----------------------------------------------------------------------- -- util-serialize-io-json -- JSON Serialization Driver -- Copyright (C) 2010, 2011, 2012, 2016, 2017, 2020, 2021, 2022 Stephane Carrez -- Written by Stephane Carrez (Stephane.Carrez@gmail.com) -- -- Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); -- you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. -- You may obtain a copy of the License at -- -- http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 -- -- Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software -- distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, -- WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. -- See the License for the specific language governing permissions and -- limitations under the License. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- with Interfaces; with Ada.Characters.Latin_1; with Ada.Characters.Wide_Wide_Latin_1; with Ada.IO_Exceptions; with Util.Strings; with Util.Streams; with Util.Streams.Buffered; with Util.Streams.Texts.TR; with Util.Streams.Texts.WTR; with Util.Dates.ISO8601; with Util.Beans.Objects.Iterators; with Util.Beans.Objects.Readers; package body Util.Serialize.IO.JSON is use Ada.Strings.Unbounded; package UBO renames Util.Beans.Objects; -- ----------------------- -- Set the target output stream. -- ----------------------- procedure Initialize (Stream : in out Output_Stream; Output : in Util.Streams.Texts.Print_Stream_Access) is begin Stream.Stream := Output; end Initialize; -- ----------------------- -- Flush the buffer (if any) to the sink. -- ----------------------- overriding procedure Flush (Stream : in out Output_Stream) is begin Stream.Stream.Flush; end Flush; -- ----------------------- -- Close the sink. -- ----------------------- overriding procedure Close (Stream : in out Output_Stream) is begin Stream.Stream.Close; end Close; -- ----------------------- -- Write the buffer array to the output stream. -- ----------------------- overriding procedure Write (Stream : in out Output_Stream; Buffer : in Ada.Streams.Stream_Element_Array) is begin Stream.Stream.Write (Buffer); end Write; -- ----------------------- -- Write a wide character on the stream doing some conversion if necessary. -- The default implementation translates the wide character to a UTF-8 sequence. -- ----------------------- procedure Write_Wide (Stream : in out Output_Stream; Item : in Wide_Wide_Character) is begin Stream.Stream.Write_Wide (Item); end Write_Wide; -- ----------------------- -- Start a JSON document. This operation writes the initial JSON marker ('{'). -- ----------------------- overriding procedure Start_Document (Stream : in out Output_Stream) is Current : access Node_Info; begin Node_Info_Stack.Push (Stream.Stack); Current := Node_Info_Stack.Current (Stream.Stack); Current.Is_Root := True; end Start_Document; -- ----------------------- -- Finish a JSON document by writing the final JSON marker ('}'). -- ----------------------- overriding procedure End_Document (Stream : in out Output_Stream) is Current : constant access Node_Info := Node_Info_Stack.Current (Stream.Stack); begin if Current /= null and then Current.Has_Fields and then not Current.Is_Array then Stream.Write ('}'); end if; Node_Info_Stack.Pop (Stream.Stack); end End_Document; -- ----------------------- -- Write the string as a quoted JSON string -- ----------------------- procedure Write_String (Stream : in out Output_Stream; Value : in String) is begin Stream.Write ('"'); for I in Value'Range loop declare C : constant Character := Value (I); begin if C = '"' then Stream.Write ("\"""); elsif C = '\' then Stream.Write ("\\"); elsif Character'Pos (C) >= 16#20# then Stream.Write (C); else case C is when Ada.Characters.Latin_1.BS => Stream.Write ("\b"); when Ada.Characters.Latin_1.VT => Stream.Write ("\f"); when Ada.Characters.Latin_1.LF => Stream.Write ("\n"); when Ada.Characters.Latin_1.CR => Stream.Write ("\r"); when Ada.Characters.Latin_1.HT => Stream.Write ("\t"); when others => Util.Streams.Texts.TR.To_Hex (Stream.Stream.all, C); end case; end if; end; end loop; Stream.Write ('"'); end Write_String; -- ----------------------- -- Write the value as a JSON string. Special characters are escaped using the JSON -- escape rules. -- ----------------------- procedure Write_Wide_String (Stream : in out Output_Stream; Value : in Wide_Wide_String) is begin Stream.Write ('"'); for I in Value'Range loop declare C : constant Wide_Wide_Character := Value (I); begin if C = '"' then Stream.Write ("\"""); elsif C = '\' then Stream.Write ("\\"); elsif Wide_Wide_Character'Pos (C) >= 16#20# then Util.Streams.Texts.Write_Char (Stream.Stream.all, C); else case C is when Ada.Characters.Wide_Wide_Latin_1.BS => Stream.Write ("\b"); when Ada.Characters.Wide_Wide_Latin_1.VT => Stream.Write ("\f"); when Ada.Characters.Wide_Wide_Latin_1.LF => Stream.Write ("\n"); when Ada.Characters.Wide_Wide_Latin_1.CR => Stream.Write ("\r"); when Ada.Characters.Wide_Wide_Latin_1.HT => Stream.Write ("\t"); when others => Util.Streams.Texts.WTR.To_Hex (Stream.Stream.all, C); end case; end if; end; end loop; Stream.Write ('"'); end Write_Wide_String; procedure Write_Field_Name (Stream : in out Output_Stream; Name : in String) is Current : constant access Node_Info := Node_Info_Stack.Current (Stream.Stack); begin if Current /= null then if Current.Has_Fields then Stream.Write (','); elsif Name'Length > 0 or else not Current.Is_Root then Current.Has_Fields := True; end if; end if; if (Name'Length > 0 and then (Current = null or else not Current.Is_Array)) or else (Name'Length = 0 and then Current /= null and then not Current.Is_Array and then not Current.Is_Root) then Stream.Write_String (Name); Stream.Write (':'); end if; end Write_Field_Name; -- ----------------------- -- Start writing an object identified by the given name -- ----------------------- overriding procedure Start_Entity (Stream : in out Output_Stream; Name : in String) is Current : access Node_Info := Node_Info_Stack.Current (Stream.Stack); begin if Current /= null and then Current.Is_Root then if Name'Length > 0 then Stream.Write ('{'); Stream.Write_Field_Name (Name); Current.Has_Fields := True; end if; else Stream.Write_Field_Name (Name); end if; Node_Info_Stack.Push (Stream.Stack); Current := Node_Info_Stack.Current (Stream.Stack); Current.Has_Fields := False; Current.Is_Array := False; Current.Is_Root := False; Stream.Write ('{'); end Start_Entity; -- ----------------------- -- Finish writing an object identified by the given name -- ----------------------- overriding procedure End_Entity (Stream : in out Output_Stream; Name : in String) is pragma Unreferenced (Name); begin Node_Info_Stack.Pop (Stream.Stack); Stream.Write ('}'); end End_Entity; -- ----------------------- -- Write the attribute name/value pair. -- ----------------------- overriding procedure Write_Attribute (Stream : in out Output_Stream; Name : in String; Value : in String) is begin Stream.Write_Field_Name (Name); Stream.Write_String (Value); end Write_Attribute; overriding procedure Write_Wide_Attribute (Stream : in out Output_Stream; Name : in String; Value : in Wide_Wide_String) is begin Stream.Write_Field_Name (Name); Stream.Write_Wide_String (Value); end Write_Wide_Attribute; overriding procedure Write_Attribute (Stream : in out Output_Stream; Name : in String; Value : in Integer) is begin Stream.Write_Field_Name (Name); Stream.Write (Integer'Image (Value)); end Write_Attribute; overriding procedure Write_Attribute (Stream : in out Output_Stream; Name : in String; Value : in Boolean) is begin Stream.Write_Field_Name (Name); if Value then Stream.Write ("true"); else Stream.Write ("false"); end if; end Write_Attribute; -- ----------------------- -- Write an attribute member from the current object -- ----------------------- overriding procedure Write_Attribute (Stream : in out Output_Stream; Name : in String; Value : in Util.Beans.Objects.Object) is use Util.Beans.Objects; begin Stream.Write_Field_Name (Name); case Util.Beans.Objects.Get_Type (Value) is when TYPE_NULL => Stream.Write ("null"); when TYPE_BOOLEAN => if Util.Beans.Objects.To_Boolean (Value) then Stream.Write ("true"); else Stream.Write ("false"); end if; when TYPE_INTEGER => Stream.Stream.Write (Util.Beans.Objects.To_Long_Long_Integer (Value)); when others => Stream.Write_String (Util.Beans.Objects.To_String (Value)); end case; end Write_Attribute; -- ----------------------- -- Write the attribute with a null value. -- ----------------------- overriding procedure Write_Null_Attribute (Stream : in out Output_Stream; Name : in String) is begin Stream.Write_Field_Name (Name); Stream.Write ("null"); end Write_Null_Attribute; -- ----------------------- -- Write an object value as an entity -- ----------------------- overriding procedure Write_Entity (Stream : in out Output_Stream; Name : in String; Value : in Util.Beans.Objects.Object) is use Util.Beans.Objects; begin case Util.Beans.Objects.Get_Type (Value) is when TYPE_NULL => Stream.Write_Field_Name (Name); Stream.Write ("null"); when TYPE_BOOLEAN => Stream.Write_Field_Name (Name); if Util.Beans.Objects.To_Boolean (Value) then Stream.Write ("true"); else Stream.Write ("false"); end if; when TYPE_INTEGER => Stream.Write_Field_Name (Name); Stream.Stream.Write (Util.Beans.Objects.To_Long_Long_Integer (Value)); when TYPE_FLOAT => Stream.Write_Field_Name (Name); Stream.Stream.Write (Long_Long_Float'Image (Util.Beans.Objects.To_Long_Long_Float (Value))); when TYPE_BEAN | TYPE_ARRAY => if Is_Array (Value) then Stream.Start_Array (Name); declare Count : constant Natural := Util.Beans.Objects.Get_Count (Value); begin for I in 1 .. Count loop Stream.Write_Entity ("", Util.Beans.Objects.Get_Value (Value, I)); end loop; end; Stream.End_Array (Name); else declare Iter : Util.Beans.Objects.Iterators.Iterator := Util.Beans.Objects.Iterators.First (Value); begin if not UBO.Iterators.Has_Key (Iter) then Stream.Start_Array (Name); while UBO.Iterators.Has_Element (Iter) loop Stream.Write_Entity ("", UBO.Iterators.Element (Iter)); UBO.Iterators.Next (Iter); end loop; Stream.End_Array (Name); else Stream.Start_Entity (Name); while UBO.Iterators.Has_Element (Iter) loop Stream.Write_Entity (UBO.Iterators.Key (Iter), UBO.Iterators.Element (Iter)); UBO.Iterators.Next (Iter); end loop; Stream.End_Entity (Name); end if; end; end if; when others => Stream.Write_Field_Name (Name); Stream.Write_String (Util.Beans.Objects.To_String (Value)); end case; end Write_Entity; -- ----------------------- -- Write a JSON name/value pair (see Write_Attribute). -- ----------------------- overriding procedure Write_Entity (Stream : in out Output_Stream; Name : in String; Value : in String) is begin Stream.Write_Attribute (Name, Value); end Write_Entity; overriding procedure Write_Wide_Entity (Stream : in out Output_Stream; Name : in String; Value : in Wide_Wide_String) is begin Stream.Write_Wide_Attribute (Name, Value); end Write_Wide_Entity; -- ----------------------- -- Write a JSON name/value pair (see Write_Attribute). -- ----------------------- overriding procedure Write_Entity (Stream : in out Output_Stream; Name : in String; Value : in Integer) is begin Stream.Write_Attribute (Name, Value); end Write_Entity; overriding procedure Write_Entity (Stream : in out Output_Stream; Name : in String; Value : in Ada.Calendar.Time) is begin Stream.Write_Entity (Name, Util.Dates.ISO8601.Image (Value, Util.Dates.ISO8601.SUBSECOND)); end Write_Entity; -- ----------------------- -- Write an entity with a null value. -- ----------------------- overriding procedure Write_Null_Entity (Stream : in out Output_Stream; Name : in String) is begin Stream.Write_Null_Attribute (Name); end Write_Null_Entity; overriding procedure Write_Entity (Stream : in out Output_Stream; Name : in String; Value : in Boolean) is begin Stream.Write_Attribute (Name, Value); end Write_Entity; overriding procedure Write_Long_Entity (Stream : in out Output_Stream; Name : in String; Value : in Long_Long_Integer) is begin Stream.Write_Field_Name (Name); Stream.Write (Long_Long_Integer'Image (Value)); end Write_Long_Entity; overriding procedure Write_Enum_Entity (Stream : in out Output_Stream; Name : in String; Value : in String) is begin Stream.Write_Entity (Name, Value); end Write_Enum_Entity; -- ----------------------- -- Start an array that will contain the specified number of elements -- Example: "list": [ -- ----------------------- overriding procedure Start_Array (Stream : in out Output_Stream; Name : in String) is Current : access Node_Info := Node_Info_Stack.Current (Stream.Stack); begin if Current /= null then if Current.Has_Fields then Stream.Write (','); elsif not Current.Is_Root then Current.Has_Fields := True; elsif Name'Length > 0 then Stream.Write ('{'); Current.Has_Fields := True; else Current.Is_Array := True; Current.Has_Fields := True; end if; end if; Node_Info_Stack.Push (Stream.Stack); Current := Node_Info_Stack.Current (Stream.Stack); Current.Has_Fields := False; Current.Is_Array := True; Current.Is_Root := False; if Name'Length > 0 then Stream.Write_String (Name); Stream.Write (':'); end if; Stream.Write ('['); end Start_Array; -- ----------------------- -- Finishes an array -- ----------------------- overriding procedure End_Array (Stream : in out Output_Stream; Name : in String) is pragma Unreferenced (Name); begin Node_Info_Stack.Pop (Stream.Stack); Stream.Write (']'); end End_Array; -- ----------------------- -- Get the current location (file and line) to report an error message. -- ----------------------- overriding function Get_Location (Handler : in Parser) return String is begin return Util.Strings.Image (Handler.Line_Number); end Get_Location; overriding procedure Parse (Handler : in out Parser; Stream : in out Util.Streams.Buffered.Input_Buffer_Stream'Class; Sink : in out Reader'Class) is -- Put back a token in the buffer. procedure Put_Back (P : in out Parser'Class; Token : in Token_Type); -- Parse the expression buffer to find the next token. procedure Peek (P : in out Parser'Class; Token : out Token_Type); function Hexdigit (C : in Character) return Interfaces.Unsigned_32; -- Parse a list of members -- members ::= pair | pair ',' members -- pair ::= string ':' value -- value ::= string | number | object | array | true | false | null procedure Parse_Pairs (P : in out Parser'Class); -- Parse a value -- value ::= string | number | object | array | true | false | null procedure Parse_Value (P : in out Parser'Class; Name : in String); -- ------------------------------ -- Parse a list of members -- members ::= pair | pair ',' members -- pair ::= string ':' value -- value ::= string | number | object | array | true | false | null -- ------------------------------ procedure Parse_Pairs (P : in out Parser'Class) is Current_Name : Unbounded_String; Token : Token_Type; begin loop Peek (P, Token); if Token /= T_STRING then Put_Back (P, Token); return; end if; Current_Name := P.Token; Peek (P, Token); if Token /= T_COLON then P.Error ("Missing ':'"); end if; Parse_Value (P, To_String (Current_Name)); Peek (P, Token); if Token /= T_COMMA then Put_Back (P, Token); return; end if; end loop; end Parse_Pairs; function Hexdigit (C : in Character) return Interfaces.Unsigned_32 is use type Interfaces.Unsigned_32; begin if C >= '0' and then C <= '9' then return Character'Pos (C) - Character'Pos ('0'); elsif C >= 'a' and then C <= 'f' then return Character'Pos (C) - Character'Pos ('a') + 10; elsif C >= 'A' and then C <= 'F' then return Character'Pos (C) - Character'Pos ('A') + 10; else raise Constraint_Error with "Invalid hexdigit: " & C; end if; end Hexdigit; -- ------------------------------ -- Parse a value -- value ::= string | number | object | array | true | false | null -- ------------------------------ procedure Parse_Value (P : in out Parser'Class; Name : in String) is Token : Token_Type; Index : Natural; begin Peek (P, Token); case Token is when T_LEFT_BRACE => Sink.Start_Object (Name, P); Parse_Pairs (P); Peek (P, Token); if Token /= T_RIGHT_BRACE then P.Error ("Missing '}'"); end if; Sink.Finish_Object (Name, P); -- when T_LEFT_BRACKET => Sink.Start_Array (Name, P); Peek (P, Token); Index := 0; if Token /= T_RIGHT_BRACKET then Put_Back (P, Token); loop Parse_Value (P, Util.Strings.Image (Index)); Peek (P, Token); exit when Token = T_RIGHT_BRACKET; if Token /= T_COMMA then P.Error ("Missing ']'"); exit when Token = T_EOF; end if; Index := Index + 1; end loop; end if; Sink.Finish_Array (Name, Index, P); when T_NULL => Sink.Set_Member (Name, Util.Beans.Objects.Null_Object, P); when T_NUMBER => declare Value : Long_Long_Integer; begin Value := Long_Long_Integer'Value (To_String (P.Token)); Sink.Set_Member (Name, Util.Beans.Objects.To_Object (Value), P); end; when T_FLOAT => declare Value : Long_Long_Float; begin Value := Long_Long_Float'Value (To_String (P.Token)); Sink.Set_Member (Name, Util.Beans.Objects.To_Object (Value), P); exception when Constraint_Error => P.Error ("Invalid number"); end; when T_STRING => Sink.Set_Member (Name, Util.Beans.Objects.To_Object (P.Token), P); when T_TRUE => Sink.Set_Member (Name, Util.Beans.Objects.To_Object (True), P); when T_FALSE => Sink.Set_Member (Name, Util.Beans.Objects.To_Object (False), P); when T_EOF => P.Error ("End of stream reached"); return; when others => P.Error ("Invalid token"); end case; end Parse_Value; -- ------------------------------ -- Put back a token in the buffer. -- ------------------------------ procedure Put_Back (P : in out Parser'Class; Token : in Token_Type) is begin P.Pending_Token := Token; end Put_Back; -- ------------------------------ -- Parse the expression buffer to find the next token. -- ------------------------------ procedure Peek (P : in out Parser'Class; Token : out Token_Type) is use Ada.Characters; C, C1 : Character; begin -- If a token was put back, return it. if P.Pending_Token /= T_EOF then Token := P.Pending_Token; P.Pending_Token := T_EOF; return; end if; if P.Has_Pending_Char then C := P.Pending_Char; else -- Skip white spaces loop Stream.Read (Char => C); if C = Ada.Characters.Latin_1.LF then P.Line_Number := P.Line_Number + 1; else exit when C /= ' ' and then C /= Ada.Characters.Latin_1.CR and then C /= Ada.Characters.Latin_1.HT; end if; end loop; end if; P.Has_Pending_Char := False; -- See what we have and continue parsing. case C is -- Literal string using double quotes -- Collect up to the end of the string and put -- the result in the parser token result. when '"' => Delete (P.Token, 1, Length (P.Token)); loop Stream.Read (Char => C1); if C1 = '\' then Stream.Read (Char => C1); case C1 is when '"' | '\' | '/' => null; when 'b' => C1 := Ada.Characters.Latin_1.BS; when 'f' => C1 := Ada.Characters.Latin_1.VT; when 'n' => C1 := Ada.Characters.Latin_1.LF; when 'r' => C1 := Ada.Characters.Latin_1.CR; when 't' => C1 := Ada.Characters.Latin_1.HT; when 'u' => declare use Interfaces; C2, C3, C4 : Character; Val : Interfaces.Unsigned_32; begin Stream.Read (Char => C1); Stream.Read (Char => C2); Stream.Read (Char => C3); Stream.Read (Char => C4); Val := Interfaces.Shift_Left (Hexdigit (C1), 12); Val := Val + Interfaces.Shift_Left (Hexdigit (C2), 8); Val := Val + Interfaces.Shift_Left (Hexdigit (C3), 4); Val := Val + Hexdigit (C4); -- Encode the value as an UTF-8 string. if Val >= 16#1000# then Append (P.Token, Character'Val (16#E0# or Shift_Right (Val, 12))); Val := Val and 16#0fff#; Append (P.Token, Character'Val (16#80# or Shift_Right (Val, 6))); Val := Val and 16#03f#; C1 := Character'Val (16#80# or Val); elsif Val >= 16#80# then Append (P.Token, Character'Val (16#C0# or Shift_Right (Val, 6))); Val := Val and 16#03f#; C1 := Character'Val (16#80# or Val); else C1 := Character'Val (Val); end if; end; when others => P.Error ("Invalid character '" & C1 & "' in \x sequence"); end case; elsif C1 = C then Token := T_STRING; return; end if; Append (P.Token, C1); end loop; -- Number when '-' | '0' .. '9' => Delete (P.Token, 1, Length (P.Token)); Append (P.Token, C); Token := T_NUMBER; begin loop Stream.Read (Char => C); exit when C not in '0' .. '9'; Append (P.Token, C); end loop; if C = '.' then Token := T_FLOAT; Append (P.Token, C); loop Stream.Read (Char => C); exit when C not in '0' .. '9'; Append (P.Token, C); end loop; end if; if C = 'e' or else C = 'E' then Token := T_FLOAT; Append (P.Token, C); Stream.Read (Char => C); if C = '+' or else C = '-' then Append (P.Token, C); Stream.Read (Char => C); end if; while C in '0' .. '9' loop Append (P.Token, C); Stream.Read (Char => C); end loop; end if; if not (C in ' ' | Latin_1.HT | Latin_1.LF | Latin_1.CR) then P.Has_Pending_Char := True; P.Pending_Char := C; end if; exception when Ada.IO_Exceptions.Data_Error => null; end; return; -- Parse a name composed of letters or digits. when 'a' .. 'z' | 'A' .. 'Z' => Delete (P.Token, 1, Length (P.Token)); Append (P.Token, C); loop Stream.Read (Char => C); exit when not (C in 'a' .. 'z' or else C in 'A' .. 'Z' or else C in '0' .. '9' or else C = '_'); Append (P.Token, C); end loop; -- Putback the last character unless we can ignore it. if not (C in ' ' | Latin_1.HT | Latin_1.LF | Latin_1.CR) then P.Has_Pending_Char := True; P.Pending_Char := C; end if; -- and empty eq false ge gt le lt ne not null true case Element (P.Token, 1) is when 'n' | 'N' => if P.Token = "null" then Token := T_NULL; return; end if; when 'f' | 'F' => if P.Token = "false" then Token := T_FALSE; return; end if; when 't' | 'T' => if P.Token = "true" then Token := T_TRUE; return; end if; when others => null; end case; Token := T_UNKNOWN; return; when '{' => Token := T_LEFT_BRACE; return; when '}' => Token := T_RIGHT_BRACE; return; when '[' => Token := T_LEFT_BRACKET; return; when ']' => Token := T_RIGHT_BRACKET; return; when ':' => Token := T_COLON; return; when ',' => Token := T_COMMA; return; when others => Token := T_UNKNOWN; return; end case; exception when Ada.IO_Exceptions.Data_Error => Token := T_EOF; return; end Peek; begin Parse_Value (Handler, ""); end Parse; -- Read a JSON file and return an object. function Read (Path : in String) return Util.Beans.Objects.Object is P : Parser; R : Util.Beans.Objects.Readers.Reader; begin P.Parse (Path, R); if P.Has_Error then return Util.Beans.Objects.Null_Object; else return R.Get_Root; end if; end Read; function Read (Content : in String) return Util.Properties.Manager is P : Parser; R : Util.Beans.Objects.Readers.Reader; begin P.Parse_String (Content, R); if P.Has_Error then return Util.Properties.To_Manager (Util.Beans.Objects.Null_Object); else return Util.Properties.To_Manager (R.Get_Root); end if; end Read; end Util.Serialize.IO.JSON;