IEEE_Float_64; use type Interfaces.Integer_64; Stream : aliased VSS.Text_Streams.Memory_UTF8_Output.Memory_UTF8_Output_Stream; Writer : aliased VSS.JSON.Push_Writers.JSON_Simple_Push_Writer; Success : Boolean := True; begin Writer.Set_Stream (Stream'Unchecked_Access); Writer.Start_Document (Success); Writer.Start_Object (Success); -- Some usual constructs. Writer.Key_Name ("name", Success); Writer.String_Value ("Some name", Success); Writer.Key_Name ("names", Success); Writer.Start_Array (Success); Writer.String_Value ("Some", Success); Writer.String_Value ("name", Success); Writer.End_Array (Success); Writer.Key_Name ("is", Success); Writer.Boolean_Value (False, Success); Writer.Key_Name ("no", Success); Writer.Boolean_Value (True, Success); Writer.Key_Name ("empty", Success); Writer.Null_Value (Success); Writer.Key_Name ("integer", Success); Writer.Integer_Value (15, Success); Writer.Key_Name ("float", Success); Writer.Float_Value (20.5, Success); -- Arrays of different types Writer.Key_Name ("booleans", Success); Writer.Start_Array (Success); Writer.Boolean_Value (False, Success); Writer.Boolean_Value (True, Success); Writer.End_Array (Success); Writer.Key_Name ("nulls", Success); Writer.Start_Array (Success); Writer.Null_Value (Success); Writer.Null_Value (Success); Writer.End_Array (Success); Writer.Key_Name ("floats", Success); Writer.Start_Array (Success); Writer.Float_Value (-1.0, Success); Writer.Float_Value (1.0, Success); Writer.End_Array (Success); Writer.Key_Name ("integers", Success); Writer.Start_Array (Success); Writer.Integer_Value (-1, Success); Writer.Integer_Value (1, Success); Writer.End_Array (Success); Writer.Key_Name ("arrays", Success); Writer.Start_Array (Success); Writer.Start_Array (Success); Writer.End_Array (Success); Writer.Start_Array (Success); Writer.End_Array (Success); Writer.End_Array (Success); Writer.Key_Name ("objects", Success); Writer.Start_Array (Success); Writer.Start_Object (Success); Writer.End_Object (Success); Writer.Start_Object (Success); Writer.End_Object (Success); Writer.End_Array (Success); -- All control characters inside string value Writer.Key_Name ("controls", Success); Writer.String_Value (All_Controls, Success); -- Backslash and quotation mark inside string value Writer.Key_Name ("others", Success); Writer.String_Value (Escaped, Success); -- Empty string as value (for both null string and string of zero length -- cases) Writer.Key_Name ("empty_string", Success); Writer.String_Value ("", Success); Writer.Key_Name ("null_string", Success); Writer.String_Value (VSS.Strings.Empty_Virtual_String, Success); Writer.End_Object (Success); Writer.End_Document (Success); declare File : Ada.Streams.Stream_IO.File_Type; begin Ada.Streams.Stream_IO.Open (File, Ada.Streams.Stream_IO.In_File, Ada.Command_Line.Argument (1)); declare use type Ada.Streams.Stream_Element; use type Ada.Streams.Stream_Element_Offset; Expected : Ada.Streams.Stream_Element_Array (1 .. Ada.Streams.Stream_Element_Count (Ada.Streams.Stream_IO.Size (File))); Last : Ada.Streams.Stream_Element_Count; begin Ada.Streams.Stream_IO.Read (File, Expected, Last); if Last /= Expected'Last or Last = 0 then raise Program_Error; end if; for J in Expected'Range loop if Expected (J) /= Stream.Buffer.Element (J) then Ada.Text_IO.Put (VSS.Stream_Element_Vectors.Conversions.Unchecked_To_String (Stream.Buffer)); raise Program_Error; end if; end loop; end; end; declare Writer : aliased VSS.JSON.Push_Writers.JSON_Simple_Push_Writer; begin Test_Output_Failure (Writer); end; end Test_JSON_Writer;