------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- -- -- GPR TECHNOLOGY -- -- -- -- Copyright (C) 2012-2023, AdaCore -- -- -- -- This is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under -- -- terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Soft- -- -- ware Foundation; either version 3, or (at your option) any later ver- -- -- sion. This software is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, -- -- but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHAN- -- -- TABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public -- -- License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU -- -- General Public License distributed with GNAT; see file COPYING. If not, -- -- see . -- -- -- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ with Ada.Calendar.Formatting; with Ada.Characters.Handling; use Ada.Characters.Handling; with Ada.Containers.Indefinite_Hashed_Maps; with Ada.Containers.Indefinite_Vectors; with Ada.Containers.Ordered_Sets; with Ada.Containers.Vectors; with Ada.Directories; use Ada.Directories; with Ada.Exceptions; use Ada.Exceptions; with Ada.Finalization; use Ada.Finalization; with Ada.Strings.Equal_Case_Insensitive; with Ada.Strings.Fixed; use Ada.Strings; with Ada.Strings.Hash_Case_Insensitive; with Ada.Strings.Unbounded; use Ada.Strings.Unbounded; with Ada.Text_IO; use Ada.Text_IO; with Ada.Unchecked_Deallocation; with System.Multiprocessors; use System; with GNAT.Command_Line; use GNAT; with GNAT.CRC32; with GNAT.Directory_Operations; use GNAT.Directory_Operations; with GNAT.Exception_Traces; with GNAT.OS_Lib; use GNAT.OS_Lib; with GNAT.Sockets; use GNAT.Sockets; with GNAT.String_Split; use GNAT.String_Split; with GNAT.Strings; with GNAT.Traceback.Symbolic; use GNAT.Traceback; use GNAT.Traceback.Symbolic; with GPR.Compilation; use GPR.Compilation; with GPR.Compilation.Protocol; use GPR.Compilation.Protocol; with GPR.Compilation.Sync; use GPR.Compilation.Sync; with GPR.Util; use GPR.Util; with GPR.Version; with GPR; use GPR; with GPR.Env; with GPR.Knowledge; use GPR.Knowledge; with GPR.Names; use GPR.Names; with GPR.Opt; use GPR.Opt; with GPR.Part; use GPR.Part; with GPR.Proc; with GPR.Snames; use GPR.Snames; with GPR.Tree; use GPR.Tree; procedure Gprslave is use Ada; type UID is mod 9999; -- The Status is shared by the same build master object. It first has a -- reference counter to free the memory associated with this status and -- a boolean used a a mutex to lock/unlock the object to allow proper -- concurrent access. type Data is record Channel : Communication_Channel; -- Communication with build master Project_Name : Unbounded_String; Target : Unbounded_String; Build_Env : Unbounded_String; Included_Artifact_Patterns : String_Split.Slice_Set; Id : UID; Locked : Boolean := False; Count : Natural := 0; end record; type Shared_Data is access Data; -- Data for a build master type Build_Master is new Finalization.Controlled with record Sync : Boolean; D : Shared_Data; end record; overriding procedure Initialize (Builder : in out Build_Master); overriding procedure Adjust (Builder : in out Build_Master); overriding procedure Finalize (Builder : in out Build_Master); -- Controlled_Build_Master is to ensure that the Build_Master controlled -- object can be used concurrently. protected Controlled_Build_Master is procedure Initialize (Builder : in out Build_Master); procedure Adjust (Builder : in out Build_Master); procedure Finalize (Builder : in out Build_Master); end Controlled_Build_Master; function Sock (Builder : Build_Master'Class) return Socket_Type is (Protocol.Sock (Builder.D.Channel)); package Builder is function "<" (B1, B2 : Build_Master) return Boolean is (To_C (Sock (B1)) < To_C (Sock (B2))); function "=" (B1, B2 : Build_Master) return Boolean is (Sock (B1) = Sock (B2)); package Set is new Containers.Ordered_Sets (Build_Master); end Builder; package Builder_Set renames Builder.Set; -- Representation of a job data type Stages is (J_None, J_Created, J_Waiting, J_Running, J_Terminated, J_Killed); type Job_Data is record Cmd : Command; Id : Remote_Id := -1; -- job id must be uniq across all slaves Pid : Process_Id := OS_Lib.Invalid_Pid; -- the OS process id Dep_Dir : Unbounded_String; Dep_File : Unbounded_String; Obj_File : Unbounded_String; Output : Unbounded_String; Build_Sock : Socket_Type; -- key used to get the corresponding builder Stage : Stages := J_None; end record with Dynamic_Predicate => (case Job_Data.Stage is when J_None => Job_Data.Id = -1, when J_Created | J_Waiting => Job_Data.Pid = OS_Lib.Invalid_Pid and then Kind (Job_Data.Cmd) in EX | CU and then Job_Data.Build_Sock /= No_Socket, when J_Running | J_Terminated | J_Killed => Job_Data.Pid /= OS_Lib.Invalid_Pid and then Kind (Job_Data.Cmd) in EX | CU and then Job_Data.Build_Sock /= No_Socket); function "<" (J1, J2 : Job_Data) return Boolean is (Pid_To_Integer (J1.Pid) < Pid_To_Integer (J2.Pid)); function "=" (J1, J2 : Job_Data) return Boolean is (Pid_To_Integer (J1.Pid) = Pid_To_Integer (J2.Pid)); No_Job : constant Job_Data := (Id => -1, Pid => OS_Lib.Invalid_Pid, Stage => J_None, others => <>); package Job_Data_Set is new Containers.Ordered_Sets (Job_Data); package To_Run_Set is new Containers.Vectors (Positive, Job_Data); function Get_Arg (Builder : Build_Master; Value : String) return String with Inline; -- Returns Value with possible translation of the local repositories function Get_Args (Builder : Build_Master; Slices : Slice_Set) return Argument_List; -- Returns an Argument_List corresponding to the Slice_Set function Image (Value : Long_Integer) return String; -- Return Value string representation without the leading space function Work_Directory (Builder : Build_Master) return String; -- Directory where compilation are to be done, this is the directory named -- after the project under the Root_Directory. procedure Parse_Command_Line; -- Parse the command line options, set variables below accordingly function Get_Slave_Id return Remote_Id; function Is_Active_Build_Master (Builder : Build_Master) return Boolean is (Builder.D /= null and then Builder.D.Project_Name /= Null_Unbounded_String); procedure Close_Builder (Builder : in out Build_Master; Ack : Boolean); -- Close the channel and socket and remove the builder from the slave. This -- procedure never fails. Send a OK message if Ack is True. procedure Display (Builder : Build_Master; Str : String; Is_Debug : Boolean := False; Force : Boolean := False) with Inline; procedure Display (Str : String; Is_Debug : Boolean := False; Force : Boolean := False) with Inline; -- Display messages if needed (depending on the current mode) procedure Activate_Symbolic_Traceback; -- Activate symbolic trace-back -- -- Belows are the main objects which handle the concurrent requests -- procedure Wait_For_Master; -- Wait for a build master to connect, initialize the global communication -- channel. This procedure is run under the environment task. Send the -- slave config to the build master. Either a builder object is created and -- inserted into the Builders protected object or the builder is rejected -- because of inconsistent state: -- -- 1. the builder and the slave are not using the same compiler. -- 2. the slave is already handling compilation for this project -- environment. task Wait_Requests; -- Waiting for incoming requests from the masters, take corresponding -- actions. Three actions are handled here: -- -- 1. EX - execute a compilation -- A compilation request is inserted into To_Run protected object. -- -- 2. CU - execute a clean-up -- A clean-up request is inserted into To_Run protected object. -- -- 3. EC - stop execution for the given builder task Execute_Job; -- Task running a maximum of Max_Process compilation simultaneously. These -- jobs are taken from the To_Run protected object (a FIFO list). -- -- Jobs taken from To_Run protected object are removed, executed -- asynchronously and inserted into the Running protected object with -- the corresponding process Id and builder. -- -- IMPORTANT NOTE : this is the only task that can change the working -- directory (Set_Directory for example). This makes locking circuitry -- lighter and more efficient. task type Wait_Completion; -- Waiting for completion of compilation jobs. The Pid is retreived with -- the corresponding builder, then it sends back the response to the build -- masters. The response is OK or NOK depending on compilation result. If -- OK the auxiliaries files (.ali, .o) are sent back to the build master. -- -- This is the only task with multiple instance. As sending back resulting -- objects and ALI files can take some time haaving multiple instance -- permit to send results to different builders simultaneously. protected Builders is -- Protected builders data set (used by environment task and the -- Protocol_Handler). -- -- The list of builder, one for each build master. Inserted here when a -- compilation starts and removed when an end-of-compilation message is -- received or a master is interrupted. procedure Insert (Builder : Build_Master); -- Add Builder into the set procedure Remove (Builder : in out Build_Master); -- Remove Builder from the set function Get (Socket : Socket_Type) return Build_Master; -- Get the builder using Socket function Exists (Socket : Socket_Type) return Boolean; -- Returns True if the build master corresponding to socket is found. -- False otherwise. entry Get_Socket_Set (Socket_Set : out Socket_Set_Type); -- Get a socket set for all builders procedure Initialize (Builder : in out Build_Master); -- Set the UID for this build master. This Id is only used in log -- message to identify a specific build. function Working_Dir_Exists (Directory : String) return Boolean; -- Returns True if Directory is already used by a registered build -- master. This is to ensure that a unique build will happen in a -- given directory. entry Lock (Builder : in out Build_Master); -- Lock builder against concurrent use, must be released procedure Release (Builder : in out Build_Master); -- Release builder locked with entry above private entry Try_Lock (Builder : in out Build_Master); -- The lock is already taken, the tasks are queued here to wait for the -- builder to be released. Current_Id : UID := 0; Builders : Builder_Set.Set; To_Check : Natural := 0; -- number of task to let go through Try_Lock end Builders; protected To_Run is -- Queue of Job to run, A FIFO list of jobs comming from all registered -- builders. procedure Push (Job : Job_Data) with Pre => Job.Stage = J_Created; entry Pop (Job : out Job_Data) with Post => Job.Stage = J_Waiting; private Set : To_Run_Set.Vector; end To_Run; protected Running is -- Set of running jobs. Removed when the compilation terminates or when -- killed because of a builder is interrupted. procedure Start (Job : in out Job_Data; Driver : String; Options : Argument_List; Out_File : String; Obj_File : String; Dep_File : String; Dep_Dir : String; Pid : out Process_Id) with Pre => Job.Stage = J_Waiting, Post => Job.Stage = J_Running; -- Start and register a new running job procedure Get (Job : out Job_Data; Pid : Process_Id) with Post => Job = No_Job or else Job.Stage = J_Terminated; -- Get Job having the given Pid procedure Set_Max (Max : Positive); -- Set the maximum running processes simultaneously entry Wait_Slot; -- Wait for a running slot to be available entry Wait; -- Wait for at least one running process procedure Kill_Processes (Socket : Socket_Type); -- Kill all processes whose builder is registered with Socket. This -- is used when a builder is interrupted to kill all corresponding -- processes. function Count return Natural; -- Number of job running private Set : Job_Data_Set.Set; Dead : Job_Data_Set.Set; -- job which failed to start N_Count : Natural := 0; -- actual number of running process Max : Natural := 0; end Running; -- Ensure that all IO are serialized, especially the spawn of process which -- must never happen during other IO. This is needed as the spawned process -- will inherit the standard IO descriptors. protected IO is procedure Message (Builder : Build_Master; Str : String; Is_Debug : Boolean := False); procedure Message (Str : String; Is_Debug : Boolean := False); -- Display a message (in verbose mode) and adds a leading timestamp. -- Also display the message in debug mode if Is_Debug is set. procedure Spawn (Driver : String; Options : Argument_List; Out_File : String; Pid : out Process_Id); end IO; Compiler_Path : constant OS_Lib.String_Access := Locate_Exec_On_Path ("gprls"); Slave_Id : Remote_Id; -- Host Id used to compose a unique job id across all running slaves -- Command line parameters statuses Port : aliased Integer; Max_Processes : aliased Integer; Max_Responses : aliased Integer; Help : aliased Boolean := False; Verbose : aliased Boolean := False; Debug : aliased Boolean := False; Root_Directory : aliased GNAT.Strings.String_Access := new String'(Get_Current_Dir); -- Root directoty for the gprslave environment. All projects sources and -- compilations are done under this directory. Hash : aliased GNAT.Strings.String_Access; -- Running instances statuses Address : Sock_Addr_Type; Server : Socket_Type; Index : Long_Integer := 0; -- Knowledge base Base : Knowledge_Base; Selected_Targets_Set : Targets_Set_Id; -- Handle response type Response_Handler_Set is array (Positive range <>) of Wait_Completion; type Response_Handler_Set_Access is access Response_Handler_Set; Response_Handlers : Response_Handler_Set_Access with Unreferenced; -- Sending response to a build master may take some time as the object file -- is sent back over the socket with the corresponding dependency file. ------------ -- Adjust -- ------------ overriding procedure Adjust (Builder : in out Build_Master) is begin Controlled_Build_Master.Adjust (Builder); end Adjust; --------------------------------- -- Activate_Symbolic_Traceback -- --------------------------------- procedure Activate_Symbolic_Traceback is begin Exception_Traces.Trace_On (Exception_Traces.Unhandled_Raise); Exception_Traces.Set_Trace_Decorator (Traceback.Symbolic.Symbolic_Traceback'Access); end Activate_Symbolic_Traceback; -------------- -- Builders -- -------------- protected body Builders is ------------ -- Exists -- ------------ function Exists (Socket : Socket_Type) return Boolean is Builder : Build_Master; begin Builder.D.Channel := Protocol.Create (Socket, Virtual => True); return Builder_Set.Has_Element (Builders.Find (Builder)); end Exists; --------- -- Get -- --------- function Get (Socket : Socket_Type) return Build_Master is Builder : Build_Master; Pos : Builder_Set.Cursor; begin Builder.D.Channel := Protocol.Create (Socket, Virtual => True); Pos := Builders.Find (Builder); if Builder_Set.Has_Element (Pos) then Builder := Builder_Set.Element (Pos); end if; return Builder; end Get; -------------------- -- Get_Socket_Set -- -------------------- entry Get_Socket_Set (Socket_Set : out Socket_Set_Type) when not Builders.Is_Empty is begin Empty (Socket_Set); for B of Builders loop Set (Socket_Set, Sock (B)); end loop; end Get_Socket_Set; ---------------- -- Initialize -- ---------------- procedure Initialize (Builder : in out Build_Master) is begin Builder.D.Id := Current_Id; Current_Id := Current_Id + 1; end Initialize; ------------ -- Insert -- ------------ procedure Insert (Builder : Build_Master) is begin Builders.Insert (Builder); end Insert; ---------- -- Lock -- ---------- entry Lock (Builder : in out Build_Master) when True is begin if Builder.D.Locked then requeue Try_Lock; else Builder.D.Locked := True; end if; end Lock; ------------- -- Release -- ------------- procedure Release (Builder : in out Build_Master) is begin Builder.D.Locked := False; if Try_Lock'Count > 0 then To_Check := To_Check + Try_Lock'Count; end if; end Release; ------------ -- Remove -- ------------ procedure Remove (Builder : in out Build_Master) is begin Builders.Exclude (Builder); Release (Builder); end Remove; -------------- -- Try_Lock -- -------------- entry Try_Lock (Builder : in out Build_Master) when To_Check > 0 is begin To_Check := To_Check - 1; if Builder.D.Locked then requeue Try_Lock; else Builder.D.Locked := True; end if; end Try_Lock; ------------------------ -- Working_Dir_Exists -- ------------------------ function Working_Dir_Exists (Directory : String) return Boolean is begin for B of Builders loop if Work_Directory (B) = Directory then return True; end if; end loop; return False; end Working_Dir_Exists; end Builders; ------------------- -- Close_Builder -- ------------------- procedure Close_Builder (Builder : in out Build_Master; Ack : Boolean) is begin -- First unregister the builder Builders.Remove (Builder); Running.Kill_Processes (Sock (Builder)); -- Send an Ack message before closing if requested if Ack then begin Send_Ok (Builder.D.Channel); exception when others => null; end; end if; -- Now shutdown the socket. This routine is used when the builder -- has encountered an error, so the associated socket may be in a bad -- state. Make sure we do not fail here. Close (Builder.D.Channel); end Close_Builder; ----------------------------- -- Controlled_Build_Master -- ----------------------------- protected body Controlled_Build_Master is ------------ -- Adjust -- ------------ procedure Adjust (Builder : in out Build_Master) is begin Builder.D.Count := Builder.D.Count + 1; end Adjust; -------------- -- Finalize -- -------------- procedure Finalize (Builder : in out Build_Master) is procedure Unchecked_Free is new Unchecked_Deallocation (Data, Shared_Data); S : Shared_Data := Builder.D; begin Builder.D := null; S.Count := S.Count - 1; if S.Count = 0 then Unchecked_Free (S); end if; end Finalize; ---------------- -- Initialize -- ---------------- procedure Initialize (Builder : in out Build_Master) is begin Builder.D := new Data' (Channel => No_Channel, Project_Name => Null_Unbounded_String, Target => Null_Unbounded_String, Build_Env => Null_Unbounded_String, Included_Artifact_Patterns => <>, Id => 0, Locked => False, Count => 1); end Initialize; end Controlled_Build_Master; ------------- -- Display -- ------------- procedure Display (Str : String; Is_Debug : Boolean := False; Force : Boolean := False) is begin if Force or (Verbose and not Is_Debug) or (Debug and Is_Debug) then IO.Message (Str, Is_Debug); end if; end Display; procedure Display (Builder : Build_Master; Str : String; Is_Debug : Boolean := False; Force : Boolean := False) is begin if Force or (Verbose and not Is_Debug) or (Debug and Is_Debug) then IO.Message (Builder, Str, Is_Debug); end if; end Display; -------------- -- Finalize -- -------------- overriding procedure Finalize (Builder : in out Build_Master) is begin Controlled_Build_Master.Finalize (Builder); end Finalize; ------------- -- Get_Arg -- ------------- function Get_Arg (Builder : Build_Master; Value : String) return String is P : constant Natural := Fixed.Index (Value, WD_Path_Tag); begin if P = 0 then return Value; else return Value (Value'First .. P - 1) & Work_Directory (Builder) & Directory_Separator & Get_Arg (Builder, Value (P + WD_Path_Tag'Length .. Value'Last)); end if; end Get_Arg; -------------- -- Get_Args -- -------------- function Get_Args (Builder : Build_Master; Slices : Slice_Set) return Argument_List is Args : Argument_List (1 .. Integer (Slice_Count (Slices))); begin for K in Args'Range loop Args (K) := new String' (Get_Arg (Builder, Slice (Slices, Slice_Number (K)))); end loop; return Args; end Get_Args; ----------------- -- Get_Slave_Id -- ----------------- function Get_Slave_Id return Remote_Id is use GNAT.CRC32; CRC : GNAT.CRC32.CRC32; begin Initialize (CRC); -- Add host name Update (CRC, Host_Name); -- Add root directory Update (CRC, Root_Directory.all); -- Add port Update (CRC, Integer'Image (Port)); -- Set the host id as the 32 higher bits return Remote_Id (Get_Value (CRC)) * 2 ** 32; end Get_Slave_Id; ----------- -- Image -- ----------- function Image (Value : Long_Integer) return String is I : constant String := Long_Integer'Image (Value); begin return (if I (I'First) = '-' then I else I (I'First + 1 .. I'Last)); end Image; ---------------- -- Initialize -- ---------------- overriding procedure Initialize (Builder : in out Build_Master) is begin Controlled_Build_Master.Initialize (Builder); end Initialize; -------- -- IO -- -------- protected body IO is ------------- -- Message -- ------------- procedure Message (Str : String; Is_Debug : Boolean := False) is begin Put_Line ('[' & Calendar.Formatting.Image (Calendar.Clock) & "] " & (if Is_Debug then "# " else " ") & Str); end Message; procedure Message (Builder : Build_Master; Str : String; Is_Debug : Boolean := False) is package UID_IO is new Text_IO.Modular_IO (UID); begin UID_IO.Put (Builder.D.Id, Width => 4); Put (' '); Message (Str, Is_Debug); end Message; ----------- -- Spawn -- ----------- procedure Spawn (Driver : String; Options : Argument_List; Out_File : String; Pid : out Process_Id) is begin Pid := OS_Lib.Non_Blocking_Spawn (Driver, Options, Out_File); end Spawn; end IO; ------------------------ -- Parse_Command_Line -- ------------------------ procedure Parse_Command_Line is use GNAT.Command_Line; procedure Usage; procedure Check_Version_And_Help is new Check_Version_And_Help_G (Usage); Config : Command_Line_Configuration; ----------- -- Usage -- ----------- procedure Usage is begin Display_Help (Config); end Usage; begin Define_Switch (Config, Help'Access, "-h", Long_Switch => "--help", Help => "display this help message and exit"); Define_Switch (Config, Verbose'Access, "-V", Long_Switch => "--version", Help => "display version and exit"); Define_Switch (Config, Max_Processes'Access, "-j:", Long_Switch => "--jobs=", Initial => Integer (Multiprocessors.Number_Of_CPUs), Default => Integer (Multiprocessors.Number_Of_CPUs), Help => "set the maximum simultaneous compilation"); Define_Switch (Config, Max_Responses'Access, "-r:", Long_Switch => "--response-handler=", Initial => Integer (2), Default => Integer (2), Help => "maximum number of simultaneous responses sent back"); Define_Switch (Config, Root_Directory'Access, "-d:", Long_Switch => "--directory=", Help => "set the root directory"); Define_Switch (Config, Port'Access, "-p:", Long_Switch => "--port=", Initial => Integer (Default_Port), Default => Integer (Default_Port), Help => "set the port the slave will listen to"); Define_Switch (Config, Verbose'Access, "-v", Long_Switch => "--verbose", Help => "verbose mode, display extra information"); Define_Switch (Config, Debug'Access, "-vv", Long_Switch => "--debug", Help => "debug mode, display lot of information (imply -v)"); Define_Switch (Config, Hash'Access, "-s:", Long_Switch => "--hash=", Help => "specify a hash, must match with master"); Set_Usage (Config, Usage => "[switches]"); Check_Version_And_Help ("GPRSLAVE", "2013"); Getopt (Config); if Debug then Verbose := True; end if; -- To avoid error messages for unknown languages that are not described -- in the XML database, use the quiet mode if Verbose is not set. if not Verbose then Opt.Quiet_Output := True; end if; -- First ensure Root_Directory is an absolute path-name. This is -- needed to be able to create directory for a specific builder without -- enforcing that the current directory be in a critical section. -- Indeed, it is then possible to create a directory under this -- absolute path-name directly. if not Is_Absolute_Path (Root_Directory.all) then -- Not an absolute path, this means that we have passed a directory -- relative to the current directory with option -d/--directory. declare RD : constant String := Root_Directory.all; begin Free (Root_Directory); Root_Directory := new String'(Get_Current_Dir & RD); end; end if; -- Ensure Root_Directory does not ends with a directory separator if Root_Directory (Root_Directory'Last) in '/' | '\' then Delete_Last : declare RD : constant String := Root_Directory (Root_Directory'First .. Root_Directory'Last - 1); begin Free (Root_Directory); Root_Directory := new String'(RD); end Delete_Last; end if; Running.Set_Max (Max_Processes); Free (Config); exception when Invalid_Switch => OS_Exit (1); when Exit_From_Command_Line => OS_Exit (1); end Parse_Command_Line; ------------------- -- Wait_Requests -- ------------------- task body Wait_Requests is procedure Close_Socket_Set (Set : in out Socket_Set_Type); -- Close all sockets in the given Set. The corresponding build masters -- are closed too. ---------------------- -- Close_Sokcet_Set -- ---------------------- procedure Close_Socket_Set (Set : in out Socket_Set_Type) is Builder : Build_Master; Socket : Socket_Type; begin loop Get (Set, Socket); exit when Socket = No_Socket; Builder := Builders.Get (Socket); Close_Builder (Builder, Ack => False); Display (Builder, "error socket ", Force => True); end loop; end Close_Socket_Set; type Job_Number is mod 2**32; -- A 32bits integer which wrap around. This is no problem as we want -- to be able to identify running process. There won't be 2**32 process -- running at the same time. So it is safe restart numbering at 0. Selector : Selector_Type; R_Socket_Set : Socket_Set_Type; E_Socket_Set : Socket_Set_Type; Empty_Set : Socket_Set_Type; Status : Selector_Status; Builder : Build_Master; Socket : Socket_Type; Jid : Job_Number := 0; begin -- Create selector Create_Selector (Selector); Empty (Empty_Set); -- For now do not check write status Handle_Commands : loop -- Wait for some commands from one of the build master Builders.Get_Socket_Set (R_Socket_Set); Copy (R_Socket_Set, E_Socket_Set); Wait_Incoming_Data : loop begin Check_Selector (Selector, R_Socket_Set, Empty_Set, E_Socket_Set, Status); exit Wait_Incoming_Data; exception when E : Socket_Error => if Resolve_Exception (E) /= Interrupted_System_Call then Status := Aborted; exit Wait_Incoming_Data; end if; end; end loop Wait_Incoming_Data; -- Check for socket errors first, if a socket is in error just -- close the corresponding builder and remove it from the list. -- From there we abort any further actions for those builders. Close_Socket_Set (E_Socket_Set); if Status = Aborted then -- Either the selector has been aborted or the Socket was not -- found in the response. We can suppose that in this case the -- client is killed and we do not have to keep it in the registry. Close_Socket_Set (R_Socket_Set); else -- Now, check for socket ready for reading. Just get the first -- one, other requests will be handled in next iteration. Get (R_Socket_Set, Socket); if Socket /= No_Socket then Builder := Builders.Get (Socket); if Is_Active_Build_Master (Builder) then Builders.Lock (Builder); declare Cmd : constant Command := Get_Command (Builder.D.Channel); begin if Debug then declare List : constant Argument_List_Access := Args (Cmd); V : Unbounded_String; begin V := To_Unbounded_String ("command: " & Command_Kind'Image (Kind (Cmd))); if List /= null then for K in List'Range loop Append (V, ", " & List (K).all); end loop; end if; Display (Builder, To_String (V), Is_Debug => True); end; end if; if Kind (Cmd) = EX then Record_Job : declare Id : constant Remote_Id := Slave_Id + Remote_Id (Jid); -- Note that the Id above should be unique across -- all running slaves. This is not the process -- id, but an id sent back to the build master -- to identify the actual job. begin Jid := Jid + 1; Display (Builder, "register compilation " & Image (Id), True); Send_Ack (Builder.D.Channel, Id); To_Run.Push (Job_Data'(Cmd, Id, OS_Lib.Invalid_Pid, Null_Unbounded_String, Null_Unbounded_String, Null_Unbounded_String, Null_Unbounded_String, Sock (Builder), J_Created)); end Record_Job; elsif Kind (Cmd) = FL then null; elsif Kind (Cmd) = CU then Clean_Up_Request : begin To_Run.Push (Job_Data'(Cmd, 0, OS_Lib.Invalid_Pid, Null_Unbounded_String, Null_Unbounded_String, Null_Unbounded_String, Null_Unbounded_String, Sock (Builder), J_Created)); end Clean_Up_Request; elsif Kind (Cmd) in EC | SI then -- No more compilation for this project. Send an -- Ack only if we are not handling a kill signal -- (receiving SI means that the socket has been -- detected to be closed). Close_Builder (Builder, Ack => (Kind (Cmd) = EC)); Display (Builder, "End project : " & To_String (Builder.D.Project_Name)); elsif Kind (Cmd) = SY then -- Synchronization requested declare Empty : Sync.Str_Vect.Vector; begin Compilation.Sync.Send_Files (Builder.D.Channel, Work_Directory (Builder), Empty, Empty, Mode => Sync.To_Master); end; elsif Kind (Cmd) = IR then -- Information requested Send_Info_Response (Builder.D.Channel, GPR.Version.Gpr_Version_String, UTC_Time, "toto"); -- Gprslave.Hash.all); else raise Constraint_Error with "unexpected command " & Command_Kind'Image (Kind (Cmd)); end if; exception when Socket_Error => -- The build master has probably been killed. We -- cannot communicate with it. Just close the channel. Close_Builder (Builder, Ack => False); Display (Builder, "Interrupted project : " & To_String (Builder.D.Project_Name)); when E : others => -- In case of an exception, communication endded -- prematurately or some wrong command received, make -- sure we clean the slave state and we listen to new -- commands. Not doing that could make the slave -- unresponsive. Close_Builder (Builder, Ack => False); Display (Builder, "Error: " & Exception_Information (E), Force => True); end; -- The lock is released and freed if we have an EC command Builders.Release (Builder); else Display ("build master not found, cannot handle request.", Is_Debug => True); end if; end if; end if; end loop Handle_Commands; exception when E : others => Display (Builder, "Unrecoverable error: Protocol_Handler.", Force => True); Display (Builder, Symbolic_Traceback (E), Force => True); OS_Exit (1); end Wait_Requests; ----------------- -- Execute_Job -- ----------------- task body Execute_Job is function Get_Driver (Builder : Build_Master; Language : String; Target, Runtime : String; Project : String) return String; -- Returns the compiler driver for the given language and the current -- target as retreived from the initial handshake context exchange. function Get_Output_File (Builder : Build_Master) return String; -- Returns a unique output file procedure Output_Compilation (Builder : Build_Master; File : String); -- Output compilation information procedure Do_Compile (Job : in out Job_Data); -- Run a compilation job procedure Do_Clean (Job : Job_Data); -- Run a clean job package Drivers_Cache is new Containers.Indefinite_Hashed_Maps (String, String, Ada.Strings.Hash_Case_Insensitive, Ada.Strings.Equal_Case_Insensitive); Cache : Drivers_Cache.Map; ---------------- -- Get_Driver -- ---------------- function Get_Driver (Builder : Build_Master; Language : String; Target, Runtime : String; Project : String) return String is procedure Look_Driver (Project_Name : String; Is_Config : Boolean); -- Set Driver with the found driver for the Language Config_Filename : constant String := "slave_tmp-" & Language & ".cgpr"; Key : constant String := To_String (Builder.D.Target) & '+' & Language & "+" & Runtime; Position : constant Drivers_Cache.Cursor := Cache.Find (Key); Compilers, Filters : Compiler_Lists.List; Requires_Comp : Boolean; Comp : Compiler_Access; Env : Environment; Success : Boolean; Driver : Unbounded_String := To_Unbounded_String (Key); ----------------- -- Look_Driver -- ----------------- procedure Look_Driver (Project_Name : String; Is_Config : Boolean) is Project_Node_Tree : GPR.Project_Node_Tree_Ref; Project_Node : Project_Node_Id := Empty_Project_Node; Project_Tree : Project_Tree_Ref; Project : Project_Id; begin Project_Node_Tree := new Project_Node_Tree_Data; GPR.Tree.Initialize (Project_Node_Tree); GPR.Part.Parse (Project_Node_Tree, Project_Node, Project_Name, Errout_Handling => GPR.Part.Finalize_If_Error, Packages_To_Check => null, Is_Config_File => Is_Config, Target_Name => To_String (Builder.D.Target), Env => Env); Project_Tree := new Project_Tree_Data; GPR.Initialize (Project_Tree); Proc.Process (Project_Tree, Project, null, Success, Project_Node, Project_Node_Tree, Env); if not Success then return; end if; declare Pcks : Package_Table.Table_Ptr renames Project_Tree.Shared.Packages.Table; Pck : Package_Id := Project.Decl.Packages; begin Look_Compiler_Package : while Pck /= No_Package loop if Pcks (Pck).Decl /= No_Declarations and then Pcks (Pck).Name = Name_Compiler then -- Look for the Driver ("") attribute declare Id : Array_Id := Pcks (Pck).Decl.Arrays; begin while Id /= No_Array loop declare V : constant Array_Data := Project_Tree.Shared.Arrays.Table (Id); begin if V.Name = Name_Driver and then V.Value /= No_Array_Element then -- Check if element is for the given -- language, and if so return the -- corresponding value. declare E : constant Array_Element := Project_Tree.Shared. Array_Elements.Table (V.Value); begin if Get_Name_String (E.Index) = To_Lower (Language) then Driver := To_Unbounded_String (Get_Name_String (E.Value.Value)); exit Look_Compiler_Package; end if; end; end if; end; Id := Project_Tree.Shared.Arrays.Table (Id).Next; end loop; end; end if; Pck := Pcks (Pck).Next; end loop Look_Compiler_Package; end; Free (Project_Node_Tree); Free (Project_Tree); end Look_Driver; begin if Drivers_Cache.Has_Element (Position) then return Drivers_Cache.Element (Position); else -- Generate the configuration project for this language and target Parse_Config_Parameter (Base => Base, Config => Language & ",," & Runtime, Compiler => Comp, Requires_Compiler => Requires_Comp); if Requires_Comp then Filters.Append (Comp); else Compilers.Append (Comp); end if; Get_Targets_Set (Base, Target, Selected_Targets_Set); declare Used_Target : Unbounded_String := To_Unbounded_String (Target); begin Complete_Command_Line_Compilers (Base, Selected_Targets_Set, Filters, Compilers, Target_Specified => True, Selected_Target => Used_Target); end; -- Generate configuration project file Generate_Configuration (Base, Compilers, Config_Filename, To_String (Builder.D.Target), Selected_Targets_Set); GPR.Tree.Initialize (Env, GPR.Gprbuild_Flags); GPR.Initialize (GPR.No_Project_Tree); GPR.Env.Initialize_Default_Project_Path (Env.Project_Path, Target_Name => To_String (Builder.D.Target)); -- Parse it to find the driver for this language Look_Driver (Config_Filename, Is_Config => True); Directories.Delete_File (Config_Filename); -- Language is not found in the knowledge base, check the project -- to see if there is a definition for the language. if Driver = Key then Look_Driver (Project, Is_Config => False); -- Ensure that we have a full-path name if Driver = Key then -- Driver not found, use -gcc if it exists Driver := Builder.D.Target & "-gcc"; end if; declare Exe : OS_Lib.String_Access := Locate_Exec_On_Path (To_String (Driver)); begin if Exe = null then Display (Builder, "Can't locate " & To_String (Driver) & " in path", Is_Debug => True); return Key; end if; Driver := To_Unbounded_String (Exe.all); Free (Exe); end; end if; -- Record this driver for the language and target into the cache Cache.Insert (Key, To_String (Driver)); -- Clean-up and free project structure Display (Builder, "driver for " & Language & " is : " & To_String (Driver), Is_Debug => True); return To_String (Driver); end if; exception when E : others => Display (Builder, Ada.Exceptions.Exception_Information (E) & ASCII.LF & "on get driver for " & Language & " by key " & Key, Is_Debug => True); -- Be sure we never propagate an exception from this routine, in -- case of problem we just return the key, this will be used as an -- executable and will be reported to the master as a proper build -- failure. return Key; end Get_Driver; --------------------- -- Get_Output_File -- --------------------- function Get_Output_File (Builder : Build_Master) return String is Filename : constant String := "output.slave." & Image (Index); begin Index := Index + 1; return Compose (Work_Directory (Builder), Filename); end Get_Output_File; ------------------------ -- Output_Compilation -- ------------------------ procedure Output_Compilation (Builder : Build_Master; File : String) is function Prefix return String; -- Returns a prefix for the display with a progress indication ------------ -- Prefix -- ------------ function Prefix return String is Active : constant String := Natural'Image (Running.Count + 1); Max : constant String := Natural'Image (Max_Processes); begin return "Compiling (" & Active (Active'First + 1 .. Active'Last) & '/' & Max (Max'First + 1 .. Max'Last) & ") : "; end Prefix; RDL : constant Natural := Root_Directory'Length; begin if Verbose then if File'Length > RDL and then File (File'First .. File'First + RDL - 1) = Root_Directory.all then Display (Builder, Prefix & File (File'First + RDL + 1 .. File'Last)); else Display (Builder, Prefix & File); end if; end if; end Output_Compilation; ---------------- -- Do_Compile -- ---------------- procedure Do_Compile (Job : in out Job_Data) is Builder : constant Build_Master := Builders.Get (Job.Build_Sock); Dir : constant String := Args (Job.Cmd)(2).all; List : Slice_Set; begin -- Enter a critical section to: -- - move to directory where the command is executed -- - execute the compilation command -- - register a new job and acknowledge -- - move back to working directory Display (Builder, "move to work directory " & Work_Directory (Builder), Is_Debug => True); -- It is safe to change directory here without a lock as this is -- the only place where it happens and there is a single instance -- of this task. Set_Directory (Work_Directory (Builder)); -- Create/Move to object dir if any, note that if we -- have an absolute path name here it is because the -- Build_Root is probably not properly set. Try to fail -- gracefully to report a proper error message to the -- build master. -- -- If we have an absolute pathname, just start the -- process into the to directory. The output file will -- be created there and will be reported to the master. -- -- Note that the following block should never fail otherwise the -- process won't be started. Even if we know the compilation will -- fail we need to move forward as the result for this compilation -- is waited for by the build master. begin if Dir /= "" then if not Is_Absolute_Path (Dir) and then not Is_Directory (Dir) then Create_Directory (Dir); end if; Display (Builder, "move to directory " & Dir, Is_Debug => True); Set_Directory (Dir); end if; exception when others => Display (Builder, "cannot move to object directory", Is_Debug => True); end; Create (List, Args (Job.Cmd) (8).all, String'(1 => Opts_Sep)); Execute : declare Project : constant String := Get_Arg (Builder, Args (Job.Cmd) (1).all); Language : constant String := Args (Job.Cmd) (3).all; Target : constant String := Args (Job.Cmd) (4).all; Runtime : constant String := Args (Job.Cmd) (5).all; Out_File : constant String := Get_Output_File (Builder); Obj_File : constant String := Args (Job.Cmd) (6).all; Dep_File : constant String := Args (Job.Cmd) (7).all; Env : constant String := Get_Arg (Builder, Args (Job.Cmd) (9).all); O : Argument_List := Get_Args (Builder, List); First_Opt : Positive := O'First; Pid : Process_Id; Driver : Unbounded_String; begin Output_Compilation (Builder, O (O'Last).all); -- Set compiler environment Set_Env (Env, Fail => False, Force => True); -- It is critical to ensure that no IO is done while spawning -- the process. -- If there is now language set, we are not calling a compiler -- but a tool directly (gprbuild from GPRremote for example). In -- this case the driver is taken from the first option in the -- list. -- -- When language is not null we compute the driver to be used -- based on the project setting for this specific language. if Language = "" then declare Drv : OS_Lib.String_Access := Locate_Exec_On_Path (O (O'First).all); begin Driver := To_Unbounded_String (Drv.all); Free (Drv); end; -- And skip first option which was the driver First_Opt := First_Opt + 1; else Driver := To_Unbounded_String (Get_Driver (Builder, Language, Target, Runtime, Project)); end if; Running.Start (Job => Job, Driver => To_String (Driver), Options => O (First_Opt .. O'Last), Out_File => Out_File, Obj_File => Obj_File, Dep_File => Dep_File, Dep_Dir => (if Is_Absolute_Path (Dir) then "" else Dir), Pid => Pid); Display (Builder, " pid" & Integer'Image (Pid_To_Integer (Pid)), Is_Debug => True); Display (Builder, " obj_file " & Obj_File, Is_Debug => True); Display (Builder, " dep_file " & Dep_File, Is_Debug => True); Display (Builder, " out_file " & Out_File, Is_Debug => True); for K in O'Range loop Free (O (K)); end loop; end Execute; exception when E : others => Display (Builder, "Error in Execute_Job: " & Symbolic_Traceback (E), Is_Debug => True); end Do_Compile; -------------- -- Do_Clean -- -------------- procedure Do_Clean (Job : Job_Data) is Builder : constant Build_Master := Builders.Get (Job.Build_Sock); begin Builder.D.Project_Name := To_Unbounded_String (Args (Job.Cmd)(1).all); declare WD : constant String := Work_Directory (Builder); begin if Exists (WD) then Display (Builder, "Delete " & WD); -- Cannot delete if the process is still under -- the working directory, so move to the slave -- root directory. Set_Directory (Root_Directory.all); Delete_Tree (WD); end if; end; Send_Ok (Builder.D.Channel); exception when E : others => Display (Builder, "clean-up error " & Symbolic_Traceback (E), True); Send_Ko (Builder.D.Channel); end Do_Clean; Job : Job_Data; begin loop -- Launch a new compilation only if the maximum of simultaneous -- process has not yet been reached. Running.Wait_Slot; To_Run.Pop (Job); -- Only launch the job if the corresponding builder is still active. -- It could be the case that the builder has been interrupted -- (ctrl-c) and so removed from the set. if Builders.Exists (Job.Build_Sock) then if Kind (Job.Cmd) = EX then -- Note that we do not release the job here as it will -- get recorded as running job. The release will happen -- in Wait_Completion. Do_Compile (Job); else Do_Clean (Job); end if; end if; end loop; exception when E : others => Display ("Unrecoverable error: Execute_Job.", Force => True); Display (Exception_Information (E), Force => True); OS_Exit (1); end Execute_Job; ------------- -- Running -- ------------- protected body Running is procedure Register (Job : Job_Data) with Pre => Job.Stage = J_Running; -- Register a running Job ----------- -- Count -- ----------- function Count return Natural is begin return N_Count; end Count; -------------------- -- Kill_Processes -- -------------------- procedure Kill_Processes (Socket : Socket_Type) is To_Kill : Job_Data_Set.Set; C : Job_Data_Set.Cursor; begin -- First pass, record all job for the given builder for Job of Set loop if Job.Build_Sock = Socket then To_Kill.Insert (Job); end if; end loop; -- Second pass, kill processes and mark them as killed. Those jobs -- are interrupted and the builder removed, so there is no point to -- try to send back the compilation result to the master. -- -- This also ensure a faster termination of the build master. for Job of To_Kill loop -- Mark job as killed into the set C := Set.Find (Job); Set (C).Stage := J_Killed; Kill_Process_Tree (Job.Pid, Hard_Kill => True); Display ("kill job" & Integer'Image (Pid_To_Integer (Job.Pid)), Is_Debug => True); end loop; end Kill_Processes; -------------- -- Register -- -------------- procedure Register (Job : Job_Data) is begin -- Let's ensure that while the job was prepared the builder was not -- hard-killed. If so we kill the process right now. The result won't -- be used anyway and we do not want it to linger here and possibly -- corrupt a new launched compilation for the same object file. -- -- Note that it is still inserted into the job set for the job exit -- status to be read. This ensure that the job is properly terminated -- by the OS (on Linux the process would stay as for -- example). if not Builders.Exists (Job.Build_Sock) then Display ("kill job (missing builder)" & Integer'Image (Pid_To_Integer (Job.Pid)), Is_Debug => True); Kill (Job.Pid, Hard_Kill => True); Insert_Killed_Job : declare Killed_Job : Job_Data := Job; begin Killed_Job.Stage := J_Killed; Set.Insert (Killed_Job); end Insert_Killed_Job; elsif Job.Pid = OS_Lib.Invalid_Pid then Dead.Insert (Job); else Set.Insert (Job); end if; N_Count := N_Count + 1; end Register; ----------- -- Start -- ----------- procedure Start (Job : in out Job_Data; Driver : String; Options : Argument_List; Out_File : String; Obj_File : String; Dep_File : String; Dep_Dir : String; Pid : out Process_Id) is begin if Debug then Put (Driver); Put (' '); for O of Options loop Put (O.all); Put (' '); end loop; New_Line; end if; IO.Spawn (Driver, Options, Out_File, Pid); Job.Pid := Pid; Job.Dep_File := To_Unbounded_String (Dep_File); Job.Obj_File := To_Unbounded_String (Obj_File); Job.Output := To_Unbounded_String (Out_File); Job.Dep_Dir := To_Unbounded_String (Dep_Dir); Job.Stage := J_Running; -- Note that we want to register the job even if Pid is -- Invalid_Process. We want it to be recorded into the running -- process to be able to be retrieved by the Wait_Completion -- task and a proper NOK message to be sent to the builder. Register (Job); end Start; --------- -- Get -- --------- procedure Get (Job : out Job_Data; Pid : Process_Id) is Pos : Job_Data_Set.Cursor; begin if Dead.Is_Empty then Job := No_Job; Job.Pid := Pid; Pos := Set.Find (Job); -- Not that a job could be not found here because the Pid is one -- of gprconfig runned to generate a configuration file for a -- specific language. if Job_Data_Set.Has_Element (Pos) then Job := Job_Data_Set.Element (Pos); Set.Delete (Job); N_Count := N_Count - 1; -- If this is a job which has been killed (see Kill_Processes -- above), set to No_Job. We do this as the Wait_Completion -- task must not do anything with such a process (no need to -- send back answers as anyway the build master is not running -- anymore). if Job.Stage = J_Killed then Job := No_Job; else Job.Stage := J_Terminated; end if; else Job := No_Job; end if; else Job := Dead.First_Element; Job.Stage := J_Terminated; Dead.Delete_First; N_Count := N_Count - 1; end if; end Get; ------------- -- Set_Max -- ------------- procedure Set_Max (Max : Positive) is begin Running.Max := Max; end Set_Max; ---------- -- Wait -- ---------- entry Wait when Count > 0 is begin null; end Wait; --------------- -- Wait_Slot -- --------------- entry Wait_Slot when Count < Max is begin null; end Wait_Slot; end Running; ------------ -- To_Run -- ------------ protected body To_Run is ---------- -- Push -- ---------- procedure Push (Job : Job_Data) is J : Job_Data := Job; begin -- Always adds the clean-up job in front of the queue, this is -- friendler as we do not want the user to wait for all current -- compilation to terminate. J.Stage := J_Waiting; if Kind (Job.Cmd) = CU then Set.Prepend (J); else Set.Append (J); end if; end Push; --------- -- Pop -- --------- entry Pop (Job : out Job_Data) when not Set.Is_Empty is begin Job := Set.First_Element; Set.Delete_First; end Pop; end To_Run; --------------------- -- Wait_Completion -- --------------------- task body Wait_Completion is Pid : Process_Id; Success : Boolean; Job : Job_Data; Builder : Build_Master; package String_Set is new Containers.Indefinite_Vectors (Positive, String); function Expand_Artifacts (Root : String; Base_Name : String; Patterns : String_Split.Slice_Set) return String_Set.Vector; -- Returns the set of artifacts for the Base_Name based on the patterns -- given by attribute Included_Artifact_Patterns. ---------------------- -- Expand_Artifacts -- ---------------------- function Expand_Artifacts (Root : String; Base_Name : String; Patterns : String_Split.Slice_Set) return String_Set.Vector is Count : constant Slice_Number := Slice_Count (Patterns); Result : String_Set.Vector; begin for K in 1 .. Count loop declare Item : constant String := String_Split.Slice (Patterns, K); Star : constant Natural := Fixed.Index (Item, "*"); Name : Unbounded_String; begin if Item'Length > 0 then -- No start to replace, this is a plain file-name if Star = 0 then Name := To_Unbounded_String (Item); else -- We have a star, replace it with the base name Name := To_Unbounded_String (Item (Item'First .. Star - 1) & Base_Name & Item (Star + 1 .. Item'Last)); end if; if Exists (Root & To_String (Name)) then Result.Append (Root & To_String (Name)); end if; end if; end; end loop; return Result; end Expand_Artifacts; begin loop -- Wait for a job to complete only if there is job running Running.Wait; Wait_Process (Pid, Success); -- If a "dead" jobs is returned success is forced to False if Pid = OS_Lib.Invalid_Pid then Success := False; end if; Running.Get (Job, Pid); -- Note that if there is not such element it could be because the -- build master has been killed before the end of the compilation. -- In this case an EC message is received by the slave and the -- Job_Set is clear. See Main_Loop in gprslave's body. if Job /= No_Job then -- Now get the corresponding build master Builder := Builders.Get (Job.Build_Sock); if Is_Active_Build_Master (Builder) then Builders.Lock (Builder); begin Display (Builder, "job " & Image (Job.Id) & " terminated", Is_Debug => True); declare DS : Character renames Directory_Separator; Dep_Dir : constant String := To_String (Job.Dep_Dir); Dep_File : constant String := To_String (Job.Dep_File); Obj_File : constant String := To_String (Job.Obj_File); Out_File : constant String := To_String (Job.Output); S : Boolean; begin if Exists (Out_File) then Send_Output (Builder.D.Channel, Out_File); end if; OS_Lib.Delete_File (Out_File, S); if Success then -- No dependency or object files to send back if the -- compilation was not successful. declare R_Dir : constant String := Work_Directory (Builder) & (if Dep_Dir /= "" then DS & Dep_Dir else "") & DS; D_File : constant String := R_Dir & Dep_File; O_File : constant String := R_Dir & Obj_File; begin if Dep_File /= "" and then Exists (D_File) and then Kind (D_File) = Ordinary_File then Send_File (Builder.D.Channel, D_File, Rewrite => True); end if; if Obj_File /= "" then if Exists (O_File) then Send_File (Builder.D.Channel, O_File, Rewrite => False); end if; -- We also check for any artifacts based on the -- user's patterns if any. for Artifact of Expand_Artifacts (Root => R_Dir, Base_Name => Directories.Base_Name (Obj_File), Patterns => Builder.D.Included_Artifact_Patterns) loop Send_File (Builder.D.Channel, Artifact, Rewrite => False); end loop; end if; end; end if; end; Display (Builder, "compilation status " & Boolean'Image (Success), Is_Debug => True); if Success then Send_Ok (Builder.D.Channel, Job.Id); else Send_Ko (Builder.D.Channel, Job.Id); end if; Builders.Release (Builder); exception when E : others => -- An exception can be raised if the builder master has -- been terminated. In this case the communication won't -- succeed. -- Remove it from the list Close_Builder (Builder, Ack => False); Display (Builder, "cannot send response to build master " & Exception_Information (E), Force => True); end; else Display ("build master not found, cannot send response.", Is_Debug => True); end if; else -- This is not necessarily an error as we could get a Pid of a -- gprconfig run launched to generate a configuration file for a -- specific language. So we do not want to fail in this case. Display ("unknown job data for pid " & Integer'Image (Pid_To_Integer (Pid)), Is_Debug => True); end if; end loop; exception when E : others => Put_Line ("Unrecoverable error: Wait_Completion: " & Exception_Name (E)); Put_Line (Symbolic_Traceback (E)); OS_Exit (1); end Wait_Completion; --------------------- -- Wait_For_Master -- --------------------- procedure Wait_For_Master is use Stamps; procedure Sync_Gpr (Builder : in out Build_Master); -------------- -- Sync_Gpr -- -------------- procedure Sync_Gpr (Builder : in out Build_Master) is procedure Delete_Files (Except : Sync.Files.Set); -- Delete all files in the current working tree except those in -- Except set. procedure Display (Message : String); -- Display message callback WD : constant String := Work_Directory (Builder); ------------------ -- Delete_Files -- ------------------ procedure Delete_Files (Except : Sync.Files.Set) is procedure Process (Path : String); -- Search recursively the Path procedure Process (Path : String) is procedure Check (File : Directory_Entry_Type); -- Remove this file if not part of Except set ----------- -- Check -- ----------- procedure Check (File : Directory_Entry_Type) is S_Name : constant String := Simple_Name (File); Entry_Name : constant String := Path & Directory_Separator & S_Name; begin if Kind (File) = Directory then if S_Name not in "." | ".." and then not Is_Symbolic_Link (Entry_Name) then Process (Entry_Name); end if; else if not Except.Contains (Entry_Name) then Display (Builder, "delete excluded '" & Entry_Name & ''', Is_Debug => True); Delete_File (Entry_Name); end if; end if; end Check; begin Search (Directory => Path, Pattern => "*", Filter => (Special_File => False, others => True), Process => Check'Access); end Process; begin Process (WD); end Delete_Files; ------------- -- Display -- ------------- procedure Display (Message : String) is begin if Debug then Display (Message, Is_Debug => True); else Display (Builder, Message); end if; end Display; Total_File : Natural; Total_Transferred : Natural; In_Master : Sync.Files.Set; Result : constant Protocol.Command_Kind := Sync.Receive_Files (Builder.D.Channel, WD, Total_File, Total_Transferred, In_Master, Debug, Display'Access); begin if Result = ES then -- Delete all files not part of the list sent by the master. -- This is needed to remove files in previous build removed -- since then on the master. Again we need to do that as we -- can't let around unnedded specs or bodies. Delete_Files (Except => In_Master); elsif Result in EC | SI then -- Cannot communicate with build master anymore, we then -- receive an end-of-compilation. Exit now. Note that we do -- not need to remove the builder from the list as it is not -- yet registered. Close_Builder (Builder, Ack => Result = EC); end if; Display (Builder, "Files total:" & Natural'Image (Total_File)); Display (Builder, " transferred :" & Natural'Image (Total_Transferred)); exception when E : others => Close_Builder (Builder, Ack => False); Display (Builder, "Lost connection with " & Image (Address)); Display (Builder, Exception_Information (E), Is_Debug => True); end Sync_Gpr; Builder : Build_Master; Clock_Status : Boolean; Socket : Socket_Type; begin -- Wait for a connection Wait_Incoming_Master : loop begin Accept_Socket (Server, Socket, Address); exit Wait_Incoming_Master; exception when E : Socket_Error => if Resolve_Exception (E) /= Interrupted_System_Call then raise; end if; end; end loop Wait_Incoming_Master; Builder.D.Channel := Create (Socket); -- Then initialize the new builder Id Builders.Initialize (Builder); Display (Builder, "Connecting with " & Image (Address)); -- Initial handshake declare Master_Timestamp : Time_Stamp_Type; Version : Unbounded_String; Hash : Unbounded_String; Patterns : Unbounded_String; Is_Ping : Boolean; begin Get_Context (Builder.D.Channel, Builder.D.Target, Builder.D.Project_Name, Builder.D.Build_Env, Builder.Sync, Master_Timestamp, Version, Hash, Patterns, Is_Ping); -- Set included artifact patterns Display (Builder, "artifact patterns: " & To_String (Patterns), Is_Debug => True); String_Split.Create (Builder.D.Included_Artifact_Patterns, To_String (Patterns), Separators => ";"); if Is_Ping then Send_Ping_Response (Builder.D.Channel, GPR.Version.Gpr_Version_String, UTC_Time, Gprslave.Hash.all); Close_Builder (Builder, Ack => False); Display (Builder, "Ping response to " & Image (Address)); return; end if; Clock_Status := Check_Diff (Master_Timestamp, UTC_Time); if To_String (Version) /= GPR.Version.Gpr_Version_String (False) then Display (Builder, "Reject non compatible build for " & To_String (Builder.D.Project_Name)); Display (Builder, "builder version " & To_String (Version), Is_Debug => True); Display (Builder, "slave version " & GPR.Version.Gpr_Version_String (False), Is_Debug => True); Send_Ko (Builder.D.Channel); return; end if; if Builders.Working_Dir_Exists (Work_Directory (Builder)) then Display (Builder, "Cannot use the same build environment for " & To_String (Builder.D.Project_Name)); Send_Ko (Builder.D.Channel, "build environment " & To_String (Builder.D.Build_Env) & " already in use"); return; end if; -- If a hash has been specified, it must match the one from the -- master. if Gprslave.Hash /= null and then Gprslave.Hash.all /= To_String (Hash) then Display (Builder, "hash does not match " & To_String (Builder.D.Project_Name)); Send_Ko (Builder.D.Channel, "hash does not match, slave is " & Gprslave.Hash.all); return; end if; exception when E : others => -- Do not try to go further, just close the socket Close_Builder (Builder, Ack => False); Display (Builder, Exception_Information (E)); return; end; Display (Builder, "Handling project : " & To_String (Builder.D.Project_Name)); Display (Builder, "Compiling for : " & To_String (Builder.D.Target)); if Builder.Sync then Display (Builder, "Synchronization from master enabled"); else Display (Builder, "Synchronization from master disabled"); end if; -- Create slave environment if needed if not Exists (Work_Directory (Builder)) then begin Create_Path (Work_Directory (Builder)); exception when others => Send_Ko (Builder.D.Channel, "fail to create build environment directory: " & Work_Directory (Builder)); Close_Builder (Builder, Ack => False); Display (Builder, "failed to create build environment directory: " & Work_Directory (Builder), Force => True); return; end; Display (Builder, "create build environment directory: " & Work_Directory (Builder), Is_Debug => True); end if; -- Configure slave, note that this does not need to be into the critical -- section has the builder is not yet known in the system. At this point -- no compilation can be received for this slave anyway. Set_Rewrite_WD (Builder.D.Channel, Path => Work_Directory (Builder)); -- For Ada compilers, rewrite the root directory if Compiler_Path = null then Display (Builder, "compiler path is null.", Is_Debug => True); else declare C_Path : constant String := Containing_Directory (Containing_Directory (Compiler_Path.all)); begin Display (Builder, "compiler path is : " & C_Path, Is_Debug => True); Set_Rewrite_CD (Builder.D.Channel, Path => C_Path); end; end if; -- It is safe to write to this builder outside of a lock here as this -- builder is not yet registered into the slave. begin Send_Slave_Config (Builder.D.Channel, Max_Processes, Compose (Root_Directory.all, To_String (Builder.D.Build_Env)), Clock_Status); exception when others => -- build master has aborted, do not try to go further, -- just close the socket. Close_Builder (Builder, Ack => False); end; -- If we are using the Gpr synchronisation, it is time to do it here. -- Note that we want to avoid the rewriting rules below that are -- requiring some CPU cycles not needed at this stage. if Sock (Builder) /= No_Socket then if Builder.Sync then Sync_Gpr (Builder); end if; -- Register the new builder Builders.Insert (Builder); end if; exception when E : others => Display (Builder, "Unrecoverable error: Wait_For_Master.", Force => True); Display (Builder, Symbolic_Traceback (E), Force => True); OS_Exit (1); end Wait_For_Master; -------------------- -- Work_Directory -- -------------------- function Work_Directory (Builder : Build_Master) return String is begin return Compose (Compose (Root_Directory.all, To_String (Builder.D.Build_Env)), To_String (Builder.D.Project_Name)); end Work_Directory; begin Parse_Command_Line; -- Initialize the project support Snames.Initialize; Parse_Knowledge_Base (Base, Default_Knowledge_Base_Directory); Activate_Symbolic_Traceback; -- Always create the lib/object directories on the slave, this is needed -- when parsing a projet file to retrieve a specific driver. Opt.Create_Dirs := Create_All_Dirs; -- Setup the response handlers if Max_Responses < 1 then Max_Responses := 1; elsif Max_Responses > Max_Processes then Max_Responses := Max_Processes; end if; Response_Handlers := new Response_Handler_Set (1 .. Max_Responses); -- Wait for a gprbuild connection on any addresses Address.Addr := Any_Inet_Addr; Address.Port := Port_Type (Port); Create_Socket (Server); Set_Socket_Option (Server, Socket_Level, (Reuse_Address, True)); Bind_Socket (Server, Address); if Port = 0 then Address := Get_Socket_Name (Server); end if; Put_Line ("GPRSLAVE " & Version.Gpr_Version_String & " on " & Host_Name & ":" & Image (Long_Integer (Address.Port))); Put_Line (" max processes :" & Integer'Image (Max_Processes)); Put_Line (" max responses :" & Integer'Image (Max_Responses)); -- Initialize the host key used to create unique pid Slave_Id := Get_Slave_Id; Display ("slave id " & Image (Slave_Id), Is_Debug => True); Listen_Socket (Server); Main_Loop : loop Wait_For_Master; end loop Main_Loop; exception when E : others => Display ("Unrecoverable error: GprSlave.", Force => True); Display (Symbolic_Traceback (E), Force => True); OS_Exit (1); end Gprslave;