-- -- Copyright (C) 2014-2022, AdaCore -- SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 -- with Ada.Strings.Unbounded; use Ada.Strings.Unbounded; with Ada.Wide_Wide_Characters.Handling; with Interfaces; use Interfaces; with System; with GNATCOLL.Iconv; package body Langkit_Support.Text is ------------------ -- Text_Charset -- ------------------ function Text_Charset return String is use GNATCOLL.Iconv, System; begin if Default_Bit_Order = Low_Order_First then return UTF32LE; else return UTF32BE; end if; end Text_Charset; ------------- -- To_Text -- ------------- function To_Text (S : String) return Text_Type is Result : Text_Type (1 .. S'Length); begin for I in Result'Range loop declare C : constant Character := S (S'First + I - 1); begin if C in ASCII.NUL .. Character'Val (16#7f#) then Result (I) := Wide_Wide_Character'Val (Character'Pos (C)); else raise Constraint_Error with "Invalid ASCII character"; end if; end; end loop; return Result; end To_Text; ----------- -- Image -- ----------- function Image (T : Text_Type; With_Quotes : Boolean := False) return String is subtype Hex_Byte is String (1 .. 2); -- Couple of hexadecimal digits, used to represent a byte function Byte_Image (B : Unsigned_8) return Hex_Byte; -- Given a byte, return the corresponding two-chars hexadecimal image ---------------- -- Byte_Image -- ---------------- function Byte_Image (B : Unsigned_8) return Hex_Byte is type Digits_Type is array (Unsigned_8 range 0 .. 15) of Character; D : constant Digits_Type := "0123456789abcdef"; begin return D (B / 16) & D (B mod 16); end Byte_Image; Result : Unbounded_String; W : Unsigned_32; begin if With_Quotes then Append (Result, '"'); end if; for C of T loop -- Determine how to output each character: -- -- - Escape backslashes and escape quotes if With_Quotes. -- - Output other ASCII chars as-is. -- - Escape non-ASCII small chars with \xXX sequences. -- - Escape other medium chars with \uXXXX sequences. -- - Escape the rest with \UXXXXXXXX sequences. W := Wide_Wide_Character'Pos (C); if (With_Quotes and then C = '"') or else C = '\' then Append (Result, '\'); Append (Result, Character'Val (W)); elsif 16#20# <= W and then W <= 16#7f# then Append (Result, Character'Val (W)); elsif W <= 16#ff# then Append (Result, "\x" & Byte_Image (Unsigned_8 (W))); elsif W <= 16#ffff# then Append (Result, "\u" & Byte_Image (Unsigned_8 (W / 16#100#)) & Byte_Image (Unsigned_8 (W mod 16#100#))); else Append (Result, "\U" & Byte_Image (Unsigned_8 (W / 16#100_0000#)) & Byte_Image (Unsigned_8 (W / 16#1_0000# mod 16#100#)) & Byte_Image (Unsigned_8 (W / 16#100# mod 16#100#)) & Byte_Image (Unsigned_8 (W mod 16#100#))); end if; end loop; if With_Quotes then Append (Result, '"'); end if; return To_String (Result); end Image; ----------------------- -- Process_As_String -- ----------------------- procedure Process_As_String (Text : Text_Type; Proc : access procedure (S : String)) is S : String (1 .. 4 * Text'Length) with Import => True, Address => Text'Address; begin Proc.all (S); end Process_As_String; ------------ -- Encode -- ------------ function Encode (Text : Text_Type; Charset : String) return String is S : String (1 .. 4 * Text'Length) with Import, Address => Text'Address; begin return GNATCOLL.Iconv.Iconv (Input => S, To_Code => Charset, From_Code => Text_Charset); end Encode; ------------ -- Decode -- ------------ function Decode (S : String; Charset : String) return Text_Type is Result : constant String := GNATCOLL.Iconv.Iconv (Input => S, To_Code => Text_Charset, From_Code => Charset); pragma Assert (Result'Length mod 4 = 0); Text_Result : constant Text_Type (1 .. Result'Length / 4) with Import, Address => Result'Address; begin return Text_Result; end Decode; ------------- -- To_UTF8 -- ------------- function To_UTF8 (Text : Text_Type) return Ada.Strings.UTF_Encoding.UTF_8_String is begin return Encode (Text, "UTF-8"); end To_UTF8; --------------- -- From_UTF8 -- --------------- function From_UTF8 (S : Ada.Strings.UTF_Encoding.UTF_8_String) return Text_Type is begin return Decode (S, "UTF-8"); end From_UTF8; -------------- -- To_Lower -- -------------- function To_Lower (C : Character_Type) return Character_Type is subtype WWC is Wide_Wide_Character; First_ASCII : constant WWC := WWC'Val (Character'Pos (ASCII.NUL)); Last_ASCII : constant WWC := WWC'Val (Character'Pos (ASCII.DEL)); subtype WWC_ASCII is WWC range First_ASCII .. Last_ASCII; begin if C in 'A' .. 'Z' then return WWC'Val (WWC'Pos (C) - WWC'Pos ('A') + WWC'Pos ('a')); elsif C in WWC_ASCII'Range then return C; else return Ada.Wide_Wide_Characters.Handling.To_Lower (C); end if; end To_Lower; -------------- -- To_Lower -- -------------- function To_Lower (Text : Text_Type) return Text_Type is begin return Result : Text_Type := Text do for C of Result loop C := To_Lower (C); end loop; end return; end To_Lower; end Langkit_Support.Text;