-- -- Copyright (C) 2021-2023, AdaCore -- -- SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 -- -- Helper package to implement tests that comply with the expectations -- of the default test driver. with Ada.Strings.UTF_Encoding; with Ada.Calendar; use Ada.Calendar; with GNAT.Source_Info; with GNATCOLL.VFS; package Test_Assert is package SI renames GNAT.Source_Info; package VFS renames GNATCOLL.VFS; package UTF8 renames Ada.Strings.UTF_Encoding; Final_Status : Natural := 0; procedure Assert (Success : Boolean; Msg : String := ""; Location : String := SI.Source_Location); -- If Success is True then test case is considered PASSED, otherwise -- the test status is FAILED and Final_Status set to 1. procedure Assert (Left, Right : String; Msg : String := ""; Location : String := SI.Source_Location); -- If Left = Right then test case is considered PASSED, otherwise -- the test status is FAILED and Final_Status set to 1. procedure Assert (Left : Wide_String; Right : UTF8.UTF_8_String; Msg : String := ""; Location : String := SI.Source_Location); -- If Left = Right then test case is considered PASSED, otherwise -- the test status is FAILED and Final_Status set to 1. procedure Assert_Inferior (Left : Time; Right : Time; Msg : String := ""; Location : String := SI.Source_Location); -- If Left <= Right then test case is considred PASSED, otherwise -- the test status is FAILED and Final_Status set to 1. procedure Assert (Left : Integer; Right : Integer; Msg : String := ""; Location : String := SI.Source_Location); -- If Left = Right then test case is considered PASSED, otherwise -- the test status is FAILED and Final_Status set to 1. procedure Assert (Left, Right : VFS.Virtual_File; Msg : String := ""; Location : String := SI.Source_Location); -- If Left = Right then test case is considered PASSED, otherwise -- the test status is FAILED and Final_Status set to 1. Assert_Count : Natural := 0; -- Incremented every time an assert is called. Can be checked against a -- specific value to verify that the expected number of Asserts triggered, -- when their number depends on execution, e.g. if they are called from -- inside callbacks or conditional branches. function Report return Natural; -- Report should be called the following way at the end of a test -- program main function: -- -- return Report; -- -- Testsuite driver will consider a test to PASS if all the -- following conditions are met: -- -- * test program exit with status 0 -- * all assert calls did succeed -- * test program display the message "<=== TEST PASSED ===>" end Test_Assert;