with gel.Applet.gui_world, gel.Forge, gel.Window.setup, ada.Text_IO, ada.Exceptions; pragma unreferenced (gel.Window.setup); procedure launch_hello_GEL -- -- Opens a GEL window. -- is use gel.Applet.gui_world, ada.Text_IO; the_Applet : gel.Applet.gui_World.view := gel.Forge.new_gui_Applet ("Hello GEL"); begin while the_Applet.is_open loop the_Applet.gui_World.evolve; -- Evolve the world. the_Applet.freshen; -- Handle any new events and update the screen. end loop; free (the_Applet); exception when E : others => put_Line ("Exception in Environment task"); put_Line (ada.Exceptions.Exception_Information (E)); end launch_hello_GEL;