------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Copyright 2021, The Septum Developers (see AUTHORS file) -- Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); -- you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. -- You may obtain a copy of the License at -- http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 -- Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software -- distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, -- WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. -- See the License for the specific language governing permissions and -- limitations under the License. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- with Ada.Strings.Fixed; with Ada.Characters.Latin_1; package body SP.Strings is function Zip (Left : SP.Strings.String_Vectors.Vector; Right : SP.Strings.String_Vectors.Vector) return Ada.Strings.Unbounded.Unbounded_String is use Ada.Strings.Unbounded; use SP.Strings.String_Vectors; L : Natural := 1; R : Natural := 1; begin return Result : Ada.Strings.Unbounded.Unbounded_String do while L <= Natural (Length (Left)) or else R <= Natural (Length (Right)) loop if L <= Natural (Length (Left)) then Append (Result, Left (L)); L := L + 1; end if; if R <= Natural (Length (Right)) then Append (Result, Right (R)); R := R + 1; end if; end loop; end return; end Zip; function Format_Array (S : SP.Strings.String_Vectors.Vector) return Ada.Strings.Unbounded.Unbounded_String is use Ada.Strings.Unbounded; Result : Unbounded_String; begin Append (Result, To_Unbounded_String ("[")); for Elem of S loop Append (Result, Ada.Characters.Latin_1.Quotation); Append (Result, Elem); Append (Result, Ada.Characters.Latin_1.Quotation); Append (Result, Ada.Characters.Latin_1.Comma); Append (Result, To_Unbounded_String (" ")); end loop; Append (Result, To_Unbounded_String ("]")); return Result; end Format_Array; -- TODO: This will eventually need to be rewritten to account for multi-byte -- sequences in UTF-8. Incurring technical debt here on purpose to try to get -- the command line formatter stood up more quickly. function Make (S : String) return Exploded_Line is -- Use half-open ranges here. The next slice is going to be -- [First, After_Last). This allows "empty" ranges when Fire = After_Last. After_Last : Natural := 1; Result : Exploded_Line; use Ada.Strings.Unbounded; begin if S'Length = 0 then return E : Exploded_Line do null; end return; end if; while After_Last <= S'Length loop -- This section is a spacer since, either a new line is being split -- or this is starting a whitespace section after consuming some text. -- -- To reduce special casing, empty leading space is added to the -- exploded line, this maintains the property that Spacers(i) is what -- preceeds Words(i). declare First : constant Natural := After_Last; begin After_Last := Ada.Strings.Fixed.Index_Non_Blank (S, After_Last); -- No more text follows the whitespace. exit when After_Last = 0; Result.Spacers.Append (To_Unbounded_String (S (First .. After_Last - 1))); exit when After_Last > S'Length; end; -- A non-space section, as designated as starting with a non-blank character. -- This section is trickier as multiple cases have to be resolved. -- 1. Dealing with quoted sections. Once a quoted section has started, -- it can only be undone by an unescaped quoted character. -- 2. Escaped characters. Escaped spaces might appear which hamper the -- ability to delineate words by spaces alone. -- 3. Don't run off the end of the string. -- -- N.B the usage of / on Windows is commonplace, so requiring uses -- to use / or \\ for a "\" seems reasonable. -- -- In practice, spaces appear quite often in queries, especially when looking -- for error messages and some Window directories. declare Escaped : Boolean := False; Quoted : Boolean := False; Quote_Char : Character := ' '; Next_Char : Character; Word : Unbounded_String; begin while After_Last <= S'Length loop Next_Char := S (After_Last); -- The previous character was escaped, so treat the next -- character as a literal. -- -- This appears before quote checks to prevent escaped -- quotes from changing the quote state. if Escaped then Append (Word, Next_Char); Escaped := False; else case Next_Char is when '\' => Escaped := True; Append (Word, Next_Char); when Ada.Characters.Latin_1.Quotation => if not Quoted then Quoted := True; Quote_Char := Ada.Characters.Latin_1.Quotation; elsif Quote_Char = Ada.Characters.Latin_1.Quotation then Quoted := False; end if; Append (Word, Next_Char); when Ada.Characters.Latin_1.Apostrophe => if not Quoted then Quoted := True; Quote_Char := Ada.Characters.Latin_1.Apostrophe; elsif Quote_Char = Ada.Characters.Latin_1.Apostrophe then Quoted := False; end if; Append (Word, Next_Char); -- Whitespace is only the end of the word if it's not -- escaped or in a quoted section. when Ada.Characters.Latin_1.Space | Ada.Characters.Latin_1.CR | Ada.Characters.Latin_1.HT | Ada.Characters.Latin_1.FF => -- Exit the loop here to keep Current pointing -- to the start of the whitespace. if Quoted then Append (Word, Next_Char); else exit; end if; when others => Append (Word, Next_Char); end case; end if; After_Last := After_Last + 1; end loop; pragma Assert (Length (Word) > 0); if SP.Strings.Is_Quoted (ASU.To_String (Word)) and then Length (Word) > 1 then Result.Words.Append (Unbounded_Slice (Word, 2, Length (Word) - 1)); else Result.Words.Append (Word); end if; end; end loop; return Result; end Make; function Common_Prefix_Length (A : Ada.Strings.Unbounded.Unbounded_String; B : Ada.Strings.Unbounded.Unbounded_String) return Natural is use Ada.Strings.Unbounded; -- Finds the number of common starting characters between two strings. begin return Count : Natural := 0 do while Count < Length (A) and then Count < Length (B) and then Element (A, Count + 1) = Element (B, Count + 1) loop Count := Count + 1; end loop; end return; end Common_Prefix_Length; function Matching_Suffix (Current, Desired : ASU.Unbounded_String) return ASU.Unbounded_String is Prefix_Length : constant Natural := SP.Strings.Common_Prefix_Length (Current, Desired); Suffix : constant ASU.Unbounded_String := ASU.Unbounded_Slice (Desired, Prefix_Length + 1, ASU.Length (Desired)); begin return Suffix; end Matching_Suffix; function Is_Quoted (S : String) return Boolean is use Ada.Characters.Latin_1; begin return S'Length >= 2 and then S (S'First) in Quotation | Apostrophe and then S (S'First) = S (S'Last); end Is_Quoted; function Split_Command (Input : ASU.Unbounded_String) return SP.Strings.String_Vectors.Vector is Exploded : constant SP.Strings.Exploded_Line := SP.Strings.Make (ASU.To_String (Input)); begin return Result : SP.Strings.String_Vectors.Vector do for Word of Exploded.Words loop if SP.Strings.Is_Quoted (ASU.To_String (Word)) then Result.Append (ASU.Unbounded_Slice (Word, 2, ASU.Length (Word) - 1)); else Result.Append (Word); end if; end loop; end return; end Split_Command; function Get_Cursor_Word (E : SP.Strings.Exploded_Line; Cursor_Position : Positive) return Natural is Next : Natural := 1; Current_Cursor : Natural := 1; begin while Next <= Natural (E.Spacers.Length) loop Current_Cursor := Current_Cursor + ASU.To_String (E.Spacers (Next))'Length; if Next <= Positive (E.Words.Length) then Current_Cursor := Current_Cursor + ASU.To_String (E.Words (Next))'Length; end if; exit when Current_Cursor >= Cursor_Position; Next := Next + 1; end loop; return Next; end Get_Cursor_Word; function Cursor_Position_At_End_Of_Word (E : SP.Strings.Exploded_Line; Word : Positive) return Positive is begin return Cursor_Position : Positive := 1 do for I in 1 .. Word loop Cursor_Position := Cursor_Position + ASU.Length (E.Spacers (I)); Cursor_Position := Cursor_Position + ASU.Length (E.Words (I)); end loop; end return; end Cursor_Position_At_End_Of_Word; end SP.Strings;