-- -- Copyright (C) 2014-2022, AdaCore -- SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 -- with Ada.Exceptions; use Ada.Exceptions; with Ada.Strings.Wide_Wide_Unbounded; use Ada.Strings.Wide_Wide_Unbounded; with Ada.Unchecked_Conversion; with System; with Interfaces; use Interfaces; with Interfaces.C; use Interfaces.C; with Interfaces.C.Strings; use Interfaces.C.Strings; with Langkit_Support.Slocs; use Langkit_Support.Slocs; with Langkit_Support.Text; use Langkit_Support.Text; with Libadalang.Common; use Libadalang.Common; -- Internal package: defines data types and subprograms to provide the -- implementation of the exported C API (see the corresponding C header file). private package Libadalang.Implementation.C is subtype ada_analysis_context is Internal_Context; -- This type represents a context for all source analysis. This is the -- first type you need to create to use Libadalang. It will contain the -- results of all analysis, and is the main holder for all the data. -- -- You can create several analysis contexts if you need to, which enables -- you, for example to: -- -- * analyze several different projects at the same time; -- -- * analyze different parts of the same projects in parallel. -- -- In the current design, contexts always keep all of their analysis units -- allocated. If you need to get this memory released, the only option at -- your disposal is to destroy your analysis context instance. -- -- This structure is partially opaque: some fields are exposed to allow -- direct access, for performance concerns. subtype ada_analysis_unit is Internal_Unit; -- This type represents the analysis of a single file. -- -- This type has strong-reference semantics and is ref-counted. -- Furthermore, a reference to a unit contains an implicit reference to the -- context that owns it. This means that keeping a reference to a unit will -- keep the context and all the unit it contains allocated. -- -- This structure is partially opaque: some fields are exposed to allow -- direct access, for performance concerns. type ada_base_node is new System.Address; -- Data type for all nodes. Nodes are assembled to make up a tree. See the -- node primitives below to inspect such trees. -- -- Unlike for contexts and units, this type has weak-reference semantics: -- keeping a reference to a node has no effect on the decision to keep the -- unit that it owns allocated. This means that once all references to the -- context and units related to a node are dropped, the context and its -- units are deallocated and the node becomes a stale reference: most -- operations on it will raise a ``Stale_Reference_Error``. -- -- Note that since reparsing an analysis unit deallocates all the nodes it -- contains, this operation makes all reference to these nodes stale as -- well. type ada_node_kind_enum is new int; -- Kind of AST nodes in parse trees. subtype ada_base_entity is Internal_Entity; type ada_base_entity_Ptr is access Internal_Entity; type ada_symbol_type is record Data, Bounds : System.Address; end record with Convention => C; -- Reference to a symbol. Symbols are owned by analysis contexts, so they -- must not outlive them. This type exists only in the C API, and roughly -- wraps the corresponding Ada type (an array fat pointer). subtype ada_string_type is String_Type; -- Helper data structures for source location handling type ada_source_location is record Line : Unsigned_32; Column : Unsigned_16; end record with Convention => C; type ada_source_location_range is record Start_S, End_S : ada_source_location; end record with Convention => C; type ada_text is record Chars : System.Address; -- Address for the content of the string. Length : size_t; -- Size of the string (in characters). Is_Allocated : int; end record with Convention => C; -- String encoded in UTF-32 (native endianness). type ada_big_integer is new System.Address; -- Arbitrarily large integer. type ada_token is record Context : ada_analysis_context; Token_Data : Token_Data_Handler_Access; Token_Index, Trivia_Index : int; end record with Convention => C; -- Reference to a token in an analysis unit. type ada_diagnostic is record Sloc_Range : ada_source_location_range; Message : ada_text; -- When the API returns a diagnostic, it is up to the caller to free the -- message string. end record with Convention => C; -- Diagnostic for an analysis unit: cannot open the source file, parsing -- error, ... type ada_exception_kind is ( Exception_File_Read_Error, Exception_Bad_Type_Error, Exception_Out_Of_Bounds_Error, Exception_Invalid_Input, Exception_Invalid_Symbol_Error, Exception_Invalid_Unit_Name_Error, Exception_Native_Exception, Exception_Precondition_Failure, Exception_Property_Error, Exception_Template_Args_Error, Exception_Template_Format_Error, Exception_Template_Instantiation_Error, Exception_Stale_Reference_Error, Exception_Syntax_Error, Exception_Unknown_Charset, Exception_Malformed_Tree_Error, Exception_Invalid_Project, Exception_Unsupported_View_Error ) with Convention => C; -- Enumerated type describing all possible exceptions that need to be -- handled in the C bindings. type ada_exception is record Kind : ada_exception_kind; -- The kind of this exception. Information : chars_ptr; -- Message and context information associated with this exception. end record; -- Holder for native exceptions-related information. Memory management for -- this and all the fields is handled by the library: one just has to make -- sure not to keep references to it. -- -- .. TODO: For the moment, this structure contains already formatted -- information, but depending on possible future Ada runtime -- improvements, this might change. type ada_exception_Ptr is access ada_exception; type ada_bool is new Unsigned_8; subtype uint32_t is Unsigned_32; subtype ada_analysis_unit_kind is Analysis_Unit_Kind; subtype ada_lookup_kind is Lookup_Kind; subtype ada_designated_env_kind is Designated_Env_Kind; subtype ada_ref_result_kind is Ref_Result_Kind; subtype ada_call_expr_kind is Call_Expr_Kind; subtype ada_grammar_rule is Grammar_Rule; procedure Free (Address : System.Address) with Export => True, Convention => C, External_Name => "ada_free"; -- Free dynamically allocated memory. -- -- This is a helper to free objects from dynamic languages. -- Helper to free objects in dynamic languages procedure ada_destroy_text (T : access ada_text) with Export => True, Convention => C, External_Name => "ada_destroy_text"; -- If this text object owns the buffer it references, free this buffer. -- -- Note that even though this accepts a pointer to a text object, it does -- not deallocates the text object itself but rather the buffer it -- references. procedure ada_symbol_text (Symbol : access ada_symbol_type; Text : access ada_text) with Export, Convention => C, External_Name => "ada_symbol_text"; -- Return the text associated to this symbol. function ada_create_big_integer (Text : access ada_text) return ada_big_integer with Export, Convention => C, External_Name => "ada_create_big_integer"; -- Create a big integer from its string representation (in base 10). procedure ada_big_integer_text (Bigint : ada_big_integer; Text : access ada_text) with Export, Convention => C, External_Name => "ada_big_integer_text"; -- Return the string representation (in base 10) of this big integer. procedure ada_big_integer_decref (Bigint : ada_big_integer) with Export, Convention => C, External_Name => "ada_big_integer_decref"; -- Decrease the reference count for this big integer. procedure ada_get_versions (Version, Build_Date : access chars_ptr) with Export, Convention => C, External_Name => "ada_get_versions"; -- Allocate strings to represent the library version number and build date -- and put them in Version/Build_Date. Callers are expected to call free() -- on the returned string once done. function ada_create_string (Content : System.Address; Length : int) return ada_string_type with Export, Convention => C, External_Name => "ada_create_string"; -- Create a string value from its content (UTF32 with native endianity). -- -- Note that the CONTENT buffer argument is copied: the returned value does -- not contain a reference to it. procedure ada_string_dec_ref (Self : ada_string_type) with Export, Convention => C, External_Name => "ada_string_dec_ref"; -- Decrease the reference count for this string. ------------------ -- File readers -- ------------------ type ada_file_reader is new System.Address; -- Interface to override how source files are fetched and decoded. type ada_file_reader_destroy_callback is access procedure (Data : System.Address) with Convention => C; -- Callback type for functions that are called when destroying a file -- reader. type ada_file_reader_read_callback is access procedure (Data : System.Address; Filename : chars_ptr; Charset : chars_ptr; Read_BOM : int; Buffer : access ada_text; Diagnostic : access ada_diagnostic) with Convention => C; -- Callback type for functions that are called to fetch the decoded source -- buffer for a requested filename. -------------------- -- Event handlers -- -------------------- type ada_event_handler is new System.Address; -- Interface to handle events sent by the analysis context. type ada_event_handler_unit_requested_callback is access procedure (Data : System.Address; Context : ada_analysis_context; Name : access constant ada_text; From : ada_analysis_unit; Found : ada_bool; Is_Not_Found_Error : ada_bool) with Convention => C; -- Callback that will be called when a unit is requested from the context -- ``Context``. -- -- ``Name`` is the name of the requested unit. -- -- ``From`` is the unit from which the unit was requested. -- -- ``Found`` indicates whether the requested unit was found or not. -- -- ``Is_Not_Found_Error`` indicates whether the fact that the unit was not -- found is an error or not. -- -- .. warning:: The interface of this callback is probably subject to -- change, so should be treated as experimental. type ada_event_handler_unit_parsed_callback is access procedure (Data : System.Address; Context : ada_analysis_context; Unit : ada_analysis_unit; Reparsed : ada_bool) with Convention => C; -- Callback that will be called when any unit is parsed from the context -- ``Context``. -- -- ``Unit`` is the resulting unit. -- -- ``Reparsed`` indicates whether the unit was reparsed, or whether it was -- the first parse. type ada_event_handler_destroy_callback is access procedure (Data : System.Address) with Convention => C; -- Callback type for functions that are called when destroying an event -- handler. -------------------- -- Unit providers -- -------------------- type ada_unit_provider is new System.Address; -- Interface to fetch analysis units from a name and a unit kind. -- -- The unit provider mechanism provides an abstraction which assumes that -- to any couple (unit name, unit kind) we can associate at most one source -- file. This means that several couples can be associated to the same -- source file, but on the other hand, only one one source file can be -- associated to a couple. -- -- This is used to make the semantic analysis able to switch from one -- analysis units to another. -- -- See the documentation of each unit provider for the exact semantics of -- the unit name/kind information. ------------------------- -- Analysis primitives -- ------------------------- function ada_allocate_analysis_context return ada_analysis_context with Export, Convention => C, External_name => "ada_allocate_analysis_context"; -- Allocate a new analysis context. procedure ada_initialize_analysis_context (Context : ada_analysis_context; Charset : chars_ptr; File_Reader : ada_file_reader; Unit_Provider : ada_unit_provider; Event_Handler : ada_event_handler; With_Trivia : int; Tab_Stop : int) with Export, Convention => C, External_name => "ada_initialize_analysis_context"; -- Initialize an analysis context. Must be called right after -- ``Allocate_Context`` on its result. -- -- Having separate primitives for allocation/initialization allows library -- bindings to have a context wrapper (created between the two calls) ready -- when callbacks that happen during context initialization (for instance -- "unit parsed" events). function ada_context_incref (Context : ada_analysis_context) return ada_analysis_context with Export => True, Convention => C, External_name => "ada_context_incref"; -- Increase the reference count to an analysis context. Return the -- reference for convenience. procedure ada_context_decref (Context : ada_analysis_context) with Export => True, Convention => C, External_name => "ada_context_decref"; -- Decrease the reference count to an analysis context. Destruction happens -- when the ref-count reaches 0. function ada_context_symbol (Context : ada_analysis_context; Text : access ada_text; Symbol : access ada_symbol_type) return int with Export, Convention => C, External_name => "ada_context_symbol"; -- If the given string is a valid symbol, yield it as a symbol and return -- true. Otherwise, return false. procedure ada_context_discard_errors_in_populate_lexical_env (Context : ada_analysis_context; Discard : int) with Export => True, Convention => C, External_name => "ada_context_discard_errors_in_populate_lexical_env"; -- Debug helper. Set whether ``Property_Error`` exceptions raised in -- ``Populate_Lexical_Env`` should be discarded. They are by default. function ada_get_analysis_unit_from_file (Context : ada_analysis_context; Filename, Charset : chars_ptr; Reparse : int; Rule : ada_grammar_rule) return ada_analysis_unit with Export => True, Convention => C, External_name => "ada_get_analysis_unit_from_file"; -- Create a new analysis unit for ``Filename`` or return the existing one -- if any. If ``Reparse`` is true and the analysis unit already exists, -- reparse it from ``Filename``. -- -- ``Rule`` controls which grammar rule is used to parse the unit. -- -- Use ``Charset`` in order to decode the source. If ``Charset`` is empty -- then use the context's default charset. -- -- If any failure occurs, such as file opening, decoding, lexing or parsing -- failure, return an analysis unit anyway: errors are described as -- diagnostics of the returned analysis unit. function ada_get_analysis_unit_from_buffer (Context : ada_analysis_context; Filename, Charset : chars_ptr; Buffer : chars_ptr; Buffer_Size : size_t; Rule : ada_grammar_rule) return ada_analysis_unit with Export => True, Convention => C, External_name => "ada_get_analysis_unit_from_buffer"; -- Create a new analysis unit for ``Filename`` or return the existing one -- if any. Whether the analysis unit already exists or not, (re)parse it -- from the source code in ``Buffer``. -- -- ``Rule`` controls which grammar rule is used to parse the unit. -- -- Use ``Charset`` in order to decode the source. If ``Charset`` is empty -- then use the context's default charset. -- -- If any failure occurs, such as file opening, decoding, lexing or parsing -- failure, return an analysis unit anyway: errors are described as -- diagnostics of the returned analysis unit. function ada_get_analysis_unit_from_provider (Context : ada_analysis_context; Name : ada_text; Kind : ada_analysis_unit_kind; Charset : chars_ptr; Reparse : int) return ada_analysis_unit with Export => True, Convention => C, External_name => "ada_get_analysis_unit_from_provider"; -- Create a new analysis unit for ``Name``/``Kind`` or return the -- existing one if any. If ``Reparse`` is true and the analysis unit -- already exists, reparse it from the on-disk source file. -- -- The ``Name`` and ``Kind`` arguments are forwarded directly to query -- the context's unit provider and get the filename for the returned -- unit. See the documentation of the relevant unit provider for their -- exact semantics. -- -- Use ``Charset`` in order to decode the source. If ``Charset`` is -- empty then use the context's default charset. -- -- If the unit name cannot be tuned into a file name, return ``NULL``. -- If any other failure occurs, such as file opening, decoding, lexing -- or parsing failure, return an analysis unit anyway: errors are -- described as diagnostics of the returned analysis unit. procedure ada_unit_root (Unit : ada_analysis_unit; Result_P : ada_base_entity_Ptr) with Export => True, Convention => C, External_name => "ada_unit_root"; -- Return the root node for this unit, or ``NULL`` if there is none. procedure ada_unit_first_token (Unit : ada_analysis_unit; Token : access ada_token) with Export => True, Convention => C, External_name => "ada_unit_first_token"; -- Return a reference to the first token scanned in this unit. procedure ada_unit_last_token (Unit : ada_analysis_unit; Token : access ada_token) with Export => True, Convention => C, External_name => "ada_unit_last_token"; -- Return a reference to the last token scanned in this unit. function ada_unit_token_count (Unit : ada_analysis_unit) return int with Export => True, Convention => C, External_Name => "ada_unit_token_count"; -- Return the number of tokens in this unit. function ada_unit_trivia_count (Unit : ada_analysis_unit) return int with Export => True, Convention => C, External_Name => "ada_unit_trivia_count"; -- Return the number of trivias in this unit. This is 0 for units that were -- parsed with trivia analysis disabled. procedure ada_unit_lookup_token (Unit : ada_analysis_unit; Sloc : access ada_source_location; Result : access ada_token) with Export => True, Convention => C, External_Name => "ada_unit_lookup_token"; -- Look for a token in this unit that contains the given source location. -- If this falls before the first token, return the first token. If this -- falls between two tokens, return the token that appears before. If this -- falls after the last token, return the last token. If there is no token -- in this unit, return no token. procedure ada_unit_dump_lexical_env (Unit : ada_analysis_unit) with Export => True, Convention => C, External_Name => "ada_unit_dump_lexical_env"; function ada_unit_filename (Unit : ada_analysis_unit) return chars_ptr with Export => True, Convention => C, External_name => "ada_unit_filename"; -- Return the filename this unit is associated to. -- -- The returned string is dynamically allocated and the caller must free it -- when done with it. function ada_unit_diagnostic_count (Unit : ada_analysis_unit) return unsigned with Export => True, Convention => C, External_name => "ada_unit_diagnostic_count"; -- Return the number of diagnostics associated to this unit. function ada_unit_diagnostic (Unit : ada_analysis_unit; N : unsigned; Diagnostic_P : access ada_diagnostic) return int with Export => True, Convention => C, External_name => "ada_unit_diagnostic"; -- Get the Nth diagnostic in this unit and store it into ``*diagnostic_p``. -- Return zero on failure (when N is too big). function ada_unit_context (Unit : ada_analysis_unit) return ada_analysis_context with Export => True, Convention => C, External_name => "ada_unit_context"; -- Return the context that owns this unit. procedure ada_unit_reparse_from_file (Unit : ada_analysis_unit; Charset : chars_ptr) with Export => True, Convention => C, External_name => "ada_unit_reparse_from_file"; -- Reparse an analysis unit from the associated file. -- -- Use ``Charset`` in order to decode the source. If ``Charset`` is empty -- then use the context's default charset. -- -- If any failure occurs, such as decoding, lexing or parsing failure, -- diagnostic are emitted to explain what happened. procedure ada_unit_reparse_from_buffer (Unit : ada_analysis_unit; Charset : chars_ptr; Buffer : chars_ptr; Buffer_Size : size_t) with Export => True, Convention => C, External_name => "ada_unit_reparse_from_buffer"; -- Reparse an analysis unit from a buffer. -- -- Use ``Charset`` in order to decode the source. If ``Charset`` is empty -- then use the context's default charset. -- -- If any failure occurs, such as decoding, lexing or parsing failure, -- diagnostic are emitted to explain what happened. function ada_unit_populate_lexical_env (Unit : ada_analysis_unit ; PLE_Root_Index : int ) return int with Export => True, Convention => C, External_name => "ada_unit_populate_lexical_env"; -- Create lexical environments for this analysis unit, according to the -- specifications given in the language spec. -- -- If not done before, it will be automatically called during semantic -- analysis. Calling it before enables one to control where the latency -- occurs. -- -- Depending on whether errors are discarded (see -- ``Discard_Errors_In_Populate_Lexical_Env``), return ``0`` on failure and -- ``1`` on success. --------------------------------- -- General AST node primitives -- --------------------------------- function ada_is_equivalent (L, R : ada_base_entity_Ptr) return ada_bool with Export => True, Convention => C, External_name => "ada_node_is_equivalent"; -- Return whether the two nodes are equivalent. function ada_hash (Node : ada_base_entity_Ptr) return uint32_t with Export => True, Convention => C, External_name => "ada_node_hash"; -- Return a hash for the given node. function ada_node_kind (Node : ada_base_entity_Ptr) return ada_node_kind_enum with Export => True, Convention => C, External_name => "ada_node_kind"; -- Return the kind of this node. procedure ada_kind_name (Kind : ada_node_kind_enum; Result : access ada_text) with Export => True, Convention => C, External_name => "ada_kind_name"; -- Helper for textual dump: return the kind name for this node. The -- returned string is a copy and thus must be free'd by the caller. function ada_node_unit (Node : ada_base_entity_Ptr) return ada_analysis_unit with Export => True, Convention => C, External_Name => "ada_node_unit"; -- Return the analysis unit that owns this node. function ada_is_token_node (Node : ada_base_entity_Ptr) return int with Export => True, Convention => C, External_name => "ada_node_is_token_node"; -- Return whether this node is a node that contains only a single token. function ada_is_synthetic (Node : ada_base_entity_Ptr) return int with Export => True, Convention => C, External_name => "ada_node_is_synthetic"; -- Return whether this node is synthetic. procedure ada_node_image (Node : ada_base_entity_Ptr; Result : access ada_text) with Export => True, Convention => C, External_name => "ada_node_image"; -- Return a representation of this node as a string. procedure ada_node_text (Node : ada_base_entity_Ptr; Text : access ada_text) with Export, Convention => C, External_Name => "ada_node_text"; -- Return the source buffer slice corresponding to the text that spans -- between the first and the last tokens of this node. -- -- Note that this returns the empty string for synthetic nodes. procedure ada_node_sloc_range (Node : ada_base_entity_Ptr; Sloc_Range_P : access ada_source_location_range) with Export => True, Convention => C, External_name => "ada_node_sloc_range"; -- Return the spanning source location range for this node. -- -- Note that this returns the sloc of the parent for synthetic nodes. procedure ada_lookup_in_node (Node : ada_base_entity_Ptr; Sloc : ada_source_location; Result : ada_base_entity_Ptr) with Export => True, Convention => C, External_name => "ada_lookup_in_node"; -- Return the bottom-most node from in ``Node`` and its children which -- contains ``Sloc``, or ``NULL`` if there is none. function ada_node_children_count (Node : ada_base_entity_Ptr) return unsigned with Export => True, Convention => C, External_name => "ada_node_children_count"; -- Return the number of children in this node. function ada_node_child (Node : ada_base_entity_Ptr; N : unsigned; Child_P : ada_base_entity_Ptr) return int with Export => True, Convention => C, External_name => "ada_node_child"; -- Return the Nth child for in this node's fields and store it into -- ``*child_p``. Return zero on failure (when ``N`` is too big). function ada_text_to_locale_string (Text : ada_text) return System.Address with Export => True, Convention => C, External_name => "ada_text_to_locale_string"; -- Encode some text using the current locale. The result is dynamically -- allocated: it is up to the caller to free it when done with it. -- -- This is a development helper to make it quick and easy to print token -- and diagnostic text: it ignores errors (when the locale does not support -- some characters). Production code should use real conversion routines -- such as libiconv's in order to deal with UTF-32 texts. ------------------ -- File readers -- ------------------ function ada_create_file_reader (Data : System.Address; Destroy_Func : ada_file_reader_destroy_callback; Read_Func : ada_file_reader_read_callback) return ada_file_reader with Export => True, Convention => C, External_name => "ada_create_file_reader"; -- Create a file reader. When done with it, the result must be passed to -- ``ada_dec_ref_file_reader``. -- -- Pass as ``data`` a pointer to hold your private data: it will be passed -- to all callbacks below. -- -- ``destroy`` is a callback that is called by ``ada_dec_ref_file_reader`` -- to leave a chance to free resources that ``data`` may hold. -- -- ``read`` is a callback. For a given filename/charset and whether to read -- the BOM (Byte Order Mark), it tries to fetch the contents of the source -- file, returned in ``Contents``. If there is an error, it must return it -- in ``Diagnostic`` instead. procedure ada_dec_ref_file_reader (File_Reader : ada_file_reader) with Export => True, Convention => C, External_name => "ada_dec_ref_file_reader"; -- Release an ownership share for this file reader. This destroys the file -- reader if there are no shares left. -------------------- -- Event handlers -- -------------------- function ada_create_event_handler (Data : System.Address; Destroy_Func : ada_event_handler_destroy_callback; Unit_Requested_Func : ada_event_handler_unit_requested_callback; Unit_Parsed_Func : ada_event_handler_unit_parsed_callback) return ada_event_handler with Export => True, Convention => C, External_name => "ada_create_event_handler"; -- Create an event handler. When done with it, the result must be passed to -- ``ada_dec_ref_event_handler``. -- -- Pass as ``data`` a pointer to hold your private data: it will be passed -- to all callbacks below. -- -- ``destroy`` is a callback that is called by -- ``ada_dec_ref_event_handler`` to leave a chance to free resources that -- ``data`` may hold. ``NULL`` can be passed if nothing needs to be done. -- -- ``unit_requested`` is a callback that will be called when a unit is -- requested. -- -- .. warning:: Please note that the unit requested callback can be called -- *many* times for the same unit, so in all likeliness, those events -- should be filtered if they're used to forward diagnostics to the -- user. -- -- ``unit_parsed`` is a callback that will be called when a unit is parsed. procedure ada_dec_ref_event_handler (Handler : ada_event_handler) with Export => True, Convention => C, External_name => "ada_dec_ref_event_handler"; -- Release an ownership share for this event handler. This destroys the -- event handler if there are no shares left. -------------------- -- Unit providers -- -------------------- procedure ada_dec_ref_unit_provider (Provider : ada_unit_provider) with Export => True, Convention => C, External_name => "ada_dec_ref_unit_provider"; -- Release an ownership share for this unit provider. This destroys the -- unit provider if there are no shares left. ------------------ -- Struct types -- ------------------ subtype ada_internal_aspect is Internal_Aspect; type ada_internal_aspect_Ptr is access Internal_Aspect; subtype ada_internal_completion_item is Internal_Completion_Item; type ada_internal_completion_item_Ptr is access Internal_Completion_Item; subtype ada_internal_discrete_range is Internal_Discrete_Range; type ada_internal_discrete_range_Ptr is access Internal_Discrete_Range; subtype ada_internal_discriminant_values is Internal_Discriminant_Values; type ada_internal_discriminant_values_Ptr is access Internal_Discriminant_Values; subtype ada_internal_doc_annotation is Internal_Doc_Annotation; type ada_internal_doc_annotation_Ptr is access Internal_Doc_Annotation; procedure ada_internal_doc_annotation_inc_ref (R : ada_internal_doc_annotation_Ptr) with Export => True, Convention => C, External_name => "ada_internal_doc_annotation_inc_ref"; procedure ada_internal_doc_annotation_dec_ref (R : ada_internal_doc_annotation_Ptr) with Export => True, Convention => C, External_name => "ada_internal_doc_annotation_dec_ref"; subtype ada_internal_param_actual is Internal_Param_Actual; type ada_internal_param_actual_Ptr is access Internal_Param_Actual; subtype ada_internal_ref_result is Internal_Ref_Result; type ada_internal_ref_result_Ptr is access Internal_Ref_Result; subtype ada_internal_refd_decl is Internal_Refd_Decl; type ada_internal_refd_decl_Ptr is access Internal_Refd_Decl; subtype ada_internal_refd_def is Internal_Refd_Def; type ada_internal_refd_def_Ptr is access Internal_Refd_Def; subtype ada_internal_shape is Internal_Shape; type ada_internal_shape_Ptr is access Internal_Shape; procedure ada_internal_shape_inc_ref (R : ada_internal_shape_Ptr) with Export => True, Convention => C, External_name => "ada_internal_shape_inc_ref"; procedure ada_internal_shape_dec_ref (R : ada_internal_shape_Ptr) with Export => True, Convention => C, External_name => "ada_internal_shape_dec_ref"; subtype ada_internal_substitution is Internal_Substitution; type ada_internal_substitution_Ptr is access Internal_Substitution; procedure ada_internal_substitution_inc_ref (R : ada_internal_substitution_Ptr) with Export => True, Convention => C, External_name => "ada_internal_substitution_inc_ref"; procedure ada_internal_substitution_dec_ref (R : ada_internal_substitution_Ptr) with Export => True, Convention => C, External_name => "ada_internal_substitution_dec_ref"; ----------------- -- Array types -- ----------------- subtype ada_discriminant_values_array is Internal_Discriminant_Values_Array_Access; type ada_discriminant_values_array_Ptr is access Internal_Discriminant_Values_Array_Access; function ada_discriminant_values_array_create (Length : int) return Internal_Discriminant_Values_Array_Access with Export => True, Convention => C, External_name => "ada_discriminant_values_array_create"; procedure ada_discriminant_values_array_inc_ref (A : Internal_Discriminant_Values_Array_Access) with Export => True, Convention => C, External_name => "ada_discriminant_values_array_inc_ref"; procedure ada_discriminant_values_array_dec_ref (A : Internal_Discriminant_Values_Array_Access) with Export => True, Convention => C, External_name => "ada_discriminant_values_array_dec_ref"; subtype ada_doc_annotation_array is Internal_Doc_Annotation_Array_Access; type ada_doc_annotation_array_Ptr is access Internal_Doc_Annotation_Array_Access; function ada_doc_annotation_array_create (Length : int) return Internal_Doc_Annotation_Array_Access with Export => True, Convention => C, External_name => "ada_doc_annotation_array_create"; procedure ada_doc_annotation_array_inc_ref (A : Internal_Doc_Annotation_Array_Access) with Export => True, Convention => C, External_name => "ada_doc_annotation_array_inc_ref"; procedure ada_doc_annotation_array_dec_ref (A : Internal_Doc_Annotation_Array_Access) with Export => True, Convention => C, External_name => "ada_doc_annotation_array_dec_ref"; subtype ada_ada_node_array is Internal_Entity_Array_Access; type ada_ada_node_array_Ptr is access Internal_Entity_Array_Access; function ada_ada_node_array_create (Length : int) return Internal_Entity_Array_Access with Export => True, Convention => C, External_name => "ada_ada_node_array_create"; procedure ada_ada_node_array_inc_ref (A : Internal_Entity_Array_Access) with Export => True, Convention => C, External_name => "ada_ada_node_array_inc_ref"; procedure ada_ada_node_array_dec_ref (A : Internal_Entity_Array_Access) with Export => True, Convention => C, External_name => "ada_ada_node_array_dec_ref"; subtype ada_param_actual_array is Internal_Param_Actual_Array_Access; type ada_param_actual_array_Ptr is access Internal_Param_Actual_Array_Access; function ada_param_actual_array_create (Length : int) return Internal_Param_Actual_Array_Access with Export => True, Convention => C, External_name => "ada_param_actual_array_create"; procedure ada_param_actual_array_inc_ref (A : Internal_Param_Actual_Array_Access) with Export => True, Convention => C, External_name => "ada_param_actual_array_inc_ref"; procedure ada_param_actual_array_dec_ref (A : Internal_Param_Actual_Array_Access) with Export => True, Convention => C, External_name => "ada_param_actual_array_dec_ref"; subtype ada_ref_result_array is Internal_Ref_Result_Array_Access; type ada_ref_result_array_Ptr is access Internal_Ref_Result_Array_Access; function ada_ref_result_array_create (Length : int) return Internal_Ref_Result_Array_Access with Export => True, Convention => C, External_name => "ada_ref_result_array_create"; procedure ada_ref_result_array_inc_ref (A : Internal_Ref_Result_Array_Access) with Export => True, Convention => C, External_name => "ada_ref_result_array_inc_ref"; procedure ada_ref_result_array_dec_ref (A : Internal_Ref_Result_Array_Access) with Export => True, Convention => C, External_name => "ada_ref_result_array_dec_ref"; subtype ada_shape_array is Internal_Shape_Array_Access; type ada_shape_array_Ptr is access Internal_Shape_Array_Access; function ada_shape_array_create (Length : int) return Internal_Shape_Array_Access with Export => True, Convention => C, External_name => "ada_shape_array_create"; procedure ada_shape_array_inc_ref (A : Internal_Shape_Array_Access) with Export => True, Convention => C, External_name => "ada_shape_array_inc_ref"; procedure ada_shape_array_dec_ref (A : Internal_Shape_Array_Access) with Export => True, Convention => C, External_name => "ada_shape_array_dec_ref"; subtype ada_substitution_array is Internal_Substitution_Array_Access; type ada_substitution_array_Ptr is access Internal_Substitution_Array_Access; function ada_substitution_array_create (Length : int) return Internal_Substitution_Array_Access with Export => True, Convention => C, External_name => "ada_substitution_array_create"; procedure ada_substitution_array_inc_ref (A : Internal_Substitution_Array_Access) with Export => True, Convention => C, External_name => "ada_substitution_array_inc_ref"; procedure ada_substitution_array_dec_ref (A : Internal_Substitution_Array_Access) with Export => True, Convention => C, External_name => "ada_substitution_array_dec_ref"; subtype ada_analysis_unit_array is Internal_Unit_Array_Access; type ada_analysis_unit_array_Ptr is access Internal_Unit_Array_Access; function ada_analysis_unit_array_create (Length : int) return Internal_Unit_Array_Access with Export => True, Convention => C, External_name => "ada_analysis_unit_array_create"; procedure ada_analysis_unit_array_inc_ref (A : Internal_Unit_Array_Access) with Export => True, Convention => C, External_name => "ada_analysis_unit_array_inc_ref"; procedure ada_analysis_unit_array_dec_ref (A : Internal_Unit_Array_Access) with Export => True, Convention => C, External_name => "ada_analysis_unit_array_dec_ref"; subtype ada_unbounded_text_type_array is Symbol_Type_Array_Access; type ada_unbounded_text_type_array_Ptr is access Symbol_Type_Array_Access; function ada_unbounded_text_type_array_create (Length : int) return Symbol_Type_Array_Access with Export => True, Convention => C, External_name => "ada_unbounded_text_type_array_create"; procedure ada_unbounded_text_type_array_inc_ref (A : Symbol_Type_Array_Access) with Export => True, Convention => C, External_name => "ada_unbounded_text_type_array_inc_ref"; procedure ada_unbounded_text_type_array_dec_ref (A : Symbol_Type_Array_Access) with Export => True, Convention => C, External_name => "ada_unbounded_text_type_array_dec_ref"; -------------------- -- Iterator types -- -------------------- subtype ada_completion_item_iterator is Internal_Completion_Item_Iterator_Access; function ada_completion_item_iterator_next (I : Internal_Completion_Item_Iterator_Access; E : access Internal_Completion_Item) return int with Export => True, Convention => C, External_name => "ada_completion_item_iterator_next"; procedure ada_completion_item_iterator_inc_ref (A : Internal_Completion_Item_Iterator_Access) with Export => True, Convention => C, External_name => "ada_completion_item_iterator_inc_ref"; procedure ada_completion_item_iterator_dec_ref (A : Internal_Completion_Item_Iterator_Access) with Export => True, Convention => C, External_name => "ada_completion_item_iterator_dec_ref"; ---------- -- Misc -- ---------- function ada_get_last_exception return ada_exception_Ptr with Export => True, Convention => C, External_Name => "ada_get_last_exception"; -- Return exception information for the last error that happened in the -- current thread. Will be automatically allocated on error and free'd on -- the next error. function ada_exception_name (Kind : ada_exception_kind) return chars_ptr with Export, Convention => C; -- Return the name of the given exception kind. Callers are responsible for -- free'ing the result. procedure Clear_Last_Exception; -- Free the information contained in Last_Exception procedure Set_Last_Exception (Exc : Exception_Occurrence); -- Free the information contained in Last_Exception and replace it with -- newly allocated information from Exc. procedure Set_Last_Exception (Id : Exception_Id; Message : String); -- Likewise, but put destructured exception information. This is useful to -- pass messages that are longer than what the Ada runtime accepts (i.e. -- allows to avoid truncated error messages). function ada_token_get_kind (Token : ada_token) return int with Export => True, Convention => C, External_Name => "ada_token_get_kind"; -- Kind for this token. function ada_token_kind_name (Kind : int) return chars_ptr with Export => True, Convention => C, External_Name => "ada_token_kind_name"; -- Return a human-readable name for a token kind. -- -- The returned string is dynamically allocated and the caller must free it -- when done with it. -- -- If the given kind is invalid, return ``NULL`` and set the last exception -- accordingly. procedure ada_token_sloc_range (Token : ada_token; Result : access ada_source_location_range) with Export => True, Convention => C, External_Name => "ada_token_sloc_range"; -- Return the source location range of the given token. procedure ada_token_next (Token : ada_token; Next_Token : access ada_token) with Export => True, Convention => C, External_name => "ada_token_next"; -- Return a reference to the next token in the corresponding analysis unit. procedure ada_token_previous (Token : ada_token; Previous_Token : access ada_token) with Export => True, Convention => C, External_name => "ada_token_previous"; -- Return a reference to the previous token in the corresponding analysis -- unit. function ada_token_range_text (First, Last : ada_token; Text : access ada_text) return int with Export => True, Convention => C, External_Name => "ada_token_range_text"; -- Compute the source buffer slice corresponding to the text that spans -- between the ``First`` and ``Last`` tokens (both included). This yields -- an empty slice if ``Last`` actually appears before ``First``. Put the -- result in ``RESULT``. -- -- This returns ``0`` if ``First`` and ``Last`` don't belong to the same -- analysis unit. Return ``1`` if successful. function ada_token_is_equivalent (Left : ada_token; Right : ada_token) return ada_bool with Export => True, Convention => C, External_name => "ada_token_is_equivalent"; -- Return whether ``L`` and ``R`` are structurally equivalent tokens. This -- means that their position in the stream won't be taken into account, -- only the kind and text of the token. --------------------------------------- -- Kind-specific AST node primitives -- --------------------------------------- -- All these primitives return their result through an OUT parameter. They -- return a boolean telling whether the operation was successful (it can -- fail if the node does not have the proper type, for instance). When an -- AST node is returned, its ref-count is left as-is. function ada_ada_node_p_declarative_scope (Node : ada_base_entity_Ptr; Value_P : access ada_base_entity) return int with Export => True, Convention => C, External_name => "ada_ada_node_p_declarative_scope"; -- Return the scope of definition of this basic declaration. function ada_ada_node_p_enclosing_compilation_unit (Node : ada_base_entity_Ptr; Value_P : access ada_base_entity) return int with Export => True, Convention => C, External_name => "ada_ada_node_p_enclosing_compilation_unit"; -- Return the compilation unit containing this node. -- -- .. note:: This returns the :ada:ref:`Compilation_Unit` node, which is -- different from the ``AnalysisUnit``. In particular, an analysis unit -- can contain multiple compilation units. function ada_ada_node_p_get_uninstantiated_node (Node : ada_base_entity_Ptr; Value_P : access ada_base_entity) return int with Export => True, Convention => C, External_name => "ada_ada_node_p_get_uninstantiated_node"; -- Assuming this node comes from an instantiated generic declaration, -- return its non-instantiated counterpart lying in the generic -- declaration. function ada_ada_node_p_complete (Node : ada_base_entity_Ptr; Value_P : access ada_completion_item_iterator) return int with Export => True, Convention => C, External_name => "ada_ada_node_p_complete"; -- Return possible completions at this point in the file. function ada_ada_node_p_valid_keywords (Node : ada_base_entity_Ptr; Value_P : access ada_unbounded_text_type_array) return int with Export => True, Convention => C, External_name => "ada_ada_node_p_valid_keywords"; -- Return the list of keywords that are valid at this point in the file. -- -- .. note:: This is work in progress. It will return all keywords for now, -- without looking at the context. function ada_ada_node_p_generic_instantiations (Node : ada_base_entity_Ptr; Value_P : access ada_ada_node_array) return int with Export => True, Convention => C, External_name => "ada_ada_node_p_generic_instantiations"; -- Return the potentially empty list of generic package/subprogram -- instantiations that led to the creation of this entity. Outer-most -- instantiations appear last. function ada_ada_node_p_semantic_parent (Node : ada_base_entity_Ptr; Value_P : access ada_base_entity) return int with Export => True, Convention => C, External_name => "ada_ada_node_p_semantic_parent"; -- Return the semantic parent for this node, if applicable, null otherwise. -- -- .. note:: A node lying outside of a library item's declaration or -- subunit's body does not have a parent environment, meaning that this -- property will return null. function ada_ada_node_p_parent_basic_decl (Node : ada_base_entity_Ptr; Value_P : access ada_base_entity) return int with Export => True, Convention => C, External_name => "ada_ada_node_p_parent_basic_decl"; -- Return the parent basic decl for this node, if applicable, null -- otherwise. -- -- .. note:: If the parent BasicDecl of the given node is a generic -- declaration, this call will return the instantiation from which the -- node was retrieved instead, if any. -- -- .. note:: When called on a subunit's body, this property will return its -- corresponding body stub. -- -- .. note:: When called on a node lying outside of a library item's -- declaration or subunit's body this property will return null. function ada_ada_node_p_filter_is_imported_by (Node : ada_base_entity_Ptr; Units : ada_analysis_unit_array; Transitive : ada_bool; Value_P : access ada_analysis_unit_array) return int with Export => True, Convention => C, External_name => "ada_ada_node_p_filter_is_imported_by"; -- Filters out among the list of given units those that cannot refer to the -- unit in which this node lies. If transitive is True, the whole -- transitive closure of imports will be used to find a reference to the -- unit of this node. function ada_ada_node_p_xref_entry_point (Node : ada_base_entity_Ptr; Value_P : access ada_bool) return int with Export => True, Convention => C, External_name => "ada_ada_node_p_xref_entry_point"; -- Designates entities that are entry point for the xref solving -- infrastructure. If this returns true, then resolve_names can be called -- on it. -- -- .. note:: For convenience, and unlike what is defined in the ARM wrt. -- complete contexts for name resolution, ``xref_entry_points`` can be -- nested. function ada_ada_node_p_resolve_names (Node : ada_base_entity_Ptr; Value_P : access ada_bool) return int with Export => True, Convention => C, External_name => "ada_ada_node_p_resolve_names"; -- This will resolve names for this node. If the operation is successful, -- then type_var and ref_var will be bound on appropriate subnodes of the -- statement. function ada_ada_node_p_standard_unit (Node : ada_base_entity_Ptr; Value_P : access ada_analysis_unit) return int with Export => True, Convention => C, External_name => "ada_ada_node_p_standard_unit"; -- Static method. Return the analysis unit corresponding to the Standard -- package. function ada_ada_node_p_std_entity (Node : ada_base_entity_Ptr; Sym : access constant ada_symbol_type; Value_P : access ada_base_entity) return int with Export => True, Convention => C, External_name => "ada_ada_node_p_std_entity"; -- Static property. Return an entity from the standard package with name -- ``sym``. function ada_ada_node_p_bool_type (Node : ada_base_entity_Ptr; Value_P : access ada_base_entity) return int with Export => True, Convention => C, External_name => "ada_ada_node_p_bool_type"; -- Static method. Return the standard Boolean type. function ada_ada_node_p_int_type (Node : ada_base_entity_Ptr; Value_P : access ada_base_entity) return int with Export => True, Convention => C, External_name => "ada_ada_node_p_int_type"; -- Static method. Return the standard Integer type. function ada_ada_node_p_universal_int_type (Node : ada_base_entity_Ptr; Value_P : access ada_base_entity) return int with Export => True, Convention => C, External_name => "ada_ada_node_p_universal_int_type"; -- Static method. Return the standard Universal Integer type. function ada_ada_node_p_universal_real_type (Node : ada_base_entity_Ptr; Value_P : access ada_base_entity) return int with Export => True, Convention => C, External_name => "ada_ada_node_p_universal_real_type"; -- Static method. Return the standard Universal Real type. function ada_ada_node_p_std_char_type (Node : ada_base_entity_Ptr; Value_P : access ada_base_entity) return int with Export => True, Convention => C, External_name => "ada_ada_node_p_std_char_type"; -- Static method. Return the standard Character type. function ada_ada_node_p_std_wide_char_type (Node : ada_base_entity_Ptr; Value_P : access ada_base_entity) return int with Export => True, Convention => C, External_name => "ada_ada_node_p_std_wide_char_type"; -- Static method. Return the standard Wide_Character type. function ada_ada_node_p_std_wide_wide_char_type (Node : ada_base_entity_Ptr; Value_P : access ada_base_entity) return int with Export => True, Convention => C, External_name => "ada_ada_node_p_std_wide_wide_char_type"; -- Static method. Return the standard Wide_Wide_Character type. function ada_ada_node_p_top_level_decl (Node : ada_base_entity_Ptr; Unit : ada_analysis_unit; Value_P : access ada_base_entity) return int with Export => True, Convention => C, External_name => "ada_ada_node_p_top_level_decl"; -- Static method. Get the top-level decl in ``unit``. This is the body of -- a Subunit, or the item of a ``LibraryItem``. function ada_ada_node_p_choice_match (Node : ada_base_entity_Ptr; Value : access constant ada_big_integer; Value_P : access ada_bool) return int with Export => True, Convention => C, External_name => "ada_ada_node_p_choice_match"; -- Assuming that self is a choice expression (such as what can appear in an -- alternative of a case statement or in the RHS of a membership -- expression, this property returns whether the given value satisfies it. -- -- .. attention:: This is an experimental feature, so even if it is exposed -- to allow experiments, it is totally unsupported and the API and -- behavior are very likely to change in the future. function ada_ada_node_p_gnat_xref (Node : ada_base_entity_Ptr; Imprecise_Fallback : ada_bool; Value_P : access ada_base_entity) return int with Export => True, Convention => C, External_name => "ada_ada_node_p_gnat_xref"; -- Return a cross reference from this name to a defining identifier, trying -- to mimic GNAT's xrefs as much as possible. function ada_ada_node_parent (Node : ada_base_entity_Ptr; Value_P : access ada_base_entity) return int with Export => True, Convention => C, External_name => "ada_ada_node_parent"; -- Return the syntactic parent for this node. Return null for the root -- node. function ada_ada_node_parents (Node : ada_base_entity_Ptr; With_Self : ada_bool; Value_P : access ada_ada_node_array) return int with Export => True, Convention => C, External_name => "ada_ada_node_parents"; -- Return an array that contains the lexical parents, this node included -- iff ``with_self`` is True. Nearer parents are first in the list. function ada_ada_node_children (Node : ada_base_entity_Ptr; Value_P : access ada_ada_node_array) return int with Export => True, Convention => C, External_name => "ada_ada_node_children"; -- Return an array that contains the direct lexical children. -- -- .. warning:: This constructs a whole array every-time you call it, and -- as such is less efficient than calling the ``Child`` built-in. function ada_ada_node_token_start (Node : ada_base_entity_Ptr; Value_P : access ada_token) return int with Export => True, Convention => C, External_name => "ada_ada_node_token_start"; -- Return the first token used to parse this node. function ada_ada_node_token_end (Node : ada_base_entity_Ptr; Value_P : access ada_token) return int with Export => True, Convention => C, External_name => "ada_ada_node_token_end"; -- Return the last token used to parse this node. function ada_ada_node_child_index (Node : ada_base_entity_Ptr; Value_P : access int) return int with Export => True, Convention => C, External_name => "ada_ada_node_child_index"; -- Return the 0-based index for Node in its parent's children. function ada_ada_node_previous_sibling (Node : ada_base_entity_Ptr; Value_P : access ada_base_entity) return int with Export => True, Convention => C, External_name => "ada_ada_node_previous_sibling"; -- Return the node's previous sibling, or null if there is no such sibling. function ada_ada_node_next_sibling (Node : ada_base_entity_Ptr; Value_P : access ada_base_entity) return int with Export => True, Convention => C, External_name => "ada_ada_node_next_sibling"; -- Return the node's next sibling, or null if there is no such sibling. function ada_ada_node_unit (Node : ada_base_entity_Ptr; Value_P : access ada_analysis_unit) return int with Export => True, Convention => C, External_name => "ada_ada_node_unit"; -- Return the analysis unit owning this node. function ada_ada_node_is_ghost (Node : ada_base_entity_Ptr; Value_P : access ada_bool) return int with Export => True, Convention => C, External_name => "ada_ada_node_is_ghost"; -- Return whether the node is a ghost. -- -- Unlike regular nodes, ghost nodes cover no token in the input source: -- they are logically located instead between two tokens. Both the -- ``token_start`` and the ``token_end`` of all ghost nodes is the token -- right after this logical position. function ada_ada_node_full_sloc_image (Node : ada_base_entity_Ptr; Value_P : access ada_string_type) return int with Export => True, Convention => C, External_name => "ada_ada_node_full_sloc_image"; -- Return a string containing the filename + the sloc in GNU conformant -- format. Useful to create diagnostics from a node. function ada_abort_node_p_as_bool (Node : ada_base_entity_Ptr; Value_P : access ada_bool) return int with Export => True, Convention => C, External_name => "ada_abort_node_p_as_bool"; -- Return whether this is an instance of AbortPresent function ada_abstract_node_p_as_bool (Node : ada_base_entity_Ptr; Value_P : access ada_bool) return int with Export => True, Convention => C, External_name => "ada_abstract_node_p_as_bool"; -- Return whether this is an instance of AbstractPresent function ada_assoc_list_p_zip_with_params (Node : ada_base_entity_Ptr; Imprecise_Fallback : ada_bool; Value_P : access ada_param_actual_array) return int with Export => True, Convention => C, External_name => "ada_assoc_list_p_zip_with_params"; -- Returns an array of pairs, associating formal parameters to actual -- expressions. The formals to match are retrieved by resolving the call -- which this AssocList represents the actuals of. function ada_aliased_node_p_as_bool (Node : ada_base_entity_Ptr; Value_P : access ada_bool) return int with Export => True, Convention => C, External_name => "ada_aliased_node_p_as_bool"; -- Return whether this is an instance of AliasedPresent function ada_all_node_p_as_bool (Node : ada_base_entity_Ptr; Value_P : access ada_bool) return int with Export => True, Convention => C, External_name => "ada_all_node_p_as_bool"; -- Return whether this is an instance of AllPresent function ada_constrained_array_indices_f_list (Node : ada_base_entity_Ptr; Value_P : access ada_base_entity) return int with Export => True, Convention => C, External_name => "ada_constrained_array_indices_f_list"; -- This field contains a list that itself contains one of the following -- nodes: :ada:ref:`Attribute_Ref`, :ada:ref:`Bin_Op`, -- :ada:ref:`Call_Expr`, :ada:ref:`Char_Literal`, :ada:ref:`Dotted_Name`, -- :ada:ref:`Explicit_Deref`, :ada:ref:`Identifier`, :ada:ref:`Qual_Expr`, -- :ada:ref:`Reduce_Attribute_Ref`, :ada:ref:`String_Literal`, -- :ada:ref:`Subtype_Indication`, :ada:ref:`Target_Name`, -- :ada:ref:`Update_Attribute_Ref` -- -- When there are no parsing errors, this field is never null. function ada_unconstrained_array_indices_f_types (Node : ada_base_entity_Ptr; Value_P : access ada_base_entity) return int with Export => True, Convention => C, External_name => "ada_unconstrained_array_indices_f_types"; -- When there are no parsing errors, this field is never null. function ada_aspect_assoc_f_id (Node : ada_base_entity_Ptr; Value_P : access ada_base_entity) return int with Export => True, Convention => C, External_name => "ada_aspect_assoc_f_id"; -- This field can contain one of the following nodes: -- :ada:ref:`Attribute_Ref`, :ada:ref:`Call_Expr`, :ada:ref:`Char_Literal`, -- :ada:ref:`Dotted_Name`, :ada:ref:`Explicit_Deref`, -- :ada:ref:`Identifier`, :ada:ref:`Qual_Expr`, -- :ada:ref:`Reduce_Attribute_Ref`, :ada:ref:`String_Literal`, -- :ada:ref:`Target_Name`, :ada:ref:`Update_Attribute_Ref` -- -- When there are no parsing errors, this field is never null. function ada_aspect_assoc_f_expr (Node : ada_base_entity_Ptr; Value_P : access ada_base_entity) return int with Export => True, Convention => C, External_name => "ada_aspect_assoc_f_expr"; -- This field can contain one of the following nodes: -- :ada:ref:`Abstract_State_Decl_Expr`, :ada:ref:`Allocator`, -- :ada:ref:`Attribute_Ref`, :ada:ref:`Base_Aggregate`, :ada:ref:`Bin_Op`, -- :ada:ref:`Call_Expr`, :ada:ref:`Char_Literal`, :ada:ref:`Concat_Op`, -- :ada:ref:`Cond_Expr`, :ada:ref:`Contract_Cases`, :ada:ref:`Decl_Expr`, -- :ada:ref:`Dotted_Name`, :ada:ref:`Explicit_Deref`, -- :ada:ref:`Identifier`, :ada:ref:`Membership_Expr`, -- :ada:ref:`Null_Literal`, :ada:ref:`Num_Literal`, :ada:ref:`Paren_Expr`, -- :ada:ref:`Qual_Expr`, :ada:ref:`Quantified_Expr`, :ada:ref:`Raise_Expr`, -- :ada:ref:`Reduce_Attribute_Ref`, :ada:ref:`String_Literal`, -- :ada:ref:`Target_Name`, :ada:ref:`Un_Op`, -- :ada:ref:`Update_Attribute_Ref` -- -- This field may be null even when there are no parsing errors. function ada_aspect_assoc_p_is_ghost_code (Node : ada_base_entity_Ptr; Value_P : access ada_bool) return int with Export => True, Convention => C, External_name => "ada_aspect_assoc_p_is_ghost_code"; -- Return whether this aspect is ghost code or not. See SPARK RM 6.9. function ada_at_clause_f_name (Node : ada_base_entity_Ptr; Value_P : access ada_base_entity) return int with Export => True, Convention => C, External_name => "ada_at_clause_f_name"; -- This field can contain one of the following nodes: -- :ada:ref:`Char_Literal`, :ada:ref:`Identifier`, -- :ada:ref:`String_Literal` -- -- When there are no parsing errors, this field is never null. function ada_at_clause_f_expr (Node : ada_base_entity_Ptr; Value_P : access ada_base_entity) return int with Export => True, Convention => C, External_name => "ada_at_clause_f_expr"; -- This field can contain one of the following nodes: :ada:ref:`Allocator`, -- :ada:ref:`Attribute_Ref`, :ada:ref:`Base_Aggregate`, :ada:ref:`Bin_Op`, -- :ada:ref:`Call_Expr`, :ada:ref:`Char_Literal`, :ada:ref:`Concat_Op`, -- :ada:ref:`Cond_Expr`, :ada:ref:`Decl_Expr`, :ada:ref:`Dotted_Name`, -- :ada:ref:`Explicit_Deref`, :ada:ref:`Identifier`, -- :ada:ref:`Membership_Expr`, :ada:ref:`Null_Literal`, -- :ada:ref:`Num_Literal`, :ada:ref:`Paren_Expr`, :ada:ref:`Qual_Expr`, -- :ada:ref:`Quantified_Expr`, :ada:ref:`Raise_Expr`, -- :ada:ref:`Reduce_Attribute_Ref`, :ada:ref:`String_Literal`, -- :ada:ref:`Target_Name`, :ada:ref:`Un_Op`, -- :ada:ref:`Update_Attribute_Ref` -- -- When there are no parsing errors, this field is never null. function ada_attribute_def_clause_f_attribute_expr (Node : ada_base_entity_Ptr; Value_P : access ada_base_entity) return int with Export => True, Convention => C, External_name => "ada_attribute_def_clause_f_attribute_expr"; -- This field can contain one of the following nodes: -- :ada:ref:`Attribute_Ref`, :ada:ref:`Call_Expr`, :ada:ref:`Char_Literal`, -- :ada:ref:`Dotted_Name`, :ada:ref:`Explicit_Deref`, -- :ada:ref:`Identifier`, :ada:ref:`Qual_Expr`, -- :ada:ref:`Reduce_Attribute_Ref`, :ada:ref:`String_Literal`, -- :ada:ref:`Target_Name`, :ada:ref:`Update_Attribute_Ref` -- -- When there are no parsing errors, this field is never null. function ada_attribute_def_clause_f_expr (Node : ada_base_entity_Ptr; Value_P : access ada_base_entity) return int with Export => True, Convention => C, External_name => "ada_attribute_def_clause_f_expr"; -- This field can contain one of the following nodes: :ada:ref:`Allocator`, -- :ada:ref:`Attribute_Ref`, :ada:ref:`Base_Aggregate`, :ada:ref:`Bin_Op`, -- :ada:ref:`Call_Expr`, :ada:ref:`Char_Literal`, :ada:ref:`Concat_Op`, -- :ada:ref:`Cond_Expr`, :ada:ref:`Decl_Expr`, :ada:ref:`Dotted_Name`, -- :ada:ref:`Explicit_Deref`, :ada:ref:`Identifier`, -- :ada:ref:`Membership_Expr`, :ada:ref:`Null_Literal`, -- :ada:ref:`Num_Literal`, :ada:ref:`Paren_Expr`, :ada:ref:`Qual_Expr`, -- :ada:ref:`Quantified_Expr`, :ada:ref:`Raise_Expr`, -- :ada:ref:`Reduce_Attribute_Ref`, :ada:ref:`String_Literal`, -- :ada:ref:`Target_Name`, :ada:ref:`Un_Op`, -- :ada:ref:`Update_Attribute_Ref` -- -- When there are no parsing errors, this field is never null. function ada_enum_rep_clause_f_type_name (Node : ada_base_entity_Ptr; Value_P : access ada_base_entity) return int with Export => True, Convention => C, External_name => "ada_enum_rep_clause_f_type_name"; -- This field can contain one of the following nodes: -- :ada:ref:`Char_Literal`, :ada:ref:`Dotted_Name`, :ada:ref:`Identifier`, -- :ada:ref:`String_Literal` -- -- When there are no parsing errors, this field is never null. function ada_enum_rep_clause_f_aggregate (Node : ada_base_entity_Ptr; Value_P : access ada_base_entity) return int with Export => True, Convention => C, External_name => "ada_enum_rep_clause_f_aggregate"; -- When there are no parsing errors, this field is never null. function ada_enum_rep_clause_p_params (Node : ada_base_entity_Ptr; Value_P : access ada_param_actual_array) return int with Export => True, Convention => C, External_name => "ada_enum_rep_clause_p_params"; -- Returns an array of pairs, associating enum literals to representation -- clause actuals. function ada_record_rep_clause_f_name (Node : ada_base_entity_Ptr; Value_P : access ada_base_entity) return int with Export => True, Convention => C, External_name => "ada_record_rep_clause_f_name"; -- This field can contain one of the following nodes: -- :ada:ref:`Char_Literal`, :ada:ref:`Dotted_Name`, :ada:ref:`Identifier`, -- :ada:ref:`String_Literal` -- -- When there are no parsing errors, this field is never null. function ada_record_rep_clause_f_at_expr (Node : ada_base_entity_Ptr; Value_P : access ada_base_entity) return int with Export => True, Convention => C, External_name => "ada_record_rep_clause_f_at_expr"; -- This field can contain one of the following nodes: :ada:ref:`Allocator`, -- :ada:ref:`Attribute_Ref`, :ada:ref:`Base_Aggregate`, :ada:ref:`Bin_Op`, -- :ada:ref:`Call_Expr`, :ada:ref:`Char_Literal`, :ada:ref:`Concat_Op`, -- :ada:ref:`Cond_Expr`, :ada:ref:`Decl_Expr`, :ada:ref:`Dotted_Name`, -- :ada:ref:`Explicit_Deref`, :ada:ref:`Identifier`, -- :ada:ref:`Null_Literal`, :ada:ref:`Num_Literal`, :ada:ref:`Paren_Expr`, -- :ada:ref:`Qual_Expr`, :ada:ref:`Quantified_Expr`, :ada:ref:`Raise_Expr`, -- :ada:ref:`Reduce_Attribute_Ref`, :ada:ref:`String_Literal`, -- :ada:ref:`Target_Name`, :ada:ref:`Un_Op`, -- :ada:ref:`Update_Attribute_Ref` -- -- This field may be null even when there are no parsing errors. function ada_record_rep_clause_f_components (Node : ada_base_entity_Ptr; Value_P : access ada_base_entity) return int with Export => True, Convention => C, External_name => "ada_record_rep_clause_f_components"; -- This field contains a list that itself contains one of the following -- nodes: :ada:ref:`Component_Clause`, :ada:ref:`Pragma_Node` -- -- When there are no parsing errors, this field is never null. function ada_aspect_spec_f_aspect_assocs (Node : ada_base_entity_Ptr; Value_P : access ada_base_entity) return int with Export => True, Convention => C, External_name => "ada_aspect_spec_f_aspect_assocs"; -- When there are no parsing errors, this field is never null. function ada_base_assoc_p_assoc_expr (Node : ada_base_entity_Ptr; Value_P : access ada_base_entity) return int with Export => True, Convention => C, External_name => "ada_base_assoc_p_assoc_expr"; -- Returns the expression side of this assoc node. function ada_contract_case_assoc_f_guard (Node : ada_base_entity_Ptr; Value_P : access ada_base_entity) return int with Export => True, Convention => C, External_name => "ada_contract_case_assoc_f_guard"; -- This field can contain one of the following nodes: :ada:ref:`Allocator`, -- :ada:ref:`Attribute_Ref`, :ada:ref:`Base_Aggregate`, :ada:ref:`Bin_Op`, -- :ada:ref:`Call_Expr`, :ada:ref:`Char_Literal`, :ada:ref:`Concat_Op`, -- :ada:ref:`Cond_Expr`, :ada:ref:`Decl_Expr`, :ada:ref:`Dotted_Name`, -- :ada:ref:`Explicit_Deref`, :ada:ref:`Identifier`, -- :ada:ref:`Membership_Expr`, :ada:ref:`Null_Literal`, -- :ada:ref:`Num_Literal`, :ada:ref:`Others_Designator`, -- :ada:ref:`Paren_Expr`, :ada:ref:`Qual_Expr`, :ada:ref:`Quantified_Expr`, -- :ada:ref:`Raise_Expr`, :ada:ref:`Reduce_Attribute_Ref`, -- :ada:ref:`String_Literal`, :ada:ref:`Target_Name`, :ada:ref:`Un_Op`, -- :ada:ref:`Update_Attribute_Ref` -- -- When there are no parsing errors, this field is never null. function ada_contract_case_assoc_f_consequence (Node : ada_base_entity_Ptr; Value_P : access ada_base_entity) return int with Export => True, Convention => C, External_name => "ada_contract_case_assoc_f_consequence"; -- This field can contain one of the following nodes: :ada:ref:`Allocator`, -- :ada:ref:`Attribute_Ref`, :ada:ref:`Base_Aggregate`, :ada:ref:`Bin_Op`, -- :ada:ref:`Call_Expr`, :ada:ref:`Char_Literal`, :ada:ref:`Concat_Op`, -- :ada:ref:`Cond_Expr`, :ada:ref:`Decl_Expr`, :ada:ref:`Dotted_Name`, -- :ada:ref:`Explicit_Deref`, :ada:ref:`Identifier`, -- :ada:ref:`Membership_Expr`, :ada:ref:`Null_Literal`, -- :ada:ref:`Num_Literal`, :ada:ref:`Paren_Expr`, :ada:ref:`Qual_Expr`, -- :ada:ref:`Quantified_Expr`, :ada:ref:`Raise_Expr`, -- :ada:ref:`Reduce_Attribute_Ref`, :ada:ref:`String_Literal`, -- :ada:ref:`Target_Name`, :ada:ref:`Un_Op`, -- :ada:ref:`Update_Attribute_Ref` -- -- When there are no parsing errors, this field is never null. function ada_pragma_argument_assoc_f_name (Node : ada_base_entity_Ptr; Value_P : access ada_base_entity) return int with Export => True, Convention => C, External_name => "ada_pragma_argument_assoc_f_name"; -- This field can contain one of the following nodes: -- :ada:ref:`Attribute_Ref`, :ada:ref:`Identifier` -- -- This field may be null even when there are no parsing errors. function ada_pragma_argument_assoc_f_expr (Node : ada_base_entity_Ptr; Value_P : access ada_base_entity) return int with Export => True, Convention => C, External_name => "ada_pragma_argument_assoc_f_expr"; -- This field can contain one of the following nodes: :ada:ref:`Allocator`, -- :ada:ref:`Attribute_Ref`, :ada:ref:`Base_Aggregate`, :ada:ref:`Bin_Op`, -- :ada:ref:`Call_Expr`, :ada:ref:`Char_Literal`, :ada:ref:`Concat_Op`, -- :ada:ref:`Cond_Expr`, :ada:ref:`Decl_Expr`, :ada:ref:`Dotted_Name`, -- :ada:ref:`Explicit_Deref`, :ada:ref:`Identifier`, -- :ada:ref:`Membership_Expr`, :ada:ref:`Null_Literal`, -- :ada:ref:`Num_Literal`, :ada:ref:`Paren_Expr`, :ada:ref:`Qual_Expr`, -- :ada:ref:`Quantified_Expr`, :ada:ref:`Raise_Expr`, -- :ada:ref:`Reduce_Attribute_Ref`, :ada:ref:`String_Literal`, -- :ada:ref:`Target_Name`, :ada:ref:`Un_Op`, -- :ada:ref:`Update_Attribute_Ref` -- -- When there are no parsing errors, this field is never null. function ada_base_formal_param_holder_p_abstract_formal_params (Node : ada_base_entity_Ptr; Value_P : access ada_ada_node_array) return int with Export => True, Convention => C, External_name => "ada_base_formal_param_holder_p_abstract_formal_params"; -- Return the list of abstract formal parameters for this holder. function ada_base_formal_param_holder_p_formal_params (Node : ada_base_entity_Ptr; Value_P : access ada_ada_node_array) return int with Export => True, Convention => C, External_name => "ada_base_formal_param_holder_p_formal_params"; -- Return all parameters as a ``DefiningName`` array. This property doesn't -- return record discriminants nor variants when called on a record -- component list. function ada_base_formal_param_holder_p_nb_min_params (Node : ada_base_entity_Ptr; Value_P : access int) return int with Export => True, Convention => C, External_name => "ada_base_formal_param_holder_p_nb_min_params"; -- Return the minimum number of parameters this subprogram can be called -- while still being a legal call. function ada_base_formal_param_holder_p_nb_max_params (Node : ada_base_entity_Ptr; Value_P : access int) return int with Export => True, Convention => C, External_name => "ada_base_formal_param_holder_p_nb_max_params"; -- Return the maximum number of parameters this subprogram can be called -- while still being a legal call. function ada_base_formal_param_holder_p_param_types (Node : ada_base_entity_Ptr; Origin : access constant ada_base_entity; Value_P : access ada_ada_node_array) return int with Export => True, Convention => C, External_name => "ada_base_formal_param_holder_p_param_types"; -- Returns the type of each parameter of Self. -- -- ``Origin``: Origin for this property's request. See :ref:`The origin -- parameter` for more details function ada_base_subp_spec_p_returns (Node : ada_base_entity_Ptr; Value_P : access ada_base_entity) return int with Export => True, Convention => C, External_name => "ada_base_subp_spec_p_returns"; -- Syntax property. Return the type expression node corresponding to the -- return of this subprogram spec. function ada_base_subp_spec_p_params (Node : ada_base_entity_Ptr; Value_P : access ada_ada_node_array) return int with Export => True, Convention => C, External_name => "ada_base_subp_spec_p_params"; -- Returns the array of parameters specification for this subprogram spec. function ada_base_subp_spec_p_primitive_subp_types (Node : ada_base_entity_Ptr; Imprecise_Fallback : ada_bool; Value_P : access ada_ada_node_array) return int with Export => True, Convention => C, External_name => "ada_base_subp_spec_p_primitive_subp_types"; -- Return the types of which this subprogram is a primitive of. function ada_base_subp_spec_p_primitive_subp_first_type (Node : ada_base_entity_Ptr; Imprecise_Fallback : ada_bool; Value_P : access ada_base_entity) return int with Export => True, Convention => C, External_name => "ada_base_subp_spec_p_primitive_subp_first_type"; -- Return the first type of which this subprogram is a primitive of. function ada_base_subp_spec_p_primitive_subp_tagged_type (Node : ada_base_entity_Ptr; Imprecise_Fallback : ada_bool; Value_P : access ada_base_entity) return int with Export => True, Convention => C, External_name => "ada_base_subp_spec_p_primitive_subp_tagged_type"; -- If this subprogram is a primitive for a tagged type, then return this -- type. function ada_base_subp_spec_p_return_type (Node : ada_base_entity_Ptr; Origin : access constant ada_base_entity; Value_P : access ada_base_entity) return int with Export => True, Convention => C, External_name => "ada_base_subp_spec_p_return_type"; -- Returns the return type of Self, if applicable (e.g. if Self is a -- subprogram). Else, returns null. -- -- ``Origin``: Origin for this property's request. See :ref:`The origin -- parameter` for more details function ada_entry_spec_f_entry_name (Node : ada_base_entity_Ptr; Value_P : access ada_base_entity) return int with Export => True, Convention => C, External_name => "ada_entry_spec_f_entry_name"; -- When there are no parsing errors, this field is never null. function ada_entry_spec_f_family_type (Node : ada_base_entity_Ptr; Value_P : access ada_base_entity) return int with Export => True, Convention => C, External_name => "ada_entry_spec_f_family_type"; -- This field can contain one of the following nodes: -- :ada:ref:`Attribute_Ref`, :ada:ref:`Bin_Op`, :ada:ref:`Call_Expr`, -- :ada:ref:`Char_Literal`, :ada:ref:`Dotted_Name`, -- :ada:ref:`Explicit_Deref`, :ada:ref:`Identifier`, :ada:ref:`Qual_Expr`, -- :ada:ref:`Reduce_Attribute_Ref`, :ada:ref:`String_Literal`, -- :ada:ref:`Subtype_Indication`, :ada:ref:`Target_Name`, -- :ada:ref:`Update_Attribute_Ref` -- -- This field may be null even when there are no parsing errors. function ada_entry_spec_f_entry_params (Node : ada_base_entity_Ptr; Value_P : access ada_base_entity) return int with Export => True, Convention => C, External_name => "ada_entry_spec_f_entry_params"; -- This field may be null even when there are no parsing errors. function ada_subp_spec_f_subp_kind (Node : ada_base_entity_Ptr; Value_P : access ada_base_entity) return int with Export => True, Convention => C, External_name => "ada_subp_spec_f_subp_kind"; -- When there are no parsing errors, this field is never null. function ada_subp_spec_f_subp_name (Node : ada_base_entity_Ptr; Value_P : access ada_base_entity) return int with Export => True, Convention => C, External_name => "ada_subp_spec_f_subp_name"; -- This field may be null even when there are no parsing errors. function ada_subp_spec_f_subp_params (Node : ada_base_entity_Ptr; Value_P : access ada_base_entity) return int with Export => True, Convention => C, External_name => "ada_subp_spec_f_subp_params"; -- This field may be null even when there are no parsing errors. function ada_subp_spec_f_subp_returns (Node : ada_base_entity_Ptr; Value_P : access ada_base_entity) return int with Export => True, Convention => C, External_name => "ada_subp_spec_f_subp_returns"; -- This field can contain one of the following nodes: -- :ada:ref:`Anonymous_Type`, :ada:ref:`Subtype_Indication` -- -- This field may be null even when there are no parsing errors. function ada_synthetic_binary_spec_f_left_param (Node : ada_base_entity_Ptr; Value_P : access ada_base_entity) return int with Export => True, Convention => C, External_name => "ada_synthetic_binary_spec_f_left_param"; -- When there are no parsing errors, this field is never null. function ada_synthetic_binary_spec_f_right_param (Node : ada_base_entity_Ptr; Value_P : access ada_base_entity) return int with Export => True, Convention => C, External_name => "ada_synthetic_binary_spec_f_right_param"; -- When there are no parsing errors, this field is never null. function ada_synthetic_binary_spec_f_return_type_expr (Node : ada_base_entity_Ptr; Value_P : access ada_base_entity) return int with Export => True, Convention => C, External_name => "ada_synthetic_binary_spec_f_return_type_expr"; -- This field may be null even when there are no parsing errors. function ada_synthetic_unary_spec_f_right_param (Node : ada_base_entity_Ptr; Value_P : access ada_base_entity) return int with Export => True, Convention => C, External_name => "ada_synthetic_unary_spec_f_right_param"; -- When there are no parsing errors, this field is never null. function ada_synthetic_unary_spec_f_return_type_expr (Node : ada_base_entity_Ptr; Value_P : access ada_base_entity) return int with Export => True, Convention => C, External_name => "ada_synthetic_unary_spec_f_return_type_expr"; -- When there are no parsing errors, this field is never null. function ada_component_list_f_components (Node : ada_base_entity_Ptr; Value_P : access ada_base_entity) return int with Export => True, Convention => C, External_name => "ada_component_list_f_components"; -- This field contains a list that itself contains one of the following -- nodes: :ada:ref:`Aspect_Clause`, :ada:ref:`Component_Decl`, -- :ada:ref:`Null_Component_Decl`, :ada:ref:`Pragma_Node` -- -- When there are no parsing errors, this field is never null. function ada_component_list_f_variant_part (Node : ada_base_entity_Ptr; Value_P : access ada_base_entity) return int with Export => True, Convention => C, External_name => "ada_component_list_f_variant_part"; -- This field may be null even when there are no parsing errors. function ada_known_discriminant_part_f_discr_specs (Node : ada_base_entity_Ptr; Value_P : access ada_base_entity) return int with Export => True, Convention => C, External_name => "ada_known_discriminant_part_f_discr_specs"; -- When there are no parsing errors, this field is never null. function ada_entry_completion_formal_params_f_params (Node : ada_base_entity_Ptr; Value_P : access ada_base_entity) return int with Export => True, Convention => C, External_name => "ada_entry_completion_formal_params_f_params"; -- This field may be null even when there are no parsing errors. function ada_generic_formal_part_f_decls (Node : ada_base_entity_Ptr; Value_P : access ada_base_entity) return int with Export => True, Convention => C, External_name => "ada_generic_formal_part_f_decls"; -- This field contains a list that itself contains one of the following -- nodes: :ada:ref:`Generic_Formal`, :ada:ref:`Pragma_Node`, -- :ada:ref:`Use_Clause` -- -- When there are no parsing errors, this field is never null. function ada_base_record_def_f_components (Node : ada_base_entity_Ptr; Value_P : access ada_base_entity) return int with Export => True, Convention => C, External_name => "ada_base_record_def_f_components"; -- When there are no parsing errors, this field is never null. function ada_basic_assoc_p_get_params (Node : ada_base_entity_Ptr; Imprecise_Fallback : ada_bool; Value_P : access ada_ada_node_array) return int with Export => True, Convention => C, External_name => "ada_basic_assoc_p_get_params"; -- Return the list of parameters that this association refers to. function ada_aggregate_assoc_f_designators (Node : ada_base_entity_Ptr; Value_P : access ada_base_entity) return int with Export => True, Convention => C, External_name => "ada_aggregate_assoc_f_designators"; -- This field contains a list that itself contains one of the following -- nodes: :ada:ref:`Allocator`, :ada:ref:`Attribute_Ref`, -- :ada:ref:`Base_Aggregate`, :ada:ref:`Bin_Op`, :ada:ref:`Call_Expr`, -- :ada:ref:`Char_Literal`, :ada:ref:`Concat_Op`, :ada:ref:`Cond_Expr`, -- :ada:ref:`Decl_Expr`, :ada:ref:`Discrete_Subtype_Indication`, -- :ada:ref:`Dotted_Name`, :ada:ref:`Explicit_Deref`, -- :ada:ref:`Identifier`, :ada:ref:`Membership_Expr`, -- :ada:ref:`Null_Literal`, :ada:ref:`Num_Literal`, -- :ada:ref:`Others_Designator`, :ada:ref:`Paren_Expr`, -- :ada:ref:`Qual_Expr`, :ada:ref:`Quantified_Expr`, :ada:ref:`Raise_Expr`, -- :ada:ref:`Reduce_Attribute_Ref`, :ada:ref:`String_Literal`, -- :ada:ref:`Target_Name`, :ada:ref:`Un_Op`, -- :ada:ref:`Update_Attribute_Ref` -- -- When there are no parsing errors, this field is never null. function ada_aggregate_assoc_f_r_expr (Node : ada_base_entity_Ptr; Value_P : access ada_base_entity) return int with Export => True, Convention => C, External_name => "ada_aggregate_assoc_f_r_expr"; -- This field can contain one of the following nodes: :ada:ref:`Allocator`, -- :ada:ref:`Attribute_Ref`, :ada:ref:`Base_Aggregate`, :ada:ref:`Bin_Op`, -- :ada:ref:`Box_Expr`, :ada:ref:`Call_Expr`, :ada:ref:`Char_Literal`, -- :ada:ref:`Concat_Op`, :ada:ref:`Cond_Expr`, :ada:ref:`Decl_Expr`, -- :ada:ref:`Dotted_Name`, :ada:ref:`Explicit_Deref`, -- :ada:ref:`Identifier`, :ada:ref:`Membership_Expr`, -- :ada:ref:`Null_Literal`, :ada:ref:`Num_Literal`, :ada:ref:`Paren_Expr`, -- :ada:ref:`Qual_Expr`, :ada:ref:`Quantified_Expr`, :ada:ref:`Raise_Expr`, -- :ada:ref:`Reduce_Attribute_Ref`, :ada:ref:`String_Literal`, -- :ada:ref:`Target_Name`, :ada:ref:`Un_Op`, -- :ada:ref:`Update_Attribute_Ref` -- -- When there are no parsing errors, this field is never null. function ada_composite_constraint_assoc_f_ids (Node : ada_base_entity_Ptr; Value_P : access ada_base_entity) return int with Export => True, Convention => C, External_name => "ada_composite_constraint_assoc_f_ids"; -- This field can contain one of the following nodes: -- :ada:ref:`Identifier_List` -- -- When there are no parsing errors, this field is never null. function ada_composite_constraint_assoc_f_constraint_expr (Node : ada_base_entity_Ptr; Value_P : access ada_base_entity) return int with Export => True, Convention => C, External_name => "ada_composite_constraint_assoc_f_constraint_expr"; -- This field can contain one of the following nodes: :ada:ref:`Allocator`, -- :ada:ref:`Attribute_Ref`, :ada:ref:`Base_Aggregate`, :ada:ref:`Bin_Op`, -- :ada:ref:`Call_Expr`, :ada:ref:`Char_Literal`, :ada:ref:`Concat_Op`, -- :ada:ref:`Cond_Expr`, :ada:ref:`Decl_Expr`, -- :ada:ref:`Discrete_Subtype_Indication`, :ada:ref:`Dotted_Name`, -- :ada:ref:`Explicit_Deref`, :ada:ref:`Identifier`, -- :ada:ref:`Membership_Expr`, :ada:ref:`Null_Literal`, -- :ada:ref:`Num_Literal`, :ada:ref:`Paren_Expr`, :ada:ref:`Qual_Expr`, -- :ada:ref:`Quantified_Expr`, :ada:ref:`Raise_Expr`, -- :ada:ref:`Reduce_Attribute_Ref`, :ada:ref:`String_Literal`, -- :ada:ref:`Target_Name`, :ada:ref:`Un_Op`, -- :ada:ref:`Update_Attribute_Ref` -- -- When there are no parsing errors, this field is never null. function ada_iterated_assoc_f_spec (Node : ada_base_entity_Ptr; Value_P : access ada_base_entity) return int with Export => True, Convention => C, External_name => "ada_iterated_assoc_f_spec"; -- When there are no parsing errors, this field is never null. function ada_iterated_assoc_f_r_expr (Node : ada_base_entity_Ptr; Value_P : access ada_base_entity) return int with Export => True, Convention => C, External_name => "ada_iterated_assoc_f_r_expr"; -- This field can contain one of the following nodes: :ada:ref:`Allocator`, -- :ada:ref:`Attribute_Ref`, :ada:ref:`Base_Aggregate`, :ada:ref:`Bin_Op`, -- :ada:ref:`Call_Expr`, :ada:ref:`Char_Literal`, :ada:ref:`Concat_Op`, -- :ada:ref:`Cond_Expr`, :ada:ref:`Decl_Expr`, :ada:ref:`Dotted_Name`, -- :ada:ref:`Explicit_Deref`, :ada:ref:`Identifier`, -- :ada:ref:`Membership_Expr`, :ada:ref:`Null_Literal`, -- :ada:ref:`Num_Literal`, :ada:ref:`Paren_Expr`, :ada:ref:`Qual_Expr`, -- :ada:ref:`Quantified_Expr`, :ada:ref:`Raise_Expr`, -- :ada:ref:`Reduce_Attribute_Ref`, :ada:ref:`String_Literal`, -- :ada:ref:`Target_Name`, :ada:ref:`Un_Op`, -- :ada:ref:`Update_Attribute_Ref` -- -- When there are no parsing errors, this field is never null. function ada_param_assoc_f_designator (Node : ada_base_entity_Ptr; Value_P : access ada_base_entity) return int with Export => True, Convention => C, External_name => "ada_param_assoc_f_designator"; -- This field can contain one of the following nodes: -- :ada:ref:`Identifier`, :ada:ref:`Others_Designator`, -- :ada:ref:`String_Literal` -- -- This field may be null even when there are no parsing errors. function ada_param_assoc_f_r_expr (Node : ada_base_entity_Ptr; Value_P : access ada_base_entity) return int with Export => True, Convention => C, External_name => "ada_param_assoc_f_r_expr"; -- This field can contain one of the following nodes: :ada:ref:`Allocator`, -- :ada:ref:`Attribute_Ref`, :ada:ref:`Base_Aggregate`, :ada:ref:`Bin_Op`, -- :ada:ref:`Box_Expr`, :ada:ref:`Call_Expr`, :ada:ref:`Char_Literal`, -- :ada:ref:`Concat_Op`, :ada:ref:`Cond_Expr`, :ada:ref:`Decl_Expr`, -- :ada:ref:`Dotted_Name`, :ada:ref:`Explicit_Deref`, -- :ada:ref:`Identifier`, :ada:ref:`Membership_Expr`, -- :ada:ref:`Null_Literal`, :ada:ref:`Num_Literal`, :ada:ref:`Paren_Expr`, -- :ada:ref:`Qual_Expr`, :ada:ref:`Quantified_Expr`, :ada:ref:`Raise_Expr`, -- :ada:ref:`Reduce_Attribute_Ref`, :ada:ref:`String_Literal`, -- :ada:ref:`Target_Name`, :ada:ref:`Un_Op`, -- :ada:ref:`Update_Attribute_Ref` -- -- When there are no parsing errors, this field is never null. function ada_basic_decl_p_is_formal (Node : ada_base_entity_Ptr; Value_P : access ada_bool) return int with Export => True, Convention => C, External_name => "ada_basic_decl_p_is_formal"; -- Whether this decl is the nested decl of a generic formal declaration. function ada_basic_decl_p_doc_annotations (Node : ada_base_entity_Ptr; Value_P : access ada_doc_annotation_array) return int with Export => True, Convention => C, External_name => "ada_basic_decl_p_doc_annotations"; -- Return the documentation annotations associated with this decl. -- Annotations are any comment line of the form: -- -- .. code:: -- -- --% [annotation_name]: [annotation] -- -- Raises a property error if the doc is incorrectly formatted. -- -- .. attention:: This is an experimental feature, so even if it is exposed -- to allow experiments, it is totally unsupported and the API and -- behavior are very likely to change in the future. function ada_basic_decl_p_doc (Node : ada_base_entity_Ptr; Value_P : access ada_string_type) return int with Export => True, Convention => C, External_name => "ada_basic_decl_p_doc"; -- Return the documentation associated with this decl. Raises a property -- error if the doc is incorrectly formatted. -- -- .. attention:: This is an experimental feature, so even if it is exposed -- to allow experiments, it is totally unsupported and the API and -- behavior are very likely to change in the future. function ada_basic_decl_p_previous_part_for_decl (Node : ada_base_entity_Ptr; Imprecise_Fallback : ada_bool; Value_P : access ada_base_entity) return int with Export => True, Convention => C, External_name => "ada_basic_decl_p_previous_part_for_decl"; -- Return the previous part for this decl, if applicable. -- -- .. note:: It is not named previous_part, because BaseTypeDecl has a more -- precise version of previous_part that returns a BaseTypeDecl. -- Probably, we want to rename the specific versions, and have the root -- property be named previous_part. (TODO R925-008) function ada_basic_decl_p_canonical_part (Node : ada_base_entity_Ptr; Imprecise_Fallback : ada_bool; Value_P : access ada_base_entity) return int with Export => True, Convention => C, External_name => "ada_basic_decl_p_canonical_part"; -- Return the canonical part for this decl. In the case of decls composed -- of several parts, the canonical part will be the first part. function ada_basic_decl_p_all_parts (Node : ada_base_entity_Ptr; Imprecise_Fallback : ada_bool; Value_P : access ada_ada_node_array) return int with Export => True, Convention => C, External_name => "ada_basic_decl_p_all_parts"; -- Return all parts that define this entity, sorted from first part to last -- part. function ada_basic_decl_p_is_static_decl (Node : ada_base_entity_Ptr; Imprecise_Fallback : ada_bool; Value_P : access ada_bool) return int with Export => True, Convention => C, External_name => "ada_basic_decl_p_is_static_decl"; -- Return whether this declaration is static. function ada_basic_decl_f_aspects (Node : ada_base_entity_Ptr; Value_P : access ada_base_entity) return int with Export => True, Convention => C, External_name => "ada_basic_decl_f_aspects"; -- Return the list of aspects that are attached to this node. -- -- This field may be null even when there are no parsing errors. function ada_basic_decl_p_get_aspect_assoc (Node : ada_base_entity_Ptr; Name : access constant ada_symbol_type; Value_P : access ada_base_entity) return int with Export => True, Convention => C, External_name => "ada_basic_decl_p_get_aspect_assoc"; -- Return the aspect with name ``name`` for this entity. function ada_basic_decl_p_get_aspect_spec_expr (Node : ada_base_entity_Ptr; Name : access constant ada_symbol_type; Value_P : access ada_base_entity) return int with Export => True, Convention => C, External_name => "ada_basic_decl_p_get_aspect_spec_expr"; -- Return the expression associated to the aspect with name ``name`` for -- this entity. function ada_basic_decl_p_get_aspect (Node : ada_base_entity_Ptr; Name : access constant ada_symbol_type; Imprecise_Fallback : ada_bool; Value_P : access ada_internal_aspect) return int with Export => True, Convention => C, External_name => "ada_basic_decl_p_get_aspect"; -- Return the aspect with name ``name`` associated to this entity. -- -- Aspects are properties of entities that can be specified by the Ada -- program, either via aspect specifications, pragmas, or attributes. -- -- This will return the syntactic node corresponding to attribute directly. -- -- Note: for some aspects (e.g. Inline), Libadalang will check if they are -- defined on any part of the entity. function ada_basic_decl_p_has_aspect (Node : ada_base_entity_Ptr; Name : access constant ada_symbol_type; Imprecise_Fallback : ada_bool; Value_P : access ada_bool) return int with Export => True, Convention => C, External_name => "ada_basic_decl_p_has_aspect"; -- Returns whether the boolean aspect named ``name`` is set on the entity -- represented by this node. -- -- Aspects are properties of entities that can be specified by the Ada -- program, either via aspect specifications, pragmas, or attributes. -- -- "Aspect" is used as in RM terminology (see :rmlink:`13`). function ada_basic_decl_p_get_pragma (Node : ada_base_entity_Ptr; Name : access constant ada_symbol_type; Value_P : access ada_base_entity) return int with Export => True, Convention => C, External_name => "ada_basic_decl_p_get_pragma"; -- Return the pragma with name ``name`` associated to this entity. -- -- Please use the ``p_get_aspect`` property instead if you are interested -- in aspects, i.e. information that can be represented by either aspect -- specification nodes, pragma nodes or attribute definition nodes. function ada_basic_decl_p_get_representation_clause (Node : ada_base_entity_Ptr; Name : access constant ada_symbol_type; Imprecise_Fallback : ada_bool; Value_P : access ada_base_entity) return int with Export => True, Convention => C, External_name => "ada_basic_decl_p_get_representation_clause"; -- Return the representation clause associated to this type decl that -- defines the given attribute name. function ada_basic_decl_p_get_at_clause (Node : ada_base_entity_Ptr; Imprecise_Fallback : ada_bool; Value_P : access ada_base_entity) return int with Export => True, Convention => C, External_name => "ada_basic_decl_p_get_at_clause"; -- Return the at clause associated to this declaration. function ada_basic_decl_p_is_imported (Node : ada_base_entity_Ptr; Value_P : access ada_bool) return int with Export => True, Convention => C, External_name => "ada_basic_decl_p_is_imported"; -- Whether this declaration is imported from another language. function ada_basic_decl_p_is_ghost_code (Node : ada_base_entity_Ptr; Value_P : access ada_bool) return int with Export => True, Convention => C, External_name => "ada_basic_decl_p_is_ghost_code"; -- Return whether this declaration is ghost code or not. See SPARK RM 6.9. function ada_basic_decl_p_is_compilation_unit_root (Node : ada_base_entity_Ptr; Value_P : access ada_bool) return int with Export => True, Convention => C, External_name => "ada_basic_decl_p_is_compilation_unit_root"; -- Whether a BasicDecl is the root decl for its unit. function ada_basic_decl_p_is_visible (Node : ada_base_entity_Ptr; From_Node : access constant ada_base_entity; Value_P : access ada_bool) return int with Export => True, Convention => C, External_name => "ada_basic_decl_p_is_visible"; -- Return whether this declaration is visible from the point of view of the -- given ``origin`` node. -- -- .. attention:: Only package-level (public or private) declarations are -- supported for now. function ada_basic_decl_p_base_subp_declarations (Node : ada_base_entity_Ptr; Imprecise_Fallback : ada_bool; Value_P : access ada_ada_node_array) return int with Export => True, Convention => C, External_name => "ada_basic_decl_p_base_subp_declarations"; -- If Self declares a primitive subprogram of some tagged type T, return -- the set of all subprogram declarations that it overrides (including -- itself). -- -- .. note:: for the moment this only works for tagged types. Remains to be -- seen if we need to extend it. function ada_basic_decl_p_root_subp_declarations (Node : ada_base_entity_Ptr; Origin : access constant ada_base_entity; Imprecise_Fallback : ada_bool; Value_P : access ada_ada_node_array) return int with Export => True, Convention => C, External_name => "ada_basic_decl_p_root_subp_declarations"; -- If Self declares a primitive subprogram of some tagged type T, return -- the root subprogram declarations that it overrides. There can be -- several, as in the following scenario: -- -- * package Root defines the root tagged type T and subprogram Foo. -- -- * package Itf defines interface I and abstract subprogram Foo. -- -- * package D defines "type U is new Root.T and Itf.I" and an overriding -- subprogram Foo. -- -- Here, root_subp_declarations of Foo defined in package D will return -- both Foo from package Root and Foo from package Itf. -- -- ``Origin``: Origin for this property's request. See :ref:`The origin -- parameter` for more details function ada_basic_decl_p_find_all_overrides (Node : ada_base_entity_Ptr; Units : ada_analysis_unit_array; Imprecise_Fallback : ada_bool; Value_P : access ada_ada_node_array) return int with Export => True, Convention => C, External_name => "ada_basic_decl_p_find_all_overrides"; -- If Self is the declaration of a primitive of some type T, return the -- list of all subprogram that override this subprogram among the given -- units. function ada_basic_decl_p_defining_names (Node : ada_base_entity_Ptr; Value_P : access ada_ada_node_array) return int with Export => True, Convention => C, External_name => "ada_basic_decl_p_defining_names"; -- Get all the names of this basic declaration. function ada_basic_decl_p_defining_name (Node : ada_base_entity_Ptr; Value_P : access ada_base_entity) return int with Export => True, Convention => C, External_name => "ada_basic_decl_p_defining_name"; -- Get the name of this declaration. If this declaration has several names, -- it will return the first one. function ada_basic_decl_p_type_expression (Node : ada_base_entity_Ptr; Value_P : access ada_base_entity) return int with Export => True, Convention => C, External_name => "ada_basic_decl_p_type_expression"; -- Return the type expression for this BasicDecl if applicable, a null -- otherwise. function ada_basic_decl_p_subp_spec_or_null (Node : ada_base_entity_Ptr; Follow_Generic : ada_bool; Value_P : access ada_base_entity) return int with Export => True, Convention => C, External_name => "ada_basic_decl_p_subp_spec_or_null"; -- If Self is a Subp, returns the specification of this subprogram. -- -- If ``follow_generic`` is True, will also work for instances of -- ``GenericSubpDecl``. function ada_basic_decl_p_is_subprogram (Node : ada_base_entity_Ptr; Value_P : access ada_bool) return int with Export => True, Convention => C, External_name => "ada_basic_decl_p_is_subprogram"; -- Return True if self is a subprogram node in the general sense (which is, -- an entity that can be called). This includes separates and entries. -- -- .. attention: This is a purely syntactic query and will return True for -- everything that is a syntactic entity that can be called like a -- subprogram in some contexts, even generic formal subprograms for -- example. function ada_basic_decl_p_relative_name (Node : ada_base_entity_Ptr; Value_P : access ada_base_entity) return int with Export => True, Convention => C, External_name => "ada_basic_decl_p_relative_name"; -- Return the relative name for Self. If Self's defining name is ``A.B.C``, -- return ``C`` as a node. function ada_basic_decl_p_relative_name_text (Node : ada_base_entity_Ptr; Value_P : access ada_symbol_type) return int with Export => True, Convention => C, External_name => "ada_basic_decl_p_relative_name_text"; -- Return the relative name for Self, as text. function ada_basic_decl_p_next_part_for_decl (Node : ada_base_entity_Ptr; Imprecise_Fallback : ada_bool; Value_P : access ada_base_entity) return int with Export => True, Convention => C, External_name => "ada_basic_decl_p_next_part_for_decl"; -- Return the next part of this declaration, if applicable. -- -- .. note:: It is not named next_part, because BaseTypeDecl has a more -- precise version of next_part that returns a BaseTypeDecl. Probably, -- we want to rename the specific versions, and have the root property -- be named next_part. (TODO R925-008) function ada_basic_decl_p_body_part_for_decl (Node : ada_base_entity_Ptr; Imprecise_Fallback : ada_bool; Value_P : access ada_base_entity) return int with Export => True, Convention => C, External_name => "ada_basic_decl_p_body_part_for_decl"; -- Return the body corresponding to this declaration, if applicable. -- -- .. note:: It is not named body_part, subclasses have more precise -- versions named body_part and returning a more precise result. -- Probably, we want to rename the specific versions, and have the root -- property be named body_part. (TODO R925-008) function ada_basic_decl_p_most_visible_part (Node : ada_base_entity_Ptr; Origin : access constant ada_base_entity; Imprecise_Fallback : ada_bool; Value_P : access ada_base_entity) return int with Export => True, Convention => C, External_name => "ada_basic_decl_p_most_visible_part"; -- Given an origin node and the entity represented by Self, this property -- returns the most visible completion of Self that can be seen by origin, -- according to Ada's visibility rules. -- -- ``Origin``: Origin for this property's request. See :ref:`The origin -- parameter` for more details function ada_basic_decl_p_fully_qualified_name_array (Node : ada_base_entity_Ptr; Include_Profile : ada_bool; Value_P : access ada_unbounded_text_type_array) return int with Export => True, Convention => C, External_name => "ada_basic_decl_p_fully_qualified_name_array"; -- Return the fully qualified name corresponding to this declaration, as an -- array of symbols. function ada_basic_decl_p_fully_qualified_name (Node : ada_base_entity_Ptr; Value_P : access ada_string_type) return int with Export => True, Convention => C, External_name => "ada_basic_decl_p_fully_qualified_name"; -- Return the fully qualified name corresponding to this declaration. function ada_basic_decl_p_canonical_fully_qualified_name (Node : ada_base_entity_Ptr; Value_P : access ada_string_type) return int with Export => True, Convention => C, External_name => "ada_basic_decl_p_canonical_fully_qualified_name"; -- Return a canonical representation of the fully qualified name -- corresponding to this declaration. function ada_basic_decl_p_unique_identifying_name (Node : ada_base_entity_Ptr; Value_P : access ada_string_type) return int with Export => True, Convention => C, External_name => "ada_basic_decl_p_unique_identifying_name"; -- Return a unique identifying name for this declaration, provided this -- declaration is a public declaration. In the case of subprograms, this -- will include the profile. -- -- .. attention:: This will only return a unique name for public -- declarations. Notably, anything nested in an unnamed declare block -- won't be handled correctly. function ada_basic_decl_p_is_constant_object (Node : ada_base_entity_Ptr; Value_P : access ada_bool) return int with Export => True, Convention => C, External_name => "ada_basic_decl_p_is_constant_object"; -- Return whether this object is constant or not. function ada_abstract_state_decl_f_name (Node : ada_base_entity_Ptr; Value_P : access ada_base_entity) return int with Export => True, Convention => C, External_name => "ada_abstract_state_decl_f_name"; -- When there are no parsing errors, this field is never null. function ada_anonymous_expr_decl_f_expr (Node : ada_base_entity_Ptr; Value_P : access ada_base_entity) return int with Export => True, Convention => C, External_name => "ada_anonymous_expr_decl_f_expr"; -- Return the expression wrapped by this declaration. -- -- When there are no parsing errors, this field is never null. function ada_anonymous_expr_decl_p_get_formal (Node : ada_base_entity_Ptr; Imprecise_Fallback : ada_bool; Value_P : access ada_base_entity) return int with Export => True, Convention => C, External_name => "ada_anonymous_expr_decl_p_get_formal"; -- Return the generic formal object declaration corresponding to this -- actual. function ada_base_formal_param_decl_p_formal_type (Node : ada_base_entity_Ptr; Origin : access constant ada_base_entity; Value_P : access ada_base_entity) return int with Export => True, Convention => C, External_name => "ada_base_formal_param_decl_p_formal_type"; -- Return the type for this formal. -- -- ``Origin``: Origin for this property's request. See :ref:`The origin -- parameter` for more details function ada_component_decl_f_ids (Node : ada_base_entity_Ptr; Value_P : access ada_base_entity) return int with Export => True, Convention => C, External_name => "ada_component_decl_f_ids"; -- When there are no parsing errors, this field is never null. function ada_component_decl_f_component_def (Node : ada_base_entity_Ptr; Value_P : access ada_base_entity) return int with Export => True, Convention => C, External_name => "ada_component_decl_f_component_def"; -- When there are no parsing errors, this field is never null. function ada_component_decl_f_default_expr (Node : ada_base_entity_Ptr; Value_P : access ada_base_entity) return int with Export => True, Convention => C, External_name => "ada_component_decl_f_default_expr"; -- This field can contain one of the following nodes: :ada:ref:`Allocator`, -- :ada:ref:`Attribute_Ref`, :ada:ref:`Base_Aggregate`, :ada:ref:`Bin_Op`, -- :ada:ref:`Call_Expr`, :ada:ref:`Char_Literal`, :ada:ref:`Concat_Op`, -- :ada:ref:`Cond_Expr`, :ada:ref:`Decl_Expr`, :ada:ref:`Dotted_Name`, -- :ada:ref:`Explicit_Deref`, :ada:ref:`Identifier`, -- :ada:ref:`Membership_Expr`, :ada:ref:`Null_Literal`, -- :ada:ref:`Num_Literal`, :ada:ref:`Paren_Expr`, :ada:ref:`Qual_Expr`, -- :ada:ref:`Quantified_Expr`, :ada:ref:`Raise_Expr`, -- :ada:ref:`Reduce_Attribute_Ref`, :ada:ref:`String_Literal`, -- :ada:ref:`Target_Name`, :ada:ref:`Un_Op`, -- :ada:ref:`Update_Attribute_Ref` -- -- This field may be null even when there are no parsing errors. function ada_discriminant_spec_f_ids (Node : ada_base_entity_Ptr; Value_P : access ada_base_entity) return int with Export => True, Convention => C, External_name => "ada_discriminant_spec_f_ids"; -- When there are no parsing errors, this field is never null. function ada_discriminant_spec_f_type_expr (Node : ada_base_entity_Ptr; Value_P : access ada_base_entity) return int with Export => True, Convention => C, External_name => "ada_discriminant_spec_f_type_expr"; -- This field can contain one of the following nodes: -- :ada:ref:`Anonymous_Type`, :ada:ref:`Subtype_Indication` -- -- When there are no parsing errors, this field is never null. function ada_discriminant_spec_f_default_expr (Node : ada_base_entity_Ptr; Value_P : access ada_base_entity) return int with Export => True, Convention => C, External_name => "ada_discriminant_spec_f_default_expr"; -- This field can contain one of the following nodes: :ada:ref:`Allocator`, -- :ada:ref:`Attribute_Ref`, :ada:ref:`Base_Aggregate`, :ada:ref:`Bin_Op`, -- :ada:ref:`Call_Expr`, :ada:ref:`Char_Literal`, :ada:ref:`Concat_Op`, -- :ada:ref:`Cond_Expr`, :ada:ref:`Decl_Expr`, :ada:ref:`Dotted_Name`, -- :ada:ref:`Explicit_Deref`, :ada:ref:`Identifier`, -- :ada:ref:`Membership_Expr`, :ada:ref:`Null_Literal`, -- :ada:ref:`Num_Literal`, :ada:ref:`Paren_Expr`, :ada:ref:`Qual_Expr`, -- :ada:ref:`Quantified_Expr`, :ada:ref:`Raise_Expr`, -- :ada:ref:`Reduce_Attribute_Ref`, :ada:ref:`String_Literal`, -- :ada:ref:`Target_Name`, :ada:ref:`Un_Op`, -- :ada:ref:`Update_Attribute_Ref` -- -- This field may be null even when there are no parsing errors. function ada_generic_formal_f_decl (Node : ada_base_entity_Ptr; Value_P : access ada_base_entity) return int with Export => True, Convention => C, External_name => "ada_generic_formal_f_decl"; -- This field can contain one of the following nodes: -- :ada:ref:`Formal_Subp_Decl`, :ada:ref:`Formal_Type_Decl`, -- :ada:ref:`Generic_Instantiation`, -- :ada:ref:`Incomplete_Formal_Type_Decl`, :ada:ref:`Number_Decl`, -- :ada:ref:`Object_Decl`, :ada:ref:`Single_Protected_Decl`, -- :ada:ref:`Single_Task_Decl` -- -- When there are no parsing errors, this field is never null. function ada_param_spec_f_ids (Node : ada_base_entity_Ptr; Value_P : access ada_base_entity) return int with Export => True, Convention => C, External_name => "ada_param_spec_f_ids"; -- When there are no parsing errors, this field is never null. function ada_param_spec_f_has_aliased (Node : ada_base_entity_Ptr; Value_P : access ada_base_entity) return int with Export => True, Convention => C, External_name => "ada_param_spec_f_has_aliased"; -- When there are no parsing errors, this field is never null. function ada_param_spec_f_mode (Node : ada_base_entity_Ptr; Value_P : access ada_base_entity) return int with Export => True, Convention => C, External_name => "ada_param_spec_f_mode"; -- This field may be null even when there are no parsing errors. function ada_param_spec_f_type_expr (Node : ada_base_entity_Ptr; Value_P : access ada_base_entity) return int with Export => True, Convention => C, External_name => "ada_param_spec_f_type_expr"; -- This field can contain one of the following nodes: -- :ada:ref:`Anonymous_Type`, :ada:ref:`Subtype_Indication` -- -- When there are no parsing errors, this field is never null. function ada_param_spec_f_default_expr (Node : ada_base_entity_Ptr; Value_P : access ada_base_entity) return int with Export => True, Convention => C, External_name => "ada_param_spec_f_default_expr"; -- This field can contain one of the following nodes: :ada:ref:`Allocator`, -- :ada:ref:`Attribute_Ref`, :ada:ref:`Base_Aggregate`, :ada:ref:`Bin_Op`, -- :ada:ref:`Call_Expr`, :ada:ref:`Char_Literal`, :ada:ref:`Concat_Op`, -- :ada:ref:`Cond_Expr`, :ada:ref:`Decl_Expr`, :ada:ref:`Dotted_Name`, -- :ada:ref:`Explicit_Deref`, :ada:ref:`Identifier`, -- :ada:ref:`Membership_Expr`, :ada:ref:`Null_Literal`, -- :ada:ref:`Num_Literal`, :ada:ref:`Paren_Expr`, :ada:ref:`Qual_Expr`, -- :ada:ref:`Quantified_Expr`, :ada:ref:`Raise_Expr`, -- :ada:ref:`Reduce_Attribute_Ref`, :ada:ref:`String_Literal`, -- :ada:ref:`Target_Name`, :ada:ref:`Un_Op`, -- :ada:ref:`Update_Attribute_Ref` -- -- This field may be null even when there are no parsing errors. function ada_synthetic_formal_param_decl_f_param_type (Node : ada_base_entity_Ptr; Value_P : access ada_base_entity) return int with Export => True, Convention => C, External_name => "ada_synthetic_formal_param_decl_f_param_type"; -- When there are no parsing errors, this field is never null. function ada_base_package_decl_f_package_name (Node : ada_base_entity_Ptr; Value_P : access ada_base_entity) return int with Export => True, Convention => C, External_name => "ada_base_package_decl_f_package_name"; -- When there are no parsing errors, this field is never null. function ada_base_package_decl_f_public_part (Node : ada_base_entity_Ptr; Value_P : access ada_base_entity) return int with Export => True, Convention => C, External_name => "ada_base_package_decl_f_public_part"; -- When there are no parsing errors, this field is never null. function ada_base_package_decl_f_private_part (Node : ada_base_entity_Ptr; Value_P : access ada_base_entity) return int with Export => True, Convention => C, External_name => "ada_base_package_decl_f_private_part"; -- This field may be null even when there are no parsing errors. function ada_base_package_decl_f_end_name (Node : ada_base_entity_Ptr; Value_P : access ada_base_entity) return int with Export => True, Convention => C, External_name => "ada_base_package_decl_f_end_name"; -- This field may be null even when there are no parsing errors. function ada_base_package_decl_p_body_part (Node : ada_base_entity_Ptr; Value_P : access ada_base_entity) return int with Export => True, Convention => C, External_name => "ada_base_package_decl_p_body_part"; -- Return the PackageBody corresponding to this node. function ada_base_type_decl_f_name (Node : ada_base_entity_Ptr; Value_P : access ada_base_entity) return int with Export => True, Convention => C, External_name => "ada_base_type_decl_f_name"; -- This field may be null even when there are no parsing errors. function ada_base_type_decl_p_base_subtype (Node : ada_base_entity_Ptr; Origin : access constant ada_base_entity; Value_P : access ada_base_entity) return int with Export => True, Convention => C, External_name => "ada_base_type_decl_p_base_subtype"; -- If this type decl is a subtype decl, return the base subtype. If not, -- return ``Self``. -- -- ``Origin``: Origin for this property's request. See :ref:`The origin -- parameter` for more details function ada_base_type_decl_p_private_completion (Node : ada_base_entity_Ptr; Value_P : access ada_base_entity) return int with Export => True, Convention => C, External_name => "ada_base_type_decl_p_private_completion"; -- Return the private completion for this type, if there is one. function ada_base_type_decl_p_is_inherited_primitive (Node : ada_base_entity_Ptr; P : access constant ada_base_entity; Value_P : access ada_bool) return int with Export => True, Convention => C, External_name => "ada_base_type_decl_p_is_inherited_primitive"; -- Assuming that P is a primitive of Self, return whether the given -- primitive P is inherited from one of Self's parents. function ada_base_type_decl_p_get_record_representation_clause (Node : ada_base_entity_Ptr; Imprecise_Fallback : ada_bool; Value_P : access ada_base_entity) return int with Export => True, Convention => C, External_name => "ada_base_type_decl_p_get_record_representation_clause"; -- Return the record representation clause associated to this type decl, if -- applicable (i.e. this type decl defines a record type). function ada_base_type_decl_p_get_enum_representation_clause (Node : ada_base_entity_Ptr; Imprecise_Fallback : ada_bool; Value_P : access ada_base_entity) return int with Export => True, Convention => C, External_name => "ada_base_type_decl_p_get_enum_representation_clause"; -- Return the enum representation clause associated to this type decl, if -- applicable (i.e. this type decl defines an enum type). function ada_base_type_decl_p_is_record_type (Node : ada_base_entity_Ptr; Origin : access constant ada_base_entity; Value_P : access ada_bool) return int with Export => True, Convention => C, External_name => "ada_base_type_decl_p_is_record_type"; -- Return whether this type is a record type. -- -- .. attention:: Private tagged types extending public tagged records are -- not considered as record types. -- -- ``Origin``: Origin for this property's request. See :ref:`The origin -- parameter` for more details function ada_base_type_decl_p_is_array_type (Node : ada_base_entity_Ptr; Origin : access constant ada_base_entity; Value_P : access ada_bool) return int with Export => True, Convention => C, External_name => "ada_base_type_decl_p_is_array_type"; -- Return whether this type is an array type. -- -- ``Origin``: Origin for this property's request. See :ref:`The origin -- parameter` for more details function ada_base_type_decl_p_find_derived_types (Node : ada_base_entity_Ptr; Root : access constant ada_base_entity; Origin : access constant ada_base_entity; Imprecise_Fallback : ada_bool; Value_P : access ada_ada_node_array) return int with Export => True, Convention => C, External_name => "ada_base_type_decl_p_find_derived_types"; -- Find types derived from self in the given ``root`` and its children. -- -- ``Origin``: Origin for this property's request. See :ref:`The origin -- parameter` for more details function ada_base_type_decl_p_is_real_type (Node : ada_base_entity_Ptr; Origin : access constant ada_base_entity; Value_P : access ada_bool) return int with Export => True, Convention => C, External_name => "ada_base_type_decl_p_is_real_type"; -- Whether type is a real type or not. -- -- ``Origin``: Origin for this property's request. See :ref:`The origin -- parameter` for more details function ada_base_type_decl_p_is_float_type (Node : ada_base_entity_Ptr; Origin : access constant ada_base_entity; Value_P : access ada_bool) return int with Export => True, Convention => C, External_name => "ada_base_type_decl_p_is_float_type"; -- Whether type is a float type or not. -- -- ``Origin``: Origin for this property's request. See :ref:`The origin -- parameter` for more details function ada_base_type_decl_p_is_fixed_point (Node : ada_base_entity_Ptr; Origin : access constant ada_base_entity; Value_P : access ada_bool) return int with Export => True, Convention => C, External_name => "ada_base_type_decl_p_is_fixed_point"; -- Whether type is a fixed point type or not. -- -- ``Origin``: Origin for this property's request. See :ref:`The origin -- parameter` for more details function ada_base_type_decl_p_is_scalar_type (Node : ada_base_entity_Ptr; Origin : access constant ada_base_entity; Value_P : access ada_bool) return int with Export => True, Convention => C, External_name => "ada_base_type_decl_p_is_scalar_type"; -- Whether type is a scalar type. -- -- ``Origin``: Origin for this property's request. See :ref:`The origin -- parameter` for more details function ada_base_type_decl_p_is_enum_type (Node : ada_base_entity_Ptr; Origin : access constant ada_base_entity; Value_P : access ada_bool) return int with Export => True, Convention => C, External_name => "ada_base_type_decl_p_is_enum_type"; -- Whether type is an enum type -- -- ``Origin``: Origin for this property's request. See :ref:`The origin -- parameter` for more details function ada_base_type_decl_p_is_access_type (Node : ada_base_entity_Ptr; Origin : access constant ada_base_entity; Value_P : access ada_bool) return int with Export => True, Convention => C, External_name => "ada_base_type_decl_p_is_access_type"; -- Whether Self is an access type or not -- -- ``Origin``: Origin for this property's request. See :ref:`The origin -- parameter` for more details function ada_base_type_decl_p_specific_type (Node : ada_base_entity_Ptr; Value_P : access ada_base_entity) return int with Export => True, Convention => C, External_name => "ada_base_type_decl_p_specific_type"; -- Return the specific type under a class-wide type. Consider for example: -- -- .. code:: ada -- -- subtype S1 is T'Class -- subtype S2 is S1'Class -- -- Calling this property on ``S2`` will return ``T``. function ada_base_type_decl_p_is_char_type (Node : ada_base_entity_Ptr; Origin : access constant ada_base_entity; Value_P : access ada_bool) return int with Export => True, Convention => C, External_name => "ada_base_type_decl_p_is_char_type"; -- Whether type is a character type or not -- -- ``Origin``: Origin for this property's request. See :ref:`The origin -- parameter` for more details function ada_base_type_decl_p_classwide_type (Node : ada_base_entity_Ptr; Value_P : access ada_base_entity) return int with Export => True, Convention => C, External_name => "ada_base_type_decl_p_classwide_type"; -- Return the classwide type for this type, if applicable function ada_base_type_decl_p_discrete_range (Node : ada_base_entity_Ptr; Value_P : access ada_internal_discrete_range) return int with Export => True, Convention => C, External_name => "ada_base_type_decl_p_discrete_range"; -- Return the discrete range for this type decl, if applicable. function ada_base_type_decl_p_is_discrete_type (Node : ada_base_entity_Ptr; Origin : access constant ada_base_entity; Value_P : access ada_bool) return int with Export => True, Convention => C, External_name => "ada_base_type_decl_p_is_discrete_type"; -- Whether type is a discrete type or not. -- -- ``Origin``: Origin for this property's request. See :ref:`The origin -- parameter` for more details function ada_base_type_decl_p_is_int_type (Node : ada_base_entity_Ptr; Origin : access constant ada_base_entity; Value_P : access ada_bool) return int with Export => True, Convention => C, External_name => "ada_base_type_decl_p_is_int_type"; -- Whether type is an integer type or not. -- -- ``Origin``: Origin for this property's request. See :ref:`The origin -- parameter` for more details function ada_base_type_decl_p_accessed_type (Node : ada_base_entity_Ptr; Origin : access constant ada_base_entity; Value_P : access ada_base_entity) return int with Export => True, Convention => C, External_name => "ada_base_type_decl_p_accessed_type"; -- If this type is an access type, or a type with an Implicit_Dereference -- aspect, return the type of a dereference of an instance of this type. -- -- ``Origin``: Origin for this property's request. See :ref:`The origin -- parameter` for more details function ada_base_type_decl_p_is_tagged_type (Node : ada_base_entity_Ptr; Origin : access constant ada_base_entity; Value_P : access ada_bool) return int with Export => True, Convention => C, External_name => "ada_base_type_decl_p_is_tagged_type"; -- Whether type is tagged or not -- -- ``Origin``: Origin for this property's request. See :ref:`The origin -- parameter` for more details function ada_base_type_decl_p_base_type (Node : ada_base_entity_Ptr; Origin : access constant ada_base_entity; Value_P : access ada_base_entity) return int with Export => True, Convention => C, External_name => "ada_base_type_decl_p_base_type"; -- Return the base type entity for this derived type declaration -- -- ``Origin``: Origin for this property's request. See :ref:`The origin -- parameter` for more details function ada_base_type_decl_p_base_types (Node : ada_base_entity_Ptr; Origin : access constant ada_base_entity; Value_P : access ada_ada_node_array) return int with Export => True, Convention => C, External_name => "ada_base_type_decl_p_base_types"; -- Return the list of base types for Self. -- -- ``Origin``: Origin for this property's request. See :ref:`The origin -- parameter` for more details function ada_base_type_decl_p_find_all_derived_types (Node : ada_base_entity_Ptr; Units : ada_analysis_unit_array; Imprecise_Fallback : ada_bool; Value_P : access ada_ada_node_array) return int with Export => True, Convention => C, External_name => "ada_base_type_decl_p_find_all_derived_types"; -- Return the list of all types that inherit (directly or indirectly) from -- Self among the given units. function ada_base_type_decl_p_comp_type (Node : ada_base_entity_Ptr; Is_Subscript : ada_bool; Origin : access constant ada_base_entity; Value_P : access ada_base_entity) return int with Export => True, Convention => C, External_name => "ada_base_type_decl_p_comp_type"; -- Return the component type of ``Self``, if applicable. The component type -- is the type you'll get if you call a value whose type is ``Self``. So it -- can either be: -- -- 1. The component type for an array. -- -- 2. The return type for an access to function. -- -- ``Origin``: Origin for this property's request. See :ref:`The origin -- parameter` for more details function ada_base_type_decl_p_index_type (Node : ada_base_entity_Ptr; Dim : int; Origin : access constant ada_base_entity; Value_P : access ada_base_entity) return int with Export => True, Convention => C, External_name => "ada_base_type_decl_p_index_type"; -- Return the index type for dimension ``dim`` for this type, if -- applicable. -- -- .. warning:: ``dim`` is 0-based, so the first ``index_type`` is at index -- 0. -- -- ``Origin``: Origin for this property's request. See :ref:`The origin -- parameter` for more details function ada_base_type_decl_p_is_derived_type (Node : ada_base_entity_Ptr; Other_Type : access constant ada_base_entity; Origin : access constant ada_base_entity; Value_P : access ada_bool) return int with Export => True, Convention => C, External_name => "ada_base_type_decl_p_is_derived_type"; -- Whether Self is derived from other_type. -- -- ``Origin``: Origin for this property's request. See :ref:`The origin -- parameter` for more details function ada_base_type_decl_p_is_interface_type (Node : ada_base_entity_Ptr; Origin : access constant ada_base_entity; Value_P : access ada_bool) return int with Export => True, Convention => C, External_name => "ada_base_type_decl_p_is_interface_type"; -- Return True iff this type declaration is an interface definition. -- -- ``Origin``: Origin for this property's request. See :ref:`The origin -- parameter` for more details function ada_base_type_decl_p_matching_type (Node : ada_base_entity_Ptr; Expected_Type : access constant ada_base_entity; Origin : access constant ada_base_entity; Value_P : access ada_bool) return int with Export => True, Convention => C, External_name => "ada_base_type_decl_p_matching_type"; -- Return whether ``self`` matches ``expected_type``. -- -- ``Origin``: Origin for this property's request. See :ref:`The origin -- parameter` for more details function ada_base_type_decl_p_canonical_type (Node : ada_base_entity_Ptr; Origin : access constant ada_base_entity; Value_P : access ada_base_entity) return int with Export => True, Convention => C, External_name => "ada_base_type_decl_p_canonical_type"; -- Return the canonical type declaration for this type declaration. For -- subtypes, it will return the base type declaration. -- -- ``Origin``: Origin for this property's request. See :ref:`The origin -- parameter` for more details function ada_base_type_decl_p_previous_part (Node : ada_base_entity_Ptr; Go_To_Incomplete : ada_bool; Value_P : access ada_base_entity) return int with Export => True, Convention => C, External_name => "ada_base_type_decl_p_previous_part"; -- Returns the previous part for this type decl. function ada_base_type_decl_p_next_part (Node : ada_base_entity_Ptr; Value_P : access ada_base_entity) return int with Export => True, Convention => C, External_name => "ada_base_type_decl_p_next_part"; -- Returns the next part for this type decl. -- -- .. note:: Since this property returns a ``BaseTypeDecl``, it cannot be -- used to retrieve the next part of ``TaskTypeDecl`` and -- ``ProtectedTypeDecl`` nodes as their next part is actually a -- ``Body``. Use ``BasicDecl.next_part_for_decl`` for those instead. function ada_base_type_decl_p_full_view (Node : ada_base_entity_Ptr; Value_P : access ada_base_entity) return int with Export => True, Convention => C, External_name => "ada_base_type_decl_p_full_view"; -- Return the full completion of this type. function ada_base_type_decl_p_is_definite_subtype (Node : ada_base_entity_Ptr; Origin : access constant ada_base_entity; Value_P : access ada_bool) return int with Export => True, Convention => C, External_name => "ada_base_type_decl_p_is_definite_subtype"; -- Returns whether this is a definite subtype. -- -- For convenience, this will return ``False`` for incomplete types, even -- though the correct answer is more akin to "non applicable". -- -- ``Origin``: Origin for this property's request. See :ref:`The origin -- parameter` for more details function ada_base_type_decl_p_is_private (Node : ada_base_entity_Ptr; Value_P : access ada_bool) return int with Export => True, Convention => C, External_name => "ada_base_type_decl_p_is_private"; -- Whether node is a private view of corresponding type. function ada_base_type_decl_p_discriminants_list (Node : ada_base_entity_Ptr; Stop_Recurse_At : access constant ada_base_entity; Origin : access constant ada_base_entity; Value_P : access ada_ada_node_array) return int with Export => True, Convention => C, External_name => "ada_base_type_decl_p_discriminants_list"; -- Return the list of all discriminants of this type. If this type has no -- discriminant or only unknown discriminants, an empty list is returned. -- -- In order to obtain all the discriminants of an extended type, this -- property looks on parents, recursively. -- -- Extended aggregates can be build from any intermediate parent of an -- extended type. In that case, this property shouldn't recurse to the root -- type, but the one used as the aggregate's ancestor, designated by -- ``stop_recurse_at``. -- -- ``Origin``: Origin for this property's request. See :ref:`The origin -- parameter` for more details function ada_base_type_decl_p_root_type (Node : ada_base_entity_Ptr; Origin : access constant ada_base_entity; Value_P : access ada_base_entity) return int with Export => True, Convention => C, External_name => "ada_base_type_decl_p_root_type"; -- Return the type that is at the root of the derivation hierarchy -- (ignoring secondary interfaces derivations for tagged types) -- -- ``Origin``: Origin for this property's request. See :ref:`The origin -- parameter` for more details function ada_base_type_decl_p_shapes (Node : ada_base_entity_Ptr; Include_Discriminants : ada_bool; Origin : access constant ada_base_entity; Value_P : access ada_shape_array) return int with Export => True, Convention => C, External_name => "ada_base_type_decl_p_shapes"; -- Must be called on a record (sub-)type declaration. Return all the -- possible shapes that a value of this record type can take. For example, -- consider the following record definition: -- -- .. code:: -- -- type R (A : Integer; B : Integer) is record -- X : Integer; -- case A is -- when 1 .. 10 => -- Y_1 : Integer; -- case B is -- when 1 .. 10 => -- Z_1 : Integer; -- when others => null; -- end case; -- when 11 .. 20 => -- Y_2 : Integer; -- case B is -- when 1 .. 10 => -- Z_2 : Integer; -- when others => null; -- end case; -- when others => null; -- end case; -- end record; -- -- For this instance, this property will return the following results: -- -- .. code:: -- -- [ -- [X, Y_1, Z_1], -- [X, Y_1], -- [X, Y_2, Z_2], -- [X, Y_2], -- [X] -- ] -- -- .. attention:: This property is inaccurate when called on a record -- extension which defines components under a certain condition C, and -- this same condition is used to define some components in the parent -- record: in that case, any feasible shape will in practice contain -- either both the components defined under condition C in the child -- record and the parent record, or none of them.However, due to the -- simplified algorithm we use here to compute the feasible shapes, we -- will also return shapes that include the components of the child -- record but not the parent record, and conversely. -- -- ``Origin``: Origin for this property's request. See :ref:`The origin -- parameter` for more details function ada_base_subtype_decl_p_get_type (Node : ada_base_entity_Ptr; Origin : access constant ada_base_entity; Value_P : access ada_base_entity) return int with Export => True, Convention => C, External_name => "ada_base_subtype_decl_p_get_type"; -- Get the type for this subtype. -- -- ``Origin``: Origin for this property's request. See :ref:`The origin -- parameter` for more details function ada_subtype_decl_f_subtype (Node : ada_base_entity_Ptr; Value_P : access ada_base_entity) return int with Export => True, Convention => C, External_name => "ada_subtype_decl_f_subtype"; -- When there are no parsing errors, this field is never null. function ada_incomplete_type_decl_f_discriminants (Node : ada_base_entity_Ptr; Value_P : access ada_base_entity) return int with Export => True, Convention => C, External_name => "ada_incomplete_type_decl_f_discriminants"; -- This field may be null even when there are no parsing errors. function ada_incomplete_formal_type_decl_f_is_tagged (Node : ada_base_entity_Ptr; Value_P : access ada_base_entity) return int with Export => True, Convention => C, External_name => "ada_incomplete_formal_type_decl_f_is_tagged"; -- This field may be null even when there are no parsing errors. function ada_incomplete_formal_type_decl_f_default_type (Node : ada_base_entity_Ptr; Value_P : access ada_base_entity) return int with Export => True, Convention => C, External_name => "ada_incomplete_formal_type_decl_f_default_type"; -- This field can contain one of the following nodes: -- :ada:ref:`Attribute_Ref`, :ada:ref:`Call_Expr`, :ada:ref:`Char_Literal`, -- :ada:ref:`Dotted_Name`, :ada:ref:`Explicit_Deref`, -- :ada:ref:`Identifier`, :ada:ref:`Qual_Expr`, -- :ada:ref:`Reduce_Attribute_Ref`, :ada:ref:`String_Literal`, -- :ada:ref:`Target_Name`, :ada:ref:`Update_Attribute_Ref` -- -- This field may be null even when there are no parsing errors. function ada_incomplete_tagged_type_decl_f_has_abstract (Node : ada_base_entity_Ptr; Value_P : access ada_base_entity) return int with Export => True, Convention => C, External_name => "ada_incomplete_tagged_type_decl_f_has_abstract"; -- When there are no parsing errors, this field is never null. function ada_protected_type_decl_f_discriminants (Node : ada_base_entity_Ptr; Value_P : access ada_base_entity) return int with Export => True, Convention => C, External_name => "ada_protected_type_decl_f_discriminants"; -- This field may be null even when there are no parsing errors. function ada_protected_type_decl_f_interfaces (Node : ada_base_entity_Ptr; Value_P : access ada_base_entity) return int with Export => True, Convention => C, External_name => "ada_protected_type_decl_f_interfaces"; -- This field contains a list that itself contains one of the following -- nodes: :ada:ref:`Char_Literal`, :ada:ref:`Dotted_Name`, -- :ada:ref:`Identifier`, :ada:ref:`String_Literal` -- -- When there are no parsing errors, this field is never null. function ada_protected_type_decl_f_definition (Node : ada_base_entity_Ptr; Value_P : access ada_base_entity) return int with Export => True, Convention => C, External_name => "ada_protected_type_decl_f_definition"; -- When there are no parsing errors, this field is never null. function ada_task_type_decl_f_discriminants (Node : ada_base_entity_Ptr; Value_P : access ada_base_entity) return int with Export => True, Convention => C, External_name => "ada_task_type_decl_f_discriminants"; -- This field may be null even when there are no parsing errors. function ada_task_type_decl_f_definition (Node : ada_base_entity_Ptr; Value_P : access ada_base_entity) return int with Export => True, Convention => C, External_name => "ada_task_type_decl_f_definition"; -- This field may be null even when there are no parsing errors. function ada_type_decl_f_discriminants (Node : ada_base_entity_Ptr; Value_P : access ada_base_entity) return int with Export => True, Convention => C, External_name => "ada_type_decl_f_discriminants"; -- This field may be null even when there are no parsing errors. function ada_type_decl_f_type_def (Node : ada_base_entity_Ptr; Value_P : access ada_base_entity) return int with Export => True, Convention => C, External_name => "ada_type_decl_f_type_def"; -- When there are no parsing errors, this field is never null. function ada_type_decl_p_get_primitives (Node : ada_base_entity_Ptr; Only_Inherited : ada_bool; Include_Predefined_Operators : ada_bool; Value_P : access ada_ada_node_array) return int with Export => True, Convention => C, External_name => "ada_type_decl_p_get_primitives"; -- Return the list of all primitive operations that are available on this -- type. If ``only_inherited`` is True, it will only return the primitives -- that are implicitly inherited by this type, discarding those explicitly -- defined on this type. Predefined operators are included in the result -- iff ``include_predefined_operators`` is True. It defaults to False. function ada_formal_type_decl_f_default_type (Node : ada_base_entity_Ptr; Value_P : access ada_base_entity) return int with Export => True, Convention => C, External_name => "ada_formal_type_decl_f_default_type"; -- This field can contain one of the following nodes: -- :ada:ref:`Attribute_Ref`, :ada:ref:`Call_Expr`, :ada:ref:`Char_Literal`, -- :ada:ref:`Dotted_Name`, :ada:ref:`Explicit_Deref`, -- :ada:ref:`Identifier`, :ada:ref:`Qual_Expr`, -- :ada:ref:`Reduce_Attribute_Ref`, :ada:ref:`String_Literal`, -- :ada:ref:`Target_Name`, :ada:ref:`Update_Attribute_Ref` -- -- This field may be null even when there are no parsing errors. function ada_basic_subp_decl_p_has_spark_mode_on (Node : ada_base_entity_Ptr; Value_P : access ada_bool) return int with Export => True, Convention => C, External_name => "ada_basic_subp_decl_p_has_spark_mode_on"; -- Returns whether this subprogram has explicitly been set as having -- ``Spark_Mode`` to ``On``, directly or indirectly. -- -- Doesn't include subprograms that can be inferred by GNATprove as being -- SPARK. function ada_basic_subp_decl_p_subp_decl_spec (Node : ada_base_entity_Ptr; Value_P : access ada_base_entity) return int with Export => True, Convention => C, External_name => "ada_basic_subp_decl_p_subp_decl_spec"; -- Return the specification for this subprogram function ada_classic_subp_decl_f_overriding (Node : ada_base_entity_Ptr; Value_P : access ada_base_entity) return int with Export => True, Convention => C, External_name => "ada_classic_subp_decl_f_overriding"; -- When there are no parsing errors, this field is never null. function ada_classic_subp_decl_f_subp_spec (Node : ada_base_entity_Ptr; Value_P : access ada_base_entity) return int with Export => True, Convention => C, External_name => "ada_classic_subp_decl_f_subp_spec"; -- When there are no parsing errors, this field is never null. function ada_classic_subp_decl_p_body_part (Node : ada_base_entity_Ptr; Imprecise_Fallback : ada_bool; Value_P : access ada_base_entity) return int with Export => True, Convention => C, External_name => "ada_classic_subp_decl_p_body_part"; -- Return the BaseSubpBody corresponding to this node. function ada_formal_subp_decl_f_default_expr (Node : ada_base_entity_Ptr; Value_P : access ada_base_entity) return int with Export => True, Convention => C, External_name => "ada_formal_subp_decl_f_default_expr"; -- This field can contain one of the following nodes: -- :ada:ref:`Attribute_Ref`, :ada:ref:`Box_Expr`, :ada:ref:`Call_Expr`, -- :ada:ref:`Char_Literal`, :ada:ref:`Dotted_Name`, -- :ada:ref:`Explicit_Deref`, :ada:ref:`Identifier`, -- :ada:ref:`Null_Literal`, :ada:ref:`Qual_Expr`, -- :ada:ref:`Reduce_Attribute_Ref`, :ada:ref:`String_Literal`, -- :ada:ref:`Target_Name`, :ada:ref:`Update_Attribute_Ref` -- -- This field may be null even when there are no parsing errors. function ada_entry_decl_f_overriding (Node : ada_base_entity_Ptr; Value_P : access ada_base_entity) return int with Export => True, Convention => C, External_name => "ada_entry_decl_f_overriding"; -- When there are no parsing errors, this field is never null. function ada_entry_decl_f_spec (Node : ada_base_entity_Ptr; Value_P : access ada_base_entity) return int with Export => True, Convention => C, External_name => "ada_entry_decl_f_spec"; -- When there are no parsing errors, this field is never null. function ada_entry_decl_p_body_part (Node : ada_base_entity_Ptr; Imprecise_Fallback : ada_bool; Value_P : access ada_base_entity) return int with Export => True, Convention => C, External_name => "ada_entry_decl_p_body_part"; -- Return the entry body associated to this entry declaration. function ada_entry_decl_p_accept_stmts (Node : ada_base_entity_Ptr; Value_P : access ada_ada_node_array) return int with Export => True, Convention => C, External_name => "ada_entry_decl_p_accept_stmts"; -- Return an array of accept statements corresponding to this entry. function ada_enum_literal_decl_f_name (Node : ada_base_entity_Ptr; Value_P : access ada_base_entity) return int with Export => True, Convention => C, External_name => "ada_enum_literal_decl_f_name"; -- This field may be null even when there are no parsing errors. function ada_enum_literal_decl_p_enum_type (Node : ada_base_entity_Ptr; Value_P : access ada_base_entity) return int with Export => True, Convention => C, External_name => "ada_enum_literal_decl_p_enum_type"; -- Return the enum type corresponding to this enum literal. function ada_enum_literal_decl_p_enum_rep (Node : ada_base_entity_Ptr; Value_P : access ada_big_integer) return int with Export => True, Convention => C, External_name => "ada_enum_literal_decl_p_enum_rep"; -- Return the integer used to encode this enum literal. -- -- .. note:: This property is equivalent to GNAT's ``Enum_Rep`` attribute. function ada_synthetic_char_enum_lit_p_expr (Node : ada_base_entity_Ptr; Value_P : access ada_base_entity) return int with Export => True, Convention => C, External_name => "ada_synthetic_char_enum_lit_p_expr"; -- Return the CharLiteral expression corresponding to this enum literal. function ada_generic_subp_internal_f_subp_spec (Node : ada_base_entity_Ptr; Value_P : access ada_base_entity) return int with Export => True, Convention => C, External_name => "ada_generic_subp_internal_f_subp_spec"; -- When there are no parsing errors, this field is never null. function ada_synthetic_subp_decl_f_spec (Node : ada_base_entity_Ptr; Value_P : access ada_base_entity) return int with Export => True, Convention => C, External_name => "ada_synthetic_subp_decl_f_spec"; -- This field can contain one of the following nodes: -- :ada:ref:`Synthetic_Binary_Spec`, :ada:ref:`Synthetic_Unary_Spec` -- -- When there are no parsing errors, this field is never null. function ada_body_node_p_previous_part (Node : ada_base_entity_Ptr; Imprecise_Fallback : ada_bool; Value_P : access ada_base_entity) return int with Export => True, Convention => C, External_name => "ada_body_node_p_previous_part"; -- Return the previous part for this body. Might be a declaration or a body -- stub. function ada_body_node_p_decl_part (Node : ada_base_entity_Ptr; Imprecise_Fallback : ada_bool; Value_P : access ada_base_entity) return int with Export => True, Convention => C, External_name => "ada_body_node_p_decl_part"; -- Return the decl corresponding to this node if applicable. function ada_body_node_p_subunit_root (Node : ada_base_entity_Ptr; Value_P : access ada_base_entity) return int with Export => True, Convention => C, External_name => "ada_body_node_p_subunit_root"; -- If self is a subunit, return the body in which it is rooted. function ada_accept_stmt_body_f_name (Node : ada_base_entity_Ptr; Value_P : access ada_base_entity) return int with Export => True, Convention => C, External_name => "ada_accept_stmt_body_f_name"; -- When there are no parsing errors, this field is never null. function ada_base_subp_body_f_overriding (Node : ada_base_entity_Ptr; Value_P : access ada_base_entity) return int with Export => True, Convention => C, External_name => "ada_base_subp_body_f_overriding"; -- When there are no parsing errors, this field is never null. function ada_base_subp_body_f_subp_spec (Node : ada_base_entity_Ptr; Value_P : access ada_base_entity) return int with Export => True, Convention => C, External_name => "ada_base_subp_body_f_subp_spec"; -- When there are no parsing errors, this field is never null. function ada_base_subp_body_p_is_subject_to_proof (Node : ada_base_entity_Ptr; Value_P : access ada_bool) return int with Export => True, Convention => C, External_name => "ada_base_subp_body_p_is_subject_to_proof"; -- Returns whether this subprogram body is subject to proof in the context -- of the SPARK/GNATprove tools. function ada_base_subp_body_p_has_spark_mode_on (Node : ada_base_entity_Ptr; Value_P : access ada_bool) return int with Export => True, Convention => C, External_name => "ada_base_subp_body_p_has_spark_mode_on"; -- Returns whether this subprogram has explicitly been set as having -- ``Spark_Mode`` to ``On``, directly or indirectly. -- -- Doesn't include subprograms that can be inferred by GNATprove as being -- SPARK. function ada_expr_function_f_expr (Node : ada_base_entity_Ptr; Value_P : access ada_base_entity) return int with Export => True, Convention => C, External_name => "ada_expr_function_f_expr"; -- This field can contain one of the following nodes: -- :ada:ref:`Base_Aggregate`, :ada:ref:`Paren_Expr` -- -- When there are no parsing errors, this field is never null. function ada_subp_body_f_decls (Node : ada_base_entity_Ptr; Value_P : access ada_base_entity) return int with Export => True, Convention => C, External_name => "ada_subp_body_f_decls"; -- When there are no parsing errors, this field is never null. function ada_subp_body_f_stmts (Node : ada_base_entity_Ptr; Value_P : access ada_base_entity) return int with Export => True, Convention => C, External_name => "ada_subp_body_f_stmts"; -- When there are no parsing errors, this field is never null. function ada_subp_body_f_end_name (Node : ada_base_entity_Ptr; Value_P : access ada_base_entity) return int with Export => True, Convention => C, External_name => "ada_subp_body_f_end_name"; -- This field may be null even when there are no parsing errors. function ada_subp_renaming_decl_f_renames (Node : ada_base_entity_Ptr; Value_P : access ada_base_entity) return int with Export => True, Convention => C, External_name => "ada_subp_renaming_decl_f_renames"; -- When there are no parsing errors, this field is never null. function ada_body_stub_p_syntactic_fully_qualified_name (Node : ada_base_entity_Ptr; Value_P : access ada_unbounded_text_type_array) return int with Export => True, Convention => C, External_name => "ada_body_stub_p_syntactic_fully_qualified_name"; -- Return the syntactic fully qualified name to refer to this body. -- -- Note that this can raise a Property_Error when the stub is in an illegal -- place (too nested, in a declare block, etc.). function ada_package_body_stub_f_name (Node : ada_base_entity_Ptr; Value_P : access ada_base_entity) return int with Export => True, Convention => C, External_name => "ada_package_body_stub_f_name"; -- When there are no parsing errors, this field is never null. function ada_protected_body_stub_f_name (Node : ada_base_entity_Ptr; Value_P : access ada_base_entity) return int with Export => True, Convention => C, External_name => "ada_protected_body_stub_f_name"; -- When there are no parsing errors, this field is never null. function ada_subp_body_stub_f_overriding (Node : ada_base_entity_Ptr; Value_P : access ada_base_entity) return int with Export => True, Convention => C, External_name => "ada_subp_body_stub_f_overriding"; -- When there are no parsing errors, this field is never null. function ada_subp_body_stub_f_subp_spec (Node : ada_base_entity_Ptr; Value_P : access ada_base_entity) return int with Export => True, Convention => C, External_name => "ada_subp_body_stub_f_subp_spec"; -- When there are no parsing errors, this field is never null. function ada_task_body_stub_f_name (Node : ada_base_entity_Ptr; Value_P : access ada_base_entity) return int with Export => True, Convention => C, External_name => "ada_task_body_stub_f_name"; -- When there are no parsing errors, this field is never null. function ada_entry_body_f_entry_name (Node : ada_base_entity_Ptr; Value_P : access ada_base_entity) return int with Export => True, Convention => C, External_name => "ada_entry_body_f_entry_name"; -- When there are no parsing errors, this field is never null. function ada_entry_body_f_index_spec (Node : ada_base_entity_Ptr; Value_P : access ada_base_entity) return int with Export => True, Convention => C, External_name => "ada_entry_body_f_index_spec"; -- This field may be null even when there are no parsing errors. function ada_entry_body_f_params (Node : ada_base_entity_Ptr; Value_P : access ada_base_entity) return int with Export => True, Convention => C, External_name => "ada_entry_body_f_params"; -- When there are no parsing errors, this field is never null. function ada_entry_body_f_barrier (Node : ada_base_entity_Ptr; Value_P : access ada_base_entity) return int with Export => True, Convention => C, External_name => "ada_entry_body_f_barrier"; -- This field can contain one of the following nodes: :ada:ref:`Allocator`, -- :ada:ref:`Attribute_Ref`, :ada:ref:`Base_Aggregate`, :ada:ref:`Bin_Op`, -- :ada:ref:`Call_Expr`, :ada:ref:`Char_Literal`, :ada:ref:`Concat_Op`, -- :ada:ref:`Cond_Expr`, :ada:ref:`Decl_Expr`, :ada:ref:`Dotted_Name`, -- :ada:ref:`Explicit_Deref`, :ada:ref:`Identifier`, -- :ada:ref:`Membership_Expr`, :ada:ref:`Null_Literal`, -- :ada:ref:`Num_Literal`, :ada:ref:`Paren_Expr`, :ada:ref:`Qual_Expr`, -- :ada:ref:`Quantified_Expr`, :ada:ref:`Raise_Expr`, -- :ada:ref:`Reduce_Attribute_Ref`, :ada:ref:`String_Literal`, -- :ada:ref:`Target_Name`, :ada:ref:`Un_Op`, -- :ada:ref:`Update_Attribute_Ref` -- -- When there are no parsing errors, this field is never null. function ada_entry_body_f_decls (Node : ada_base_entity_Ptr; Value_P : access ada_base_entity) return int with Export => True, Convention => C, External_name => "ada_entry_body_f_decls"; -- When there are no parsing errors, this field is never null. function ada_entry_body_f_stmts (Node : ada_base_entity_Ptr; Value_P : access ada_base_entity) return int with Export => True, Convention => C, External_name => "ada_entry_body_f_stmts"; -- When there are no parsing errors, this field is never null. function ada_entry_body_f_end_name (Node : ada_base_entity_Ptr; Value_P : access ada_base_entity) return int with Export => True, Convention => C, External_name => "ada_entry_body_f_end_name"; -- This field may be null even when there are no parsing errors. function ada_package_body_f_package_name (Node : ada_base_entity_Ptr; Value_P : access ada_base_entity) return int with Export => True, Convention => C, External_name => "ada_package_body_f_package_name"; -- When there are no parsing errors, this field is never null. function ada_package_body_f_decls (Node : ada_base_entity_Ptr; Value_P : access ada_base_entity) return int with Export => True, Convention => C, External_name => "ada_package_body_f_decls"; -- When there are no parsing errors, this field is never null. function ada_package_body_f_stmts (Node : ada_base_entity_Ptr; Value_P : access ada_base_entity) return int with Export => True, Convention => C, External_name => "ada_package_body_f_stmts"; -- This field may be null even when there are no parsing errors. function ada_package_body_f_end_name (Node : ada_base_entity_Ptr; Value_P : access ada_base_entity) return int with Export => True, Convention => C, External_name => "ada_package_body_f_end_name"; -- This field may be null even when there are no parsing errors. function ada_protected_body_f_name (Node : ada_base_entity_Ptr; Value_P : access ada_base_entity) return int with Export => True, Convention => C, External_name => "ada_protected_body_f_name"; -- When there are no parsing errors, this field is never null. function ada_protected_body_f_decls (Node : ada_base_entity_Ptr; Value_P : access ada_base_entity) return int with Export => True, Convention => C, External_name => "ada_protected_body_f_decls"; -- When there are no parsing errors, this field is never null. function ada_protected_body_f_end_name (Node : ada_base_entity_Ptr; Value_P : access ada_base_entity) return int with Export => True, Convention => C, External_name => "ada_protected_body_f_end_name"; -- This field may be null even when there are no parsing errors. function ada_task_body_f_name (Node : ada_base_entity_Ptr; Value_P : access ada_base_entity) return int with Export => True, Convention => C, External_name => "ada_task_body_f_name"; -- When there are no parsing errors, this field is never null. function ada_task_body_f_decls (Node : ada_base_entity_Ptr; Value_P : access ada_base_entity) return int with Export => True, Convention => C, External_name => "ada_task_body_f_decls"; -- When there are no parsing errors, this field is never null. function ada_task_body_f_stmts (Node : ada_base_entity_Ptr; Value_P : access ada_base_entity) return int with Export => True, Convention => C, External_name => "ada_task_body_f_stmts"; -- When there are no parsing errors, this field is never null. function ada_task_body_f_end_name (Node : ada_base_entity_Ptr; Value_P : access ada_base_entity) return int with Export => True, Convention => C, External_name => "ada_task_body_f_end_name"; -- This field may be null even when there are no parsing errors. function ada_entry_index_spec_f_id (Node : ada_base_entity_Ptr; Value_P : access ada_base_entity) return int with Export => True, Convention => C, External_name => "ada_entry_index_spec_f_id"; -- When there are no parsing errors, this field is never null. function ada_entry_index_spec_f_subtype (Node : ada_base_entity_Ptr; Value_P : access ada_base_entity) return int with Export => True, Convention => C, External_name => "ada_entry_index_spec_f_subtype"; -- This field can contain one of the following nodes: -- :ada:ref:`Attribute_Ref`, :ada:ref:`Bin_Op`, :ada:ref:`Call_Expr`, -- :ada:ref:`Char_Literal`, :ada:ref:`Dotted_Name`, -- :ada:ref:`Explicit_Deref`, :ada:ref:`Identifier`, :ada:ref:`Qual_Expr`, -- :ada:ref:`Reduce_Attribute_Ref`, :ada:ref:`String_Literal`, -- :ada:ref:`Subtype_Indication`, :ada:ref:`Target_Name`, -- :ada:ref:`Update_Attribute_Ref` -- -- When there are no parsing errors, this field is never null. function ada_exception_decl_f_ids (Node : ada_base_entity_Ptr; Value_P : access ada_base_entity) return int with Export => True, Convention => C, External_name => "ada_exception_decl_f_ids"; -- When there are no parsing errors, this field is never null. function ada_exception_decl_f_renames (Node : ada_base_entity_Ptr; Value_P : access ada_base_entity) return int with Export => True, Convention => C, External_name => "ada_exception_decl_f_renames"; -- This field may be null even when there are no parsing errors. function ada_exception_handler_f_exception_name (Node : ada_base_entity_Ptr; Value_P : access ada_base_entity) return int with Export => True, Convention => C, External_name => "ada_exception_handler_f_exception_name"; -- This field may be null even when there are no parsing errors. function ada_exception_handler_f_handled_exceptions (Node : ada_base_entity_Ptr; Value_P : access ada_base_entity) return int with Export => True, Convention => C, External_name => "ada_exception_handler_f_handled_exceptions"; -- This field contains a list that itself contains one of the following -- nodes: :ada:ref:`Attribute_Ref`, :ada:ref:`Call_Expr`, -- :ada:ref:`Char_Literal`, :ada:ref:`Dotted_Name`, -- :ada:ref:`Explicit_Deref`, :ada:ref:`Identifier`, -- :ada:ref:`Others_Designator`, :ada:ref:`Qual_Expr`, -- :ada:ref:`Reduce_Attribute_Ref`, :ada:ref:`String_Literal`, -- :ada:ref:`Target_Name`, :ada:ref:`Update_Attribute_Ref` -- -- When there are no parsing errors, this field is never null. function ada_exception_handler_f_stmts (Node : ada_base_entity_Ptr; Value_P : access ada_base_entity) return int with Export => True, Convention => C, External_name => "ada_exception_handler_f_stmts"; -- This field contains a list that itself contains one of the following -- nodes: :ada:ref:`Pragma_Node`, :ada:ref:`Stmt` -- -- When there are no parsing errors, this field is never null. function ada_for_loop_var_decl_f_id (Node : ada_base_entity_Ptr; Value_P : access ada_base_entity) return int with Export => True, Convention => C, External_name => "ada_for_loop_var_decl_f_id"; -- When there are no parsing errors, this field is never null. function ada_for_loop_var_decl_f_id_type (Node : ada_base_entity_Ptr; Value_P : access ada_base_entity) return int with Export => True, Convention => C, External_name => "ada_for_loop_var_decl_f_id_type"; -- This field can contain one of the following nodes: -- :ada:ref:`Anonymous_Type`, :ada:ref:`Subtype_Indication` -- -- This field may be null even when there are no parsing errors. function ada_generic_decl_f_formal_part (Node : ada_base_entity_Ptr; Value_P : access ada_base_entity) return int with Export => True, Convention => C, External_name => "ada_generic_decl_f_formal_part"; -- When there are no parsing errors, this field is never null. function ada_generic_package_decl_f_package_decl (Node : ada_base_entity_Ptr; Value_P : access ada_base_entity) return int with Export => True, Convention => C, External_name => "ada_generic_package_decl_f_package_decl"; -- When there are no parsing errors, this field is never null. function ada_generic_package_decl_p_body_part (Node : ada_base_entity_Ptr; Value_P : access ada_base_entity) return int with Export => True, Convention => C, External_name => "ada_generic_package_decl_p_body_part"; -- Return the PackageBody corresponding to this node, or null if there is -- none. function ada_generic_subp_decl_f_subp_decl (Node : ada_base_entity_Ptr; Value_P : access ada_base_entity) return int with Export => True, Convention => C, External_name => "ada_generic_subp_decl_f_subp_decl"; -- When there are no parsing errors, this field is never null. function ada_generic_subp_decl_p_body_part (Node : ada_base_entity_Ptr; Imprecise_Fallback : ada_bool; Value_P : access ada_base_entity) return int with Export => True, Convention => C, External_name => "ada_generic_subp_decl_p_body_part"; -- Return the BaseSubpBody corresponding to this node. function ada_generic_instantiation_p_designated_generic_decl (Node : ada_base_entity_Ptr; Value_P : access ada_base_entity) return int with Export => True, Convention => C, External_name => "ada_generic_instantiation_p_designated_generic_decl"; -- Return the generic decl entity designated by this instantiation, -- containing the generic context. This is equivalent to the expanded -- generic unit in GNAT. function ada_generic_instantiation_p_inst_params (Node : ada_base_entity_Ptr; Value_P : access ada_param_actual_array) return int with Export => True, Convention => C, External_name => "ada_generic_instantiation_p_inst_params"; -- Returns an array of pairs, associating formal parameters to actual or -- default expressions. function ada_generic_package_instantiation_f_name (Node : ada_base_entity_Ptr; Value_P : access ada_base_entity) return int with Export => True, Convention => C, External_name => "ada_generic_package_instantiation_f_name"; -- When there are no parsing errors, this field is never null. function ada_generic_package_instantiation_f_generic_pkg_name (Node : ada_base_entity_Ptr; Value_P : access ada_base_entity) return int with Export => True, Convention => C, External_name => "ada_generic_package_instantiation_f_generic_pkg_name"; -- This field can contain one of the following nodes: -- :ada:ref:`Char_Literal`, :ada:ref:`Dotted_Name`, :ada:ref:`Identifier`, -- :ada:ref:`String_Literal` -- -- When there are no parsing errors, this field is never null. function ada_generic_package_instantiation_f_params (Node : ada_base_entity_Ptr; Value_P : access ada_base_entity) return int with Export => True, Convention => C, External_name => "ada_generic_package_instantiation_f_params"; -- This field contains a list that itself contains one of the following -- nodes: :ada:ref:`Param_Assoc` -- -- When there are no parsing errors, this field is never null. function ada_generic_subp_instantiation_f_overriding (Node : ada_base_entity_Ptr; Value_P : access ada_base_entity) return int with Export => True, Convention => C, External_name => "ada_generic_subp_instantiation_f_overriding"; -- When there are no parsing errors, this field is never null. function ada_generic_subp_instantiation_f_kind (Node : ada_base_entity_Ptr; Value_P : access ada_base_entity) return int with Export => True, Convention => C, External_name => "ada_generic_subp_instantiation_f_kind"; -- When there are no parsing errors, this field is never null. function ada_generic_subp_instantiation_f_subp_name (Node : ada_base_entity_Ptr; Value_P : access ada_base_entity) return int with Export => True, Convention => C, External_name => "ada_generic_subp_instantiation_f_subp_name"; -- When there are no parsing errors, this field is never null. function ada_generic_subp_instantiation_f_generic_subp_name (Node : ada_base_entity_Ptr; Value_P : access ada_base_entity) return int with Export => True, Convention => C, External_name => "ada_generic_subp_instantiation_f_generic_subp_name"; -- This field can contain one of the following nodes: -- :ada:ref:`Char_Literal`, :ada:ref:`Dotted_Name`, :ada:ref:`Identifier`, -- :ada:ref:`String_Literal` -- -- When there are no parsing errors, this field is never null. function ada_generic_subp_instantiation_f_params (Node : ada_base_entity_Ptr; Value_P : access ada_base_entity) return int with Export => True, Convention => C, External_name => "ada_generic_subp_instantiation_f_params"; -- This field contains a list that itself contains one of the following -- nodes: :ada:ref:`Param_Assoc` -- -- When there are no parsing errors, this field is never null. function ada_generic_subp_instantiation_p_designated_subp (Node : ada_base_entity_Ptr; Value_P : access ada_base_entity) return int with Export => True, Convention => C, External_name => "ada_generic_subp_instantiation_p_designated_subp"; -- Return the subprogram decl designated by this instantiation. function ada_generic_package_renaming_decl_f_name (Node : ada_base_entity_Ptr; Value_P : access ada_base_entity) return int with Export => True, Convention => C, External_name => "ada_generic_package_renaming_decl_f_name"; -- When there are no parsing errors, this field is never null. function ada_generic_package_renaming_decl_f_renames (Node : ada_base_entity_Ptr; Value_P : access ada_base_entity) return int with Export => True, Convention => C, External_name => "ada_generic_package_renaming_decl_f_renames"; -- This field can contain one of the following nodes: -- :ada:ref:`Char_Literal`, :ada:ref:`Dotted_Name`, :ada:ref:`Identifier`, -- :ada:ref:`String_Literal` -- -- When there are no parsing errors, this field is never null. function ada_generic_subp_renaming_decl_f_kind (Node : ada_base_entity_Ptr; Value_P : access ada_base_entity) return int with Export => True, Convention => C, External_name => "ada_generic_subp_renaming_decl_f_kind"; -- When there are no parsing errors, this field is never null. function ada_generic_subp_renaming_decl_f_name (Node : ada_base_entity_Ptr; Value_P : access ada_base_entity) return int with Export => True, Convention => C, External_name => "ada_generic_subp_renaming_decl_f_name"; -- When there are no parsing errors, this field is never null. function ada_generic_subp_renaming_decl_f_renames (Node : ada_base_entity_Ptr; Value_P : access ada_base_entity) return int with Export => True, Convention => C, External_name => "ada_generic_subp_renaming_decl_f_renames"; -- This field can contain one of the following nodes: -- :ada:ref:`Char_Literal`, :ada:ref:`Dotted_Name`, :ada:ref:`Identifier`, -- :ada:ref:`String_Literal` -- -- When there are no parsing errors, this field is never null. function ada_label_decl_f_name (Node : ada_base_entity_Ptr; Value_P : access ada_base_entity) return int with Export => True, Convention => C, External_name => "ada_label_decl_f_name"; -- When there are no parsing errors, this field is never null. function ada_named_stmt_decl_f_name (Node : ada_base_entity_Ptr; Value_P : access ada_base_entity) return int with Export => True, Convention => C, External_name => "ada_named_stmt_decl_f_name"; -- When there are no parsing errors, this field is never null. function ada_number_decl_f_ids (Node : ada_base_entity_Ptr; Value_P : access ada_base_entity) return int with Export => True, Convention => C, External_name => "ada_number_decl_f_ids"; -- When there are no parsing errors, this field is never null. function ada_number_decl_f_expr (Node : ada_base_entity_Ptr; Value_P : access ada_base_entity) return int with Export => True, Convention => C, External_name => "ada_number_decl_f_expr"; -- This field can contain one of the following nodes: :ada:ref:`Allocator`, -- :ada:ref:`Attribute_Ref`, :ada:ref:`Base_Aggregate`, :ada:ref:`Bin_Op`, -- :ada:ref:`Call_Expr`, :ada:ref:`Char_Literal`, :ada:ref:`Concat_Op`, -- :ada:ref:`Cond_Expr`, :ada:ref:`Decl_Expr`, :ada:ref:`Dotted_Name`, -- :ada:ref:`Explicit_Deref`, :ada:ref:`Identifier`, -- :ada:ref:`Null_Literal`, :ada:ref:`Num_Literal`, :ada:ref:`Paren_Expr`, -- :ada:ref:`Qual_Expr`, :ada:ref:`Quantified_Expr`, :ada:ref:`Raise_Expr`, -- :ada:ref:`Reduce_Attribute_Ref`, :ada:ref:`String_Literal`, -- :ada:ref:`Target_Name`, :ada:ref:`Un_Op`, -- :ada:ref:`Update_Attribute_Ref` -- -- When there are no parsing errors, this field is never null. function ada_object_decl_f_ids (Node : ada_base_entity_Ptr; Value_P : access ada_base_entity) return int with Export => True, Convention => C, External_name => "ada_object_decl_f_ids"; -- When there are no parsing errors, this field is never null. function ada_object_decl_f_has_aliased (Node : ada_base_entity_Ptr; Value_P : access ada_base_entity) return int with Export => True, Convention => C, External_name => "ada_object_decl_f_has_aliased"; -- This field may be null even when there are no parsing errors. function ada_object_decl_f_has_constant (Node : ada_base_entity_Ptr; Value_P : access ada_base_entity) return int with Export => True, Convention => C, External_name => "ada_object_decl_f_has_constant"; -- This field may be null even when there are no parsing errors. function ada_object_decl_f_mode (Node : ada_base_entity_Ptr; Value_P : access ada_base_entity) return int with Export => True, Convention => C, External_name => "ada_object_decl_f_mode"; -- This field may be null even when there are no parsing errors. function ada_object_decl_f_type_expr (Node : ada_base_entity_Ptr; Value_P : access ada_base_entity) return int with Export => True, Convention => C, External_name => "ada_object_decl_f_type_expr"; -- This field can contain one of the following nodes: -- :ada:ref:`Anonymous_Type`, :ada:ref:`Subtype_Indication` -- -- This field may be null even when there are no parsing errors. function ada_object_decl_f_default_expr (Node : ada_base_entity_Ptr; Value_P : access ada_base_entity) return int with Export => True, Convention => C, External_name => "ada_object_decl_f_default_expr"; -- This field can contain one of the following nodes: :ada:ref:`Allocator`, -- :ada:ref:`Attribute_Ref`, :ada:ref:`Base_Aggregate`, :ada:ref:`Bin_Op`, -- :ada:ref:`Call_Expr`, :ada:ref:`Char_Literal`, :ada:ref:`Concat_Op`, -- :ada:ref:`Cond_Expr`, :ada:ref:`Decl_Expr`, :ada:ref:`Dotted_Name`, -- :ada:ref:`Explicit_Deref`, :ada:ref:`Identifier`, -- :ada:ref:`Membership_Expr`, :ada:ref:`Null_Literal`, -- :ada:ref:`Num_Literal`, :ada:ref:`Paren_Expr`, :ada:ref:`Qual_Expr`, -- :ada:ref:`Quantified_Expr`, :ada:ref:`Raise_Expr`, -- :ada:ref:`Reduce_Attribute_Ref`, :ada:ref:`String_Literal`, -- :ada:ref:`Target_Name`, :ada:ref:`Un_Op`, -- :ada:ref:`Update_Attribute_Ref` -- -- This field may be null even when there are no parsing errors. function ada_object_decl_f_renaming_clause (Node : ada_base_entity_Ptr; Value_P : access ada_base_entity) return int with Export => True, Convention => C, External_name => "ada_object_decl_f_renaming_clause"; -- This field may be null even when there are no parsing errors. function ada_object_decl_p_private_part_decl (Node : ada_base_entity_Ptr; Value_P : access ada_base_entity) return int with Export => True, Convention => C, External_name => "ada_object_decl_p_private_part_decl"; -- If this object decl is the constant completion of an object decl in the -- public part, return the object decl from the public part. function ada_object_decl_p_public_part_decl (Node : ada_base_entity_Ptr; Value_P : access ada_base_entity) return int with Export => True, Convention => C, External_name => "ada_object_decl_p_public_part_decl"; -- If this object decl is the incomplete declaration of a constant in a -- public part, return its completion in the private part. function ada_package_renaming_decl_f_name (Node : ada_base_entity_Ptr; Value_P : access ada_base_entity) return int with Export => True, Convention => C, External_name => "ada_package_renaming_decl_f_name"; -- When there are no parsing errors, this field is never null. function ada_package_renaming_decl_f_renames (Node : ada_base_entity_Ptr; Value_P : access ada_base_entity) return int with Export => True, Convention => C, External_name => "ada_package_renaming_decl_f_renames"; -- When there are no parsing errors, this field is never null. function ada_package_renaming_decl_p_renamed_package (Node : ada_base_entity_Ptr; Value_P : access ada_base_entity) return int with Export => True, Convention => C, External_name => "ada_package_renaming_decl_p_renamed_package"; -- Return the declaration of the package that is renamed by Self. function ada_package_renaming_decl_p_final_renamed_package (Node : ada_base_entity_Ptr; Value_P : access ada_base_entity) return int with Export => True, Convention => C, External_name => "ada_package_renaming_decl_p_final_renamed_package"; -- Return the declaration of the package that is ultimately renamed by -- Self, skipping through all intermediate package renamings. function ada_single_protected_decl_f_name (Node : ada_base_entity_Ptr; Value_P : access ada_base_entity) return int with Export => True, Convention => C, External_name => "ada_single_protected_decl_f_name"; -- When there are no parsing errors, this field is never null. function ada_single_protected_decl_f_interfaces (Node : ada_base_entity_Ptr; Value_P : access ada_base_entity) return int with Export => True, Convention => C, External_name => "ada_single_protected_decl_f_interfaces"; -- This field contains a list that itself contains one of the following -- nodes: :ada:ref:`Char_Literal`, :ada:ref:`Dotted_Name`, -- :ada:ref:`Identifier`, :ada:ref:`String_Literal` -- -- When there are no parsing errors, this field is never null. function ada_single_protected_decl_f_definition (Node : ada_base_entity_Ptr; Value_P : access ada_base_entity) return int with Export => True, Convention => C, External_name => "ada_single_protected_decl_f_definition"; -- When there are no parsing errors, this field is never null. function ada_single_task_decl_f_task_type (Node : ada_base_entity_Ptr; Value_P : access ada_base_entity) return int with Export => True, Convention => C, External_name => "ada_single_task_decl_f_task_type"; -- When there are no parsing errors, this field is never null. function ada_case_stmt_alternative_f_choices (Node : ada_base_entity_Ptr; Value_P : access ada_base_entity) return int with Export => True, Convention => C, External_name => "ada_case_stmt_alternative_f_choices"; -- This field contains a list that itself contains one of the following -- nodes: :ada:ref:`Allocator`, :ada:ref:`Attribute_Ref`, -- :ada:ref:`Base_Aggregate`, :ada:ref:`Bin_Op`, :ada:ref:`Call_Expr`, -- :ada:ref:`Char_Literal`, :ada:ref:`Concat_Op`, :ada:ref:`Cond_Expr`, -- :ada:ref:`Decl_Expr`, :ada:ref:`Discrete_Subtype_Indication`, -- :ada:ref:`Dotted_Name`, :ada:ref:`Explicit_Deref`, -- :ada:ref:`Identifier`, :ada:ref:`Membership_Expr`, -- :ada:ref:`Null_Literal`, :ada:ref:`Num_Literal`, -- :ada:ref:`Others_Designator`, :ada:ref:`Paren_Expr`, -- :ada:ref:`Qual_Expr`, :ada:ref:`Quantified_Expr`, :ada:ref:`Raise_Expr`, -- :ada:ref:`Reduce_Attribute_Ref`, :ada:ref:`String_Literal`, -- :ada:ref:`Target_Name`, :ada:ref:`Un_Op`, -- :ada:ref:`Update_Attribute_Ref` -- -- When there are no parsing errors, this field is never null. function ada_case_stmt_alternative_f_stmts (Node : ada_base_entity_Ptr; Value_P : access ada_base_entity) return int with Export => True, Convention => C, External_name => "ada_case_stmt_alternative_f_stmts"; -- This field contains a list that itself contains one of the following -- nodes: :ada:ref:`Pragma_Node`, :ada:ref:`Stmt` -- -- When there are no parsing errors, this field is never null. function ada_compilation_unit_f_prelude (Node : ada_base_entity_Ptr; Value_P : access ada_base_entity) return int with Export => True, Convention => C, External_name => "ada_compilation_unit_f_prelude"; -- ``with``, ``use`` or ``pragma`` statements. -- -- This field contains a list that itself contains one of the following -- nodes: :ada:ref:`Pragma_Node`, :ada:ref:`Use_Clause`, -- :ada:ref:`With_Clause` -- -- When there are no parsing errors, this field is never null. function ada_compilation_unit_f_body (Node : ada_base_entity_Ptr; Value_P : access ada_base_entity) return int with Export => True, Convention => C, External_name => "ada_compilation_unit_f_body"; -- This field can contain one of the following nodes: -- :ada:ref:`Library_Item`, :ada:ref:`Subunit` -- -- When there are no parsing errors, this field is never null. function ada_compilation_unit_f_pragmas (Node : ada_base_entity_Ptr; Value_P : access ada_base_entity) return int with Export => True, Convention => C, External_name => "ada_compilation_unit_f_pragmas"; -- When there are no parsing errors, this field is never null. function ada_compilation_unit_p_syntactic_fully_qualified_name (Node : ada_base_entity_Ptr; Value_P : access ada_unbounded_text_type_array) return int with Export => True, Convention => C, External_name => "ada_compilation_unit_p_syntactic_fully_qualified_name"; -- Return the syntactic fully qualified name of this compilation unit. function ada_compilation_unit_p_unit_kind (Node : ada_base_entity_Ptr; Value_P : access ada_analysis_unit_kind) return int with Export => True, Convention => C, External_name => "ada_compilation_unit_p_unit_kind"; -- Return the kind corresponding to this analysis unit. function ada_compilation_unit_p_withed_units (Node : ada_base_entity_Ptr; Include_Privates : ada_bool; Value_P : access ada_ada_node_array) return int with Export => True, Convention => C, External_name => "ada_compilation_unit_p_withed_units"; -- Look for all "with" clauses at the top of this compilation unit and -- return all the compilation units designated by them. For the complete -- dependencies list of compilation units, see the ``unit_dependencies`` -- property. Units imported with a "private with" are included in this list -- only if ``include_privates`` is True. function ada_compilation_unit_p_imported_units (Node : ada_base_entity_Ptr; Include_Privates : ada_bool; Value_P : access ada_ada_node_array) return int with Export => True, Convention => C, External_name => "ada_compilation_unit_p_imported_units"; -- Return all the compilation units that are directly imported by this one. -- This includes "with"ed units as well as the direct parent unit. Units -- imported with a "private with" are included in this list only if -- ``include_privates`` is True. function ada_compilation_unit_p_unit_dependencies (Node : ada_base_entity_Ptr; Value_P : access ada_ada_node_array) return int with Export => True, Convention => C, External_name => "ada_compilation_unit_p_unit_dependencies"; -- Return the list of all the compilation units that are (direct and -- indirect) dependencies of this one. See the -- ``withed_units``/``imported_units`` properties to only get the direct -- dependencies of this unit. function ada_compilation_unit_p_decl (Node : ada_base_entity_Ptr; Value_P : access ada_base_entity) return int with Export => True, Convention => C, External_name => "ada_compilation_unit_p_decl"; -- Get the root basic decl defined in this compilation unit. function ada_compilation_unit_p_is_preelaborable (Node : ada_base_entity_Ptr; Imprecise_Fallback : ada_bool; Value_P : access ada_bool) return int with Export => True, Convention => C, External_name => "ada_compilation_unit_p_is_preelaborable"; -- Whether this compilation unit is preelaborable or not. function ada_compilation_unit_p_other_part (Node : ada_base_entity_Ptr; Value_P : access ada_base_entity) return int with Export => True, Convention => C, External_name => "ada_compilation_unit_p_other_part"; -- If this compilation unit is of kind UnitSpecification, return its -- corresponding body unit, and conversely. function ada_compilation_unit_p_has_restriction (Node : ada_base_entity_Ptr; Name : access constant ada_symbol_type; Value_P : access ada_bool) return int with Export => True, Convention => C, External_name => "ada_compilation_unit_p_has_restriction"; -- Whether this compilation unit is affected by the restriction with the -- given name. -- -- .. warning:: This property only supports the ``No_Elaboration_Code`` -- restriction for now. function ada_compilation_unit_p_all_config_pragmas (Node : ada_base_entity_Ptr; Value_P : access ada_ada_node_array) return int with Export => True, Convention => C, External_name => "ada_compilation_unit_p_all_config_pragmas"; -- Return the list of configuration pragmas that apply to the current unit. function ada_compilation_unit_p_config_pragmas (Node : ada_base_entity_Ptr; Name : access constant ada_symbol_type; Value_P : access ada_ada_node_array) return int with Export => True, Convention => C, External_name => "ada_compilation_unit_p_config_pragmas"; -- Return the list of configuration pragmas with the given name that apply -- to the current unit. function ada_component_clause_f_id (Node : ada_base_entity_Ptr; Value_P : access ada_base_entity) return int with Export => True, Convention => C, External_name => "ada_component_clause_f_id"; -- When there are no parsing errors, this field is never null. function ada_component_clause_f_position (Node : ada_base_entity_Ptr; Value_P : access ada_base_entity) return int with Export => True, Convention => C, External_name => "ada_component_clause_f_position"; -- This field can contain one of the following nodes: :ada:ref:`Allocator`, -- :ada:ref:`Attribute_Ref`, :ada:ref:`Base_Aggregate`, :ada:ref:`Bin_Op`, -- :ada:ref:`Call_Expr`, :ada:ref:`Char_Literal`, :ada:ref:`Concat_Op`, -- :ada:ref:`Cond_Expr`, :ada:ref:`Decl_Expr`, :ada:ref:`Dotted_Name`, -- :ada:ref:`Explicit_Deref`, :ada:ref:`Identifier`, -- :ada:ref:`Null_Literal`, :ada:ref:`Num_Literal`, :ada:ref:`Paren_Expr`, -- :ada:ref:`Qual_Expr`, :ada:ref:`Quantified_Expr`, :ada:ref:`Raise_Expr`, -- :ada:ref:`Reduce_Attribute_Ref`, :ada:ref:`String_Literal`, -- :ada:ref:`Target_Name`, :ada:ref:`Un_Op`, -- :ada:ref:`Update_Attribute_Ref` -- -- When there are no parsing errors, this field is never null. function ada_component_clause_f_range (Node : ada_base_entity_Ptr; Value_P : access ada_base_entity) return int with Export => True, Convention => C, External_name => "ada_component_clause_f_range"; -- When there are no parsing errors, this field is never null. function ada_component_def_f_has_aliased (Node : ada_base_entity_Ptr; Value_P : access ada_base_entity) return int with Export => True, Convention => C, External_name => "ada_component_def_f_has_aliased"; -- When there are no parsing errors, this field is never null. function ada_component_def_f_has_constant (Node : ada_base_entity_Ptr; Value_P : access ada_base_entity) return int with Export => True, Convention => C, External_name => "ada_component_def_f_has_constant"; -- When there are no parsing errors, this field is never null. function ada_component_def_f_type_expr (Node : ada_base_entity_Ptr; Value_P : access ada_base_entity) return int with Export => True, Convention => C, External_name => "ada_component_def_f_type_expr"; -- This field can contain one of the following nodes: -- :ada:ref:`Anonymous_Type`, :ada:ref:`Subtype_Indication` -- -- When there are no parsing errors, this field is never null. function ada_constant_node_p_as_bool (Node : ada_base_entity_Ptr; Value_P : access ada_bool) return int with Export => True, Convention => C, External_name => "ada_constant_node_p_as_bool"; -- Return whether this is an instance of ConstantPresent function ada_composite_constraint_f_constraints (Node : ada_base_entity_Ptr; Value_P : access ada_base_entity) return int with Export => True, Convention => C, External_name => "ada_composite_constraint_f_constraints"; -- This field contains a list that itself contains one of the following -- nodes: :ada:ref:`Composite_Constraint_Assoc` -- -- When there are no parsing errors, this field is never null. function ada_composite_constraint_p_is_index_constraint (Node : ada_base_entity_Ptr; Value_P : access ada_bool) return int with Export => True, Convention => C, External_name => "ada_composite_constraint_p_is_index_constraint"; -- Whether this composite constraint is an index constraint. function ada_composite_constraint_p_is_discriminant_constraint (Node : ada_base_entity_Ptr; Value_P : access ada_bool) return int with Export => True, Convention => C, External_name => "ada_composite_constraint_p_is_discriminant_constraint"; -- Whether this composite constraint is a discriminant constraint. function ada_delta_constraint_f_digits (Node : ada_base_entity_Ptr; Value_P : access ada_base_entity) return int with Export => True, Convention => C, External_name => "ada_delta_constraint_f_digits"; -- This field can contain one of the following nodes: :ada:ref:`Allocator`, -- :ada:ref:`Attribute_Ref`, :ada:ref:`Base_Aggregate`, :ada:ref:`Bin_Op`, -- :ada:ref:`Call_Expr`, :ada:ref:`Char_Literal`, :ada:ref:`Concat_Op`, -- :ada:ref:`Cond_Expr`, :ada:ref:`Decl_Expr`, :ada:ref:`Dotted_Name`, -- :ada:ref:`Explicit_Deref`, :ada:ref:`Identifier`, -- :ada:ref:`Null_Literal`, :ada:ref:`Num_Literal`, :ada:ref:`Paren_Expr`, -- :ada:ref:`Qual_Expr`, :ada:ref:`Quantified_Expr`, :ada:ref:`Raise_Expr`, -- :ada:ref:`Reduce_Attribute_Ref`, :ada:ref:`String_Literal`, -- :ada:ref:`Target_Name`, :ada:ref:`Un_Op`, -- :ada:ref:`Update_Attribute_Ref` -- -- When there are no parsing errors, this field is never null. function ada_delta_constraint_f_range (Node : ada_base_entity_Ptr; Value_P : access ada_base_entity) return int with Export => True, Convention => C, External_name => "ada_delta_constraint_f_range"; -- This field may be null even when there are no parsing errors. function ada_digits_constraint_f_digits (Node : ada_base_entity_Ptr; Value_P : access ada_base_entity) return int with Export => True, Convention => C, External_name => "ada_digits_constraint_f_digits"; -- This field can contain one of the following nodes: :ada:ref:`Allocator`, -- :ada:ref:`Attribute_Ref`, :ada:ref:`Base_Aggregate`, :ada:ref:`Bin_Op`, -- :ada:ref:`Call_Expr`, :ada:ref:`Char_Literal`, :ada:ref:`Concat_Op`, -- :ada:ref:`Cond_Expr`, :ada:ref:`Decl_Expr`, :ada:ref:`Dotted_Name`, -- :ada:ref:`Explicit_Deref`, :ada:ref:`Identifier`, -- :ada:ref:`Null_Literal`, :ada:ref:`Num_Literal`, :ada:ref:`Paren_Expr`, -- :ada:ref:`Qual_Expr`, :ada:ref:`Quantified_Expr`, :ada:ref:`Raise_Expr`, -- :ada:ref:`Reduce_Attribute_Ref`, :ada:ref:`String_Literal`, -- :ada:ref:`Target_Name`, :ada:ref:`Un_Op`, -- :ada:ref:`Update_Attribute_Ref` -- -- When there are no parsing errors, this field is never null. function ada_digits_constraint_f_range (Node : ada_base_entity_Ptr; Value_P : access ada_base_entity) return int with Export => True, Convention => C, External_name => "ada_digits_constraint_f_range"; -- This field may be null even when there are no parsing errors. function ada_range_constraint_f_range (Node : ada_base_entity_Ptr; Value_P : access ada_base_entity) return int with Export => True, Convention => C, External_name => "ada_range_constraint_f_range"; -- When there are no parsing errors, this field is never null. function ada_declarative_part_f_decls (Node : ada_base_entity_Ptr; Value_P : access ada_base_entity) return int with Export => True, Convention => C, External_name => "ada_declarative_part_f_decls"; -- This field contains a list that itself contains one of the following -- nodes: :ada:ref:`Abstract_Subp_Decl`, :ada:ref:`Aspect_Clause`, -- :ada:ref:`Base_Subp_Body`, :ada:ref:`Body_Stub`, -- :ada:ref:`Component_Decl`, :ada:ref:`Concrete_Type_Decl`, -- :ada:ref:`Entry_Body`, :ada:ref:`Entry_Decl`, :ada:ref:`Error_Decl`, -- :ada:ref:`Exception_Decl`, :ada:ref:`Generic_Decl`, -- :ada:ref:`Generic_Instantiation`, :ada:ref:`Generic_Renaming_Decl`, -- :ada:ref:`Incomplete_Type_Decl`, :ada:ref:`Number_Decl`, -- :ada:ref:`Object_Decl`, :ada:ref:`Package_Body`, -- :ada:ref:`Package_Decl`, :ada:ref:`Package_Renaming_Decl`, -- :ada:ref:`Pragma_Node`, :ada:ref:`Protected_Body`, -- :ada:ref:`Protected_Type_Decl`, :ada:ref:`Single_Protected_Decl`, -- :ada:ref:`Single_Task_Decl`, :ada:ref:`Subp_Decl`, -- :ada:ref:`Subtype_Decl`, :ada:ref:`Task_Body`, -- :ada:ref:`Task_Type_Decl`, :ada:ref:`Use_Clause` -- -- When there are no parsing errors, this field is never null. function ada_elsif_expr_part_f_cond_expr (Node : ada_base_entity_Ptr; Value_P : access ada_base_entity) return int with Export => True, Convention => C, External_name => "ada_elsif_expr_part_f_cond_expr"; -- This field can contain one of the following nodes: :ada:ref:`Allocator`, -- :ada:ref:`Attribute_Ref`, :ada:ref:`Base_Aggregate`, :ada:ref:`Bin_Op`, -- :ada:ref:`Call_Expr`, :ada:ref:`Char_Literal`, :ada:ref:`Concat_Op`, -- :ada:ref:`Cond_Expr`, :ada:ref:`Decl_Expr`, :ada:ref:`Dotted_Name`, -- :ada:ref:`Explicit_Deref`, :ada:ref:`Identifier`, -- :ada:ref:`Membership_Expr`, :ada:ref:`Null_Literal`, -- :ada:ref:`Num_Literal`, :ada:ref:`Paren_Expr`, :ada:ref:`Qual_Expr`, -- :ada:ref:`Quantified_Expr`, :ada:ref:`Raise_Expr`, -- :ada:ref:`Reduce_Attribute_Ref`, :ada:ref:`String_Literal`, -- :ada:ref:`Target_Name`, :ada:ref:`Un_Op`, -- :ada:ref:`Update_Attribute_Ref` -- -- When there are no parsing errors, this field is never null. function ada_elsif_expr_part_f_then_expr (Node : ada_base_entity_Ptr; Value_P : access ada_base_entity) return int with Export => True, Convention => C, External_name => "ada_elsif_expr_part_f_then_expr"; -- This field can contain one of the following nodes: :ada:ref:`Allocator`, -- :ada:ref:`Attribute_Ref`, :ada:ref:`Base_Aggregate`, :ada:ref:`Bin_Op`, -- :ada:ref:`Call_Expr`, :ada:ref:`Char_Literal`, :ada:ref:`Concat_Op`, -- :ada:ref:`Cond_Expr`, :ada:ref:`Decl_Expr`, :ada:ref:`Dotted_Name`, -- :ada:ref:`Explicit_Deref`, :ada:ref:`Identifier`, -- :ada:ref:`Membership_Expr`, :ada:ref:`Null_Literal`, -- :ada:ref:`Num_Literal`, :ada:ref:`Paren_Expr`, :ada:ref:`Qual_Expr`, -- :ada:ref:`Quantified_Expr`, :ada:ref:`Raise_Expr`, -- :ada:ref:`Reduce_Attribute_Ref`, :ada:ref:`String_Literal`, -- :ada:ref:`Target_Name`, :ada:ref:`Un_Op`, -- :ada:ref:`Update_Attribute_Ref` -- -- When there are no parsing errors, this field is never null. function ada_elsif_stmt_part_f_cond_expr (Node : ada_base_entity_Ptr; Value_P : access ada_base_entity) return int with Export => True, Convention => C, External_name => "ada_elsif_stmt_part_f_cond_expr"; -- This field can contain one of the following nodes: :ada:ref:`Allocator`, -- :ada:ref:`Attribute_Ref`, :ada:ref:`Base_Aggregate`, :ada:ref:`Bin_Op`, -- :ada:ref:`Call_Expr`, :ada:ref:`Char_Literal`, :ada:ref:`Concat_Op`, -- :ada:ref:`Cond_Expr`, :ada:ref:`Decl_Expr`, :ada:ref:`Dotted_Name`, -- :ada:ref:`Explicit_Deref`, :ada:ref:`Identifier`, -- :ada:ref:`Membership_Expr`, :ada:ref:`Null_Literal`, -- :ada:ref:`Num_Literal`, :ada:ref:`Paren_Expr`, :ada:ref:`Qual_Expr`, -- :ada:ref:`Quantified_Expr`, :ada:ref:`Raise_Expr`, -- :ada:ref:`Reduce_Attribute_Ref`, :ada:ref:`String_Literal`, -- :ada:ref:`Target_Name`, :ada:ref:`Un_Op`, -- :ada:ref:`Update_Attribute_Ref` -- -- When there are no parsing errors, this field is never null. function ada_elsif_stmt_part_f_stmts (Node : ada_base_entity_Ptr; Value_P : access ada_base_entity) return int with Export => True, Convention => C, External_name => "ada_elsif_stmt_part_f_stmts"; -- This field contains a list that itself contains one of the following -- nodes: :ada:ref:`Pragma_Node`, :ada:ref:`Stmt` -- -- When there are no parsing errors, this field is never null. function ada_expr_p_expression_type (Node : ada_base_entity_Ptr; Value_P : access ada_base_entity) return int with Export => True, Convention => C, External_name => "ada_expr_p_expression_type"; -- Return the declaration corresponding to the type of this expression -- after name resolution. function ada_expr_p_expected_expression_type (Node : ada_base_entity_Ptr; Value_P : access ada_base_entity) return int with Export => True, Convention => C, External_name => "ada_expr_p_expected_expression_type"; -- Return the declaration corresponding to the expected type of this -- expression after name resolution. function ada_expr_p_is_dynamically_tagged (Node : ada_base_entity_Ptr; Imprecise_Fallback : ada_bool; Value_P : access ada_bool) return int with Export => True, Convention => C, External_name => "ada_expr_p_is_dynamically_tagged"; -- Returns whether this expression is dynamically tagged (See -- :rmlink:`3.9.2`). function ada_expr_p_is_dispatching_call (Node : ada_base_entity_Ptr; Imprecise_Fallback : ada_bool; Value_P : access ada_bool) return int with Export => True, Convention => C, External_name => "ada_expr_p_is_dispatching_call"; -- Returns True if this ``Name`` corresponds to a dispatching call, -- including: -- -- * Calls done through subprogram access types. -- -- * Calls to dispatching subprograms, in the object-oriented sense. -- -- .. note:: This is an experimental feature. There might be some -- discrepancy with the GNAT concept of "dispatching call". -- -- .. note:: This should only be called on a ``Name`` and ``UnOp`` or a -- ``BinOp``. -- -- .. attention:: There is a known bug, where the ConcatOp node is not -- supported, so calling is_dispatching_call on operators nested inside -- of a concat operator will always return false. (Internal TN: -- VC08-029) function ada_expr_p_is_static_expr (Node : ada_base_entity_Ptr; Imprecise_Fallback : ada_bool; Value_P : access ada_bool) return int with Export => True, Convention => C, External_name => "ada_expr_p_is_static_expr"; -- Return whether this expression is static according to the ARM definition -- of static. See :rmlink:`4.9`. function ada_expr_p_first_corresponding_decl (Node : ada_base_entity_Ptr; Value_P : access ada_base_entity) return int with Export => True, Convention => C, External_name => "ada_expr_p_first_corresponding_decl"; -- Return the first decl that is lexically named like self in self's scope. function ada_expr_p_eval_as_int (Node : ada_base_entity_Ptr; Value_P : access ada_big_integer) return int with Export => True, Convention => C, External_name => "ada_expr_p_eval_as_int"; -- Statically evaluates self, and returns the value of the evaluation as an -- integer. -- -- .. note:: In order for a call to this not to raise, the expression needs -- to be a static expression, as specified in :rmlink:`4.9`. You can -- verify whether an expression is static with the ``is_static_expr`` -- property. -- -- .. attention:: This is an experimental feature, so even if it is exposed -- to allow experiments, it is totally unsupported and the API and -- behavior are very likely to change in the future. function ada_expr_p_eval_as_int_in_env (Node : ada_base_entity_Ptr; Env : ada_substitution_array; Value_P : access ada_big_integer) return int with Export => True, Convention => C, External_name => "ada_expr_p_eval_as_int_in_env"; -- Statically evaluates self, and returns the value of the evaluation as an -- integer. The given environment is used to substitute references to -- declarations by actual values. -- -- .. note:: In order for a call to this not to raise, the expression needs -- to be a static expression, as specified in :rmlink:`4.9`. You can -- verify whether an expression is static with the ``is_static_expr`` -- property. -- -- .. attention:: This is an experimental feature, so even if it is exposed -- to allow experiments, it is totally unsupported and the API and -- behavior are very likely to change in the future. function ada_expr_p_eval_as_string (Node : ada_base_entity_Ptr; Value_P : access ada_string_type) return int with Export => True, Convention => C, External_name => "ada_expr_p_eval_as_string"; -- Statically evaluates self, and returns the value of the evaluation as a -- string. -- -- .. note:: In order for a call to this not to raise, the expression needs -- to be a static expression, as specified in :rmlink:`4.9`. You can -- verify whether an expression is static with the ``is_static_expr`` -- property. -- -- .. attention:: This is an experimental feature, so even if it is exposed -- to allow experiments, it is totally unsupported and the API and -- behavior are very likely to change in the future. function ada_expr_p_eval_as_string_in_env (Node : ada_base_entity_Ptr; Env : ada_substitution_array; Value_P : access ada_string_type) return int with Export => True, Convention => C, External_name => "ada_expr_p_eval_as_string_in_env"; -- Statically evaluates self, and returns the value of the evaluation as a -- string. The given environment is used to substitute references to -- declarations by actual values. -- -- .. note:: In order for a call to this not to raise, the expression needs -- to be a static expression, as specified in :rmlink:`4.9`. You can -- verify whether an expression is static with the ``is_static_expr`` -- property. -- -- .. attention:: This is an experimental feature, so even if it is exposed -- to allow experiments, it is totally unsupported and the API and -- behavior are very likely to change in the future. function ada_expr_p_matching_nodes (Node : ada_base_entity_Ptr; Value_P : access ada_ada_node_array) return int with Export => True, Convention => C, External_name => "ada_expr_p_matching_nodes"; -- Return the list of AST nodes that can be a match for this expression -- before overloading analysis. function ada_abstract_state_decl_expr_f_state_decl (Node : ada_base_entity_Ptr; Value_P : access ada_base_entity) return int with Export => True, Convention => C, External_name => "ada_abstract_state_decl_expr_f_state_decl"; -- This field can contain one of the following nodes: -- :ada:ref:`Abstract_State_Decl`, :ada:ref:`Multi_Abstract_State_Decl`, -- :ada:ref:`Paren_Abstract_State_Decl` -- -- When there are no parsing errors, this field is never null. function ada_allocator_f_subpool (Node : ada_base_entity_Ptr; Value_P : access ada_base_entity) return int with Export => True, Convention => C, External_name => "ada_allocator_f_subpool"; -- This field can contain one of the following nodes: -- :ada:ref:`Attribute_Ref`, :ada:ref:`Call_Expr`, :ada:ref:`Char_Literal`, -- :ada:ref:`Dotted_Name`, :ada:ref:`Explicit_Deref`, -- :ada:ref:`Identifier`, :ada:ref:`Qual_Expr`, -- :ada:ref:`Reduce_Attribute_Ref`, :ada:ref:`String_Literal`, -- :ada:ref:`Target_Name`, :ada:ref:`Update_Attribute_Ref` -- -- This field may be null even when there are no parsing errors. function ada_allocator_f_type_or_expr (Node : ada_base_entity_Ptr; Value_P : access ada_base_entity) return int with Export => True, Convention => C, External_name => "ada_allocator_f_type_or_expr"; -- This field can contain one of the following nodes: :ada:ref:`Qual_Expr`, -- :ada:ref:`Subtype_Indication` -- -- When there are no parsing errors, this field is never null. function ada_allocator_p_get_allocated_type (Node : ada_base_entity_Ptr; Value_P : access ada_base_entity) return int with Export => True, Convention => C, External_name => "ada_allocator_p_get_allocated_type"; -- Return the allocated type for this allocator. function ada_base_aggregate_f_ancestor_expr (Node : ada_base_entity_Ptr; Value_P : access ada_base_entity) return int with Export => True, Convention => C, External_name => "ada_base_aggregate_f_ancestor_expr"; -- This field can contain one of the following nodes: :ada:ref:`Allocator`, -- :ada:ref:`Attribute_Ref`, :ada:ref:`Base_Aggregate`, :ada:ref:`Bin_Op`, -- :ada:ref:`Call_Expr`, :ada:ref:`Char_Literal`, :ada:ref:`Concat_Op`, -- :ada:ref:`Cond_Expr`, :ada:ref:`Decl_Expr`, :ada:ref:`Dotted_Name`, -- :ada:ref:`Explicit_Deref`, :ada:ref:`Identifier`, -- :ada:ref:`Membership_Expr`, :ada:ref:`Null_Literal`, -- :ada:ref:`Num_Literal`, :ada:ref:`Paren_Expr`, :ada:ref:`Qual_Expr`, -- :ada:ref:`Quantified_Expr`, :ada:ref:`Raise_Expr`, -- :ada:ref:`Reduce_Attribute_Ref`, :ada:ref:`String_Literal`, -- :ada:ref:`Target_Name`, :ada:ref:`Un_Op`, -- :ada:ref:`Update_Attribute_Ref` -- -- This field may be null even when there are no parsing errors. function ada_base_aggregate_f_assocs (Node : ada_base_entity_Ptr; Value_P : access ada_base_entity) return int with Export => True, Convention => C, External_name => "ada_base_aggregate_f_assocs"; -- This field contains a list that itself contains one of the following -- nodes: :ada:ref:`Aggregate_Assoc`, :ada:ref:`Iterated_Assoc` -- -- When there are no parsing errors, this field is never null. function ada_base_aggregate_p_aggregate_params (Node : ada_base_entity_Ptr; Value_P : access ada_param_actual_array) return int with Export => True, Convention => C, External_name => "ada_base_aggregate_p_aggregate_params"; -- Returns an array of pairs, associating formal parameters to actual -- expressions. See ``zip_with_params``. function ada_base_aggregate_p_is_subaggregate (Node : ada_base_entity_Ptr; Value_P : access ada_bool) return int with Export => True, Convention => C, External_name => "ada_base_aggregate_p_is_subaggregate"; -- Return whether this aggregate is actually a subaggregate of a -- multidimensional array aggregate, as described in :rmlink:`4.3.3`. function ada_bin_op_f_left (Node : ada_base_entity_Ptr; Value_P : access ada_base_entity) return int with Export => True, Convention => C, External_name => "ada_bin_op_f_left"; -- This field can contain one of the following nodes: :ada:ref:`Allocator`, -- :ada:ref:`Attribute_Ref`, :ada:ref:`Base_Aggregate`, :ada:ref:`Bin_Op`, -- :ada:ref:`Call_Expr`, :ada:ref:`Char_Literal`, :ada:ref:`Concat_Op`, -- :ada:ref:`Cond_Expr`, :ada:ref:`Decl_Expr`, :ada:ref:`Dotted_Name`, -- :ada:ref:`Explicit_Deref`, :ada:ref:`Identifier`, -- :ada:ref:`Membership_Expr`, :ada:ref:`Null_Literal`, -- :ada:ref:`Num_Literal`, :ada:ref:`Paren_Expr`, :ada:ref:`Qual_Expr`, -- :ada:ref:`Quantified_Expr`, :ada:ref:`Raise_Expr`, -- :ada:ref:`Reduce_Attribute_Ref`, :ada:ref:`String_Literal`, -- :ada:ref:`Target_Name`, :ada:ref:`Un_Op`, -- :ada:ref:`Update_Attribute_Ref` -- -- When there are no parsing errors, this field is never null. function ada_bin_op_f_op (Node : ada_base_entity_Ptr; Value_P : access ada_base_entity) return int with Export => True, Convention => C, External_name => "ada_bin_op_f_op"; -- This field can contain one of the following nodes: -- :ada:ref:`Op_And_Then`, :ada:ref:`Op_And`, :ada:ref:`Op_Div`, -- :ada:ref:`Op_Double_Dot`, :ada:ref:`Op_Eq`, :ada:ref:`Op_Gt`, -- :ada:ref:`Op_Gte`, :ada:ref:`Op_Lt`, :ada:ref:`Op_Lte`, -- :ada:ref:`Op_Minus`, :ada:ref:`Op_Mod`, :ada:ref:`Op_Mult`, -- :ada:ref:`Op_Neq`, :ada:ref:`Op_Or_Else`, :ada:ref:`Op_Or`, -- :ada:ref:`Op_Plus`, :ada:ref:`Op_Pow`, :ada:ref:`Op_Rem`, -- :ada:ref:`Op_Xor` -- -- When there are no parsing errors, this field is never null. function ada_bin_op_f_right (Node : ada_base_entity_Ptr; Value_P : access ada_base_entity) return int with Export => True, Convention => C, External_name => "ada_bin_op_f_right"; -- This field can contain one of the following nodes: :ada:ref:`Allocator`, -- :ada:ref:`Attribute_Ref`, :ada:ref:`Base_Aggregate`, :ada:ref:`Bin_Op`, -- :ada:ref:`Call_Expr`, :ada:ref:`Char_Literal`, :ada:ref:`Concat_Op`, -- :ada:ref:`Cond_Expr`, :ada:ref:`Decl_Expr`, :ada:ref:`Dotted_Name`, -- :ada:ref:`Explicit_Deref`, :ada:ref:`Identifier`, -- :ada:ref:`Membership_Expr`, :ada:ref:`Null_Literal`, -- :ada:ref:`Num_Literal`, :ada:ref:`Paren_Expr`, :ada:ref:`Qual_Expr`, -- :ada:ref:`Quantified_Expr`, :ada:ref:`Raise_Expr`, -- :ada:ref:`Reduce_Attribute_Ref`, :ada:ref:`String_Literal`, -- :ada:ref:`Target_Name`, :ada:ref:`Un_Op`, -- :ada:ref:`Update_Attribute_Ref` -- -- When there are no parsing errors, this field is never null. function ada_case_expr_alternative_f_choices (Node : ada_base_entity_Ptr; Value_P : access ada_base_entity) return int with Export => True, Convention => C, External_name => "ada_case_expr_alternative_f_choices"; -- This field contains a list that itself contains one of the following -- nodes: :ada:ref:`Allocator`, :ada:ref:`Attribute_Ref`, -- :ada:ref:`Base_Aggregate`, :ada:ref:`Bin_Op`, :ada:ref:`Call_Expr`, -- :ada:ref:`Char_Literal`, :ada:ref:`Concat_Op`, :ada:ref:`Cond_Expr`, -- :ada:ref:`Decl_Expr`, :ada:ref:`Discrete_Subtype_Indication`, -- :ada:ref:`Dotted_Name`, :ada:ref:`Explicit_Deref`, -- :ada:ref:`Identifier`, :ada:ref:`Membership_Expr`, -- :ada:ref:`Null_Literal`, :ada:ref:`Num_Literal`, -- :ada:ref:`Others_Designator`, :ada:ref:`Paren_Expr`, -- :ada:ref:`Qual_Expr`, :ada:ref:`Quantified_Expr`, :ada:ref:`Raise_Expr`, -- :ada:ref:`Reduce_Attribute_Ref`, :ada:ref:`String_Literal`, -- :ada:ref:`Target_Name`, :ada:ref:`Un_Op`, -- :ada:ref:`Update_Attribute_Ref` -- -- When there are no parsing errors, this field is never null. function ada_case_expr_alternative_f_expr (Node : ada_base_entity_Ptr; Value_P : access ada_base_entity) return int with Export => True, Convention => C, External_name => "ada_case_expr_alternative_f_expr"; -- This field can contain one of the following nodes: :ada:ref:`Allocator`, -- :ada:ref:`Attribute_Ref`, :ada:ref:`Base_Aggregate`, :ada:ref:`Bin_Op`, -- :ada:ref:`Call_Expr`, :ada:ref:`Char_Literal`, :ada:ref:`Concat_Op`, -- :ada:ref:`Cond_Expr`, :ada:ref:`Decl_Expr`, :ada:ref:`Dotted_Name`, -- :ada:ref:`Explicit_Deref`, :ada:ref:`Identifier`, -- :ada:ref:`Membership_Expr`, :ada:ref:`Null_Literal`, -- :ada:ref:`Num_Literal`, :ada:ref:`Paren_Expr`, :ada:ref:`Qual_Expr`, -- :ada:ref:`Quantified_Expr`, :ada:ref:`Raise_Expr`, -- :ada:ref:`Reduce_Attribute_Ref`, :ada:ref:`String_Literal`, -- :ada:ref:`Target_Name`, :ada:ref:`Un_Op`, -- :ada:ref:`Update_Attribute_Ref` -- -- When there are no parsing errors, this field is never null. function ada_concat_op_f_first_operand (Node : ada_base_entity_Ptr; Value_P : access ada_base_entity) return int with Export => True, Convention => C, External_name => "ada_concat_op_f_first_operand"; -- This field can contain one of the following nodes: :ada:ref:`Allocator`, -- :ada:ref:`Attribute_Ref`, :ada:ref:`Base_Aggregate`, :ada:ref:`Bin_Op`, -- :ada:ref:`Call_Expr`, :ada:ref:`Char_Literal`, :ada:ref:`Cond_Expr`, -- :ada:ref:`Decl_Expr`, :ada:ref:`Dotted_Name`, :ada:ref:`Explicit_Deref`, -- :ada:ref:`Identifier`, :ada:ref:`Null_Literal`, :ada:ref:`Num_Literal`, -- :ada:ref:`Paren_Expr`, :ada:ref:`Qual_Expr`, :ada:ref:`Quantified_Expr`, -- :ada:ref:`Raise_Expr`, :ada:ref:`Reduce_Attribute_Ref`, -- :ada:ref:`String_Literal`, :ada:ref:`Target_Name`, :ada:ref:`Un_Op`, -- :ada:ref:`Update_Attribute_Ref` -- -- When there are no parsing errors, this field is never null. function ada_concat_op_f_other_operands (Node : ada_base_entity_Ptr; Value_P : access ada_base_entity) return int with Export => True, Convention => C, External_name => "ada_concat_op_f_other_operands"; -- When there are no parsing errors, this field is never null. function ada_concat_op_p_operands (Node : ada_base_entity_Ptr; Value_P : access ada_ada_node_array) return int with Export => True, Convention => C, External_name => "ada_concat_op_p_operands"; -- Return the operands of this concatenation expression function ada_concat_operand_f_operator (Node : ada_base_entity_Ptr; Value_P : access ada_base_entity) return int with Export => True, Convention => C, External_name => "ada_concat_operand_f_operator"; -- When there are no parsing errors, this field is never null. function ada_concat_operand_f_operand (Node : ada_base_entity_Ptr; Value_P : access ada_base_entity) return int with Export => True, Convention => C, External_name => "ada_concat_operand_f_operand"; -- This field can contain one of the following nodes: :ada:ref:`Allocator`, -- :ada:ref:`Attribute_Ref`, :ada:ref:`Base_Aggregate`, :ada:ref:`Bin_Op`, -- :ada:ref:`Call_Expr`, :ada:ref:`Char_Literal`, :ada:ref:`Cond_Expr`, -- :ada:ref:`Decl_Expr`, :ada:ref:`Dotted_Name`, :ada:ref:`Explicit_Deref`, -- :ada:ref:`Identifier`, :ada:ref:`Null_Literal`, :ada:ref:`Num_Literal`, -- :ada:ref:`Paren_Expr`, :ada:ref:`Qual_Expr`, :ada:ref:`Quantified_Expr`, -- :ada:ref:`Raise_Expr`, :ada:ref:`Reduce_Attribute_Ref`, -- :ada:ref:`String_Literal`, :ada:ref:`Target_Name`, :ada:ref:`Un_Op`, -- :ada:ref:`Update_Attribute_Ref` -- -- When there are no parsing errors, this field is never null. function ada_cond_expr_p_dependent_exprs (Node : ada_base_entity_Ptr; Value_P : access ada_ada_node_array) return int with Export => True, Convention => C, External_name => "ada_cond_expr_p_dependent_exprs"; -- Return the dependent expressions for this conditional expression. function ada_case_expr_f_expr (Node : ada_base_entity_Ptr; Value_P : access ada_base_entity) return int with Export => True, Convention => C, External_name => "ada_case_expr_f_expr"; -- This field can contain one of the following nodes: :ada:ref:`Allocator`, -- :ada:ref:`Attribute_Ref`, :ada:ref:`Base_Aggregate`, :ada:ref:`Bin_Op`, -- :ada:ref:`Call_Expr`, :ada:ref:`Char_Literal`, :ada:ref:`Concat_Op`, -- :ada:ref:`Cond_Expr`, :ada:ref:`Decl_Expr`, :ada:ref:`Dotted_Name`, -- :ada:ref:`Explicit_Deref`, :ada:ref:`Identifier`, -- :ada:ref:`Membership_Expr`, :ada:ref:`Null_Literal`, -- :ada:ref:`Num_Literal`, :ada:ref:`Paren_Expr`, :ada:ref:`Qual_Expr`, -- :ada:ref:`Quantified_Expr`, :ada:ref:`Raise_Expr`, -- :ada:ref:`Reduce_Attribute_Ref`, :ada:ref:`String_Literal`, -- :ada:ref:`Target_Name`, :ada:ref:`Un_Op`, -- :ada:ref:`Update_Attribute_Ref` -- -- When there are no parsing errors, this field is never null. function ada_case_expr_f_cases (Node : ada_base_entity_Ptr; Value_P : access ada_base_entity) return int with Export => True, Convention => C, External_name => "ada_case_expr_f_cases"; -- When there are no parsing errors, this field is never null. function ada_if_expr_f_cond_expr (Node : ada_base_entity_Ptr; Value_P : access ada_base_entity) return int with Export => True, Convention => C, External_name => "ada_if_expr_f_cond_expr"; -- This field can contain one of the following nodes: :ada:ref:`Allocator`, -- :ada:ref:`Attribute_Ref`, :ada:ref:`Base_Aggregate`, :ada:ref:`Bin_Op`, -- :ada:ref:`Call_Expr`, :ada:ref:`Char_Literal`, :ada:ref:`Concat_Op`, -- :ada:ref:`Cond_Expr`, :ada:ref:`Decl_Expr`, :ada:ref:`Dotted_Name`, -- :ada:ref:`Explicit_Deref`, :ada:ref:`Identifier`, -- :ada:ref:`Membership_Expr`, :ada:ref:`Null_Literal`, -- :ada:ref:`Num_Literal`, :ada:ref:`Paren_Expr`, :ada:ref:`Qual_Expr`, -- :ada:ref:`Quantified_Expr`, :ada:ref:`Raise_Expr`, -- :ada:ref:`Reduce_Attribute_Ref`, :ada:ref:`String_Literal`, -- :ada:ref:`Target_Name`, :ada:ref:`Un_Op`, -- :ada:ref:`Update_Attribute_Ref` -- -- When there are no parsing errors, this field is never null. function ada_if_expr_f_then_expr (Node : ada_base_entity_Ptr; Value_P : access ada_base_entity) return int with Export => True, Convention => C, External_name => "ada_if_expr_f_then_expr"; -- This field can contain one of the following nodes: :ada:ref:`Allocator`, -- :ada:ref:`Attribute_Ref`, :ada:ref:`Base_Aggregate`, :ada:ref:`Bin_Op`, -- :ada:ref:`Call_Expr`, :ada:ref:`Char_Literal`, :ada:ref:`Concat_Op`, -- :ada:ref:`Cond_Expr`, :ada:ref:`Decl_Expr`, :ada:ref:`Dotted_Name`, -- :ada:ref:`Explicit_Deref`, :ada:ref:`Identifier`, -- :ada:ref:`Membership_Expr`, :ada:ref:`Null_Literal`, -- :ada:ref:`Num_Literal`, :ada:ref:`Paren_Expr`, :ada:ref:`Qual_Expr`, -- :ada:ref:`Quantified_Expr`, :ada:ref:`Raise_Expr`, -- :ada:ref:`Reduce_Attribute_Ref`, :ada:ref:`String_Literal`, -- :ada:ref:`Target_Name`, :ada:ref:`Un_Op`, -- :ada:ref:`Update_Attribute_Ref` -- -- When there are no parsing errors, this field is never null. function ada_if_expr_f_alternatives (Node : ada_base_entity_Ptr; Value_P : access ada_base_entity) return int with Export => True, Convention => C, External_name => "ada_if_expr_f_alternatives"; -- When there are no parsing errors, this field is never null. function ada_if_expr_f_else_expr (Node : ada_base_entity_Ptr; Value_P : access ada_base_entity) return int with Export => True, Convention => C, External_name => "ada_if_expr_f_else_expr"; -- This field can contain one of the following nodes: :ada:ref:`Allocator`, -- :ada:ref:`Attribute_Ref`, :ada:ref:`Base_Aggregate`, :ada:ref:`Bin_Op`, -- :ada:ref:`Call_Expr`, :ada:ref:`Char_Literal`, :ada:ref:`Concat_Op`, -- :ada:ref:`Cond_Expr`, :ada:ref:`Decl_Expr`, :ada:ref:`Dotted_Name`, -- :ada:ref:`Explicit_Deref`, :ada:ref:`Identifier`, -- :ada:ref:`Membership_Expr`, :ada:ref:`Null_Literal`, -- :ada:ref:`Num_Literal`, :ada:ref:`Paren_Expr`, :ada:ref:`Qual_Expr`, -- :ada:ref:`Quantified_Expr`, :ada:ref:`Raise_Expr`, -- :ada:ref:`Reduce_Attribute_Ref`, :ada:ref:`String_Literal`, -- :ada:ref:`Target_Name`, :ada:ref:`Un_Op`, -- :ada:ref:`Update_Attribute_Ref` -- -- This field may be null even when there are no parsing errors. function ada_contract_cases_f_contract_cases (Node : ada_base_entity_Ptr; Value_P : access ada_base_entity) return int with Export => True, Convention => C, External_name => "ada_contract_cases_f_contract_cases"; -- When there are no parsing errors, this field is never null. function ada_decl_expr_f_decls (Node : ada_base_entity_Ptr; Value_P : access ada_base_entity) return int with Export => True, Convention => C, External_name => "ada_decl_expr_f_decls"; -- This field contains a list that itself contains one of the following -- nodes: :ada:ref:`Number_Decl`, :ada:ref:`Object_Decl`, -- :ada:ref:`Single_Protected_Decl`, :ada:ref:`Single_Task_Decl` -- -- When there are no parsing errors, this field is never null. function ada_decl_expr_f_expr (Node : ada_base_entity_Ptr; Value_P : access ada_base_entity) return int with Export => True, Convention => C, External_name => "ada_decl_expr_f_expr"; -- This field can contain one of the following nodes: :ada:ref:`Allocator`, -- :ada:ref:`Attribute_Ref`, :ada:ref:`Base_Aggregate`, :ada:ref:`Bin_Op`, -- :ada:ref:`Call_Expr`, :ada:ref:`Char_Literal`, :ada:ref:`Concat_Op`, -- :ada:ref:`Cond_Expr`, :ada:ref:`Decl_Expr`, :ada:ref:`Dotted_Name`, -- :ada:ref:`Explicit_Deref`, :ada:ref:`Identifier`, -- :ada:ref:`Membership_Expr`, :ada:ref:`Null_Literal`, -- :ada:ref:`Num_Literal`, :ada:ref:`Paren_Expr`, :ada:ref:`Qual_Expr`, -- :ada:ref:`Quantified_Expr`, :ada:ref:`Raise_Expr`, -- :ada:ref:`Reduce_Attribute_Ref`, :ada:ref:`String_Literal`, -- :ada:ref:`Target_Name`, :ada:ref:`Un_Op`, -- :ada:ref:`Update_Attribute_Ref` -- -- When there are no parsing errors, this field is never null. function ada_membership_expr_f_expr (Node : ada_base_entity_Ptr; Value_P : access ada_base_entity) return int with Export => True, Convention => C, External_name => "ada_membership_expr_f_expr"; -- This field can contain one of the following nodes: :ada:ref:`Allocator`, -- :ada:ref:`Attribute_Ref`, :ada:ref:`Base_Aggregate`, :ada:ref:`Bin_Op`, -- :ada:ref:`Call_Expr`, :ada:ref:`Char_Literal`, :ada:ref:`Concat_Op`, -- :ada:ref:`Cond_Expr`, :ada:ref:`Decl_Expr`, :ada:ref:`Dotted_Name`, -- :ada:ref:`Explicit_Deref`, :ada:ref:`Identifier`, -- :ada:ref:`Membership_Expr`, :ada:ref:`Null_Literal`, -- :ada:ref:`Num_Literal`, :ada:ref:`Paren_Expr`, :ada:ref:`Qual_Expr`, -- :ada:ref:`Quantified_Expr`, :ada:ref:`Raise_Expr`, -- :ada:ref:`Reduce_Attribute_Ref`, :ada:ref:`String_Literal`, -- :ada:ref:`Target_Name`, :ada:ref:`Un_Op`, -- :ada:ref:`Update_Attribute_Ref` -- -- When there are no parsing errors, this field is never null. function ada_membership_expr_f_op (Node : ada_base_entity_Ptr; Value_P : access ada_base_entity) return int with Export => True, Convention => C, External_name => "ada_membership_expr_f_op"; -- This field can contain one of the following nodes: :ada:ref:`Op_In`, -- :ada:ref:`Op_Not_In` -- -- When there are no parsing errors, this field is never null. function ada_membership_expr_f_membership_exprs (Node : ada_base_entity_Ptr; Value_P : access ada_base_entity) return int with Export => True, Convention => C, External_name => "ada_membership_expr_f_membership_exprs"; -- This field contains a list that itself contains one of the following -- nodes: :ada:ref:`Allocator`, :ada:ref:`Attribute_Ref`, -- :ada:ref:`Base_Aggregate`, :ada:ref:`Bin_Op`, :ada:ref:`Call_Expr`, -- :ada:ref:`Char_Literal`, :ada:ref:`Concat_Op`, :ada:ref:`Cond_Expr`, -- :ada:ref:`Decl_Expr`, :ada:ref:`Discrete_Subtype_Name`, -- :ada:ref:`Dotted_Name`, :ada:ref:`Explicit_Deref`, -- :ada:ref:`Identifier`, :ada:ref:`Null_Literal`, :ada:ref:`Num_Literal`, -- :ada:ref:`Paren_Expr`, :ada:ref:`Qual_Expr`, :ada:ref:`Quantified_Expr`, -- :ada:ref:`Raise_Expr`, :ada:ref:`Reduce_Attribute_Ref`, -- :ada:ref:`String_Literal`, :ada:ref:`Target_Name`, :ada:ref:`Un_Op`, -- :ada:ref:`Update_Attribute_Ref` -- -- When there are no parsing errors, this field is never null. function ada_name_p_enclosing_defining_name (Node : ada_base_entity_Ptr; Value_P : access ada_base_entity) return int with Export => True, Convention => C, External_name => "ada_name_p_enclosing_defining_name"; -- If this name is part of a defining name, return the enclosing defining -- name node. function ada_name_p_is_defining (Node : ada_base_entity_Ptr; Value_P : access ada_bool) return int with Export => True, Convention => C, External_name => "ada_name_p_is_defining"; -- Return True if this name is part of a defining name. function ada_name_p_name_is (Node : ada_base_entity_Ptr; Sym : access constant ada_symbol_type; Value_P : access ada_bool) return int with Export => True, Convention => C, External_name => "ada_name_p_name_is"; -- Helper. Check that this name matches ``sym``. function ada_name_p_is_direct_call (Node : ada_base_entity_Ptr; Value_P : access ada_bool) return int with Export => True, Convention => C, External_name => "ada_name_p_is_direct_call"; -- Return True iff this name represents a call to a subprogram which is -- referred by its defining name. (i.e. not through a subprogram access). function ada_name_p_is_access_call (Node : ada_base_entity_Ptr; Value_P : access ada_bool) return int with Export => True, Convention => C, External_name => "ada_name_p_is_access_call"; -- Return True iff this name represents a call to subprogram through an -- access type. function ada_name_p_is_call (Node : ada_base_entity_Ptr; Value_P : access ada_bool) return int with Export => True, Convention => C, External_name => "ada_name_p_is_call"; -- Returns True if this Name corresponds to a call. function ada_name_p_is_dot_call (Node : ada_base_entity_Ptr; Imprecise_Fallback : ada_bool; Value_P : access ada_bool) return int with Export => True, Convention => C, External_name => "ada_name_p_is_dot_call"; -- Returns True if this Name corresponds to a dot notation call. function ada_name_p_failsafe_referenced_def_name (Node : ada_base_entity_Ptr; Imprecise_Fallback : ada_bool; Value_P : access ada_internal_refd_def) return int with Export => True, Convention => C, External_name => "ada_name_p_failsafe_referenced_def_name"; -- Failsafe version of ``referenced_defining_name``. Returns a ``RefdDef``, -- which can be precise, imprecise, or error. function ada_name_p_referenced_defining_name (Node : ada_base_entity_Ptr; Imprecise_Fallback : ada_bool; Value_P : access ada_base_entity) return int with Export => True, Convention => C, External_name => "ada_name_p_referenced_defining_name"; -- Like ``referenced_decl``, but will return the defining identifier for -- the decl, rather than the basic declaration node itself. function ada_name_p_all_env_elements (Node : ada_base_entity_Ptr; Seq : ada_bool; Seq_From : access constant ada_base_entity; Value_P : access ada_ada_node_array) return int with Export => True, Convention => C, External_name => "ada_name_p_all_env_elements"; -- Return all elements in self's scope that are lexically named like Self. function ada_name_p_called_subp_spec (Node : ada_base_entity_Ptr; Value_P : access ada_base_entity) return int with Export => True, Convention => C, External_name => "ada_name_p_called_subp_spec"; -- Return the subprogram specification of the subprogram or subprogram -- access that is being called by this exact Name, if relevant. function ada_name_p_referenced_decl (Node : ada_base_entity_Ptr; Imprecise_Fallback : ada_bool; Value_P : access ada_base_entity) return int with Export => True, Convention => C, External_name => "ada_name_p_referenced_decl"; -- Return the declaration this node references after name resolution. If -- imprecise_fallback is True, errors raised during resolution of the xref -- equation are caught and a fallback mechanism is triggered, which tries -- to find the referenced declaration in an ad-hoc way. function ada_name_p_failsafe_referenced_decl (Node : ada_base_entity_Ptr; Imprecise_Fallback : ada_bool; Value_P : access ada_internal_refd_decl) return int with Export => True, Convention => C, External_name => "ada_name_p_failsafe_referenced_decl"; -- Failsafe version of ``referenced_decl``. Returns a ``RefdDecl``, which -- can be precise, imprecise, or error. function ada_name_p_name_designated_type (Node : ada_base_entity_Ptr; Value_P : access ada_base_entity) return int with Export => True, Convention => C, External_name => "ada_name_p_name_designated_type"; -- Like SubtypeIndication.designated_type, but on names, since because of -- Ada's ambiguous grammar, some subtype indications will be parsed as -- names. function ada_name_p_is_static_subtype (Node : ada_base_entity_Ptr; Imprecise_Fallback : ada_bool; Value_P : access ada_bool) return int with Export => True, Convention => C, External_name => "ada_name_p_is_static_subtype"; -- Returns whether Self denotes a static subtype or not. function ada_name_p_name_matches (Node : ada_base_entity_Ptr; N : access constant ada_base_entity; Value_P : access ada_bool) return int with Export => True, Convention => C, External_name => "ada_name_p_name_matches"; -- Return whether two names match each other. -- -- This compares the symbol for Identifier and StringLiteral nodes. We -- consider that there is no match for all other node kinds. function ada_name_p_relative_name (Node : ada_base_entity_Ptr; Value_P : access ada_base_entity) return int with Export => True, Convention => C, External_name => "ada_name_p_relative_name"; -- Returns the relative name of this instance. For example, for a prefix -- ``A.B.C``, this will return ``C``. function ada_name_p_is_operator_name (Node : ada_base_entity_Ptr; Value_P : access ada_bool) return int with Export => True, Convention => C, External_name => "ada_name_p_is_operator_name"; -- Return whether the name that Self designates is an operator. function ada_name_p_is_write_reference (Node : ada_base_entity_Ptr; Imprecise_Fallback : ada_bool; Value_P : access ada_bool) return int with Export => True, Convention => C, External_name => "ada_name_p_is_write_reference"; -- Whether this name is a write reference. -- -- For example, ``X`` is a write reference in the following cases: -- -- 1. ``X := 2;`` -- -- 2. ``X (2) := 2;`` -- -- 3. ``P(F => X)`` where F is declared ``out`` or ``in out``. -- -- 4. ``P(F => T (X))`` where F is declared ``out`` or ``in out`` -- -- 5. ``X'Access``. -- -- 6. ``X.C := 2``, ``R.X := 2`` -- -- 7. ``X.P`` where the formal for X is declared ``out`` or ``in out``. -- -- .. note:: This is an experimental feature. There might be some -- discrepancy with the GNAT concept of "write reference". function ada_name_p_is_static_call (Node : ada_base_entity_Ptr; Imprecise_Fallback : ada_bool; Value_P : access ada_bool) return int with Export => True, Convention => C, External_name => "ada_name_p_is_static_call"; -- Returns True if this Name corresponds to a static non-dispatching call. -- In other words, this will return True if and only if the target of the -- call is known statically. -- -- .. note:: This is an experimental feature. There might be some -- discrepancy with the GNAT concept of "static call". function ada_name_p_as_symbol_array (Node : ada_base_entity_Ptr; Value_P : access ada_unbounded_text_type_array) return int with Export => True, Convention => C, External_name => "ada_name_p_as_symbol_array"; -- Turn this name into an array of symbols. -- -- For instance, a node with name ``A.B.C`` is turned into ``['A', 'B', -- 'C']``. -- -- Only simple name kinds are allowed: Identifier, DottedName and -- DefiningName. Any other kind will trigger a PropertyError. function ada_name_p_canonical_text (Node : ada_base_entity_Ptr; Value_P : access ada_symbol_type) return int with Export => True, Convention => C, External_name => "ada_name_p_canonical_text"; -- Return a canonicalized version of this name's text. -- -- Only simple name kinds are allowed: Identifier, DottedName and -- DefiningName. Any other kind will trigger a PropertyError. function ada_name_p_is_constant (Node : ada_base_entity_Ptr; Value_P : access ada_bool) return int with Export => True, Convention => C, External_name => "ada_name_p_is_constant"; -- Return whether this name denotes a constant value. function ada_name_p_call_params (Node : ada_base_entity_Ptr; Value_P : access ada_param_actual_array) return int with Export => True, Convention => C, External_name => "ada_name_p_call_params"; -- Returns an array of pairs, associating formal parameters to actual or -- default expressions. function ada_attribute_ref_f_prefix (Node : ada_base_entity_Ptr; Value_P : access ada_base_entity) return int with Export => True, Convention => C, External_name => "ada_attribute_ref_f_prefix"; -- This field can contain one of the following nodes: -- :ada:ref:`Attribute_Ref`, :ada:ref:`Call_Expr`, :ada:ref:`Char_Literal`, -- :ada:ref:`Dotted_Name`, :ada:ref:`Explicit_Deref`, -- :ada:ref:`Identifier`, :ada:ref:`Qual_Expr`, -- :ada:ref:`Reduce_Attribute_Ref`, :ada:ref:`String_Literal`, -- :ada:ref:`Target_Name`, :ada:ref:`Update_Attribute_Ref` -- -- When there are no parsing errors, this field is never null. function ada_attribute_ref_f_attribute (Node : ada_base_entity_Ptr; Value_P : access ada_base_entity) return int with Export => True, Convention => C, External_name => "ada_attribute_ref_f_attribute"; -- When there are no parsing errors, this field is never null. function ada_attribute_ref_f_args (Node : ada_base_entity_Ptr; Value_P : access ada_base_entity) return int with Export => True, Convention => C, External_name => "ada_attribute_ref_f_args"; -- This field contains a list that itself contains one of the following -- nodes: :ada:ref:`Param_Assoc` -- -- When there are no parsing errors, this field is never null. function ada_call_expr_f_name (Node : ada_base_entity_Ptr; Value_P : access ada_base_entity) return int with Export => True, Convention => C, External_name => "ada_call_expr_f_name"; -- This field can contain one of the following nodes: -- :ada:ref:`Attribute_Ref`, :ada:ref:`Call_Expr`, :ada:ref:`Char_Literal`, -- :ada:ref:`Dotted_Name`, :ada:ref:`Explicit_Deref`, -- :ada:ref:`Identifier`, :ada:ref:`Qual_Expr`, -- :ada:ref:`Reduce_Attribute_Ref`, :ada:ref:`String_Literal`, -- :ada:ref:`Target_Name`, :ada:ref:`Update_Attribute_Ref` -- -- When there are no parsing errors, this field is never null. function ada_call_expr_f_suffix (Node : ada_base_entity_Ptr; Value_P : access ada_base_entity) return int with Export => True, Convention => C, External_name => "ada_call_expr_f_suffix"; -- This field can contain one of the following nodes: -- :ada:ref:`Attribute_Ref`, :ada:ref:`Basic_Assoc_List`, -- :ada:ref:`Bin_Op`, :ada:ref:`Call_Expr`, :ada:ref:`Char_Literal`, -- :ada:ref:`Discrete_Subtype_Indication`, :ada:ref:`Dotted_Name`, -- :ada:ref:`Explicit_Deref`, :ada:ref:`Identifier`, :ada:ref:`Qual_Expr`, -- :ada:ref:`Reduce_Attribute_Ref`, :ada:ref:`String_Literal`, -- :ada:ref:`Target_Name`, :ada:ref:`Update_Attribute_Ref` -- -- When there are no parsing errors, this field is never null. function ada_call_expr_p_kind (Node : ada_base_entity_Ptr; Value_P : access ada_call_expr_kind) return int with Export => True, Convention => C, External_name => "ada_call_expr_p_kind"; -- Return whether this expression is a subprogram call, an array -- subcomponent access expression, an array slice or a type conversion. function ada_call_expr_p_is_array_slice (Node : ada_base_entity_Ptr; Value_P : access ada_bool) return int with Export => True, Convention => C, External_name => "ada_call_expr_p_is_array_slice"; -- Return whether this CallExpr is actually an access to a slice of the -- array denoted by the prefix of this CallExpr. function ada_defining_name_f_name (Node : ada_base_entity_Ptr; Value_P : access ada_base_entity) return int with Export => True, Convention => C, External_name => "ada_defining_name_f_name"; -- This field can contain one of the following nodes: -- :ada:ref:`Char_Literal`, :ada:ref:`Dotted_Name`, :ada:ref:`Identifier`, -- :ada:ref:`String_Literal`, :ada:ref:`Synthetic_Identifier` -- -- When there are no parsing errors, this field is never null. function ada_defining_name_p_canonical_fully_qualified_name (Node : ada_base_entity_Ptr; Value_P : access ada_string_type) return int with Export => True, Convention => C, External_name => "ada_defining_name_p_canonical_fully_qualified_name"; -- Return a canonical representation of the fully qualified name -- corresponding to this defining name. function ada_defining_name_p_unique_identifying_name (Node : ada_base_entity_Ptr; Value_P : access ada_string_type) return int with Export => True, Convention => C, External_name => "ada_defining_name_p_unique_identifying_name"; -- Return a unique identifying name for this defining name, provided this -- declaration is a public declaration. In the case of subprograms, this -- will include the profile. -- -- .. attention:: This will only return a unique name for public -- declarations. Notably, anything nested in an unnamed declare block -- won't be handled correctly. function ada_defining_name_p_fully_qualified_name_array (Node : ada_base_entity_Ptr; Value_P : access ada_unbounded_text_type_array) return int with Export => True, Convention => C, External_name => "ada_defining_name_p_fully_qualified_name_array"; -- Return the fully qualified name corresponding to this defining name, as -- an array of symbols. function ada_defining_name_p_fully_qualified_name (Node : ada_base_entity_Ptr; Value_P : access ada_string_type) return int with Export => True, Convention => C, External_name => "ada_defining_name_p_fully_qualified_name"; -- Return the fully qualified name corresponding to this defining name. function ada_defining_name_p_basic_decl (Node : ada_base_entity_Ptr; Value_P : access ada_base_entity) return int with Export => True, Convention => C, External_name => "ada_defining_name_p_basic_decl"; -- Returns this DefiningName's basic declaration function ada_defining_name_p_find_refs (Node : ada_base_entity_Ptr; Root : access constant ada_base_entity; Imprecise_Fallback : ada_bool; Value_P : access ada_ref_result_array) return int with Export => True, Convention => C, External_name => "ada_defining_name_p_find_refs"; -- Find all references to this defining name in the given ``root`` and its -- children. function ada_defining_name_p_find_all_references (Node : ada_base_entity_Ptr; Units : ada_analysis_unit_array; Follow_Renamings : ada_bool; Imprecise_Fallback : ada_bool; Value_P : access ada_ref_result_array) return int with Export => True, Convention => C, External_name => "ada_defining_name_p_find_all_references"; -- Searches all references to this defining name in the given list of -- units. -- -- If ``follow_renamings`` is True, also this also includes references that -- ultimately refer to this defining name, by unwinding renaming clauses. function ada_defining_name_p_find_all_calls (Node : ada_base_entity_Ptr; Units : ada_analysis_unit_array; Follow_Renamings : ada_bool; Imprecise_Fallback : ada_bool; Value_P : access ada_ref_result_array) return int with Export => True, Convention => C, External_name => "ada_defining_name_p_find_all_calls"; -- Return the list of all possible calls to the subprogram which Self is -- the defining name of. -- -- This will return the name corresponding to the call, excluding the -- parameters if there are any. For instance, it will return ``A`` for the -- ``A (B)`` call. -- -- .. note:: This does not yet support calls done inside generics. function ada_defining_name_p_next_part (Node : ada_base_entity_Ptr; Imprecise_Fallback : ada_bool; Value_P : access ada_base_entity) return int with Export => True, Convention => C, External_name => "ada_defining_name_p_next_part"; -- Like ``BasicDecl.next_part_for_decl`` on a defining name function ada_defining_name_p_previous_part (Node : ada_base_entity_Ptr; Imprecise_Fallback : ada_bool; Value_P : access ada_base_entity) return int with Export => True, Convention => C, External_name => "ada_defining_name_p_previous_part"; -- Like ``BasicDecl.previous_part_for_decl`` on a defining name function ada_defining_name_p_canonical_part (Node : ada_base_entity_Ptr; Imprecise_Fallback : ada_bool; Value_P : access ada_base_entity) return int with Export => True, Convention => C, External_name => "ada_defining_name_p_canonical_part"; -- Like ``BasicDecl.canonical_part`` on a defining name function ada_defining_name_p_most_visible_part (Node : ada_base_entity_Ptr; Origin : access constant ada_base_entity; Imprecise_Fallback : ada_bool; Value_P : access ada_base_entity) return int with Export => True, Convention => C, External_name => "ada_defining_name_p_most_visible_part"; -- Given an origin node and the entity represented by Self, this property -- returns the most visible completion of Self that can be seen by origin, -- according to Ada's visibility rules. -- -- ``Origin``: Origin for this property's request. See :ref:`The origin -- parameter` for more details function ada_defining_name_p_all_parts (Node : ada_base_entity_Ptr; Imprecise_Fallback : ada_bool; Value_P : access ada_ada_node_array) return int with Export => True, Convention => C, External_name => "ada_defining_name_p_all_parts"; -- Return all parts that define this entity, sorted from first part to last -- part. function ada_defining_name_p_get_aspect (Node : ada_base_entity_Ptr; Name : access constant ada_symbol_type; Imprecise_Fallback : ada_bool; Value_P : access ada_internal_aspect) return int with Export => True, Convention => C, External_name => "ada_defining_name_p_get_aspect"; -- Return the aspect with name ``name`` associated to entity that this name -- defines. -- -- Aspects are properties of entities that can be specified by the Ada -- program, either via aspect specifications, pragmas, or attributes. -- -- This will return the syntactic node corresponding to attribute directly. -- -- Note: for some aspects (e.g. ``Inline``), Libadalang will check if they -- are defined on any part of the entity. function ada_defining_name_p_has_aspect (Node : ada_base_entity_Ptr; Name : access constant ada_symbol_type; Imprecise_Fallback : ada_bool; Value_P : access ada_bool) return int with Export => True, Convention => C, External_name => "ada_defining_name_p_has_aspect"; -- Returns whether the boolean aspect named ``name`` is set on the entity -- represented by this node. -- -- Aspects are properties of entities that can be specified by the Ada -- program, either via aspect specifications, pragmas, or attributes. -- -- "Aspect" is used as in RM terminology (see :rmlink:`13.1`). function ada_defining_name_p_get_pragma (Node : ada_base_entity_Ptr; Name : access constant ada_symbol_type; Value_P : access ada_base_entity) return int with Export => True, Convention => C, External_name => "ada_defining_name_p_get_pragma"; -- Return the pragma with name ``name`` associated to this entity. -- -- Please use the ``p_get_aspect`` property instead if you are interested -- in aspects, i.e. information that can be represented by either aspect -- specification nodes, pragma nodes or attribute definition nodes. function ada_defining_name_p_get_representation_clause (Node : ada_base_entity_Ptr; Name : access constant ada_symbol_type; Imprecise_Fallback : ada_bool; Value_P : access ada_base_entity) return int with Export => True, Convention => C, External_name => "ada_defining_name_p_get_representation_clause"; -- Return the representation clause associated to this entity that defines -- the given attribute name. function ada_defining_name_p_get_at_clause (Node : ada_base_entity_Ptr; Imprecise_Fallback : ada_bool; Value_P : access ada_base_entity) return int with Export => True, Convention => C, External_name => "ada_defining_name_p_get_at_clause"; -- Return the at clause associated to this entity. function ada_defining_name_p_is_imported (Node : ada_base_entity_Ptr; Value_P : access ada_bool) return int with Export => True, Convention => C, External_name => "ada_defining_name_p_is_imported"; -- Whether this entity defined by this name is imported from another -- language. function ada_defining_name_p_is_ghost_code (Node : ada_base_entity_Ptr; Value_P : access ada_bool) return int with Export => True, Convention => C, External_name => "ada_defining_name_p_is_ghost_code"; -- Return whether the entity defined by this name is ghost or not. See -- SPARK RM 6.9. function ada_discrete_subtype_name_f_subtype (Node : ada_base_entity_Ptr; Value_P : access ada_base_entity) return int with Export => True, Convention => C, External_name => "ada_discrete_subtype_name_f_subtype"; -- When there are no parsing errors, this field is never null. function ada_dotted_name_f_prefix (Node : ada_base_entity_Ptr; Value_P : access ada_base_entity) return int with Export => True, Convention => C, External_name => "ada_dotted_name_f_prefix"; -- This field can contain one of the following nodes: -- :ada:ref:`Attribute_Ref`, :ada:ref:`Call_Expr`, :ada:ref:`Char_Literal`, -- :ada:ref:`Dotted_Name`, :ada:ref:`Explicit_Deref`, -- :ada:ref:`Identifier`, :ada:ref:`Qual_Expr`, -- :ada:ref:`Reduce_Attribute_Ref`, :ada:ref:`String_Literal`, -- :ada:ref:`Target_Name`, :ada:ref:`Update_Attribute_Ref` -- -- When there are no parsing errors, this field is never null. function ada_dotted_name_f_suffix (Node : ada_base_entity_Ptr; Value_P : access ada_base_entity) return int with Export => True, Convention => C, External_name => "ada_dotted_name_f_suffix"; -- This field can contain one of the following nodes: -- :ada:ref:`Char_Literal`, :ada:ref:`Identifier`, -- :ada:ref:`String_Literal` -- -- When there are no parsing errors, this field is never null. function ada_end_name_f_name (Node : ada_base_entity_Ptr; Value_P : access ada_base_entity) return int with Export => True, Convention => C, External_name => "ada_end_name_f_name"; -- This field can contain one of the following nodes: -- :ada:ref:`Char_Literal`, :ada:ref:`Dotted_Name`, :ada:ref:`Identifier`, -- :ada:ref:`String_Literal` -- -- When there are no parsing errors, this field is never null. function ada_end_name_p_basic_decl (Node : ada_base_entity_Ptr; Value_P : access ada_base_entity) return int with Export => True, Convention => C, External_name => "ada_end_name_p_basic_decl"; -- Returns this EndName's basic declaration function ada_explicit_deref_f_prefix (Node : ada_base_entity_Ptr; Value_P : access ada_base_entity) return int with Export => True, Convention => C, External_name => "ada_explicit_deref_f_prefix"; -- This field can contain one of the following nodes: -- :ada:ref:`Attribute_Ref`, :ada:ref:`Call_Expr`, :ada:ref:`Char_Literal`, -- :ada:ref:`Dotted_Name`, :ada:ref:`Explicit_Deref`, -- :ada:ref:`Identifier`, :ada:ref:`Qual_Expr`, -- :ada:ref:`Reduce_Attribute_Ref`, :ada:ref:`String_Literal`, -- :ada:ref:`Target_Name`, :ada:ref:`Update_Attribute_Ref` -- -- When there are no parsing errors, this field is never null. function ada_qual_expr_f_prefix (Node : ada_base_entity_Ptr; Value_P : access ada_base_entity) return int with Export => True, Convention => C, External_name => "ada_qual_expr_f_prefix"; -- This field can contain one of the following nodes: -- :ada:ref:`Attribute_Ref`, :ada:ref:`Call_Expr`, :ada:ref:`Char_Literal`, -- :ada:ref:`Dotted_Name`, :ada:ref:`Explicit_Deref`, -- :ada:ref:`Identifier`, :ada:ref:`Qual_Expr`, -- :ada:ref:`Reduce_Attribute_Ref`, :ada:ref:`String_Literal`, -- :ada:ref:`Target_Name`, :ada:ref:`Update_Attribute_Ref` -- -- When there are no parsing errors, this field is never null. function ada_qual_expr_f_suffix (Node : ada_base_entity_Ptr; Value_P : access ada_base_entity) return int with Export => True, Convention => C, External_name => "ada_qual_expr_f_suffix"; -- This field can contain one of the following nodes: -- :ada:ref:`Base_Aggregate`, :ada:ref:`Paren_Expr` -- -- When there are no parsing errors, this field is never null. function ada_reduce_attribute_ref_f_prefix (Node : ada_base_entity_Ptr; Value_P : access ada_base_entity) return int with Export => True, Convention => C, External_name => "ada_reduce_attribute_ref_f_prefix"; -- This field can contain one of the following nodes: -- :ada:ref:`Attribute_Ref`, :ada:ref:`Call_Expr`, :ada:ref:`Char_Literal`, -- :ada:ref:`Dotted_Name`, :ada:ref:`Explicit_Deref`, -- :ada:ref:`Identifier`, :ada:ref:`Qual_Expr`, -- :ada:ref:`Reduce_Attribute_Ref`, :ada:ref:`String_Literal`, -- :ada:ref:`Target_Name`, :ada:ref:`Update_Attribute_Ref`, -- :ada:ref:`Value_Sequence` -- -- When there are no parsing errors, this field is never null. function ada_reduce_attribute_ref_f_attribute (Node : ada_base_entity_Ptr; Value_P : access ada_base_entity) return int with Export => True, Convention => C, External_name => "ada_reduce_attribute_ref_f_attribute"; -- When there are no parsing errors, this field is never null. function ada_reduce_attribute_ref_f_args (Node : ada_base_entity_Ptr; Value_P : access ada_base_entity) return int with Export => True, Convention => C, External_name => "ada_reduce_attribute_ref_f_args"; -- This field contains a list that itself contains one of the following -- nodes: :ada:ref:`Param_Assoc` -- -- When there are no parsing errors, this field is never null. function ada_char_literal_p_denoted_value (Node : ada_base_entity_Ptr; Value_P : access uint32_t) return int with Export => True, Convention => C, External_name => "ada_char_literal_p_denoted_value"; -- Return the value that this literal denotes. function ada_string_literal_p_denoted_value (Node : ada_base_entity_Ptr; Value_P : access ada_string_type) return int with Export => True, Convention => C, External_name => "ada_string_literal_p_denoted_value"; -- Return the value that this literal denotes. function ada_int_literal_p_denoted_value (Node : ada_base_entity_Ptr; Value_P : access ada_big_integer) return int with Export => True, Convention => C, External_name => "ada_int_literal_p_denoted_value"; -- Return the value that this literal denotes. function ada_update_attribute_ref_f_prefix (Node : ada_base_entity_Ptr; Value_P : access ada_base_entity) return int with Export => True, Convention => C, External_name => "ada_update_attribute_ref_f_prefix"; -- This field can contain one of the following nodes: -- :ada:ref:`Attribute_Ref`, :ada:ref:`Call_Expr`, :ada:ref:`Char_Literal`, -- :ada:ref:`Dotted_Name`, :ada:ref:`Explicit_Deref`, -- :ada:ref:`Identifier`, :ada:ref:`Qual_Expr`, -- :ada:ref:`Reduce_Attribute_Ref`, :ada:ref:`String_Literal`, -- :ada:ref:`Target_Name`, :ada:ref:`Update_Attribute_Ref` -- -- When there are no parsing errors, this field is never null. function ada_update_attribute_ref_f_attribute (Node : ada_base_entity_Ptr; Value_P : access ada_base_entity) return int with Export => True, Convention => C, External_name => "ada_update_attribute_ref_f_attribute"; -- When there are no parsing errors, this field is never null. function ada_update_attribute_ref_f_values (Node : ada_base_entity_Ptr; Value_P : access ada_base_entity) return int with Export => True, Convention => C, External_name => "ada_update_attribute_ref_f_values"; -- When there are no parsing errors, this field is never null. function ada_paren_expr_f_expr (Node : ada_base_entity_Ptr; Value_P : access ada_base_entity) return int with Export => True, Convention => C, External_name => "ada_paren_expr_f_expr"; -- This field can contain one of the following nodes: :ada:ref:`Allocator`, -- :ada:ref:`Attribute_Ref`, :ada:ref:`Base_Aggregate`, :ada:ref:`Bin_Op`, -- :ada:ref:`Call_Expr`, :ada:ref:`Char_Literal`, :ada:ref:`Concat_Op`, -- :ada:ref:`Cond_Expr`, :ada:ref:`Decl_Expr`, :ada:ref:`Dotted_Name`, -- :ada:ref:`Explicit_Deref`, :ada:ref:`Identifier`, -- :ada:ref:`Membership_Expr`, :ada:ref:`Null_Literal`, -- :ada:ref:`Num_Literal`, :ada:ref:`Paren_Expr`, :ada:ref:`Qual_Expr`, -- :ada:ref:`Quantified_Expr`, :ada:ref:`Raise_Expr`, -- :ada:ref:`Reduce_Attribute_Ref`, :ada:ref:`String_Literal`, -- :ada:ref:`Target_Name`, :ada:ref:`Un_Op`, -- :ada:ref:`Update_Attribute_Ref` -- -- When there are no parsing errors, this field is never null. function ada_quantified_expr_f_quantifier (Node : ada_base_entity_Ptr; Value_P : access ada_base_entity) return int with Export => True, Convention => C, External_name => "ada_quantified_expr_f_quantifier"; -- When there are no parsing errors, this field is never null. function ada_quantified_expr_f_loop_spec (Node : ada_base_entity_Ptr; Value_P : access ada_base_entity) return int with Export => True, Convention => C, External_name => "ada_quantified_expr_f_loop_spec"; -- When there are no parsing errors, this field is never null. function ada_quantified_expr_f_expr (Node : ada_base_entity_Ptr; Value_P : access ada_base_entity) return int with Export => True, Convention => C, External_name => "ada_quantified_expr_f_expr"; -- This field can contain one of the following nodes: :ada:ref:`Allocator`, -- :ada:ref:`Attribute_Ref`, :ada:ref:`Base_Aggregate`, :ada:ref:`Bin_Op`, -- :ada:ref:`Call_Expr`, :ada:ref:`Char_Literal`, :ada:ref:`Concat_Op`, -- :ada:ref:`Cond_Expr`, :ada:ref:`Decl_Expr`, :ada:ref:`Dotted_Name`, -- :ada:ref:`Explicit_Deref`, :ada:ref:`Identifier`, -- :ada:ref:`Membership_Expr`, :ada:ref:`Null_Literal`, -- :ada:ref:`Num_Literal`, :ada:ref:`Paren_Expr`, :ada:ref:`Qual_Expr`, -- :ada:ref:`Quantified_Expr`, :ada:ref:`Raise_Expr`, -- :ada:ref:`Reduce_Attribute_Ref`, :ada:ref:`String_Literal`, -- :ada:ref:`Target_Name`, :ada:ref:`Un_Op`, -- :ada:ref:`Update_Attribute_Ref` -- -- When there are no parsing errors, this field is never null. function ada_raise_expr_f_exception_name (Node : ada_base_entity_Ptr; Value_P : access ada_base_entity) return int with Export => True, Convention => C, External_name => "ada_raise_expr_f_exception_name"; -- This field can contain one of the following nodes: -- :ada:ref:`Attribute_Ref`, :ada:ref:`Call_Expr`, :ada:ref:`Char_Literal`, -- :ada:ref:`Dotted_Name`, :ada:ref:`Explicit_Deref`, -- :ada:ref:`Identifier`, :ada:ref:`Qual_Expr`, -- :ada:ref:`Reduce_Attribute_Ref`, :ada:ref:`String_Literal`, -- :ada:ref:`Target_Name`, :ada:ref:`Update_Attribute_Ref` -- -- This field may be null even when there are no parsing errors. function ada_raise_expr_f_error_message (Node : ada_base_entity_Ptr; Value_P : access ada_base_entity) return int with Export => True, Convention => C, External_name => "ada_raise_expr_f_error_message"; -- This field can contain one of the following nodes: :ada:ref:`Allocator`, -- :ada:ref:`Attribute_Ref`, :ada:ref:`Base_Aggregate`, :ada:ref:`Bin_Op`, -- :ada:ref:`Call_Expr`, :ada:ref:`Char_Literal`, :ada:ref:`Concat_Op`, -- :ada:ref:`Cond_Expr`, :ada:ref:`Decl_Expr`, :ada:ref:`Dotted_Name`, -- :ada:ref:`Explicit_Deref`, :ada:ref:`Identifier`, -- :ada:ref:`Membership_Expr`, :ada:ref:`Null_Literal`, -- :ada:ref:`Num_Literal`, :ada:ref:`Paren_Expr`, :ada:ref:`Qual_Expr`, -- :ada:ref:`Quantified_Expr`, :ada:ref:`Raise_Expr`, -- :ada:ref:`Reduce_Attribute_Ref`, :ada:ref:`String_Literal`, -- :ada:ref:`Target_Name`, :ada:ref:`Un_Op`, -- :ada:ref:`Update_Attribute_Ref` -- -- This field may be null even when there are no parsing errors. function ada_un_op_f_op (Node : ada_base_entity_Ptr; Value_P : access ada_base_entity) return int with Export => True, Convention => C, External_name => "ada_un_op_f_op"; -- This field can contain one of the following nodes: :ada:ref:`Op_Abs`, -- :ada:ref:`Op_Minus`, :ada:ref:`Op_Not`, :ada:ref:`Op_Plus` -- -- When there are no parsing errors, this field is never null. function ada_un_op_f_expr (Node : ada_base_entity_Ptr; Value_P : access ada_base_entity) return int with Export => True, Convention => C, External_name => "ada_un_op_f_expr"; -- This field can contain one of the following nodes: :ada:ref:`Allocator`, -- :ada:ref:`Attribute_Ref`, :ada:ref:`Base_Aggregate`, :ada:ref:`Bin_Op`, -- :ada:ref:`Call_Expr`, :ada:ref:`Char_Literal`, :ada:ref:`Cond_Expr`, -- :ada:ref:`Decl_Expr`, :ada:ref:`Dotted_Name`, :ada:ref:`Explicit_Deref`, -- :ada:ref:`Identifier`, :ada:ref:`Null_Literal`, :ada:ref:`Num_Literal`, -- :ada:ref:`Paren_Expr`, :ada:ref:`Qual_Expr`, :ada:ref:`Quantified_Expr`, -- :ada:ref:`Raise_Expr`, :ada:ref:`Reduce_Attribute_Ref`, -- :ada:ref:`String_Literal`, :ada:ref:`Target_Name`, :ada:ref:`Un_Op`, -- :ada:ref:`Update_Attribute_Ref` -- -- When there are no parsing errors, this field is never null. function ada_handled_stmts_f_stmts (Node : ada_base_entity_Ptr; Value_P : access ada_base_entity) return int with Export => True, Convention => C, External_name => "ada_handled_stmts_f_stmts"; -- This field contains a list that itself contains one of the following -- nodes: :ada:ref:`Pragma_Node`, :ada:ref:`Stmt` -- -- When there are no parsing errors, this field is never null. function ada_handled_stmts_f_exceptions (Node : ada_base_entity_Ptr; Value_P : access ada_base_entity) return int with Export => True, Convention => C, External_name => "ada_handled_stmts_f_exceptions"; -- This field contains a list that itself contains one of the following -- nodes: :ada:ref:`Exception_Handler`, :ada:ref:`Pragma_Node` -- -- When there are no parsing errors, this field is never null. function ada_library_item_f_has_private (Node : ada_base_entity_Ptr; Value_P : access ada_base_entity) return int with Export => True, Convention => C, External_name => "ada_library_item_f_has_private"; -- When there are no parsing errors, this field is never null. function ada_library_item_f_item (Node : ada_base_entity_Ptr; Value_P : access ada_base_entity) return int with Export => True, Convention => C, External_name => "ada_library_item_f_item"; -- This field can contain one of the following nodes: -- :ada:ref:`Abstract_Subp_Decl`, :ada:ref:`Base_Subp_Body`, -- :ada:ref:`Error_Decl`, :ada:ref:`Generic_Decl`, -- :ada:ref:`Generic_Instantiation`, :ada:ref:`Generic_Renaming_Decl`, -- :ada:ref:`Package_Body`, :ada:ref:`Package_Decl`, -- :ada:ref:`Package_Renaming_Decl`, :ada:ref:`Subp_Decl` -- -- When there are no parsing errors, this field is never null. function ada_limited_node_p_as_bool (Node : ada_base_entity_Ptr; Value_P : access ada_bool) return int with Export => True, Convention => C, External_name => "ada_limited_node_p_as_bool"; -- Return whether this is an instance of LimitedPresent function ada_for_loop_spec_f_var_decl (Node : ada_base_entity_Ptr; Value_P : access ada_base_entity) return int with Export => True, Convention => C, External_name => "ada_for_loop_spec_f_var_decl"; -- When there are no parsing errors, this field is never null. function ada_for_loop_spec_f_loop_type (Node : ada_base_entity_Ptr; Value_P : access ada_base_entity) return int with Export => True, Convention => C, External_name => "ada_for_loop_spec_f_loop_type"; -- When there are no parsing errors, this field is never null. function ada_for_loop_spec_f_has_reverse (Node : ada_base_entity_Ptr; Value_P : access ada_base_entity) return int with Export => True, Convention => C, External_name => "ada_for_loop_spec_f_has_reverse"; -- When there are no parsing errors, this field is never null. function ada_for_loop_spec_f_iter_expr (Node : ada_base_entity_Ptr; Value_P : access ada_base_entity) return int with Export => True, Convention => C, External_name => "ada_for_loop_spec_f_iter_expr"; -- This field can contain one of the following nodes: -- :ada:ref:`Attribute_Ref`, :ada:ref:`Bin_Op`, :ada:ref:`Call_Expr`, -- :ada:ref:`Char_Literal`, :ada:ref:`Discrete_Subtype_Indication`, -- :ada:ref:`Dotted_Name`, :ada:ref:`Explicit_Deref`, -- :ada:ref:`Identifier`, :ada:ref:`Qual_Expr`, -- :ada:ref:`Reduce_Attribute_Ref`, :ada:ref:`String_Literal`, -- :ada:ref:`Target_Name`, :ada:ref:`Update_Attribute_Ref` -- -- When there are no parsing errors, this field is never null. function ada_for_loop_spec_f_iter_filter (Node : ada_base_entity_Ptr; Value_P : access ada_base_entity) return int with Export => True, Convention => C, External_name => "ada_for_loop_spec_f_iter_filter"; -- This field can contain one of the following nodes: :ada:ref:`Allocator`, -- :ada:ref:`Attribute_Ref`, :ada:ref:`Base_Aggregate`, :ada:ref:`Bin_Op`, -- :ada:ref:`Call_Expr`, :ada:ref:`Char_Literal`, :ada:ref:`Concat_Op`, -- :ada:ref:`Cond_Expr`, :ada:ref:`Decl_Expr`, :ada:ref:`Dotted_Name`, -- :ada:ref:`Explicit_Deref`, :ada:ref:`Identifier`, -- :ada:ref:`Membership_Expr`, :ada:ref:`Null_Literal`, -- :ada:ref:`Num_Literal`, :ada:ref:`Paren_Expr`, :ada:ref:`Qual_Expr`, -- :ada:ref:`Quantified_Expr`, :ada:ref:`Raise_Expr`, -- :ada:ref:`Reduce_Attribute_Ref`, :ada:ref:`String_Literal`, -- :ada:ref:`Target_Name`, :ada:ref:`Un_Op`, -- :ada:ref:`Update_Attribute_Ref` -- -- This field may be null even when there are no parsing errors. function ada_while_loop_spec_f_expr (Node : ada_base_entity_Ptr; Value_P : access ada_base_entity) return int with Export => True, Convention => C, External_name => "ada_while_loop_spec_f_expr"; -- This field can contain one of the following nodes: :ada:ref:`Allocator`, -- :ada:ref:`Attribute_Ref`, :ada:ref:`Base_Aggregate`, :ada:ref:`Bin_Op`, -- :ada:ref:`Call_Expr`, :ada:ref:`Char_Literal`, :ada:ref:`Concat_Op`, -- :ada:ref:`Cond_Expr`, :ada:ref:`Decl_Expr`, :ada:ref:`Dotted_Name`, -- :ada:ref:`Explicit_Deref`, :ada:ref:`Identifier`, -- :ada:ref:`Membership_Expr`, :ada:ref:`Null_Literal`, -- :ada:ref:`Num_Literal`, :ada:ref:`Paren_Expr`, :ada:ref:`Qual_Expr`, -- :ada:ref:`Quantified_Expr`, :ada:ref:`Raise_Expr`, -- :ada:ref:`Reduce_Attribute_Ref`, :ada:ref:`String_Literal`, -- :ada:ref:`Target_Name`, :ada:ref:`Un_Op`, -- :ada:ref:`Update_Attribute_Ref` -- -- When there are no parsing errors, this field is never null. function ada_multi_abstract_state_decl_f_decls (Node : ada_base_entity_Ptr; Value_P : access ada_base_entity) return int with Export => True, Convention => C, External_name => "ada_multi_abstract_state_decl_f_decls"; -- This field contains a list that itself contains one of the following -- nodes: :ada:ref:`Abstract_State_Decl`, -- :ada:ref:`Paren_Abstract_State_Decl` -- -- When there are no parsing errors, this field is never null. function ada_not_null_p_as_bool (Node : ada_base_entity_Ptr; Value_P : access ada_bool) return int with Export => True, Convention => C, External_name => "ada_not_null_p_as_bool"; -- Return whether this is an instance of NotNullPresent function ada_params_f_params (Node : ada_base_entity_Ptr; Value_P : access ada_base_entity) return int with Export => True, Convention => C, External_name => "ada_params_f_params"; -- When there are no parsing errors, this field is never null. function ada_paren_abstract_state_decl_f_decl (Node : ada_base_entity_Ptr; Value_P : access ada_base_entity) return int with Export => True, Convention => C, External_name => "ada_paren_abstract_state_decl_f_decl"; -- This field can contain one of the following nodes: -- :ada:ref:`Abstract_State_Decl`, :ada:ref:`Paren_Abstract_State_Decl` -- -- When there are no parsing errors, this field is never null. function ada_pp_elsif_directive_f_expr (Node : ada_base_entity_Ptr; Value_P : access ada_base_entity) return int with Export => True, Convention => C, External_name => "ada_pp_elsif_directive_f_expr"; -- This field can contain one of the following nodes: -- :ada:ref:`Attribute_Ref`, :ada:ref:`Bin_Op`, :ada:ref:`Identifier`, -- :ada:ref:`Paren_Expr`, :ada:ref:`Un_Op` -- -- When there are no parsing errors, this field is never null. function ada_pp_elsif_directive_f_then_kw (Node : ada_base_entity_Ptr; Value_P : access ada_base_entity) return int with Export => True, Convention => C, External_name => "ada_pp_elsif_directive_f_then_kw"; -- This field may be null even when there are no parsing errors. function ada_pp_if_directive_f_expr (Node : ada_base_entity_Ptr; Value_P : access ada_base_entity) return int with Export => True, Convention => C, External_name => "ada_pp_if_directive_f_expr"; -- This field can contain one of the following nodes: -- :ada:ref:`Attribute_Ref`, :ada:ref:`Bin_Op`, :ada:ref:`Identifier`, -- :ada:ref:`Paren_Expr`, :ada:ref:`Un_Op` -- -- When there are no parsing errors, this field is never null. function ada_pp_if_directive_f_then_kw (Node : ada_base_entity_Ptr; Value_P : access ada_base_entity) return int with Export => True, Convention => C, External_name => "ada_pp_if_directive_f_then_kw"; -- This field may be null even when there are no parsing errors. function ada_pragma_node_f_id (Node : ada_base_entity_Ptr; Value_P : access ada_base_entity) return int with Export => True, Convention => C, External_name => "ada_pragma_node_f_id"; -- When there are no parsing errors, this field is never null. function ada_pragma_node_f_args (Node : ada_base_entity_Ptr; Value_P : access ada_base_entity) return int with Export => True, Convention => C, External_name => "ada_pragma_node_f_args"; -- When there are no parsing errors, this field is never null. function ada_pragma_node_p_is_ghost_code (Node : ada_base_entity_Ptr; Value_P : access ada_bool) return int with Export => True, Convention => C, External_name => "ada_pragma_node_p_is_ghost_code"; -- Return whether this pragma is ghost code or not. See SPARK RM 6.9. function ada_pragma_node_p_associated_entities (Node : ada_base_entity_Ptr; Value_P : access ada_ada_node_array) return int with Export => True, Convention => C, External_name => "ada_pragma_node_p_associated_entities"; -- Return an array of ``BasicDecl`` instances associated with this pragma, -- or an empty array if non applicable. function ada_private_node_p_as_bool (Node : ada_base_entity_Ptr; Value_P : access ada_bool) return int with Export => True, Convention => C, External_name => "ada_private_node_p_as_bool"; -- Return whether this is an instance of PrivatePresent function ada_protected_def_f_public_part (Node : ada_base_entity_Ptr; Value_P : access ada_base_entity) return int with Export => True, Convention => C, External_name => "ada_protected_def_f_public_part"; -- When there are no parsing errors, this field is never null. function ada_protected_def_f_private_part (Node : ada_base_entity_Ptr; Value_P : access ada_base_entity) return int with Export => True, Convention => C, External_name => "ada_protected_def_f_private_part"; -- This field may be null even when there are no parsing errors. function ada_protected_def_f_end_name (Node : ada_base_entity_Ptr; Value_P : access ada_base_entity) return int with Export => True, Convention => C, External_name => "ada_protected_def_f_end_name"; -- This field may be null even when there are no parsing errors. function ada_protected_node_p_as_bool (Node : ada_base_entity_Ptr; Value_P : access ada_bool) return int with Export => True, Convention => C, External_name => "ada_protected_node_p_as_bool"; -- Return whether this is an instance of ProtectedPresent function ada_range_spec_f_range (Node : ada_base_entity_Ptr; Value_P : access ada_base_entity) return int with Export => True, Convention => C, External_name => "ada_range_spec_f_range"; -- This field can contain one of the following nodes: -- :ada:ref:`Attribute_Ref`, :ada:ref:`Bin_Op`, :ada:ref:`Box_Expr`, -- :ada:ref:`Call_Expr`, :ada:ref:`Char_Literal`, :ada:ref:`Dotted_Name`, -- :ada:ref:`Explicit_Deref`, :ada:ref:`Identifier`, :ada:ref:`Qual_Expr`, -- :ada:ref:`Reduce_Attribute_Ref`, :ada:ref:`String_Literal`, -- :ada:ref:`Target_Name`, :ada:ref:`Update_Attribute_Ref` -- -- When there are no parsing errors, this field is never null. function ada_renaming_clause_f_renamed_object (Node : ada_base_entity_Ptr; Value_P : access ada_base_entity) return int with Export => True, Convention => C, External_name => "ada_renaming_clause_f_renamed_object"; -- This field can contain one of the following nodes: -- :ada:ref:`Attribute_Ref`, :ada:ref:`Call_Expr`, :ada:ref:`Char_Literal`, -- :ada:ref:`Dotted_Name`, :ada:ref:`Explicit_Deref`, -- :ada:ref:`Identifier`, :ada:ref:`Qual_Expr`, -- :ada:ref:`Reduce_Attribute_Ref`, :ada:ref:`String_Literal`, -- :ada:ref:`Target_Name`, :ada:ref:`Update_Attribute_Ref` -- -- When there are no parsing errors, this field is never null. function ada_reverse_node_p_as_bool (Node : ada_base_entity_Ptr; Value_P : access ada_bool) return int with Export => True, Convention => C, External_name => "ada_reverse_node_p_as_bool"; -- Return whether this is an instance of ReversePresent function ada_select_when_part_f_cond_expr (Node : ada_base_entity_Ptr; Value_P : access ada_base_entity) return int with Export => True, Convention => C, External_name => "ada_select_when_part_f_cond_expr"; -- This field can contain one of the following nodes: :ada:ref:`Allocator`, -- :ada:ref:`Attribute_Ref`, :ada:ref:`Base_Aggregate`, :ada:ref:`Bin_Op`, -- :ada:ref:`Call_Expr`, :ada:ref:`Char_Literal`, :ada:ref:`Concat_Op`, -- :ada:ref:`Cond_Expr`, :ada:ref:`Decl_Expr`, :ada:ref:`Dotted_Name`, -- :ada:ref:`Explicit_Deref`, :ada:ref:`Identifier`, -- :ada:ref:`Membership_Expr`, :ada:ref:`Null_Literal`, -- :ada:ref:`Num_Literal`, :ada:ref:`Paren_Expr`, :ada:ref:`Qual_Expr`, -- :ada:ref:`Quantified_Expr`, :ada:ref:`Raise_Expr`, -- :ada:ref:`Reduce_Attribute_Ref`, :ada:ref:`String_Literal`, -- :ada:ref:`Target_Name`, :ada:ref:`Un_Op`, -- :ada:ref:`Update_Attribute_Ref` -- -- This field may be null even when there are no parsing errors. function ada_select_when_part_f_stmts (Node : ada_base_entity_Ptr; Value_P : access ada_base_entity) return int with Export => True, Convention => C, External_name => "ada_select_when_part_f_stmts"; -- This field contains a list that itself contains one of the following -- nodes: :ada:ref:`Pragma_Node`, :ada:ref:`Stmt` -- -- When there are no parsing errors, this field is never null. function ada_stmt_p_is_ghost_code (Node : ada_base_entity_Ptr; Value_P : access ada_bool) return int with Export => True, Convention => C, External_name => "ada_stmt_p_is_ghost_code"; -- Return whether this statement is ghost code or not. See SPARK RM 6.9. function ada_accept_stmt_f_body_decl (Node : ada_base_entity_Ptr; Value_P : access ada_base_entity) return int with Export => True, Convention => C, External_name => "ada_accept_stmt_f_body_decl"; -- When there are no parsing errors, this field is never null. function ada_accept_stmt_f_entry_index_expr (Node : ada_base_entity_Ptr; Value_P : access ada_base_entity) return int with Export => True, Convention => C, External_name => "ada_accept_stmt_f_entry_index_expr"; -- This field can contain one of the following nodes: :ada:ref:`Allocator`, -- :ada:ref:`Attribute_Ref`, :ada:ref:`Base_Aggregate`, :ada:ref:`Bin_Op`, -- :ada:ref:`Call_Expr`, :ada:ref:`Char_Literal`, :ada:ref:`Concat_Op`, -- :ada:ref:`Cond_Expr`, :ada:ref:`Decl_Expr`, :ada:ref:`Dotted_Name`, -- :ada:ref:`Explicit_Deref`, :ada:ref:`Identifier`, -- :ada:ref:`Membership_Expr`, :ada:ref:`Null_Literal`, -- :ada:ref:`Num_Literal`, :ada:ref:`Paren_Expr`, :ada:ref:`Qual_Expr`, -- :ada:ref:`Quantified_Expr`, :ada:ref:`Raise_Expr`, -- :ada:ref:`Reduce_Attribute_Ref`, :ada:ref:`String_Literal`, -- :ada:ref:`Target_Name`, :ada:ref:`Un_Op`, -- :ada:ref:`Update_Attribute_Ref` -- -- This field may be null even when there are no parsing errors. function ada_accept_stmt_f_params (Node : ada_base_entity_Ptr; Value_P : access ada_base_entity) return int with Export => True, Convention => C, External_name => "ada_accept_stmt_f_params"; -- When there are no parsing errors, this field is never null. function ada_accept_stmt_p_corresponding_entry (Node : ada_base_entity_Ptr; Origin : access constant ada_base_entity; Value_P : access ada_base_entity) return int with Export => True, Convention => C, External_name => "ada_accept_stmt_p_corresponding_entry"; -- Return the entry which corresponds to this accept statement. -- -- ``Origin``: Origin for this property's request. See :ref:`The origin -- parameter` for more details function ada_accept_stmt_with_stmts_f_stmts (Node : ada_base_entity_Ptr; Value_P : access ada_base_entity) return int with Export => True, Convention => C, External_name => "ada_accept_stmt_with_stmts_f_stmts"; -- When there are no parsing errors, this field is never null. function ada_accept_stmt_with_stmts_f_end_name (Node : ada_base_entity_Ptr; Value_P : access ada_base_entity) return int with Export => True, Convention => C, External_name => "ada_accept_stmt_with_stmts_f_end_name"; -- This field may be null even when there are no parsing errors. function ada_base_loop_stmt_f_spec (Node : ada_base_entity_Ptr; Value_P : access ada_base_entity) return int with Export => True, Convention => C, External_name => "ada_base_loop_stmt_f_spec"; -- This field may be null even when there are no parsing errors. function ada_base_loop_stmt_f_stmts (Node : ada_base_entity_Ptr; Value_P : access ada_base_entity) return int with Export => True, Convention => C, External_name => "ada_base_loop_stmt_f_stmts"; -- This field contains a list that itself contains one of the following -- nodes: :ada:ref:`Pragma_Node`, :ada:ref:`Stmt` -- -- When there are no parsing errors, this field is never null. function ada_base_loop_stmt_f_end_name (Node : ada_base_entity_Ptr; Value_P : access ada_base_entity) return int with Export => True, Convention => C, External_name => "ada_base_loop_stmt_f_end_name"; -- This field may be null even when there are no parsing errors. function ada_begin_block_f_stmts (Node : ada_base_entity_Ptr; Value_P : access ada_base_entity) return int with Export => True, Convention => C, External_name => "ada_begin_block_f_stmts"; -- When there are no parsing errors, this field is never null. function ada_begin_block_f_end_name (Node : ada_base_entity_Ptr; Value_P : access ada_base_entity) return int with Export => True, Convention => C, External_name => "ada_begin_block_f_end_name"; -- This field may be null even when there are no parsing errors. function ada_decl_block_f_decls (Node : ada_base_entity_Ptr; Value_P : access ada_base_entity) return int with Export => True, Convention => C, External_name => "ada_decl_block_f_decls"; -- When there are no parsing errors, this field is never null. function ada_decl_block_f_stmts (Node : ada_base_entity_Ptr; Value_P : access ada_base_entity) return int with Export => True, Convention => C, External_name => "ada_decl_block_f_stmts"; -- When there are no parsing errors, this field is never null. function ada_decl_block_f_end_name (Node : ada_base_entity_Ptr; Value_P : access ada_base_entity) return int with Export => True, Convention => C, External_name => "ada_decl_block_f_end_name"; -- This field may be null even when there are no parsing errors. function ada_case_stmt_f_expr (Node : ada_base_entity_Ptr; Value_P : access ada_base_entity) return int with Export => True, Convention => C, External_name => "ada_case_stmt_f_expr"; -- This field can contain one of the following nodes: :ada:ref:`Allocator`, -- :ada:ref:`Attribute_Ref`, :ada:ref:`Base_Aggregate`, :ada:ref:`Bin_Op`, -- :ada:ref:`Call_Expr`, :ada:ref:`Char_Literal`, :ada:ref:`Concat_Op`, -- :ada:ref:`Cond_Expr`, :ada:ref:`Decl_Expr`, :ada:ref:`Dotted_Name`, -- :ada:ref:`Explicit_Deref`, :ada:ref:`Identifier`, -- :ada:ref:`Membership_Expr`, :ada:ref:`Null_Literal`, -- :ada:ref:`Num_Literal`, :ada:ref:`Paren_Expr`, :ada:ref:`Qual_Expr`, -- :ada:ref:`Quantified_Expr`, :ada:ref:`Raise_Expr`, -- :ada:ref:`Reduce_Attribute_Ref`, :ada:ref:`String_Literal`, -- :ada:ref:`Target_Name`, :ada:ref:`Un_Op`, -- :ada:ref:`Update_Attribute_Ref` -- -- When there are no parsing errors, this field is never null. function ada_case_stmt_f_pragmas (Node : ada_base_entity_Ptr; Value_P : access ada_base_entity) return int with Export => True, Convention => C, External_name => "ada_case_stmt_f_pragmas"; -- When there are no parsing errors, this field is never null. function ada_case_stmt_f_alternatives (Node : ada_base_entity_Ptr; Value_P : access ada_base_entity) return int with Export => True, Convention => C, External_name => "ada_case_stmt_f_alternatives"; -- When there are no parsing errors, this field is never null. function ada_extended_return_stmt_f_decl (Node : ada_base_entity_Ptr; Value_P : access ada_base_entity) return int with Export => True, Convention => C, External_name => "ada_extended_return_stmt_f_decl"; -- When there are no parsing errors, this field is never null. function ada_extended_return_stmt_f_stmts (Node : ada_base_entity_Ptr; Value_P : access ada_base_entity) return int with Export => True, Convention => C, External_name => "ada_extended_return_stmt_f_stmts"; -- This field may be null even when there are no parsing errors. function ada_if_stmt_f_cond_expr (Node : ada_base_entity_Ptr; Value_P : access ada_base_entity) return int with Export => True, Convention => C, External_name => "ada_if_stmt_f_cond_expr"; -- This field can contain one of the following nodes: :ada:ref:`Allocator`, -- :ada:ref:`Attribute_Ref`, :ada:ref:`Base_Aggregate`, :ada:ref:`Bin_Op`, -- :ada:ref:`Call_Expr`, :ada:ref:`Char_Literal`, :ada:ref:`Concat_Op`, -- :ada:ref:`Cond_Expr`, :ada:ref:`Decl_Expr`, :ada:ref:`Dotted_Name`, -- :ada:ref:`Explicit_Deref`, :ada:ref:`Identifier`, -- :ada:ref:`Membership_Expr`, :ada:ref:`Null_Literal`, -- :ada:ref:`Num_Literal`, :ada:ref:`Paren_Expr`, :ada:ref:`Qual_Expr`, -- :ada:ref:`Quantified_Expr`, :ada:ref:`Raise_Expr`, -- :ada:ref:`Reduce_Attribute_Ref`, :ada:ref:`String_Literal`, -- :ada:ref:`Target_Name`, :ada:ref:`Un_Op`, -- :ada:ref:`Update_Attribute_Ref` -- -- When there are no parsing errors, this field is never null. function ada_if_stmt_f_then_stmts (Node : ada_base_entity_Ptr; Value_P : access ada_base_entity) return int with Export => True, Convention => C, External_name => "ada_if_stmt_f_then_stmts"; -- This field contains a list that itself contains one of the following -- nodes: :ada:ref:`Pragma_Node`, :ada:ref:`Stmt` -- -- When there are no parsing errors, this field is never null. function ada_if_stmt_f_alternatives (Node : ada_base_entity_Ptr; Value_P : access ada_base_entity) return int with Export => True, Convention => C, External_name => "ada_if_stmt_f_alternatives"; -- When there are no parsing errors, this field is never null. function ada_if_stmt_f_else_stmts (Node : ada_base_entity_Ptr; Value_P : access ada_base_entity) return int with Export => True, Convention => C, External_name => "ada_if_stmt_f_else_stmts"; -- This field contains a list that itself contains one of the following -- nodes: :ada:ref:`Pragma_Node`, :ada:ref:`Stmt` -- -- When there are no parsing errors, this field is never null. function ada_named_stmt_f_decl (Node : ada_base_entity_Ptr; Value_P : access ada_base_entity) return int with Export => True, Convention => C, External_name => "ada_named_stmt_f_decl"; -- When there are no parsing errors, this field is never null. function ada_named_stmt_f_stmt (Node : ada_base_entity_Ptr; Value_P : access ada_base_entity) return int with Export => True, Convention => C, External_name => "ada_named_stmt_f_stmt"; -- This field can contain one of the following nodes: -- :ada:ref:`Base_Loop_Stmt`, :ada:ref:`Block_Stmt` -- -- When there are no parsing errors, this field is never null. function ada_select_stmt_f_guards (Node : ada_base_entity_Ptr; Value_P : access ada_base_entity) return int with Export => True, Convention => C, External_name => "ada_select_stmt_f_guards"; -- When there are no parsing errors, this field is never null. function ada_select_stmt_f_else_stmts (Node : ada_base_entity_Ptr; Value_P : access ada_base_entity) return int with Export => True, Convention => C, External_name => "ada_select_stmt_f_else_stmts"; -- This field contains a list that itself contains one of the following -- nodes: :ada:ref:`Pragma_Node`, :ada:ref:`Stmt` -- -- When there are no parsing errors, this field is never null. function ada_select_stmt_f_abort_stmts (Node : ada_base_entity_Ptr; Value_P : access ada_base_entity) return int with Export => True, Convention => C, External_name => "ada_select_stmt_f_abort_stmts"; -- This field contains a list that itself contains one of the following -- nodes: :ada:ref:`Pragma_Node`, :ada:ref:`Stmt` -- -- When there are no parsing errors, this field is never null. function ada_abort_stmt_f_names (Node : ada_base_entity_Ptr; Value_P : access ada_base_entity) return int with Export => True, Convention => C, External_name => "ada_abort_stmt_f_names"; -- This field contains a list that itself contains one of the following -- nodes: :ada:ref:`Attribute_Ref`, :ada:ref:`Call_Expr`, -- :ada:ref:`Char_Literal`, :ada:ref:`Dotted_Name`, -- :ada:ref:`Explicit_Deref`, :ada:ref:`Identifier`, :ada:ref:`Qual_Expr`, -- :ada:ref:`Reduce_Attribute_Ref`, :ada:ref:`String_Literal`, -- :ada:ref:`Target_Name`, :ada:ref:`Update_Attribute_Ref` -- -- When there are no parsing errors, this field is never null. function ada_assign_stmt_f_dest (Node : ada_base_entity_Ptr; Value_P : access ada_base_entity) return int with Export => True, Convention => C, External_name => "ada_assign_stmt_f_dest"; -- This field can contain one of the following nodes: -- :ada:ref:`Attribute_Ref`, :ada:ref:`Call_Expr`, :ada:ref:`Char_Literal`, -- :ada:ref:`Dotted_Name`, :ada:ref:`Explicit_Deref`, -- :ada:ref:`Identifier`, :ada:ref:`Qual_Expr`, -- :ada:ref:`Reduce_Attribute_Ref`, :ada:ref:`String_Literal`, -- :ada:ref:`Target_Name`, :ada:ref:`Update_Attribute_Ref` -- -- When there are no parsing errors, this field is never null. function ada_assign_stmt_f_expr (Node : ada_base_entity_Ptr; Value_P : access ada_base_entity) return int with Export => True, Convention => C, External_name => "ada_assign_stmt_f_expr"; -- This field can contain one of the following nodes: :ada:ref:`Allocator`, -- :ada:ref:`Attribute_Ref`, :ada:ref:`Base_Aggregate`, :ada:ref:`Bin_Op`, -- :ada:ref:`Call_Expr`, :ada:ref:`Char_Literal`, :ada:ref:`Concat_Op`, -- :ada:ref:`Cond_Expr`, :ada:ref:`Decl_Expr`, :ada:ref:`Dotted_Name`, -- :ada:ref:`Explicit_Deref`, :ada:ref:`Identifier`, -- :ada:ref:`Membership_Expr`, :ada:ref:`Null_Literal`, -- :ada:ref:`Num_Literal`, :ada:ref:`Paren_Expr`, :ada:ref:`Qual_Expr`, -- :ada:ref:`Quantified_Expr`, :ada:ref:`Raise_Expr`, -- :ada:ref:`Reduce_Attribute_Ref`, :ada:ref:`String_Literal`, -- :ada:ref:`Target_Name`, :ada:ref:`Un_Op`, -- :ada:ref:`Update_Attribute_Ref` -- -- When there are no parsing errors, this field is never null. function ada_call_stmt_f_call (Node : ada_base_entity_Ptr; Value_P : access ada_base_entity) return int with Export => True, Convention => C, External_name => "ada_call_stmt_f_call"; -- This field can contain one of the following nodes: -- :ada:ref:`Attribute_Ref`, :ada:ref:`Call_Expr`, :ada:ref:`Char_Literal`, -- :ada:ref:`Dotted_Name`, :ada:ref:`Explicit_Deref`, -- :ada:ref:`Identifier`, :ada:ref:`Qual_Expr`, -- :ada:ref:`Reduce_Attribute_Ref`, :ada:ref:`String_Literal`, -- :ada:ref:`Target_Name`, :ada:ref:`Update_Attribute_Ref` -- -- When there are no parsing errors, this field is never null. function ada_delay_stmt_f_has_until (Node : ada_base_entity_Ptr; Value_P : access ada_base_entity) return int with Export => True, Convention => C, External_name => "ada_delay_stmt_f_has_until"; -- When there are no parsing errors, this field is never null. function ada_delay_stmt_f_expr (Node : ada_base_entity_Ptr; Value_P : access ada_base_entity) return int with Export => True, Convention => C, External_name => "ada_delay_stmt_f_expr"; -- This field can contain one of the following nodes: :ada:ref:`Allocator`, -- :ada:ref:`Attribute_Ref`, :ada:ref:`Base_Aggregate`, :ada:ref:`Bin_Op`, -- :ada:ref:`Call_Expr`, :ada:ref:`Char_Literal`, :ada:ref:`Concat_Op`, -- :ada:ref:`Cond_Expr`, :ada:ref:`Decl_Expr`, :ada:ref:`Dotted_Name`, -- :ada:ref:`Explicit_Deref`, :ada:ref:`Identifier`, -- :ada:ref:`Membership_Expr`, :ada:ref:`Null_Literal`, -- :ada:ref:`Num_Literal`, :ada:ref:`Paren_Expr`, :ada:ref:`Qual_Expr`, -- :ada:ref:`Quantified_Expr`, :ada:ref:`Raise_Expr`, -- :ada:ref:`Reduce_Attribute_Ref`, :ada:ref:`String_Literal`, -- :ada:ref:`Target_Name`, :ada:ref:`Un_Op`, -- :ada:ref:`Update_Attribute_Ref` -- -- When there are no parsing errors, this field is never null. function ada_exit_stmt_f_loop_name (Node : ada_base_entity_Ptr; Value_P : access ada_base_entity) return int with Export => True, Convention => C, External_name => "ada_exit_stmt_f_loop_name"; -- This field can contain one of the following nodes: -- :ada:ref:`Char_Literal`, :ada:ref:`Dotted_Name`, :ada:ref:`Identifier`, -- :ada:ref:`String_Literal` -- -- This field may be null even when there are no parsing errors. function ada_exit_stmt_f_cond_expr (Node : ada_base_entity_Ptr; Value_P : access ada_base_entity) return int with Export => True, Convention => C, External_name => "ada_exit_stmt_f_cond_expr"; -- This field can contain one of the following nodes: :ada:ref:`Allocator`, -- :ada:ref:`Attribute_Ref`, :ada:ref:`Base_Aggregate`, :ada:ref:`Bin_Op`, -- :ada:ref:`Call_Expr`, :ada:ref:`Char_Literal`, :ada:ref:`Concat_Op`, -- :ada:ref:`Cond_Expr`, :ada:ref:`Decl_Expr`, :ada:ref:`Dotted_Name`, -- :ada:ref:`Explicit_Deref`, :ada:ref:`Identifier`, -- :ada:ref:`Membership_Expr`, :ada:ref:`Null_Literal`, -- :ada:ref:`Num_Literal`, :ada:ref:`Paren_Expr`, :ada:ref:`Qual_Expr`, -- :ada:ref:`Quantified_Expr`, :ada:ref:`Raise_Expr`, -- :ada:ref:`Reduce_Attribute_Ref`, :ada:ref:`String_Literal`, -- :ada:ref:`Target_Name`, :ada:ref:`Un_Op`, -- :ada:ref:`Update_Attribute_Ref` -- -- This field may be null even when there are no parsing errors. function ada_goto_stmt_f_label_name (Node : ada_base_entity_Ptr; Value_P : access ada_base_entity) return int with Export => True, Convention => C, External_name => "ada_goto_stmt_f_label_name"; -- This field can contain one of the following nodes: -- :ada:ref:`Char_Literal`, :ada:ref:`Dotted_Name`, :ada:ref:`Identifier`, -- :ada:ref:`String_Literal` -- -- When there are no parsing errors, this field is never null. function ada_label_f_decl (Node : ada_base_entity_Ptr; Value_P : access ada_base_entity) return int with Export => True, Convention => C, External_name => "ada_label_f_decl"; -- When there are no parsing errors, this field is never null. function ada_raise_stmt_f_exception_name (Node : ada_base_entity_Ptr; Value_P : access ada_base_entity) return int with Export => True, Convention => C, External_name => "ada_raise_stmt_f_exception_name"; -- This field can contain one of the following nodes: -- :ada:ref:`Attribute_Ref`, :ada:ref:`Call_Expr`, :ada:ref:`Char_Literal`, -- :ada:ref:`Dotted_Name`, :ada:ref:`Explicit_Deref`, -- :ada:ref:`Identifier`, :ada:ref:`Qual_Expr`, -- :ada:ref:`Reduce_Attribute_Ref`, :ada:ref:`String_Literal`, -- :ada:ref:`Target_Name`, :ada:ref:`Update_Attribute_Ref` -- -- This field may be null even when there are no parsing errors. function ada_raise_stmt_f_error_message (Node : ada_base_entity_Ptr; Value_P : access ada_base_entity) return int with Export => True, Convention => C, External_name => "ada_raise_stmt_f_error_message"; -- This field can contain one of the following nodes: :ada:ref:`Allocator`, -- :ada:ref:`Attribute_Ref`, :ada:ref:`Base_Aggregate`, :ada:ref:`Bin_Op`, -- :ada:ref:`Call_Expr`, :ada:ref:`Char_Literal`, :ada:ref:`Concat_Op`, -- :ada:ref:`Cond_Expr`, :ada:ref:`Decl_Expr`, :ada:ref:`Dotted_Name`, -- :ada:ref:`Explicit_Deref`, :ada:ref:`Identifier`, -- :ada:ref:`Membership_Expr`, :ada:ref:`Null_Literal`, -- :ada:ref:`Num_Literal`, :ada:ref:`Paren_Expr`, :ada:ref:`Qual_Expr`, -- :ada:ref:`Quantified_Expr`, :ada:ref:`Raise_Expr`, -- :ada:ref:`Reduce_Attribute_Ref`, :ada:ref:`String_Literal`, -- :ada:ref:`Target_Name`, :ada:ref:`Un_Op`, -- :ada:ref:`Update_Attribute_Ref` -- -- This field may be null even when there are no parsing errors. function ada_requeue_stmt_f_call_name (Node : ada_base_entity_Ptr; Value_P : access ada_base_entity) return int with Export => True, Convention => C, External_name => "ada_requeue_stmt_f_call_name"; -- This field can contain one of the following nodes: -- :ada:ref:`Attribute_Ref`, :ada:ref:`Call_Expr`, :ada:ref:`Char_Literal`, -- :ada:ref:`Dotted_Name`, :ada:ref:`Explicit_Deref`, -- :ada:ref:`Identifier`, :ada:ref:`Qual_Expr`, -- :ada:ref:`Reduce_Attribute_Ref`, :ada:ref:`String_Literal`, -- :ada:ref:`Target_Name`, :ada:ref:`Update_Attribute_Ref` -- -- When there are no parsing errors, this field is never null. function ada_requeue_stmt_f_has_abort (Node : ada_base_entity_Ptr; Value_P : access ada_base_entity) return int with Export => True, Convention => C, External_name => "ada_requeue_stmt_f_has_abort"; -- When there are no parsing errors, this field is never null. function ada_return_stmt_f_return_expr (Node : ada_base_entity_Ptr; Value_P : access ada_base_entity) return int with Export => True, Convention => C, External_name => "ada_return_stmt_f_return_expr"; -- This field can contain one of the following nodes: :ada:ref:`Allocator`, -- :ada:ref:`Attribute_Ref`, :ada:ref:`Base_Aggregate`, :ada:ref:`Bin_Op`, -- :ada:ref:`Call_Expr`, :ada:ref:`Char_Literal`, :ada:ref:`Concat_Op`, -- :ada:ref:`Cond_Expr`, :ada:ref:`Decl_Expr`, :ada:ref:`Dotted_Name`, -- :ada:ref:`Explicit_Deref`, :ada:ref:`Identifier`, -- :ada:ref:`Membership_Expr`, :ada:ref:`Null_Literal`, -- :ada:ref:`Num_Literal`, :ada:ref:`Paren_Expr`, :ada:ref:`Qual_Expr`, -- :ada:ref:`Quantified_Expr`, :ada:ref:`Raise_Expr`, -- :ada:ref:`Reduce_Attribute_Ref`, :ada:ref:`String_Literal`, -- :ada:ref:`Target_Name`, :ada:ref:`Un_Op`, -- :ada:ref:`Update_Attribute_Ref` -- -- This field may be null even when there are no parsing errors. function ada_subunit_f_name (Node : ada_base_entity_Ptr; Value_P : access ada_base_entity) return int with Export => True, Convention => C, External_name => "ada_subunit_f_name"; -- This field can contain one of the following nodes: -- :ada:ref:`Char_Literal`, :ada:ref:`Dotted_Name`, :ada:ref:`Identifier`, -- :ada:ref:`String_Literal` -- -- When there are no parsing errors, this field is never null. function ada_subunit_f_body (Node : ada_base_entity_Ptr; Value_P : access ada_base_entity) return int with Export => True, Convention => C, External_name => "ada_subunit_f_body"; -- This field can contain one of the following nodes: -- :ada:ref:`Package_Body`, :ada:ref:`Protected_Body`, -- :ada:ref:`Subp_Body`, :ada:ref:`Task_Body` -- -- When there are no parsing errors, this field is never null. function ada_subunit_p_body_root (Node : ada_base_entity_Ptr; Value_P : access ada_base_entity) return int with Export => True, Convention => C, External_name => "ada_subunit_p_body_root"; -- Return the body in which this subunit is rooted. function ada_synchronized_node_p_as_bool (Node : ada_base_entity_Ptr; Value_P : access ada_bool) return int with Export => True, Convention => C, External_name => "ada_synchronized_node_p_as_bool"; -- Return whether this is an instance of SynchronizedPresent function ada_tagged_node_p_as_bool (Node : ada_base_entity_Ptr; Value_P : access ada_bool) return int with Export => True, Convention => C, External_name => "ada_tagged_node_p_as_bool"; -- Return whether this is an instance of TaggedPresent function ada_task_def_f_interfaces (Node : ada_base_entity_Ptr; Value_P : access ada_base_entity) return int with Export => True, Convention => C, External_name => "ada_task_def_f_interfaces"; -- This field contains a list that itself contains one of the following -- nodes: :ada:ref:`Char_Literal`, :ada:ref:`Dotted_Name`, -- :ada:ref:`Identifier`, :ada:ref:`String_Literal` -- -- When there are no parsing errors, this field is never null. function ada_task_def_f_public_part (Node : ada_base_entity_Ptr; Value_P : access ada_base_entity) return int with Export => True, Convention => C, External_name => "ada_task_def_f_public_part"; -- When there are no parsing errors, this field is never null. function ada_task_def_f_private_part (Node : ada_base_entity_Ptr; Value_P : access ada_base_entity) return int with Export => True, Convention => C, External_name => "ada_task_def_f_private_part"; -- This field may be null even when there are no parsing errors. function ada_task_def_f_end_name (Node : ada_base_entity_Ptr; Value_P : access ada_base_entity) return int with Export => True, Convention => C, External_name => "ada_task_def_f_end_name"; -- This field may be null even when there are no parsing errors. function ada_access_def_f_has_not_null (Node : ada_base_entity_Ptr; Value_P : access ada_base_entity) return int with Export => True, Convention => C, External_name => "ada_access_def_f_has_not_null"; -- This field may be null even when there are no parsing errors. function ada_access_to_subp_def_f_has_protected (Node : ada_base_entity_Ptr; Value_P : access ada_base_entity) return int with Export => True, Convention => C, External_name => "ada_access_to_subp_def_f_has_protected"; -- When there are no parsing errors, this field is never null. function ada_access_to_subp_def_f_subp_spec (Node : ada_base_entity_Ptr; Value_P : access ada_base_entity) return int with Export => True, Convention => C, External_name => "ada_access_to_subp_def_f_subp_spec"; -- When there are no parsing errors, this field is never null. function ada_anonymous_type_access_def_f_type_decl (Node : ada_base_entity_Ptr; Value_P : access ada_base_entity) return int with Export => True, Convention => C, External_name => "ada_anonymous_type_access_def_f_type_decl"; -- When there are no parsing errors, this field is never null. function ada_type_access_def_f_has_all (Node : ada_base_entity_Ptr; Value_P : access ada_base_entity) return int with Export => True, Convention => C, External_name => "ada_type_access_def_f_has_all"; -- When there are no parsing errors, this field is never null. function ada_type_access_def_f_has_constant (Node : ada_base_entity_Ptr; Value_P : access ada_base_entity) return int with Export => True, Convention => C, External_name => "ada_type_access_def_f_has_constant"; -- When there are no parsing errors, this field is never null. function ada_type_access_def_f_subtype_indication (Node : ada_base_entity_Ptr; Value_P : access ada_base_entity) return int with Export => True, Convention => C, External_name => "ada_type_access_def_f_subtype_indication"; -- When there are no parsing errors, this field is never null. function ada_array_type_def_f_indices (Node : ada_base_entity_Ptr; Value_P : access ada_base_entity) return int with Export => True, Convention => C, External_name => "ada_array_type_def_f_indices"; -- When there are no parsing errors, this field is never null. function ada_array_type_def_f_component_type (Node : ada_base_entity_Ptr; Value_P : access ada_base_entity) return int with Export => True, Convention => C, External_name => "ada_array_type_def_f_component_type"; -- When there are no parsing errors, this field is never null. function ada_derived_type_def_f_has_abstract (Node : ada_base_entity_Ptr; Value_P : access ada_base_entity) return int with Export => True, Convention => C, External_name => "ada_derived_type_def_f_has_abstract"; -- When there are no parsing errors, this field is never null. function ada_derived_type_def_f_has_limited (Node : ada_base_entity_Ptr; Value_P : access ada_base_entity) return int with Export => True, Convention => C, External_name => "ada_derived_type_def_f_has_limited"; -- When there are no parsing errors, this field is never null. function ada_derived_type_def_f_has_synchronized (Node : ada_base_entity_Ptr; Value_P : access ada_base_entity) return int with Export => True, Convention => C, External_name => "ada_derived_type_def_f_has_synchronized"; -- When there are no parsing errors, this field is never null. function ada_derived_type_def_f_subtype_indication (Node : ada_base_entity_Ptr; Value_P : access ada_base_entity) return int with Export => True, Convention => C, External_name => "ada_derived_type_def_f_subtype_indication"; -- When there are no parsing errors, this field is never null. function ada_derived_type_def_f_interfaces (Node : ada_base_entity_Ptr; Value_P : access ada_base_entity) return int with Export => True, Convention => C, External_name => "ada_derived_type_def_f_interfaces"; -- This field contains a list that itself contains one of the following -- nodes: :ada:ref:`Char_Literal`, :ada:ref:`Dotted_Name`, -- :ada:ref:`Identifier`, :ada:ref:`String_Literal` -- -- When there are no parsing errors, this field is never null. function ada_derived_type_def_f_record_extension (Node : ada_base_entity_Ptr; Value_P : access ada_base_entity) return int with Export => True, Convention => C, External_name => "ada_derived_type_def_f_record_extension"; -- This field may be null even when there are no parsing errors. function ada_derived_type_def_f_has_with_private (Node : ada_base_entity_Ptr; Value_P : access ada_base_entity) return int with Export => True, Convention => C, External_name => "ada_derived_type_def_f_has_with_private"; -- When there are no parsing errors, this field is never null. function ada_enum_type_def_f_enum_literals (Node : ada_base_entity_Ptr; Value_P : access ada_base_entity) return int with Export => True, Convention => C, External_name => "ada_enum_type_def_f_enum_literals"; -- When there are no parsing errors, this field is never null. function ada_interface_type_def_f_interface_kind (Node : ada_base_entity_Ptr; Value_P : access ada_base_entity) return int with Export => True, Convention => C, External_name => "ada_interface_type_def_f_interface_kind"; -- This field may be null even when there are no parsing errors. function ada_interface_type_def_f_interfaces (Node : ada_base_entity_Ptr; Value_P : access ada_base_entity) return int with Export => True, Convention => C, External_name => "ada_interface_type_def_f_interfaces"; -- This field contains a list that itself contains one of the following -- nodes: :ada:ref:`Char_Literal`, :ada:ref:`Dotted_Name`, -- :ada:ref:`Identifier`, :ada:ref:`String_Literal` -- -- When there are no parsing errors, this field is never null. function ada_mod_int_type_def_f_expr (Node : ada_base_entity_Ptr; Value_P : access ada_base_entity) return int with Export => True, Convention => C, External_name => "ada_mod_int_type_def_f_expr"; -- This field can contain one of the following nodes: :ada:ref:`Allocator`, -- :ada:ref:`Attribute_Ref`, :ada:ref:`Base_Aggregate`, :ada:ref:`Bin_Op`, -- :ada:ref:`Box_Expr`, :ada:ref:`Call_Expr`, :ada:ref:`Char_Literal`, -- :ada:ref:`Concat_Op`, :ada:ref:`Cond_Expr`, :ada:ref:`Decl_Expr`, -- :ada:ref:`Dotted_Name`, :ada:ref:`Explicit_Deref`, -- :ada:ref:`Identifier`, :ada:ref:`Null_Literal`, :ada:ref:`Num_Literal`, -- :ada:ref:`Paren_Expr`, :ada:ref:`Qual_Expr`, :ada:ref:`Quantified_Expr`, -- :ada:ref:`Raise_Expr`, :ada:ref:`Reduce_Attribute_Ref`, -- :ada:ref:`String_Literal`, :ada:ref:`Target_Name`, :ada:ref:`Un_Op`, -- :ada:ref:`Update_Attribute_Ref` -- -- When there are no parsing errors, this field is never null. function ada_private_type_def_f_has_abstract (Node : ada_base_entity_Ptr; Value_P : access ada_base_entity) return int with Export => True, Convention => C, External_name => "ada_private_type_def_f_has_abstract"; -- When there are no parsing errors, this field is never null. function ada_private_type_def_f_has_tagged (Node : ada_base_entity_Ptr; Value_P : access ada_base_entity) return int with Export => True, Convention => C, External_name => "ada_private_type_def_f_has_tagged"; -- When there are no parsing errors, this field is never null. function ada_private_type_def_f_has_limited (Node : ada_base_entity_Ptr; Value_P : access ada_base_entity) return int with Export => True, Convention => C, External_name => "ada_private_type_def_f_has_limited"; -- When there are no parsing errors, this field is never null. function ada_decimal_fixed_point_def_f_delta (Node : ada_base_entity_Ptr; Value_P : access ada_base_entity) return int with Export => True, Convention => C, External_name => "ada_decimal_fixed_point_def_f_delta"; -- This field can contain one of the following nodes: :ada:ref:`Allocator`, -- :ada:ref:`Attribute_Ref`, :ada:ref:`Base_Aggregate`, :ada:ref:`Bin_Op`, -- :ada:ref:`Box_Expr`, :ada:ref:`Call_Expr`, :ada:ref:`Char_Literal`, -- :ada:ref:`Concat_Op`, :ada:ref:`Cond_Expr`, :ada:ref:`Decl_Expr`, -- :ada:ref:`Dotted_Name`, :ada:ref:`Explicit_Deref`, -- :ada:ref:`Identifier`, :ada:ref:`Null_Literal`, :ada:ref:`Num_Literal`, -- :ada:ref:`Paren_Expr`, :ada:ref:`Qual_Expr`, :ada:ref:`Quantified_Expr`, -- :ada:ref:`Raise_Expr`, :ada:ref:`Reduce_Attribute_Ref`, -- :ada:ref:`String_Literal`, :ada:ref:`Target_Name`, :ada:ref:`Un_Op`, -- :ada:ref:`Update_Attribute_Ref` -- -- When there are no parsing errors, this field is never null. function ada_decimal_fixed_point_def_f_digits (Node : ada_base_entity_Ptr; Value_P : access ada_base_entity) return int with Export => True, Convention => C, External_name => "ada_decimal_fixed_point_def_f_digits"; -- This field can contain one of the following nodes: :ada:ref:`Allocator`, -- :ada:ref:`Attribute_Ref`, :ada:ref:`Base_Aggregate`, :ada:ref:`Bin_Op`, -- :ada:ref:`Box_Expr`, :ada:ref:`Call_Expr`, :ada:ref:`Char_Literal`, -- :ada:ref:`Concat_Op`, :ada:ref:`Cond_Expr`, :ada:ref:`Decl_Expr`, -- :ada:ref:`Dotted_Name`, :ada:ref:`Explicit_Deref`, -- :ada:ref:`Identifier`, :ada:ref:`Null_Literal`, :ada:ref:`Num_Literal`, -- :ada:ref:`Paren_Expr`, :ada:ref:`Qual_Expr`, :ada:ref:`Quantified_Expr`, -- :ada:ref:`Raise_Expr`, :ada:ref:`Reduce_Attribute_Ref`, -- :ada:ref:`String_Literal`, :ada:ref:`Target_Name`, :ada:ref:`Un_Op`, -- :ada:ref:`Update_Attribute_Ref` -- -- When there are no parsing errors, this field is never null. function ada_decimal_fixed_point_def_f_range (Node : ada_base_entity_Ptr; Value_P : access ada_base_entity) return int with Export => True, Convention => C, External_name => "ada_decimal_fixed_point_def_f_range"; -- This field may be null even when there are no parsing errors. function ada_floating_point_def_f_num_digits (Node : ada_base_entity_Ptr; Value_P : access ada_base_entity) return int with Export => True, Convention => C, External_name => "ada_floating_point_def_f_num_digits"; -- This field can contain one of the following nodes: :ada:ref:`Allocator`, -- :ada:ref:`Attribute_Ref`, :ada:ref:`Base_Aggregate`, :ada:ref:`Bin_Op`, -- :ada:ref:`Box_Expr`, :ada:ref:`Call_Expr`, :ada:ref:`Char_Literal`, -- :ada:ref:`Concat_Op`, :ada:ref:`Cond_Expr`, :ada:ref:`Decl_Expr`, -- :ada:ref:`Dotted_Name`, :ada:ref:`Explicit_Deref`, -- :ada:ref:`Identifier`, :ada:ref:`Null_Literal`, :ada:ref:`Num_Literal`, -- :ada:ref:`Paren_Expr`, :ada:ref:`Qual_Expr`, :ada:ref:`Quantified_Expr`, -- :ada:ref:`Raise_Expr`, :ada:ref:`Reduce_Attribute_Ref`, -- :ada:ref:`String_Literal`, :ada:ref:`Target_Name`, :ada:ref:`Un_Op`, -- :ada:ref:`Update_Attribute_Ref` -- -- When there are no parsing errors, this field is never null. function ada_floating_point_def_f_range (Node : ada_base_entity_Ptr; Value_P : access ada_base_entity) return int with Export => True, Convention => C, External_name => "ada_floating_point_def_f_range"; -- This field may be null even when there are no parsing errors. function ada_ordinary_fixed_point_def_f_delta (Node : ada_base_entity_Ptr; Value_P : access ada_base_entity) return int with Export => True, Convention => C, External_name => "ada_ordinary_fixed_point_def_f_delta"; -- This field can contain one of the following nodes: :ada:ref:`Allocator`, -- :ada:ref:`Attribute_Ref`, :ada:ref:`Base_Aggregate`, :ada:ref:`Bin_Op`, -- :ada:ref:`Box_Expr`, :ada:ref:`Call_Expr`, :ada:ref:`Char_Literal`, -- :ada:ref:`Concat_Op`, :ada:ref:`Cond_Expr`, :ada:ref:`Decl_Expr`, -- :ada:ref:`Dotted_Name`, :ada:ref:`Explicit_Deref`, -- :ada:ref:`Identifier`, :ada:ref:`Null_Literal`, :ada:ref:`Num_Literal`, -- :ada:ref:`Paren_Expr`, :ada:ref:`Qual_Expr`, :ada:ref:`Quantified_Expr`, -- :ada:ref:`Raise_Expr`, :ada:ref:`Reduce_Attribute_Ref`, -- :ada:ref:`String_Literal`, :ada:ref:`Target_Name`, :ada:ref:`Un_Op`, -- :ada:ref:`Update_Attribute_Ref` -- -- When there are no parsing errors, this field is never null. function ada_ordinary_fixed_point_def_f_range (Node : ada_base_entity_Ptr; Value_P : access ada_base_entity) return int with Export => True, Convention => C, External_name => "ada_ordinary_fixed_point_def_f_range"; -- This field may be null even when there are no parsing errors. function ada_record_type_def_f_has_abstract (Node : ada_base_entity_Ptr; Value_P : access ada_base_entity) return int with Export => True, Convention => C, External_name => "ada_record_type_def_f_has_abstract"; -- When there are no parsing errors, this field is never null. function ada_record_type_def_f_has_tagged (Node : ada_base_entity_Ptr; Value_P : access ada_base_entity) return int with Export => True, Convention => C, External_name => "ada_record_type_def_f_has_tagged"; -- When there are no parsing errors, this field is never null. function ada_record_type_def_f_has_limited (Node : ada_base_entity_Ptr; Value_P : access ada_base_entity) return int with Export => True, Convention => C, External_name => "ada_record_type_def_f_has_limited"; -- When there are no parsing errors, this field is never null. function ada_record_type_def_f_record_def (Node : ada_base_entity_Ptr; Value_P : access ada_base_entity) return int with Export => True, Convention => C, External_name => "ada_record_type_def_f_record_def"; -- When there are no parsing errors, this field is never null. function ada_signed_int_type_def_f_range (Node : ada_base_entity_Ptr; Value_P : access ada_base_entity) return int with Export => True, Convention => C, External_name => "ada_signed_int_type_def_f_range"; -- When there are no parsing errors, this field is never null. function ada_type_expr_p_type_name (Node : ada_base_entity_Ptr; Value_P : access ada_base_entity) return int with Export => True, Convention => C, External_name => "ada_type_expr_p_type_name"; -- Return the name node for this type expression, if applicable, else null function ada_type_expr_p_designated_type_decl (Node : ada_base_entity_Ptr; Value_P : access ada_base_entity) return int with Export => True, Convention => C, External_name => "ada_type_expr_p_designated_type_decl"; -- Returns the type declaration designated by this type expression. function ada_type_expr_p_designated_type_decl_from (Node : ada_base_entity_Ptr; Origin_Node : access constant ada_base_entity; Value_P : access ada_base_entity) return int with Export => True, Convention => C, External_name => "ada_type_expr_p_designated_type_decl_from"; -- Return the type declaration designated by this type expression as viewed -- from the node given by origin_node. function ada_anonymous_type_f_type_decl (Node : ada_base_entity_Ptr; Value_P : access ada_base_entity) return int with Export => True, Convention => C, External_name => "ada_anonymous_type_f_type_decl"; -- When there are no parsing errors, this field is never null. function ada_subtype_indication_f_has_not_null (Node : ada_base_entity_Ptr; Value_P : access ada_base_entity) return int with Export => True, Convention => C, External_name => "ada_subtype_indication_f_has_not_null"; -- When there are no parsing errors, this field is never null. function ada_subtype_indication_f_name (Node : ada_base_entity_Ptr; Value_P : access ada_base_entity) return int with Export => True, Convention => C, External_name => "ada_subtype_indication_f_name"; -- This field can contain one of the following nodes: -- :ada:ref:`Attribute_Ref`, :ada:ref:`Char_Literal`, -- :ada:ref:`Dotted_Name`, :ada:ref:`Identifier`, :ada:ref:`String_Literal` -- -- When there are no parsing errors, this field is never null. function ada_subtype_indication_f_constraint (Node : ada_base_entity_Ptr; Value_P : access ada_base_entity) return int with Export => True, Convention => C, External_name => "ada_subtype_indication_f_constraint"; -- This field may be null even when there are no parsing errors. function ada_subtype_indication_p_subtype_constraints (Node : ada_base_entity_Ptr; Value_P : access ada_param_actual_array) return int with Export => True, Convention => C, External_name => "ada_subtype_indication_p_subtype_constraints"; -- Returns an array of pairs, associating formal parameters to actual or -- default expressions. function ada_subtype_indication_p_is_static_subtype (Node : ada_base_entity_Ptr; Imprecise_Fallback : ada_bool; Value_P : access ada_bool) return int with Export => True, Convention => C, External_name => "ada_subtype_indication_p_is_static_subtype"; -- Returns whether Self denotes a static subtype or not. function ada_synthetic_type_expr_f_target_type (Node : ada_base_entity_Ptr; Value_P : access ada_base_entity) return int with Export => True, Convention => C, External_name => "ada_synthetic_type_expr_f_target_type"; -- When there are no parsing errors, this field is never null. function ada_unconstrained_array_index_f_subtype_indication (Node : ada_base_entity_Ptr; Value_P : access ada_base_entity) return int with Export => True, Convention => C, External_name => "ada_unconstrained_array_index_f_subtype_indication"; -- When there are no parsing errors, this field is never null. function ada_until_node_p_as_bool (Node : ada_base_entity_Ptr; Value_P : access ada_bool) return int with Export => True, Convention => C, External_name => "ada_until_node_p_as_bool"; -- Return whether this is an instance of UntilPresent function ada_use_package_clause_f_packages (Node : ada_base_entity_Ptr; Value_P : access ada_base_entity) return int with Export => True, Convention => C, External_name => "ada_use_package_clause_f_packages"; -- This field contains a list that itself contains one of the following -- nodes: :ada:ref:`Char_Literal`, :ada:ref:`Dotted_Name`, -- :ada:ref:`Identifier`, :ada:ref:`String_Literal` -- -- When there are no parsing errors, this field is never null. function ada_use_type_clause_f_has_all (Node : ada_base_entity_Ptr; Value_P : access ada_base_entity) return int with Export => True, Convention => C, External_name => "ada_use_type_clause_f_has_all"; -- When there are no parsing errors, this field is never null. function ada_use_type_clause_f_types (Node : ada_base_entity_Ptr; Value_P : access ada_base_entity) return int with Export => True, Convention => C, External_name => "ada_use_type_clause_f_types"; -- This field contains a list that itself contains one of the following -- nodes: :ada:ref:`Attribute_Ref`, :ada:ref:`Call_Expr`, -- :ada:ref:`Char_Literal`, :ada:ref:`Dotted_Name`, -- :ada:ref:`Explicit_Deref`, :ada:ref:`Identifier`, :ada:ref:`Qual_Expr`, -- :ada:ref:`Reduce_Attribute_Ref`, :ada:ref:`String_Literal`, -- :ada:ref:`Target_Name`, :ada:ref:`Update_Attribute_Ref` -- -- When there are no parsing errors, this field is never null. function ada_value_sequence_f_iter_assoc (Node : ada_base_entity_Ptr; Value_P : access ada_base_entity) return int with Export => True, Convention => C, External_name => "ada_value_sequence_f_iter_assoc"; -- When there are no parsing errors, this field is never null. function ada_variant_f_choices (Node : ada_base_entity_Ptr; Value_P : access ada_base_entity) return int with Export => True, Convention => C, External_name => "ada_variant_f_choices"; -- This field contains a list that itself contains one of the following -- nodes: :ada:ref:`Allocator`, :ada:ref:`Attribute_Ref`, -- :ada:ref:`Base_Aggregate`, :ada:ref:`Bin_Op`, :ada:ref:`Call_Expr`, -- :ada:ref:`Char_Literal`, :ada:ref:`Concat_Op`, :ada:ref:`Cond_Expr`, -- :ada:ref:`Decl_Expr`, :ada:ref:`Discrete_Subtype_Indication`, -- :ada:ref:`Dotted_Name`, :ada:ref:`Explicit_Deref`, -- :ada:ref:`Identifier`, :ada:ref:`Membership_Expr`, -- :ada:ref:`Null_Literal`, :ada:ref:`Num_Literal`, -- :ada:ref:`Others_Designator`, :ada:ref:`Paren_Expr`, -- :ada:ref:`Qual_Expr`, :ada:ref:`Quantified_Expr`, :ada:ref:`Raise_Expr`, -- :ada:ref:`Reduce_Attribute_Ref`, :ada:ref:`String_Literal`, -- :ada:ref:`Target_Name`, :ada:ref:`Un_Op`, -- :ada:ref:`Update_Attribute_Ref` -- -- When there are no parsing errors, this field is never null. function ada_variant_f_components (Node : ada_base_entity_Ptr; Value_P : access ada_base_entity) return int with Export => True, Convention => C, External_name => "ada_variant_f_components"; -- When there are no parsing errors, this field is never null. function ada_variant_part_f_discr_name (Node : ada_base_entity_Ptr; Value_P : access ada_base_entity) return int with Export => True, Convention => C, External_name => "ada_variant_part_f_discr_name"; -- When there are no parsing errors, this field is never null. function ada_variant_part_f_variant (Node : ada_base_entity_Ptr; Value_P : access ada_base_entity) return int with Export => True, Convention => C, External_name => "ada_variant_part_f_variant"; -- When there are no parsing errors, this field is never null. function ada_with_clause_f_has_limited (Node : ada_base_entity_Ptr; Value_P : access ada_base_entity) return int with Export => True, Convention => C, External_name => "ada_with_clause_f_has_limited"; -- When there are no parsing errors, this field is never null. function ada_with_clause_f_has_private (Node : ada_base_entity_Ptr; Value_P : access ada_base_entity) return int with Export => True, Convention => C, External_name => "ada_with_clause_f_has_private"; -- When there are no parsing errors, this field is never null. function ada_with_clause_f_packages (Node : ada_base_entity_Ptr; Value_P : access ada_base_entity) return int with Export => True, Convention => C, External_name => "ada_with_clause_f_packages"; -- This field contains a list that itself contains one of the following -- nodes: :ada:ref:`Char_Literal`, :ada:ref:`Dotted_Name`, -- :ada:ref:`Identifier`, :ada:ref:`String_Literal` -- -- When there are no parsing errors, this field is never null. function ada_with_private_p_as_bool (Node : ada_base_entity_Ptr; Value_P : access ada_bool) return int with Export => True, Convention => C, External_name => "ada_with_private_p_as_bool"; -- Return whether this is an instance of WithPrivatePresent ------------------------ -- Conversion helpers -- ------------------------ -- The following conversion helpers are use by the various C bindings function Wrap (S : Source_Location) return ada_source_location is ((Unsigned_32 (S.Line), Unsigned_16 (S.Column))); function Unwrap (S : ada_source_location) return Source_Location is ((Line_Number (S.Line), Column_Number (S.Column))); function Wrap (S : Source_Location_Range) return ada_source_location_range is ((Start_S => (Unsigned_32 (S.Start_Line), Unsigned_16 (S.Start_Column)), End_S => (Unsigned_32 (S.End_Line), Unsigned_16 (S.End_Column)))); function Unwrap (S : ada_source_location_range) return Source_Location_Range is ((Line_Number (S.Start_S.Line), Line_Number (S.End_S.Line), Column_Number (S.Start_S.Column), Column_Number (S.End_S.Column))); function Wrap (S : Unbounded_Wide_Wide_String) return ada_text; function Wrap_Alloc (S : Text_Type) return ada_text; function Wrap (S : Text_Cst_Access; First : Positive; Last : Natural) return ada_text; function Wrap (T : Text_Cst_Access) return ada_text is (if T = null then (Chars => System.Null_Address, Length => 0, Is_Allocated => 0) else (Chars => T.all'Address, Length => T.all'Length, Is_Allocated => 0)); function Wrap (T : Text_Access) return ada_text is (Wrap (Text_Cst_Access (T))); function Wrap_Big_Integer is new Ada.Unchecked_Conversion (Big_Integer_Type, ada_big_integer); function Unwrap_Big_Integer is new Ada.Unchecked_Conversion (ada_big_integer, Big_Integer_Type); -- Probably because the following conversions involve fat pointers, using -- the No_Strict_Aliasing pragma here has no effect. Silence the warning, -- since all read/writes for the pointed values are made through the "real" -- fat pointer (Symbol_Type) and not the fake one (ada_symbol_type): strict -- aliasing issues should not happen. pragma Warnings (Off, "possible aliasing problem for type"); function Wrap_Symbol is new Ada.Unchecked_Conversion (Symbol_Type, ada_symbol_type); function Unwrap_Symbol is new Ada.Unchecked_Conversion (ada_symbol_type, Symbol_Type); pragma Warnings (On, "possible aliasing problem for type"); function Wrap is new Ada.Unchecked_Conversion (Bare_Ada_Node, ada_base_node); function Unwrap is new Ada.Unchecked_Conversion (ada_base_node, Bare_Ada_Node); function Wrap (Token : Token_Reference) return ada_token; function Unwrap (Token : ada_token) return Token_Reference; function Wrap_Private_File_Reader is new Ada.Unchecked_Conversion (Internal_File_Reader_Access, ada_file_reader); function Unwrap_Private_File_Reader is new Ada.Unchecked_Conversion (ada_file_reader, Internal_File_Reader_Access); function Wrap_Private_Event_Handler is new Ada.Unchecked_Conversion (Internal_Event_Handler_Access, ada_event_handler); function Unwrap_Private_Event_Handler is new Ada.Unchecked_Conversion (ada_event_handler, Internal_Event_Handler_Access); function Wrap_Private_Provider is new Ada.Unchecked_Conversion (Internal_Unit_Provider_Access, ada_unit_provider); function Unwrap_Private_Provider is new Ada.Unchecked_Conversion (ada_unit_provider, Internal_Unit_Provider_Access); function Convert is new Ada.Unchecked_Conversion (chars_ptr, System.Address); function Convert is new Ada.Unchecked_Conversion (Internal_Entity_Accept_Stmt_Array_Access, Internal_Entity_Array_Access); function Convert is new Ada.Unchecked_Conversion (Internal_Entity_Array_Access, Internal_Entity_Accept_Stmt_Array_Access); function Convert is new Ada.Unchecked_Conversion (Internal_Entity_Base_Assoc_Array_Access, Internal_Entity_Array_Access); function Convert is new Ada.Unchecked_Conversion (Internal_Entity_Array_Access, Internal_Entity_Base_Assoc_Array_Access); function Convert is new Ada.Unchecked_Conversion (Internal_Entity_Base_Formal_Param_Decl_Array_Access, Internal_Entity_Array_Access); function Convert is new Ada.Unchecked_Conversion (Internal_Entity_Array_Access, Internal_Entity_Base_Formal_Param_Decl_Array_Access); function Convert is new Ada.Unchecked_Conversion (Internal_Entity_Base_Type_Decl_Array_Access, Internal_Entity_Array_Access); function Convert is new Ada.Unchecked_Conversion (Internal_Entity_Array_Access, Internal_Entity_Base_Type_Decl_Array_Access); function Convert is new Ada.Unchecked_Conversion (Internal_Entity_Basic_Decl_Array_Access, Internal_Entity_Array_Access); function Convert is new Ada.Unchecked_Conversion (Internal_Entity_Array_Access, Internal_Entity_Basic_Decl_Array_Access); function Convert is new Ada.Unchecked_Conversion (Internal_Entity_Compilation_Unit_Array_Access, Internal_Entity_Array_Access); function Convert is new Ada.Unchecked_Conversion (Internal_Entity_Array_Access, Internal_Entity_Compilation_Unit_Array_Access); function Convert is new Ada.Unchecked_Conversion (Internal_Entity_Declarative_Part_Array_Access, Internal_Entity_Array_Access); function Convert is new Ada.Unchecked_Conversion (Internal_Entity_Array_Access, Internal_Entity_Declarative_Part_Array_Access); function Convert is new Ada.Unchecked_Conversion (Internal_Entity_Defining_Name_Array_Access, Internal_Entity_Array_Access); function Convert is new Ada.Unchecked_Conversion (Internal_Entity_Array_Access, Internal_Entity_Defining_Name_Array_Access); function Convert is new Ada.Unchecked_Conversion (Internal_Entity_Expr_Array_Access, Internal_Entity_Array_Access); function Convert is new Ada.Unchecked_Conversion (Internal_Entity_Array_Access, Internal_Entity_Expr_Array_Access); function Convert is new Ada.Unchecked_Conversion (Internal_Entity_Generic_Instantiation_Array_Access, Internal_Entity_Array_Access); function Convert is new Ada.Unchecked_Conversion (Internal_Entity_Array_Access, Internal_Entity_Generic_Instantiation_Array_Access); function Convert is new Ada.Unchecked_Conversion (Internal_Entity_Identifier_Array_Access, Internal_Entity_Array_Access); function Convert is new Ada.Unchecked_Conversion (Internal_Entity_Array_Access, Internal_Entity_Identifier_Array_Access); function Convert is new Ada.Unchecked_Conversion (Internal_Entity_Mode_Array_Access, Internal_Entity_Array_Access); function Convert is new Ada.Unchecked_Conversion (Internal_Entity_Array_Access, Internal_Entity_Mode_Array_Access); function Convert is new Ada.Unchecked_Conversion (Internal_Entity_Name_Array_Access, Internal_Entity_Array_Access); function Convert is new Ada.Unchecked_Conversion (Internal_Entity_Array_Access, Internal_Entity_Name_Array_Access); function Convert is new Ada.Unchecked_Conversion (Internal_Entity_Param_Spec_Array_Access, Internal_Entity_Array_Access); function Convert is new Ada.Unchecked_Conversion (Internal_Entity_Array_Access, Internal_Entity_Param_Spec_Array_Access); function Convert is new Ada.Unchecked_Conversion (Internal_Entity_Pragma_Node_Array_Access, Internal_Entity_Array_Access); function Convert is new Ada.Unchecked_Conversion (Internal_Entity_Array_Access, Internal_Entity_Pragma_Node_Array_Access); function Convert is new Ada.Unchecked_Conversion (Internal_Entity_Type_Decl_Array_Access, Internal_Entity_Array_Access); function Convert is new Ada.Unchecked_Conversion (Internal_Entity_Array_Access, Internal_Entity_Type_Decl_Array_Access); function Convert is new Ada.Unchecked_Conversion (Internal_Entity_Type_Expr_Array_Access, Internal_Entity_Array_Access); function Convert is new Ada.Unchecked_Conversion (Internal_Entity_Array_Access, Internal_Entity_Type_Expr_Array_Access); end Libadalang.Implementation.C;