pragma Ada_2022; with Common; use Common; with Ada.Directories; use Ada.Directories; with Ada.Wide_Wide_Text_IO; use Ada.Wide_Wide_Text_IO; with Ada.Wide_Wide_Characters.Handling; use Ada.Wide_Wide_Characters.Handling; package body Countries is function Search_Country_Name (This : ISO_3166_1_Table.Vector; Name : Unbounded_Wide_Wide_String) return Natural is Search : constant Unbounded_Wide_Wide_String := To_Unbounded_Wide_Wide_String ( To_Upper(To_Wide_Wide_String (Name))); Result : Natural := 1; begin for X of This loop if To_Unbounded_Wide_Wide_String ( To_Upper(To_Wide_Wide_String (X.Name))) = Search then return Result; else Result := Result + 1; end if; end loop; return 0; end Search_Country_Name; function Load_Countries_CSV return ISO_3166_1_Table.Vector is -- Our CSV file F : File_Type; -- Our vector. Table : ISO_3166_1_Table.Vector; begin -- Load the CSV Open (F, In_File, Countries_CSV, "WCEM=h"); -- Validate the header. if Get_Line (F) /= "English short name,Alpha-2 code,Alpha-3 code,Numeric" then raise Invalid_File with "Invalid columns"; end if; while not End_Of_File (F) loop declare -- Read next row. Next_Line : constant Wide_Wide_String := Get_Line (F); -- To keep track of where we are in the row. Next : Natural := Next_Line'First; -- Break up each field; don't forget to handle commas! -- This really is quick and dirty, there's plenty of better ways -- to do this more generically, but I'm hoping someday to migrate -- to XML. Next_Row : constant ISO_3166_1_Row := (Name => Get_Next_Field (Next_Line (Next .. Next_Line'Last), Next), Alpha_2 => TUB (Get_Next_Field (Next_Line (Next .. Next_Line'Last), Next)), Alpha_3 => TUB (Get_Next_Field (Next_Line (Next .. Next_Line'Last), Next)), Numeric => TUB (Get_Next_Field (Next_Line (Next .. Next_Line'Last), Next))); begin -- Insert the item. Table.Append (Next_Row); end; end loop; Close (F); return Table; end Load_Countries_CSV; procedure Generate_Countries (Table : ISO_3166_1_Table.Vector) is F : File_Type; begin -- Create the output directory if it doesn't exist. Create_Path ("output"); -- Delete if it exists, we're regenerating. if Exists ("output/") then Open (F, Out_File, "output/"); Delete (F); end if; -- Create Create (F, Out_File, "output/"); Put_Line (F, "with Ada.Locales;"); Put_Line (F, "-- ****h* ISO/Countries"); Put_Line (F, "-- DESCRIPTION"); Put_Line (F, "-- Implimentation of ISO 3166-1 (Country Codes)."); Put_Line (F, "-- SOURCE"); Put_Line (F, "package ISO.Countries is"); Put_Line (F, "-- ****"); Put_Line (F, ""); Put_Line (F, " -- ****t* Countries/ISO.Countries.Alpha2_Code"); Put_Line (F, " -- DESCRIPTION"); Put_Line (F, " -- The two-letter country code defined by ISO 3166-1."); Put_Line (F, " -- DERIVED FROM"); Put_Line (F, " -- Ada.Locales.Country_Code"); Put_Line (F, " -- SOURCE"); -- Alpha2 code with dynamic predicate of every possible options. Put_Line (F, " subtype Alpha2_Code is String (1 .. 2)"); Put_Line (F, " with Dynamic_Predicate => Alpha2_Code in"); Put (F, " "); for I of Table loop Put (F, """" & TWS (I.Alpha_2) & """ | "); end loop; Put_Line (F, """ZZ"";"); Put_Line (F, " -- ****"); Put_Line (F, ""); Put_Line (F, " -- ****t* Countries/ISO.Countries.Alpha3_Code"); Put_Line (F, " -- DESCRIPTION"); Put_Line (F, " -- The three-letter country code defined by ISO 3166-1."); Put_Line (F, " -- DERIVED FROM"); Put_Line (F, " -- String"); Put_Line (F, " -- SOURCE"); -- Alpha3 code with dynamic predicate of every possible options. Put_Line (F, " subtype Alpha3_Code is String (1 .. 3)"); Put_Line (F, " with Dynamic_Predicate => Alpha3_Code in"); Put (F, " "); for I of Table loop Put (F, """" & TWS (I.Alpha_3) & """ | "); end loop; Put_Line (F, """ZZZ"";"); Put_Line (F, " -- ****"); Put_Line (F, ""); Put_Line (F, " -- ****t* Countries/ISO.Countries.Numeric_Code"); Put_Line (F, " -- DESCRIPTION"); Put_Line (F, " -- The numeric country code defined by ISO 3166-1."); Put_Line (F, " -- DERIVED FROM"); Put_Line (F, " -- Natural"); Put_Line (F, " -- SOURCE"); -- Numeric code with dynamic predicate of every possible options. Put_Line (F, " subtype Numeric_Code is Natural"); Put_Line (F, " with Dynamic_Predicate => Numeric_Code in"); Put (F, " "); for I of Table loop Put (F, TWS (I.Numeric) & " | "); end loop; Put_Line (F, "0;"); Put_Line (F, " -- ****"); Put_Line (F, ""); Put_Line (F, " -- ****t* Countries/ISO.Countries.Country_Key"); Put_Line (F, " -- DESCRIPTION"); Put_Line (F, " -- An enumeration of every iso 3166 alpha2 country code."); Put_Line (F, " -- Each code starts with ""C_"", to prevent any enumeration conlficting"); Put_Line (F, " -- with a reserved word. So you can cast any alpha2 to Country_Key by"); Put_Line (F, " -- doing ""Country_Key'Value (""C_"" & Alpha2)"""); Put_Line (F, " -- EXAMPLE"); Put_Line (F, " -- My_Key : Country_Key := C_US;"); Put_Line (F, " -- SOURCE"); -- All country keys. Put_Line (F, " type Country_Key is ("); for I of Table loop Put_Line (F, " C_" & TWS (I.Alpha_2) & ", -- " & TWS (I.Name)); end loop; Put_Line (F, " C_ZZ -- Undefined Country"); Put_Line (F, " );"); Put_Line (F, " -- ****"); Put_Line (F, ""); Put_Line (F, " -- ****t* Countries/ISO.Countries.Country"); Put_Line (F, " -- DESCRIPTION"); Put_Line (F, " -- The ISO_3166-1 country to be referenced. When initializing, you can"); Put_Line (F, " -- set the key to Country_Key that will be utilizeed one of the functions"); Put_Line (F, " -- to access the Country."); Put_Line (F, " -- USAGE"); Put_Line (F, " -- My_Country : Country := (C_US); -- This is the USA."); Put_Line (F, " -- METHODS"); Put_Line (F, " -- * ISO.Countries.Country/Name"); Put_Line (F, " -- * ISO.Countries.Country/Alpha2"); Put_Line (F, " -- * ISO.Countries.Country/Alpha3"); Put_Line (F, " -- * ISO.Countries.Country/Numeric"); Put_Line (F, " -- * ISO.Countries.Country/Country_Code"); Put_Line (F, " -- EXAMPLE"); Put_Line (F, " -- -- To create a country and initalize it to the USA,"); Put_Line (F, " -- -- then reference it like so:"); Put_Line (F, " -- My_Country : Country := (C_US); -- This is the USA."); Put_Line (F, " -- To access the country's name, do so like so:"); Put_Line (F, " -- My_Country.Name -- ""United States of America (The)"""); Put_Line (F, " -- SOURCE"); Put_Line (F, " type Country is tagged record"); Put_Line (F, " Key : Country_Key := C_ZZ;"); Put_Line (F, " end record;"); Put_Line (F, " -- ****"); Put_Line (F, ""); Put_Line (F, " -- ****m* ISO.Countries.Country/Name"); Put_Line (F, " -- FUNCTION"); Put_Line (F, " -- Retrieve the name of the provided country."); Put_Line (F, " -- RETURN VALUE"); Put_Line (F, " -- String: The ISO 3166 name of the current country."); Put_Line (F, " -- EXAMPLE"); Put_Line (F, " -- My_Country : Country := (C_AU);"); Put_Line (F, " -- The_Name : String := My_Country.Name; -- Will return ""Australia"""); Put_Line (F, " -- SOURCE"); Put_Line (F, " function Name (This : Country) return String;"); Put_Line (F, " -- ****"); Put_Line (F, ""); Put_Line (F, " -- ****m* ISO.Countries.Country/Alpha2"); Put_Line (F, " -- FUNCTION"); Put_Line (F, " -- Retrieve the two-letter country code of the provided country."); Put_Line (F, " -- RETURN VALUE"); Put_Line (F, " -- ISO.Countries.Alpha2_Code: ISO 3166 Alpha2 of the current country."); Put_Line (F, " -- EXAMPLE"); Put_Line (F, " -- My_Country : Country := (C_AU);"); Put_Line (F, " -- Code : Alhpa2_Code := My_Country.Alpha2; -- Will return ""AU"""); Put_Line (F, " -- SOURCE"); Put_Line (F, " function Alpha2 (This : Country) return Alpha2_Code;"); Put_Line (F, " -- ****"); Put_Line (F, ""); Put_Line (F, " -- ****m* ISO.Countries.Country/Alpha3"); Put_Line (F, " -- FUNCTION"); Put_Line (F, " -- Retrieve the three-letter country code of the provided country."); Put_Line (F, " -- RETURN VALUE"); Put_Line (F, " -- ISO.Countries.Alpha3_Code: ISO 3166 Alpha3 of the current country."); Put_Line (F, " -- EXAMPLE"); Put_Line (F, " -- My_Country : Country := (C_AU);"); Put_Line (F, " -- Code : Alpha3_Code := My_Country.Alpha3; -- Will return ""AUS"""); Put_Line (F, " -- SOURCE"); Put_Line (F, " function Alpha3 (This : Country) return Alpha3_Code;"); Put_Line (F, " -- ****"); Put_Line (F, ""); Put_Line (F, " -- ****m* ISO.Countries.Country/Numeric"); Put_Line (F, " -- FUNCTION"); Put_Line (F, " -- Retrieve the numerical country code of the provided country."); Put_Line (F, " -- RETURN VALUE"); Put_Line (F, " -- ISO.Countries.Numeric_Code: ISO 3166 number of the current country."); Put_Line (F, " -- EXAMPLE"); Put_Line (F, " -- My_Country : Country := (C_AU);"); Put_Line (F, " -- Number : Numeric_Code := My_Country.Numeric; -- Will return 40"); Put_Line (F, " -- SOURCE"); Put_Line (F, " function Numeric (This : Country) return Numeric_Code;"); Put_Line (F, " -- ****"); Put_Line (F, ""); Put_Line (F, " -- ****m* ISO.Countries.Country/Country_Code"); Put_Line (F, " -- FUNCTION"); Put_Line (F, " -- Retrieve the Ada.Locale.Country_Code of the provided country."); Put_Line (F, " -- RETURN VALUE"); Put_Line (F, " -- Ada.Locale.Country_Code: Ada's Country_Code of the current country."); Put_Line (F, " -- EXAMPLE"); Put_Line (F, " -- My_Country : Country := (C_AU);"); Put_Line (F, " -- Number : Ada.Locale.Country_Code := My_Country.Country_Code; -- ""AU"""); Put_Line (F, " -- SOURCE"); Put_Line (F, " function Country_Code"); Put_Line (F, " (This : Country) return Ada.Locales.Country_Code;"); Put_Line (F, " -- ****"); Put_Line (F, ""); Put_Line (F, " -- Return all countries"); Put_Line (F, " -- function All_Countries return All_Countries;"); Put_Line (F, ""); Put_Line (F, " -- ****f* Countries/ISO.Countries.From_Alpha2"); Put_Line (F, " -- FUNCTION"); Put_Line (F, " -- Create a country from a provided Alpha2 string."); Put_Line (F, " -- PARAMETERS"); Put_Line (F, " -- Code - An alpha2 code, such as ""AU"" or ""US""."); Put_Line (F, " -- RETURN VALUE"); Put_Line (F, " -- ISO.Countries.Country: Country corresponding to that alpha2 code."); Put_Line (F, " -- EXAMPLE"); Put_Line (F, " -- My_Country : Country := From_Alpha2(""AU"");"); Put_Line (F, " -- SOURCE"); Put_Line (F, " function From_Alpha2 (Code : Alpha2_Code) return Country;"); Put_Line (F, " -- ****"); Put_Line (F, ""); Put_Line (F, " -- ****f* Countries/ISO.Countries.From_Alpha3"); Put_Line (F, " -- FUNCTION"); Put_Line (F, " -- Create a country from a provided Alpha3 string."); Put_Line (F, " -- PARAMETERS"); Put_Line (F, " -- Code - An alpha3 code, such as ""AUS"" or ""USA""."); Put_Line (F, " -- RETURN VALUE"); Put_Line (F, " -- ISO.Countries.Country: Country corresponding to that alpha3 code."); Put_Line (F, " -- EXAMPLE"); Put_Line (F, " -- My_Country : Country := From_Alpha3(""AUS"");"); Put_Line (F, " -- SOURCE"); Put_Line (F, " function From_Alpha3 (Code : Alpha3_Code) return Country;"); Put_Line (F, " -- ****"); Put_Line (F, ""); Put_Line (F, " -- ****f* Countries/ISO.Countries.From_Numeric"); Put_Line (F, " -- FUNCTION"); Put_Line (F, " -- Create a country from a provided numerical code string."); Put_Line (F, " -- EXAMPLES"); Put_Line (F, " -- My_Country_1 : Country := From_Numeric(40);"); Put_Line (F, " -- My_Country_2 : Country := From_Numeric(040);"); Put_Line (F, " -- My_Country_3 : Country := From_Numeric(""040"");"); Put_Line (F, " -- PARAMETERS"); Put_Line (F, " -- Number - A Numeric Code, either as a string or integer."); Put_Line (F, " -- RETURN VALUE"); Put_Line (F, " -- ISO.Countries.Country: Country corresponding to that numerical code."); Put_Line (F, " -- SOURCE"); Put_Line (F, " function From_Numeric (Number : Numeric_Code) return Country;"); Put_Line (F, " function From_Numeric (Number : String) return Country;"); Put_Line (F, " -- ****"); Put_Line (F, ""); Put_Line (F, " -- ****f* Countries/ISO.Countries.From_Country_Code"); Put_Line (F, " -- FUNCTION"); Put_Line (F, " -- Create a country from a provided numerical code string."); Put_Line (F, " -- PARAMETERS"); Put_Line (F, " -- Code - A country code as defined in Ada.Locales."); Put_Line (F, " -- RETURN VALUE"); Put_Line (F, " -- ISO.Countries.Country: Country corresponding to that numerical code."); Put_Line (F, " -- USAGE"); Put_Line (F, " -- My_Country : Country := From_Country_Code(Ada.Locales.Country);"); Put_Line (F, " -- SOURCE"); Put_Line (F, " function From_Country_Code (Code : Ada.Locales.Country_Code) return Country;"); Put_Line (F, " -- ****"); Put_Line (F, ""); Put_Line (F, " -- ****t* Countries/ISO.Countries.Country_List"); Put_Line (F, " -- DESCRIPTION"); Put_Line (F, " -- An arbitrary-sized array of countries."); Put_Line (F, " -- USAGE"); Put_Line (F, " -- declare"); Put_Line (F, " -- My_Countries : Country_List (1 .. 2);"); Put_Line (F, " -- begin"); Put_Line (F, " -- My_Countries (1) := (Key => C_AU);"); Put_Line (F, " -- My_Countries (2) := (Key => C_US);"); Put_Line (F, " -- end;"); Put_Line (F, " -- SOURCE"); Put_Line (F, " type Country_List is array (Positive range <>) of Country;"); Put_Line (F, " -- ****"); Put_Line (F, ""); Put_Line (F, " -- ****t* Countries/ISO.Countries.All_Countries"); Put_Line (F, " -- DESCRIPTION"); Put_Line (F, " -- All of the countries, utilizing the Country_Key as an index."); Put_Line (F, " -- To conserve the stack"); Put_Line (F, " -- USAGE"); Put_Line (F, " -- My_Countries : constant All_Countries := Init_Countries;"); Put_Line (F, " -- US_Name : String := My_Countries (C_US).Name;"); Put_Line (F, " -- SOURCE"); Put_Line (F, " type All_Countries is array (Country_Key'Range) of Country;"); Put_Line (F, " -- ****"); Put_Line (F, ""); Put_Line (F, " -- ****f* Countries/ISO.Countries.Init_Countries"); Put_Line (F, " -- FUNCTION"); Put_Line (F, " -- Initialize all of the countries in an array."); Put_Line (F, " -- RETURN VALUE"); Put_Line (F, " -- ISO.Countries.All_Countries: Array containing all countries."); Put_Line (F, " -- USAGE"); Put_Line (F, " -- My_Countries : constant All_Countries := Init_Countries;"); Put_Line (F, " -- SOURCE"); Put_Line (F, " function Init_Countries return All_Countries;"); Put_Line (F, " -- ****"); Put_Line (F, "private"); Put_Line (F, " function Alpha3_To_Key (Alpha_3 : Alpha3_Code) return Country_Key;"); Put_Line (F, " function Numeric_To_Key (Numeric : Numeric_Code) return Country_Key;"); Put_Line (F, "end ISO.Countries;"); Close (F); -- Now generate iso-countries.adb -- Delete iso-countries.adb if it exists, we're regenerating. if Exists ("output/iso-countries.adb") then Open (F, Out_File, "output/iso-countries.adb"); Delete (F); end if; -- Create iso-countries.adb Create (F, Out_File, "output/iso-countries.adb"); Put_Line (F, "package body ISO.Countries is"); Put_Line (F, ""); Put_Line (F, " -- *** Begin Methods/Member Functions ***"); Put_Line (F, " function Name (This : Country) return String is"); Put_Line (F, " begin"); Put_Line (F, " case This.Key is"); for I of Table loop Put_Line (F, " when C_" & TWS (I.Alpha_2) & " => return """ & TWS (I.Name) &""";"); end loop; Put_Line (F, " when C_ZZ => return ""Undefined"";"); Put_Line (F, " end case;"); Put_Line (F, " end Name;"); Put_Line (F, " function Alpha2 (This : Country) return Alpha2_Code is"); Put_Line (F, " begin"); Put_Line (F, " case This.Key is"); for I of Table loop Put_Line (F, " when C_" & TWS (I.Alpha_2) & " => return """ & TWS (I.Alpha_2) &""";"); end loop; Put_Line (F, " when C_ZZ => return ""ZZ"";"); Put_Line (F, " end case;"); Put_Line (F, " end Alpha2;"); Put_Line (F, " function Alpha3 (This : Country) return Alpha3_Code is"); Put_Line (F, " begin"); Put_Line (F, " case This.Key is"); for I of Table loop Put_Line (F, " when C_" & TWS (I.Alpha_2) & " => return """ & TWS (I.Alpha_3) &""";"); end loop; Put_Line (F, " when C_ZZ => return ""ZZZ"";"); Put_Line (F, " end case;"); Put_Line (F, " end Alpha3;"); Put_Line (F, " function Numeric (This : Country) return Numeric_Code is"); Put_Line (F, " begin"); Put_Line (F, " case This.Key is"); for I of Table loop Put_Line (F, " when C_" & TWS (I.Alpha_2) & " => return " & TWS (I.Numeric) &";"); end loop; Put_Line (F, " when C_ZZ => return 0;"); Put_Line (F, " end case;"); Put_Line (F, " end Numeric;"); Put_Line (F, " function Country_Code"); Put_Line (F, " (This : Country) return Ada.Locales.Country_Code is"); Put_Line (F, " begin"); Put_Line (F, " return Ada.Locales.Country_Code (Alpha2 (This));"); Put_Line (F, " end Country_Code;"); Put_Line (F, " -- *** End Methods/Member Functions ***"); Put_Line (F, ""); Put_Line (F, " -- *** Creation Functions ***"); Put_Line (F, " function From_Alpha2 (Code : Alpha2_Code) return Country is"); Put_Line (F, " Result : constant Country := (Key => Country_Key'Value"); Put_Line (F, " (""C_"" & Code));"); Put_Line (F, " begin"); Put_Line (F, " return Result;"); Put_Line (F, " end From_Alpha2;"); Put_Line (F, " function From_Alpha3 (Code : Alpha3_Code) return Country is"); Put_Line (F, " begin"); Put_Line (F, " return Result : Country do"); Put_Line (F, " Result.Key := Alpha3_To_Key (Code);"); Put_Line (F, " end return;"); Put_Line (F, " end From_Alpha3;"); Put_Line (F, " function From_Numeric (Number : Numeric_Code) return Country is"); Put_Line (F, " begin"); Put_Line (F, " return Result : Country do"); Put_Line (F, " Result.Key := Numeric_To_Key (Number);"); Put_Line (F, " end return;"); Put_Line (F, " end From_Numeric;"); Put_Line (F, " function From_Numeric (Number : String) return Country is"); Put_Line (F, " Real_Number : constant Numeric_Code := Numeric_Code'Value (Number);"); Put_Line (F, " begin"); Put_Line (F, " return Result : Country do"); Put_Line (F, " Result.Key := Numeric_To_Key (Real_Number);"); Put_Line (F, " end return;"); Put_Line (F, " end From_Numeric;"); Put_Line (F, " function From_Country_Code (Code : Ada.Locales.Country_Code) return Country"); Put_Line (F, " is"); Put_Line (F, " begin"); Put_Line (F, " return From_Alpha2 (Alpha2_Code (Code));"); Put_Line (F, " end From_Country_Code;"); Put_Line (F, " function Init_Countries return All_Countries is"); Put_Line (F, " begin"); Put_Line (F, " return Result : All_Countries do"); Put_Line (F, " for X in Country_Key'Range loop"); Put_Line (F, " Result (X) := (Key => X);"); Put_Line (F, " end loop;"); Put_Line (F, " end return;"); Put_Line (F, " end Init_Countries;"); Put_Line (F, " -- *** End Creation Functions ***"); Put_Line (F, ""); Put_Line (F, " -- *** Begin Lookup table functions ***"); Put_Line (F, " -- Lookup table to convert numeric to country key."); Put_Line (F, " function Numeric_To_Key (Numeric : Numeric_Code) return Country_Key is"); Put_Line (F, " begin"); Put_Line (F, " case Numeric is"); for I of Table loop Put_Line (F, " when " & TWS (I.Numeric) & " => return C_" & TWS (I.Alpha_2) & ";"); end loop; Put_Line (F, " when 0 => return C_ZZ;"); Put_Line (F, " when others => return C_ZZ;"); Put_Line (F, " end case;"); Put_Line (F, " end Numeric_To_Key;"); Put_Line (F, " -- Lookup table to convert alpha_3 string to country key."); Put_Line (F, " function Alpha3_To_Key (Alpha_3 : Alpha3_Code) return Country_Key is"); Put_Line (F, " -- Match the alpha 3 with a lookup table similar to Country_Key"); Put (F, " type Alpha3_Key is ("); for I of Table loop Put (F, "C_" & TWS (I.Alpha_3) & ", "); end loop; Put_Line (F, "C_ZZZ);"); Put_Line (F, " Key : constant Alpha3_Key := Alpha3_Key'Value (""C_"" & Alpha_3);"); Put_Line (F, " begin"); Put_Line (F, " case Key is"); for I of Table loop Put_Line (F, " when C_" & TWS (I.Alpha_3) & " => return C_" & TWS (I.Alpha_2) & ";"); end loop; Put_Line (F, " when C_ZZZ => return C_ZZ;"); Put_Line (F, " end case;"); Put_Line (F, " end Alpha3_To_Key;"); Put_Line (F, " -- *** End Lookup table functions ***"); Put_Line (F, ""); Put_Line (F, "end ISO.Countries;"); Close (F); Put_Line ("Files output/ and output/iso-countries.adb have been regenerated."); end Generate_Countries; end Countries;