------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Copyright 2021, The Septum Developers (see AUTHORS file) -- Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); -- you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. -- You may obtain a copy of the License at -- http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 -- Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software -- distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, -- WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. -- See the License for the specific language governing permissions and -- limitations under the License. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- with Ada.Containers.Ordered_Maps; with Ada.Directories; with SP.Config; with SP.Contexts; with SP.File_System; with SP.Terminal; package body SP.Commands is pragma Assertion_Policy (Pre => Check, Post => Check); use Ada.Strings.Unbounded; use SP.Terminal; type Help_Proc is not null access procedure; -- Prints a detailed help description for a command. type Exec_Proc is not null access function (Srch : in out SP.Searches.Search; Command_Line : String_Vectors.Vector) return Command_Result; -- Executes a command. type Executable_Command is record Simple_Help : Unbounded_String; -- A brief help description. Help : Help_Proc; -- Prints a much longer help description. Exec : Exec_Proc; -- Executes the command. end record; package Command_Maps is new Ada.Containers.Ordered_Maps (Key_Type => Unbounded_String, Element_Type => Executable_Command); -- The command map is split between a the procedure to execute, and also a -- command to print help information. Command_Map : Command_Maps.Map; function Is_Command (S : String) return Boolean is (Command_Map.Contains (To_Unbounded_String (S))); function Target_Command (Command_Name : Unbounded_String) return Unbounded_String is Best_Match : Unbounded_String := Null_Unbounded_String; Best_Match_Size : Natural := 0; Next_Match : Unbounded_String; Next_Match_Size : Natural := 0; Ambiguous : Boolean := False; begin if Command_Map.Contains (Command_Name) then return Command_Name; end if; for Cursor in Command_Map.Iterate loop Next_Match := Command_Maps.Key (Cursor); Next_Match_Size := Common_Prefix_Length (Next_Match, Command_Name); if Next_Match_Size = Length(Command_Name) then if Next_Match_Size = Best_Match_Size then -- Two things with the same prefix, the prefix is ambiguous. Best_Match := Null_Unbounded_String; Ambiguous := True; elsif Next_Match_Size > Best_Match_Size then Best_Match_Size := Next_Match_Size; Best_Match := Next_Match; Ambiguous := False; end if; end if; end loop; return (if Ambiguous then Null_Unbounded_String else Best_Match); end Target_Command; function Is_Like_Command (S : String) return Boolean is (Target_Command (To_Unbounded_String (S)) /= Null_Unbounded_String); function Try_Parse (Str : String; Value : in out Positive) return Boolean is begin Value := Positive'Value (Str); return True; exception when Constraint_Error => return False; end Try_Parse; function Execute (Srch : in out SP.Searches.Search; Command_Line : in String_Vectors.Vector) return Command_Result is Command_Name : constant Unbounded_String := (if Command_Line.Is_Empty then To_Unbounded_String ("") else Command_Line.First_Element); Best_Command : constant Unbounded_String := Target_Command (Command_Name); begin if Command_Map.Contains (Best_Command) then declare It : constant Command_Maps.Cursor := Command_Map.Find (Best_Command); Command : constant Executable_Command := Command_Maps.Element (It); Parameters : String_Vectors.Vector := Command_Line; begin Parameters.Delete_First; if Best_Command /= Command_Name then Put_Line ("Resolved to: " & To_String (Best_Command)); end if; New_Line; return Command.Exec.all (Srch, Parameters); end; end if; return Command_Unknown; end Execute; function Run_Commands_From_File (Srch : in out SP.Searches.Search; File : String) return Command_Result is Commands : SP.Strings.String_Vectors.Vector; function "+" (S : String) return ASU.Unbounded_String renames ASU.To_Unbounded_String; begin if not Ada.Directories.Exists (File) then Put_Line ("No config to read at: " & Ada.Directories.Full_Name (File)); return Command_Failed; end if; Put_Line ("Loading commands from: " & Ada.Directories.Full_Name (File)); if not SP.File_System.Read_Lines (Ada.Directories.Full_Name (File), Commands) then Put_Line ("Unable to load configuration file from: " & Ada.Directories.Full_Name (File)); end if; for Command of Commands loop declare Exploded : constant SP.Strings.Exploded_Line := SP.Strings.Make (To_String (Command)); Command_Line : constant String_Vectors.Vector := Exploded.Words; Result : Command_Result; begin New_Line; Put_Line (+" > " & Command); Result := SP.Commands.Execute (Srch, Command_Line); case Result is when Command_Success => null; when Command_Failed => Put_Line (+"Command failed: " & Command); return Command_Failed; when Command_Unknown => Put_Line (+"Unable to execute: " & Command); return Command_Unknown; when Command_Exit_Requested => return Command_Exit_Requested; end case; end; end loop; return Command_Success; end Run_Commands_From_File; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- procedure Search_Updated (Srch : in out SP.Searches.Search) is use SP.Searches; Contexts : SP.Contexts.Context_Vectors.Vector; begin if Get_Search_On_Filters_Changed (Srch) then Contexts := Matching_Contexts (Srch); Print_Contexts (Srch, Contexts, 1, Get_Max_Results (Srch)); end if; end Search_Updated; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- procedure Help_Help is use Command_Maps; begin Put_Line ("Septum is an interactive search tool for code discovery."); New_Line; Put_Line ("Searches occur across multi-line 'contexts'. Specify what"); Put_Line ("those must include with 'find' commands, and skip contexts"); Put_Line ("containing elements with 'exclude' commands."); New_Line; Put_Line ("Configurations are loaded from " & SP.Config.Config_Dir_Name & " directories,"); Put_Line ("in the user's home directory and the current directory when Septum is started."); Put_Line ("Commands will be executed from the " & SP.Config.Config_File_Name & " files in these on startup."); New_Line; -- Print commands. for Cursor in Command_Map.Iterate loop Put (" " & Key (Cursor)); Set_Col (30); Put_Line (Element (Cursor).Simple_Help); end loop; end Help_Help; function Help_Exec (Srch : in out SP.Searches.Search; Command_Line : String_Vectors.Vector) return Command_Result is Command : constant Unbounded_String := (if Command_Line.Is_Empty then Null_Unbounded_String else Command_Line.First_Element); Target : constant Unbounded_String := Target_Command (Command); use Command_Maps; begin pragma Unreferenced (Srch); case Command_Line.Length is when 0 => Help_Help; when 1 => if Command_Map.Contains (Target) then declare Cursor : constant Command_Maps.Cursor := Command_Map.Find (Target); Command : constant Executable_Command := Command_Maps.Element (Cursor); begin Command.Help.all; end; end if; when others => Put_Line ("Unknown command"); end case; return Command_Success; end Help_Exec; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- procedure Reload_Help is begin Put_Line ("Reload help"); end Reload_Help; function Reload_Exec (Srch : in out SP.Searches.Search; Command_Line : String_Vectors.Vector) return Command_Result is begin if not Command_Line.Is_Empty then Put_Line ("Refresh should have an empty command line."); return Command_Failed; end if; if not SP.Searches.Reload_Working_Set (Srch) then Put_Line ("Aborted reload."); end if; return Command_Success; end Reload_Exec; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- procedure Stats_Help is begin Put_Line ("Prints statistics about the file cache."); end Stats_Help; function Stats_Exec (Srch : in out SP.Searches.Search; Command_Line : String_Vectors.Vector) return Command_Result is begin if not Command_Line.Is_Empty then Put_Line ("Stats should have an empty command line."); return Command_Failed; end if; Put_Line ("Files: " & SP.Searches.Num_Files (Srch)'Image); Put_Line ("Lines: " & SP.Searches.Num_Lines (Srch)'Image); return Command_Success; end Stats_Exec; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- procedure Source_Help is begin Put_Line ("Loads and runs commands from a file."); end Source_Help; function Source_Exec (Srch : in out SP.Searches.Search; Command_Line : String_Vectors.Vector) return Command_Result is begin if Command_Line.Is_Empty then Put_Line ("Must provide one or more config files to run."); return Command_Failed; end if; for File of Command_Line loop declare Result : Command_Result; begin if SP.Searches.Is_Running_Script (Srch, ASU.To_String (File)) then Put_Line ("Script file being sourced is being sourced again."); return Command_Failed; end if; SP.Searches.Push_Script (Srch, ASU.To_String (File)); Result := Run_Commands_From_File (Srch, ASU.To_String (File)); if Result /= Command_Success then SP.Searches.Pop_Script (Srch, ASU.To_String (File)); return Result; end if; SP.Searches.Pop_Script (Srch, ASU.To_String (File)); exception when others => Put_Line ("Unknown exception"); SP.Searches.Pop_Script (Srch, ASU.To_String (File)); end; end loop; return Command_Success; end Source_Exec; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- procedure Test_Help is begin Put_Line ("Tests arguments against all filters."); end Test_Help; function Test_Exec (Srch : in out SP.Searches.Search; Command_Line : String_Vectors.Vector) return Command_Result is begin if Command_Line.Is_Empty then Put_Line ("No filters to test."); return Command_Failed; end if; for Input of Command_Line loop Put_Line (Input); SP.Searches.Test (Srch, ASU.To_String (Input)); New_Line; end loop; return Command_Success; end Test_Exec; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- procedure Add_Dirs_Help is begin Put_Line ("Adds a directory to the search list."); end Add_Dirs_Help; function Add_Dirs_Exec (Srch : in out SP.Searches.Search; Command_Line : String_Vectors.Vector) return Command_Result is begin if Command_Line.Is_Empty then Put_Line ("Must provide directories to add to the search path."); return Command_Failed; end if; for Directory of Command_Line loop if not SP.Searches.Add_Directory (Srch, To_String (Directory)) then Put_Line ("Directory load aborted."); end if; end loop; return Command_Success; end Add_Dirs_Exec; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- procedure List_Dirs_Help is begin Put_Line ("List the directories of the search list."); end List_Dirs_Help; function List_Dirs_Exec (Srch : in out SP.Searches.Search; Command_Line : in String_Vectors.Vector) return Command_Result is begin if not Command_Line.Is_Empty then Put_Line ("No arguments are allowed for directory listing."); return Command_Failed; end if; for Directory of SP.Searches.List_Directories (Srch) loop Put_Line (To_String (Directory)); end loop; return Command_Success; end List_Dirs_Exec; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- procedure Clear_Dirs_Help is begin Put_Line ("Clears all search directories."); end Clear_Dirs_Help; function Clear_Dirs_Exec (Srch : in out SP.Searches.Search; Command_Line : in String_Vectors.Vector) return Command_Result is begin if not Command_Line.Is_Empty then Put_Line ("No arguments are allowed for clearing directories."); return Command_Failed; end if; SP.Searches.Clear_Directories (Srch); return Command_Success; end Clear_Dirs_Exec; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- procedure Add_Extensions_Help is begin Put_Line ("Adds extension to the search list."); end Add_Extensions_Help; function Add_Extensions_Exec (Srch : in out SP.Searches.Search; Command_Line : String_Vectors.Vector) return Command_Result is begin if Command_Line.Is_Empty then Put_Line ("Must provide extensions to filter."); return Command_Failed; end if; for Extension of Command_Line loop SP.Searches.Add_Extension (Srch, To_String (Extension)); end loop; return Command_Success; end Add_Extensions_Exec; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- procedure Clear_Extensions_Help is begin Put_Line ("Clears extension to the search list."); end Clear_Extensions_Help; function Clear_Extensions_Exec (Srch : in out SP.Searches.Search; Command_Line : String_Vectors.Vector) return Command_Result is begin if not Command_Line.Is_Empty then Put_Line ("No arguments allowed for clearing extension filtering."); return Command_Failed; end if; SP.Searches.Clear_Extensions (Srch); return Command_Success; end Clear_Extensions_Exec; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- procedure Remove_Extensions_Help is begin Put_Line ("Removes extension to the search list."); end Remove_Extensions_Help; function Remove_Extensions_Exec (Srch : in out SP.Searches.Search; Command_Line : String_Vectors.Vector) return Command_Result is begin if Command_Line.Is_Empty then Put_Line ("Must provide extensions to remove from the filter."); return Command_Failed; end if; for Extension of Command_Line loop SP.Searches.Remove_Extension (Srch, To_String (Extension)); end loop; return Command_Success; end Remove_Extensions_Exec; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- procedure List_Extensions_Help is begin Put_Line ("Lists extensions to filter by."); end List_Extensions_Help; function List_Extensions_Exec (Srch : in out SP.Searches.Search; Command_Line : in String_Vectors.Vector) return Command_Result is Extensions : constant String_Vectors.Vector := SP.Searches.List_Extensions (Srch); begin pragma Unreferenced (Command_Line); for Ext of Extensions loop Put_Line (To_String (Ext)); end loop; return Command_Success; end List_Extensions_Exec; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- procedure Find_Text_Help is begin Put_Line ("Provides text to search for."); end Find_Text_Help; function Find_Text_Exec (Srch : in out SP.Searches.Search; Command_Line : in String_Vectors.Vector) return Command_Result is begin for Word of Command_Line loop SP.Searches.Find_Text (Srch, To_String (Word)); end loop; Search_Updated (Srch); return Command_Success; end Find_Text_Exec; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- procedure Exclude_Text_Help is begin Put_Line ("Provides text to search for."); end Exclude_Text_Help; function Exclude_Text_Exec (Srch : in out SP.Searches.Search; Command_Line : in String_Vectors.Vector) return Command_Result is begin for Word of Command_Line loop SP.Searches.Exclude_Text (Srch, To_String (Word)); end loop; Search_Updated (Srch); return Command_Success; end Exclude_Text_Exec; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- procedure Find_Like_Help is begin Put_Line ("Provides text to search for (case insensitive)."); end Find_Like_Help; function Find_Like_Exec (Srch : in out SP.Searches.Search; Command_Line : in String_Vectors.Vector) return Command_Result is begin for Word of Command_Line loop SP.Searches.Find_Like (Srch, To_String (Word)); end loop; Search_Updated (Srch); return Command_Success; end Find_Like_Exec; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- procedure Exclude_Like_Help is begin Put_Line ("Provides text to search for (case insensitive)."); end Exclude_Like_Help; function Exclude_Like_Exec (Srch : in out SP.Searches.Search; Command_Line : in String_Vectors.Vector) return Command_Result is begin for Word of Command_Line loop SP.Searches.Exclude_Like (Srch, To_String (Word)); end loop; Search_Updated (Srch); return Command_Success; end Exclude_Like_Exec; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- procedure Find_Regex_Help is begin Put_Line ("Provides regex to search for."); end Find_Regex_Help; function Find_Regex_Exec (Srch : in out SP.Searches.Search; Command_Line : in String_Vectors.Vector) return Command_Result is begin for Word of Command_Line loop SP.Searches.Find_Regex (Srch, To_String (Word)); end loop; Search_Updated (Srch); return Command_Success; end Find_Regex_Exec; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- procedure Exclude_Regex_Help is begin Put_Line ("Provides Regex to search for."); end Exclude_Regex_Help; function Exclude_Regex_Exec (Srch : in out SP.Searches.Search; Command_Line : in String_Vectors.Vector) return Command_Result is begin for Word of Command_Line loop SP.Searches.Exclude_Regex (Srch, To_String (Word)); end loop; Search_Updated (Srch); return Command_Success; end Exclude_Regex_Exec; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- procedure List_Filters is begin Put_Line ("Lists the currently bound filters."); end List_Filters; function List_Filters_Exec (Srch : in out SP.Searches.Search; Command_Line : in String_Vectors.Vector) return Command_Result is Filter_Names : constant String_Vectors.Vector := SP.Searches.List_Filter_Names (Srch); begin if not Command_Line.Is_Empty then Put_Line ("Ignoring unnecessary command line parameters."); return Command_Failed; end if; for Name of Filter_Names loop Put_Line (To_String (Name)); end loop; return Command_Success; end List_Filters_Exec; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- procedure Reorder_Help is begin Put_Line ("Reorders filters, possibly dropping some of them."); end Reorder_Help; function Parse_Positive_Vector (Command_Line : in String_Vectors.Vector) return SP.Searches.Positive_Vectors.Vector is Index : Positive := Positive'Last; begin return Indices : SP.Searches.Positive_Vectors.Vector do for Index_String of Command_Line loop if Try_Parse (ASU.To_String (Index_String), Index) then Indices.Append (Index); else Put_Line (Index_String & " is not an index"); end if; end loop; end return; end Parse_Positive_Vector; function Reorder_Exec (Srch : in out SP.Searches.Search; Command_Line : in String_Vectors.Vector) return Command_Result is begin if SP.Searches.Num_Filters (Srch) = 0 then Put_Line ("There are no filters to reorder."); return Command_Failed; end if; if Command_Line.Is_Empty then Put_Line ("Filter indices to keep must be provided with reorder."); return Command_Failed; end if; declare Indices : constant SP.Searches.Positive_Vectors.Vector := Parse_Positive_Vector (Command_Line); Max_Filter_Index : constant Natural := SP.Searches.Num_Filters (Srch); use type Ada.Containers.Count_Type; begin -- Prefer to not alter anything if the parameters are borked. if Indices.Length /= Command_Line.Length then return Command_Failed; end if; if (for some Index of Indices => Natural (Index) > Max_Filter_Index) then Put_Line ("There are" & Max_Filter_Index'Image & " filters."); Put_Line ("All filter indices must be in the range 1 .." & Max_Filter_Index'Image); return Command_Failed; end if; if (for some I in 1 .. Max_Filter_Index => not Indices.Contains (I)) then Put_Line ("All filter indices must be provided."); Put_Line ("Use 'drop' to remove filters you don't want by index."); return Command_Failed; end if; SP.Searches.Reorder_Filters (Srch, Indices); return Command_Success; end; end Reorder_Exec; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- procedure Drop_Help is begin Put_Line ("Drops given filters, or the most recent filter if non given."); end Drop_Help; function Drop_Exec (Srch : in out SP.Searches.Search; Command_Line : in String_Vectors.Vector) return Command_Result is begin if Command_Line.Is_Empty then SP.Searches.Pop_Filter (Srch); Search_Updated (Srch); return Command_Success; end if; declare package Positive_Vector_Sorting is new SP.Searches.Positive_Vectors.Generic_Sorting ("<" => ">"); Index : Positive := Positive'Last; Indices : SP.Searches.Positive_Vectors.Vector; use type Ada.Containers.Count_Type; begin for Index_String of Command_Line loop if Try_Parse (ASU.To_String (Index_String), Index) then if Natural (Index) > SP.Searches.Num_Filters (Srch) then Put_Line ("Filter index out of range:" & Index'Image); else Indices.Append (Index); end if; else Put_Line (Index_String & " is not an index."); end if; end loop; -- Prefer to not alter anything if the parameters are borked. if Indices.Length /= Command_Line.Length then return Command_Failed; end if; -- Drop filters in reverse order to preserve semantics while keeping -- the interface of SP.Searches simple. Positive_Vector_Sorting.Sort (Indices); for I of Indices loop SP.Searches.Drop_Filter (Srch, I); end loop; return Command_Success; end; end Drop_Exec; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- procedure Pop_Help is begin Put_Line ("Pops the last applied filter from the search."); end Pop_Help; function Pop_Exec (Srch : in out SP.Searches.Search; Command_Line : in String_Vectors.Vector) return Command_Result is begin if not Command_Line.Is_Empty then Put_Line ("Ignoring unnecessary command line parameters."); return Command_Failed; end if; SP.Searches.Pop_Filter (Srch); Search_Updated (Srch); return Command_Success; end Pop_Exec; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- procedure Clear_Filters_Help is begin Put_Line ("Pops all filters."); end Clear_Filters_Help; function Clear_Filters_Exec (Srch : in out SP.Searches.Search; Command_Line : in String_Vectors.Vector) return Command_Result is begin pragma Unreferenced (Command_Line); SP.Searches.Clear_Filters (Srch); return Command_Success; end Clear_Filters_Exec; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- procedure Matching_Contexts_Help is begin Put_Line ("Lists the Contexts currently matching all filters."); New_Line; Put_Line ("match-contexts Prints up to max-results results"); Put_Line ("match-contexts N Prints the first N results"); Put_Line ("match-contexts M N Prints the M ... N results"); end Matching_Contexts_Help; function Matching_Contexts_Exec (Srch : in out SP.Searches.Search; Command_Line : in String_Vectors.Vector) return Command_Result is Contexts : constant SP.Contexts.Context_Vectors.Vector := SP.Searches.Matching_Contexts (Srch); First : Positive := 1; Last : Positive := Positive'Last; begin case Command_Line.Length is when 2 => if Try_Parse (To_String (Command_Line.First_Element), First) and then Try_Parse (To_String (Command_Line.Element (2)), Last) and then First <= Last then SP.Searches.Print_Contexts_With_Cancellation (Srch, Contexts, First, Last); else SP.Terminal.Put_Line ("Bad number of results to give."); return Command_Failed; end if; when 1 => if not Try_Parse (To_String(Command_Line.First_Element), Last) then SP.Terminal.Put_Line ("Bad number of results to give."); return Command_Failed; end if; SP.Searches.Print_Contexts_With_Cancellation (Srch, Contexts, 1, Last); when 0 => SP.Searches.Print_Contexts_With_Cancellation (Srch, Contexts, 1, SP.Searches.Get_Max_Results (Srch)); when others => SP.Terminal.Put_Line ("Expected either no parameter or 1 to give a maximum number of results to return."); return Command_Failed; end case; return Command_Success; end Matching_Contexts_Exec; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- procedure Matching_Files_Help is begin Put_Line ("Lists files currently matching all filters."); end Matching_Files_Help; function Matching_Files_Exec (Srch : in out SP.Searches.Search; Command_Line : in String_Vectors.Vector) return Command_Result is Contexts : constant SP.Contexts.Context_Vectors.Vector := SP.Searches.Matching_Contexts (Srch); Files : constant String_Sets.Set := SP.Contexts.Files_In (Contexts); begin pragma Unreferenced (Command_Line); SP.Terminal.New_Line; for File of Files loop SP.Terminal.Put_Line (File); end loop; New_Line; Put_Line ("Matching files:" & Files.Length'Image); return Command_Success; end Matching_Files_Exec; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- procedure Quit_Help is begin Put_Line ("Quits this program."); end Quit_Help; function Quit_Exec (Srch : in out SP.Searches.Search; Command_Line : in String_Vectors.Vector) return Command_Result is begin pragma Unreferenced (Srch, Command_Line); return Command_Exit_Requested; end Quit_Exec; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- procedure Set_Context_Width_Help is begin Put_Line ("List lines matching the current filter."); end Set_Context_Width_Help; function Set_Context_Width_Exec (Srch : in out SP.Searches.Search; Command_Line : in String_Vectors.Vector) return Command_Result is Context_Width : Natural := 0; begin case Natural (Command_Line.Length) is when 0 => Put_Line ("Removing context width restriction"); SP.Searches.Set_Context_Width (Srch, SP.Searches.No_Context_Width); when 1 => Context_Width := Natural'Value (To_String (Command_Line.First_Element)); SP.Searches.Set_Context_Width (Srch, Context_Width); Put_Line ("Context width set to " & Context_Width'Image); when others => Put_Line ("Expected a single value for the context width or no value to remove context width restriction."); return Command_Failed; end case; return Command_Success; exception when Constraint_Error => Put_Line ("Invalid context width: " & To_String (Command_Line.First_Element)); return Command_Failed; end Set_Context_Width_Exec; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- procedure Set_Max_Results_Help is begin Put_Line ("Sets the maximum number of results which can be returned."); end Set_Max_Results_Help; function Set_Max_Results_Exec (Srch : in out SP.Searches.Search; Command_Line : in String_Vectors.Vector) return Command_Result is Max_Results : Natural := SP.Searches.No_Max_Results; begin case Natural (Command_Line.Length) is when 0 => Put_Line ("Removing maximum result restriction"); SP.Searches.Set_Max_Results (Srch, SP.Searches.No_Max_Results); when 1 => Max_Results := Natural'Value (To_String (Command_Line.First_Element)); if Max_Results = 0 then Put_Line ("Must return at least 1 result."); return Command_Failed; end if; SP.Searches.Set_Max_Results (Srch, Max_Results); Put_Line ("Maximum results set to " & Max_Results'Image); when others => Put_Line ("Expected a single value for the number of maximum results or no value to remove restriction on number of results."); return Command_Failed; end case; return Command_Success; exception when Constraint_Error => Put_Line ("Invalid number of maximum results: " & To_String (Command_Line.First_Element)); return Command_Failed; end Set_Max_Results_Exec; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- procedure Enable_Search_On_Filters_Changed_Help is begin Put_Line ("Enables searching automatically when filters are changed."); end Enable_Search_On_Filters_Changed_Help; function Enable_Search_On_Filters_Changed_Exec (Srch : in out SP.Searches.Search; Command_Line : in String_Vectors.Vector) return Command_Result is begin if not Command_Line.Is_Empty then Put_Line ("Command line should be empty."); return Command_Failed; end if; SP.Searches.Set_Search_On_Filters_Changed (Srch, True); return Command_Success; end Enable_Search_On_Filters_Changed_Exec; procedure Disable_Search_On_Filters_Changed_Help is begin Put_Line ("Disables searching automatically when filters are changed."); end Disable_Search_On_Filters_Changed_Help; function Disable_Search_On_Filters_Changed_Exec (Srch : in out SP.Searches.Search; Command_Line : in String_Vectors.Vector) return Command_Result is begin if not Command_Line.Is_Empty then Put_Line ("Command line should be empty."); return Command_Failed; end if; SP.Searches.Set_Search_On_Filters_Changed (Srch, False); return Command_Success; end Disable_Search_On_Filters_Changed_Exec; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- procedure Enable_Line_Numbers_Help is begin Put_Line ("Enables line numbers in context output."); end Enable_Line_Numbers_Help; function Enable_Line_Numbers_Exec (Srch : in out SP.Searches.Search; Command_Line : in String_Vectors.Vector) return Command_Result is begin if not Command_Line.Is_Empty then Put_Line ("Command line should be empty."); return Command_Failed; end if; SP.Searches.Set_Print_Line_Numbers (Srch, True); return Command_Success; end Enable_Line_Numbers_Exec; procedure Disable_Line_Numbers_Help is begin Put_Line ("Disables line numbers in context output."); end Disable_Line_Numbers_Help; function Disable_Line_Numbers_Exec (Srch : in out SP.Searches.Search; Command_Line : in String_Vectors.Vector) return Command_Result is begin if not Command_Line.Is_Empty then Put_Line ("Command line should be empty."); return Command_Failed; end if; SP.Searches.Set_Print_Line_Numbers (Srch, False); return Command_Success; end Disable_Line_Numbers_Exec; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- procedure Enable_Line_Colors_Help is begin Put_Line ("Enables line colors in context output."); end Enable_Line_Colors_Help; function Enable_Line_Colors_Exec (Srch : in out SP.Searches.Search; Command_Line : in String_Vectors.Vector) return Command_Result is begin if not Command_Line.Is_Empty then Put_Line ("Command line should be empty."); return Command_Failed; end if; SP.Searches.Set_Line_Colors_Enabled (Srch, True); return Command_Success; end Enable_Line_Colors_Exec; procedure Disable_Line_Colors_Help is begin Put_Line ("Disables line colors in context output."); end Disable_Line_Colors_Help; function Disable_Line_Colors_Exec (Srch : in out SP.Searches.Search; Command_Line : in String_Vectors.Vector) return Command_Result is begin if not Command_Line.Is_Empty then Put_Line ("Command line should be empty."); return Command_Failed; end if; SP.Searches.Set_Line_Colors_Enabled (Srch, False); return Command_Success; end Disable_Line_Colors_Exec; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- procedure Make_Command (Command : String; Simple_Help : String; Help : Help_Proc; Exec : Exec_Proc) with Pre => Command'Length > 0 and then not Command_Map.Contains (To_Unbounded_String (Command)) is begin Command_Map.Insert (To_Unbounded_String (Command), (To_Unbounded_String (Simple_Help), Help, Exec)); end Make_Command; begin -- Actions Make_Command ("help", "Print commands or help for a specific command", Help_Help'Access, Help_Exec'Access); Make_Command ("reload", "Reloads the file cache.", Reload_Help'Access, Reload_Exec'Access); Make_Command ("stats", "Print file cache statistics.", Stats_Help'Access, Stats_Exec'Access); Make_Command ("source", "Loads a configuration from file.", Source_Help'Access, Source_Exec'Access); Make_Command ("test", "Check to see which filters would trigger on a line of text.", Test_Help'Access, Test_Exec'Access); -- Filters Make_Command ("find-text", "Adds filter text.", Find_Text_Help'Access, Find_Text_Exec'Access); Make_Command ("exclude-text", "Adds text to exclude.", Exclude_Text_Help'Access, Exclude_Text_Exec'Access); Make_Command ("find-like", "Adds filter text (case insensitive).", Find_Like_Help'Access, Find_Like_Exec'Access); Make_Command ("exclude-like", "Adds text to exclude (case insensitive).", Exclude_Like_Help'Access, Exclude_Like_Exec'Access); Make_Command ("find-regex", "Adds filter regex.", Find_Regex_Help'Access, Find_Regex_Exec'Access); Make_Command ("exclude-regex", "Adds regex to exclude.", Exclude_Regex_Help'Access, Exclude_Regex_Exec'Access); Make_Command ("list-filters", "Lists all applied filters.", List_Filters'Access, List_Filters_Exec'Access); Make_Command ("reorder", "Reorder filters by index.", Reorder_Help'Access, Reorder_Exec'Access); Make_Command ("drop", "Drops the filters at the given indices.", Drop_Help'Access, Drop_Exec'Access); Make_Command ("pop", "Pops the last applied filter.", Pop_Help'Access, Pop_Exec'Access); Make_Command ("clear-filters", "Pops all filters.", Clear_Filters_Help'Access, Clear_Filters_Exec'Access); -- Results Make_Command ("match-contexts", "Lists contexts matching the current filter.", Matching_Contexts_Help'Access, Matching_Contexts_Exec'Access); Make_Command ("match-files", "Lists files matching the current filter.", Matching_Files_Help'Access, Matching_Files_Exec'Access); -- Global configuration Make_Command ("add-dirs", "Adds directory to the search list.", Add_Dirs_Help'Access, Add_Dirs_Exec'Access); Make_Command ("list-dirs", "List the directories in the search list.", List_Dirs_Help'Access, List_Dirs_Exec'Access); Make_Command ("clear-dirs", "Removes all directories from the search list.", Clear_Dirs_Help'Access, Clear_Dirs_Exec'Access); Make_Command ("only-exts", "Adds extensions to find results in.", Add_Extensions_Help'Access, Add_Extensions_Exec'Access); Make_Command ("remove-exts", "Removes an extension filter from the search.", Remove_Extensions_Help'Access, Remove_Extensions_Exec'Access); Make_Command ("clear-exts", "Clears extension filters.", Clear_Extensions_Help'Access, Clear_Extensions_Exec'Access); Make_Command ("list-exts", "List current extensions.", List_Extensions_Help'Access, List_Extensions_Exec'Access); Make_Command ("set-context-width", "Sets the width of the context in which to find matches.", Set_Context_Width_Help'Access, Set_Context_Width_Exec'Access); Make_Command ("set-max-results", "Sets the maximum results returned before only the total number of results are returned.", Set_Max_Results_Help'Access, Set_Max_Results_Exec'Access); Make_Command ("enable-auto-search", "Search when filters are changed automatically", Enable_Search_On_Filters_Changed_Help'Access, Enable_Search_On_Filters_Changed_Exec'Access); Make_Command ("disable-auto-search", "Turn off search when filters are changed automatically", Disable_Search_On_Filters_Changed_Help'Access, Disable_Search_On_Filters_Changed_Exec'Access); Make_Command ("enable-line-numbers", "Enables prefixing of lines with line numbers.", Enable_Line_Numbers_Help'Access, Enable_Line_Numbers_Exec'Access); Make_Command ("disable-line-numbers", "Disables prefixing of lines with line numbers.", Disable_Line_Numbers_Help'Access, Disable_Line_Numbers_Exec'Access); Make_Command ("enable-line-colors", "Enables colorizing lines with matches.", Enable_Line_Colors_Help'Access, Enable_Line_Colors_Exec'Access); Make_Command ("disable-line-colors", "Disables colorizing lines with matches.", Disable_Line_Colors_Help'Access, Disable_Line_Colors_Exec'Access); -- Quit Make_Command ("quit", "Exits the search program.", Quit_Help'Access, Quit_Exec'Access); Make_Command ("exit", "Exits the search program.", Quit_Help'Access, Quit_Exec'Access); end SP.Commands;