------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- GtkAda - Ada95 binding for Gtk+/Gnome -- -- -- -- Copyright (C) 2001-2022, AdaCore -- -- -- -- This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it -- -- under terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free -- -- Software Foundation; either version 3, or (at your option) any later -- -- version. This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, -- -- but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHAN- -- -- TABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. -- -- -- -- As a special exception under Section 7 of GPL version 3, you are granted -- -- additional permissions described in the GCC Runtime Library Exception, -- -- version 3.1, as published by the Free Software Foundation. -- -- -- -- You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License and -- -- a copy of the GCC Runtime Library Exception along with this program; -- -- see the files COPYING3 and COPYING.RUNTIME respectively. If not, see -- -- . -- -- -- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- TODO: -- - handles multiple views of the MDI (through several top-level windows) -- - Add support for groups (children are associated with groups, and groups -- can have special colors, can be minimized,...). Groups could be -- implemented as special MDI_Children ? -- - Manipulation of the title bar for children (adding buttons, adding -- pixmaps,...) -- - Automatically add a new menu bar when a child is floated (settable -- on a per-child basis). -- - contextual menu in the title bar of children to dock them, float them,... with Interfaces.C.Strings; use Interfaces.C.Strings; with Ada.Characters.Handling; use Ada.Characters.Handling; with Ada.Containers.Doubly_Linked_Lists; with Ada.Containers.Vectors; with Ada.Exceptions; use Ada.Exceptions; with Ada.Strings.Fixed; use Ada.Strings.Fixed; with Ada.Tags; use Ada.Tags; with Ada.Unchecked_Conversion; with Ada.Unchecked_Deallocation; with System; use System; with System.Address_Image; with GNAT.IO; use GNAT.IO; with GNAT.Strings; use GNAT.Strings; with Glib.Convert; use Glib.Convert; with Glib.Error; use Glib.Error; with Glib.G_Icon; use Glib.G_Icon; with Glib.Menu; use Glib.Menu; with Glib.Object; use Glib.Object; with Glib.Properties; use Glib.Properties; with Glib.Simple_Action; use Glib.Simple_Action; with Glib.Unicode; use Glib.Unicode; with Glib.Values; use Glib.Values; with Glib.Variant; use Glib.Variant; with Cairo; use Cairo; with Pango; use Pango; with Pango.Enums; use Pango.Enums; with Pango.Font; use Pango.Font; with Pango.Layout; use Pango.Layout; with Gdk; use Gdk; with Gdk.Cairo; use Gdk.Cairo; with Gdk.Cursor; use Gdk.Cursor; with Gdk.Display; use Gdk.Display; with Gdk.Event; use Gdk.Event; with Gdk.Main; use Gdk.Main; with Gdk.Pixbuf; use Gdk.Pixbuf; with Gdk.RGBA; use Gdk.RGBA; with Gdk.Rectangle; use Gdk.Rectangle; with Gdk.Types; use Gdk.Types; with Gdk.Types.Keysyms; with Gdk.Window; use Gdk.Window; with Gtk; use Gtk; with Gtk.Accel_Group; use Gtk.Accel_Group; with Gtk.Accel_Label; use Gtk.Accel_Label; with Gtk.Application; use Gtk.Application; with Gtk.Arguments; use Gtk.Arguments; with Gtk.Box; use Gtk.Box; with Gtk.Check_Menu_Item; use Gtk.Check_Menu_Item; with Gtk.Css_Provider; use Gtk.Css_Provider; with Gtk.Container; use Gtk.Container; with Gtk.Dialog; use Gtk.Dialog; with Gtk.Enums; use Gtk.Enums; with Gtk.Event_Box; use Gtk.Event_Box; with Gtk.Frame; use Gtk.Frame; with Gtk.GEntry; use Gtk.GEntry; with Gtk.Image; use Gtk.Image; with Gtk.Image_Menu_Item; use Gtk.Image_Menu_Item; with Gtk.Label; use Gtk.Label; with Gtk.Main; use Gtk.Main; with Gtk.Menu; use Gtk.Menu; with Gtk.Menu_Item; use Gtk.Menu_Item; with Gtk.Notebook; use Gtk.Notebook; with Gtk.Radio_Menu_Item; use Gtk.Radio_Menu_Item; with Gtk.Separator_Menu_Item; use Gtk.Separator_Menu_Item; with Gtk.Stock; use Gtk.Stock; with Gtk.Style_Context; use Gtk.Style_Context; with Gtk.Style_Provider; use Gtk.Style_Provider; with Gtk.Window; use Gtk.Window; with Gtkada.Bindings; use Gtkada.Bindings; with Gtkada.Handlers; use Gtkada.Handlers; with Gtkada.Multi_Paned; use Gtkada.Multi_Paned; with Gtkada.Style; pragma Warnings (Off, "call to obsolescent procedure ""Get_Background_Color"""); pragma Warnings (Off, "call to obsolescent procedure ""Popup"""); -- Deprecated in Gtk+ 3.24 package body Gtkada.MDI is use Glib.Xml_Int; Traces : constant Boolean := False; -- True if traces should be activated Default_Title_Bar_Focus_Color : constant String := "#000088"; -- Default color to use for the title bar of the child that has -- the focus. Default_Title_Bar_Color : constant String := "#AAAAAA"; -- Default color to use for the title bar of children that do not -- have the focus. Default_Title_Font : constant String := "Sans 8"; -- Default title font for the children Max_Drag_Border_Width : constant Gint := 30; -- Width or height of the drag-and-drop borders for each notebook. On the -- sides of the MDI, half of it is dedicated to moving the window so that -- it occupies that whole side of the MDI Drag_Threshold : constant Gint := 20; -- Our own threshold (instead of Gtk.Dnd.Check_Threshold), since on -- Windows the later seems to be set to 0, and thus we can't change a -- notebook page by clicking on its tab without splitting the notebook Icon_Size_In_Title : constant := 8; Icon_Size_In_Tabs : constant := 8; MDI_Class_Record : Glib.Object.Ada_GObject_Class := Glib.Object.Uninitialized_Class; Child_Class_Record : aliased Glib.Object.Ada_GObject_Class := Glib.Object.Uninitialized_Class; MDI_Signals : constant Interfaces.C.Strings.chars_ptr_array := (1 => New_String (String (Signal_Child_Selected)), 2 => New_String (String (Signal_Float_Child)), 3 => New_String (String (Signal_Child_Title_Changed)), 4 => New_String (String (Signal_Child_Added)), 5 => New_String (String (Signal_Child_Removed)), 6 => New_String (String (Signal_Child_Icon_Changed)), 7 => New_String (String (Signal_Children_Reorganized)), 8 => New_String (String (Signal_Perspective_Changed)), 9 => New_String (String (Signal_Unfloat_Child)), 10 => New_String (String (Signal_Before_Unfloat_Child)), 11 => New_String (String (Signal_Before_Destroy_Child)), 12 => New_String (String (Signal_Perspectives_Added))); Child_Signals : constant Interfaces.C.Strings.chars_ptr_array := (1 => New_String (String (Signal_Float_Child)), 2 => New_String (String (Signal_Unfloat_Child)), 3 => New_String (String (Signal_Before_Unfloat_Child)), 4 => New_String (String (Signal_Selected)), 5 => New_String (String (Signal_Child_State_Changed)), 6 => New_String (String (Signal_Before_Destroy_Child)), 7 => New_String (String (Signal_Before_Remove_Child)), 8 => New_String (String (Signal_Maximize_Child)), 9 => New_String (String (Signal_Unmaximize))); function Cb_To_Address is new Ada.Unchecked_Conversion (Cb_Gtkada_MDI_Window_MDI_Child_Void, System.Address); function Address_To_Cb is new Ada.Unchecked_Conversion (System.Address, Cb_Gtkada_MDI_Window_MDI_Child_Void); function Cb_To_Address is new Ada.Unchecked_Conversion (Cb_GObject_MDI_Child_Void, System.Address); function Address_To_Cb is new Ada.Unchecked_Conversion (System.Address, Cb_GObject_MDI_Child_Void); procedure Connect (Object : access MDI_Window_Record'Class; C_Name : Glib.Signal_Name; Handler : Cb_Gtkada_MDI_Window_MDI_Child_Void; After : Boolean); procedure Connect_Slot (Object : access MDI_Window_Record'Class; C_Name : Glib.Signal_Name; Handler : Cb_GObject_MDI_Child_Void; After : Boolean; Slot : access Glib.Object.GObject_Record'Class := null); procedure Marsh_GObject_MDI_Child_Void (Closure : GClosure; Return_Value : Glib.Values.GValue; N_Params : Glib.Guint; Params : Glib.Values.C_GValues; Invocation_Hint : System.Address; User_Data : System.Address); pragma Convention (C, Marsh_GObject_MDI_Child_Void); procedure Marsh_MDI_Window_MDI_Child_Void (Closure : GClosure; Return_Value : Glib.Values.GValue; N_Params : Glib.Guint; Params : Glib.Values.C_GValues; Invocation_Hint : System.Address; User_Data : System.Address); pragma Convention (C, Marsh_MDI_Window_MDI_Child_Void); use Widget_List; type Selection_Dialog_Record is new Gtk_Window_Record with record Current_Child : Widget_List.Glist; Label : Gtk_Label; Ent : Gtk_Entry; Length : Natural := 0; Modifier : Gdk_Modifier_Type; Icon : Gtk.Image.Gtk_Image; end record; type Selection_Dialog_Access is access all Selection_Dialog_Record'Class; type MDI_Check_Menu_Item_Record is new Gtk_Check_Menu_Item_Record with record MDI : MDI_Window; end record; type MDI_Check_Menu_Item is access all MDI_Check_Menu_Item_Record'Class; type Child_Menu_Item_Record is new Gtk_Image_Menu_Item_Record with record Child : MDI_Child; end record; type Child_Menu_Item is access all Child_Menu_Item_Record'Class; -- A menu item used in a contextual menu, to switch to an existing notebook -- page. type Menu_Item_For_Child_Record is new Gtk_Radio_Menu_Item_Record with record Child : MDI_Child; end record; type Menu_Item_For_Child is access all Menu_Item_For_Child_Record'Class; -- The special type of item added to the /Window menu. We use a special -- widget so that we know which items to remove when we refresh the menu. type MDI_Menu_Record is new Gtk_Menu_Record with record MDI : MDI_Window; end record; type MDI_Menu is access all MDI_Menu_Record'Class; type MDI_Tab_Record is new Gtk_Event_Box_Record with record Timestamp : Natural := 0; end record; type MDI_Tab is access all MDI_Tab_Record'Class; -- A container that requests a specific size for a Gtk_Label that is -- displayed in a Gtk_Notebook tab. This is a workaround against the naive -- algorithm used in gtk+ to compute the size of tabs. What we want is the -- following: -- * if the sum of natural sizes of all tab labels is less than the -- notebook's size, use the natural size (we need to pass this as the -- minimal size as well, since gtk+ notebook always uses the latter). -- * Otherwise, we want all tabs to have the same size (down to a minimum -- after which we'll let the notebook scroll), and use ellipsization in -- the labels. -- This label will automatically collaborate with all other such labels in -- the same notebook for size negociation. MDI_Tab_Class_Record : aliased Glib.Object.Ada_GObject_Class := Glib.Object.Uninitialized_Class; procedure Tab_Class_Init (Self : GObject_Class); pragma Convention (C, Tab_Class_Init); -- Initialize the gtk+ class fields function Short_Title_Less_Than (C1, C2 : MDI_Child) return Boolean; function Short_Title_Less_Than (C1, C2 : MDI_Child) return Boolean is begin return C1.Get_Short_Title < C2.Get_Short_Title; end Short_Title_Less_Than; package Child_Vectors is new Ada.Containers.Vectors (Natural, MDI_Child); package Vector_Sort is new Child_Vectors.Generic_Sorting (Short_Title_Less_Than); procedure Tab_Get_Preferred_Width (Label : System.Address; Minimum_Size, Natural_Size : out Gint); pragma Convention (C, Tab_Get_Preferred_Width); procedure Tab_Get_Preferred_Height (Label : System.Address; Minimum_Size, Natural_Size : out Gint); pragma Convention (C, Tab_Get_Preferred_Height); package Tab_Orientation_Callback is new Gtk.Handlers.User_Callback (Gtk_Notebook_Record, Tab_Orientation_Type); procedure On_Tab_Orientation (Notebook : access Gtk_Notebook_Record'Class; Orientation : Tab_Orientation_Type); -- Called when the user selects a new orientation for the tabs. type MDI_Notebook_Record is new Gtk.Notebook.Gtk_Notebook_Record with record Timestamp : Natural := 0; Tab_Size : Gint; -- Used to handle the sizing of tabs (through MDI_Tab_Record). Tab_Size -- is set to -1 if the tabs should use their natural size. Tab_Orientation : Tab_Orientation_Type := Automatic; -- Orientation for the tabs, as requested by the user Actual_Tab_Orientation : Tab_Orientation_Type := Horizontal; -- The orientation after "Automatic" has been resolved. end record; type MDI_Notebook is access all MDI_Notebook_Record'Class; -- The type of notebooks used in the MDI. procedure Menu_Switch_Page (Item : access Gtk_Widget_Record'Class); -- Called when a Child_Menu_Item is activated package Child_User_Data is new Glib.Object.User_Data (MDI_Child); type Children_Array is array (Natural range <>) of Widget_List.Glist; procedure Free is new Ada.Unchecked_Deallocation (UTF8_String, String_Access); package Tab_Pos_Callback is new Gtk.Handlers.User_Callback (Gtk_Notebook_Record, Gtk.Enums.Gtk_Position_Type); procedure On_Tab_Pos (Note : access Gtk_Notebook_Record'Class; Pos : Gtk.Enums.Gtk_Position_Type); -- Called when the user changes the position of tabs for a specific -- notebook. function Button_Pressed (Child : access Gtk_Widget_Record'Class; Event : Gdk_Event_Button) return Boolean; function Button_Release (Child : access Gtk_Widget_Record'Class; Event : Gdk_Event_Button) return Boolean; function Button_Motion (Child : access Gtk_Widget_Record'Class; Event : Gdk_Event_Motion) return Boolean; -- Handle the various mouse events on a child (or the tab of a child) function Button_Pressed_Forced (Child : access GObject_Record'Class; Event : Gdk_Event_Button) return Boolean; function Button_Motion_Forced (Child : access Gtk_Widget_Record'Class; Event : Gdk_Event_Motion) return Boolean; function Button_Release_Forced (Child : access Gtk_Widget_Record'Class; Event : Gdk_Event_Button; Allow_Move : Boolean := True) return Boolean; -- Same as Button_Pressed, Button_Motion and Button_Release, but perform -- an action even if the event is not related to the child's window. function Button_Motion_Notebook (Note : access Gtk_Widget_Record'Class; Event : Gdk_Event_Motion) return Boolean; function Button_Release_Notebook (Note : access Gtk_Widget_Record'Class; Event : Gdk_Event_Button) return Boolean; -- Same as Button_Motion and Button_Release, but monitor the events on the -- notebook itself (which is where the event is sent during a reorder -- operation). function Button_Pressed_On_Title_Icon (Child : access GObject_Record'Class; Event : Gdk_Event_Button) return Boolean; -- The title icon of a child window was clicked (and if it was a -- double click, we want to close that child). function On_Notebook_Button_Press (Child : access Gtk_Widget_Record'Class; Event : Gdk.Event.Gdk_Event) return Boolean; -- Manage the contextual menu on tabs procedure On_Notebook_Before_Floating_Destroy (Slot : access Glib.Object.GObject_Record'Class); -- Called when a notebook stored before floating a child is destroyed. -- Used to avoid dangling pointers. function Hover_Tabs (N : MDI_Notebook; X_Root, Y_Root : Gdouble) return Boolean; -- Returns True if the given root coordinates are on top of the tabs area -- of the specified notebook. procedure Child_Widget_Shown (Widget : access Gtk_Widget_Record'Class); procedure Child_Widget_Hidden (Widget : access Gtk_Widget_Record'Class); -- Called when the child widget is shown or hidden by the user, to reflect -- that fact at the MDI_Child level, no matter whether the child is -- currently floating or not. procedure On_Select_Child_Update_Close_Menu (Item : access Gtk_Widget_Record'Class; Params : GValues); -- Called to update the "Close" menu item, when a new child is selected procedure On_Float_Child_Update_Menu (Check : access Gtk_Widget_Record'Class); -- Updates the "/Window/Floating" menu item when a child is floated or -- unfloated. The argument is a MDI_Check_Menu_Item function Insert_Child_If_Needed (MDI : access MDI_Window_Record'Class; Child : MDI_Child) return MDI_Child; -- If the child is currently invisible in the perspective, insert it back -- in the MDI. In both case, return the child itself function Create_Notebook (MDI : access MDI_Window_Record'Class) return MDI_Notebook; -- Create a notebook, and set it up for drag-and-drop procedure Configure_Notebook_Tabs (MDI : access MDI_Window_Record'Class; Notebook : access Gtk_Notebook_Record'Class; Hide_If_Empty : Boolean := False); -- Configure the visibility and position of notebook tabs. -- If there are no visible pages and Hide_If_Empty is true, then the -- notebook itself is hidden procedure Update_Tab_Color (Note : access MDI_Notebook_Record'Class; Focused : Boolean); -- Change the background color of the notebook tab containing child, -- depending on whether the child is selected or not. procedure Set_State (Child : access MDI_Child_Record'Class; New_State : State_Type); -- Change the state of Child function Delete_Child (Child : access Gtk_Widget_Record'Class; Event : Gdk_Event) return Boolean; -- Forward a delete_event from the toplevel window to the child procedure Destroy_Child (Child : access Gtk_Widget_Record'Class); procedure Destroy_Initial_Child (Child : access Gtk_Widget_Record'Class); -- Called when either the child itself, or the widget we initially put -- in it, are destroyed. Remove the child from the MDI properly. procedure Destroy_MDI (MDI : access Gtk_Widget_Record'Class); -- Called when the MDI is destroyed procedure Realize_MDI (MDI : access Gtk_Widget_Record'Class); -- Called when the child is realized procedure Map_MDI (MDI : access Gtk_Widget_Record'Class); -- Called when the child is mapped procedure Set_Dnd_Source (Widget : access Gtk_Widget_Record'Class; Child : access Gtk_Widget_Record'Class); -- Setup a widget as either a source or a target for drag-and-drop ops. procedure Get_Dnd_Target (MDI : not null access MDI_Window_Record'Class; Parent : out Gtk_Widget; Position : out Child_Position; Parent_Rectangle : out Gdk_Rectangle; Rectangle : out Gdk_Rectangle; In_Central : out Boolean; Allowed : out Boolean); -- Return the widget that is the current target for dnd -- Position indicated where in the parent the child would be dropped: -- Position_Bottom .. Position_Right: To one of the sides -- Position_Automatic: In the center -- Rectangle are the coordinates of the target rectangle, relative to the -- top-left corner of the MDI. Parent_Rectangle is the area of the -- notebook on top of which the pointer is (so Rectangle is a subrectangle -- of it). -- Allowed is set to False if the current target is invalid for the child. -- In_Central is set to true if the Parent is inside the central area. procedure Draw_Dnd_Rectangle (Child : access MDI_Child_Record'Class; Hide_Only : Boolean := False); -- Draw the DND rectangle function Draw_DnD_Overlay (Self : access Gtk_Widget_Record'Class; Cr : Cairo_Context) return Boolean; -- Used to draw the Dnd overlay over the MDI when Dnd is active procedure Remove_DnD_Overlay (MDI : not null access MDI_Window_Record'Class; Redraw : Boolean := True); -- Remove the DnD preview overlay, if any. procedure Update_Float_Menu (Child : access MDI_Child_Record'Class); -- Update the state of the "Float" menu item associated with child procedure Put_In_Notebook (MDI : access MDI_Window_Record'Class; Child : access MDI_Child_Record'Class; Notebook : MDI_Notebook := null; Initial_Position : Child_Position := Position_Automatic; Force_Parent_Destruction : Boolean := True); -- Remove Child from MDI, and put it under control of a notebook. -- Notebook can be used to specify a specific notebook to which the child -- should be added. If null, this function will compute what notebook -- should be used or created depending on the Child's position attribute. -- If Force_Parent_Destruction is True, then the notebook containing the -- Child will always be destroyed if Child was its last child. Otherwise, -- it is possible that the notebook will be kept, albeit empty. function Get_Notebook (Child : access MDI_Child_Record'Class) return MDI_Notebook; -- Return the notebook that directly contains Child procedure Get_Sorted_List_Of_Visible_Children (MDI : not null access MDI_Window_Record'Class; Vec : out Child_Vectors.Vector); -- Return the list of visible children in Vec. procedure Update_Menu_Model_List_Of_Children (MDI : not null access MDI_Window_Record'Class); procedure Add_Child_Menu (Self : access Glib.Object.GObject_Record'Class; Child : not null access MDI_Child_Record'Class); procedure Remove_Child_Menu (Self : access Glib.Object.GObject_Record'Class; Child : not null access MDI_Child_Record'Class); procedure Update_Child_Menu (Self : access Glib.Object.GObject_Record'Class; Child : not null access MDI_Child_Record'Class); procedure Recompute_Menu (Menu : access Gtk_Widget_Record'Class); procedure On_Child_Selected_Update_Menu (Item : access Gtk_Widget_Record'Class); -- Update the contents of the menu with the list of children. function Find_Child_Menu (Menu : access MDI_Menu_Record'Class; Child : not null access MDI_Child_Record'Class) return Menu_Item_For_Child; -- Return the Menu of Child in MDI procedure Internal_Add_Child_Menu (Menu : access MDI_Menu_Record'Class; Child : not null access MDI_Child_Record'Class; Group : in out Widget_SList.GSlist); -- Add a menu for Child in Group of Menu procedure Internal_Update_Menu_Content (Child : access MDI_Child_Record'Class; It : not null access Gtk_Radio_Menu_Item_Record'Class); -- Destroy and recreate the content of a Menu procedure Split_H_Cb (MDI : access Gtk_Widget_Record'Class); procedure Split_V_Cb (MDI : access Gtk_Widget_Record'Class); procedure Maximize_Cb (MDI : access Gtk_Widget_Record'Class); procedure Unmaximize_Cb (MDI : access Gtk_Widget_Record'Class); procedure Float_Cb (MDI : access GObject_Record'Class); procedure Close_Cb (MDI : access Gtk_Widget_Record'Class); procedure Focus_Cb (Item : access Gtk_Check_Menu_Item_Record'Class); -- Callbacks for the menu procedure On_Action_Floating (MDI : access GObject_Record'Class; Parameter : Glib.Variant.Gvariant); procedure On_Action_Close (MDI : access GObject_Record'Class; Parameter : Glib.Variant.Gvariant); procedure On_Action_Split_H (MDI : access GObject_Record'Class; Parameter : Glib.Variant.Gvariant); procedure On_Action_Split_V (MDI : access GObject_Record'Class; Parameter : Glib.Variant.Gvariant); procedure On_Action_Select (MDI : access GObject_Record'Class; Parameter : Glib.Variant.Gvariant); -- Callbacks for the Gaction associated with menus. procedure Set_Focus_Child_MDI (MDI : access Gtk_Widget_Record'Class; Args : Gtk_Args); procedure Set_Focus_Child_Notebook (Note : access Gtk_Widget_Record'Class; Args : Gtk_Args); -- Called when the widget that has the keyboard focus has changed. This is -- used to automatically select its parent MDI_Child. function Set_Focus_Child_MDI_Floating (Child : access Gtk_Widget_Record'Class) return Boolean; -- Same as Set_Focus_Child_MDI, but for floating windows function Set_Focus_Child_MDI_From_Tab (Child : access GObject_Record'Class; Event : Gdk_Event_Button) return Boolean; -- Gives the focus to Child when the notebook tab associated with it is -- pressed. procedure Set_Focus_Child_Switch_Notebook_Page (Note : access Gtk_Widget_Record'Class; Args : Gtk_Args); -- Called when a new page from a notebook has been selected, in particular -- when using the scroll arrows when there are too many pages to be -- displayed function Toplevel_Focus_In (MDI : access GObject_Record'Class; Event : Gdk_Event_Focus) return Boolean; -- Called when the toplevel window that contains a the MDI gains the focus -- from the window manager procedure Give_Focus_To_Child (Child : MDI_Child); -- Give the focus to a specific MDI child -- You should never call Grab_Focus directly function Matching_Children (MDI : access MDI_Window_Record'Class; Str : String) return Children_Array; -- Return the list of children of the MDI that match Str procedure Reset_Title_Bars_And_Colors (MDI : access MDI_Window_Record'Class); -- Reset the color and title bar of the MDI Child. procedure Update_Selection_Dialog (MDI : access MDI_Window_Record'Class; Increment : Integer); -- Update the currently selected child in the selection dialog, so that it -- matches the filter. function Key_Event_In_Floating (Win : access Gtk_Widget_Record'Class; Event : Gdk_Event) return Boolean; -- Forward the key press event to the Win function Key_Event_Selection_Dialog (MDI : access Gtk_Widget_Record'Class; Event : Gdk_Event) return Boolean; -- Handle key events in the selection dialog procedure Update_Tab_Label (Child : access MDI_Child_Record'Class); -- Return the tab to use in the notebooks containing Child function Find_Current_In_Central (Pane : access Gtkada_Multi_Paned_Record'Class; MDI : access MDI_Window_Record'Class; Group : Child_Group := Group_Any; Initial_Position : Child_Position := Position_Automatic) return MDI_Notebook; -- Return the first notebook that contains at least one child within the -- given Group. The search starts in the notebook that currently has the -- focus. -- A new notebook is created if needed (ie if no notebook has a child with -- the same attribute). procedure Removed_From_Notebook (Note : access Gtk_Widget_Record'Class; Args : Gtk_Args); -- Called when a child is removed from one of the notebooks procedure Emit_By_Name_Child (Object : System.Address; Name : String; Child : System.Address); pragma Import (C, Emit_By_Name_Child, "ada_g_signal_emit_by_name_ptr"); procedure Emit_By_Name (Object : System.Address; Name : String); pragma Import (C, Emit_By_Name, "ada_g_signal_emit_by_name"); procedure Emit_By_Name_Str (Object : System.Address; Name, Param : String); pragma Import (C, Emit_By_Name_Str, "ada_g_signal_emit_by_name_ptr"); -- Both Name and Param must end with ASCII.NUL procedure Internal_Float_Child (Child : access MDI_Child_Record'Class; Float : Boolean; Position_At_Mouse : Boolean; X, Y : Gint; Width, Height : Gint := -1); -- internal version of Float_Child, where the user can choose whether the -- new floating window should be located where the mouse is, or at -- coordinates specified by (X, Y). -- (Width, Height) can be use to force a specific size. procedure Set_Child_Title_Bar (Child : access MDI_Child_Record'Class); -- Hide or display the title bar of the child, depending on its status. procedure Note_Notify (Data : System.Address; Where : System.Address); pragma Convention (C, Note_Notify); -- Notified if the old notebook that contained Child is destroyed function In_Central_Area (MDI : access MDI_Window_Record'Class; Child : access Gtk_Widget_Record'Class) return Boolean; -- Whether Child is in the central area procedure Move_To_Next_Notebook (Iterator : in out Child_Iterator); -- Move to the next notebook for this iterator (does nothing if Iterator -- already points to a notebook). procedure Freeze_Focus (MDI : access MDI_Window_Record'Class); -- Freeze emission of focus changes. Each of these calls should correspond -- to a call to Thaw_Focus below. procedure Thaw_Focus (MDI : access MDI_Window_Record'Class); -- Unfreeze the emission of the focus, and do the actual focus change on -- the current child. procedure For_Each_Notebook (Self : not null access MDI_Window_Record'Class; Central_Only : Boolean; Callback : not null access procedure (Note : MDI_Notebook)); -- Traverse all notebooks contained in Self. package Close_Button is -- We use an event box as a basis so that we have a gdk_window -- available for handling mouse events. We'll set this event box as -- transparent to be able to draw transparent buttons as we wish. type Gtkada_MDI_Close_Button_Record is new Gtk_Event_Box_Record with record Child : MDI_Child; -- The child this button is attached to Tab_Over : Boolean; -- Whether the mouse is over the button's container Over : Boolean; -- Whether the mouse is over the button Pressed : Boolean; -- Whether the button is pressed In_Titlebar : Boolean; -- Whether the button is in the title bar or in the tab Position : Gtk_Position_Type; -- The tab's position Default_Size : Glib.Gint; -- The button's default size. The actual drawing depends on the final -- allocated space. end record; type Gtkada_MDI_Close_Button is access all Gtkada_MDI_Close_Button_Record'Class; procedure Gtk_New (Button : out Gtkada_MDI_Close_Button; Tab : access Gtk_Widget_Record'Class; Child : access MDI_Child_Record'Class; Position : Gtk.Enums.Gtk_Position_Type; In_Titlebar : Boolean); -- Tab: the button's container. This container shall have a Gdk_Window -- to allow mouse motion event retrieval. -- Child: the MDI child that button is attached to. This child is closed -- upon button click. -- In_Titlebar: set to True if the button is in the title bar, to false -- if it's in the notebook tab. end Close_Button; package body Close_Button is separate; package Maximize_Action is function Is_Maximized_Mode (MDI : access MDI_Window_Record'Class) return Boolean; -- Return True if a child is currently maximized in MDI procedure On_Toggle_Maximize (Child : access Gtk_Widget_Record'Class); -- Callback when the signal "double_click_child_tab" is sent procedure On_Remove_Child (Self : access Gtk.Widget.Gtk_Widget_Record'Class); -- Called before destroying a child procedure Hide_When_Maximized (MDI : access MDI_Window_Record'Class); -- Hide the non-maximized MDI children procedure Free_Saved_Data (MDI : access MDI_Window_Record'Class); -- Free the data used by the maximize feature end Maximize_Action; package body Maximize_Action is separate; function Get_Icon (Child : not null access MDI_Child_Record'Class) return Gtk_Image; -- Retrieve icon. Can return null. --------------------- -- In_Central_Area -- --------------------- function In_Central_Area (MDI : access MDI_Window_Record'Class; Child : access Gtk_Widget_Record'Class) return Boolean is P : Gtk_Widget := Get_Parent (Child); begin while P /= null and then P /= Gtk_Widget (MDI) loop if P = Gtk_Widget (MDI.Central) then return True; end if; P := Get_Parent (P); end loop; return False; end In_Central_Area; --------------- -- Set_State -- --------------- procedure Set_State (Child : access MDI_Child_Record'Class; New_State : State_Type) is Old_State : constant State_Type := Child.State; begin if New_State /= Old_State then Child.State := New_State; Widget_Callback.Emit_By_Name (Child, Signal_Child_State_Changed); end if; end Set_State; ------------------------ -- Get_Child_Notebook -- ------------------------ function Get_Child_Notebook (Child : access MDI_Child_Record'Class) return Gtk.Notebook.Gtk_Notebook is Notebook : constant MDI_Notebook := Get_Notebook (Child); begin return Gtk_Notebook (Notebook); end Get_Child_Notebook; ------------------ -- Get_Notebook -- ------------------ function Get_Notebook (Child : access MDI_Child_Record'Class) return MDI_Notebook is begin case Child.State is when Floating => return null; when Invisible => return null; when Normal => if Get_Parent (Child) /= null and then Get_Parent (Child).all in Gtk_Notebook_Record'Class then return MDI_Notebook (Get_Parent (Child)); end if; return null; end case; end Get_Notebook; ------------------------- -- Set_Focus_Child_MDI -- ------------------------- procedure Set_Focus_Child_MDI (MDI : access Gtk_Widget_Record'Class; Args : Gtk_Args) is Widget : Gtk_Widget := Gtk_Widget (To_Object (Args, 1)); begin -- This code must always be executed (we cannot take into account -- whether the MDI has the focus or not). Otherwise, clicking -- inside an open editor in GPS, for instance, will not properly give -- the focus to the MDI child if Widget /= null then -- The widget is currently either a notebook or the Gtk_Fixed. Get -- its focus widget, which is the one we are really interested in. Widget := Get_Focus_Child (Gtk_Container (Widget)); if Widget /= null then Print_Debug ("Set_Focus_Child_MDI"); Set_Focus_Child (MDI_Window (MDI), Containing => Widget); end if; end if; -- No need to call the parent's set_focus_child, this is called -- automatically when the signal is propagated. end Set_Focus_Child_MDI; ------------------------------------------ -- Set_Focus_Child_Switch_Notebook_Page -- ------------------------------------------ procedure Set_Focus_Child_Switch_Notebook_Page (Note : access Gtk_Widget_Record'Class; Args : Gtk_Args) is N : constant Gtk_Notebook := Gtk_Notebook (Note); Page : constant Guint := To_Guint (Args, 2); Child : MDI_Child; begin Child := MDI_Child (Get_Nth_Page (N, Gint (Page))); -- Avoid setting the focus child at this point when we are performing -- a Drag'n'Drop operation: the focus will be set properly once it -- has fully finished. if Child /= null and then Child.MDI.In_Drag = No_Drag then Print_Debug ("Set_Focus_Child_Switch_Notebook_Page " & Get_Title (Child)); Set_Focus_Child (Child); end if; end Set_Focus_Child_Switch_Notebook_Page; ------------------------------ -- Set_Focus_Child_Notebook -- ------------------------------ procedure Set_Focus_Child_Notebook (Note : access Gtk_Widget_Record'Class; Args : Gtk_Args) is pragma Unreferenced (Note); Widget : constant Gtk_Widget := Gtk_Widget (To_Object (Args, 1)); begin -- This code must always be executed (we cannot take into account -- whether the notebook has the focus or not). Otherwise, clicking -- inside an open editor in GPS, for instance, will not properly give -- the focus to the MDI child if Widget /= null and then Widget.all in MDI_Child_Record'Class then Print_Debug ("Set_Focus_Child_Notebook " & Get_Title (MDI_Child (Widget))); Set_Focus_Child (MDI_Child (Widget)); end if; end Set_Focus_Child_Notebook; ---------------------------------- -- Set_Focus_Child_MDI_Floating -- ---------------------------------- function Set_Focus_Child_MDI_Floating (Child : access Gtk_Widget_Record'Class) return Boolean is C : constant MDI_Child := MDI_Child (Child); begin Print_Debug ("Set_Focus_Child_MDI_Floating"); Set_Focus_Child (C); return False; end Set_Focus_Child_MDI_Floating; ---------------------------------- -- Set_Focus_Child_MDI_From_Tab -- ---------------------------------- function Set_Focus_Child_MDI_From_Tab (Child : access GObject_Record'Class; Event : Gdk_Event_Button) return Boolean is Tmp : Boolean; pragma Unreferenced (Tmp); begin if Event.The_Type = Button_Release then Tmp := Button_Release (Child => Gtk_Widget (Child), Event => Event); return False; elsif Event.Button = 1 then -- Let the event through if the child already has the focus. This way -- the notebook tab of the focus child can still be used for -- drag-and-drop if MDI_Child (Child).MDI.Focus_Child = MDI_Child (Child) then return False; else -- Process the button press event to select the child and start a -- drag-and-drop operation Tmp := Button_Pressed_Forced (Child => Child, Event => Event); -- is called as a result of a button_press event in the -- notebook's. tabs The call to Set_Focus_Child above raises the -- child and gives it the focus appropriately. However, if we let -- the signal go through it will be handled by the notebook, which -- will not see change in the current page, and will give the -- focus to the tab itself, not to the page's contents. return True; end if; end if; return False; end Set_Focus_Child_MDI_From_Tab; ----------------------- -- Toplevel_Focus_In -- ----------------------- function Toplevel_Focus_In (MDI : access GObject_Record'Class; Event : Gdk_Event_Focus) return Boolean is pragma Unreferenced (Event); M : constant MDI_Window := MDI_Window (MDI); Win : constant Gtk_Window := Gtk_Window (Get_Toplevel (M)); begin Print_Debug ("Toplevel_Focus_In"); -- When the main window gains the focus, make sure to give the focus -- to the MDI child that had the focus before leaving the main window. if (M.Focus_Child /= null and then M.Focus_Child.State = Floating) or else M.Focus_Child = null then declare Focus_Widget : constant Gtk_Widget := Win.Get_Focus; Child : MDI_Child := null; begin if Focus_Widget /= null then Child := Find_MDI_Child_From_Widget (Focus_Widget); end if; -- If the focus widget of the main window is contained in a MDI -- child, make sure to give it the focus too. -- -- Otherwise, give the focus to the last focused MDI child of the -- main window. if Child /= null then Give_Focus_To_Child (Child); M.Set_Focus_Child (Child); end if; end; end if; return False; end Toplevel_Focus_In; --------------------------- -- Setup_Toplevel_Window -- --------------------------- procedure Setup_Toplevel_Window (MDI : access MDI_Window_Record; Parent : access Gtk.Window.Gtk_Window_Record'Class) is begin Parent.On_Focus_In_Event (Toplevel_Focus_In'Access, MDI); end Setup_Toplevel_Window; ------------- -- Gtk_New -- ------------- procedure Gtk_New (MDI : out MDI_Window; Group : access Gtk.Accel_Group.Gtk_Accel_Group_Record'Class; Independent_Perspectives : Boolean := False) is begin MDI := new MDI_Window_Record; Gtkada.MDI.Initialize (MDI, Group, Independent_Perspectives); end Gtk_New; -------------- -- Get_Type -- -------------- function Get_Type return Glib.GType is Signal_Parameters : constant Glib.Object.Signal_Parameter_Types (Integer (MDI_Signals'First) .. Integer (MDI_Signals'Last), 1 .. 1) := (1 => (1 => GType_Pointer), 2 => (1 => GType_Pointer), 3 => (1 => GType_Pointer), 4 => (1 => GType_Pointer), 5 => (1 => GType_Pointer), 6 => (1 => GType_Pointer), 7 => (1 => GType_None), 8 => (1 => GType_None), 9 => (1 => GType_Pointer), 10 => (1 => GType_Pointer), 11 => (1 => GType_Pointer), 12 => (1 => GType_String)); begin Glib.Object.Initialize_Class_Record (Ancestor => Gtkada.Multi_Paned.Get_Type, Signals => MDI_Signals, Class_Record => MDI_Class_Record, Type_Name => "GtkAdaMDI", Parameters => Signal_Parameters); return MDI_Class_Record.The_Type; end Get_Type; ---------------- -- Initialize -- ---------------- procedure Initialize (MDI : access MDI_Window_Record'Class; Group : access Gtk.Accel_Group.Gtk_Accel_Group_Record'Class; Independent_Perspectives : Boolean := False) is Ctx : Gtk_Style_Context; Success : Boolean; Title_Color : Gdk.RGBA.Gdk_RGBA; Focus_Color : Gdk.RGBA.Gdk_RGBA; begin G_New (MDI, Gtkada.MDI.Get_Type); -- void if already initialized Gtkada.Multi_Paned.Initialize (MDI); -- Initialize parent Ada fields Get_Style_Context (MDI).Add_Class ("mdi"); -- Request a null size, so that the window can be resized at will, even -- though we have played with Set_Size_Request on the children. Set_Size_Request (MDI, 0, 0); -- The MDI must have a window, so that we can change the background -- color. No other notebook or paned inside has a window Set_Has_Window (MDI, True); MDI.Group := Gtk_Accel_Group (Group); MDI.Independent_Perspectives := Independent_Perspectives; Set_Dnd_Message (MDI, ""); Parse (Title_Color, Default_Title_Bar_Color, Success); Parse (Focus_Color, Default_Title_Bar_Focus_Color, Success); Gtk_New (MDI.Css_Provider); Gtk.Style_Context.Add_Provider_For_Screen (Get_Style_Context (MDI).Get_Screen, +MDI.Css_Provider, Priority => Gtk.Style_Provider.Priority_Settings); Ctx := Get_Style_Context (MDI); Ctx.Get_Color (Gtk_State_Flag_Normal, MDI.Default_Title_Color); Configure (MDI, Title_Bar_Color => Title_Color, Focus_Title_Color => Focus_Color); -- Create a default empty central area. That will be overridden if the -- user loads a perspective later on Gtk_New (MDI.Central); Add_Child (MDI, MDI.Central); -- Put an empty notebook in the MDI, which will act as a recipient for -- the Position_Default widgets Add_Child (MDI.Central, New_Child => Create_Notebook (MDI), Width => -1, Height => -1, Orientation => Orientation_Vertical); Widget_Callback.Connect (MDI, Gtk.Widget.Signal_Realize, Widget_Callback.To_Marshaller (Realize_MDI'Access)); Widget_Callback.Connect (MDI, Gtk.Widget.Signal_Map, Widget_Callback.To_Marshaller (Map_MDI'Access)); Widget_Callback.Connect (MDI, Signal_Destroy, Widget_Callback.To_Marshaller (Destroy_MDI'Access)); Widget_Callback.Connect (MDI, Signal_Set_Focus_Child, Set_Focus_Child_MDI'Access); end Initialize; ----------------------- -- Matching_Children -- ----------------------- function Matching_Children (MDI : access MDI_Window_Record'Class; Str : String) return Children_Array is Count : constant Natural := Natural (Length (MDI.Items)); Children : Children_Array (1 .. Count); L : Widget_List.Glist := MDI.Items; Ind : Natural := Children'First; C : MDI_Child; begin while L /= Null_List loop C := MDI_Child (Get_Data (L)); if Str = "" or else Index (To_Lower (Get_Short_Title (C)), Str) /= 0 then Children (Ind) := L; Ind := Ind + 1; end if; L := Next (L); end loop; return Children (Children'First .. Ind - 1); end Matching_Children; ----------------------------- -- Update_Selection_Dialog -- ----------------------------- procedure Update_Selection_Dialog (MDI : access MDI_Window_Record'Class; Increment : Integer) is D : constant Selection_Dialog_Access := Selection_Dialog_Access (MDI.Selection_Dialog); Str : constant UTF8_String := Get_Text (D.Ent); Children : constant Children_Array := Matching_Children (MDI, To_Lower (Str)); Index : Integer := Children'First; Tmp : Integer; Pos : Gint := -1; begin -- Update graphically the list of children matching the filter D.Length := Str'Length; Insert_Text (D.Ent, " {", Pos); Set_Position (D.Ent, Gint (D.Length)); -- Find the index of the current child if Children'Length /= 0 then while Index <= Children'Last loop exit when Children (Index) = D.Current_Child; Index := Index + 1; end loop; Index := Index + Increment; if Index > Children'Last then Index := Children'First; elsif Index < Children'First then Index := Children'Last; end if; Tmp := Index; loop if Tmp /= Index then Insert_Text (D.Ent, ",", Pos); end if; Insert_Text (D.Ent, Get_Short_Title (MDI_Child (Get_Data (Children (Tmp)))), Pos); Tmp := (Tmp + 1 - Children'First) mod Children'Length + Children'First; exit when Tmp = Index; end loop; D.Current_Child := Children (Index); else D.Current_Child := Null_List; end if; Insert_Text (D.Ent, "}", Pos); if D.Current_Child = Null_List then Set_Text (D.Label, ""); Set_Child_Visible (D.Icon, False); else declare C : MDI_Child; Scaled : Gdk_Pixbuf; begin C := MDI_Child (Get_Data (D.Current_Child)); Set_Text (D.Label, Get_Short_Title (C)); if C.Icon_Name /= null then D.Icon.Set_From_Icon_Name (C.Icon_Name.all, Size => Icon_Size_Menu); elsif C.Title_Icon /= null then Scaled := Get_Icon (C); Set_Child_Visible (D.Icon, Scaled /= null); if Scaled /= null then Scaled := Scale_Simple (Scaled, 32, 32); Gtk.Image.Set (D.Icon, Scaled); Unref (Scaled); end if; end if; end; end if; end Update_Selection_Dialog; -------------------------------- -- Key_Event_Selection_Dialog -- -------------------------------- function Key_Event_Selection_Dialog (MDI : access Gtk_Widget_Record'Class; Event : Gdk_Event) return Boolean is M : constant MDI_Window := MDI_Window (MDI); D : constant Selection_Dialog_Access := Selection_Dialog_Access (M.Selection_Dialog); Close : Boolean := False; Tmp : Boolean; Key : Gdk_Key_Type; pragma Unreferenced (Tmp); begin -- This isn't a key press for the next_child or previous_child -- functions, since those are handled by the outside application. if Get_Event_Type (Event) = Key_Press then Key := Event.Key.Keyval; if Key = Gdk.Types.Keysyms.GDK_BackSpace or else Key = Gdk.Types.Keysyms.GDK_Delete then Delete_Text (D.Ent, Gint (D.Length) - 1, -1); else Delete_Text (D.Ent, Gint (D.Length), -1); Event.Key.State := 0; Tmp := Return_Callback.Emit_By_Name (D.Ent, "key_press_event", Event); end if; Update_Selection_Dialog (M, 0); return True; elsif Get_Event_Type (Event) = Key_Release then Key := Event.Key.Keyval; -- As soon as one of the modifiers of the initial key is released, -- we close the dialog if (D.Modifier and Control_Mask) /= 0 and then (Key = Gdk.Types.Keysyms.GDK_Control_L or else Key = Gdk.Types.Keysyms.GDK_Control_R or else Key = Gdk.Types.Keysyms.GDK_ISO_Next_Group) then Close := True; elsif (D.Modifier and Mod1_Mask) /= 0 and then (Key = Gdk.Types.Keysyms.GDK_Meta_L or else Key = Gdk.Types.Keysyms.GDK_Meta_R or else Key = Gdk.Types.Keysyms.GDK_Alt_L or else Key = Gdk.Types.Keysyms.GDK_Alt_R) then Close := True; elsif (D.Modifier and Shift_Mask) /= 0 and then (Key = Gdk.Types.Keysyms.GDK_Shift_L or else Key = Gdk.Types.Keysyms.GDK_Shift_R) then Close := True; elsif Key = Gdk.Types.Keysyms.GDK_Escape then Close := True; end if; if Close then if D.Current_Child /= Null_List then Set_Focus_Child (MDI_Child (Widget_List.Get_Data (D.Current_Child))); end if; Keyboard_Ungrab (Time => 0); M.Selection_Dialog.Grab_Remove; Destroy (M.Selection_Dialog); M.Selection_Dialog := null; end if; return True; end if; return False; end Key_Event_Selection_Dialog; ----------------------- -- For_Each_Notebook -- ----------------------- procedure For_Each_Notebook (Self : not null access MDI_Window_Record'Class; Central_Only : Boolean; Callback : not null access procedure (Note : MDI_Notebook)) is procedure For_Multi_Paned (Pane : not null access Gtkada_Multi_Paned_Record'Class); -- Process a specific multi-pane recursively procedure For_Multi_Paned (Pane : not null access Gtkada_Multi_Paned_Record'Class) is Iter : Gtkada.Multi_Paned.Child_Iterator := Pane.Start; W : Gtk_Widget; begin while not At_End (Iter) loop W := Get_Widget (Iter); if W = null then null; -- separator elsif W.all in Gtkada_Multi_Paned_Record'Class then For_Multi_Paned (Gtkada_Multi_Paned (W)); else Callback (MDI_Notebook (W)); end if; Next (Iter); end loop; end For_Multi_Paned; begin if Central_Only then For_Multi_Paned (Self.Central); else For_Multi_Paned (Self); end if; end For_Each_Notebook; ---------------------------------------- -- Check_Interactive_Selection_Dialog -- ---------------------------------------- procedure Check_Interactive_Selection_Dialog (MDI : access MDI_Window_Record; Event : Gdk.Event.Gdk_Event; Move_To_Next : Boolean; Only_Group : Child_Group := Group_Any) is D : Selection_Dialog_Access; Box, HBox : Gtk_Box; Frame : Gtk_Frame; Tmp : Gdk_Grab_Status; pragma Unreferenced (Tmp); begin if MDI.Items = Null_List then return; end if; if Event = null or else (Get_Event_Type (Event) /= Key_Press and then Get_Event_Type (Event) /= Key_Release) then if MDI.Focus_Child = null then -- Nothing to do return; end if; -- We can't simply look at MDI.Items, since otherwise we -- will only be traversing the same two items in the -- following scenario: split main window in 3; select window 1; -- move to next window (window 2 is selected and moved to front -- of MDI.Items); move to next window (window 1 is selected -- again). declare Current : constant MDI_Notebook := Get_Notebook (MDI.Focus_Child); Child : MDI_Child; procedure On_Notebook (Note : MDI_Notebook); -- Called for each notebook in the MDI First_Notebook : MDI_Notebook; Prev_Notebook : MDI_Notebook; Next_Notebook : MDI_Notebook; Last_Notebook : MDI_Notebook; -- The notebook just before or just after the current notebook, -- for which the current child belongs to the right group. Found : Boolean := False; procedure On_Notebook (Note : MDI_Notebook) is C : MDI_Child; begin if Note = Current then Found := True; else C := MDI_Child (Note.Get_Nth_Page (Note.Get_Current_Page)); if Only_Group /= Group_Any and then C.Group /= Only_Group then -- Not a notebook we are interested in return; end if; -- Store first and last notebook, to wrap around Last_Notebook := Note; if First_Notebook = null then First_Notebook := Note; end if; if not Found then Prev_Notebook := Note; elsif Next_Notebook = null then Next_Notebook := Note; end if; end if; end On_Notebook; begin For_Each_Notebook (MDI, Central_Only => False, Callback => On_Notebook'Access); if Move_To_Next then if Next_Notebook = null then Next_Notebook := First_Notebook; end if; if Next_Notebook /= null then Child := MDI_Child (Next_Notebook.Get_Nth_Page (Next_Notebook.Get_Current_Page)); Set_Focus_Child (Child); end if; else if Prev_Notebook = null then Prev_Notebook := Last_Notebook; end if; if Prev_Notebook /= null then Child := MDI_Child (Prev_Notebook.Get_Nth_Page (Prev_Notebook.Get_Current_Page)); Set_Focus_Child (Child); end if; end if; end; return; end if; if MDI.Selection_Dialog = null then D := new Selection_Dialog_Record; Initialize (D, Window_Popup); if MDI.All_Floating_Mode then Set_Position (D, Win_Pos_Mouse); else Set_Transient_For (D, Gtk_Window (Get_Toplevel (MDI))); Set_Position (D, Win_Pos_Center_On_Parent); end if; Set_Default_Size (D, 300, 70); Gtk_New (Frame); Add (D, Frame); -- By default, switch between the last two selected items D.Current_Child := First (MDI.Items); Gtk_New_Vbox (Box, Homogeneous => False); Add (Frame, Box); Gtk_New_Hbox (HBox, Homogeneous => False); Pack_Start (Box, HBox, Expand => False); Gtk_New (D.Icon); Pack_Start (HBox, D.Icon, Expand => False); Gtk_New (D.Label); Pack_Start (HBox, D.Label, Expand => True, Fill => True); Gtk_New (D.Ent); Pack_Start (Box, D.Ent, Expand => True); Show_All (D); D.Modifier := Get_State (Event); MDI.Selection_Dialog := Gtk_Widget (D); -- Make sure all the key events are forwarded to us, as otherwise -- if the mouse was moving out of the window we wouldn't the -- events Tmp := Keyboard_Grab (Get_Window (D), True, Time => 0); D.Grab_Add; Grab_Focus (D.Ent); Return_Callback.Object_Connect (D, Signal_Key_Release_Event, Return_Callback.To_Marshaller (Key_Event_Selection_Dialog'Access), MDI); Return_Callback.Object_Connect (D, Signal_Key_Press_Event, Return_Callback.To_Marshaller (Key_Event_Selection_Dialog'Access), MDI); else D := Selection_Dialog_Access (MDI.Selection_Dialog); Delete_Text (D.Ent, Gint (D.Length), -1); end if; if Move_To_Next then Update_Selection_Dialog (MDI, +1); else Update_Selection_Dialog (MDI, -1); end if; end Check_Interactive_Selection_Dialog; --------------- -- Configure -- --------------- procedure Configure (MDI : access MDI_Window_Record; Opaque_Resize : Boolean := False; Close_Floating_Is_Unfloat : Boolean := True; Title_Font : Pango_Font_Description := null; Title_Bar_Color : Gdk.RGBA.Gdk_RGBA := Gdk.RGBA.Null_RGBA; Focus_Title_Color : Gdk.RGBA.Gdk_RGBA := Gdk.RGBA.Null_RGBA; Draw_Title_Bars : Title_Bars_Policy := Always; Tabs_Position : Gtk.Enums.Gtk_Position_Type := Gtk.Enums.Pos_Top; Show_Tabs_Policy : Show_Tabs_Policy_Enum := Automatic; Homogeneous_Tabs : Boolean := True; Tabs_Orientation : Tab_Orientation_Type := Automatic) is C : MDI_Child; Need_Redraw : Boolean := MDI.Draw_Title_Bars /= Draw_Title_Bars; Iter : Child_Iterator; Old_Tabs_Pos : constant Gtk_Position_Type := MDI.Tabs_Position; Pos_Changed : constant Boolean := Old_Tabs_Pos /= Tabs_Position; Old_Tabs_Rot : constant Tab_Orientation_Type := MDI.Tabs_Orientation; Rot_Changed : constant Boolean := Old_Tabs_Rot /= Tabs_Orientation; Note : Gtk_Notebook; Success : Boolean; pragma Unreferenced (Success); Default_Bg : Gdk.RGBA.Gdk_RGBA; Homogeneous_Changed : constant Boolean := MDI.Homogeneous_Tabs /= Homogeneous_Tabs; begin MDI.Close_Floating_Is_Unfloat := Close_Floating_Is_Unfloat; MDI.Draw_Title_Bars := Draw_Title_Bars; MDI.Tabs_Position := Tabs_Position; MDI.Tabs_Orientation := Tabs_Orientation; MDI.Show_Tabs_Policy := Show_Tabs_Policy; MDI.Homogeneous_Tabs := Homogeneous_Tabs; Set_Opaque_Resizing (MDI, Opaque_Resize); if MDI.Central /= null then MDI.Central.Set_Opaque_Resizing (Opaque_Resize); end if; if MDI.Title_Font /= null then Free (MDI.Title_Font); end if; if Title_Font = null then MDI.Title_Font := From_String (Default_Title_Font); else MDI.Title_Font := Copy (Title_Font); end if; MDI.Title_Bar_Height := 2 + Get_Size (MDI.Title_Font) / Pango.Enums.Pango_Scale; if (Focus_Title_Color /= Gdk.RGBA.Null_RGBA and then MDI.Focus_Title_Color /= Focus_Title_Color) or (Title_Bar_Color /= Gdk.RGBA.Null_RGBA and then MDI.Title_Bar_Color /= Title_Bar_Color) then MDI.Focus_Title_Color := Focus_Title_Color; MDI.Title_Bar_Color := Title_Bar_Color; Get_Style_Context (MDI).Get_Background_Color (Gtk.Enums.Gtk_State_Flag_Normal, Default_Bg); declare Err : aliased GError; C : constant String := Gdk.RGBA.To_String (MDI.Focus_Title_Color); Bg : constant String := Gdk.RGBA.To_String (MDI.Title_Bar_Color); LF : Character renames ASCII.LF; -- This will highlight the whole notebook in blue when not -- using a proper theme. Otherwise, the theme will override -- some of the settings, and only the current focused tab -- will be highlighted with the title color. -- The theme should define -- .mdifocused {background-image: -gtk-gradient{...}} -- or some such, to give a background to the tabs. We can't -- do it here, since the following is loaded with a higher -- priority than the theme, and thus it would override the -- theme. Css : constant String := ".mdititle {" & LF & -- Normal title " border-width: 2px;" & LF & " background-image: -gtk-gradient(" & LF & " linear," & LF & " left top, left bottom," & LF & " from(" & Bg & ")," & LF & " to(shade(" & Bg & ",1.1)));" & LF & "}" & LF & ".mdifocused .mdititle {" & LF & -- Focused title " background-image: -gtk-gradient(" & LF & " linear," & LF & " left top, left bottom," & LF & " from(" & C & ")," & LF & " to(shade(" & C & ",1.1)));" & LF & "}"; begin Success := MDI.Css_Provider.Load_From_Data (Css, Err'Access); end; end if; -- Ignore changes in colors, unless the MDI is realized Iter := First_Child (MDI, Group_By_Notebook => True, Visible_Only => True); loop C := Get (Iter); exit when C = null; if Get_Notebook (Iter) /= Note then Note := Get_Notebook (Iter); if Note /= null then -- Unless we had a specific position for tabs in this notebook if Pos_Changed and then Get_Tab_Pos (Note) = Old_Tabs_Pos then On_Tab_Pos (Note, MDI.Tabs_Position); elsif Rot_Changed and then MDI_Notebook (Note).Tab_Orientation = Old_Tabs_Rot then On_Tab_Orientation (Note, MDI.Tabs_Orientation); end if; Configure_Notebook_Tabs (MDI, Note); end if; end if; if Homogeneous_Changed then Update_Tab_Label (C); end if; Next (Iter); end loop; if MDI.Get_Realized then if Title_Bar_Color /= Null_RGBA then Need_Redraw := True; end if; if Focus_Title_Color /= Null_RGBA then Need_Redraw := True; end if; end if; Reset_Title_Bars_And_Colors (MDI); if Need_Redraw then Queue_Draw (MDI); end if; end Configure; ------------------------------ -- Independent_Perspectives -- ------------------------------ function Independent_Perspectives (MDI : access MDI_Window_Record) return Boolean is begin return MDI.Independent_Perspectives; end Independent_Perspectives; --------------------------------- -- Reset_Title_Bars_And_Colors -- --------------------------------- procedure Reset_Title_Bars_And_Colors (MDI : access MDI_Window_Record'Class) is List : Widget_List.Glist; C : MDI_Child; begin List := First (MDI.Items); while List /= Null_List loop C := MDI_Child (Get_Data (List)); C.Title_Label.Override_Font (MDI.Title_Font); Set_Child_Title_Bar (C); List := Widget_List.Next (List); end loop; end Reset_Title_Bars_And_Colors; ----------------- -- Realize_MDI -- ----------------- procedure Realize_MDI (MDI : access Gtk_Widget_Record'Class) is M : constant MDI_Window := MDI_Window (MDI); begin if M.Cursor_Cross = null then Gdk_New (M.Cursor_Cross, Cross); end if; Queue_Resize (MDI); end Realize_MDI; ------------- -- Map_MDI -- ------------- procedure Map_MDI (MDI : access Gtk_Widget_Record'Class) is M : constant MDI_Window := MDI_Window (MDI); begin if M.Focus_Child /= null then Update_Tab_Color (Get_Notebook (M.Focus_Child), True); end if; end Map_MDI; ----------------- -- Destroy_MDI -- ----------------- procedure Destroy_MDI (MDI : access Gtk_Widget_Record'Class) is M : constant MDI_Window := MDI_Window (MDI); Tmp : Widget_List.Glist := First (M.Items); N : Widget_List.Glist; C : MDI_Child; begin Print_Debug ("Destroy_MDI"); -- Note: we only destroy the floating children. Other children will be -- destroyed when their parent container is destroyed, so we have -- nothing to do for them. -- Make sure to disconnect the DnD draw handler, if any Remove_DnD_Overlay (M, Redraw => False); while Tmp /= Null_List loop -- Get the next field first, since Destroy will actually destroy Tmp C := MDI_Child (Get_Data (Tmp)); N := Next (Tmp); if C.State = Floating then Print_Debug ("Destroy_MDI => Destroying floating " & Get_Title (C)); Destroy (C); elsif C.State = Invisible then Print_Debug ("Destroy_MDI => Unref invisible " & Get_Title (C)); Set_State (C, Normal); Unref (C); else Print_Debug ("Destroy_MDI => Do nothing to " & Get_Title (C)); -- Pretend the child is not docked or floating. Otherwise, -- Destroy_Child would try to undock the child. Standard gtk+ -- containers handle this by having this destroy callback called -- last, but it isn't doable from GtkAda since it means modifying -- the pointer-to-subprogram in the Class struct. Set_State (C, Normal); end if; Tmp := N; end loop; Free (M.Items); if M.Cursor_Cross /= null then Unref (M.Cursor_Cross); end if; Free (M.Dnd_Message); Free (M.Perspectives); Free (M.View_Contents); Free (M.Perspective_Names); Free (M.Accel_Path_Prefix); end Destroy_MDI; ----------- -- Close -- ----------- procedure Close (MDI : access MDI_Window_Record; Child : access Gtk.Widget.Gtk_Widget_Record'Class; Force : Boolean := False) is C : constant MDI_Child := Find_MDI_Child (MDI, Child); begin if C /= null then Close_Child (C, Force); end if; end Close; ----------------- -- Close_Child -- ----------------- procedure Close_Child (Child : not null access MDI_Child_Record'Class; Force : Boolean := False; Focus_Same_Area : Boolean := True) is MDI : constant MDI_Window := Child.MDI; Event : Gdk_Event; Prevent_Delete : Boolean; Focus_Child : MDI_Child; begin -- Don't do anything for now if the MDI isn't realized, since we -- can't send create the event anyway. Print_Debug ("Close_Child, " & Get_Title (Child) & " force=" & Boolean'Image (Force) & " focus_same_parent=" & Boolean'Image (Focus_Same_Area)); Widget_Callback.Emit_By_Name (Child, Signal_Before_Remove_Child); if MDI.Get_Realized then -- For a top-level window, we must rebuild the initial widget -- temporarily, so that the application can do all the test it wants. -- However, we need to restore the initial state before calling -- Dock_Child and Float_Child below. -- We should not test this when the MDI is being destroyed, though, -- to avoid memory leaks if Force or else MDI.In_Destruction then Prevent_Delete := False; else Print_Debug ("Close_Child, emitting delete_event", Debug_Increase); if (Child.Flags and Destroy_Button) = 0 then Prevent_Delete := True; else Gdk_New (Event, Delete); Event.Any.Window := Get_Window (Child.Initial); Prevent_Delete := Return_Callback.Emit_By_Name (Child.Initial, "delete_event", Event); -- Unref'ing the event causes an unref of Event.Any.Window. -- Avoid this by setting this field to null before freeing the -- event. Event.Any.Window := null; Free (Event); end if; Print_Debug ("Close_Child, done delete_event, prevent_delete ?" & Boolean'Image (Prevent_Delete), Debug_Decrease); end if; if not Prevent_Delete then -- Transfer the focus before unfloating, so that the parent in -- which the child is unfloated (which might be random from the -- user's point of view) doesn't influence who gets the focus. if MDI_Child_Record (Child.all)'Unchecked_Access = MDI.Focus_Child then Give_Focus_To_Previous_Child (Child => Child, From_Same_Area => Focus_Same_Area); end if; -- The call to Float_Child below will change the focus_child -- to the child we are about to destroy! Save the focus_child -- here... Focus_Child := MDI.Focus_Child; -- ... unfloat... Float_Child (Child, False); --- ... and restore the focus child. MDI.Set_Focus_Child (Focus_Child); Print_Debug ("Close_Child: about to destroy " & Get_Title (Child)); Destroy (Child); end if; end if; end Close_Child; ------------------- -- Destroy_Child -- ------------------- procedure Destroy_Child (Child : access Gtk_Widget_Record'Class) is C : constant MDI_Child := MDI_Child (Child); MDI : constant MDI_Window := C.MDI; In_Selection_Dialog : Boolean := False; begin -- We know at that stage that Child has already been unparent-ed pragma Assert (Get_Parent (Child) = null); Print_Debug ("Destroy_Child " & Get_Title (C)); Ref (C); -- Do not transfer the focus elsewhere: for an interactive close, this -- is done in Close_Child, otherwise we do not want to change the focus. -- No need to send a signal to signal that a new child has been selected -- since Give_Focus_To_Previous_Child has been called already -- -- P111-059: Focus child should be reset before any manipulation with -- widget tree, otherwise GPS can use it to recompute selection context. if C = MDI.Focus_Child then MDI.Focus_Child := null; end if; -- Emit the signal now, giving clients a chance to react to the -- imminent destruction of the child Emit_By_Name_Child (Get_Object (MDI), String (Signal_Before_Destroy_Child) & ASCII.NUL, Get_Object (C)); Widget_Callback.Emit_By_Name (C, Signal_Before_Destroy_Child); C.Tab_Label := null; -- The child of the MDI_Child has now been taken care of, thus we need -- to take care of the MDI_Child itself now. Update_Menu_Model_List_Of_Children (MDI); if not C.MDI.In_Destruction then -- Do not unfloat the child, since the toplevel is no longer a -- Gtk_Window, and we would get a CE in Float_Child. if Get_Parent (C) /= null then Remove (Gtk_Container (Get_Parent (C)), C); end if; end if; if Get_Parent (C.Initial) /= null then Print_Debug ("Destroy_Child removing initial child from parent"); Remove (Gtk_Container (Get_Parent (C.Initial)), C.Initial); end if; C.Initial := null; In_Selection_Dialog := MDI.Selection_Dialog /= null and then C = MDI_Child (Get_Data (Selection_Dialog_Access (MDI.Selection_Dialog).Current_Child)); -- Only remove it from the list of children at the end, since some of -- calls above might result in calls to Raise_Child_Idle, which tries -- to manipulate that list. Widget_List.Remove (MDI.Items, Gtk_Widget (C)); -- Report that the child has been removed only after it has indeed be -- fully removed, but before we actually free it Emit_By_Name_Child (Get_Object (MDI), String (Signal_Child_Removed) & ASCII.NUL, Get_Object (C)); -- If we are currently displaying the window selection dialog, update it -- so that the widget that has been destroyed does not show up in the -- selection window. if In_Selection_Dialog then Update_Selection_Dialog (MDI, +1); end if; Unref (C.Title_Icon); Free (C.Icon_Name); Free (C.Title); Free (C.Short_Title); Free (C.XML_Node_Name); if C.State = Invisible then -- We owned an extra reference in this case Unref (C); end if; -- Destroy the child, unless the user has explicitely kept a Ref on it -- (therefore, do not use Destroy, only Unref). In all cases, it should -- be hidden on the screen Unref (C); end Destroy_Child; --------------------------- -- Destroy_Initial_Child -- --------------------------- procedure Destroy_Initial_Child (Child : access Gtk_Widget_Record'Class) is begin if not Child.In_Destruction then Destroy (Child); end if; end Destroy_Initial_Child; ------------------------- -- Set_Child_Title_Bar -- ------------------------- procedure Set_Child_Title_Bar (Child : access MDI_Child_Record'Class) is Event : constant Gtk_Event_Box := Gtk_Event_Box (Get_Parent (Child.Title_Box)); begin if not Has_Title_Bar (Child) then Hide (Event); Set_Child_Visible (Event, False); Set_Size_Request (Event, -1, 0); else Show (Event); Set_Child_Visible (Event, True); Set_Size_Request (Event, -1, Child.MDI.Title_Bar_Height); end if; end Set_Child_Title_Bar; --------------------- -- Set_Dnd_Message -- --------------------- procedure Set_Dnd_Message (MDI : access MDI_Window_Record; Message : String) is begin Free (MDI.Dnd_Message); if Message /= "" then MDI.Dnd_Message := new String'(Message); else MDI.Dnd_Message := new String' ("control moves whole notebook" & ASCII.LF & "shift creates new view"); end if; end Set_Dnd_Message; ----------------------- -- Get_Allowed_Areas -- ----------------------- function Get_Allowed_Areas (Child : not null access MDI_Child_Record'Class) return Allowed_Areas is begin return Child.Areas; end Get_Allowed_Areas; ------------------------- -- Get_Tab_Orientation -- ------------------------- function Get_Tab_Orientation (Child : not null access MDI_Child_Record'Class) return Tab_Orientation_Type is Angle : constant Gdouble := Child.Tab_Label.Get_Angle; begin if Angle = 0.0 then return Horizontal; elsif Angle = 90.0 then return Bottom_To_Top; else return Top_To_Bottom; end if; end Get_Tab_Orientation; ------------------- -- Get_Tab_Label -- ------------------- function Get_Tab_Label (Child : not null access MDI_Child_Record'Class) return Gtk.Label.Gtk_Label is begin return Child.Tab_Label; end Get_Tab_Label; ---------------------------------- -- Button_Pressed_On_Title_Icon -- ---------------------------------- function Button_Pressed_On_Title_Icon (Child : access GObject_Record'Class; Event : Gdk_Event_Button) return Boolean is begin if Event.The_Type = Gdk_2button_Press and then Event.Button = 1 then Close_Child (MDI_Child (Child)); return False; end if; return Button_Pressed_Forced (Child, Event); end Button_Pressed_On_Title_Icon; -------------------- -- Button_Pressed -- -------------------- function Button_Pressed (Child : access Gtk_Widget_Record'Class; Event : Gdk_Event_Button) return Boolean is begin -- It sometimes happens that widgets let events pass through (for -- instance scrollbars do that), and thus wouldn't be useable anymore -- if we do a grab. -- ??? The comment above was kept for reference. We used to check that -- Event.Window was Child.Get_Window, but this prevents dragging from -- the title bar. if Event.Window /= Child.Get_Window then return False; end if; return Button_Pressed_Forced (Child, Event); end Button_Pressed; --------------------------- -- Button_Pressed_Forced -- --------------------------- function Button_Pressed_Forced (Child : access GObject_Record'Class; Event : Gdk_Event_Button) return Boolean is C : constant MDI_Child := MDI_Child (Child); begin C.MDI.In_Drag := No_Drag; if Event.The_Type /= Button_Press or else Event.Button /= 1 then return False; end if; -- Start a drag-and-drop operation. This won't be effective unless -- the user actually drags the mouse a while Print_Debug ("Button_Pressed_Forced"); Child_Drag_Begin (C, Event, C.Areas); -- Let the event through, the drag hasn't started yet return False; end Button_Pressed_Forced; -------------------- -- Button_Release -- -------------------- function Button_Release (Child : access Gtk_Widget_Record'Class; Event : Gdk_Event_Button) return Boolean is C : constant MDI_Child := MDI_Child (Child); begin if Get_Window (Child) /= Event.Window then C.MDI.In_Drag := No_Drag; Pointer_Ungrab (Time => 0); return False; end if; return Button_Release_Forced (Child, Event); end Button_Release; --------------------------- -- Button_Release_Forced -- --------------------------- function Button_Release_Forced (Child : access Gtk_Widget_Record'Class; Event : Gdk_Event_Button; Allow_Move : Boolean := True) return Boolean is C : constant MDI_Child := MDI_Child (Child); MDI : constant MDI_Window := C.MDI; Move_Whole_Notebook : constant Boolean := (Event.State and Control_Mask) /= 0; Copy_Instead_Of_Move : constant Boolean := (Event.State and Shift_Mask) /= 0; C2 : MDI_Child; Current : Gtk_Widget; Note : MDI_Notebook; Position : Child_Position; Pane : Gtkada_Multi_Paned; Parent_Rect : Gdk_Rectangle; Allowed : Boolean; In_Central : Boolean; begin Print_Debug ("Button release, drag=" & Drag_Status'Image (C.MDI.In_Drag)); Pointer_Ungrab (Time => 0); Remove_DnD_Overlay (MDI, Redraw => True); case C.MDI.In_Drag is when In_Pre_Drag => Child_Drag_Finished (C); when In_Drag => if C.MDI.Central /= null then Set_Border_Width (C.MDI.Central, 0); end if; if Allow_Move then Get_Dnd_Target (C.MDI, Current, Position, Parent_Rect, C.MDI.Dnd_Rectangle, In_Central => In_Central, Allowed => Allowed); else Allowed := False; end if; if not Allowed then Child_Drag_Finished (C); C.MDI.In_Drag := No_Drag; return True; end if; if Current = null then -- outside of the main window ? Pane := null; elsif Current = Gtk_Widget (C.MDI) then Pane := Gtkada_Multi_Paned (C.MDI); elsif Get_Parent (Current) = Gtk_Widget (C.MDI.Central) then Pane := C.MDI.Central; else Pane := Gtkada_Multi_Paned (C.MDI); end if; C2 := Dnd_Data (C, Copy => Copy_Instead_Of_Move); if C2 = null then C2 := C; end if; if Current = null then -- Floating child ? Float_Child (C2, True); -- If the child is dropped at the same location, nothing to do elsif C2.State = Normal -- A floating child is always moved and then Current = Get_Parent (C2) -- same notebook ? and then (Position = Position_Automatic -- inside the nook or else Move_Whole_Notebook -- to one side but moving all or else Get_Nth_Page (Gtk_Notebook (Current), 1) = null) then null; -- Do the actual moving else -- In the notebook that contains the window we are moving, we -- now raise the last window that had the focus declare Item : Widget_List.Glist := MDI.Items; It : MDI_Child; begin if C /= C2 then Print_Debug ("Button_Release raising last1 " & Get_Title (C)); Raise_Child (C, False); else while Item /= Widget_List.Null_List loop It := MDI_Child (Get_Data (Item)); if It /= C2 and then Get_Parent (C2) = Get_Parent (It) then Print_Debug ("Button_Release raising last2 " & Get_Title (It)); Raise_Child (It, False); exit; end if; Item := Widget_List.Next (Item); end loop; end if; end; -- Find in which notebook the widget should be moved. if Current = Gtk_Widget (C.MDI.Central) or else Current = Gtk_Widget (C.MDI) then -- The central area is empty if Current has this value, we -- always create a new notebook Note := Create_Notebook (MDI); if Current = Gtk_Widget (C.MDI) then Current := null; end if; else -- We dropped in a notebook, should we reuse or create one ? if Position = Position_Automatic then Note := MDI_Notebook (Current); else Note := Create_Notebook (MDI); end if; end if; -- Add to the contents of this notebook if Move_Whole_Notebook then declare Children : Widget_List.Glist := Get_Children (Get_Notebook (C2)); L : Widget_List.Glist := Children; begin while L /= Null_List loop Put_In_Notebook (C.MDI, MDI_Child (Get_Data (L)), Note, Force_Parent_Destruction => False); L := Next (L); end loop; Free (Children); end; else Put_In_Notebook (C.MDI, C2, Note, Force_Parent_Destruction => False); end if; case Position is when Position_Bottom => if Current = null then Split (Pane, Root_Pane, Note, Orientation_Vertical, Height => -1); else Split (Pane, Current, Note, Orientation_Vertical); end if; when Position_Top => if Current = null then Split (Pane, Root_Pane, Note, Orientation_Vertical, Height => -1, After => False); else Split (Pane, Current, Note, Orientation_Vertical, After => False); end if; when Position_Left => if Current = null then Split (Pane, Root_Pane, Note, Orientation_Horizontal, Width => -1, After => False); else Split (Pane, Current, Note, Orientation_Horizontal, After => False); end if; when Position_Right => if Current = null then Split (Pane, Root_Pane, Note, Orientation_Horizontal, Width => -1); else Split (Pane, Current, Note, Orientation_Horizontal); end if; when Position_Automatic | Position_Float => if C.MDI.Central /= null and then Current = Gtk_Widget (C.MDI.Central) then Add_Child (Win => C.MDI.Central, New_Child => Note, Orientation => Orientation_Horizontal, Width => 0, Height => 0); end if; end case; Emit_By_Name (Get_Object (MDI), String (Signal_Children_Reorganized) & ASCII.NUL); end if; Child_Drag_Finished (C); Print_Debug ("Button_Release raising " & Get_Title (C2)); Raise_Child (C2, False); Print_Debug ("Button_Release, set_focus " & Get_Title (C2)); Set_Focus_Child (C2); -- For a focus manually, because Set_Focus_Child above might not -- have had any effect (the selected window is still the same, -- although in some cases gtk+ has transfered the keyboard focus -- elsewhere). Give_Focus_To_Child (C2); MDI.Dnd_Target := null; when No_Drag => -- Let the even through, we have nothing to do here return False; end case; C.MDI.In_Drag := No_Drag; return True; end Button_Release_Forced; ----------------------------- -- Button_Release_Notebook -- ----------------------------- function Button_Release_Notebook (Note : access Gtk_Widget_Record'Class; Event : Gdk_Event_Button) return Boolean is N : constant MDI_Notebook := MDI_Notebook (Note); Child : constant MDI_Child := MDI_Child (Get_Nth_Page (N, Get_Current_Page (N))); Tmp : Boolean; pragma Unreferenced (Tmp); begin if Child.MDI.In_Drag = In_Drag or else Child.MDI.In_Drag = In_Pre_Drag then Tmp := Button_Release_Forced (Child, Event, Allow_Move => not Hover_Tabs (N, Event.X_Root, Event.Y_Root)); -- Fallback to standard gtk+ handler, so that it terminates its -- reorder operation if any -- Unfortunately, the notebook might no longer exist at this point, -- so it is dangerous to forward. if Child.Get_State = Floating then return True; -- stop propagating end if; end if; return False; end Button_Release_Notebook; ------------------- -- Button_Motion -- ------------------- function Button_Motion (Child : access Gtk_Widget_Record'Class; Event : Gdk_Event_Motion) return Boolean is begin if Get_Window (Child) /= Event.Window then return False; end if; return Button_Motion_Forced (Child, Event); end Button_Motion; -------------------------- -- Button_Motion_Forced -- -------------------------- function Button_Motion_Forced (Child : access Gtk_Widget_Record'Class; Event : Gdk_Event_Motion) return Boolean is C : constant MDI_Child := MDI_Child (Child); Note : MDI_Notebook; Tmp : Gdk_Grab_Status; Delta_X, Delta_Y : Gint; pragma Unreferenced (Tmp); begin -- This is no longer called once the GtkNotebook has started reordering -- the tab, because it creates a transparent overlay window that grabs -- all the events (so the motion is sent to the GtkNotebook, no longer -- to the child). case C.MDI.In_Drag is when In_Drag => Draw_Dnd_Rectangle (C); return True; when In_Pre_Drag => -- If we are still in the tabs area, do nothing so that tabs can -- be reordered graphically Delta_X := abs (Gint (Event.X_Root) - C.MDI.Drag_Start_X); Delta_Y := abs (Gint (Event.Y_Root) - C.MDI.Drag_Start_Y); Note := Get_Notebook (C); if Note /= null and then Get_Show_Tabs (Note) then case Get_Tab_Pos (Note) is when Pos_Top | Pos_Bottom => if Delta_Y < Drag_Threshold / 2 and then Delta_Y < Delta_X then return False; end if; when Pos_Left | Pos_Right => if Delta_X < Drag_Threshold / 2 and then Delta_X < Delta_Y then return False; end if; end case; end if; -- Else start a drag operation if appropriate if Delta_X > Drag_Threshold or else Delta_Y > Drag_Threshold then -- If we had a tab reorder operation, but the tab was left at -- the same position, the signal "page_reordered" has not been -- emitted. Still, the pointer has been ungrabbed, so we do -- the following test below, so that we do not start our own -- dnd operation if not Pointer_Is_Grabbed then return False; end if; C.MDI.In_Drag := In_Drag; Pointer_Ungrab (Time => 0); if C.MDI.Cursor_Fleur = null then Gdk_New (C.MDI.Cursor_Fleur, Fleur); end if; Tmp := Pointer_Grab (Get_Window (C), False, Button_Motion_Mask or Button_Release_Mask, Cursor => C.MDI.Cursor_Fleur, Time => 0); return True; end if; when others => null; end case; return True; end Button_Motion_Forced; ---------------- -- Hover_Tabs -- ---------------- function Hover_Tabs (N : MDI_Notebook; X_Root, Y_Root : Gdouble) return Boolean is In_Tabs_Area : Boolean; X_Win, Y_Win : Gint; W, H : Gint; Mouse_X, Mouse_Y : Gint; Alloc : Gtk_Allocation; Tab_Label : Gtk_Widget; Tab_Width, Tab_Height : Gint; begin Get_Origin (N.Get_Window, X_Win, Y_Win); N.Get_Allocation (Alloc); Mouse_X := Gint (X_Root) - X_Win - Alloc.X; Mouse_Y := Gint (Y_Root) - Y_Win - Alloc.Y; W := N.Get_Allocated_Width; H := N.Get_Allocated_Height; Tab_Label := N.Get_Tab_Label (N.Get_Nth_Page (0)); case N.Actual_Tab_Orientation is when Horizontal | Automatic => -- 'Automatic' is never set Tab_Width := Tab_Label.Get_Allocated_Width; Tab_Height := 30; -- ??? hard-coded when Bottom_To_Top | Top_To_Bottom => Tab_Width := 30; -- ??? hard-coded Tab_Height := Tab_Label.Get_Allocated_Height; end case; case N.Get_Tab_Pos is when Pos_Top => In_Tabs_Area := (Mouse_X >= 0 and then Mouse_X <= W and then Mouse_Y >= 0 and then Mouse_Y <= Tab_Height); when Pos_Bottom => In_Tabs_Area := (Mouse_X >= 0 and then Mouse_X <= W and then Mouse_Y >= H - Tab_Height and then Mouse_Y <= H); when Pos_Left => In_Tabs_Area := (Mouse_X >= 0 and then Mouse_X <= Tab_Width and then Mouse_Y >= 0 and then Mouse_Y <= H); when Pos_Right => In_Tabs_Area := (Mouse_X >= W - Tab_Width and then Mouse_X <= W and then Mouse_Y >= 0 and then Mouse_Y <= H); end case; return In_Tabs_Area; end Hover_Tabs; ---------------------------- -- Button_Motion_Notebook -- ---------------------------- function Button_Motion_Notebook (Note : access Gtk_Widget_Record'Class; Event : Gdk_Event_Motion) return Boolean is N : constant MDI_Notebook := MDI_Notebook (Note); Child : constant MDI_Child := MDI_Child (Get_Nth_Page (N, Get_Current_Page (N))); In_Tabs_Area : Boolean; begin if Child /= null and then (Child.MDI.In_Drag = In_Drag or else Child.MDI.In_Drag = In_Pre_Drag) then In_Tabs_Area := Hover_Tabs (N, Event.X_Root, Event.Y_Root); if not In_Tabs_Area then Child.MDI.In_Drag := In_Drag; return Button_Motion_Forced (Child, Event); end if; if Child.MDI.In_Drag = In_Drag then -- Remove the previous highlighting, since we are back to -- reordering tabs Draw_Dnd_Rectangle (Child, Hide_Only => True); end if; end if; return False; end Button_Motion_Notebook; -------------- -- Dnd_Data -- -------------- function Dnd_Data (Child : not null access MDI_Child_Record; Copy : Boolean) return MDI_Child is pragma Unreferenced (Copy); begin return MDI_Child (Child); end Dnd_Data; ------------------------- -- Child_Widget_Hidden -- ------------------------- procedure Child_Widget_Hidden (Widget : access Gtk_Widget_Record'Class) is Child : constant MDI_Child := MDI_Child (Widget); Note : MDI_Notebook; begin if Child.State = Floating then Hide (Get_Toplevel (Get_Widget (Child))); else Hide (Child); -- At startup, the notebook might be null Note := Get_Notebook (Child); if Note /= null then Configure_Notebook_Tabs (Child.MDI, Note, Hide_If_Empty => True); end if; end if; end Child_Widget_Hidden; ------------------------ -- Child_Widget_Shown -- ------------------------ procedure Child_Widget_Shown (Widget : access Gtk_Widget_Record'Class) is Child : constant MDI_Child := MDI_Child (Widget); Note : MDI_Notebook; begin if Child.State = Floating then Show (Get_Toplevel (Get_Widget (Child))); else Show (Child); -- At startup, the notebook might be null Note := Get_Notebook (Child); if Note /= null then Configure_Notebook_Tabs (Child.MDI, Note, Hide_If_Empty => True); end if; end if; end Child_Widget_Shown; -------------------- -- Child_Get_Type -- -------------------- function Child_Get_Type return Glib.GType is Signal_Parameters : constant Glib.Object.Signal_Parameter_Types (Integer (Child_Signals'First) .. Integer (Child_Signals'Last), 1 .. 1) := (others => (1 => GType_None)); begin Glib.Object.Initialize_Class_Record (Ancestor => Gtk.Event_Box.Get_Type, Signals => Child_Signals, Class_Record => Child_Class_Record, Type_Name => "GtkAdaMDIChild", Parameters => Signal_Parameters); return Child_Class_Record.The_Type; end Child_Get_Type; ------------- -- Gtk_New -- ------------- procedure Gtk_New (Child : out MDI_Child; Widget : access Gtk.Widget.Gtk_Widget_Record'Class; Flags : Child_Flags := All_Buttons; Group : Child_Group := Group_Default; Focus_Widget : Gtk.Widget.Gtk_Widget := null; Areas : Allowed_Areas := Both) is begin Child := new MDI_Child_Record; Initialize (Child, Widget, Flags, Group, Focus_Widget, Areas); end Gtk_New; ---------------- -- Initialize -- ---------------- procedure Initialize (Child : access MDI_Child_Record'Class; Widget : access Gtk.Widget.Gtk_Widget_Record'Class; Flags : Child_Flags := All_Buttons; Group : Child_Group := Group_Default; Focus_Widget : Gtk.Widget.Gtk_Widget := null; Areas : Allowed_Areas := Both) is Event : Gtk_Event_Box; Button : Close_Button.Gtkada_MDI_Close_Button; begin if Widget.all in Gtk_Window_Record'Class then raise Program_Error; end if; G_New (Child, Child_Get_Type); Child.Set_Border_Width (0); Get_Style_Context (Child).Add_Class ("mdichild"); Child.Initial := Gtk_Widget (Widget); Child.State := Normal; Child.Flags := Flags; Child.Group := Group; Child.Focus_Widget := Focus_Widget; Child.MDI := null; Child.Areas := Areas; Add_Events (Child, Button_Press_Mask or Button_Motion_Mask or Button_Release_Mask or Pointer_Motion_Mask); Child.On_Button_Press_Event (Button_Pressed'Access); Child.On_Button_Release_Event (Button_Release'Access); Child.On_Motion_Notify_Event (Button_Motion'Access); Widget_Callback.Connect (Child, Signal_Destroy, Widget_Callback.To_Marshaller (Destroy_Child'Access)); Gtk_New_Vbox (Child.Main_Box, Homogeneous => False, Spacing => 0); Add (Child, Child.Main_Box); -- Buttons in the title bar Gtk_New (Event); Get_Style_Context (Event).Add_Class ("mdititle"); Pack_Start (Child.Main_Box, Event, Expand => False, Fill => False); Gtk_New_Hbox (Child.Title_Box, Homogeneous => False); Add (Event, Child.Title_Box); Event.On_Button_Press_Event (Button_Pressed_Forced'Access, Child); Gtk_New (Event); Gtk_New (Child.Title_Icon); Ref (Child.Title_Icon); -- floating a child should not destroy icon Event.Add (Child.Title_Icon); Child.Title_Box.Pack_Start (Event, Expand => False); Event.On_Button_Press_Event (Button_Pressed_On_Title_Icon'Access, Child); Gtk_New (Child.Title_Label); Child.Title_Box.Pack_Start (Child.Title_Label, Expand => True, Fill => True); Child.Title_Label.Set_Ellipsize (Pango.Layout.Ellipsize_Start); Child.Title_Label.Set_Alignment (0.0, 0.5); Child.Title_Label.Set_Padding (5, 0); -- Do not set the label as selectable, otherwise it has its own window, -- and we can no longer drag from the title Child.Title_Label.Set_Selectable (False); if (Flags and Destroy_Button) /= 0 then Close_Button.Gtk_New (Button, Child, Child, Position => Pos_Top, In_Titlebar => True); Pack_End (Child.Title_Box, Button, Expand => False, Fill => False, Padding => 2); end if; -- This internal Event box is needed when the child is floated Gtk_New (Event); Add (Event, Widget); Pack_Start (Child.Main_Box, Event, Expand => True, Fill => True, Padding => 0); Child.Set_Title (" "); Widget_Callback.Object_Connect (Child.Initial, Signal_Destroy, Widget_Callback.To_Marshaller (Destroy_Initial_Child'Access), Child); Widget_Callback.Connect (Child, Signal_Hide, Child_Widget_Hidden'Access); Widget_Callback.Connect (Child, Signal_Show, Child_Widget_Shown'Access); Widget_Callback.Object_Connect (Child.Initial, Signal_Hide, Child_Widget_Hidden'Access, Child); Widget_Callback.Object_Connect (Child.Initial, Signal_Show, Child_Widget_Shown'Access, Child); Widget_Callback.Connect (Child, Signal_Maximize_Child, Maximize_Action.On_Toggle_Maximize'Access); Widget_Callback.Connect (Child, Signal_Unmaximize, Maximize_Action.On_Toggle_Maximize'Access); Widget_Callback.Connect (Child, Signal_Before_Remove_Child, Maximize_Action.On_Remove_Child'Access); end Initialize; ------------------ -- Change_Group -- ------------------ procedure Change_Group (Child : not null access MDI_Child_Record'Class; Group : Child_Group) is begin Child.Group := Group; end Change_Group; ------------------------- -- Give_Focus_To_Child -- ------------------------- procedure Give_Focus_To_Child (Child : MDI_Child) is F : Gtk_Widget := Gtk_Widget (Child); begin if Child /= null then if Child.Focus_Widget /= null then F := Child.Focus_Widget; end if; -- If we can't give the focus to the focus widget, give it to -- child itself. This is better than keeping it on the previous -- child. Grab_Focus (F); end if; end Give_Focus_To_Child; ---------------------------------- -- Give_Focus_To_Previous_Child -- ---------------------------------- procedure Give_Focus_To_Previous_Child (Child : access MDI_Child_Record'Class; From_Same_Area : Boolean := True) is Item : Widget_List.Glist; It : MDI_Child; Last : MDI_Child; begin -- Set the focus on the child that had the focus just before, -- and in the same notebook, and still visible Item := Child.MDI.Items; while Item /= Widget_List.Null_List loop It := MDI_Child (Get_Data (Item)); if It.Get_Visible and then Child /= null and then It /= MDI_Child_Record (Child.all)'Unchecked_Access then if Last = null then Last := It; end if; if not From_Same_Area or else (It.State = Child.State and then Get_Parent (It) = Get_Parent (Child)) then Print_Debug ("Give_Focus_To_Previous_Child " & Get_Title (It)); Set_Focus_Child (It); return; end if; end if; Item := Widget_List.Next (Item); end loop; -- No such child, give it to the last child that had the focus if Last = null then Print_Debug ("Give_Focus_To_Previous_Child: no one"); Child.MDI.Focus_Child := null; Child_Selected (Child.MDI, null); else Set_Focus_Child (Last); end if; end Give_Focus_To_Previous_Child; -------------------- -- Child_Selected -- -------------------- procedure Child_Selected (Self : not null access MDI_Window_Record'Class; Child : access MDI_Child_Record'Class := null) is begin Emit_By_Name_Child (Get_Object (Self), String (Signal_Child_Selected) & ASCII.NUL, Get_Object_Or_Null (GObject (Child))); end Child_Selected; ------------------ -- Save_Desktop -- ------------------ function Save_Desktop (Self : not null access MDI_Child_Record) return Glib.Xml_Int.Node_Ptr is pragma Unreferenced (Self); begin return null; end Save_Desktop; --------- -- Put -- --------- procedure Put (MDI : access MDI_Window_Record; Child : access MDI_Child_Record'Class; Initial_Position : Child_Position := Position_Automatic; Position_At_Mouse : Boolean := True; X, Y : Gint := 0) is Float : constant Boolean := MDI.All_Floating_Mode or else (not MDI.Loading_Desktop and then Initial_Position = Position_Float); begin Child.MDI := MDI_Window (MDI); -- We need to show the widget before inserting it in a notebook, -- otherwise the notebook page will not be made visible. Ref (Child); Show_All (Child); if Child.State = Invisible then Unref (Child); -- Set in Remove_All_Items return; end if; Set_State (Child, Normal); Float_Child (Child, Float, Position_At_Mouse, X, Y); if not Float then Put_In_Notebook (MDI, Child, Initial_Position => Initial_Position); end if; Set_Child_Title_Bar (Child); -- Add the child to the list of widgets. It could in fact already be in -- the list if we are reusing a Invisible child from a previous -- perspective. We however want to move it to the front of the list Remove (MDI.Items, Gtk_Widget (Child)); Prepend (MDI.Items, Gtk_Widget (Child)); Unref (Child); Update_Menu_Model_List_Of_Children (MDI); -- Restore the keyboard focus, which might have been stolen if the new -- child was added to a notebook. Give_Focus_To_Child (MDI.Focus_Child); Emit_By_Name_Child (Get_Object (MDI), String (Signal_Child_Added) & ASCII.NUL, Get_Object (Child)); end Put; -------------- -- Set_Size -- -------------- procedure Set_Size (MDI : access MDI_Window_Record; Child : access MDI_Child_Record'Class; Width : Glib.Gint; Height : Glib.Gint; Fixed_Size : Boolean := False) is Notebook : constant MDI_Notebook := Get_Notebook (Child); begin -- Ignore specific size requests while loading the desktop, since the -- latter should force the size if not MDI.Loading_Desktop and then Notebook /= null then -- Only take this into account if we have a single page if Get_Nth_Page (Notebook, 1) = null and then MDI.Show_Tabs_Policy /= Always then Set_Size (MDI, Widget => Notebook, Width => Width, Height => Height, Fixed_Size => Fixed_Size); else Set_Size (MDI, Widget => Notebook, Width => Width, Height => Height + Get_Allocated_Height (Notebook) - Get_Allocated_Height (Child), Fixed_Size => Fixed_Size); end if; end if; end Set_Size; --------------- -- Get_Title -- --------------- function Get_Title (Child : not null access MDI_Child_Record) return UTF8_String is begin if Child.Title = null then return ""; else return Child.Title.all; end if; end Get_Title; --------------------- -- Get_Short_Title -- --------------------- function Get_Short_Title (Child : not null access MDI_Child_Record) return UTF8_String is begin return Child.Short_Title.all; end Get_Short_Title; -------------- -- Set_Icon -- -------------- procedure Set_Icon (Child : not null access MDI_Child_Record; Icon : Gdk.Pixbuf.Gdk_Pixbuf) is begin Free (Child.Icon_Name); Child.Title_Icon.Set (Icon); if Icon /= null then Child.Title_Icon.Show; else Child.Title_Icon.Hide; end if; if Child.Tab_Icon /= null then Child.Tab_Icon.Set (Icon); if Icon /= null then Child.Tab_Icon.Show; else Child.Tab_Icon.Hide; end if; end if; Update_Menu_Model_List_Of_Children (Child.MDI); Emit_By_Name_Child (Get_Object (Child.MDI), String (Signal_Child_Icon_Changed) & ASCII.NUL, Get_Object (Child)); end Set_Icon; ------------------- -- Set_Icon_Name -- ------------------- procedure Set_Icon_Name (Child : not null access MDI_Child_Record; Icon_Name : String) is Changed : constant Boolean := (Child.Icon_Name = null or else Child.Icon_Name.all /= Icon_Name); begin Free (Child.Icon_Name); Child.Icon_Name := new String'(Icon_Name); if Icon_Name /= "" then Child.Title_Icon.Show; Child.Title_Icon.Set_From_Icon_Name (Icon_Name, Icon_Size_In_Title); else Child.Title_Icon.Hide; end if; if Child.Tab_Icon /= null then if Icon_Name /= "" then Child.Tab_Icon.Show; Child.Tab_Icon.Set_From_Icon_Name (Icon_Name, Icon_Size_In_Tabs); else Child.Tab_Icon.Hide; end if; end if; Update_Menu_Model_List_Of_Children (Child.MDI); if Changed then Emit_By_Name_Child (Get_Object (Child.MDI), String (Signal_Child_Icon_Changed) & ASCII.NUL, Get_Object (Child)); end if; end Set_Icon_Name; -------------- -- Get_Icon -- -------------- function Get_Icon (Child : not null access MDI_Child_Record) return Gdk.Pixbuf.Gdk_Pixbuf is begin return Child.Title_Icon.Get; end Get_Icon; -------------- -- Get_Icon -- -------------- function Get_Icon (Child : not null access MDI_Child_Record'Class) return Gtk_Image is Result : Gtk_Image; Pixbuf : Gdk_Pixbuf; G_Icon : Glib.G_Icon.G_Icon; Size : Gtk.Enums.Gtk_Icon_Size; begin Pixbuf := Child.Title_Icon.Get; -- still owned by the image if Pixbuf /= null then Gtk_New (Result, Pixbuf); else Child.Title_Icon.Get (G_Icon, Size); if G_Icon /= Null_G_Icon then Result := Gtk_Image_New_From_Gicon (G_Icon, Size); end if; end if; return Result; end Get_Icon; ------------------- -- Get_Icon_Name -- ------------------- function Get_Icon_Name (Child : not null access MDI_Child_Record) return String is begin if Child.Icon_Name = null then return ""; else return Child.Icon_Name.all; end if; end Get_Icon_Name; --------------- -- Set_Title -- --------------- procedure Set_Title (Child : not null access MDI_Child_Record; Title : String; Short_Title : String := "") is function To_UTF8 (Str : String) return String; -- Ensure the output string is valid UTF8 function To_UTF8 (Str : String) return String is Valid : Boolean; Invalid_Pos : Natural; begin UTF8_Validate (Str, Valid, Invalid_Pos); if Valid then return Str; else declare S : constant String := Glib.Convert.Filename_To_UTF8 (Str); begin if S /= "" then return S; end if; end; declare S : constant String := Glib.Convert.Locale_To_UTF8 (Str); begin if S /= "" then return S; end if; end; return Str (Str'First .. Str'First + Invalid_Pos); end if; end To_UTF8; T : constant String := To_UTF8 (Title); S : constant String := To_UTF8 (Short_Title); Title_Changed : constant Boolean := Child.Title = null or else Child.Title.all /= T; Short_Title_Changed : constant Boolean := Child.Short_Title = null or else Child.Short_Title.all /= S; begin if Title_Changed then Free (Child.Title); Child.Title := new UTF8_String'(T); end if; if Short_Title_Changed then Free (Child.Short_Title); if S /= "" then Child.Short_Title := new UTF8_String'(S); else Child.Short_Title := new UTF8_String'(T); end if; end if; if Child.MDI /= null and then Child.MDI.Use_Short_Titles_For_Floats then Child.Title_Label.Set_Text (Child.Short_Title.all); else Child.Title_Label.Set_Text (Child.Title.all); end if; if Title_Changed and then Child.State = Floating then if Child.MDI.Use_Short_Titles_For_Floats then Set_Title (Gtk_Window (Get_Toplevel (Child.Initial)), Locale_From_UTF8 (Child.Short_Title.all)); else Set_Title (Gtk_Window (Get_Toplevel (Child.Initial)), Locale_From_UTF8 (Child.Title.all)); end if; end if; if Short_Title_Changed then -- Update the menu, if it exists. We need to recreate the menu item -- to keep it sorted if Child.MDI /= null then Update_Menu_Model_List_Of_Children (Child.MDI); end if; end if; if Title_Changed or else Short_Title_Changed then Update_Tab_Label (Child); -- this also updated the tooltip Child.Queue_Draw; if Child.MDI /= null then Emit_By_Name_Child (Get_Object (Child.MDI), String (Signal_Child_Title_Changed) & ASCII.NUL, Get_Object (Child)); end if; end if; end Set_Title; ---------------------------- -- Insert_Child_If_Needed -- ---------------------------- function Insert_Child_If_Needed (MDI : access MDI_Window_Record'Class; Child : MDI_Child) return MDI_Child is begin if Child /= null and then Child.State = Invisible then Set_State (Child, Normal); Put (MDI, Child); -- When a child is made invisible, it is Ref'ed - we need to Unref to -- remove this reference, and we need to do this after the Put so -- that the child doesn't get destroyed. Unref (Child); end if; return Child; end Insert_Child_If_Needed; -------------------- -- Find_MDI_Child -- -------------------- function Find_MDI_Child (MDI : access MDI_Window_Record; Widget : access Gtk.Widget.Gtk_Widget_Record'Class) return MDI_Child is Tmp : Widget_List.Glist; Child_Widget : constant Gtk_Widget := (if Widget /= null then Gtk_Widget_Record (Widget.all)'Unchecked_Access else null); begin Tmp := First (MDI.Items); while Tmp /= Null_List loop if MDI_Child (Get_Data (Tmp)).Initial = Child_Widget then return Insert_Child_If_Needed (MDI, MDI_Child (Get_Data (Tmp))); end if; Tmp := Next (Tmp); end loop; return null; end Find_MDI_Child; -------------------------------- -- Find_MDI_Child_From_Widget -- -------------------------------- function Find_MDI_Child_From_Widget (Widget : access Gtk.Widget.Gtk_Widget_Record'Class) return MDI_Child is W : Gtk_Widget := Gtk_Widget (Widget); Win : Gtk_Widget; C : MDI_Child; begin -- As a special case, if the widget's parent is a notebook, we check -- whether the associated page is a MDI child, and behave as if that -- child had the focus (EC19-008) while W /= null loop if W.all in MDI_Child_Record'Class then return Insert_Child_If_Needed (MDI_Child (W).MDI, MDI_Child (W)); elsif W.all in Gtk_Notebook_Record'Class and then Get_Nth_Page (Gtk_Notebook (W), Get_Current_Page (Gtk_Notebook (W))).all in MDI_Child_Record'Class then C := MDI_Child (Get_Nth_Page (Gtk_Notebook (W), Get_Current_Page (Gtk_Notebook (W)))); return Insert_Child_If_Needed (C.MDI, C); end if; W := Get_Parent (W); end loop; -- Not found ? We might have a floating window. Unfortunately, these -- windows do not keep track of the MDI child they belong to... Win := Get_Toplevel (Widget); if Win /= null and then Child_User_Data.Is_Set (Win, "parent_mdi_child") then -- The call to Get will never raise a Data_Error exception C := Child_User_Data.Get (Win, "parent_mdi_child"); return Insert_Child_If_Needed (C.MDI, C); end if; return null; end Find_MDI_Child_From_Widget; --------------------------- -- Find_MDI_Child_By_Tag -- --------------------------- function Find_MDI_Child_By_Tag (MDI : access MDI_Window_Record; Tag : Ada.Tags.Tag; Visible_Only : Boolean := False) return MDI_Child is Child : MDI_Child; Iter : Child_Iterator := First_Child (MDI, Visible_Only => Visible_Only); begin loop Child := Get (Iter); exit when Child = null or else Child.Initial'Tag = Tag; Next (Iter); end loop; if Child /= null then return Insert_Child_If_Needed (MDI, Child); else return null; end if; end Find_MDI_Child_By_Tag; ---------------------------- -- Find_MDI_Child_By_Name -- ---------------------------- function Find_MDI_Child_By_Name (MDI : access MDI_Window_Record; Name : String) return MDI_Child is Child : MDI_Child; Iter : Child_Iterator := First_Child (MDI, Visible_Only => False); begin loop Child := Get (Iter); exit when Child = null or else Child.Title.all = Name or else Child.Short_Title.all = Name; Next (Iter); end loop; return Insert_Child_If_Needed (MDI, Get (Iter)); end Find_MDI_Child_By_Name; ----------------- -- Lower_Child -- ----------------- procedure Lower_Child (Child : not null access MDI_Child_Record'Class) is Note : MDI_Notebook; begin Ref (Child); Remove (Child.MDI.Items, Gtk_Widget (Child)); Append (Child.MDI.Items, Gtk_Widget (Child)); Unref (Child); if Child.State = Normal then Note := Get_Notebook (Child); Set_Current_Page (Note, Page_Num (Note, Child)); elsif Child.Get_Realized then Gdk.Window.Lower (Get_Window (Child)); if Child.State = Floating then Gdk.Window.Lower (Get_Window (Gtk_Window (Get_Toplevel (Child.Initial)))); end if; end if; end Lower_Child; --------------- -- Is_Raised -- --------------- function Is_Raised (Child : not null access MDI_Child_Record'Class) return Boolean is Note : MDI_Notebook; begin case Child.State is when Floating => return True; when Invisible => return False; when Normal => Note := Get_Notebook (Child); return Get_Nth_Page (Note, Get_Current_Page (Note)) = Gtk_Widget (Child); end case; end Is_Raised; ----------------- -- Raise_Child -- ----------------- procedure Raise_Child (Child : not null access MDI_Child_Record'Class; Give_Focus : Boolean := True) is Old_Focus : constant MDI_Child := Child.MDI.Focus_Child; Note : MDI_Notebook; Give : Boolean := Give_Focus; begin Show (Child); -- Make sure the child is visible if Child.State = Invisible then -- child was in another desktop, not visible in the current one Put_In_Notebook (Child.MDI, Child); end if; -- For a docked item, we in fact want to raise its parent dock, -- and make sure the current page in that dock is the correct one. if Child.State = Normal then Note := Get_Notebook (Child); -- We'll have to transfer the focus if the current focus window is in -- the same dock, since otherwise that means an invisible window -- would have the focus. if Old_Focus /= null and then Old_Focus.State = Normal and then Get_Notebook (Old_Focus) = Note then Give := True; end if; -- Temporary fool the system, so that the child doesn't necessarily -- gain the focus. Otherwise, switching a notebook page gives the -- child the focus. Child.MDI.Focus_Child := MDI_Child_Record (Child.all)'Unchecked_Access; -- There could be no parent if we are in all-floating mode if Note /= null then Set_Current_Page (Note, Page_Num (Note, Child)); end if; Child.MDI.Focus_Child := Old_Focus; if Give_Focus and then Child.Initial.Get_Realized then Present (Gtk_Window (Get_Toplevel (Child.Initial))); end if; elsif Child.State = Floating and then Give_Focus and then Child.Initial.Get_Realized then -- When raising a floating child that has the Float_As_Transient -- flag set to True, set it as transient for the current window -- (i.e: the currently focused child's window if any or the MDI's -- main window). -- This ensures that the floating child will always be on top of -- the currently focused window, which is what we want in the -- Float_As_Transient mode. if Old_Focus /= Child and then (Child.Flags and Float_As_Transient) /= 0 then declare Child_Window : constant Gtk_Window := Gtk_Window (Child.Initial.Get_Toplevel); New_Parent : Gtk_Window := null; begin if Old_Focus = null then New_Parent := Gtk_Window (Child.MDI.Get_Toplevel); else New_Parent := Gtk_Window (Old_Focus.Initial.Get_Toplevel); end if; if New_Parent /= null then Child_Window.Set_Transient_For (New_Parent); end if; end; end if; Present (Gtk_Window (Get_Toplevel (Child.Initial))); elsif Child.Get_Realized then Gdk.Window.Gdk_Raise (Get_Window (Child)); else -- We still need to raise the window, but don't give it the focus -- on systems where it is possible. Gdk.Window.Gdk_Raise (Get_Window (Gtk_Window (Get_Toplevel (Child.Initial)))); end if; -- Give the focus to the Focus_Child, since the notebook page switch -- might have changed that. if not Child.MDI.Loading_Desktop then if not Give then -- This must be done even if Old_Focus = MDI.Focus_Child. -- Otherwise, clicking inside an editor in GPS for instance will -- not properly refresh the outline view Give_Focus_To_Child (Old_Focus); else Print_Debug ("Raise_Child, give focus to " & Get_Title (Child)); Set_Focus_Child (Child); end if; end if; end Raise_Child; ----------------------- -- Update_Float_Menu -- ----------------------- procedure Update_Float_Menu (Child : access MDI_Child_Record'Class) is begin if Child.MDI.Action_Float /= null then Child.MDI.Action_Float.Set_State (Gvariant_New_Boolean (Child.State = Floating)); end if; end Update_Float_Menu; ------------------- -- Has_Title_Bar -- ------------------- function Has_Title_Bar (Child : not null access MDI_Child_Record) return Boolean is begin case Child.MDI.Draw_Title_Bars is when Always => return True; when Never => return False; when Central_Only => return In_Central_Area (Child.MDI, Child); end case; end Has_Title_Bar; ---------------------- -- Update_Tab_Color -- ---------------------- procedure Update_Tab_Color (Note : access MDI_Notebook_Record'Class; Focused : Boolean) is begin if Note = null then return; end if; if not Note.Get_Mapped then return; end if; if not Focused then Get_Style_Context (Note).Remove_Class ("mdifocused"); else Get_Style_Context (Note).Add_Class ("mdifocused"); end if; Note.Queue_Draw; end Update_Tab_Color; --------------------- -- Set_Focus_Child -- --------------------- procedure Set_Focus_Child (Child : not null access MDI_Child_Record) is Old : constant MDI_Child := Child.MDI.Focus_Child; C : constant MDI_Child := Child.all'Unchecked_Access; Tmp : Boolean; pragma Unreferenced (Tmp); Previous_Focus_Child : constant MDI_Child := Child.MDI.Focus_Child; Widget : constant Gtk_Widget := Gtk_Widget_Record (Child.all)'Unchecked_Access; begin if Child.MDI.Loading_Desktop then return; end if; if not Child.Is_Visible and then Maximize_Action.Is_Maximized_Mode (Child.MDI) then -- The child is hidden of another maximized child, thus unmaximize Widget_Callback.Emit_By_Name (Child, Signal_Unmaximize); end if; -- Be lazy. And avoid infinite loop when updating the MDI menu... if C = Old or else C.MDI.In_Destruction then return; end if; -- It is possible that this function is called before the child is -- even in the list of items. In this case, we do nothing at this -- point (might be called because we insert the child in a notebook -- first for instance) if Widget_List.Find (C.MDI.Items, Widget) = Null_List then return; end if; Child.MDI.Focus_Child := C; if Child.MDI.Focus_Freeze > 0 then return; end if; Show (C); -- Make sure the child is visible if Traces then Print_Debug ("Set_Focus_Child on " & Get_Title (C)); end if; if Previous_Focus_Child /= null then Update_Tab_Color (Get_Notebook (Previous_Focus_Child), False); end if; Update_Tab_Color (Get_Notebook (C), True); Ref (C); Remove (C.MDI.Items, Widget); Prepend (C.MDI.Items, Widget); Unref (C); -- Make sure the page containing Child in a notebook is put on top. -- Do not raise floating children, since this is the role of the window -- manager. if C.State /= Floating then Print_Debug ("Set_Focus_Child, raise child " & Get_Title (C)); Raise_Child (C, False); end if; -- Give the actual keyboard focus to the appropriate subwindow of -- the focus child. Give_Focus_To_Child (Child.MDI.Focus_Child); if Old /= null and then Old.Get_Realized then Old.Title_Box.Queue_Draw; end if; if C.Initial.Get_Realized then C.Title_Box.Queue_Draw; -- Give the focus to the window containing the child. -- Giving the focus to a window has the side effect of moving the -- window to the current desktop. Therefore, we only do this when the -- input focus was already on a window of the MDI. if not Child.MDI.Loading_Desktop and then Previous_Focus_Child /= null and then Get_Toplevel (Previous_Focus_Child.Initial).Get_Realized and then Get_Property (Get_Toplevel (Previous_Focus_Child.Initial), Has_Toplevel_Focus_Property) then Raise_Child (C); end if; end if; Update_Float_Menu (C); if C.MDI.Action_Close /= null then C.MDI.Action_Close.Set_Enabled ((C.Flags and Destroy_Button) /= 0); end if; if C.MDI.Action_Select /= null then C.MDI.Action_Select.Set_State (Gvariant_New_String (C.Get_Title)); end if; -- It would be nice to find the first child of C.Initial that -- accepts the keyboard focus. However, in the meantime, we at least -- want to make sure that no other widget has the focus. As a result, -- focus_in events will always be sent the next time the user selects a -- widget. Highlight_Child (C, False); Widget_Callback.Emit_By_Name (C, "selected"); Child_Selected (C.MDI, C); end Set_Focus_Child; ------------------ -- Delete_Child -- ------------------ function Delete_Child (Child : access Gtk_Widget_Record'Class; Event : Gdk_Event) return Boolean is begin if MDI_Child (Child).MDI.In_Destruction then -- We can always close a child when the MDI is being destroyed return False; elsif MDI_Child (Child).MDI.Close_Floating_Is_Unfloat and then (MDI_Child (Child).Flags and Always_Destroy_Float) = 0 and then not MDI_Child (Child).MDI.All_Floating_Mode then Float_Child (MDI_Child (Child), False); Print_Debug ("Delete_Child, raising " & Get_Title (MDI_Child (Child))); Raise_Child (MDI_Child (Child), False); return True; else return Return_Callback.Emit_By_Name (MDI_Child (Child).Initial, "delete_event", Event); end if; end Delete_Child; --------------------------- -- Key_Event_In_Floating -- --------------------------- function Key_Event_In_Floating (Win : access Gtk_Widget_Record'Class; Event : Gdk_Event) return Boolean is begin -- Note: the following works because we are connected after the standard -- keypress event. Otherwise, standard keys in the child (space in -- editors most notably) will not work as expected. -- We do not want to forward to the main window any event. -- For instance, a simple character key press sent to a floating -- tree view should not be sent to a docked editor. -- We are interested in forwarding only a very specific set of -- key events, for instance the alt- combinations that -- would open a menu. -- The test below is a coarse-grain for this. -- ??? We should probably do the opposite: rather than passing all -- events, only pass those that are known to be of interest. if Get_State (Event) = 0 then return False; end if; if Get_Event_Type (Event) = Key_Press then return Return_Callback.Emit_By_Name (Win, Signal_Key_Press_Event, Event); else return Return_Callback.Emit_By_Name (Win, Signal_Key_Release_Event, Event); end if; end Key_Event_In_Floating; ------------------------------------------ -- Set_Default_Size_For_Floating_Window -- ------------------------------------------ procedure Set_Default_Size_For_Floating_Window (Child : not null access MDI_Child_Record; Win : not null access Gtk_Window_Record'Class; Width, Height : Glib.Gint) is pragma Unreferenced (Child); begin Win.Set_Default_Size (Width, Height); end Set_Default_Size_For_Floating_Window; ----------------- -- Float_Child -- ----------------- procedure Float_Child (Child : not null access MDI_Child_Record'Class; Float : Boolean; Position_At_Mouse : Boolean := True; X, Y : Gint := 0) is begin Internal_Float_Child (Child, Float, Position_At_Mouse => Position_At_Mouse, X => X, Y => Y); end Float_Child; ----------------------------------- -- Create_Float_Window_For_Child -- ----------------------------------- procedure Create_Float_Window_For_Child (Child : not null access MDI_Child_Record; Win : out Gtk_Window; Container : out Gtk_Container) is function Get_Current_Floating_Child return MDI_Child; -- If the current MDI child (i.e: the one that has the focus) is -- floating and realized, return it. Return null otherwise. -------------------------------- -- Get_Current_Floating_Child -- -------------------------------- function Get_Current_Floating_Child return MDI_Child is Children : Widget_List.Glist; It : MDI_Child; begin Children := Child.MDI.Items; It := MDI_Child (Get_Data (Children)); if It /= null and then It /= MDI_Child (Child) and then It.State = Floating and then It.Initial.Get_Realized then return It; else return null; end if; end Get_Current_Floating_Child; Parent : Gtk_Window := null; Current_Floating_Child : constant MDI_Child := Get_Current_Floating_Child; begin Gtk_New (Win); Container := Gtk_Container (Win); -- If the mode is set to Float_To_Main, we want to float the dialog as -- transient for the MDI's main window. -- -- If the mode is set to Float_As_Transient , we want to float the -- dialog as transient for the current child when floating or the main -- window otherwise. -- -- In any other case, we don't set any transient window. if (Child.Flags and Float_To_Main) /= 0 then Parent := Gtk_Window (Child.MDI.Get_Toplevel); elsif (Child.Flags and Float_As_Transient) /= 0 then if Current_Floating_Child /= null then Parent := Gtk_Window (Current_Floating_Child.Initial.Get_Toplevel); else Parent := Gtk_Window (Child.MDI.Get_Toplevel); end if; end if; if Parent /= null then Win.Set_Transient_For (Parent); -- Set the window's type hint to dialog to avoid displaying the -- minimize/maximize buttons: these buttons can lead to some strange -- behavior when a window is set as transient to a parent one (e.g: -- minimizing a window also minimizes the parent window on Windows). Win.Set_Type_Hint (Window_Type_Hint_Dialog); end if; end Create_Float_Window_For_Child; -------------------------- -- Internal_Float_Child -- -------------------------- procedure Internal_Float_Child (Child : access MDI_Child_Record'Class; Float : Boolean; Position_At_Mouse : Boolean; X, Y : Gint; Width, Height : Gint := -1) is use Object_List; Win : Gtk_Window; Cont : Gtk_Container; Widget : Gtk_Widget; Min, Requisition : Gtk_Requisition; Groups : Object_List.GSlist; Box : Gtk_Box; W, H : Gint; begin if Traces then Print_Debug ("Float_Child " & Get_Title (Child) & " State=" & State_Type'Image (Child.State) & " Float=" & Boolean'Image (Float), Debug_Increase); end if; if Child.State /= Floating and then Float then -- If the Child already has a window, the resulting floating window -- should have the same size. -- Otherwise, ask the Child for its requisiton. if Width /= -1 and then Height /= -1 then W := Width; H := Height; if Traces then Print_Debug ("Forced size:" & Gint'Image (W) & "x" & Gint'Image (H)); end if; elsif Child.Get_Mapped then W := Child.Get_Parent.Get_Allocated_Width; H := Child.Get_Parent.Get_Allocated_Height; if Traces then Print_Debug ("Size from allocated:" & Gint'Image (W) & "x" & Gint'Image (H)); end if; else Child.Get_Preferred_Size (Min, Requisition); W := Requisition.Width; H := Requisition.Height; if Traces then Print_Debug ("Use preferred size:" & Gint'Image (W) & "x" & Gint'Image (H)); end if; end if; -- Ref is removed when the child is unfloated Ref (Child); -- Store the original notebook of the child we want to float: we want -- to put it back in the same notebook if the user unfloats it. Child.Notebook_Before_Floating := Gtk_Notebook (Get_Notebook (Child)); if Child.Notebook_Before_Floating /= null then Child.Notebook_Before_Floating.On_Destroy (On_Notebook_Before_Floating_Destroy'Access, Slot => Child); end if; -- This could be called before the child even has a parent if -- All_Floating_Mode is set. if Get_Parent (Child) /= null then Remove (Gtk_Container (Get_Parent (Child)), Child); end if; Child.Create_Float_Window_For_Child (Win, Cont); Child.Set_Default_Size_For_Floating_Window (Win, W, H); if Child.MDI.Use_Short_Titles_For_Floats then Set_Title (Win, Locale_From_UTF8 (Child.Short_Title.all)); else Set_Title (Win, Locale_From_UTF8 (Child.Title.all)); end if; -- Memorize the MDI_Child associated with the window, for faster -- lookup for instance in Find_MDI_Child_From_Widget. Child_User_Data.Set (Win, MDI_Child (Child), "parent_mdi_child"); -- Add the 'mdichild' CSS class to the newly created floating window Get_Style_Context (Win).Add_Class ("mdichild"); -- Set the accelerators for this window, so that menu key shortcuts -- behave the same as in the main window. -- ??? Should we do the same for mnemonics, even though the menu -- bar isn't available on this floating window. Groups := From_Object (Get_Toplevel (Child.MDI)); while Groups /= Object_List.Null_List loop Add_Accel_Group (Win, Gtk_Accel_Group (Get_Data (Groups))); Groups := Next (Groups); end loop; if Position_At_Mouse then Set_Position (Win, Win_Pos_Mouse); else Move (Win, X, Y); Set_Position (Win, Win_Pos_None); end if; -- Delete_Event should be forwarded to the child, not to the -- toplevel window Return_Callback.Object_Connect (Win, Signal_Delete_Event, Return_Callback.To_Marshaller (Delete_Child'Access), Child); Add_Events (Win, Enter_Notify_Mask); Return_Callback.Object_Connect (Win, Signal_Focus_In_Event, Return_Callback.To_Marshaller (Set_Focus_Child_MDI_Floating'Access), Child); -- Forward all key events to the toplevel of the MDI. This provides -- proper handling of menu key shortcuts. Return_Callback.Object_Connect (Win, Signal_Key_Press_Event, Return_Callback.To_Marshaller (Key_Event_In_Floating'Access), Gtk_Window (Get_Toplevel (Child.MDI)), After => True); Return_Callback.Object_Connect (Win, Signal_Key_Release_Event, Return_Callback.To_Marshaller (Key_Event_In_Floating'Access), Gtk_Window (Get_Toplevel (Child.MDI)), After => True); Widget := Child.Initial.Get_Parent; Ref (Widget); Gtk_Container (Widget.Get_Parent).Remove (Widget); Cont.Add (Widget); Unref (Widget); if Cont.all in Gtk_Box_Record'Class then Gtk_Box (Cont).Set_Child_Packing (Widget, Expand => True, Fill => True, Padding => 0, Pack_Type => Pack_Start); end if; Set_State (Child, Floating); Update_Float_Menu (Child); Show_All (Win); Emit_By_Name_Child (Get_Object (Child.MDI), String (Signal_Float_Child) & ASCII.NUL, Get_Object (Child)); Widget_Callback.Emit_By_Name (Child, Signal_Float_Child); elsif Child.State = Floating and then not Float then -- We are about to unfloat the child: emit the "before" signal -- before the actual unfloat, so that clients have the possibility -- to grab the coordinates of the floating window, for instance. Emit_By_Name_Child (Get_Object (Child.MDI), String (Signal_Before_Unfloat_Child) & ASCII.NUL, Get_Object (Child)); Widget_Callback.Emit_By_Name (Child, Signal_Before_Unfloat_Child); -- Reassign the widget to Child instead of the notebook Win := Gtk_Window (Get_Toplevel (Child.Initial)); Box := Gtk_Box (Get_Child (Child)); Widget := Child.Initial.Get_Parent; Ref (Widget); Gtk_Container (Widget.Get_Parent).Remove (Widget); Box.Add (Widget); Unref (Widget); Box.Set_Child_Packing (Widget, Expand => True, Fill => True, Padding => 0, Pack_Type => Pack_Start); Set_State (Child, Normal); Destroy (Win); Put_In_Notebook (MDI => Child.MDI, Child => Child, Notebook => MDI_Notebook (Child.Notebook_Before_Floating)); Update_Float_Menu (Child); Emit_By_Name_Child (Get_Object (Child.MDI), String (Signal_Unfloat_Child) & ASCII.NUL, Get_Object (Child)); Widget_Callback.Emit_By_Name (Child, Signal_Unfloat_Child); Unref (Child); end if; Print_Debug ("", Debug_Decrease); end Internal_Float_Child; ----------------- -- Is_Floating -- ----------------- function Is_Floating (Child : not null access MDI_Child_Record'Class) return Boolean is begin return Child.State = Floating; end Is_Floating; ------------------------ -- On_Tab_Orientation -- ------------------------ procedure On_Tab_Orientation (Notebook : access Gtk_Notebook_Record'Class; Orientation : Tab_Orientation_Type) is Child : MDI_Child; Length : constant Gint := Notebook.Get_N_Pages; begin MDI_Notebook (Notebook).Tab_Orientation := Orientation; if Length > 0 then for Page_Index in 0 .. Length - 1 loop Child := MDI_Child (Notebook.Get_Nth_Page (Page_Index)); Update_Tab_Label (Child); end loop; end if; end On_Tab_Orientation; ---------------- -- On_Tab_Pos -- ---------------- procedure On_Tab_Pos (Note : access Gtk_Notebook_Record'Class; Pos : Gtk.Enums.Gtk_Position_Type) is begin Note.Set_Tab_Pos (Pos); Get_Style_Context (Note).Remove_Class ("rightTabs"); Get_Style_Context (Note).Remove_Class ("leftTabs"); Get_Style_Context (Note).Remove_Class ("bottomTabs"); case Pos is when Pos_Top => null; when Pos_Left => Get_Style_Context (Note).Add_Class ("leftTabs"); when Pos_Right => Get_Style_Context (Note).Add_Class ("rightTabs"); when Pos_Bottom => Get_Style_Context (Note).Add_Class ("bottomTabs"); end case; On_Tab_Orientation (Note, MDI_Notebook (Note).Tab_Orientation); end On_Tab_Pos; ------------- -- Get_MDI -- ------------- function Get_MDI (Child : not null access MDI_Child_Record) return MDI_Window is begin return Child.MDI; end Get_MDI; ------------------------------------- -- Set_Tab_Contextual_Menu_Factory -- ------------------------------------- procedure Set_Tab_Contextual_Menu_Factory (MDI : access MDI_Window_Record; Factory : Tab_Contextual_Menu_Factory) is begin MDI.Tab_Factory := Factory; end Set_Tab_Contextual_Menu_Factory; ------------------------------ -- On_Notebook_Button_Press -- ------------------------------ function On_Notebook_Button_Press (Child : access Gtk_Widget_Record'Class; Event : Gdk.Event.Gdk_Event) return Boolean is C : constant MDI_Child := MDI_Child (Child); Note : constant MDI_Notebook := Get_Notebook (C); Menu : Gtk_Menu; Submenu : Gtk_Menu; Sep : Gtk_Separator_Menu_Item; Item : Gtk_Menu_Item; MItem : Child_Menu_Item; Widget : MDI_Child; Image : Gtk_Image; Current : Gint; begin if Get_Button (Event) = 3 then Gtk_New (Menu); Current := Note.Get_Current_Page; for P in 1 .. Note.Get_N_Pages loop Widget := MDI_Child (Note.Get_Nth_Page (P - 1)); MItem := new Child_Menu_Item_Record; MItem.Child := Widget; Gtk.Image_Menu_Item.Initialize (MItem, Label => Widget.Short_Title.all); if P - 1 = Current then Gtk_Label (MItem.Get_Child).Set_Markup ("" & Widget.Short_Title.all & ""); end if; if Widget.Tab_Icon /= null then Gtk_New (Image, Gdk_Pixbuf'(Widget.Tab_Icon.Get)); MItem.Set_Image (Image); MItem.Set_Always_Show_Image (True); end if; Menu.Append (MItem); Widget_Callback.Connect (MItem, Gtk.Menu_Item.Signal_Activate, Menu_Switch_Page'Access); end loop; Gtk_New (Sep); Menu.Append (Sep); Gtk_New (Item, "Tabs location"); Append (Menu, Item); Gtk_New (Submenu); Set_Submenu (Item, Submenu); Gtk_New (Item, "Top"); Tab_Pos_Callback.Object_Connect (Item, Gtk.Menu_Item.Signal_Activate, On_Tab_Pos'Access, Note, Pos_Top); Append (Submenu, Item); Gtk_New (Item, "Bottom"); Tab_Pos_Callback.Object_Connect (Item, Gtk.Menu_Item.Signal_Activate, On_Tab_Pos'Access, Note, Pos_Bottom); Append (Submenu, Item); Gtk_New (Item, "Left"); Tab_Pos_Callback.Object_Connect (Item, Gtk.Menu_Item.Signal_Activate, On_Tab_Pos'Access, Note, Pos_Left); Append (Submenu, Item); Gtk_New (Item, "Right"); Tab_Pos_Callback.Object_Connect (Item, Gtk.Menu_Item.Signal_Activate, On_Tab_Pos'Access, Note, Pos_Right); Append (Submenu, Item); Gtk_New (Item, "Tabs rotation"); Menu.Append (Item); Gtk_New (Submenu); Item.Set_Submenu (Submenu); Gtk_New (Item, "Automatic"); Tab_Orientation_Callback.Object_Connect (Item, Gtk.Menu_Item.Signal_Activate, On_Tab_Orientation'Access, Note, Automatic); Submenu.Append (Item); Gtk_New (Item, "Horizontal"); Tab_Orientation_Callback.Object_Connect (Item, Gtk.Menu_Item.Signal_Activate, On_Tab_Orientation'Access, Note, Horizontal); Submenu.Append (Item); Gtk_New (Item, "Bottom to top"); Tab_Orientation_Callback.Object_Connect (Item, Gtk.Menu_Item.Signal_Activate, On_Tab_Orientation'Access, Note, Bottom_To_Top); Submenu.Append (Item); Gtk_New (Item, "Top to bottom"); Tab_Orientation_Callback.Object_Connect (Item, Gtk.Menu_Item.Signal_Activate, On_Tab_Orientation'Access, Note, Top_To_Bottom); Submenu.Append (Item); Gtk_New (Sep); Menu.Append (Sep); if (C.Flags and Destroy_Button) /= 0 then Gtk_New (Item, "Close"); Widget_Callback.Object_Connect (Item, Gtk.Menu_Item.Signal_Activate, Close_Cb'Access, Child); Prepend (Menu, Item); end if; if C.MDI.Tab_Factory /= null then C.MDI.Tab_Factory (C, Menu); end if; Show_All (Menu); Popup (Menu, Button => 3, Activate_Time => Gdk.Event.Get_Time (Event)); return True; elsif Get_Event_Type (Event) = Gdk_2button_Press and then Get_Button (Event) = 1 then if not Maximize_Action.Is_Maximized_Mode (C.MDI) then Widget_Callback.Emit_By_Name (C, Signal_Maximize_Child); else Widget_Callback.Emit_By_Name (C, Signal_Unmaximize); end if; return True; elsif Get_Button (Event) = 2 then C.Close_Child; return True; end if; return False; end On_Notebook_Button_Press; ----------------------------------------- -- On_Notebook_Before_Floating_Destroy -- ----------------------------------------- procedure On_Notebook_Before_Floating_Destroy (Slot : access Glib.Object.GObject_Record'Class) is Child : constant MDI_Child := MDI_Child (Slot); begin Child.Notebook_Before_Floating := null; end On_Notebook_Before_Floating_Destroy; ---------------------- -- Menu_Switch_Page -- ---------------------- procedure Menu_Switch_Page (Item : access Gtk_Widget_Record'Class) is It : constant Child_Menu_Item := Child_Menu_Item (Item); begin It.Child.Set_Focus_Child; end Menu_Switch_Page; --------------------- -- Create_Notebook -- --------------------- function Create_Notebook (MDI : access MDI_Window_Record'Class) return MDI_Notebook is Notebook : MDI_Notebook; begin Notebook := new MDI_Notebook_Record; Notebook.Tab_Orientation := MDI.Tabs_Orientation; Gtk.Notebook.Initialize (Notebook); Configure_Notebook_Tabs (MDI, Notebook); Set_Border_Width (Notebook, 0); Set_Scrollable (Notebook); Notebook.Set_Group_Name ("MDI"); Get_Style_Context (Notebook).Add_Class ("mdi"); Widget_Callback.Connect (Notebook, Signal_Remove, Removed_From_Notebook'Access); Widget_Callback.Connect (Notebook, Signal_Set_Focus_Child, Set_Focus_Child_Notebook'Access); Widget_Callback.Connect (Notebook, Signal_Switch_Page, Set_Focus_Child_Switch_Notebook_Page'Access); Notebook.On_Motion_Notify_Event (Button_Motion_Notebook'Access); Notebook.On_Button_Release_Event (Button_Release_Notebook'Access); On_Tab_Pos (Notebook, MDI.Tabs_Position); return Notebook; end Create_Notebook; ----------------------------- -- Configure_Notebook_Tabs -- ----------------------------- procedure Configure_Notebook_Tabs (MDI : access MDI_Window_Record'Class; Notebook : access Gtk_Notebook_Record'Class; Hide_If_Empty : Boolean := False) is Child : MDI_Child; Page_Count : constant Gint := Get_N_Pages (Notebook); Visible_Page_Count : Natural := 0; begin -- Some pages might be hidden, in which case they should not be counted -- when we compute whether the tabs should be made visible for P in 0 .. Page_Count - 1 loop if Get_Nth_Page (Notebook, P).Get_Visible then Visible_Page_Count := Visible_Page_Count + 1; end if; end loop; if Visible_Page_Count >= 2 then Set_Show_Tabs (Notebook, MDI.Show_Tabs_Policy /= Never); else Set_Show_Tabs (Notebook, MDI.Show_Tabs_Policy = Always); end if; if Notebook.Get_Show_Tabs then Get_Style_Context (Notebook).Remove_Class ("noTabs"); else Get_Style_Context (Notebook).Add_Class ("noTabs"); end if; Child := MDI_Child (Get_Nth_Page (Notebook, 0)); if Child /= null then Set_Property (Notebook, Show_Border_Property, Get_Nth_Page (Notebook, 1) = null and then MDI.Show_Tabs_Policy /= Always); end if; if Hide_If_Empty then if Visible_Page_Count = 0 then Hide (Notebook); else Show (Notebook); end if; end if; end Configure_Notebook_Tabs; ----------------------------- -- Tab_Get_Preferred_Width -- ----------------------------- procedure Tab_Get_Preferred_Width (Label : System.Address; Minimum_Size, Natural_Size : out Gint) is Tab : constant MDI_Tab := MDI_Tab (Glib.Object.Convert (Label)); Note : constant MDI_Notebook := MDI_Notebook (Tab.Get_Parent); Pages : Gint; Lab : MDI_Tab; Min, Nat : Gint; Total : Gint; Val : GValue; Focus_Width : Gint; Focus_Pad : Gint; begin case Note.Get_Tab_Pos is when Pos_Left | Pos_Right => -- fallback to gtk behavior Tab.Get_Child.Get_Preferred_Width (Minimum_Size, Natural_Size); when Pos_Top | Pos_Bottom => -- Do we need to recompute, or has another tab already done the -- computation ? Tab.Timestamp := Tab.Timestamp + 1; if Note.Timestamp < Tab.Timestamp then Note.Timestamp := Tab.Timestamp; Pages := Note.Get_N_Pages; Minimum_Size := 0; Natural_Size := 0; -- Find all other MDI_Tab_Labels. for N in 0 .. Pages - 1 loop Lab := MDI_Tab (Note.Get_Tab_Label (Note.Get_Nth_Page (N))); Lab.Get_Child.Get_Preferred_Width (Min, Nat); Natural_Size := Natural_Size + Nat; Minimum_Size := Minimum_Size + Min; end loop; -- Compute borders from the theme. This is copied from -- gtknotebook.c. Apparently we do not need to get -- Get_Style_Context (Note).Get_Padding Init (Val, GType_Int); Note.Style_Get_Property ("focus-line-width", Val); Focus_Width := Get_Int (Val); Note.Style_Get_Property ("focus-padding", Val); Focus_Pad := Get_Int (Val); Unset (Val); Total := Note.Get_Allocated_Width - Pages * 2 * (Focus_Width + Focus_Pad); if Traces then Tab.Get_Child.Get_Preferred_Width (Min, Nat); Put_Line ("Tabsize: total {Nat=" & Gint'Image (Natural_Size) & " Min=" & Gint'Image (Minimum_Size) & "} Child={" & Gint'Image (Min) & Gint'Image (Nat) & "} Notebook=" & Gint'Image (Total) & " Pages=" & Gint'Image (Pages)); end if; if Natural_Size <= Total then -- All tabs can use their natural size, but we must set the -- tab's minimum size to its natural size since gtk+ always -- uses the minimum size. Note.Tab_Size := -1; else -- All tabs should use the same size (and have a min. size) -- "100" is random here, seems to be good enough to display -- enough chars to distinguish editors. Nat := Gint'Max (100, Total / Pages); Note.Tab_Size := Nat; end if; -- Will need to resize all other tabs (nothing will happen for -- those that have already been refreshed, because of timestamp -- comparison) for N in 0 .. Pages - 1 loop Lab := MDI_Tab (Note.Get_Tab_Label (Note.Get_Nth_Page (N))); if Lab /= Tab then Lab.Queue_Resize; end if; end loop; Minimum_Size := Nat; Natural_Size := Nat; if Traces then Put_Line ("tab size => note.timestamp=" & Integer'Image (Note.Timestamp) & " tab.timestamp=" & Integer'Image (Tab.Timestamp) & " size=" & Gint'Image (Nat)); end if; else Tab.Timestamp := Note.Timestamp; if Note.Tab_Size = -1 then Tab.Get_Child.Get_Preferred_Width (Min, Natural_Size); Minimum_Size := Natural_Size; else Minimum_Size := Note.Tab_Size; Natural_Size := Note.Tab_Size; end if; end if; end case; end Tab_Get_Preferred_Width; ------------------------------ -- Tab_Get_Preferred_Height -- ------------------------------ procedure Tab_Get_Preferred_Height (Label : System.Address; Minimum_Size, Natural_Size : out Gint) is Tab : constant MDI_Tab := MDI_Tab (Glib.Object.Convert (Label)); Note : constant MDI_Notebook := MDI_Notebook (Tab.Get_Parent); Pages : Gint; Lab : MDI_Tab; Max_Of_Min, Min, Nat : Gint; Total : Gint; begin case Note.Get_Tab_Pos is when Pos_Left | Pos_Right => -- Do we need to recompute, or has another tab already done the -- computation ? Tab.Timestamp := Tab.Timestamp + 1; if Note.Timestamp < Tab.Timestamp then Note.Timestamp := Tab.Timestamp; Pages := Note.Get_N_Pages; Minimum_Size := 0; Natural_Size := 0; Max_Of_Min := 0; -- Find all other MDI_Tab_Labels. for N in 0 .. Pages - 1 loop Lab := MDI_Tab (Note.Get_Tab_Label (Note.Get_Nth_Page (N))); Lab.Get_Child.Get_Preferred_Height (Min, Nat); Natural_Size := Natural_Size + Nat; Minimum_Size := Minimum_Size + Min; Max_Of_Min := Gint'Max (Max_Of_Min, Min); end loop; Total := Note.Get_Allocated_Height; if Traces then Put_Line ("Tabsize: total {Nat=" & Gint'Image (Natural_Size) & " Min=" & Gint'Image (Minimum_Size) & "} Child={" & Gint'Image (Min) & Gint'Image (Nat) & "} Notebook=" & Gint'Image (Total) & " Pages=" & Gint'Image (Pages)); end if; if Natural_Size <= Total then -- All tabs can use their natural size, but we must set the -- tab's minimum size to its natural size since gtk+ always -- uses the minimum size. Note.Tab_Size := -1; else -- All tabs should use the same size (and have a min. size) -- "100" is random here, seems to be good enough to display -- enough chars to distinguish editors. Nat := Gint'Max (Max_Of_Min, Total / Pages); Note.Tab_Size := Nat; end if; -- Will need to resize all other tabs (nothing will happen for -- those that have already been refreshed, because of timestamp -- comparison) for N in 0 .. Pages - 1 loop Lab := MDI_Tab (Note.Get_Tab_Label (Note.Get_Nth_Page (N))); if Lab /= Tab then Lab.Queue_Resize; end if; end loop; Minimum_Size := Nat; Natural_Size := Nat; if Traces then Put_Line ("tab size => note.timestamp=" & Integer'Image (Note.Timestamp) & " tab.timestamp=" & Integer'Image (Tab.Timestamp) & " size=" & Gint'Image (Nat)); end if; else Tab.Timestamp := Note.Timestamp; if Note.Tab_Size = -1 then Tab.Get_Child.Get_Preferred_Height (Min, Natural_Size); Minimum_Size := Natural_Size; else Minimum_Size := Note.Tab_Size; Natural_Size := Note.Tab_Size; end if; end if; when Pos_Top | Pos_Bottom => -- fallback to gtk behavior Tab.Get_Child.Get_Preferred_Height (Minimum_Size, Natural_Size); end case; end Tab_Get_Preferred_Height; -------------------- -- Tab_Class_Init -- -------------------- procedure Tab_Class_Init (Self : GObject_Class) is begin Set_Default_Get_Preferred_Width_Handler (Self, Tab_Get_Preferred_Width'Access); Set_Default_Get_Preferred_Height_Handler (Self, Tab_Get_Preferred_Height'Access); end Tab_Class_Init; ----------------- -- Get_Tooltip -- ----------------- function Get_Tooltip (Child : not null access MDI_Child_Record) return String is pragma Unreferenced (Child); begin return ""; end Get_Tooltip; --------------------------- -- Get_Tooltip_Is_Markup -- --------------------------- function Get_Tooltip_Is_Markup (Child : not null access MDI_Child_Record) return Boolean is pragma Unreferenced (Child); begin return False; end Get_Tooltip_Is_Markup; ---------------------- -- Update_Tab_Label -- ---------------------- procedure Update_Tab_Label (Child : access MDI_Child_Record'Class) is Note : constant MDI_Notebook := Get_Notebook (Child); Event : Gtk_Event_Box; Box : Gtk_Box; Close : Close_Button.Gtkada_MDI_Close_Button; Orientation : Tab_Orientation_Type; procedure Add_Icon; procedure Add_Close_Button; procedure Add_Label; procedure Add_Icon is begin if Child.Icon_Name = null then Gtk_New (Child.Tab_Icon); Child.Tab_Icon.Hide; else Gtk_New_From_Icon_Name (Child.Tab_Icon, Child.Icon_Name.all, Icon_Size_In_Tabs); Child.Tab_Icon.Show_All; end if; -- The visibility of the Tab_Icon should be controlled by -- the actual presence of the icon. Set it to No_Show_All -- so that it does not take up space if the icon is not set. Child.Tab_Icon.Set_No_Show_All (No_Show_All => True); Box.Pack_Start (Child.Tab_Icon, Expand => False, Padding => 1); end Add_Icon; procedure Add_Close_Button is begin if (Child.Flags and Destroy_Button) /= 0 then Close_Button.Gtk_New (Close, Event, Child, Position => Note.Get_Tab_Pos, In_Titlebar => False); Box.Pack_Start (Close, Expand => False, Padding => 2); end if; end Add_Close_Button; procedure Add_Label is begin Gtk_New (Child.Tab_Label, Child.Short_Title.all); Box.Pack_Start (Child.Tab_Label, Expand => True, Fill => True); declare Tooltip : constant String := Child.Get_Tooltip; begin if Tooltip = "" then Child.Tab_Label.Set_Tooltip_Text (Child.Title.all); elsif Child.Get_Tooltip_Is_Markup then Child.Tab_Label.Set_Tooltip_Markup (Tooltip); else Child.Tab_Label.Set_Tooltip_Text (Tooltip); end if; end; if Child.MDI.Homogeneous_Tabs then Child.Tab_Label.Set_Ellipsize (Pango.Layout.Ellipsize_Middle); end if; case Note.Actual_Tab_Orientation is when Horizontal | Automatic => Child.Tab_Label.Set_Angle (0.0); when Bottom_To_Top => Child.Tab_Label.Set_Angle (90.0); when Top_To_Bottom => Child.Tab_Label.Set_Angle (270.0); end case; end Add_Label; begin if Note /= null and then Child.State = Normal then if Child.MDI.Homogeneous_Tabs then Event := new MDI_Tab_Record; MDI_Tab (Event).Timestamp := Note.Timestamp; Glib.Object.Initialize_Class_Record (Ancestor => Gtk.Event_Box.Get_Type, Signals => (1 .. 0 => Interfaces.C.Strings.Null_Ptr), Parameters => (1 .. 0 => (1 => GType_None)), Class_Record => MDI_Tab_Class_Record, Type_Name => "MDITab", Class_Init => Tab_Class_Init'Access); G_New (Event, MDI_Tab_Class_Record.The_Type); else Gtk_New (Event); end if; Event.Set_App_Paintable (True); -- prevent gtk_event_box_draw Event.Set_Visible_Window (False); Orientation := Note.Tab_Orientation; if Orientation = Automatic then case Note.Get_Tab_Pos is when Pos_Top | Pos_Bottom => Orientation := Horizontal; when Pos_Left => Orientation := Bottom_To_Top; when Pos_Right => Orientation := Top_To_Bottom; end case; end if; Note.Actual_Tab_Orientation := Orientation; if Note.Actual_Tab_Orientation = Horizontal then Gtk_New_Hbox (Box, Homogeneous => False); else Gtk_New_Vbox (Box, Homogeneous => False); end if; if Note.Actual_Tab_Orientation = Bottom_To_Top then Add_Close_Button; Add_Label; Add_Icon; else Add_Icon; Add_Label; Add_Close_Button; end if; Event.Add (Box); Note.Set_Tab_Label (Child, Event); Note.Set_Tab_Detachable (Child, False); Note.Set_Tab_Reorderable (Child, True); Show_All (Event); Event.On_Button_Press_Event (Set_Focus_Child_MDI_From_Tab'Access, Slot => Child); Return_Callback.Object_Connect (Event, Signal_Button_Press_Event, Return_Callback.To_Marshaller (On_Notebook_Button_Press'Access), Child); Event.On_Button_Release_Event (Set_Focus_Child_MDI_From_Tab'Access, Slot => Child); -- Setup drag-and-drop, so that items can be moved from one location -- to another. Set_Dnd_Source (Event, Child); Event.Queue_Resize; end if; end Update_Tab_Label; ----------------- -- Note_Notify -- ----------------- procedure Note_Notify (Data : System.Address; Where : System.Address) is pragma Unreferenced (Where); Old_Note_Was_Destroyed : aliased Boolean; for Old_Note_Was_Destroyed'Address use Data; begin Old_Note_Was_Destroyed := True; end Note_Notify; --------------------- -- Put_In_Notebook -- --------------------- procedure Put_In_Notebook (MDI : access MDI_Window_Record'Class; Child : access MDI_Child_Record'Class; Notebook : MDI_Notebook := null; Initial_Position : Child_Position := Position_Automatic; Force_Parent_Destruction : Boolean := True) is Note : MDI_Notebook; Old_Parent : Gtk_Container; Destroy_Old : Boolean := False; Old_Note_Was_Destroyed : aliased Boolean := False; begin -- Embed the contents of the child into the notebook if Notebook /= null then Note := Notebook; elsif Child.Areas = Central_Only or else (Child.Group = Group_Default and then not MDI.Independent_Perspectives and then MDI.Central /= null and then Child.Areas /= Sides_Only) then Note := Find_Current_In_Central (MDI.Central, MDI, Child.Group, Initial_Position); else Note := Find_Current_In_Central (MDI, MDI, Child.Group, Initial_Position); end if; if Get_Parent (Child) = Gtk_Widget (Note) then return; end if; Ref (Child); if Get_Parent (Child) /= null then Old_Parent := Gtk_Container (Get_Parent (Child)); -- Always destroy the notebook we were in, since we are -- putting the item elsewhere anyway, there will still be -- a notebook for items in the same position. Destroy_Old := Force_Parent_Destruction and then Old_Parent.all in Gtk_Notebook_Record'Class and then Get_Nth_Page (Gtk_Notebook (Old_Parent), 1) = null; Weak_Ref (Old_Parent, Note_Notify'Access, Old_Note_Was_Destroyed'Address); Remove (Old_Parent, Child); if not Old_Note_Was_Destroyed then Weak_Unref (Old_Parent, Note_Notify'Access, Old_Note_Was_Destroyed'Address); end if; -- Problem: Old_Note might no longer exist not, since -- Removed_From_Notebook might have destroyed it. if Destroy_Old and then not Old_Note_Was_Destroyed then Destroy (Old_Parent); end if; end if; Set_State (Child, Normal); Append_Page (Note, Child); Note.Set_Menu_Label_Text (Child, Child.Short_Title.all); Configure_Notebook_Tabs (MDI, Note); if Child = Child.MDI.Focus_Child then Update_Tab_Color (Note, True); end if; Update_Tab_Label (Child); -- In case the user displays title bars only in the central area, we -- might need to change its visibility when moving in or out of the -- central area Set_Child_Title_Bar (Child); Set_Child_Visible (Note, True); Show (Note); Unref (Child); end Put_In_Notebook; ----------------------------- -- Find_Current_In_Central -- ----------------------------- function Find_Current_In_Central (Pane : access Gtkada_Multi_Paned_Record'Class; MDI : access MDI_Window_Record'Class; Group : Child_Group := Group_Any; Initial_Position : Child_Position := Position_Automatic) return MDI_Notebook is List : Widget_List.Glist := MDI.Items; C : MDI_Child; Note : MDI_Notebook; Current : MDI_Notebook; Default_Current_Found : Boolean := False; begin if Gtkada_Multi_Paned (Pane) = Gtkada_Multi_Paned (MDI) then -- Do we already have a child within the same group ? while List /= Widget_List.Null_List loop C := MDI_Child (Get_Data (List)); if C.State = Normal then Note := Get_Notebook (C); if Current = null then Current := Note; end if; if not Default_Current_Found and then C.Group = Group_Default then Default_Current_Found := True; Current := Note; end if; exit when Note /= null and then (Group = Group_Any or else C.Group = Group); Note := null; end if; List := Next (List); end loop; else -- In the central area, look for the last child used, and put the new -- window on top of it if not MDI.Independent_Perspectives then while List /= Widget_List.Null_List loop C := MDI_Child (Get_Data (List)); if In_Central_Area (MDI, C) and then C.Group = Group then Note := Get_Notebook (C); Current := Note; exit; end if; List := Next (List); end loop; end if; -- No last child ? It means the central area is empty (or contains -- an empty notebook, in case we could not reload the desktop, for -- instance because a file previously edited no longer exists). if Current = null then if Traces then Print_Debug ("Find_Current_In_Central: no last child in ," & " checking whether we have an empty notebook"); end if; if not MDI.Independent_Perspectives then declare Iter : Gtkada.Multi_Paned.Child_Iterator := Start (MDI.Central); begin while not At_End (Iter) and then Get_Widget (Iter) = null loop Next (Iter); end loop; if not At_End (Iter) then Print_Debug ("Found empty notebook, using it"); Note := MDI_Notebook (Get_Widget (Iter)); Current := Note; end if; end; end if; -- Current might still be null if the central area really is empty end if; end if; if Note = null then if Traces then Print_Debug ("no notebook yet, Position=" & Child_Position'Image (Initial_Position)); end if; case Initial_Position is when Position_Bottom => Note := Create_Notebook (MDI); Split (Pane, New_Child => Note, Ref_Pane => Root_Pane, Orientation => Orientation_Vertical, Width => -1, Height => -1, After => True); when Position_Top => Note := Create_Notebook (MDI); Split (Pane, New_Child => Note, Ref_Pane => Root_Pane, Orientation => Orientation_Vertical, Width => -1, Height => -1, After => False); when Position_Left => Note := Create_Notebook (MDI); Split (Pane, New_Child => Note, Ref_Pane => Root_Pane, Orientation => Orientation_Horizontal, Width => -1, Height => -1, After => False); when Position_Right => Note := Create_Notebook (MDI); Split (Pane, New_Child => Note, Ref_Pane => Root_Pane, Orientation => Orientation_Horizontal, Width => -1, Height => -1, After => True); when Position_Automatic | Position_Float => if Current /= null then Note := Current; else Note := Create_Notebook (MDI); Add_Child (Pane, New_Child => Note, Width => -1, Height => -1); end if; end case; end if; return Note; end Find_Current_In_Central; --------------------------- -- Set_All_Floating_Mode -- --------------------------- procedure Set_All_Floating_Mode (MDI : access MDI_Window_Record; All_Floating : Boolean) is List : Widget_List.Glist := First (MDI.Items); C : MDI_Child; begin if All_Floating /= MDI.All_Floating_Mode then MDI.All_Floating_Mode := All_Floating; -- We cannot do a simple loop here. When a child is floated, it -- can happen that the mouse enters the window, and the focus changes -- immediately, resulting in a change in the order of children in the -- list, even though not all windows have been floated yet. -- To fix this, we do two loops: one to list all the widgets, and -- one to float them. MDI.Freeze_Focus; declare package Child_List is new Ada.Containers.Doubly_Linked_Lists (MDI_Child); -- ??? We should use this to implement MDI.Items, rather than -- a Widget_List.Glist. use Child_List; To_Process : Child_List.List; Cursor : Child_List.Cursor; begin List := First (MDI.Items); while List /= Null_List loop C := MDI_Child (Get_Data (List)); if (C.State /= Floating and then All_Floating) or else (C.State = Floating and then not All_Floating) then To_Process.Append (C); end if; List := Next (List); end loop; Cursor := To_Process.First; while Has_Element (Cursor) loop Float_Child (Element (Cursor), All_Floating); Next (Cursor); end loop; To_Process.Clear; MDI.Thaw_Focus; exception when others => MDI.Thaw_Focus; raise; end; if MDI.Action_Float /= null then MDI.Action_Float.Set_Enabled (not All_Floating); end if; Set_Child_Visible (MDI, not All_Floating); -- Force a recomputation of the size Resize (Gtk_Window (Get_Toplevel (MDI)), -1, -1); end if; end Set_All_Floating_Mode; --------------------------------- -- Use_Short_Titles_For_Floats -- --------------------------------- procedure Use_Short_Titles_For_Floats (MDI : access MDI_Window_Record; Short_Titles : Boolean) is List : Widget_List.Glist := First (MDI.Items); Child : MDI_Child; begin if MDI.Use_Short_Titles_For_Floats = Short_Titles then -- Nothing to be changed return; end if; MDI.Use_Short_Titles_For_Floats := Short_Titles; -- The property has been changed. We need to walk though all children -- and enforce the title to the short one for floating children. loop List := First (MDI.Items); while List /= Null_List loop Child := MDI_Child (Get_Data (List)); declare T : constant String := Child.Title.all; S : constant String := Child.Short_Title.all; begin Free (Child.Title); -- Force a refresh Free (Child.Short_Title); Child.Set_Title (T, S); end; List := Next (List); end loop; exit when List = Null_List; end loop; end Use_Short_Titles_For_Floats; ---------------- -- Get_Widget -- ---------------- function Get_Widget (Child : access MDI_Child_Record) return Gtk_Widget is begin if Child = null then return null; else return Child.Initial; end if; end Get_Widget; --------------------- -- Get_Focus_Child -- --------------------- function Get_Focus_Child (MDI : access MDI_Window_Record) return MDI_Child is begin return MDI.Focus_Child; end Get_Focus_Child; --------------------------- -- Removed_From_Notebook -- --------------------------- procedure Removed_From_Notebook (Note : access Gtk_Widget_Record'Class; Args : Gtk_Args) is C : constant Gtk_Widget := Gtk_Widget (To_Object (Args, 1)); Child : MDI_Child; begin if C.all not in MDI_Child_Record'Class then return; end if; Child := MDI_Child (C); Child.Tab_Label := null; Child.Tab_Icon := null; Set_State (Child, Normal); if Child.MDI.Focus_Child = Child then Update_Tab_Color (Get_Notebook (Child), False); end if; if not Note.In_Destruction then Print_Debug ("Removed_From_Notebook: " & Get_Title (Child)); -- No more pages in the notebook ? => Destroy it if Get_Nth_Page (Gtk_Notebook (Note), 0) = null then Destroy (Note); else Configure_Notebook_Tabs (Child.MDI, Gtk_Notebook (Note), Hide_If_Empty => True); -- force computation of tab size MDI_Notebook (Note).Timestamp := 0; Note.Queue_Resize; end if; if Traces then Print_Debug ("Removed_From_Notebook: desktop is now"); Dump (Child.MDI); end if; end if; exception when E : others => -- Silently ignore the exceptions for now, to avoid crashes. -- The application using the MDI can not do it, since this callback -- is called directly from the menu in Create_Menu. Print_Debug ("Unexpected exception: " & Exception_Information (E)); end Removed_From_Notebook; ----------- -- Split -- ----------- procedure Split (MDI : access MDI_Window_Record; Orientation : Gtk.Enums.Gtk_Orientation; Child : MDI_Child := null; Mode : Split_Mode := Before; Width, Height : Glib.Gint := 0) is Note, Note2 : MDI_Notebook; Target : MDI_Child; Pane : Gtkada_Multi_Paned; W : Gtk_Widget; After : Boolean := True; begin if Child /= null then Target := Child; elsif MDI.Focus_Child /= null then Target := MDI.Focus_Child; elsif MDI.Items = Widget_List.Null_List then return; else Target := MDI_Child (Get_Data (MDI.Items)); end if; Note := Get_Notebook (Target); -- Only split if there are at least two children if Note /= null and then Get_Nth_Page (Note, 1) /= null then if In_Central_Area (MDI, Target) then Pane := MDI.Central; else Pane := Gtkada_Multi_Paned (MDI); end if; case Mode is when Before => Note2 := null; After := False; when Gtkada.MDI.After => Note2 := null; After := True; when Before_Reuse => W := Splitted_Area (Pane, Note, Orientation, After => False); After := False; when After_Reuse => W := Splitted_Area (Pane, Note, Orientation, After => True); After := True; when Any_Side_Reuse => W := Splitted_Area (Pane, Note, Orientation, After => True); if W = null then W := Splitted_Area (Pane, Note, Orientation, After => False); end if; After := True; end case; if W /= null and then W.all in Gtk_Notebook_Record'Class then Note2 := MDI_Notebook (W); end if; if Note2 = null then Note2 := Create_Notebook (MDI); Show_All (Note2); Split (Pane, Ref_Widget => Note, New_Child => Note2, Width => Width, Height => Height, Orientation => Orientation, After => After); end if; Show (Note2); Ref (Target); Give_Focus_To_Previous_Child (Target); Remove (Note, Target); Put_In_Notebook (MDI, Target, Note2); Unref (Target); Set_Focus_Child (Target); Emit_By_Name (Get_Object (MDI), String (Signal_Children_Reorganized) & ASCII.NUL); end if; if Traces then Print_Debug ("After split " & Gtk_Orientation'Image (Orientation)); Dump (MDI); end if; end Split; ---------------- -- Split_H_Cb -- ---------------- procedure Split_H_Cb (MDI : access Gtk_Widget_Record'Class) is M : constant MDI_Window := MDI_Window (MDI); begin -- Do nothing unless the current child is in the central area, since -- otherwise this is disturbing for the user if M.Focus_Child /= null and then M.Focus_Child.State = Normal then Split (M, Orientation => Orientation_Horizontal); end if; exception when E : others => Print_Debug ("Unexpected exception: " & Exception_Information (E)); end Split_H_Cb; ---------------- -- Split_V_Cb -- ---------------- procedure Split_V_Cb (MDI : access Gtk_Widget_Record'Class) is begin -- Do nothing unless the current child is in the central area, since -- otherwise this is disturbing for the user if MDI_Window (MDI).Focus_Child /= null and then MDI_Window (MDI).Focus_Child.State = Normal then Split (MDI_Window (MDI), Orientation => Orientation_Vertical); end if; exception when E : others => Print_Debug ("Unexpected exception: " & Exception_Information (E)); end Split_V_Cb; ----------------- -- Maximize_Cb -- ----------------- procedure Maximize_Cb (MDI : access Gtk_Widget_Record'Class) is Child : constant MDI_Child := MDI_Window (MDI).Focus_Child; begin if Child /= null and then not Maximize_Action.Is_Maximized_Mode (MDI_Window (MDI)) then Widget_Callback.Emit_By_Name (Child, Signal_Maximize_Child); end if; exception when E : others => Print_Debug ("Unexpected exception: " & Exception_Information (E)); end Maximize_Cb; ------------------- -- Unmaximize_Cb -- ------------------- procedure Unmaximize_Cb (MDI : access Gtk_Widget_Record'Class) is Child : constant MDI_Child := MDI_Window (MDI).Focus_Child; begin if Child /= null and then Maximize_Action.Is_Maximized_Mode (MDI_Window (MDI)) then Widget_Callback.Emit_By_Name (Child, Signal_Unmaximize); end if; exception when E : others => Print_Debug ("Unexpected exception: " & Exception_Information (E)); end Unmaximize_Cb; --------------------------------------- -- On_Select_Child_Update_Close_Menu -- --------------------------------------- procedure On_Select_Child_Update_Close_Menu (Item : access Gtk_Widget_Record'Class; Params : GValues) is C : constant MDI_Child := MDI_Child (Get_User_Data_Or_Null (To_Address (Params, 1))); begin if C = null then Item.Set_Sensitive (False); else Item.Set_Sensitive ((C.Flags and Destroy_Button) /= 0); end if; end On_Select_Child_Update_Close_Menu; -------------------------------- -- On_Float_Child_Update_Menu -- -------------------------------- procedure On_Float_Child_Update_Menu (Check : access Gtk_Widget_Record'Class) is C : constant MDI_Check_Menu_Item := MDI_Check_Menu_Item (Check); Focus : constant MDI_Child := C.MDI.Get_Focus_Child; begin C.MDI.Freeze_Float_Menu := True; -- Update the child's tab color if the child has been unfloated if Focus /= null and then Focus.State = Normal then Update_Tab_Color (Note => Get_Notebook (Focus), Focused => True); end if; C.Set_Active (Focus /= null and then Focus.State = Floating); C.MDI.Freeze_Float_Menu := False; end On_Float_Child_Update_Menu; -------------- -- Float_Cb -- -------------- procedure Float_Cb (MDI : access GObject_Record'Class) is C : constant MDI_Child := Get_Focus_Child (MDI_Window (MDI)); begin if not MDI_Window (MDI).Freeze_Float_Menu and then C /= null then Float_Child (C, C.State /= Floating); Set_Focus_Child (C); Raise_Child (C, False); end if; end Float_Cb; -------------- -- Close_Cb -- -------------- procedure Close_Cb (MDI : access Gtk_Widget_Record'Class) is C : MDI_Child; begin if MDI.all in MDI_Window_Record'Class then C := MDI_Window (MDI).Focus_Child; -- Close automatically gets the contents of docks, instead of the -- dock itself else C := MDI_Child (MDI); end if; if C /= null then Close_Child (C); end if; exception when E : others => -- Silently ignore the exceptions for now, to avoid crashes. -- The application using the MDI can not do it, since this callback -- is called directly from the menu in Create_Menu. Print_Debug ("Unexpected exception: " & Exception_Information (E)); end Close_Cb; -------------- -- Focus_Cb -- -------------- procedure Focus_Cb (Item : access Gtk_Check_Menu_Item_Record'Class) is It : constant Menu_Item_For_Child := Menu_Item_For_Child (Item); begin if It.Child.MDI.Internal_Updating_Menu then return; end if; if It.Get_Active then -- If C is floating, raise the window. if It.Child.State = Floating then Raise_Child (It.Child, True); end if; Set_Focus_Child (It.Child); end if; end Focus_Cb; ----------------------------------------- -- Get_Sorted_List_Of_Visible_Children -- ----------------------------------------- procedure Get_Sorted_List_Of_Visible_Children (MDI : not null access MDI_Window_Record'Class; Vec : out Child_Vectors.Vector) is use Child_Vectors; Tmp : Widget_List.Glist; Child : MDI_Child; begin Vec.Clear; Tmp := First (MDI.Items); while Tmp /= Null_List loop Child := MDI_Child (Get_Data (Tmp)); if Child.State /= Invisible then Vec.Append (Child); end if; Tmp := Next (Tmp); end loop; Vector_Sort.Sort (Vec); end Get_Sorted_List_Of_Visible_Children; ----------------------------------- -- On_Child_Selected_Update_Menu -- ----------------------------------- procedure On_Child_Selected_Update_Menu (Item : access Gtk_Widget_Record'Class) is It : constant Menu_Item_For_Child := Menu_Item_For_Child (Item); begin It.Child.MDI.Internal_Updating_Menu := True; It.Set_Active (It.Child = It.Child.MDI.Get_Focus_Child); It.Child.MDI.Internal_Updating_Menu := False; end On_Child_Selected_Update_Menu; ----------------------------- -- Internal_Add_Child_Menu -- ----------------------------- procedure Internal_Add_Child_Menu (Menu : access MDI_Menu_Record'Class; Child : not null access MDI_Child_Record'Class; Group : in out Widget_SList.GSlist) is It : Gtk_Radio_Menu_Item; begin It := new Menu_Item_For_Child_Record' (Gtk_Radio_Menu_Item_Record with Child => MDI_Child (Child)); Gtk.Radio_Menu_Item.Initialize (It, Group, ""); Group := It.Get_Group; -- Insert the new child's menu item in alphabetical order declare Children : Widget_List.Glist := Menu.Get_Children; Idx : Gint := 0; Widget : Gtk_Widget; Menu_Item : Menu_Item_For_Child; begin while Children /= Null_List loop Widget := Get_Data (Children); if Widget.all in Menu_Item_For_Child_Record'Class then Menu_Item := Menu_Item_For_Child (Widget); exit when Short_Title_Less_Than (MDI_Child (Child), Menu_Item.Child); end if; Idx := Idx + 1; Children := Next (Children); end loop; Free (Children); Menu.Insert (It, Idx); end; Internal_Update_Menu_Content (Child, It); It.On_Toggled (Focus_Cb'Access, After => True); Widget_Callback.Object_Connect (Menu.MDI, Signal_Child_Selected, On_Child_Selected_Update_Menu'Access, It, After => True); It.Set_Accel_Path (Child.MDI.Accel_Path_Prefix.all & "/window/child/" & Child.Short_Title.all, Child.MDI.Group); end Internal_Add_Child_Menu; ---------------------------------- -- Internal_Update_Menu_Content -- ---------------------------------- procedure Internal_Update_Menu_Content (Child : access MDI_Child_Record'Class; It : not null access Gtk_Radio_Menu_Item_Record'Class) is Box : Gtk_Box; Label : Gtk_Accel_Label; Icon : Gtk_Image; begin It.Remove (It.Get_Child); Gtk_New_Hbox (Box, Homogeneous => False, Spacing => 5); It.Add (Box); Icon := Get_Icon (Child); if Icon /= null then Box.Pack_Start (Icon, Expand => False); end if; Gtk_New (Label, Child.Short_Title.all); Label.Set_Alignment (0.0, 0.5); Label.Set_Accel_Widget (It); Box.Pack_Start (Label, Expand => True, Fill => True); It.Set_Active (Child = Child.MDI.Focus_Child); -- Refresh graphically the menu It.Show_All; end Internal_Update_Menu_Content; --------------------- -- Find_Child_Menu -- --------------------- function Find_Child_Menu (Menu : access MDI_Menu_Record'Class; Child : not null access MDI_Child_Record'Class) return Menu_Item_For_Child is Children, L : Widget_List.Glist; W : Gtk_Widget; begin Children := Menu.Get_Children; L := Children; while L /= Null_List loop W := Get_Data (L); L := Next (L); if W.all in Menu_Item_For_Child_Record'Class then declare It : constant Menu_Item_For_Child := Menu_Item_For_Child (W); begin if It.Child = Child then return It; end if; end; end if; end loop; return null; end Find_Child_Menu; -------------------- -- Add_Child_Menu -- -------------------- procedure Add_Child_Menu (Self : access Glib.Object.GObject_Record'Class; Child : not null access MDI_Child_Record'Class) is Menu : constant MDI_Menu := MDI_Menu (Self); G : Widget_SList.GSlist := Widget_SList.Null_List; Children, L : Widget_List.Glist; W : Gtk_Widget; begin Children := Menu.Get_Children; L := Children; while L /= Null_List loop W := Get_Data (L); L := Next (L); if W.all in Menu_Item_For_Child_Record'Class then G := Menu_Item_For_Child (W).Get_Group; exit; end if; end loop; Free (Children); if Find_Child_Menu (Menu, Child) = null then Internal_Add_Child_Menu (Menu, Child, G); end if; end Add_Child_Menu; ----------------------- -- Remove_Child_Menu -- ----------------------- procedure Remove_Child_Menu (Self : access Glib.Object.GObject_Record'Class; Child : not null access MDI_Child_Record'Class) is Menu : constant MDI_Menu := MDI_Menu (Self); begin if Self = null then return; end if; declare It : constant Menu_Item_For_Child := Find_Child_Menu (Menu, Child); begin if It /= null then It.Destroy; end if; end; end Remove_Child_Menu; ----------------------- -- Update_Child_Menu -- ----------------------- procedure Update_Child_Menu (Self : access Glib.Object.GObject_Record'Class; Child : not null access MDI_Child_Record'Class) is Menu : constant MDI_Menu := MDI_Menu (Self); begin if Self = null then return; end if; declare It : constant Menu_Item_For_Child := Find_Child_Menu (Menu, Child); begin if It /= null then Internal_Update_Menu_Content (Child, It); end if; end; end Update_Child_Menu; -------------------- -- Recompute_Menu -- -------------------- procedure Recompute_Menu (Menu : access Gtk_Widget_Record'Class) is M : constant MDI_Menu := MDI_Menu (Menu); use Child_Vectors; G : Widget_SList.GSlist := Widget_SList.Null_List; Vec : Child_Vectors.Vector; Curs : Child_Vectors.Cursor; Child : MDI_Child; Children, L : Widget_List.Glist; W : Gtk_Widget; begin -- Remove all items Children := M.Get_Children; L := Children; while L /= Null_List loop W := Get_Data (L); L := Next (L); if W.all in Menu_Item_For_Child_Record'Class then W.Destroy; end if; end loop; Free (Children); -- Add the list of children Get_Sorted_List_Of_Visible_Children (M.MDI, Vec); Curs := First (Vec); while Has_Element (Curs) loop Child := Element (Curs); Internal_Add_Child_Menu (M, Child, G); Next (Curs); end loop; M.Show_All; end Recompute_Menu; --------------------- -- Set_Focus_Child -- --------------------- procedure Set_Focus_Child (MDI : access MDI_Window_Record; Containing : access Gtk.Widget.Gtk_Widget_Record'Class) is Parent : Gtk_Widget := Gtk_Widget (Containing); begin if Containing = null then MDI.Focus_Child := null; Child_Selected (MDI, null); else while Parent /= null and then not (Parent.all in MDI_Child_Record'Class) loop Parent := Get_Parent (Parent); end loop; if Parent /= null then Set_Focus_Child (MDI_Child (Parent)); end if; end if; end Set_Focus_Child; ------------------------ -- On_Action_Floating -- ------------------------ procedure On_Action_Floating (MDI : access GObject_Record'Class; Parameter : Glib.Variant.Gvariant) is pragma Unreferenced (Parameter); begin Float_Cb (MDI_Window (MDI)); end On_Action_Floating; --------------------- -- On_Action_Close -- --------------------- procedure On_Action_Close (MDI : access GObject_Record'Class; Parameter : Glib.Variant.Gvariant) is pragma Unreferenced (Parameter); begin Close_Cb (MDI_Window (MDI)); end On_Action_Close; ----------------------- -- On_Action_Split_H -- ----------------------- procedure On_Action_Split_H (MDI : access GObject_Record'Class; Parameter : Glib.Variant.Gvariant) is pragma Unreferenced (Parameter); begin Split_H_Cb (MDI_Window (MDI)); end On_Action_Split_H; ----------------------- -- On_Action_Split_V -- ----------------------- procedure On_Action_Split_V (MDI : access GObject_Record'Class; Parameter : Glib.Variant.Gvariant) is pragma Unreferenced (Parameter); begin Split_V_Cb (MDI_Window (MDI)); end On_Action_Split_V; ---------------------- -- On_Action_Select -- ---------------------- procedure On_Action_Select (MDI : access GObject_Record'Class; Parameter : Glib.Variant.Gvariant) is M : constant MDI_Window := MDI_Window (MDI); Length : aliased Gsize; Name : constant String := Get_String (Parameter, Length'Access); C : constant MDI_Child := M.Find_MDI_Child_By_Name (Name); begin if C /= null then if C.State = Floating then Raise_Child (C, True); end if; C.Set_Focus_Child; end if; end On_Action_Select; ------------- -- Desktop -- ------------- package body Desktop is Invalid_Desktop : exception; procedure Get_XML_For_Widget (Child : MDI_Child; User : User_Data; Widget_Is_Unique : out Boolean; Data : out Node_Ptr); -- Get the XML node for a given widget. This automatically sets -- Child.XML_Node_Name as well. -- Widget_Is_Unique is set to True if there can be only one of the -- corresponding widget. procedure Parse_Child_Node (MDI : access MDI_Window_Record'Class; Child_Node : Node_Ptr; User : User_Data; Focus_Child : in out MDI_Child; X : out Gint; Y : out Gint; W, H : out Gint; Raised : out Boolean; State : out State_Type; Child : out MDI_Child; To_Hide : in out Gtk.Widget.Widget_List.Glist); -- Parse a node and return the corresponding Child. The latter -- has not been inserted in the MDI. procedure Parse_Notebook_Node (MDI : access MDI_Window_Record'Class; Child_Node : Node_Ptr; User : User_Data; Parent_Width, Parent_Height : Gint; Children_Count : Integer; Parent_Orientation : Gtk_Orientation; Focus_Child : in out MDI_Child; Width, Height : out Gint; Notebook : out MDI_Notebook; To_Raise : in out Gtk.Widget.Widget_List.Glist; To_Hide : in out Gtk.Widget.Widget_List.Glist; Empty_Notebook_Filler : in out MDI_Child); -- Parse a node. -- A new notebook is created and returned. -- If Reuse_Empty_If_Needed and we need to insert an empty notebook, -- we'll try and reuse an existing empty notebook. In this case, the -- variable is set to False. -- To_Raise is the children that are visible in the notebooks. It cannot -- be changed within this procedure, since when other items are loaded -- into the desktop, they might be put in the same notebook temporarily, -- before being moved to their actual location, and that would change -- the current page. -- Paned_Width and Paned_Height are the size of the multi_paned widget -- to which the "width" and "height" attributes are relative. procedure Parse_Pane_Node (Paned : access Gtkada_Multi_Paned_Record'Class; MDI : access MDI_Window_Record'Class; Node : Node_Ptr; Focus_Child : in out MDI_Child; Parent_Width, Parent_Height : Gint; Parent_Children_Count : Integer; Parent_Orientation : Gtk_Orientation; User : User_Data; Initial_Ref_Child : MDI_Notebook := null; To_Raise : in out Gtk.Widget.Widget_List.Glist; To_Hide : in out Gtk.Widget.Widget_List.Glist; Empty_Notebook_Filler : in out MDI_Child); -- Parse a node -- First_Child is the first notebook insert in pane (possibly inserted -- From_Tree points to the project-specific part of the desktop, where -- the contents of the children are saved. procedure Restore_Multi_Pane (Pane : access Gtkada_Multi_Paned_Record'Class; MDI : access MDI_Window_Record'Class; Focus_Child : in out MDI_Child; To_Raise : in out Gtk.Widget.Widget_List.Glist; To_Hide : in out Gtk.Widget.Widget_List.Glist; Node : Node_Ptr; User : User_Data; Full_Width, Full_Height : Gint); -- Restore a multi paned widget (either the perspective or the contents -- of the editor area) -- From_Tree points to the project-specific part of the desktop, where -- the contents of the children are saved. procedure Internal_Load_Perspective (MDI : access MDI_Window_Record'Class; Name : String; User : User_Data; Focus_Child : in out MDI_Child; To_Raise : in out Gtk.Widget.Widget_List.Glist; To_Hide : in out Gtk.Widget.Widget_List.Glist; MDI_Width, MDI_Height : Gint; Do_Size_Allocate : Boolean); -- Internal version of Load_Perspective. -- If Name is "", the first perspective is loaded. procedure Compute_Size_From_Attributes (MDI : access MDI_Window_Record'Class; Node : Node_Ptr; Parent_Width, Parent_Height : Gint; Parent_Orientation : Gtk_Orientation; Width, Height : out Gint; Children_Count : Integer := 1); -- Compute the actual size of the widget represented by node, from the -- attributes of the node ("width" and "height", which use percent of -- the total pane size), and the attributes of the parent container. -- Children_Count is the number of children for the widget represented -- by Node, since the size returned is the one really available for -- sharing between the children (thus omitting the resize handles) type MDI_Menu_Item_Record is new Gtk_Menu_Item_Record with record MDI : MDI_Window; User : User_Data; end record; type MDI_Menu_Item is access all MDI_Menu_Item_Record'Class; -- A menu item that stores a reference to the MDI and user data procedure Update_Perspective_Menu_Model (MDI : not null access MDI_Window_Record'Class); -- Update the menu model for /Window/Perspectives -- procedure Create_Perspective_Query_Name (MDI : not null access MDI_Window_Record'Class; User : User_Data); -- Ask the user for the name of a new perspective, and create it procedure Recompute_Perspective_Names (MDI : access MDI_Window_Record'Class); -- Recompute the name of all perspectives, and cache them package MDI_User_Data_Cb is new Gtk.Handlers.User_Callback (MDI_Window_Record, User_Data); ------------------------ -- Change_Perspective -- ------------------------ procedure Change_Perspective (Item : access Gtk_Widget_Record'Class) is Persp : constant Perspective_Menu_Item := Perspective_Menu_Item (Item); Name : constant String := Persp.MDI.Perspective_Names (Persp.Name).all; -- Make a copy of the name, since Load_Perspective changes -- Persp.MDI.Perspective_Names begin if Get_Active (Persp) then Print_Debug ("++++ Change_Perspective to " & Name & Integer'Image (Persp.Name)); if not Persp.MDI.Loading_Desktop then Load_Perspective (Persp.MDI, Name, Persp.User); end if; end if; end Change_Perspective; ----------------------------------- -- Create_Perspective_Query_Name -- ----------------------------------- procedure Create_Perspective_Query_Name (MDI : not null access MDI_Window_Record'Class; User : User_Data) is Dialog : Gtk_Dialog; Label : Gtk_Label; Ent : Gtk_Entry; Button : Gtk_Widget with Unreferenced; begin Gtk_New (Dialog, Title => "Enter perspective name", Parent => Gtk_Window (Get_Toplevel (MDI)), Flags => Modal and Destroy_With_Parent); Button := Add_Button (Dialog, Stock_Ok, Gtk_Response_OK); Button := Add_Button (Dialog, Stock_Cancel, Gtk_Response_Cancel); Set_Default_Response (Dialog, Gtk_Response_OK); Gtk_New (Label, "Enter name of new perspective:"); Pack_Start (Get_Content_Area (Dialog), Label, Expand => False); Gtk_New (Ent); Set_Activates_Default (Ent, True); Pack_Start (Get_Content_Area (Dialog), Ent, Expand => False); Show_All (Dialog); if Run (Dialog) = Gtk_Response_OK then Create_Perspective (MDI, Get_Text (Ent), User); end if; Destroy (Dialog); end Create_Perspective_Query_Name; --------------------------- -- Create_Perspective_CB -- --------------------------- procedure Create_Perspective_CB (Item : access Gtk_Widget_Record'Class) is Persp : constant Perspective_Menu_Item := Perspective_Menu_Item (Item); begin Create_Perspective_Query_Name (Persp.MDI, Persp.User); end Create_Perspective_CB; ------------------------ -- Create_Perspective -- ------------------------ procedure Create_Perspective (MDI : access MDI_Window_Record'Class; Name : String; User : User_Data) is Perspectives, Central : Node_Ptr; begin MDI.Current_Perspective := null; Save_Desktop (MDI, User, Perspectives, Central); Set_Attribute (MDI.Current_Perspective, "name", Name); Free (Perspectives); Free (Central); Recompute_Perspective_Names (MDI); Update_Perspective_Menu_Model (MDI); Emit_By_Name_Str (Get_Object (MDI), String (Signal_Perspectives_Added) & ASCII.NUL, Name & ASCII.NUL); end Create_Perspective; ------------------------ -- Define_Perspective -- ------------------------ procedure Define_Perspective (MDI : access MDI_Window_Record'Class; XML : Glib.Xml_Int.Node_Ptr; User : User_Data) is pragma Unreferenced (User); Name : constant String := Get_Attribute (XML, "name"); Tmp : Node_Ptr; begin if Name = "" or else MDI.Perspectives = null then return; end if; Tmp := MDI.Perspectives.Child; while Tmp /= null loop if Get_Attribute (Tmp, "name") = Name then -- Perspective already exists return; end if; Tmp := Tmp.Next; end loop; Add_Child (MDI.Perspectives, Deep_Copy (XML), Append => True); Update_Perspective_Menu_Model (MDI); Emit_By_Name_Str (Get_Object (MDI), String (Signal_Perspectives_Added) & ASCII.NUL, Name & ASCII.NUL); end Define_Perspective; ---------------------------------------- -- On_Perspective_Changed_Update_Menu -- ---------------------------------------- procedure On_Perspective_Changed_Update_Menu (Menu : access Gtk_Widget_Record'Class) is M : constant MDI_Menu_Item := MDI_Menu_Item (Menu); Submenu : Gtk_Menu; Persp : Perspective_Menu_Item; Group : Widget_SList.GSlist := Widget_SList.Null_List; begin Print_Debug ("Create_Perspective_Menu", Debug_Increase); -- Prevent changing perspective when setting "Active" on the buttons M.MDI.Loading_Desktop := True; Gtk_New (Submenu); Set_Submenu (M, Submenu); if M.MDI.Perspective_Names /= null then for N in M.MDI.Perspective_Names'Range loop Persp := new Perspective_Menu_Item_Record; Persp.MDI := M.MDI; Persp.Name := N; Persp.User := M.User; Initialize (Persp, Group, M.MDI.Perspective_Names (N).all); Set_Active (Persp, M.MDI.Current_Perspective /= null and then M.MDI.Perspective_Names (N).all = Get_Attribute (M.MDI.Current_Perspective, "name")); Group := Get_Group (Persp); Append (Submenu, Persp); Widget_Callback.Connect (Persp, Gtk.Menu_Item.Signal_Activate, CP_Access); end loop; end if; Persp := new Perspective_Menu_Item_Record; Persp.MDI := M.MDI; Persp.User := M.User; Gtk.Menu_Item.Initialize (Persp, ""); Widget_Callback.Connect (Persp, Gtk.Menu_Item.Signal_Activate, CreateP_Access); Append (Submenu, Persp); Show_All (Submenu); Show (Menu); M.MDI.Loading_Desktop := False; Print_Debug ("", Debug_Decrease); end On_Perspective_Changed_Update_Menu; ----------------------------------- -- Update_Perspective_Menu_Model -- ----------------------------------- procedure Update_Perspective_Menu_Model (MDI : not null access MDI_Window_Record'Class) is begin if MDI.Perspectives_Menu /= null then MDI.Perspectives_Menu.Remove_All; if MDI.Perspective_Names /= null then for N in MDI.Perspective_Names'Range loop MDI.Perspectives_Menu.Append (MDI.Perspective_Names (N).all, "app.mdi_set_perspective(""" & MDI.Perspective_Names (N).all & """)"); end loop; end if; MDI.Perspectives_Menu.Append ("", "app.mdi_create_perspective"); MDI.Action_Select_Perspective.Set_State (Gvariant_New_String (Get_Attribute (MDI.Current_Perspective, "name"))); end if; Emit_By_Name (Get_Object (MDI), String (Signal_Perspective_Changed) & ASCII.NUL); end Update_Perspective_Menu_Model; ----------------- -- Create_Menu -- ----------------- function Create_Menu (MDI : access MDI_Window_Record'Class; Accel_Path_Prefix : String := ""; User : User_Data; Registration : Menu_Registration_Procedure := null) return Gtk.Menu.Gtk_Menu is Menu : MDI_Menu; Item : Gtk_Menu_Item; Check : Gtk_Check_Menu_Item; Sep : Gtk_Separator_Menu_Item; procedure Connect_Menu (Item : Gtk_Menu_Item; Callback : Widget_Callback.Marshallers.Void_Marshaller.Handler; Accel_Path : String); -- Utility function, factorizes code ------------------ -- Connect_Menu -- ------------------ procedure Connect_Menu (Item : Gtk_Menu_Item; Callback : Widget_Callback.Marshallers.Void_Marshaller.Handler; Accel_Path : String) is Full_Accel_Path : constant String := Accel_Path_Prefix & "/window/" & Accel_Path; begin Append (Menu, Item); Widget_Callback.Object_Connect (Item, Gtk.Menu_Item.Signal_Activate, Widget_Callback.To_Marshaller (Callback), MDI); Set_Accel_Path (Item, Full_Accel_Path, MDI.Group); if Registration /= null then Registration (User, Get_Label (Item), Full_Accel_Path); end if; end Connect_Menu; begin if MDI.Accel_Path_Prefix = null then MDI.Accel_Path_Prefix := new String'(Accel_Path_Prefix); end if; Menu := new MDI_Menu_Record; Menu.MDI := MDI_Window (MDI); Gtk.Menu.Initialize (Menu); Menu.Set_Name ("gtkada-mdi-children-menu"); Item := new MDI_Menu_Item_Record' (Gtk_Menu_Item_Record with MDI => MDI_Window (MDI), User => User); Gtk.Menu_Item.Initialize (Item, "Perspectives"); Append (Menu, Item); Widget_Callback.Object_Connect (MDI, Signal_Perspective_Changed, On_Perspective_Changed_Update_Menu_Access, Item); On_Perspective_Changed_Update_Menu (Item); Gtk_New (Item, "Split Side-by-Side"); Connect_Menu (Item, Split_H_Cb'Access, "split_horizontal"); Gtk_New (Item, "Split Up-Down"); Connect_Menu (Item, Split_V_Cb'Access, "split_vertical"); Gtk_New (Sep); Append (Menu, Sep); Gtk_New (Item, "Maximize"); Connect_Menu (Item, Maximize_Cb'Access, "maximize_current_child"); Gtk_New (Item, "Unmaximize"); Connect_Menu (Item, Unmaximize_Cb'Access, "unmaximize_current_child"); Check := new MDI_Check_Menu_Item_Record' (Gtk_Check_Menu_Item_Record with MDI => MDI_Window (MDI)); Gtk.Check_Menu_Item.Initialize (Check, "Floating"); Append (Menu, Check); Check.On_Toggled (Float_Cb'Access, MDI); Check.Set_Accel_Path (Accel_Path_Prefix & "/window/floating", MDI.Group); Widget_Callback.Object_Connect (MDI, Signal_Float_Child, Widget_Callback.To_Marshaller (On_Float_Child_Update_Menu'Access), Check); Widget_Callback.Object_Connect (MDI, Signal_Unfloat_Child, Widget_Callback.To_Marshaller (On_Float_Child_Update_Menu'Access), Check); Gtk_New (Sep); Append (Menu, Sep); Gtk_New (Item, "Close"); Connect_Menu (Item, Close_Cb'Access, "close"); Widget_Callback.Object_Connect (MDI, Signal_Child_Selected, On_Select_Child_Update_Close_Menu'Access, Item); Gtk_New (Sep); Append (Menu, Sep); Recompute_Menu (Menu); MDI.On_Child_Removed (Remove_Child_Menu'Access, Slot => Menu); MDI.On_Child_Title_Changed (Add_Child_Menu'Access, Slot => Menu); MDI.On_Child_Icon_Changed (Update_Child_Menu'Access, Slot => Menu); MDI.On_Child_Title_Changed (Update_Child_Menu'Access, Slot => Menu); Widget_Callback.Object_Connect (MDI, Signal_Perspective_Changed, Recompute_Menu'Access, Menu); Show_All (Menu); return Gtk_Menu (Menu); end Create_Menu; -------------------------------- -- Register_Desktop_Functions -- -------------------------------- procedure Register_Desktop_Functions (Save : Save_Desktop_Function; Load : Load_Desktop_Function) is begin Registers := new Register_Node_Record' (Save => Save, Load => Load, Next => Registers); end Register_Desktop_Functions; ---------------------------------- -- Compute_Size_From_Attributes -- ---------------------------------- procedure Compute_Size_From_Attributes (MDI : access MDI_Window_Record'Class; Node : Node_Ptr; Parent_Width, Parent_Height : Gint; Parent_Orientation : Gtk_Orientation; Width, Height : out Gint; Children_Count : Integer := 1) is WAttr : constant String := Get_Attribute (Node, "width", "100%"); HAttr : constant String := Get_Attribute (Node, "height", "100%"); Tmp : Gint; Handle_Size : constant Gint := MDI.Handle_Size; begin if WAttr (WAttr'Last) /= '%' or else HAttr (HAttr'Last) /= '%' then raise Invalid_Desktop with "Old-format perspectives are no longer supported"; end if; -- For backward compatibility, we accept absolute sizes in the XML -- nodes, but that might lead to inconsistencies (and incorrect -- reload of desktop) if the user modifies this by hand -- -- Depending on the orientation of the parent, one of the dimensions -- is in fact fixed (the full height or width of the parent). -- -- If there are multiple children (case of panes for instance), the -- size we return is the one really available for children, not the -- physical size of the pane itself. case Parent_Orientation is when Orientation_Horizontal => Height := Parent_Height; Tmp := Parent_Width - Gint (Children_Count - 1) * Handle_Size; Width := Gint (Float'Value (WAttr (WAttr'First .. WAttr'Last - 1)) * Float (Tmp) / 100.0); when Orientation_Vertical => Width := Parent_Width; Tmp := Parent_Height - Gint (Children_Count - 1) * Handle_Size; Height := Gint (Float'Value (HAttr (HAttr'First .. HAttr'Last - 1)) * Float (Tmp) / 100.0); end case; if Traces then Print_Debug ("Compute_Size_From_Attributes WAttr=" & WAttr & " HAttr=" & HAttr & " children=" & Integer'Image (Children_Count) & " => size " & Gint'Image (Width) & Gint'Image (Height)); end if; end Compute_Size_From_Attributes; ------------------------- -- Parse_Notebook_Node -- ------------------------- procedure Parse_Notebook_Node (MDI : access MDI_Window_Record'Class; Child_Node : Node_Ptr; User : User_Data; Parent_Width, Parent_Height : Gint; Children_Count : Integer; Parent_Orientation : Gtk_Orientation; Focus_Child : in out MDI_Child; Width, Height : out Gint; Notebook : out MDI_Notebook; To_Raise : in out Gtk.Widget.Widget_List.Glist; To_Hide : in out Gtk.Widget.Widget_List.Glist; Empty_Notebook_Filler : in out MDI_Child) is N : Node_Ptr := Child_Node.Child; State : State_Type; Raised : Boolean; Raised_Child : MDI_Child; Child : MDI_Child; X, Y, W, H : Gint; Dummy : Gtk_Label; Pos : Gtk_Position_Type; begin if Traces then Print_Debug ("Parse_Notebook_Node Parent_Width=" & Gint'Image (Parent_Width) & " Parent_Height=" & Gint'Image (Parent_Height) & " Parent_Orientation=" & Gtk_Orientation'Image (Parent_Orientation), Debug_Increase); end if; Compute_Size_From_Attributes (MDI, Child_Node, Parent_Width, Parent_Height, Parent_Orientation, Width, Height, Children_Count => Children_Count); Pos := Gtk_Position_Type'Value (Get_Attribute (Child_Node, "Tabs", Gtk_Position_Type'Image (MDI.Tabs_Position))); Notebook := Create_Notebook (MDI); Print_Debug ("Parse_Notebook_Node: created new notebook " & System.Address_Image (Notebook.all'Address)); Notebook.Tab_Orientation := Tab_Orientation_Type'Value (Get_Attribute (Child_Node, "orientation", Tab_Orientation_Type'Image (Automatic))); -- Make sure Width and Height are not too small: that could happen -- if the main window has not been resized yet (thus has a size 1x1) -- and we load a perspective (since keeping place for the children -- windows might end up with negative sizes. Width := Gint'Max (Width, -1); Height := Gint'Max (Height, -1); On_Tab_Pos (Notebook, Pos); Set_Child_Visible (Notebook, True); Show_All (Notebook); while N /= null loop if N.Tag.all = "Child" then Parse_Child_Node (MDI, N, User, Focus_Child, X, Y, W, H, Raised, State, Child, To_Hide => To_Hide); -- Child cannot be floating while in a notebook if Child /= null then if Raised or else Raised_Child = null or else Focus_Child = Child then Raised_Child := Child; end if; Print_Debug ("Parse_Notebook_Node, moving child into the" & " the notebook"); Float_Child (Child, False); Put_In_Notebook (MDI, Child, Notebook); Print_Debug ("Parse_Notebook_Node, done moving child"); else Print_Debug ("Parse_Notebook_Node: no child created"); end if; else -- Invalid node null; end if; N := N.Next; end loop; Print_Debug ("Parse_Notebook_Node: done adding all children"); -- Create a dummy node if necessary, since otherwise the calls to -- Split afterward will simply discard that notebook. This dummy -- widget is destroyed at the end of restoring the desktop if Child_Node.Child = null and then Empty_Notebook_Filler = null then Gtk_New (Dummy, ""); Gtk_New (Empty_Notebook_Filler, Dummy); Set_Title (Empty_Notebook_Filler, ""); Put (MDI, Empty_Notebook_Filler); Put_In_Notebook (MDI, Empty_Notebook_Filler, Notebook); end if; if Raised_Child /= null then Prepend (To_Raise, Gtk_Widget (Raised_Child)); -- Make sure the child appears first in the list for this -- notebook. That way, if the current focus child is closed by the -- user, we know the focus won't fallback to a child currently not -- visible in the notebook, which would result in a raise. Ref (Raised_Child); Remove (MDI.Items, Gtk_Widget (Raised_Child)); Prepend (MDI.Items, Gtk_Widget (Raised_Child)); Unref (Raised_Child); end if; Print_Debug ("", Debug_Decrease); end Parse_Notebook_Node; ---------------------- -- Parse_Child_Node -- ---------------------- procedure Parse_Child_Node (MDI : access MDI_Window_Record'Class; Child_Node : Node_Ptr; User : User_Data; Focus_Child : in out MDI_Child; X : out Gint; Y : out Gint; W, H : out Gint; Raised : out Boolean; State : out State_Type; Child : out MDI_Child; To_Hide : in out Gtk.Widget.Widget_List.Glist) is N : Node_Ptr; Register : Register_Node; Visible : constant Boolean := Boolean'Value (Get_Attribute (Child_Node, "visible", "true")); Iter : Child_Iterator; Tmp : MDI_Child; begin Print_Debug ("Parse_Child_Node", Debug_Increase); W := -1; H := -1; Child := null; Raised := False; State := Normal; X := 0; Y := 0; -- Check whether this child was already in a previous perspective. -- If that's the case, reuse it Iter := First_Child (MDI, Visible_Only => False); loop Tmp := Get (Iter); exit when Tmp = null; -- If not already used in the perspective if Tmp.State = Invisible and then Tmp.XML_Node_Name /= null and then Tmp.XML_Node_Name.all = Child_Node.Child.Tag.all then Print_Debug ("Reusing existing hidden view for " & Child_Node.Child.Tag.all); Child := Tmp; Put (MDI, Child); -- put it back in the MDI exit; end if; Next (Iter); end loop; -- Is there data associated with the node (in particular for widgets -- in the central area) if Child = null and then (Child_Node.Child.Child /= null or else (Child_Node.Child.Attributes /= null and then Child_Node.Child.Attributes.all /= "")) then Register := Registers; while Child = null and then Register /= null loop Child := Register.Load (MDI_Window (MDI), Child_Node.Child, User); Register := Register.Next; end loop; end if; -- Check whether we have a project-specific contents for this child. -- This always takes priority other any project-independent contents. -- When we have multiple children with the same XML node name, we -- should use the first project-dependent part, then the second,..., -- and not reuse multiple times the first one. To do this, we simply -- remove the nodes from the project-dependent part as we use them, -- which also saves memory. N := MDI.View_Contents; if Child = null and then N /= null then N := N.Child; while N /= null loop if N.Tag.all = Child_Node.Child.Tag.all then Register := Registers; while Child = null and then Register /= null loop Child := Register.Load (MDI_Window (MDI), N, User); Register := Register.Next; end loop; if Child /= null then Print_Debug ("Found project-specific contents for " & Child_Node.Child.Tag.all); Free (N); exit; end if; end if; N := N.Next; end loop; end if; -- Else search for project-specific contents Register := Registers; while Child = null and then Register /= null loop Child := Register.Load (MDI_Window (MDI), Child_Node.Child, User); if Child /= null then Print_Debug ("Found project-independent contents for " & Child_Node.Child.Tag.all); end if; Register := Register.Next; end loop; if Child = null then Print_Debug ("Parse_Child_Node: Could not create the child"); return; end if; Print_Debug ("Parse_Child_Node: created " & Get_Title (Child)); Child.Group := Child_Group'Value (Get_Attribute (Child_Node, "Group", Child_Group'Image (Child.Group))); State := State_Type'Value (Get_Attribute (Child_Node, "State", "NORMAL")); Raised := Boolean'Value (Get_Attribute (Child_Node, "Raised", "False")); if Boolean'Value (Get_Attribute (Child_Node, "Focus", "False")) then Focus_Child := Child; end if; N := Child_Node.Child.Next; while N /= null loop -- We ignore the and <short_title> fields. After all, -- the callback that created the child has or should have set -- a proper title already, and there is no reason to override -- this. if N.Tag.all = "X" then X := Gint'Value (N.Value.all); elsif N.Tag.all = "Y" then Y := Gint'Value (N.Value.all); elsif N.Tag.all = "width" then W := Gint'Value (N.Value.all); elsif N.Tag.all = "height" then H := Gint'Value (N.Value.all); else -- ??? Unknown node, just ignore for now null; end if; N := N.Next; end loop; Set_Size (MDI, Widget => Child, Width => W, Height => H); if not Visible then Print_Debug ("Parse_Child_Node: child will be hidden"); Prepend (To_Hide, Gtk_Widget (Child)); end if; Print_Debug ("", Debug_Decrease); exception when E : others => pragma Debug (Put_Line ("Unexpected exception: " & Exception_Information (E))); if Traces then Print_Debug ("Unexpected exception " & Exception_Information (E)); end if; end Parse_Child_Node; --------------------- -- Get_XML_Content -- --------------------- function Get_XML_Content (MDI : access MDI_Window_Record'Class; Tag : String) return Glib.Xml_Int.Node_Ptr is function Internal_Get_XML_Content (N : Glib.Xml_Int.Node_Ptr) return Glib.Xml_Int.Node_Ptr; ------------------------------ -- Internal_Get_XML_Content -- ------------------------------ function Internal_Get_XML_Content (N : Glib.Xml_Int.Node_Ptr) return Glib.Xml_Int.Node_Ptr is Node : Glib.Xml_Int.Node_Ptr := N; Child : Glib.Xml_Int.Node_Ptr; begin while Node /= null loop if Node.Tag.all = Tag then return Node; end if; Child := Internal_Get_XML_Content (Node.Child); if Child /= null then return Child; end if; Node := Node.Next; end loop; return null; end Internal_Get_XML_Content; begin return Internal_Get_XML_Content (MDI.View_Contents); end Get_XML_Content; --------------------- -- Parse_Pane_Node -- --------------------- procedure Parse_Pane_Node (Paned : access Gtkada_Multi_Paned_Record'Class; MDI : access MDI_Window_Record'Class; Node : Node_Ptr; Focus_Child : in out MDI_Child; Parent_Width, Parent_Height : Gint; Parent_Children_Count : Integer; Parent_Orientation : Gtk_Orientation; User : User_Data; Initial_Ref_Child : MDI_Notebook := null; To_Raise : in out Gtk.Widget.Widget_List.Glist; To_Hide : in out Gtk.Widget.Widget_List.Glist; Empty_Notebook_Filler : in out MDI_Child) is Orientation : constant Gtk_Orientation := Gtk_Orientation'Value (Get_Attribute (Node, "Orientation")); N : Node_Ptr; Ref_Item : Gtk_Widget := Gtk_Widget (Initial_Ref_Child); Count : constant Natural := Children_Count (Node); Notebook_Node : Node_Ptr; Width, Height : Gint; Width_For_Children : Gint := Parent_Width; Height_For_Children : Gint := Parent_Height; begin Compute_Size_From_Attributes (MDI, Node, Parent_Width, Parent_Height, Parent_Orientation, Width_For_Children, Height_For_Children, Parent_Children_Count); if Traces then New_Line; Print_Debug ("Parse_Pane_Node " & Gtk_Orientation'Image (Orientation) & " children=" & Integer'Image (Count) & " child_size=" & Gint'Image (Width_For_Children) & "x" & Gint'Image (Height_For_Children), Debug_Increase); end if; declare Notebooks : array (1 .. Count) of MDI_Notebook; W : Gtk_Widget; Tmp_Width, Tmp_Height : Gint; Tmp_Orientation : Gtk_Orientation; Index : Natural := Notebooks'First; Child_Count : Integer := Count; begin -- First insert all direct children of the pane, splitting as -- needed. Only then process the Pane children. Otherwise, the -- children of Pane will have been split and reorganized so that -- we won't be able to get a reference item for further splitting. N := Node.Child; while N /= null loop Tmp_Width := Width_For_Children; Tmp_Height := Height_For_Children; Tmp_Orientation := Orientation; -- Find the first notebook node of N Notebook_Node := N; while Notebook_Node.Tag /= null and then Notebook_Node.Tag.all = "Pane" loop Child_Count := Children_Count (Notebook_Node); Compute_Size_From_Attributes (MDI, Notebook_Node, Parent_Width => Tmp_Width, Parent_Height => Tmp_Height, Parent_Orientation => Tmp_Orientation, Width => Tmp_Width, Height => Tmp_Height, Children_Count => Child_Count); Tmp_Orientation := Gtk_Orientation'Value (Get_Attribute (Notebook_Node, "Orientation")); Print_Debug ("Descending into pane while looking for first notebook w=" & Gint'Image (Tmp_Width) & "x" & Gint'Image (Tmp_Height)); Notebook_Node := Notebook_Node.Child; end loop; if Index = Notebooks'First and then Initial_Ref_Child /= null then Notebooks (Index) := Initial_Ref_Child; W := Gtk_Widget (Initial_Ref_Child); else if Notebook_Node.Tag.all = "Notebook" then Parse_Notebook_Node (MDI => MDI, Child_Node => Notebook_Node, Parent_Width => Tmp_Width, Parent_Height => Tmp_Height, Parent_Orientation => Tmp_Orientation, Children_Count => Child_Count, User => User, Focus_Child => Focus_Child, Width => Width, Height => Height, Notebook => Notebooks (Index), To_Raise => To_Raise, To_Hide => To_Hide, Empty_Notebook_Filler => Empty_Notebook_Filler); W := Gtk_Widget (Notebooks (Index)); elsif Notebook_Node.Tag.all = "central" then Print_Debug ("Parse_Pane_Node: seen <central>"); W := Gtk_Widget (MDI.Central); Compute_Size_From_Attributes (MDI, Notebook_Node, Parent_Width => Tmp_Width, Parent_Height => Tmp_Height, Parent_Orientation => Tmp_Orientation, Width => Width, Height => Height, Children_Count => Child_Count); end if; if Get_Parent (W) = null then if Ref_Item = null then Print_Debug ("Parse_Pane_Node, add notebook in MDI " & System.Address_Image (W.all'Address)); Add_Child (Win => Paned, New_Child => W, Orientation => Orientation, Width => Width, Height => Height); else Print_Debug ("Parse_Pane_Node Split notebook into MDI " & System.Address_Image (W.all'Address) & " ref=" & System.Address_Image (Ref_Item.all'Address) & " Orient=" & Gtk_Orientation'Image (Orientation)); Split (Paned, Ref_Widget => Ref_Item, New_Child => W, Width => Width, Height => Height, Orientation => Orientation); end if; else Print_Debug ("Parse_Pane_Node: notebook already in MDI"); Set_Size (Paned, W, Width => Width, Height => Height); end if; end if; Ref_Item := W; Index := Index + 1; N := N.Next; end loop; -- Now process the Pane children recursively, splitting as needed Print_Debug ("Parse_Pane_Node: now process pane children"); N := Node.Child; Index := Notebooks'First; while N /= null loop if N.Tag.all = "Pane" then Parse_Pane_Node (Paned => Paned, MDI => MDI, Node => N, Focus_Child => Focus_Child, User => User, Parent_Width => Width_For_Children, Parent_Height => Height_For_Children, Parent_Children_Count => Count, Parent_Orientation => Orientation, Initial_Ref_Child => Notebooks (Index), To_Raise => To_Raise, To_Hide => To_Hide, Empty_Notebook_Filler => Empty_Notebook_Filler); end if; Index := Index + 1; N := N.Next; end loop; end; Print_Debug ("", Debug_Decrease); end Parse_Pane_Node; ------------------------ -- Restore_Multi_Pane -- ------------------------ procedure Restore_Multi_Pane (Pane : access Gtkada_Multi_Paned_Record'Class; MDI : access MDI_Window_Record'Class; Focus_Child : in out MDI_Child; To_Raise : in out Gtk.Widget.Widget_List.Glist; To_Hide : in out Gtk.Widget.Widget_List.Glist; Node : Node_Ptr; User : User_Data; Full_Width, Full_Height : Gint) is Child_Node : Node_Ptr := Node.Child; Raised : Boolean; X, Y, W, H : Gint; Child : MDI_Child; State : State_Type; Empty_Notebook_Filler : MDI_Child; -- Used to fill the empty notebook, and prevent it from being -- destroyed during a desktop load. begin Print_Debug ("Restore_Multi_Pane full_size=" & Gint'Image (Full_Width) & "x" & Gint'Image (Full_Height), Debug_Increase); MDI.Freeze_Focus; declare begin while Child_Node /= null loop if Traces then Print_Debug ("Restore_Multi_Pane, got child """ & Child_Node.Tag.all & """"); end if; if Child_Node.Tag.all = "Pane" then Parse_Pane_Node (Pane, MDI => MDI, Node => Child_Node, Focus_Child => Focus_Child, Parent_Width => Full_Width, Parent_Height => Full_Height, Parent_Children_Count => 1, Parent_Orientation => Orientation_Horizontal, User => User, Initial_Ref_Child => null, To_Raise => To_Raise, To_Hide => To_Hide, Empty_Notebook_Filler => Empty_Notebook_Filler); elsif Child_Node.Tag.all = "Child" then -- Used for floating children, and children in the default -- desktop (see Add_To_Tree) Parse_Child_Node (MDI, Child_Node, User, Focus_Child, X, Y, W, H, Raised, State, Child, To_Hide => To_Hide); if Child /= null then case State is when Floating => Internal_Float_Child (Child, True, Position_At_Mouse => False, X => X, Y => Y, Width => W, Height => H); when Invisible => null; when Normal => Float_Child (Child, False); end case; end if; elsif Child_Node.Tag.all = "central" then Add_Child (MDI, MDI.Central, Width => Full_Width, Height => Full_Height); end if; Child_Node := Child_Node.Next; end loop; MDI.Thaw_Focus; exception when others => MDI.Thaw_Focus; raise; end; if Empty_Notebook_Filler /= null then -- The empty notebook has been created during the desktop load declare Note : constant Gtk_Notebook := Gtk_Notebook (Get_Parent (Empty_Notebook_Filler)); begin Print_Debug ("Restore desktop, removing empty_notebook_filler"); Remove_Page (Note, 0); end; end if; Print_Debug ("", Debug_Decrease); end Restore_Multi_Pane; --------------------------------- -- Recompute_Perspective_Names -- --------------------------------- procedure Recompute_Perspective_Names (MDI : access MDI_Window_Record'Class) is N : Node_Ptr; Count : Natural := 0; begin Free (MDI.Perspective_Names); if MDI.Perspectives /= null then N := MDI.Perspectives.Child; while N /= null loop Count := Count + 1; N := N.Next; end loop; MDI.Perspective_Names := new GNAT.Strings.String_List (1 .. Count); Count := MDI.Perspective_Names'First; N := MDI.Perspectives.Child; while N /= null loop MDI.Perspective_Names (Count) := new String'(Get_Attribute (N, "name")); Count := Count + 1; N := N.Next; end loop; end if; end Recompute_Perspective_Names; --------------------- -- Restore_Desktop -- --------------------- function Restore_Desktop (MDI : access MDI_Window_Record'Class; Perspectives : Glib.Xml_Int.Node_Ptr; From_Tree : Glib.Xml_Int.Node_Ptr; User : User_Data) return Boolean is To_Raise : Gtk.Widget.Widget_List.Glist; To_Hide : Gtk.Widget.Widget_List.Glist; Focus_Child : MDI_Child; Initial_All_Floating_Mode : constant Boolean := MDI.All_Floating_Mode; Do_Size_Allocate : Boolean := True; MDI_Width, MDI_Height : Gint; begin Maximize_Action.Free_Saved_Data (MDI); if Perspectives = null or else Perspectives.Child = null -- <perspective> node then -- No desktop to load, but we still have to setup a minimal -- environment to avoid critical errors later on. if MDI.Central /= null then Destroy (MDI.Central); end if; Gtk_New (MDI.Central); Add_Child (MDI, MDI.Central); Print_Debug ("No perspective to restore"); return False; end if; Free (MDI.Perspectives); MDI.Perspectives := Deep_Copy (Perspectives); MDI.Current_Perspective := null; Recompute_Perspective_Names (MDI); Free (MDI.View_Contents); MDI.View_Contents := Deep_Copy (From_Tree); -- ??? We could save some memory by freeing the <pane> nodes, but is -- there any point ? -- Temporarily disable the use of all floating mode, so that we can -- properly restore the desktop even if notebooks are referenced. MDI.All_Floating_Mode := False; if From_Tree /= null and then From_Tree.Tag.all /= "desktop" then return False; end if; Print_Debug ("Restore_Desktop", Debug_Increase); -- We must restore the size of the main window first, so that the -- rest of the desktop makes sense. declare Maximized : Boolean; Toplevel_Width, Toplevel_Height : Gint := -1; begin Maximized := Integer'Value (Get_Attribute (Perspectives, "state", "0")) = 4; if Maximized then -- Compute the width the window will have when maximized. -- We cannot simply do a Maximize and then read the allocation -- size, since that is asynchronous. -- On many systems, the following calls seem to fail, so we -- just simulate a size (this is irrelevant anyway, since the -- call to Maximize will find the correct size, but it helps -- debugging when we use the real sizes). -- A value big enough that when the window is finally -- resized the MDI is able to keep the proportions of its -- children (which would not be the case if we had created -- a 10x10 window for instance). MDI_Width := 1000; MDI_Height := 1000; Maximize (Gtk_Window (Get_Toplevel (MDI))); Do_Size_Allocate := False; else Toplevel_Width := Gint'Value (Get_Attribute (Perspectives, "width", "-1")); Toplevel_Height := Gint'Value (Get_Attribute (Perspectives, "height", "-1")); -- More recent versions of the desktop also explicitly store -- the size of the MDI MDI_Width := Gint'Value (Get_Attribute (Perspectives, "mdi_width", Gint'Image (Toplevel_Width))); MDI_Height := Gint'Value (Get_Attribute (Perspectives, "mdi_height", Gint'Image (Toplevel_Height))); if Traces then Print_Debug ("Toplevel size from perspective:" & Gint'Image (Toplevel_Width) & "x" & Gint'Image (Toplevel_Height)); Print_Debug ("MDI size from perspective:" & Gint'Image (MDI_Width) & "x" & Gint'Image (MDI_Height)); end if; if Toplevel_Width /= -1 then Set_Default_Size (Gtk_Window (MDI.Get_Toplevel), Toplevel_Width, Toplevel_Height); end if; -- ??? Should not call MDI.Set_Size_Request, since that -- sets a minimal size for the MDI, not a default size. -- MDI.Set_Size_Request (MDI_Width, MDI_Height); end if; exception when others => -- An invalid attribute in XML ? null; end; -- Close all existing windows (internal_load_perspective would try to -- preserve them, but they do not apply to the current desktop) MDI.Freeze_Focus; declare Tmp : Widget_List.Glist := MDI.Items; Tmp2 : Widget_List.Glist; C : MDI_Child; Widget_Node : Node_Ptr; Widget_Is_Unique : Boolean; begin while Tmp /= Null_List loop Tmp2 := Next (Tmp); -- Do not force closure, we want to keep desktop-independent -- views Close (MDI, MDI_Child (Get_Data (Tmp)), Force => False); Tmp := Tmp2; end loop; Tmp := MDI.Items; while Tmp /= Null_List loop C := MDI_Child (Get_Data (Tmp)); -- For those items still in the list, we must ensure we know -- their XML node name, otherwise they will never be reused and -- just waste memory (and result in memory leaks) if C.XML_Node_Name = null then Get_XML_For_Widget (Child => C, User => User, Data => Widget_Node, Widget_Is_Unique => Widget_Is_Unique); Free (Widget_Node); end if; Tmp := Next (Tmp); end loop; MDI.Thaw_Focus; exception when others => MDI.Thaw_Focus; raise; end; -- Prepare the contents of the central area. This will automatically -- replace the central area's contents in the perspective if MDI.Central /= null then Print_Debug ("Destroying central area", Debug_Increase); -- It could come from a previous desktop Destroy (MDI.Central); Print_Debug ("", Debug_Decrease); end if; Gtk_New (MDI.Central); -- The central area describes the floating children, so they are not -- part of MDI.Central. To_Raise := Widget_List.Null_List; To_Hide := Widget_List.Null_List; MDI.Loading_Desktop := True; if not MDI.Independent_Perspectives and then From_Tree /= null then -- ??? Incorrect: the size of the central area is only known once -- we have loaded the perspectives, it isn't MDI_Width. But we -- need the central area to load the rest of the desktop. if Traces then Print_Debug ("Loading central area", Debug_Increase); end if; Restore_Multi_Pane (Pane => MDI.Central, MDI => MDI, Focus_Child => Focus_Child, To_Raise => To_Raise, To_Hide => To_Hide, User => User, Node => From_Tree, Full_Width => MDI_Width, Full_Height => MDI_Height); Print_Debug ("Done loading central area", Debug_Decrease); Set_Child_Visible (MDI.Central, True); end if; -- Now restore the appropriate perspective, which gives the global -- organization of the desktop apart from the default area (which is -- restored later on). Internal_Load_Perspective (MDI, Get_Attribute (From_Tree, "perspective", ""), User, Focus_Child => Focus_Child, To_Raise => To_Raise, To_Hide => To_Hide, MDI_Width => MDI_Width, MDI_Height => MDI_Height, Do_Size_Allocate => Do_Size_Allocate); Set_All_Floating_Mode (MDI, Initial_All_Floating_Mode); if Focus_Child /= null then Print_Debug ("Desktop set focus on " & Get_Title (Focus_Child)); Set_Focus_Child (Focus_Child); end if; Emit_By_Name (Get_Object (MDI), String (Signal_Perspective_Changed) & ASCII.NUL); Emit_By_Name (Get_Object (MDI), String (Signal_Children_Reorganized) & ASCII.NUL); Print_Debug ("Done Restore_Desktop", Debug_Decrease); return True; exception when E : Invalid_Desktop => Put_Line ("Invalid_Desktop: " & Exception_Message (E)); return False; end Restore_Desktop; ------------------------ -- Get_XML_For_Widget -- ------------------------ procedure Get_XML_For_Widget (Child : MDI_Child; User : User_Data; Widget_Is_Unique : out Boolean; Data : out Node_Ptr) is Register : Register_Node := Registers; Widget_Node : Node_Ptr; begin Widget_Node := Child.Save_Desktop; -- first, the primitif op. while Widget_Node = null and then Register /= null loop if Register.Save /= null then Widget_Node := Register.Save (Child.Initial, User); end if; Register := Register.Next; end loop; if Widget_Node /= null then -- Save the XML node name, which might be useful when switching -- perspectives Free (Child.XML_Node_Name); Child.XML_Node_Name := new String'(Widget_Node.Tag.all); end if; Data := Widget_Node; -- ??? Hard-coded for now. See comments in Save_Widget Widget_Is_Unique := True; end Get_XML_For_Widget; ------------------ -- Save_Desktop -- ------------------ procedure Save_Desktop (MDI : access MDI_Window_Record'Class; User : User_Data; Perspectives : out Glib.Xml_Int.Node_Ptr; Central : out Glib.Xml_Int.Node_Ptr) is Item : Widget_List.Glist; Child_Node : Node_Ptr; Child : MDI_Child; Has_Negative_Values : Boolean := False; procedure Add (Parent : Node_Ptr; Name, Value : String); -- Add a new child to Child_Node procedure Save_Widget (Parent : Node_Ptr; Child : MDI_Child; Raised : Boolean; In_Central : Boolean); -- Save the Child. Raised is True if Child is the current page -- in a notebook. In_Central is True if we are saving a child part of -- the central area of the desktop procedure Save_Size (Iter : Gtkada.Multi_Paned.Child_Iterator; Node : Node_Ptr); -- Set the size of Widget (relative to the total size of the window) -- as attributes of Node procedure Save_Paned (Paned : access Gtkada_Multi_Paned_Record'Class; Parent : Node_Ptr; In_Central : Boolean); -- Look through all the notebooks, and save the widgets in the -- notebook order. function Save_Notebook (Current : Node_Ptr; Note : MDI_Notebook; In_Central : Boolean) return Node_Ptr; -- save all pages of the notebook procedure Prune_Empty (N : in out Node_Ptr); -- Prunes empty panes below N --------- -- Add -- --------- procedure Add (Parent : Node_Ptr; Name, Value : String) is N : Node_Ptr; begin N := new Node; N.Tag := new String'(Name); N.Value := new String'(Value); Add_Child (Parent, N, Append => True); end Add; ----------------- -- Save_Widget -- ----------------- procedure Save_Widget (Parent : Node_Ptr; Child : MDI_Child; Raised : Boolean; In_Central : Boolean) is Widget_Node : Node_Ptr; Tmp_Node : Node_Ptr; Widget_Is_Unique : Boolean; begin if Child.State = Invisible then return; end if; Get_XML_For_Widget (Child, User, Widget_Is_Unique, Widget_Node); if Widget_Node /= null then -- When a window is in the perspective (and not in the central -- area), we used to save its location in the <perspective> -- node, and its contents in <central>, since it is project -- specific.. -- This works fine for the location window, for instance. -- But this doesn't work well for editors (for which there -- appears an empty area in the newly loaded desktop). Getting -- rid of the emplty areas requires restarting the MDI. -- Since the latter is blocking, the safest route for now is to -- always save the contents in the perspective, independently -- of the project. Most users always load the same project -- anyway. -- For windows that are in multiple perspectives, their -- contents is only saved in the current perspective. That -- works as expected because this is also the perspective that -- is reloaded. -- ??? One solution might be to let the widget itself decide -- where to save the contents when the window is not in the -- central area. Note that saving in <central> works best if -- there is a single window of a kind (so not for editors). Tmp_Node := Widget_Node; if Widget_Is_Unique and then not MDI.Independent_Perspectives and then not In_Central and then (Widget_Node.Child /= null or else Widget_Node.Attributes /= null) then Tmp_Node := new Node; Tmp_Node.Tag := new String'(Widget_Node.Tag.all); Add_Child (Central, Widget_Node, Append => True); end if; -- Note: We need to insert the children in the opposite order -- from Restore_Desktop, since the children are added at the -- beginning of the list. Child_Node := new Node; Child_Node.Tag := new String'("Child"); Add_Child (Child_Node, Tmp_Node, Append => True); Set_Attribute (Child_Node, "State", State_Type'Image (Child.State)); Set_Attribute (Child_Node, "Group", Child_Group'Image (Child.Group)); if Child.State = Floating then declare Win : constant Gtk_Window := Gtk_Window (Get_Toplevel (Child.Initial)); X, Y : Gint; Width, Height : Gint; begin Win.Get_Size (Width => Width, Height => Height); Add (Child_Node, "height", Gint'Image (Height)); Add (Child_Node, "width", Gint'Image (Width)); -- Save the floating window's coordinates Win.Get_Position (Root_X => X, Root_Y => Y); Add (Child_Node, "X", Gint'Image (X)); Add (Child_Node, "Y", Gint'Image (Y)); end; end if; if Child = MDI.Focus_Child then Set_Attribute (Child_Node, "Focus", "True"); end if; if Raised then Set_Attribute (Child_Node, "Raised", "True"); end if; if not Child.Get_Visible then Set_Attribute (Child_Node, "visible", "False"); end if; Add_Child (Parent, Child_Node, Append => True); end if; end Save_Widget; --------------- -- Save_Size -- --------------- procedure Save_Size (Iter : Gtkada.Multi_Paned.Child_Iterator; Node : Node_Ptr) is Parent_Width, Parent_Height, Width, Height : Gint; Orientation : Gtk_Orientation; begin Get_Size (Iter, Width, Height, Parent_Width, Parent_Height, Orientation); if Width < 0 or else Height < 0 or else Parent_Width < 0 or else Parent_Height < 0 then Has_Negative_Values := True; end if; case Orientation is when Orientation_Horizontal => Set_Attribute (Node, "width", Float'Image (Float (Width) * 100.0 / Float (Parent_Width)) & "%"); when Orientation_Vertical => Set_Attribute (Node, "height", Float'Image (Float (Height) * 100.0 / Float (Parent_Height)) & "%"); end case; end Save_Size; ------------------- -- Save_Notebook -- ------------------- function Save_Notebook (Current : Node_Ptr; Note : MDI_Notebook; In_Central : Boolean) return Node_Ptr is Length : constant Gint := Get_N_Pages (Note); Current_Page : constant Gint := Get_Current_Page (Note); Parent : Node_Ptr; Has_Default_Group_Child : Boolean := False; Child : MDI_Child; begin Parent := new Node; Parent.Tag := new String'("Notebook"); Set_Attribute (Parent, "Tabs", Gtk_Position_Type'Image (Get_Tab_Pos (Note))); if Note.Tab_Orientation /= Automatic then Set_Attribute (Parent, "orientation", Tab_Orientation_Type'Image (Note.Tab_Orientation)); end if; if Length > 0 then for Page_Index in 0 .. Length - 1 loop Child := MDI_Child (Get_Nth_Page (Note, Page_Index)); Has_Default_Group_Child := Has_Default_Group_Child or else Child.Group = Group_Default; Save_Widget (Parent, Child, Raised => Current_Page = Page_Index, In_Central => In_Central); end loop; end if; -- Do not append the Notebook node to the parent if no child in -- the notebook was found, unless the number of pages is 0, in -- which case this is a real empty space which should be saved -- in the desktop. Also add the default notebook always, since -- it plays a special role Print_Debug ("Saving notebook, Length=" & Gint'Image (Length) & " parent.child is null=" & Boolean'Image (Parent.Child = null)); if Length = 0 or else Parent.Child /= null then Add_Child (Current, Parent, Append => True); return Parent; else Free (Parent); return null; end if; end Save_Notebook; ----------------- -- Prune_Empty -- ----------------- procedure Prune_Empty (N : in out Node_Ptr) is C, Tmp : Node_Ptr; begin if N.Tag.all = "Pane" then C := N.Child; while C /= null loop Tmp := C.Next; Prune_Empty (C); C := Tmp; end loop; if N.Child = null then Free (N); end if; end if; end Prune_Empty; ---------------- -- Save_Paned -- ---------------- procedure Save_Paned (Paned : access Gtkada_Multi_Paned_Record'Class; Parent : Node_Ptr; In_Central : Boolean) is Current : Node_Ptr := Parent; N : Node_Ptr; Depth : Natural := 0; Iter : Gtkada.Multi_Paned.Child_Iterator := Start (Paned); Orientation : Gtk_Orientation; begin while not At_End (Iter) loop for N in Get_Depth (Iter) + 1 .. Depth loop Current := Current.Parent; end loop; Orientation := Get_Orientation (Iter); if Get_Widget (Iter) = Gtk_Widget (MDI.Central) then if MDI.Independent_Perspectives then Save_Paned (MDI.Central, Current, In_Central => True); else N := new Node; N.Tag := new String'("central"); Save_Size (Iter, N); Add_Child (Current, N, Append => True); end if; elsif Get_Widget (Iter) /= null then N := Save_Notebook (Current, MDI_Notebook (Get_Widget (Iter)), In_Central => In_Central); if N /= null then Save_Size (Iter, N); end if; else N := new Node; N.Tag := new String'("Pane"); Set_Attribute (N, "Orientation", Gtk_Orientation'Image (Orientation)); Save_Size (Iter, N); Add_Child (Current, N, Append => True); Current := N; end if; Depth := Get_Depth (Iter); Next (Iter); end loop; if Parent.Child /= null then Prune_Empty (Parent.Child); end if; end Save_Paned; Old_Perspectives : Glib.Xml_Int.Node_Ptr; begin if MDI.Perspectives = null then MDI.Perspectives := new Node; MDI.Perspectives.Tag := new String'("perspectives"); end if; if MDI.Current_Perspective /= null then if To_Lower (Get_Attribute (MDI.Current_Perspective, "save_on_exit", "True")) = "false" then return; end if; Old_Perspectives := Deep_Copy (MDI.Perspectives); -- Replace (in place) the perspective. This is so that the -- order in the /Window/Perspectives menu is preserved as much -- as possible declare N : Node_Ptr := MDI.Current_Perspective.Child; N2 : Node_Ptr; begin while N /= null loop N2 := N.Next; Free (N); N := N2; end loop; end; else MDI.Current_Perspective := new Node; MDI.Current_Perspective.Tag := new String'("perspective"); Set_Attribute (MDI.Current_Perspective, "name", "default"); Add_Child (MDI.Perspectives, MDI.Current_Perspective, Append => False); Old_Perspectives := Deep_Copy (MDI.Perspectives); end if; Central := new Node; Central.Tag := new String'("desktop"); -- Save the general configuration of the MDI declare Win : constant Gtk_Window := Gtk_Window (Get_Toplevel (MDI)); Width : Gint; Height : Gint; begin if Win /= null then if not Win.Is_Maximized and then Get_Window (Win) /= null then Win.Get_Size (Width => Width, Height => Height); Set_Attribute (MDI.Perspectives, "width", Gint'Image (Width)); Set_Attribute (MDI.Perspectives, "height", Gint'Image (Height)); end if; Set_Attribute (MDI.Perspectives, "mdi_width", Gint'Image (MDI.Get_Allocated_Width)); Set_Attribute (MDI.Perspectives, "mdi_height", Gint'Image (MDI.Get_Allocated_Height)); -- We are only interested in whether the window is maximized if Win.Is_Maximized then Set_Attribute (MDI.Perspectives, "state", " 4"); else Set_Attribute (MDI.Perspectives, "state", " 0"); end if; Set_Attribute (Central, "perspective", Current_Perspective (MDI)); end if; end; Print_Debug ("Save_Desktop: window size reported as" & Gint'Image (MDI.Get_Toplevel.Get_Allocated_Width) & "x" & Gint'Image (MDI.Get_Toplevel.Get_Allocated_Height)); Print_Debug ("Save_Desktop: saving the perspective"); Save_Paned (MDI, MDI.Current_Perspective, In_Central => False); if not MDI.Independent_Perspectives then Print_Debug ("Save_Desktop: saving central area"); Save_Paned (MDI.Central, Central, In_Central => True); end if; -- Save the floating widgets (these are part of the perspective) Print_Debug ("Save_Desktop: saving floating widgets"); Item := MDI.Items; while Item /= Widget_List.Null_List loop Child := MDI_Child (Widget_List.Get_Data (Item)); case Child.State is when Normal | Invisible => null; when Floating => Save_Widget (Central, Child, False, In_Central => True); end case; Item := Widget_List.Next (Item); end loop; if Has_Negative_Values then -- In case of negative values, retrieve the old perspectives -- But keep the current perspective as the active one declare N : Node_Ptr := Old_Perspectives.Child; Name : constant String := Get_Attribute (MDI.Current_Perspective, "name"); begin while N /= null loop if Get_Attribute (N, "name") = Name then MDI.Current_Perspective := N; exit; end if; N := N.Next; end loop; end; Free (MDI.Perspectives); MDI.Perspectives := Old_Perspectives; else Free (Old_Perspectives); end if; Perspectives := Deep_Copy (MDI.Perspectives); if Traces then Print_Debug ("After saving the desktop (current perspective is " & Current_Perspective (MDI) & "), desktop is"); Print (MDI.Perspectives); if not MDI.Independent_Perspectives then Print_Debug ("And the central area is"); Print (Central); end if; end if; end Save_Desktop; --------------------------------------- -- Free_Registered_Desktop_Functions -- --------------------------------------- procedure Free_Registered_Desktop_Functions is procedure Unchecked_Free is new Ada.Unchecked_Deallocation (Register_Node_Record, Register_Node); Next : Register_Node; begin while Registers /= null loop Next := Registers.Next; Unchecked_Free (Registers); Registers := Next; end loop; end Free_Registered_Desktop_Functions; ------------------------------- -- Internal_Load_Perspective -- ------------------------------- procedure Internal_Load_Perspective (MDI : access MDI_Window_Record'Class; Name : String; User : User_Data; Focus_Child : in out MDI_Child; To_Raise : in out Gtk.Widget.Widget_List.Glist; To_Hide : in out Gtk.Widget.Widget_List.Glist; MDI_Width, MDI_Height : Gint; Do_Size_Allocate : Boolean) is Alloc : Gtk_Allocation; Child : MDI_Child; procedure Remove_All_Items (Remove_All_Empty : Boolean); -- Remove all items from the MDI ---------------------- -- Remove_All_Items -- ---------------------- procedure Remove_All_Items (Remove_All_Empty : Boolean) is Children : Widget_List.Glist; L : Widget_List.Glist; Note : Gtk_Notebook; C : MDI_Child; Parent : Gtk_Widget; begin Print_Debug ("Remove_All_Items: remove_empty=" & Boolean'Image (Remove_All_Empty), Debug_Increase); -- Remove all children from the MDI. However, we do not close them -- in case we switch back to the perspective (or the user opens -- them while in the perspective). They will just be marked as -- Invisible for now. L := MDI.Items; while L /= Null_List loop C := MDI_Child (Get_Data (L)); if C.State = Normal and then (MDI.Independent_Perspectives or else not In_Central_Area (MDI, C)) then Print_Debug ("Remove_All_Items, marking " & Get_Title (C) & " as invisible"); Ref (C); -- Unref called in Destroy_Child and Put Parent := Get_Parent (C); if Parent /= null then Remove (Gtk_Container (Get_Parent (C)), C); end if; Set_State (C, Invisible); end if; L := Next (L); end loop; -- We now force the closing of all empty notebooks -- The central area should no longer be part of the MDI at this -- stage, so all we get are notebooks Children := Get_Children (MDI); L := Children; while L /= Null_List loop Note := Gtk_Notebook (Get_Data (L)); if Get_Nth_Page (Note, 0) = null then Remove (MDI, Note); end if; L := Next (L); end loop; Free (Children); -- We used to close empty notebooks, but in fact such notebooks -- can now only be in the central area, whose contents has not -- changed anyway. Print_Debug ("", Debug_Decrease); end Remove_All_Items; Tmp_Persp : Node_Ptr; begin MDI.Freeze_Focus; -- Find the right perspective node Tmp_Persp := MDI.Perspectives.Child; while Tmp_Persp /= null and then Get_Attribute (Tmp_Persp, "name") /= Name loop Tmp_Persp := Tmp_Persp.Next; end loop; if Tmp_Persp = null then -- If not found, and we already have a perspective => do nothing if MDI.Current_Perspective /= null then return; end if; -- Else load the first one Print_Debug ("Perspective not found, loading default one"); Tmp_Persp := MDI.Perspectives.Child; end if; MDI.Current_Perspective := Tmp_Persp; if Traces then Print_Debug ("Loading perspective " & Name, Debug_Increase); end if; -- Remove central from the MDI, and it will be put in the new -- perspective Ref (MDI.Central); if Get_Parent (MDI.Central) /= null then Remove (Gtk_Container (Get_Parent (MDI.Central)), MDI.Central); end if; MDI.Loading_Desktop := True; Freeze (MDI); -- Clean up MDI if necessary Remove_All_Items (Remove_All_Empty => True); Restore_Multi_Pane (Pane => MDI, MDI => MDI, Focus_Child => Focus_Child, To_Raise => To_Raise, To_Hide => To_Hide, User => User, Node => MDI.Current_Perspective, Full_Width => MDI_Width, Full_Height => MDI_Height); -- If the central area was not in the desktop, that's an error and -- the application will not be usable anyway, so better break the -- desktop but show the central area if not MDI.Independent_Perspectives and then Get_Parent (MDI.Central) = null then Print_Debug ("central not in desktop, force adding"); Add_Child (MDI, MDI.Central); end if; MDI.Desktop_Was_Loaded := True; -- Raise all appropriate items at the end, so that even if some items -- are added temporarily to notebooks, they have no long-lasting -- impact on the notebook itself. declare Item : Widget_List.Glist := To_Raise; begin while Item /= Widget_List.Null_List loop Child := MDI_Child (Widget_List.Get_Data (Item)); if Focus_Child = null then Focus_Child := Child; end if; Print_Debug ("Restore_Desktop, raising child with no focus " & Get_Title (Child)); Raise_Child (Child, Give_Focus => False); Item := Widget_List.Next (Item); end loop; Free (To_Raise); Print_Debug ("Restore_Desktop, hidding children"); Item := To_Hide; while Item /= Widget_List.Null_List loop Child := MDI_Child (Widget_List.Get_Data (Item)); Print_Debug ("Restore_Desktop, hidding " & Get_Title (Child)); Hide (Child); Item := Widget_List.Next (Item); end loop; Free (To_Hide); if Traces then Dump (MDI); end if; end; if not MDI.Independent_Perspectives then Realize (MDI.Central); Show_All (MDI.Central); Unref (MDI.Central); end if; Show_All (MDI); Reset_Title_Bars_And_Colors (MDI); MDI.Loading_Desktop := False; Thaw (MDI); Queue_Resize (MDI); -- Update to show which menu is active Update_Menu_Model_List_Of_Children (MDI); Emit_By_Name (Get_Object (MDI), String (Signal_Perspective_Changed) & ASCII.NUL); -- Realize the window while frozen, so that windows that insist on -- setting their own size when realized (eg. the search window in -- GPS) will not break the desktop. -- However, don't do this when attempting to maximize the desktop, -- since otherwise we get a first Size_Allocate for whatever current -- size we have, and then a second one for the maximized size. The -- first one breaks the desktop partially. if Do_Size_Allocate then Print_Debug ("Internal_Load_Perspective, forcing a Size_Allocate"); Realize (MDI); MDI.Get_Allocation (Alloc); Size_Allocate (MDI, Alloc); end if; if Traces then Print_Debug ("Done loading perspective", Debug_Decrease); end if; MDI.Thaw_Focus; exception when others => MDI.Thaw_Focus; raise; end Internal_Load_Perspective; ---------------------- -- Load_Perspective -- ---------------------- procedure Load_Perspective (MDI : access MDI_Window_Record'Class; Name : String; User : User_Data) is To_Raise : Gtk.Widget.Widget_List.Glist; To_Hide : Gtk.Widget.Widget_List.Glist; Focus_Child : MDI_Child; Perspectives : Node_Ptr; begin -- Save modifications to current perspective, so that we can restore -- them when the user switches back to that perspective. A signal -- "perspective_changed" will be sent to the user, so that he has a -- chance to save the changes in an external file for persistency Print_Debug ("++++++ Load_Perspective " & Name); if MDI.Current_Perspective /= null then if Get_Attribute (MDI.Current_Perspective, "name") = Name then return; end if; -- We only rely on the side effect of changing MDI.Perspectives, -- since the central area does not change in any case Free (MDI.View_Contents); Save_Desktop (MDI, User, Perspectives, MDI.View_Contents); Free (Perspectives); end if; Print_Debug ("++++ Load_Perspective, desktop was saved, now loading"); Internal_Load_Perspective (MDI, Name, User, Focus_Child => Focus_Child, To_Raise => To_Raise, To_Hide => To_Hide, MDI_Width => MDI.Get_Allocated_Width, MDI_Height => MDI.Get_Allocated_Height, Do_Size_Allocate => False); Maximize_Action.Hide_When_Maximized (MDI); end Load_Perspective; ---------------------------------- -- On_Action_Select_Perspective -- ---------------------------------- procedure On_Action_Select_Perspective (MDI : access MDI_Window_Record'Class; Params : GValues; User : User_Data) is Length : aliased Gsize; Val : constant Gvariant := From_Object (To_Address (Params, 1)); Name : constant String := Get_String (Val, Length'Access); begin if not MDI.Loading_Desktop then Print_Debug ("++++ Change_Perspective to " & Name); Load_Perspective (MDI, Name, User); end if; end On_Action_Select_Perspective; ---------------------------------- -- On_Action_Create_Perspective -- ---------------------------------- procedure On_Action_Create_Perspective (MDI : access MDI_Window_Record'Class; Params : GValues; User : User_Data) is pragma Unreferenced (Params); begin Create_Perspective_Query_Name (MDI, User); end On_Action_Create_Perspective; -------------------- -- Set_Menu_Model -- -------------------- procedure Set_Menu_Model (MDI : not null access MDI_Window_Record'Class; App : not null access Gtk.Application.Gtk_Application_Record'Class; Model : access Glib.Menu.Gmenu_Record'Class; User : User_Data) is Section : Gmenu; Act : Gsimple_Action; begin if Gmenu (Model) /= MDI.Menu_Model and then MDI.Menu_Model /= null then Unref (MDI.Menu_Model); Unref (MDI.Menu_Items_Section); MDI.Menu_Model := null; MDI.Menu_Items_Section := null; end if; MDI.Menu_Model := Gmenu (Model); MDI.Application := Gtk_Application (App); Ref (MDI.Menu_Model); -- Create the actions if necessary (the first time) if MDI.Action_Close = null then G_New (Act, "mdi_split_h", null); Act.On_Activate (On_Action_Split_H'Access, MDI); App.Add_Action (+Act); G_New (Act, "mdi_split_v", null); Act.On_Activate (On_Action_Split_V'Access, MDI); App.Add_Action (+Act); G_New_Stateful (MDI.Action_Float, "mdi_floating", Parameter_Type => null, State => Gvariant_New_Boolean (False)); MDI.Action_Float.On_Activate (On_Action_Floating'Access, MDI); App.Add_Action (+MDI.Action_Float); G_New (MDI.Action_Close, "mdi_close", null); MDI.Action_Close.On_Activate (On_Action_Close'Access, MDI); App.Add_Action (+MDI.Action_Close); G_New_Stateful (MDI.Action_Select_Perspective, "mdi_set_perspective", Parameter_Type => Gvariant_Type_String, State => Gvariant_New_String ("")); MDI_User_Data_Cb.Object_Connect (MDI.Action_Select_Perspective, Glib.Simple_Action.Signal_Activate, On_Action_Select_Perspective'Access, MDI, User); App.Add_Action (+MDI.Action_Select_Perspective); G_New (Act, "mdi_create_perspective", null); MDI_User_Data_Cb.Object_Connect (Act, Glib.Simple_Action.Signal_Activate, On_Action_Create_Perspective'Access, MDI, User); App.Add_Action (+Act); G_New_Stateful (MDI.Action_Select, "mdi_select", Parameter_Type => Gvariant_Type_String, State => Gvariant_New_String ("")); MDI.Action_Select.On_Activate (On_Action_Select'Access, MDI); App.Add_Action (+MDI.Action_Select); end if; -- Create the menus if Model /= null then MDI.Menu_Model.Remove_All; Section := Gmenu_New; MDI.Menu_Model.Append_Section ("", Section); MDI.Perspectives_Menu := Gmenu_New; Section.Append_Submenu ("Perspectives", MDI.Perspectives_Menu); Section.Append ("Split Side-by-Side", "app.mdi_split_h"); Section.Append ("Split Up-Down", "app.mdi_split_v"); Section := Gmenu_New; MDI.Menu_Model.Append_Section ("", Section); Section.Append ("Floating", "app.mdi_floating"); Section.Append ("Close", "app.mdi_close"); MDI.Menu_Items_Section := Gmenu_New; MDI.Menu_Model.Append_Section ("", MDI.Menu_Items_Section); Update_Menu_Model_List_Of_Children (MDI); end if; end Set_Menu_Model; end Desktop; ---------------------------------------- -- Update_Menu_Model_List_Of_Children -- ---------------------------------------- procedure Update_Menu_Model_List_Of_Children (MDI : not null access MDI_Window_Record'Class) is use Child_Vectors; Child : MDI_Child; Vec : Child_Vectors.Vector; Curs : Child_Vectors.Cursor; begin if MDI.Menu_Items_Section /= null then MDI.Menu_Items_Section.Remove_All; Get_Sorted_List_Of_Visible_Children (MDI, Vec); Curs := First (Vec); while Has_Element (Curs) loop Child := Element (Curs); MDI.Menu_Items_Section.Append (Child.Get_Short_Title, "app.mdi_select(""" & Child.Get_Title & """)"); Next (Curs); end loop; if MDI.Focus_Child = null then MDI.Action_Select.Set_State (Gvariant_New_String ("")); else MDI.Action_Select.Set_State (Gvariant_New_String (MDI.Focus_Child.Get_Title)); end if; end if; end Update_Menu_Model_List_Of_Children; ----------------- -- First_Child -- ----------------- function First_Child (MDI : access MDI_Window_Record; Group_By_Notebook : Boolean := False; Visible_Only : Boolean := True) return Child_Iterator is Children : Widget_List.Glist; C : MDI_Child; begin if Group_By_Notebook then declare Iter : Child_Iterator := (Group_By_Notebook => True, Visible_Only => Visible_Only, Paned_Iter => Start (MDI), In_Central => False, Notebook => null, Notebook_Page => 0, Floating_Iter => MDI.Items, MDI => MDI_Window (MDI)); begin if MDI.Central /= null then Iter.Paned_Iter := Start (MDI.Central); Iter.In_Central := True; end if; Move_To_Next_Notebook (Iter); while Iter.Floating_Iter /= Null_List and then MDI_Child (Widget_List.Get_Data (Iter.Floating_Iter)).State /= Floating loop Iter.Floating_Iter := Widget_List.Next (Iter.Floating_Iter); end loop; return Iter; end; else Children := MDI.Items; if Children /= Widget_List.Null_List and then Visible_Only then C := MDI_Child (Widget_List.Get_Data (MDI.Items)); if C.State = Invisible then -- There are no visible child, since the first one should be -- the one with the focus Children := Widget_List.Null_List; end if; end if; return (Group_By_Notebook => False, Visible_Only => Visible_Only, Iter => Children); end if; end First_Child; ------------------ -- Get_Notebook -- ------------------ function Get_Notebook (Iterator : Child_Iterator) return Gtk.Notebook.Gtk_Notebook is C : constant MDI_Child := Get (Iterator); begin if C = null then return null; else return Gtk_Notebook (Get_Notebook (C)); end if; end Get_Notebook; --------------------------- -- Move_To_Next_Notebook -- --------------------------- procedure Move_To_Next_Notebook (Iterator : in out Child_Iterator) is begin Iterator.Notebook := null; Iterator.Notebook_Page := 0; loop if At_End (Iterator.Paned_Iter) then if Iterator.In_Central then Iterator.In_Central := False; Iterator.Paned_Iter := Start (Iterator.MDI); exit when At_End (Iterator.Paned_Iter); else exit; end if; end if; -- Assert (not At_End (Iterator.Paned_Iter)) if Get_Widget (Iterator.Paned_Iter) /= null and then (not Iterator.Visible_Only or else Get_Widget (Iterator.Paned_Iter).Get_Visible) and then Get_Widget (Iterator.Paned_Iter).all in Gtk_Notebook_Record'Class then Iterator.Notebook := Gtk_Notebook (Get_Widget (Iterator.Paned_Iter)); exit; end if; Next (Iterator.Paned_Iter); end loop; end Move_To_Next_Notebook; ---------- -- Next -- ---------- procedure Next (Iterator : in out Child_Iterator) is C : MDI_Child; begin if Iterator.Group_By_Notebook then if Iterator.Notebook = null then -- Find the next floating child loop Iterator.Floating_Iter := Widget_List.Next (Iterator.Floating_Iter); exit when Iterator.Floating_Iter = Null_List or else MDI_Child (Widget_List.Get_Data (Iterator.Floating_Iter)).State = Floating; end loop; else Iterator.Notebook_Page := Iterator.Notebook_Page + 1; if Get_Nth_Page (Iterator.Notebook, Iterator.Notebook_Page) = null then Next (Iterator.Paned_Iter); Move_To_Next_Notebook (Iterator); end if; end if; else loop Iterator.Iter := Widget_List.Next (Iterator.Iter); if Iterator.Visible_Only then C := Get (Iterator); exit when C = null or else C.State /= Invisible; else exit; end if; end loop; end if; end Next; --------- -- Get -- --------- function Get (Iterator : Child_Iterator) return MDI_Child is begin if Iterator.Group_By_Notebook then if Iterator.Notebook = null then if Iterator.Floating_Iter = Widget_List.Null_List then return null; else return MDI_Child (Widget_List.Get_Data (Iterator.Floating_Iter)); end if; else return MDI_Child (Get_Nth_Page (Iterator.Notebook, Iterator.Notebook_Page)); end if; elsif Iterator.Iter /= Widget_List.Null_List then return MDI_Child (Widget_List.Get_Data (Iterator.Iter)); else return null; end if; end Get; --------------------- -- Highlight_Child -- --------------------- procedure Highlight_Child (Child : not null access MDI_Child_Record; Highlight : Boolean := True) is Note : constant MDI_Notebook := Get_Notebook (Child); begin -- Do nothing if Child is not in a notebook, if it has no tab label, or -- if it already has the focus. if Note = null or else Child.Tab_Label = null or else (Highlight and then Note.Get_Current_Page = Note.Page_Num (Child)) then return; end if; if Highlight then Get_Style_Context (Child.Tab_Label).Add_Class ("mdi-highlighted-tab"); else Get_Style_Context (Child.Tab_Label).Remove_Class ("mdi-highlighted-tab"); end if; end Highlight_Child; ------------------------ -- Desktop_Was_Loaded -- ------------------------ function Desktop_Was_Loaded (MDI : access MDI_Window_Record) return Boolean is begin return MDI.Desktop_Was_Loaded; end Desktop_Was_Loaded; --------------- -- Get_State -- --------------- function Get_State (Child : not null access MDI_Child_Record) return State_Type is begin return Child.State; end Get_State; -------------------- -- Set_Dnd_Source -- -------------------- procedure Set_Dnd_Source (Widget : access Gtk_Widget_Record'Class; Child : access Gtk_Widget_Record'Class) is begin Add_Events (Widget, Button_Press_Mask); Widget.On_Button_Press_Event (Button_Pressed_Forced'Access, Child); end Set_Dnd_Source; ---------------------- -- Draw_DnD_Overlay -- ---------------------- function Draw_DnD_Overlay (Self : access Gtk_Widget_Record'Class; Cr : Cairo_Context) return Boolean is MDI : constant MDI_Window := MDI_Window (Self); Color : Gdk_RGBA; Layout : Pango_Layout; Ink_Rect, Logical_Rect : Pango_Rectangle; X, Y : Gdouble; W, H : Gdouble; Line_Width : constant := 3.0; begin -- Adapt the color to make it more visible on the current theme Color := Gtkada.Style.Shade_Or_Lighten (MDI.Title_Bar_Color, 0.1); Color.Alpha := 0.5; Set_Source_RGBA (Cr, Color); Cairo.Rectangle (Cr, Gdouble (MDI.Dnd_Parent_Rect.X), Gdouble (MDI.Dnd_Parent_Rect.Y), Gdouble (MDI.Dnd_Parent_Rect.Width), Gdouble (MDI.Dnd_Parent_Rect.Height)); Cairo.Fill (Cr); Color.Alpha := 0.6; Set_Source_RGBA (Cr, Color); -- Offset here is to compensate the line width Gtkada.Style.Rounded_Rectangle (Cr, Gdouble (MDI.Dnd_Rectangle.X) + Line_Width, Gdouble (MDI.Dnd_Rectangle.Y) + Line_Width, Gdouble (MDI.Dnd_Rectangle.Width) - 2.0 * Line_Width, Gdouble (MDI.Dnd_Rectangle.Height) - 2.0 * Line_Width, Radius => 8.0); Cairo.Fill_Preserve (Cr); Color.Alpha := 0.9; Set_Source_RGBA (Cr, Color); Set_Line_Width (Cr, 3.0); Stroke (Cr); Layout := MDI.Create_Pango_Layout; Layout.Set_Markup (ASCII.HT & To_String (MDI.Dnd_Area_Message) & ASCII.LF & MDI.Dnd_Message.all); Layout.Get_Extents (Ink_Rect, Logical_Rect); W := Gdouble (Logical_Rect.Width / Pango_Scale); H := Gdouble (Logical_Rect.Height / Pango_Scale); X := Gdouble (MDI.Dnd_Rectangle.X) + (Gdouble (MDI.Dnd_Rectangle.Width) - W) / 2.0; Y := Gdouble (MDI.Dnd_Rectangle.Y) + (Gdouble (MDI.Dnd_Rectangle.Height) - H) / 2.0; -- Keep the text window within the MDI X := Gdouble'Max (X, 0.0); Y := Gdouble'Max (Y, 0.0); X := Gdouble'Min (X, Gdouble (MDI.Get_Allocated_Width) - W); Y := Gdouble'Min (Y, Gdouble (MDI.Get_Allocated_Height) - H); -- Slightly lighter (and non-transparent) background for the msg. Set_Line_Width (Cr, 1.0); Set_Source_RGBA (Cr, Gtkada.Style.Shade_Or_Lighten (Color, 0.2)); Gtkada.Style.Rounded_Rectangle (Cr, X - 2.0, Y - 2.0, W + 4.0, H + 4.0, 4.0); Cairo.Fill (Cr); Get_Style_Context (MDI).Render_Layout (Cr, X, Y, Layout); Unref (Layout); return True; end Draw_DnD_Overlay; ------------------------ -- Draw_Dnd_Rectangle -- ------------------------ procedure Draw_Dnd_Rectangle (Child : access MDI_Child_Record'Class; Hide_Only : Boolean := False) is MDI : constant MDI_Window := Child.MDI; Current : Gtk_Widget; Position : Child_Position; New_Pos : Gdk_Rectangle; Parent_Rect : Gdk_Rectangle; Message : Unbounded_String; In_Central : Boolean; C3 : MDI_Child; Note : Gtk_Notebook; Allowed : Boolean; Old_Dnd_Target : constant Gdk.Gdk_Window := MDI.Dnd_Target; begin Get_Dnd_Target (MDI => Child.MDI, Parent => Current, Position => Position, Parent_Rectangle => Parent_Rect, Rectangle => New_Pos, Allowed => Allowed, In_Central => In_Central); if Hide_Only then Allowed := False; end if; if not Allowed then Current := null; MDI.Dnd_Target := null; elsif Current = null then MDI.Dnd_Target := null; elsif Current = Gtk_Widget (MDI) then MDI.Dnd_Target := Get_Window (MDI); case Position is when Position_Bottom => Message := To_Unbounded_String ("Below all other windows"); when Position_Top => Message := To_Unbounded_String ("Above all other windows"); when Position_Left => Message := To_Unbounded_String ("Left of all other windows"); when Position_Right => Message := To_Unbounded_String ("Right of all other windows"); when others => null; -- Cannot occur end case; elsif Current = Gtk_Widget (MDI.Central) then MDI.Dnd_Target := Get_Window (MDI.Central); case Position is when Position_Bottom => Message := To_Unbounded_String ("Below central area"); when Position_Top => Message := To_Unbounded_String ("Above central area"); when Position_Left => Message := To_Unbounded_String ("Left of central area"); when Position_Right => Message := To_Unbounded_String ("Right of central area"); when others => Message := To_Unbounded_String ("In central area"); In_Central := True; end case; elsif Current = Get_Parent (Child) and then Position = Position_Automatic then MDI.Dnd_Target := Get_Window (Child); Message := To_Unbounded_String ("Leave at current position"); else Note := Gtk_Notebook (Current); C3 := MDI_Child (Get_Nth_Page (Note, Get_Current_Page (Note))); if C3 = null then Message := To_Unbounded_String ("In central area"); MDI.Dnd_Target := Get_Window (MDI.Central); else MDI.Dnd_Target := Get_Window (C3); case Position is when Position_Bottom => Message := To_Unbounded_String ("Below <b>" & Glib.Convert.Escape_Text (Get_Short_Title (C3)) & "</b>"); when Position_Top => Message := To_Unbounded_String ("Above <b>" & Glib.Convert.Escape_Text (Get_Short_Title (C3)) & "</b>"); when Position_Left => Message := To_Unbounded_String ("Left of <b>" & Glib.Convert.Escape_Text (Get_Short_Title (C3)) & "</b>"); when Position_Right => Message := To_Unbounded_String ("Right of <b>" & Glib.Convert.Escape_Text (Get_Short_Title (C3)) & "</b>"); when others => Message := To_Unbounded_String ("On top of <b>" & Glib.Convert.Escape_Text (Get_Short_Title (C3)) & "</b>"); end case; end if; end if; -- Call this if the state has changed to hide the current highlight. We -- might, or not, highlight the target depending whether it is allowed -- for Child. if not (Position = MDI.Old_Dnd_Position and then MDI.Dnd_Target = Old_Dnd_Target) and then Current /= null then MDI.Dnd_Rectangle := New_Pos; MDI.Dnd_Parent_Rect := Parent_Rect; MDI.Dnd_Area_Message := Message; -- Connect to the MDI draw handler to draw the Dnd overlay over it if MDI.Dnd_Handler_Id.Id = Gtk.Handlers.Null_Handler_Id then MDI.Dnd_Handler_Id := Return_Callback.Connect (MDI, Signal_Draw, Return_Callback.To_Marshaller (Draw_DnD_Overlay'Access), After => True); end if; -- Force a redraw since we have changed the Dnd overlay and message MDI.Queue_Draw; end if; -- Update the drag state. MDI.Old_Dnd_Position := Position; end Draw_Dnd_Rectangle; ------------------------ -- Remove_DnD_Overlay -- ------------------------ procedure Remove_DnD_Overlay (MDI : not null access MDI_Window_Record'Class; Redraw : Boolean := True) is begin Gtk.Handlers.Disconnect (MDI, MDI.Dnd_Handler_Id); if Redraw then MDI.Queue_Draw; end if; end Remove_DnD_Overlay; ---------------------- -- Child_Drag_Begin -- ---------------------- procedure Child_Drag_Begin (Child : not null access MDI_Child_Record'Class; Event : Gdk_Event_Button; Areas : Allowed_Areas) is Tmp : Gdk_Grab_Status; Win : Gdk.Gdk_Window; pragma Unreferenced (Tmp); begin -- Focus and raise the child. Raise_Child must be called explicitly -- since Set_Focus_Child won't do it if the child already has the focus. -- We have to raise the child, since otherwise the Pointer_Grab below -- will fail Print_Debug ("Child_Drag_Begin, focus and raise " & Get_Title (Child)); Set_Focus_Child (Child); Raise_Child (Child, False); Win := Get_Window (Child); -- If Child is floating, Win may be null at this point. In this case, -- do nothing. if Win /= null then -- Grab the pointer, so that we can detect whether the mouse moved -- far enough from its initial position to start a drag. This also -- ensures we get all the button_motion events Tmp := Pointer_Grab (Win, False, Button_Press_Mask or Button_Motion_Mask or Button_Release_Mask, Cursor => null, Time => 0); Child.MDI.Drag_Start_X := Gint (Event.X_Root); Child.MDI.Drag_Start_Y := Gint (Event.Y_Root); Child.MDI.In_Drag := In_Pre_Drag; Child.MDI.Dnd_Rectangle := (0, 0, 0, 0); Child.MDI.Drag_Areas := Areas; else Print_Debug ("Child is floating, did not initiate DnD"); end if; end Child_Drag_Begin; ----------------------- -- Cancel_Child_Drag -- ----------------------- procedure Cancel_Child_Drag (Child : not null access MDI_Child_Record'Class) is begin Print_Debug ("Cancel_Child_Drag"); Pointer_Ungrab; Child.MDI.In_Drag := No_Drag; end Cancel_Child_Drag; ------------------------- -- Child_Drag_Finished -- ------------------------- procedure Child_Drag_Finished (Child : not null access MDI_Child_Record) is MDI : MDI_Window renames Child.MDI; begin Remove_DnD_Overlay (MDI, Redraw => True); end Child_Drag_Finished; -------------------- -- Get_Dnd_Target -- -------------------- procedure Get_Dnd_Target (MDI : not null access MDI_Window_Record'Class; Parent : out Gtk_Widget; Position : out Child_Position; Parent_Rectangle : out Gdk_Rectangle; Rectangle : out Gdk_Rectangle; In_Central : out Boolean; Allowed : out Boolean) is Border_Width, Border_Height : Gint; Win : Gdk.Gdk_Window; Mask : Gdk_Modifier_Type; Current : Gtk_Widget; X, Y : Gint; Alloc : Gtk_Allocation; begin Gdk.Display.Get_Window_At_Pointer (Get_Display (Get_Window (MDI)), X, Y, Win); if Win = null then Position := Position_Automatic; Parent := null; Allowed := True; -- floating else Current := Gtk_Widget (Get_User_Data (Win)); while Current /= null and then Current /= Gtk_Widget (MDI) and then Current /= Gtk_Widget (MDI.Central) and then Get_Parent (Current) /= null and then (Current.all not in Gtk_Notebook_Record'Class or else (Get_Parent (Current) /= Gtk_Widget (MDI) and then Get_Parent (Current) /= Gtk_Widget (MDI.Central))) loop Current := Get_Parent (Current); end loop; -- If the cursor was put in a floating window, we should make the -- new child floating as well. if Current = null or else Get_Parent (Current) = null then Parent := null; Position := Position_Automatic; Allowed := True; return; end if; if Current = Gtk_Widget (MDI) and then MDI.Central /= null then Current := Gtk_Widget (MDI.Central); -- Central area not empty ? We have therefore passed the mouse on -- one of the handles, and should not allow a drop there if not At_End (Start (MDI.Central)) then Position := Position_Automatic; Parent := null; Allowed := True; return; end if; end if; Parent := Current; -- Are we on the sides of the MDI itself ? Rectangle := (X => 0, Y => 0, Width => Get_Allocated_Width (MDI), Height => Get_Allocated_Height (MDI)); Parent_Rectangle := Rectangle; Gdk.Window.Get_Device_Position (Self => Get_Window (MDI), Device => Gtk.Main.Get_Current_Event_Device, X => X, Y => Y, Mask => Mask, Window => Win); if Y < Max_Drag_Border_Width / 2 then Position := Position_Top; Parent := Gtk_Widget (MDI); In_Central := False; Rectangle := (X => 0, Y => 0, Width => Rectangle.Width, Height => Max_Drag_Border_Width / 2); elsif Y > Rectangle.Height - Max_Drag_Border_Width / 2 then Position := Position_Bottom; Parent := Gtk_Widget (MDI); In_Central := False; Rectangle := (X => 0, Y => Rectangle.Height - Max_Drag_Border_Width / 2, Width => Rectangle.Width, Height => Max_Drag_Border_Width / 2); elsif X < Max_Drag_Border_Width / 2 then Position := Position_Left; Parent := Gtk_Widget (MDI); In_Central := False; Rectangle := (X => 0, Y => 0, Width => Max_Drag_Border_Width / 2, Height => Rectangle.Height); elsif X > Rectangle.Width - Max_Drag_Border_Width / 2 then Position := Position_Right; Parent := Gtk_Widget (MDI); In_Central := False; Rectangle := (X => Rectangle.Width - Max_Drag_Border_Width / 2, Y => 0, Width => Max_Drag_Border_Width / 2, Height => Rectangle.Height); else -- Are we on the sides of the current MDI child ? -- Parent is likey a Gtk_Notebook Gtkada.Style.Get_Offset (Parent, MDI, Rectangle.X, Rectangle.Y); Parent.Get_Allocation (Alloc); -- Compute device position relative to the MDI Gdk.Window.Get_Device_Position (Self => Get_Window (MDI), Device => Gtk.Main.Get_Current_Event_Device, X => X, Y => Y, Mask => Mask, Window => Win); -- size of the parent, and position relative to MDI Rectangle := (X => Rectangle.X + Alloc.X, Y => Rectangle.Y + Alloc.Y, Width => Alloc.Width, Height => Alloc.Height); Parent_Rectangle := Rectangle; In_Central := In_Central_Area (MDI, Parent); Border_Height := Gint'Min (Max_Drag_Border_Width, Rectangle.Height / 3); Border_Width := Gint'Min (Max_Drag_Border_Width, Rectangle.Width / 3); if Y < Rectangle.Y + Border_Height then Position := Position_Top; Rectangle.Height := Border_Height; elsif Y > Rectangle.Y + Rectangle.Height - Border_Height then Position := Position_Bottom; Rectangle.Y := Rectangle.Y + Rectangle.Height - Border_Height; Rectangle.Height := Border_Height; elsif X < Rectangle.X + Border_Width then Position := Position_Left; Rectangle.Width := Border_Width; elsif X > Rectangle.X + Rectangle.Width - Border_Width then Position := Position_Right; Rectangle.X := Rectangle.X + Rectangle.Width - Border_Width; Rectangle.Width := Border_Width; else Position := Position_Automatic; Rectangle := (X => Rectangle.X + Border_Width, Y => Rectangle.Y + Border_Height, Width => Rectangle.Width - 2 * Border_Width, Height => Rectangle.Height - 2 * Border_Height); end if; end if; Allowed := MDI.Drag_Areas = Both or else (MDI.Drag_Areas = Central_Only and then In_Central) or else (MDI.Drag_Areas = Sides_Only and then not In_Central); end if; end Get_Dnd_Target; -------------------------- -- List_Of_Perspectives -- -------------------------- function List_Of_Perspectives (MDI : access MDI_Window_Record) return GNAT.Strings.String_List_Access is begin return MDI.Perspective_Names; end List_Of_Perspectives; ------------------------- -- Current_Perspective -- ------------------------- function Current_Perspective (MDI : access MDI_Window_Record'Class) return String is begin if MDI.Current_Perspective = null then return ""; else return Get_Attribute (MDI.Current_Perspective, "name", ""); end if; end Current_Perspective; ------------------ -- Freeze_Focus -- ------------------ procedure Freeze_Focus (MDI : access MDI_Window_Record'Class) is begin MDI.Focus_Freeze := MDI.Focus_Freeze + 1; end Freeze_Focus; ---------------- -- Thaw_Focus -- ---------------- procedure Thaw_Focus (MDI : access MDI_Window_Record'Class) is begin if MDI.Focus_Freeze = 0 then if Traces then Print_Debug ("Calls to (Freeze|Thaw)_Focus do not match"); end if; return; end if; MDI.Focus_Freeze := MDI.Focus_Freeze - 1; if MDI.Focus_Freeze = 0 and then MDI.Focus_Child /= null then MDI.Set_Focus_Child (MDI.Focus_Child); end if; end Thaw_Focus; ------------- -- Connect -- ------------- procedure Connect (Object : access MDI_Window_Record'Class; C_Name : Glib.Signal_Name; Handler : Cb_Gtkada_MDI_Window_MDI_Child_Void; After : Boolean) is begin Unchecked_Do_Signal_Connect (Object => Object, C_Name => C_Name, Marshaller => Marsh_MDI_Window_MDI_Child_Void'Access, Handler => Cb_To_Address (Handler), -- Set in the closure After => After); end Connect; ------------------ -- Connect_Slot -- ------------------ procedure Connect_Slot (Object : access MDI_Window_Record'Class; C_Name : Glib.Signal_Name; Handler : Cb_GObject_MDI_Child_Void; After : Boolean; Slot : access Glib.Object.GObject_Record'Class := null) is begin Unchecked_Do_Signal_Connect (Object => Object, C_Name => C_Name, Marshaller => Marsh_GObject_MDI_Child_Void'Access, Handler => Cb_To_Address (Handler), -- Set in the closure Slot_Object => Slot, After => After); end Connect_Slot; ---------------------------------- -- Marsh_GObject_MDI_Child_Void -- ---------------------------------- procedure Marsh_GObject_MDI_Child_Void (Closure : GClosure; Return_Value : Glib.Values.GValue; N_Params : Glib.Guint; Params : Glib.Values.C_GValues; Invocation_Hint : System.Address; User_Data : System.Address) is pragma Unreferenced (Return_Value, N_Params, Invocation_Hint, User_Data); H : constant Cb_GObject_MDI_Child_Void := Address_To_Cb (Get_Callback (Closure)); Obj : constant Glib.Object.GObject := Glib.Object.Convert (Get_Data (Closure)); begin H (Obj, MDI_Child (Unchecked_To_Object (Params, 1))); exception when E : others => Process_Exception (E); end Marsh_GObject_MDI_Child_Void; ------------------------------------- -- Marsh_MDI_Window_MDI_Child_Void -- ------------------------------------- procedure Marsh_MDI_Window_MDI_Child_Void (Closure : GClosure; Return_Value : Glib.Values.GValue; N_Params : Glib.Guint; Params : Glib.Values.C_GValues; Invocation_Hint : System.Address; User_Data : System.Address) is pragma Unreferenced (Return_Value, N_Params, Invocation_Hint, User_Data); H : constant Cb_Gtkada_MDI_Window_MDI_Child_Void := Address_To_Cb (Get_Callback (Closure)); Obj : constant MDI_Window := MDI_Window (Unchecked_To_Object (Params, 0)); begin H (Obj, MDI_Child (Unchecked_To_Object (Params, 1))); exception when E : others => Process_Exception (E); end Marsh_MDI_Window_MDI_Child_Void; ----------------------- -- On_Child_Selected -- ----------------------- procedure On_Child_Selected (Self : not null access MDI_Window_Record'Class; Call : Cb_Gtkada_MDI_Window_MDI_Child_Void; After : Boolean := False) is begin Connect (Self, Signal_Child_Selected & ASCII.NUL, Call, After); end On_Child_Selected; ----------------------- -- On_Child_Selected -- ----------------------- procedure On_Child_Selected (Self : not null access MDI_Window_Record'Class; Call : Cb_GObject_MDI_Child_Void; Slot : not null access Glib.Object.GObject_Record'Class; After : Boolean := False) is begin Connect_Slot (Self, Signal_Child_Selected & ASCII.NUL, Call, After, Slot); end On_Child_Selected; -------------------- -- On_Float_Child -- -------------------- procedure On_Float_Child (Self : not null access MDI_Window_Record'Class; Call : Cb_Gtkada_MDI_Window_MDI_Child_Void; After : Boolean := False) is begin Connect (Self, Signal_Float_Child & ASCII.NUL, Call, After); end On_Float_Child; -------------------- -- On_Float_Child -- -------------------- procedure On_Float_Child (Self : not null access MDI_Window_Record'Class; Call : Cb_GObject_MDI_Child_Void; Slot : not null access Glib.Object.GObject_Record'Class; After : Boolean := False) is begin Connect_Slot (Self, Signal_Float_Child & ASCII.NUL, Call, After, Slot); end On_Float_Child; ---------------------------- -- On_Child_Title_Changed -- ---------------------------- procedure On_Child_Title_Changed (Self : not null access MDI_Window_Record'Class; Call : Cb_Gtkada_MDI_Window_MDI_Child_Void; After : Boolean := False) is begin Connect (Self, Signal_Child_Title_Changed & ASCII.NUL, Call, After); end On_Child_Title_Changed; ---------------------------- -- On_Child_Title_Changed -- ---------------------------- procedure On_Child_Title_Changed (Self : not null access MDI_Window_Record'Class; Call : Cb_GObject_MDI_Child_Void; Slot : not null access Glib.Object.GObject_Record'Class; After : Boolean := False) is begin Connect_Slot (Self, Signal_Child_Title_Changed & ASCII.NUL, Call, After, Slot); end On_Child_Title_Changed; -------------------- -- On_Child_Added -- -------------------- procedure On_Child_Added (Self : not null access MDI_Window_Record'Class; Call : Cb_Gtkada_MDI_Window_MDI_Child_Void; After : Boolean := False) is begin Connect (Self, Signal_Child_Added & ASCII.NUL, Call, After); end On_Child_Added; -------------------- -- On_Child_Added -- -------------------- procedure On_Child_Added (Self : not null access MDI_Window_Record'Class; Call : Cb_GObject_MDI_Child_Void; Slot : not null access Glib.Object.GObject_Record'Class; After : Boolean := False) is begin Connect_Slot (Self, Signal_Child_Added & ASCII.NUL, Call, After, Slot); end On_Child_Added; ---------------------- -- On_Child_Removed -- ---------------------- procedure On_Child_Removed (Self : not null access MDI_Window_Record'Class; Call : Cb_Gtkada_MDI_Window_MDI_Child_Void; After : Boolean := False) is begin Connect (Self, Signal_Child_Removed & ASCII.NUL, Call, After); end On_Child_Removed; ---------------------- -- On_Child_Removed -- ---------------------- procedure On_Child_Removed (Self : not null access MDI_Window_Record'Class; Call : Cb_GObject_MDI_Child_Void; Slot : not null access Glib.Object.GObject_Record'Class; After : Boolean := False) is begin Connect_Slot (Self, Signal_Child_Removed & ASCII.NUL, Call, After, Slot); end On_Child_Removed; --------------------------- -- On_Child_Icon_Changed -- --------------------------- procedure On_Child_Icon_Changed (Self : not null access MDI_Window_Record'Class; Call : Cb_Gtkada_MDI_Window_MDI_Child_Void; After : Boolean := False) is begin Connect (Self, Signal_Child_Icon_Changed & ASCII.NUL, Call, After); end On_Child_Icon_Changed; --------------------------- -- On_Child_Icon_Changed -- --------------------------- procedure On_Child_Icon_Changed (Self : not null access MDI_Window_Record'Class; Call : Cb_GObject_MDI_Child_Void; Slot : not null access Glib.Object.GObject_Record'Class; After : Boolean := False) is begin Connect_Slot (Self, Signal_Child_Icon_Changed & ASCII.NUL, Call, After, Slot); end On_Child_Icon_Changed; --------------------- -- On_Delete_Event -- --------------------- procedure On_Delete_Event (Self : not null access MDI_Window_Record'Class; Call : Cb_Gtkada_MDI_Window_MDI_Child_Void; After : Boolean := False) is begin Connect (Self, Signal_Delete_Event & ASCII.NUL, Call, After); end On_Delete_Event; --------------------- -- On_Delete_Event -- --------------------- procedure On_Delete_Event (Self : not null access MDI_Window_Record'Class; Call : Cb_GObject_MDI_Child_Void; Slot : not null access Glib.Object.GObject_Record'Class; After : Boolean := False) is begin Connect_Slot (Self, Signal_Delete_Event & ASCII.NUL, Call, After, Slot); end On_Delete_Event; ---------------------- -- On_Unfloat_Child -- ---------------------- procedure On_Unfloat_Child (Self : not null access MDI_Window_Record'Class; Call : Cb_Gtkada_MDI_Window_MDI_Child_Void; After : Boolean := False) is begin Connect (Self, Signal_Unfloat_Child & ASCII.NUL, Call, After); end On_Unfloat_Child; ---------------------- -- On_Unfloat_Child -- ---------------------- procedure On_Unfloat_Child (Self : not null access MDI_Window_Record'Class; Call : Cb_GObject_MDI_Child_Void; Slot : not null access Glib.Object.GObject_Record'Class; After : Boolean := False) is begin Connect_Slot (Self, Signal_Unfloat_Child & ASCII.NUL, Call, After, Slot); end On_Unfloat_Child; ----------------------------- -- On_Before_Unfloat_Child -- ----------------------------- procedure On_Before_Unfloat_Child (Self : not null access MDI_Window_Record'Class; Call : Cb_Gtkada_MDI_Window_MDI_Child_Void; After : Boolean := False) is begin Connect (Self, Signal_Before_Unfloat_Child & ASCII.NUL, Call, After); end On_Before_Unfloat_Child; ----------------------------- -- On_Before_Unfloat_Child -- ----------------------------- procedure On_Before_Unfloat_Child (Self : not null access MDI_Window_Record'Class; Call : Cb_GObject_MDI_Child_Void; Slot : not null access Glib.Object.GObject_Record'Class; After : Boolean := False) is begin Connect_Slot (Self, Signal_Before_Unfloat_Child & ASCII.NUL, Call, After, Slot); end On_Before_Unfloat_Child; ----------------------------- -- On_Before_Destroy_Child -- ----------------------------- procedure On_Before_Destroy_Child (Self : not null access MDI_Window_Record'Class; Call : Cb_Gtkada_MDI_Window_MDI_Child_Void; After : Boolean := False) is begin Connect (Self, Signal_Before_Destroy_Child & ASCII.NUL, Call, After); end On_Before_Destroy_Child; ----------------------------- -- On_Before_Unfloat_Child -- ----------------------------- procedure On_Before_Destroy_Child (Self : not null access MDI_Window_Record'Class; Call : Cb_GObject_MDI_Child_Void; Slot : not null access Glib.Object.GObject_Record'Class; After : Boolean := False) is begin Connect_Slot (Self, Signal_Before_Destroy_Child & ASCII.NUL, Call, After, Slot); end On_Before_Destroy_Child; ---------------------------- -- On_Before_Remove_Child -- ---------------------------- procedure On_Before_Remove_Child (Self : not null access MDI_Window_Record'Class; Call : Cb_Gtkada_MDI_Window_MDI_Child_Void; After : Boolean := False) is begin Connect (Self, Signal_Before_Remove_Child & ASCII.NUL, Call, After); end On_Before_Remove_Child; ----------------------------- -- On_Before_Unfloat_Child -- ----------------------------- procedure On_Before_Remove_Child (Self : not null access MDI_Window_Record'Class; Call : Cb_GObject_MDI_Child_Void; Slot : not null access Glib.Object.GObject_Record'Class; After : Boolean := False) is begin Connect_Slot (Self, Signal_Before_Remove_Child & ASCII.NUL, Call, After, Slot); end On_Before_Remove_Child; end Gtkada.MDI;