with text_io; use text_io; with Standard_Integer_Numbers_io; use Standard_Integer_Numbers_io; with Ada.Characters.Latin_1; package body Main_Output_Feedback is function main_feedback ( input,output : string ) return integer; pragma Import(C,main_feedback,"main_feedback"); procedure Main ( infilename,outfilename : in string; verbose : in integer32 := 0 ) is -- DESCRIPTION : -- Checks whether the infilename and outfilename are not empty, -- appends the '\0' end of string character to the names, -- before calling the C function main_feedback. NUL : constant character := Ada.Characters.Latin_1.NUL; res : integer; begin if verbose > 0 then put("At verbose level "); put(verbose,1); put_line(", in main_output_feedback.Main ..."); end if; if infilename = "" or else outfilename = "" then new_line; put_line("Usage: phc -k input_file output_file"); new_line; else if verbose > 0 then put_line("reading from " & infilename); put_line("writing to " & outfilename); put_line("Calling feedback..."); end if; res := main_feedback(infilename & NUL,outfilename & NUL); if verbose > 0 then put("Return code from the C function main_feedback : "); put(integer32(res),1); new_line; end if; end if; end Main; end Main_Output_Feedback;