-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- This source code is subject to the Zlib license, see the LICENCE file in the root of this directory. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- SDL.Video.Windows.Makers -- -- Constructor subprograms which don't dispatch for Window types. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- package SDL.Video.Windows.Makers is pragma Preelaborate; -- Create a window with the specified title, position, dimensions and -- flags. Put the result in Win. -- -- Raise a SDL.Video.Windows.Window_Error if window creation failed. procedure Create (Win : in out Window; Title : in Ada.Strings.UTF_Encoding.UTF_8_String; Position : in SDL.Natural_Coordinates; Size : in SDL.Positive_Sizes; Flags : in Window_Flags := OpenGL); -- A small wrapper around the above procedure. procedure Create (Win : in out Window; Title : in Ada.Strings.UTF_Encoding.UTF_8_String; X : in SDL.Natural_Coordinate; Y : in SDL.Natural_Coordinate; Width : in SDL.Positive_Dimension; Height : in SDL.Positive_Dimension; Flags : in Window_Flags := OpenGL) with Inline => True; -- Create a window from an existing window created in some other way. -- See: https://github.com/Lucretia/sdlada/issues/16#issuecomment-364142941 procedure Create (Win : in out Window; Native : in Native_Window) with Inline => True; end SDL.Video.Windows.Makers;