with Ada.Strings; use Ada.Strings; with Ada.Strings.Fixed; use Ada.Strings.Fixed; package body Utils.Tool_Names is ------------ -- Target -- ------------ function Target return String is Tgt_Last : constant Natural := Index (Tool_Name, "-", Backward); AAMP_Idx : constant Natural := Index (Tool_Name, "gnaamp"); begin if AAMP_Idx = Tool_Name'First then return "AAMP"; elsif Tgt_Last > 0 then return Tool_Name (Tool_Name'First .. Tgt_Last - 1); else return ""; end if; end Target; --------------------- -- Basic_Tool_Name -- --------------------- function Basic_Tool_Name return String is Tgt_Last : constant Natural := Index (Tool_Name, "-", Backward); begin if Tgt_Last > 0 then return Tool_Name (Tgt_Last + 1 .. Tool_Name'Last); else return Tool_Name; end if; end Basic_Tool_Name; end Utils.Tool_Names;