with Ada.Calendar; with text_io; use text_io; with Standard_Natural_Numbers; use Standard_Natural_Numbers; package Greetings_and_Conclusions is -- DESCRIPTION : -- This package defines the writing of the greetings and the conclusions, -- as they appear at the beginning and end of phc -B, -- called in the procedures compsolve, compsolve2, and compsolve4. procedure Write_Greeting ( nbtasks,precision : in natural32 ); -- DESCRIPTION : -- Writes the greeting and the number of tasks in nbtasks, -- or writes no tasking, followed by the precision. -- The values for precision are 0 for standard double, -- 1 for double double, and 2 for quad double. procedure Write_Conclusion ( start_moment : in Ada.Calendar.Time; nbtasks : in natural32 ); -- DESCRIPTION : -- Writes the time stamp, number of tasks, seed, and version number -- to screen. The start_moment is the start time of the computations. procedure Write_Conclusion ( file : in file_type; start_moment : in Ada.Calendar.Time; nbtasks : in natural32 ); -- DESCRIPTION : -- Writes the time stamp, number of tasks, seed, and version number -- to file. The start_moment is the start time of the computations. end Greetings_and_Conclusions;