pragma Ada_2022; with DOM.Core; use DOM.Core; with DOM.Readers; use DOM.Readers; with DOM.Core.Nodes; use DOM.Core.Nodes; with DOM.Core.Attrs; use DOM.Core.Attrs; with DOM.Core.Documents; use DOM.Core.Documents; with Input_Sources.File; use Input_Sources.File; with Ada.Directories; use Ada.Directories; with Ada.Strings.Wide_Wide_Fixed; use Ada.Strings.Wide_Wide_Fixed; with Ada.Characters.Conversions; use Ada.Characters.Conversions; with Ada.Wide_Wide_Characters.Handling; use Ada.Wide_Wide_Characters.Handling; with Ada.Wide_Wide_Text_IO; with Ada.Text_IO; package body Currencies is function Load_Currencies return ISO_4217_Table.Map is Input : File_Input; Reader : Tree_Reader; Doc : Document; List : Node_List; F : Ada.Wide_Wide_Text_IO.File_Type; -- Our map. The currency code will be the index. Table : ISO_4217_Table.Map; begin -- Load our List1 XML file. Open (XML_List_1, Input); Parse (Reader, Input); Close (Input); Doc := Get_Tree (Reader); -- Begin reading every country record List := Get_Elements_By_Tag_Name (Doc, "CcyNtry"); for I in 0 .. Length (List) - 1 loop declare Next_Node : constant Node := Item (List, I); -- Read each item of country Next_List : constant Node_List := Child_Nodes (Next_Node); Next_Row : ISO_4217; Current_Country : Unbounded_Wide_Wide_String := Null_Unbounded_Wide_Wide_String; begin -- Loop through each child element (except for raw text) for J in 0 .. Length (Next_List) - 1 -- -- when Node_Type (Item (Next_List, J)) /= Text_Node -- loop if Node_Type (Item (Next_List, J)) /= Text_Node then declare Current_Node : constant Node := Item (Next_List, J); Element_Name : constant String := Local_Name (Current_Node); Element_Value : constant Unbounded_Wide_Wide_String := Get_Node_String (Current_Node); begin if Element_Name = "CtryNm" then Current_Country := Element_Value; elsif Element_Name = "CcyNm" then Next_Row.Name := Element_Value; -- Also check if this is a fund or not. if Get_Named_Item (Attributes (Current_Node), "IsFund") /= null and then Value (Get_Named_Item (Attributes (Current_Node), "IsFund")) /= "false" then Next_Row.Fund := True; end if; elsif Element_Name = "Ccy" then Next_Row.Code := TUB (Element_Value); elsif Element_Name = "CcyNbr" then Next_Row.Numeric := TUB (Element_Value); elsif Element_Name = "CcyMnrUnts" then Next_Row.Unit := TUB (Element_Value); end if; end; end if; end loop; -- Add, but only if there's a valid code. if Next_Row.Code /= Null_Unbounded_String then if Table.Contains (Next_Row.Code) then Table (Next_Row.Code).Countries.Append (Current_Country); else Next_Row.Countries.Append (Current_Country); Table.Include (Next_Row.Code, Next_Row); end if; end if; end; end loop; Free (List); Free (Reader); -- Load our List2 XML file. Open (XML_List_3, Input); Parse (Reader, Input); Close (Input); Doc := Get_Tree (Reader); List := Get_Elements_By_Tag_Name (Doc, "HstrcCcyNtry"); for I in 0 .. Length (List) - 1 loop declare Next_Node : constant Node := Item (List, I); -- Read each item of country Next_List : constant Node_List := Child_Nodes (Next_Node); Next_Row : ISO_4217; Current_Country : Unbounded_Wide_Wide_String := Null_Unbounded_Wide_Wide_String; begin Next_Row.Historic := True; -- Loop through each child element (except for raw text) for J in 0 .. Length (Next_List) - 1 -- -- when Node_Type (Item (Next_List, J)) /= Text_Node -- loop if Node_Type (Item (Next_List, J)) /= Text_Node then declare Current_Node : constant Node := Item (Next_List, J); Element_Name : constant String := Local_Name (Current_Node); Element_Value : constant Unbounded_Wide_Wide_String := Get_Node_String (Current_Node); begin if Element_Name = "CtryNm" then Current_Country := Element_Value; elsif Element_Name = "CcyNm" then Next_Row.Name := Element_Value; -- Also check if this is a fund or not. if Get_Named_Item (Attributes (Current_Node), "IsFund") /= null and then Value (Get_Named_Item (Attributes (Current_Node), "IsFund")) /= "false" then Next_Row.Fund := True; end if; elsif Element_Name = "Ccy" then Next_Row.Code := TUB (Element_Value); elsif Element_Name = "CcyNbr" then Next_Row.Numeric := TUB (Element_Value); elsif Element_Name = "WthdrwlDt" then Next_Row.Withdraw_Date := TUB (Element_Value); end if; end; end if; end loop; -- Add, but only if there's a valid code. if Next_Row.Code /= Null_Unbounded_String then if Table.Contains (Next_Row.Code) then -- The code already exists. Set it to historic. if not Table (Next_Row.Code).Historic then Table (Next_Row.Code).Historic := True; end if; -- This will end up returning the latest withdraw date Table (Next_Row.Code).Withdraw_Date := Next_Row.Withdraw_Date; -- If this row specifies it is a fund, then and it. if Next_Row.Fund and then not Table (Next_Row.Code).Fund then Table (Next_Row.Code).Fund := True; end if; -- Only overwrite the name and numeric if this is only historic if Table (Next_Row.Code).Only_Historic then Set_Unbounded_Wide_Wide_String (Table (Next_Row.Code).Name, TWS (Next_Row.Name)); Set_Unbounded_String (Table (Next_Row.Code).Numeric, To_String (Next_Row.Numeric)); end if; -- Handle historical names. if not Table (Next_Row.Code).Historic_Names.Contains (Next_Row.Name) then Table (Next_Row.Code).Historic_Names.Append (Next_Row.Name); end if; -- Handle historical numerics. We're not overriting the number, just adding. if not Table (Next_Row.Code).Historic_Numbers.Contains (Next_Row.Numeric) then Table (Next_Row.Code).Historic_Numbers.Append (Next_Row.Numeric); end if; -- Handle country names. if not Table (Next_Row.Code).Historic_Countries.Contains (Current_Country) then Table (Next_Row.Code).Historic_Countries.Append (Current_Country); end if; -- Historcial withdraw dates in format "Year1:Year2" if Table (Next_Row.Code).Withdraw_Dates /= Null_Unbounded_String then Append (Table (Next_Row.Code).Withdraw_Dates, ";"); end if; Append (Table (Next_Row.Code).Withdraw_Dates, Next_Row.Withdraw_Date); -- Handle historical record format in format if Table (Next_Row.Code).Historic_Records /= Null_Unbounded_Wide_Wide_String then Append (Table (Next_Row.Code).Historic_Records, ";"); end if; Append (Table (Next_Row.Code).Historic_Records, Current_Country); Append (Table (Next_Row.Code).Historic_Records, ":"); Append (Table (Next_Row.Code).Historic_Records, Next_Row.Name); Append (Table (Next_Row.Code).Historic_Records, ":"); Append (Table (Next_Row.Code).Historic_Records, TWS (Next_Row.Numeric)); Append (Table (Next_Row.Code).Historic_Records, ":"); Append (Table (Next_Row.Code).Historic_Records, TWS (Next_Row.Withdraw_Date)); else Next_Row.Only_Historic := True; -- No non-historic record exists -- Add initial reference vector stuff Next_Row.Historic_Countries.Append (Current_Country); Next_Row.Historic_Names.Append (Next_Row.Name); Next_Row.Historic_Numbers.Append (Next_Row.Numeric); Next_Row.Withdraw_Dates := Next_Row.Withdraw_Date; -- Add initial historic record Append (Next_Row.Historic_Records, Current_Country); Append (Next_Row.Historic_Records, ":"); Append (Next_Row.Historic_Records, Next_Row.Name); Append (Next_Row.Historic_Records, ":"); Append (Next_Row.Historic_Records, TWS (Next_Row.Numeric)); Append (Next_Row.Historic_Records, ":"); Append (Next_Row.Historic_Records, TWS (Next_Row.Withdraw_Date)); -- Add to the table. Table.Include (Next_Row.Code, Next_Row); end if; end if; end; end loop; Free (List); Free (Reader); -- Begin reading in the symbols. Ada.Wide_Wide_Text_IO.Open (F, Ada.Wide_Wide_Text_IO.In_File, Symbol_List); -- Validate the header. if Ada.Wide_Wide_Text_IO.Get_Line (F) /= "Code,Symbol" then Ada.Wide_Wide_Text_IO.Close (F); raise Invalid_File with "Invalid columns"; end if; while not Ada.Wide_Wide_Text_IO.End_Of_File (F) loop declare Next_Line : constant Wide_Wide_String := Ada.Wide_Wide_Text_IO.Get_Line (F); type Symbol_Row is record Code : Unbounded_String; Symbol : Unbounded_Wide_Wide_String; end record; Comma : constant Natural := Index (Next_Line, ","); Next_Row : constant Symbol_Row := (Code => To_Unbounded_String ( To_String (Next_Line (Next_Line'First .. Comma-1))), Symbol => To_Unbounded_Wide_Wide_String (Next_Line (Comma+1 .. Next_Line'Last))); begin if Table.Contains(Next_Row.Code) then Table (Next_Row.Code).Symbol := Next_Row.Symbol; end if; end; end loop; Ada.Wide_Wide_Text_IO.Close (F); -- Sanatize the data for X of Table loop X.Name := Sanatize (X.Name); X.Historic_Records := Sanatize (X.Historic_Records); for Y of X.Historic_Countries loop Y := Sanatize (Y); end loop; for Y of X.Historic_Names loop Y := Sanatize (Y); end loop; end loop; return Table; end Load_Currencies; procedure Generate_Currencies (Table : ISO_4217_Table.Map; C : Countries.ISO_3166_1_Table.Vector) is use Ada.Wide_Wide_Text_IO; F : File_Type; Max_Unit : Natural := 0; begin -- Calculate the max size of the minor unit. This will be useful later. for X of Table when Is_Natural (X.Unit) loop declare N : constant Natural := To_Natural (X.Unit); begin if N > Max_Unit then Max_Unit := N; end if; end; --Put_Line ("End of loop"); end loop; -- Create the output directory if it doesn't exist. Create_Path ("output"); -- Delete if it exists, we're regenerating. if Exists ("output/") then Open (F, Out_File, "output/"); Delete (F); end if; -- Create Create (F, Out_File, "output/"); Put_Line (F, "with ISO.Countries;"); Put_Line (F, "-- ****h* ISO/Currencies"); Put_Line (F, "-- DESCRIPTION"); Put_Line (F, "-- Implimentation of ISO 4217 (Currency Codes)."); Put_Line (F, "-- SOURCE"); Put_Line (F, "package ISO.Currencies is"); Put_Line (F, "-- ****"); Put_Line (F, ""); Put_Line (F, " -- ****t* Currencies/ISO.Currencies.Alphabetic_Code"); Put_Line (F, " -- DESCRIPTION"); Put_Line (F, " -- The three-letter currency code defined by ISO 4217."); Put_Line (F, " -- DERIVED FROM"); Put_Line (F, " -- String"); Put_Line (F, " -- SOURCE"); Put_Line (F, " subtype Alphabetic_Code is String (1 .. 3)"); Put_Line (F, " with Dynamic_Predicate => Alphabetic_Code in"); Put (F, " "); for X of Table loop Put (F, """" & TWS (X.Code) & """ | "); end loop; Put_Line (F, """ZZZ"";"); Put_Line (F, " -- ****"); Put_Line (F, ""); Put_Line (F, " -- ****t* Currencies/ISO.Currencies.Numeric_Code"); Put_Line (F, " -- DESCRIPTION"); Put_Line (F, " -- The numeric currency code defined by ISO 4217."); Put_Line (F, " -- DERIVED FROM"); Put_Line (F, " -- Natural"); Put_Line (F, " -- SOURCE"); Put_Line (F, " subtype Numeric_Code is Natural"); Put_Line (F, " with Dynamic_Predicate => Numeric_Code in"); Put (F, " "); declare TmpV : Unbound_List.Vector; begin for X of Table when Is_Natural (X.Numeric) and then not TmpV.Contains (X.Numeric) loop Put (F, TWS (X.Numeric) & " | "); TmpV.Append (X.Numeric); end loop; end; Put_Line (F, "0;"); Put_Line (F, " -- ****"); Put_Line (F, ""); Put_Line (F, " -- ****t* Currencies/ISO.Currencies.Currency_Key"); Put_Line (F, " -- DESCRIPTION"); Put_Line (F, " -- An enumeration of every iso 4217 currency code."); Put_Line (F, " -- Each code starts with ""C_"", to prevent any enumeration conlficting"); Put_Line (F, " -- with a reserved word. So you can cast any currency to currency code by"); Put_Line (F, " -- doing ""Currency_Key'Value (""C_"" & currency_code)"""); Put_Line (F, " -- EXAMPLE"); Put_Line (F, " -- My_Key : Currency_Key := C_USD;"); Put_Line (F, " -- SOURCE"); Put_Line (F, " type Currency_Key is ("); for X of Table loop Put_Line (F, " C_" & TWS (X.Code) & ", -- " & Trim (TWS (X.Name), Ada.Strings.Right)); end loop; Put_Line (F, " C_ZZZ -- Unknown"); Put_Line (F, " );"); Put_Line (F, " -- ****"); Put_Line (F, ""); Put_Line (F, " -- ****t* Currencies/ISO.Currencies.Minor_Unit"); Put_Line (F, " -- DESCRIPTION"); Put_Line (F, " -- The unit of the currency defined by ISO 4217."); Put_Line (F, " -- A minor unit of X where X > 0 would be a delta of 10 ** (-X)."); Put_Line (F, " -- NOTES"); Put_Line (F, " -- A minor unit of 0 may indicate ""N.A."" rather than 0."); Put_Line (F, " -- DERIVED FROM"); Put_Line (F, " -- Natural"); Put_Line (F, " -- SOURCE"); Put_Line (F, " subtype Minor_Unit is Natural range 0 .. " & TWS(Max_Unit'Image) & ";"); Put_Line (F, " -- ****"); Put_Line (F, ""); Put_Line (F, " -- ****t* Currencies/ISO.Currencies.Currency"); Put_Line (F, " -- DESCRIPTION"); Put_Line (F, " -- The ISO 4217 currency to be referenced. When initializing, you can"); Put_Line (F, " -- set the key to Currency_Key that will be utilizeed one of the functions"); Put_Line (F, " -- to access the Currency"); Put_Line (F, " -- USAGE"); Put_Line (F, " -- My_Currency : Currency := (C_USD); -- This is the US Doller."); Put_Line (F, " -- METHODS"); Put_Line (F, " -- * ISO.Currencies.Currency/Name"); Put_Line (F, " -- * ISO.Currencies.Currency/Code"); Put_Line (F, " -- * ISO.Currencies.Currency/Numeric"); Put_Line (F, " -- * ISO.Currencies.Currency/Unit"); Put_Line (F, " -- * ISO.Currencies.Currency/Symbol"); Put_Line (F, " -- * ISO.Currencies.Currency/Is_Fund"); Put_Line (F, " -- * ISO.Currencies.Currency/Is_Historic"); Put_Line (F, " -- * ISO.Currencies.Currency/Historic_Name"); Put_Line (F, " -- * ISO.Currencies.Currency/Historic_Numerics"); Put_Line (F, " -- * ISO.Currencies.Currency/Withdraw_Date"); Put_Line (F, " -- * ISO.Currencies.Currency/Withdraw_Dates"); Put_Line (F, " -- * ISO.Currencies.Currency/Historic_Entities"); Put_Line (F, " -- * ISO.Currencies.Currency/Historic_Records"); Put_Line (F, " -- * ISO.Currencies.Currency/Entities"); Put_Line (F, " -- EXAMPLE"); Put_Line (F, " -- -- To create a currency and initalize it to the US Doller,"); Put_Line (F, " -- -- then reference it like so:"); Put_Line (F, " -- My_Currency : Currency := (C_USD); -- This is the USA."); Put_Line (F, " -- -- To access the currency's name, do so like so:"); Put_Line (F, " -- My_Currency.Name -- ""US Doller"""); Put_Line (F, " -- SOURCE"); Put_Line (F, " type Currency is tagged record"); Put_Line (F, " Key : Currency_Key := C_ZZZ;"); Put_Line (F, " end record;"); Put_Line (F, " -- ****"); Put_Line (F, ""); Put_Line (F, " -- ****m* ISO.Currencies.Currency/Name"); Put_Line (F, " -- FUNCTION"); Put_Line (F, " -- Retrieve the name of the provided currency."); Put_Line (F, " -- RETURN VALUE"); Put_Line (F, " -- String: The ISO 4217 name of the current currency."); Put_Line (F, " -- EXAMPLE"); Put_Line (F, " -- My_Currency : Currency := (C_USD);"); Put_Line (F, " -- The_Name : String := My_Country.Name; -- ""US Doller"""); Put_Line (F, " -- SOURCE"); Put_Line (F, " function Name (This : Currency) return String;"); Put_Line (F, " -- ****"); Put_Line (F, ""); Put_Line (F, " -- ****m* ISO.Currencies.Currency/Code"); Put_Line (F, " -- FUNCTION"); Put_Line (F, " -- Retrieve the three-letter currency code of the provided currency."); Put_Line (F, " -- RETURN VALUE"); Put_Line (F, " -- ISO.Currencies.Alphabetic_Code: ISO 4217 code of the current currency."); Put_Line (F, " -- EXAMPLE"); Put_Line (F, " -- My_Currency : Currency := (C_USD);"); Put_Line (F, " -- Code : Alphabetic_Code := My_Currency.Code; -- Will return ""USD"""); Put_Line (F, " -- SOURCE"); Put_Line (F, " function Code (This : Currency) return Alphabetic_Code;"); Put_Line (F, " -- ****"); Put_Line (F, ""); Put_Line (F, " -- ****m* ISO.Currencies.Currency/Numeric"); Put_Line (F, " -- FUNCTION"); Put_Line (F, " -- Retrieve the numerical currency code of the provided currency."); Put_Line (F, " -- RETURN VALUE"); Put_Line (F, " -- ISO.Currencies.Numeric_Code: ISO 4217 number of the current currency."); Put_Line (F, " -- EXAMPLE"); Put_Line (F, " -- My_Currency : Currency := (C_USD);"); Put_Line (F, " -- Number : Numeric_Code := My_Currency.Numeric; -- Will return 840"); Put_Line (F, " -- SOURCE"); Put_Line (F, " function Numeric (This : Currency) return Numeric_Code;"); Put_Line (F, " -- ****"); Put_Line (F, ""); Put_Line (F, " -- ****m* ISO.Currencies.Currency/Unit"); Put_Line (F, " -- FUNCTION"); Put_Line (F, " -- Retrieve the minor unit of the provided currency."); Put_Line (F, " -- A minor unit of X would be a delta of 10 ** (-X)."); Put_Line (F, " -- RETURN VALUE"); Put_Line (F, " -- ISO.Currencies.Minor_Unit: ISO 4217 minor unit of the currency."); Put_Line (F, " -- EXAMPLE"); Put_Line (F, " -- My_Currency : Currency := (C_USD);"); Put_Line (F, " -- Number : Minor_Unit := My_Currency.Unit; -- Will return 2"); Put_Line (F, " -- SOURCE"); Put_Line (F, " function Unit (This : Currency) return Minor_Unit;"); Put_Line (F, " -- ****"); Put_Line (F, ""); Put_Line (F, " -- ****m* ISO.Currencies.Currency/Symbol"); Put_Line (F, " -- FUNCTION"); Put_Line (F, " -- If applicable, return the symbol associated with a given currency."); Put_Line (F, " -- This is not part of the ISO 4217 standard, but nice to have."); Put_Line (F, " -- It may return a unicode-encoded string, so more than one character."); Put_Line (F, " -- RETURN VALUE"); Put_Line (F, " -- String or Wide_Wide_String: Current symbol captured by the currency or empty string if no symbol was found."); Put_Line (F, " -- NOTES"); Put_Line (F, " -- Some symbols may be unicode; if that's the case, you may want to use a wide_wide_string. Otherwise it will be converted into a String."); Put_Line (F, " -- EXAMPLE"); Put_Line (F, " -- My_Currency1 : Currency := (C_USD);"); Put_Line (F, " -- My_Currency2 : Currency := (C_AZN);"); Put_Line (F, " -- Symb : String := My_Currency1.Symbol; -- ""$"""); Put_Line (F, " -- Symb2 : Wide_Wide_String := My_Currency2.Symbol; -- ""₼"""); Put_Line (F, " -- SOURCE"); Put_Line (F, " function Symbol (This : Currency) return Wide_Wide_String;"); Put_Line (F, " function Symbol (This : Currency) return String;"); Put_Line (F, " -- ****"); Put_Line (F, ""); Put_Line (F, " -- ****m* ISO.Currencies.Currency/Is_Fund"); Put_Line (F, " -- FUNCTION"); Put_Line (F, " -- Indicates whether or not the currency code is a fund."); Put_Line (F, " -- RETURN VALUE"); Put_Line (F, " -- * True is the currency is a fund."); Put_Line (F, " -- * False if the currency is not fund."); Put_Line (F, " -- EXAMPLE"); Put_Line (F, " -- declare"); Put_Line (F, " -- My_Currency : Currency := (C_CLF);"); Put_Line (F, " -- begin"); Put_Line (F, " -- if My_Currency.Is_Fund then"); Put_Line (F, " -- Put_Line (""Is a fund."");"); Put_Line (F, " -- end if;"); Put_Line (F, " -- end;"); Put_Line (F, " -- SOURCE"); Put_Line (F, " function Is_Fund (This : Currency) return Boolean;"); Put_Line (F, " -- ****"); Put_Line (F, ""); Put_Line (F, " -- ****m* ISO.Currencies.Currency/Is_Historic"); Put_Line (F, " -- FUNCTION"); Put_Line (F, " -- Indicates whether or not the currency code is a historc record"); Put_Line (F, " -- contained in ISO 4217 List-3."); Put_Line (F, " -- RETURN VALUE"); Put_Line (F, " -- * True is the currency is historic (in ISO 4217-3)."); Put_Line (F, " -- * False if the currency is not historic."); Put_Line (F, " -- EXAMPLE"); Put_Line (F, " -- declare"); Put_Line (F, " -- My_Currency : Currency := (C_AFA);"); Put_Line (F, " -- begin"); Put_Line (F, " -- if My_Currency.Is_Historic then"); Put_Line (F, " -- Put_Line (""Is a historic code."");"); Put_Line (F, " -- end if;"); Put_Line (F, " -- end;"); Put_Line (F, " -- SOURCE"); Put_Line (F, " function Is_Historic (This : Currency) return Boolean;"); Put_Line (F, " -- ****"); Put_Line (F, ""); Put_Line (F, " -- ****m* ISO.Currencies.Currency/Withdraw_Date"); Put_Line (F, " -- FUNCTION"); Put_Line (F, " -- Retrieve the MOST RECENT withdraw date for the historical record of the conutry code."); Put_Line (F, " -- RETURN VALUE"); Put_Line (F, " -- String: Contains the historical withdraw date of the code specificed in ISO 4217. This may be a year and a month or a range, or a null string if the country is not historic."); Put_Line (F, " -- EXAMPLE"); Put_Line (F, " -- Currency1 : Currency := (C_AFA);"); Put_Line (F, " -- Currency2 : Currency := (C_CSJ);"); Put_Line (F, " -- Date1 : String := Currency1.Withdraw_Date; -- ""2003-01"""); Put_Line (F, " -- Date2 : String := Currency2.Withdraw_Date; -- ""1989 to 1990"""); Put_Line (F, " -- SOURCE"); Put_Line (F, " function Withdraw_Date (This : Currency) return String;"); Put_Line (F, " -- ****"); Put_Line (F, ""); Put_Line (F, " -- ****m* ISO.Currencies.Currency/Withdraw_Dates"); Put_Line (F, " -- FUNCTION"); Put_Line (F, " -- Retrieve a semi colon separated list of historic withdraw dates associated with the iso 4217-3 standard as a string."); Put_Line (F, " -- RETURN VALUE"); Put_Line (F, " -- String: Contains the historical withdraw date of the code specificed in ISO 4217. This may be a year and a month or a range, or a null string if the country is not historic."); Put_Line (F, " -- EXAMPLE"); Put_Line (F, " -- Currency : Currency := (VEF);"); Put_Line (F, " -- Dates : String := Currency.Withdraw_Dates; -- ""2011-12;2016-02;2018-08"""); Put_Line (F, " -- SOURCE"); Put_Line (F, " function Withdraw_Dates (This : Currency) return String;"); Put_Line (F, " -- ****"); Put_Line (F, ""); Put_Line (F, " -- ****m* ISO.Currencies.Currency/Historic_Name"); Put_Line (F, " -- FUNCTION"); Put_Line (F, " -- Retrieve the historic names of the provided currency."); Put_Line (F, " -- RETURN VALUE"); Put_Line (F, " -- String: A semi colon separated list of historic names. Empty string if not historic."); Put_Line (F, " -- EXAMPLE"); Put_Line (F, " -- My_Currency : Currency := (C_VEF);"); Put_Line (F, " -- The_Names : String := My_Country.Historic_Names; -- ""Bolivar Fuerte;Bolivar;Bolívar"""); Put_Line (F, " -- SOURCE"); Put_Line (F, " function Historic_Names (This : Currency) return String;"); Put_Line (F, " -- ****"); Put_Line (F, ""); Put_Line (F, " -- ****m* ISO.Currencies.Currency/Historic_Numerics"); Put_Line (F, " -- FUNCTION"); Put_Line (F, " -- Retrieve the historic numermic values of the provided currency."); Put_Line (F, " -- RETURN VALUE"); Put_Line (F, " -- String: A semi colon separated list of historic Numeric values."); Put_Line (F, " -- EXAMPLE"); Put_Line (F, " -- My_Currency : Currency := (C_VEF);"); Put_Line (F, " -- The_Names : String := My_Country.Historic_Numeric; -- ""937"""); Put_Line (F, " -- SOURCE"); Put_Line (F, " function Historic_Numerics (This : Currency) return String;"); Put_Line (F, " -- ****"); Put_Line (F, ""); Put_Line (F, " -- ****m* ISO.Currencies.Currency/Historic_Entities"); Put_Line (F, " -- FUNCTION"); Put_Line (F, " -- Retrieve a semi colon separated list of historic countries associated with the iso 4217-3 standard as a string."); Put_Line (F, " -- RETURN VALUE"); Put_Line (F, " -- String: List of historical countries associated with a record."); Put_Line (F, " -- TODO"); Put_Line (F, " -- Handle historic country records utilizing the iso standard for historic countries."); Put_Line (F, " -- EXAMPLE"); Put_Line (F, " -- My_Currency : Currency := (C_VEF);"); Put_Line (F, " -- My_Counties : String := My_Currency.Historic_Entities; -- ""VENEZUELA;VENEZUELA (BOLIVARIAN REPUBLIC OF)"""); Put_Line (F, " -- SOURCE"); Put_Line (F, " function Historic_Entities (This : Currency) return String;"); Put_Line (F, " -- ****"); Put_Line (F, ""); Put_Line (F, " -- ****m* ISO.Currencies.Currency/Historic_Records"); Put_Line (F, " -- FUNCTION"); Put_Line (F, " -- Retrieve a colon-and-semi colon separated list of the full iso 4217-3 records as a string."); Put_Line (F, " -- RETURN VALUE"); Put_Line (F, " -- String: List of historical record for a currency."); Put_Line (F, " -- TODO"); Put_Line (F, " -- Handle historic country records utilizing the iso standard for historic countries."); Put_Line (F, " -- EXAMPLE"); Put_Line (F, " -- My_Currency : Currency := (C_VEF);"); Put_Line (F, " -- My_Records : String := My_Currency.Historic_Records; -- ""VENEZUELA:Bolivar Fuerte:937:2011-12;VENEZUELA (BOLIVARIAN REPUBLIC OF):Bolivar:937:2016-02;VENEZUELA (BOLIVARIAN REPUBLIC OF):Bolívar:937:2018-08"""); Put_Line (F, " -- SOURCE"); Put_Line (F, " function Historic_Records (This : Currency) return String;"); Put_Line (F, " -- ****"); Put_Line (F, ""); Put_Line (F, " -- ****m* ISO.Currencies.Currency/Entities"); Put_Line (F, " -- FUNCTION"); Put_Line (F, " -- Retrieve all countries currently associated with a currency."); Put_Line (F, " -- RETURN VALUE"); Put_Line (F, " -- ISO.Countries.Country_List: Array containing the countries."); Put_Line (F, " -- EXAMPLE"); Put_Line (F, " -- My_Currency : Currency := (C_GBP);"); Put_Line (F, " -- My_Counties : ISO.Countries.Country_List := My_Currency.Entities; -- returns the United Kingdom, Jersey, Isle of Man, and Guernsey."); Put_Line (F, " -- SOURCE"); Put_Line (F, " function Entities (This : Currency) return Countries.Country_List;"); Put_Line (F, " -- ****"); Put_Line (F, ""); Put_Line (F, " -- ****f* Currencies/ISO.Currencies.From_Code"); Put_Line (F, " -- FUNCTION"); Put_Line (F, " -- Create a currency from a provided alphabetic code string."); Put_Line (F, " -- PARAMETERS"); Put_Line (F, " -- Code - An alphabetic code, such as ""EUR"" or ""USD""."); Put_Line (F, " -- RETURN VALUE"); Put_Line (F, " -- ISO.Currencies.Currency: Currency corresponding to that code."); Put_Line (F, " -- EXAMPLE"); Put_Line (F, " -- My_Currency : Currency := From_Code(""USD"");"); Put_Line (F, " -- SOURCE"); Put_Line (F, " function From_Code (Code : Alphabetic_Code) return Currency;"); Put_Line (F, " -- ****"); Put_Line (F, ""); Put_Line (F, " -- ****f* Currencies/ISO.Currencies.From_Numeric"); Put_Line (F, " -- FUNCTION"); Put_Line (F, " -- Create a non-historical currency from a provided numerical code string."); Put_Line (F, " -- NOTES"); Put_Line (F, " -- This will only create non-historical currencies, since some historical curriences have the same number but different symbol."); Put_Line (F, " -- TODO"); Put_Line (F, " -- Create ""function From_Numeric (Number : Numeric_Code) return Currency_List"" with historical support"); Put_Line (F, " -- EXAMPLES"); Put_Line (F, " -- My_Currency_1 : Currency := From_Numeric(36);"); Put_Line (F, " -- My_Currency_2 : Currency := From_Numeric(036);"); Put_Line (F, " -- My_Currency_3 : Currency := From_Numeric(""036"");"); Put_Line (F, " -- PARAMETERS"); Put_Line (F, " -- Number - A Numeric Code, either as a string or integer."); Put_Line (F, " -- RETURN VALUE"); Put_Line (F, " -- ISO.Currencies.Currency: Currency corresponding to that numerical code."); Put_Line (F, " -- SOURCE"); Put_Line (F, " function From_Numeric (Number : Numeric_Code) return Currency;"); Put_Line (F, " function From_Numeric (Number : String) return Currency;"); Put_Line (F, " -- ****"); Put_Line (F, ""); Put_Line (F, " -- ****t* Currencies/ISO.Currencies.Currency_List"); Put_Line (F, " -- DESCRIPTION"); Put_Line (F, " -- An arbitrary-sized array of currencies."); Put_Line (F, " -- USAGE"); Put_Line (F, " -- declare"); Put_Line (F, " -- My_Currencies : Currency_List (1 .. 2);"); Put_Line (F, " -- begin"); Put_Line (F, " -- My_Currencies (1) := (Key => C_USD);"); Put_Line (F, " -- My_Currencies (2) := (Key => C_EUR);"); Put_Line (F, " -- end;"); Put_Line (F, " -- SOURCE"); Put_Line (F, " type Currency_List is array (Positive range <>) of Currency;"); Put_Line (F, " -- ****"); Put_Line (F, ""); Put_Line (F, " -- ****t* Currencies/ISO.Currencies.All_Currencies"); Put_Line (F, " -- DESCRIPTION"); Put_Line (F, " -- All of the currencies, utilizing the Currency_Key as an index to"); Put_Line (F, " -- conserve the stack."); Put_Line (F, " -- USAGE"); Put_Line (F, " -- My_Currencies : constant All_Currencies := Init_Currencies;"); Put_Line (F, " -- USD_Name : String := My_Currencies (C_USD).Name;"); Put_Line (F, " -- SOURCE"); Put_Line (F, " type All_Currencies is array (Currency_Key'Range) of Currency;"); Put_Line (F, " -- ****"); Put_Line (F, ""); Put_Line (F, " -- ****f* Currencies/ISO.Currencies.From_Country"); Put_Line (F, " -- FUNCTION"); Put_Line (F, " -- Retrieve all currencies currently associated with a country."); Put_Line (F, " -- RETURN VALUE"); Put_Line (F, " -- ISO.Currencies.Currency_List: Array containing the currencies."); Put_Line (F, " -- EXAMPLE"); Put_Line (F, " -- My_Country : ISO.Countries.Country := (C_BO); -- Bolivia"); Put_Line (F, " -- My_Currencies : constant Currency_List := From_Country(My_Country); -- Returns Boliviano and Mvdol."); Put_Line (F, " -- SOURCE"); Put_Line (F, " function From_Country (Item : Countries.Country) return Currency_List;"); Put_Line (F, " -- ****"); Put_Line (F, ""); Put_Line (F, " -- ****f* Currencies/ISO.Currencies.Init_Currencies"); Put_Line (F, " -- FUNCTION"); Put_Line (F, " -- Initialize all of the currencies in an array."); Put_Line (F, " -- RETURN VALUE"); Put_Line (F, " -- ISO.Currencies.All_Currencies: Array containing all countries."); Put_Line (F, " -- USAGE"); Put_Line (F, " -- My_Currencies : constant All_Currencies := Init_Currencies;"); Put_Line (F, " -- SOURCE"); Put_Line (F, " function Init_Currencies return All_Currencies;"); Put_Line (F, " -- ****"); Put_Line (F, "private"); Put_Line (F, " function Numeric_To_Key (Numeric : Numeric_Code) return Currency_Key;"); Put_Line (F, "end ISO.Currencies;"); Close (F); -- Delete iso-currencies.adb if it exists, we're regenerating. if Exists ("output/iso-currencies.adb") then Open (F, Out_File, "output/iso-currencies.adb"); Delete (F); end if; Create (F, Out_File, "output/iso-currencies.adb"); Put_Line (F, "with Ada.Characters.Conversions;"); Put_Line (F, "package body ISO.Currencies is"); Put_Line (F, ""); Put_Line (F, " function Name (This : Currency) return String is"); Put_Line (F, " begin"); Put_Line (F, " case This.Key is"); for X of Table when X.Name /= Null_Unbounded_Wide_Wide_String loop Put_Line (F, " when C_" & TWS (X.Code) & " => return """ & TWS (X.Name) & """;"); end loop; Put_Line (F, " when others => return ""Unknown"";"); Put_Line (F, " end case;"); Put_Line (F, " end Name;"); Put_Line (F, ""); Put_Line (F, " function Code (This : Currency) return Alphabetic_Code is"); Put_Line (F, " begin"); Put_Line (F, " case This.Key is"); for X of Table loop Put_Line (F, " when C_" & TWS (X.Code) & " => return """ & TWS (X.Code) & """;"); end loop; Put_Line (F, " when C_ZZZ => return ""ZZZ"";"); Put_Line (F, " end case;"); Put_Line (F, " end Code;"); Put_Line (F, ""); Put_Line (F, " function Numeric (This : Currency) return Numeric_Code is"); Put_Line (F, " begin"); Put_Line (F, " case This.Key is"); for X of Table when Is_Natural (X.Numeric) loop Put_Line (F, " when C_" & TWS (X.Code) & " => return " & TWS (X.Numeric) & ";"); end loop; Put_Line (F, " when others => return 0;"); Put_Line (F, " end case;"); Put_Line (F, " end Numeric;"); Put_Line (F, ""); Put_Line (F, " function Unit (This : Currency) return Minor_Unit is"); Put_Line (F, " begin"); if Max_Unit > 0 then Put_Line (F, " case This.Key is"); for I in 1 .. Max_Unit loop declare -- Just to verify if there's at least one entry. Added_When : Boolean := False; begin for X of Table when Is_Natural (X.Unit) and then To_Natural (X.Unit) = I loop if not Added_When then Put (F, " when C_" & TWS (X.Code)); Added_When := True; else Put (F, " | C_" & TWS (X.Code)); end if; end loop; if Added_When then Put_Line (F, " => return" & TWS (I'Image) & ";"); end if; end; end loop; Put_Line (F, " when others => return 0;"); Put_Line (F, " end case;"); else Put_Line (F, " return 0;"); end if; Put_Line (F, " end Unit;"); Put_Line (F, ""); Put_Line (F, " function Symbol (This : Currency) return Wide_Wide_String is"); Put_Line (F, " begin"); Put_Line (F, " case This.Key is"); for X of Table when X.Symbol /= Null_Unbounded_Wide_Wide_String loop Put_Line (F, " when C_" & TWS (X.Code) & " => return """ & TWS (X.Symbol) & """;"); end loop; -- "¤" is the "unspecified currency" symbol Put_Line (F, " when others => return ""¤"";"); Put_Line (F, " end case;"); Put_Line (F, " end Symbol;"); Put_Line (F, ""); Put_Line (F, " function Symbol (This : Currency) return String is"); Put_Line (F, " use Ada.Characters.Conversions;"); Put_Line (F, " begin"); Put_Line (F, " return To_String (This.Symbol);"); Put_Line (F, " end Symbol;"); Put_Line (F, ""); Put_Line (F, " function Is_Fund (This : Currency) return Boolean is"); Put_Line (F, " begin"); Put_Line (F, " case This.Key is"); declare Added_When : Boolean := False; begin for X of Table when X.Fund loop if not Added_When then Put (F, " when C_" & TWS (X.Code)); Added_When := True; else Put (F, " | C_" & TWS (X.Code)); end if; end loop; if Added_When then Put_Line (F, " => return True;"); end if; Put_Line (F, " when others => return False;"); end; Put_Line (F, " end case;"); Put_Line (F, " end Is_Fund;"); Put_Line (F, ""); Put_Line (F, " function Is_Historic (This : Currency) return Boolean is"); Put_Line (F, " begin"); Put_Line (F, " case This.Key is"); declare Added_When : Boolean := False; begin for X of Table when X.Historic loop if not Added_When then Put (F, " when C_" & TWS (X.Code)); Added_When := True; else Put (F, " | C_" & TWS (X.Code)); end if; end loop; if Added_When then Put_Line (F, " => return True;"); end if; Put_Line (F, " when others => return False;"); end; Put_Line (F, " end case;"); Put_Line (F, " end Is_Historic;"); Put_Line (F, ""); Put_Line (F, " function Withdraw_Date (This : Currency) return String is"); Put_Line (F, " begin"); Put_Line (F, " case This.Key is"); for X of Table when X.Withdraw_Date /= Null_Unbounded_String loop Put_Line (F, " when C_" & TWS (X.Code) & " => return """ & TWS (X.Withdraw_Date) & """;"); end loop; Put_Line (F, " when others => return """";"); Put_Line (F, " end case;"); Put_Line (F, " end Withdraw_Date;"); Put_Line (F, ""); Put_Line (F, " function Withdraw_Dates (This : Currency) return String is"); Put_Line (F, " begin"); Put_Line (F, " case This.Key is"); for X of Table when X.Withdraw_Dates /= Null_Unbounded_String loop Put_Line (F, " when C_" & TWS (X.Code) & " => return """ & TWS (X.Withdraw_Dates) & """;"); end loop; Put_Line (F, " when others => return """";"); Put_Line (F, " end case;"); Put_Line (F, " end Withdraw_Dates;"); Put_Line (F, ""); Put_Line (F, " function Historic_Names (This : Currency) return String is"); Put_Line (F, " begin"); Put_Line (F, " case This.Key is"); for X of Table when not X.Historic_Names.Is_Empty loop declare Added_When : Boolean := False; begin Put (F, " when C_" & TWS (X.Code) & " => return """); for Y of X.Historic_Names loop if not Added_When then Put (F, TWS (Y)); Added_When := True; else Put (F, ";"); Put (F, TWS (Y)); end if; end loop; Put_Line (F, """;"); end; end loop; Put_Line (F, " when others => return """";"); Put_Line (F, " end case;"); Put_Line (F, " end Historic_Names;"); Put_Line (F, ""); Put_Line (F, " function Historic_Numerics (This : Currency) return String is"); Put_Line (F, " begin"); Put_Line (F, " case This.Key is"); for X of Table when not X.Historic_Numbers.Is_Empty loop declare Added_When : Boolean := False; begin for Y of X.Historic_Numbers when Is_Natural (Y) loop if not Added_When then Put (F, " when C_" & TWS (X.Code) & " => return """ & TWS (Y)); Added_When := True; else Put (F, ";"); Put (F, TWS (Y)); end if; end loop; if Added_When then Put_Line (F, """;"); end if; end; end loop; Put_Line (F, " when others => return """";"); Put_Line (F, " end case;"); Put_Line (F, " end Historic_Numerics;"); Put_Line (F, ""); Put_Line (F, " function Historic_Entities (This : Currency) return String is"); Put_Line (F, " begin"); Put_Line (F, " case This.Key is"); for X of Table when not X.Historic_Countries.Is_Empty loop declare Added_When : Boolean := False; begin Put (F, " when C_" & TWS (X.Code) & " => return """); for Y of X.Historic_Countries loop if not Added_When then Put (F, TWS (Y)); Added_When := True; else Put (F, ";"); Put (F, TWS (Y)); end if; end loop; Put_Line (F, """;"); end; end loop; Put_Line (F, " when others => return """";"); Put_Line (F, " end case;"); Put_Line (F, " end Historic_Entities;"); Put_Line (F, ""); Put_Line (F, " function Historic_Records (This : Currency) return String is"); Put_Line (F, " begin"); Put_Line (F, " case This.Key is"); for X of Table when X.Historic_Records /= Null_Unbounded_Wide_Wide_String loop Put_Line (F, " when C_" & TWS (X.Code) & " => return """ & TWS (X.Historic_Records) & """;"); end loop; Put_Line (F, " when others => return """";"); Put_Line (F, " end case;"); Put_Line (F, " end Historic_Records;"); Put_Line (F, ""); Put_Line (F, " function Entities (This : Currency) return Countries.Country_List is"); Put_Line (F, " use Countries;"); Put_Line (F, " begin"); Put_Line (F, " case This.Key is"); for X of Table when not X.Countries.Is_Empty loop declare Idx : Positive := 1; begin for Y of X.Countries when Countries.Search_Country_Name (C, Y) > 0 loop declare Our_Code : constant Unbounded_String := C (Countries.Search_Country_Name (C, Y)).Alpha_2; begin if Idx = 1 then Put_Line (F, " when C_" & TWS (X.Code) & " => return ("); else Put_Line (F, ","); end if; Put (F, " " & TWS (Idx'Image) & " => (Key => C_" & TWS (Our_Code) & ")"); Idx := Idx + 1; end; end loop; if Idx > 1 then Put_Line (F, ""); Put_Line (F, " );"); end if; end; end loop; Put_Line (F, " when others => return ("); Put_Line (F, " 1 => (Key => C_ZZ)"); Put_Line (F, " );"); Put_Line (F, " end case;"); Put_Line (F, " end Entities;"); Put_Line (F, ""); Put_Line (F, " function From_Code (Code : Alphabetic_Code) return Currency is"); Put_Line (F, " Result : constant Currency := (Key => Currency_Key'Value"); Put_Line (F, " (""C_"" & Code));"); Put_Line (F, " begin"); Put_Line (F, " return Result;"); Put_Line (F, " end From_Code;"); Put_Line (F, ""); Put_Line (F, " function From_Numeric (Number : Numeric_Code) return Currency is"); Put_Line (F, " begin"); Put_Line (F, " return Result : Currency do"); Put_Line (F, " Result.Key := Numeric_To_Key (Number);"); Put_Line (F, " end return;"); Put_Line (F, " end From_Numeric;"); Put_Line (F, " function From_Numeric (Number : String) return Currency is"); Put_Line (F, " Real_Number : constant Numeric_Code := Numeric_Code'Value (Number);"); Put_Line (F, " begin"); Put_Line (F, " return Result : Currency do"); Put_Line (F, " Result.Key := Numeric_To_Key (Real_Number);"); Put_Line (F, " end return;"); Put_Line (F, " end From_Numeric;"); Put_Line (F, ""); Put_Line (F, " function From_Country (Item : Countries.Country) return Currency_List is"); Put_Line (F, " use Countries;"); Put_Line (F, " begin"); Put_Line (F, " case Item.Key is"); for X of C loop declare Idx : Natural := 1; begin for Y of Table when Y.Countries.Contains (X.Name) loop -- We have at least one result if Idx = 1 then Put_Line (F, " when C_" & TWS (X.Alpha_2) & " => return ("); else Put_Line (F, ","); end if; Put (F, " " & TWS (Idx'Image) & " => (Key => C_" & TWS (Y.Code) & ")"); Idx := Idx + 1; end loop; if Idx > 1 then Put_Line (F, ""); Put_Line (F, " );"); end if; end; end loop; Put_Line (F, " when others => return ("); Put_Line (F, " 1 => (Key => C_ZZZ)"); Put_Line (F, " );"); Put_Line (F, " end case;"); Put_Line (F, " end From_Country;"); Put_Line (F, ""); Put_Line (F, " function Init_Currencies return All_Currencies is"); Put_Line (F, " begin"); Put_Line (F, " return Result : All_Currencies do"); Put_Line (F, " for X in Currency_Key'Range loop"); Put_Line (F, " Result (X) := (Key => X);"); Put_Line (F, " end loop;"); Put_Line (F, " end return;"); Put_Line (F, " end Init_Currencies;"); Put_Line (F, ""); Put_Line (F, " function Numeric_To_Key (Numeric : Numeric_Code) return Currency_Key is"); Put_Line (F, " begin"); Put_Line (F, " case Numeric is"); declare -- This is to hold a record of numerics already here. TmpV : Unbound_List.Vector; begin -- First search non-historic numerics for X of Table when not X.Only_Historic and then Is_Natural (X.Numeric) and then not TmpV.Contains (X.Numeric) loop TmpV.Append (X.Numeric); Put_Line (F, " when " & TWS (X.Numeric) & " => return C_" & TWS (X.Code) & ";"); end loop; end; Put_Line (F, " when others => return C_ZZZ;"); Put_Line (F, " end case;"); Put_Line (F, " end Numeric_To_Key;"); Put_Line (F, "end ISO.Currencies;"); Close (F); Put_Line ("Files output/ and output/iso-currencies.adb have been regenerated."); end Generate_Currencies; end Currencies;