------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- G N A T C O L L -- -- -- -- Copyright (C) 2005-2022, AdaCore -- -- -- -- This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it -- -- under terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free -- -- Software Foundation; either version 3, or (at your option) any later -- -- version. This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, -- -- but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHAN- -- -- TABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. -- -- -- -- As a special exception under Section 7 of GPL version 3, you are granted -- -- additional permissions described in the GCC Runtime Library Exception, -- -- version 3.1, as published by the Free Software Foundation. -- -- -- -- You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License and -- -- a copy of the GCC Runtime Library Exception along with this program; -- -- see the files COPYING3 and COPYING.RUNTIME respectively. If not, see -- -- . -- -- -- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ pragma Ada_2012; with Ada.Calendar; use Ada.Calendar; with Ada.Containers.Hashed_Maps; use Ada.Containers; with Ada.Containers.Hashed_Sets; with Ada.Strings.Fixed; use Ada.Strings; with Ada.Strings.Maps.Constants; with Ada.Strings.Hash; with Ada.Strings.Unbounded; use Ada.Strings.Unbounded; with Ada.Unchecked_Deallocation; with GNAT.Strings; use GNAT.Strings; with GNATCOLL.OS.Constants; use GNATCOLL.OS.Constants; with GNATCOLL.Plugins; use GNATCOLL.Plugins; with GNATCOLL.Traces; use GNATCOLL.Traces; with GNATCOLL.Utils; use GNATCOLL.Utils; with GNATCOLL.SQL.Exec_Private; use GNATCOLL.SQL.Exec_Private; with GNATCOLL.SQL.Exec.Tasking; use GNATCOLL.SQL.Exec.Tasking; with Interfaces.C.Strings; with System.Address_Image; use System; with Ada.Unchecked_Conversion; package body GNATCOLL.SQL.Exec is Me_Error : constant Trace_Handle := Create ("SQL.ERROR", On); Me_Select : constant Trace_Handle := Create ("SQL.SELECT", Off); Me_Cache : constant Trace_Handle := Create ("SQL.CACHE"); Me_Perf : constant Trace_Handle := Create ("SQL.PERF", Off); Me_Query : constant Trace_Handle := Create ("SQL", Off); -- Disable by default those streams that tend to output a lot of data in -- standard applications. Cache_Expiration_Delay : constant Duration := 3600.0; -- 1 hour -- Delay after which the SQL cache expires and must be reset procedure Unchecked_Free is new Ada.Unchecked_Deallocation (Abstract_DBMS_Forward_Cursor'Class, Abstract_Cursor_Access); procedure Unchecked_Free is new Ada.Unchecked_Deallocation (Prepared_In_Session, Prepared_In_Session_List); function Is_Select_Query (Query : String) return Boolean; -- Return true if Query is a select query function Display_Query (Query : String; Prepared : Prepared_Statement'Class := No_Prepared) return String; -- Return the display for Query (or Prepared, if specified). -- This is for debug purposes only. function Prepared_Statement_Name (Name : String; Cache : Cache_Id) return XString is (To_XString (if Name = "" then "stmt" & Image (Natural (Cache), 0) else Name)); -- Create prepared statement name either from Name parameter or from -- Cache_Id if Name is empty. procedure Execute_And_Log (Result : in out Forward_Cursor'Class; Connection : access Database_Connection_Record'Class; Query : String; Prepared : Prepared_Statement'Class := No_Prepared; Direct : Boolean; Params : SQL_Parameters := No_Parameters); -- Low-level call to perform a query on the database and log results. -- The Query parameter is ignored if Prepared is provided. procedure Fetch_Internal (Result : out Forward_Cursor'Class; Connection : access Database_Connection_Record'Class; Stmt : Prepared_Statement'Class; Params : SQL_Parameters); function Hash (Key : Cache_Id) return Ada.Containers.Hash_Type; package Cached_Maps is new Ada.Containers.Hashed_Maps (Key_Type => Cache_Id, Element_Type => Direct_Cursor, Hash => Hash, Equivalent_Keys => "="); -- Cache the results of queries procedure Compute_And_Prepare_Statement (Prepared : Prepared_Statement'Class; Connection : access Database_Connection_Record'Class; Stmt : out DBMS_Stmt); -- Format the statement into a string, if not done yet. function Hash (Key : Database_Connection) return Ada.Containers.Hash_Type; package Freed_DB_Maps is new Ada.Containers.Hashed_Sets (Element_Type => Database_Connection, Hash => Hash, Equivalent_Elements => "="); -- List of connections that were freed, so that we no longer try to use -- them type Get_Database_Engine_Function is access function return Database_Engine_Access; DB_Engines : Database_Engines.Map; ----------- -- Setup -- ----------- function Setup (Kind : String; Options : Name_Values.Map; Errors : access Error_Reporter'Class) return Database_Description is DBP : Plugin := No_Plugin; CE : Database_Engines.Cursor; Engine : Database_Engine_Access; DBE : System.Address; function To_Function is new Ada.Unchecked_Conversion (Address, Get_Database_Engine_Function); begin CE := DB_Engines.Find (Kind); if Database_Engines.Has_Element (CE) then Engine := DB_Engines (CE); else DBP := Load ("libgnatcoll_" & Kind & DLL_Ext); if DBP = No_Plugin then Trace (Me_Error, "DB plugin load error: " & Last_Error_Message); return null; end if; DBE := Routine_Address (DBP, "db_engine"); if DBE = Null_Address then Trace (Me_Error, "Can't bind engine provider: " & Last_Error_Message); return null; end if; Engine := To_Function (DBE).all; if Engine = null then Trace (Me_Error, "Can't get engine"); return null; end if; Engine.Plugin := DBP; DB_Engines.Insert (Kind, Engine); end if; return Engine.Setup (Options, Errors); end Setup; ----------------- -- Query_Cache -- ----------------- protected Query_Cache is procedure Get_Result (Stmt : Prepared_Statement'Class; Cached : out Direct_Cursor; Found : out Boolean); -- Return null or the cached value for the statement procedure Set_Id (Stmt : Prepared_Statement'Class); -- Set the Cached_Result field of Stmt procedure Set_Cache (Stmt : Prepared_Statement'Class; Cached : Forward_Cursor'Class); -- Add a new value in the cache procedure Unset_Cache (Stmt : Prepared_Statement_Data); -- Unset the cache entry for this particular element procedure Reset; -- Reset the cache procedure Mark_DB_As_Free (DB : Database_Connection; Closed : Boolean); function Was_Freed (DB : Database_Connection) return Boolean; private Current_Cache_Id : Cache_Id := 1; -- First unassigned id for prepared statements Freed_DB : Freed_DB_Maps.Set; Cache : Cached_Maps.Map; Timestamp : Ada.Calendar.Time := Ada.Calendar.Clock; end Query_Cache; ---------- -- Hash -- ---------- function Hash (Key : Cache_Id) return Ada.Containers.Hash_Type is begin return Ada.Containers.Hash_Type (Key); end Hash; ---------- -- Hash -- ---------- function Hash (Key : Database_Connection) return Ada.Containers.Hash_Type is begin return Ada.Strings.Hash (System.Address_Image (Key.all'Address)); end Hash; ----------------- -- Query_Cache -- ----------------- protected body Query_Cache is ---------------- -- Get_Result -- ---------------- procedure Get_Result (Stmt : Prepared_Statement'Class; Cached : out Direct_Cursor; Found : out Boolean) is begin if Clock - Timestamp > Cache_Expiration_Delay then Reset; Found := False; else declare C : Cached_Maps.Cursor; begin if Stmt.Get.Cached_Result = No_Cache_Id or else not Stmt.Get.Use_Cache then Found := False; else C := Cached_Maps.Find (Cache, Stmt.Get.Cached_Result); Found := Cached_Maps.Has_Element (C); if Found then Cached := Task_Safe_Clone (Cached_Maps.Element (C)); end if; end if; end; end if; exception when E : others => Trace (Me_Cache, E, "Get_Result "); end Get_Result; ------------ -- Set_Id -- ------------ procedure Set_Id (Stmt : Prepared_Statement'Class) is begin if not Stmt.Is_Null and then Stmt.Get.Cached_Result = No_Cache_Id then Stmt.Get.Cached_Result := Current_Cache_Id; Current_Cache_Id := Current_Cache_Id + 1; end if; exception when E : others => Trace (Me_Cache, E, "Set_Id "); end Set_Id; --------------- -- Set_Cache -- --------------- procedure Set_Cache (Stmt : Prepared_Statement'Class; Cached : Forward_Cursor'Class) is begin -- Reserve capacity up to the current assigned id, since we are -- likely to need it anyway, and it is bound to be at least as big -- as Stmt.Cached.Id if Stmt.Get.Use_Cache then Set_Id (Stmt); Cache.Include (Stmt.Get.Cached_Result, Task_Safe_Instance (Cached, Index_By => Stmt.Get.Index_By)); end if; exception when E : others => Trace (Me_Cache, E, "Set_Cache "); end Set_Cache; ----------------- -- Unset_Cache -- ----------------- procedure Unset_Cache (Stmt : Prepared_Statement_Data) is C : Cached_Maps.Cursor; begin if Stmt.Cached_Result /= No_Cache_Id and then Stmt.Use_Cache then C := Cache.Find (Stmt.Cached_Result); if Cached_Maps.Has_Element (C) then Trace (Me_Query, "Unset cache for " & Stmt.Name.To_String); Cache.Delete (C); end if; end if; exception when E : others => Trace (Me_Cache, E, "Unset_Cache "); end Unset_Cache; ----------- -- Reset -- ----------- procedure Reset is begin Cache.Clear; Timestamp := Clock; exception when E : others => Trace (Me_Cache, E, "Reset "); end Reset; --------------------- -- Mark_DB_As_Free -- --------------------- procedure Mark_DB_As_Free (DB : Database_Connection; Closed : Boolean) is begin if Closed then Freed_DB.Include (DB); else Freed_DB.Exclude (DB); end if; exception when E : others => Trace (Me_Cache, E, "Mark_DB_As_Free "); end Mark_DB_As_Free; --------------- -- Was_Freed -- --------------- function Was_Freed (DB : Database_Connection) return Boolean is begin return Freed_DB.Contains (DB); exception when E : others => Trace (Me_Cache, E, "Was_Freed "); return False; end Was_Freed; end Query_Cache; --------------- -- To_String -- --------------- function To_String (Connection : access Database_Connection_Record; Stmt : Prepared_Statement'Class) return String is S : constant access Prepared_Statement_Data := Stmt.Unchecked_Get; begin if S.Query_Str = null then S.Query_Str := new String' (To_String (To_String (S.Query, Connection.all))); if Active (Me_Query) then Trace (Me_Query, "compute (" & S.Name.To_String & "): " & S.Query_Str.all); end if; S.Query := No_Query; -- release memory S.Is_Select := Is_Select_Query (S.Query_Str.all); end if; return S.Query_Str.all; end To_String; ----------------------------------- -- Compute_And_Prepare_Statement -- ----------------------------------- procedure Compute_And_Prepare_Statement (Prepared : Prepared_Statement'Class; Connection : access Database_Connection_Record'Class; Stmt : out DBMS_Stmt) is L : Prepared_In_Session_List; -- The side effect is to set S.Query_Str Str : constant String := To_String (Connection, Prepared); begin if Prepared.Get.On_Server and Is_Prepared_On_Server_Supported (Connection) then -- Reuse a prepared statement if one exists for this connection. L := Prepared.Get.Prepared; while L /= null loop exit when L.DB = Database_Connection (Connection); L := L.Next; end loop; if L = null then L := new Prepared_In_Session' (Stmt => No_DBMS_Stmt, DB => Database_Connection (Connection), DB_Timestamp => Connection.Connected_On, Next => Prepared.Get.Prepared); Prepared.Get.Prepared := L; end if; -- Else prepare the statement if L.Stmt = No_DBMS_Stmt or else L.DB_Timestamp /= Connection.Connected_On then L.Stmt := Connect_And_Prepare (Connection, Str, Prepared.Get.Name.To_String, Direct => True); -- Set the timestamp *after* we have created the connection, in -- case it did not exist before (if prepare is the first command -- done on this connection). L.DB_Timestamp := Connection.Connected_On; -- L.Stmt could still be No_DBMS_Stmt if the backend does not -- support preparation on the server. ??? This means we'll try -- again next time. For now, all supported DBMS have prepared -- statement, so that's not an issue. else Reset (Connection, L.Stmt); end if; Stmt := L.Stmt; else Stmt := No_DBMS_Stmt; end if; end Compute_And_Prepare_Statement; ------------------- -- Print_Warning -- ------------------- procedure Print_Warning (Connection : access Database_Connection_Record'Class; Str : String) is begin Trace (Me_Query, Str & " (" & Connection.Username.To_String & ")"); if Connection.Descr.Errors /= null then Connection.Descr.Errors.On_Warning (Connection, Str); end if; end Print_Warning; ----------------- -- Print_Error -- ----------------- procedure Print_Error (Connection : access Database_Connection_Record'Class; Str : String) is begin Trace (Me_Error, Str & " (" & Connection.Username.To_String & ")"); if Connection.Descr.Errors /= null then Connection.Descr.Errors.On_Error (Connection, Str); end if; end Print_Error; ------------------------------- -- Report_Database_Corrupted -- ------------------------------- procedure Report_Database_Corrupted (Connection : access Database_Connection_Record'Class) is begin if Connection.Descr.Errors /= null then Connection.Descr.Errors.On_Database_Corrupted (Connection); end if; Print_Error (Connection, "Error, database is corrupted"); end Report_Database_Corrupted; ---------- -- Free -- ---------- procedure Free (Description : in out Database_Description) is procedure Unchecked_Free is new Ada.Unchecked_Deallocation (Database_Description_Record'Class, Database_Description); begin if Description /= null then -- as documented (in gnatcoll.sql.sqlite.setup), do not free the -- memory for Errors Free (Description.all); Unchecked_Free (Description); end if; end Free; ---------------------- -- Check_Connection -- ---------------------- function Check_Connection (Connection : access Database_Connection_Record) return Boolean is Success : Boolean; R : Abstract_Cursor_Access; begin if Connection = null then Trace (Me_Error, "DBMS backend not supported"); return False; end if; R := Connect_And_Execute (Database_Connection (Connection), Query => "", Is_Select => False, Direct => False); Success := R /= null; Unchecked_Free (R); if Success then Trace (Me_Query, "Init_Database: database successfully initialized"); else Trace (Me_Error, "Init_Database: check_connection FAILED: " & Error (Database_Connection (Connection))); end if; return Success; end Check_Connection; --------------------- -- Is_Select_Query -- --------------------- function Is_Select_Query (Query : String) return Boolean is -- Allow both "SELECT" and "(SELECT" (the latter is used when we do a -- union between two selects begin return Fixed.Index (Query, "SELECT ", Mapping => Maps.Constants.Upper_Case_Map) in 1 .. 2; end Is_Select_Query; ----------- -- Image -- ----------- function Image (Format : Formatter'Class; Params : SQL_Parameters) return String is Result : Unbounded_String; begin for P in Params'Range loop Append (Result, ", "); Append (Result, Params (P).Image (Format)); end loop; return To_String (Result); end Image; ------------------- -- Display_Query -- ------------------- function Display_Query (Query : String; Prepared : Prepared_Statement'Class := No_Prepared) return String is begin if not Prepared.Is_Null then return "(" & Prepared.Get.Name.To_String & ")"; else return Query; end if; end Display_Query; -------------------------- -- Post_Execute_And_Log -- -------------------------- procedure Post_Execute_And_Log (R : access Abstract_DBMS_Forward_Cursor'Class; Connection : access Database_Connection_Record'Class; Query : String; Prepared : Prepared_Statement'Class := No_Prepared; Is_Select : Boolean; Params : SQL_Parameters := No_Parameters) is function Get_Rows return String; -- The number of rows downloaded. If we only have a forward cursor, we -- can't display them function Get_User return String; -- Return the user name function Get_User return String is begin if Connection.Username = Null_XString then return ""; else return " (" & Connection.Username.To_String & ")"; end if; end Get_User; function Get_Rows return String is begin if R.all in DBMS_Direct_Cursor'Class then return " (" & Image (Processed_Rows (DBMS_Forward_Cursor'Class (R.all)), Min_Width => 1) & " tuples)"; elsif Is_Select and then not Has_Row (DBMS_Forward_Cursor'Class (R.all)) then return " (no tuples)"; else -- We cannot count the number of rows, which would require getting -- all of them. return ""; end if; end Get_Rows; begin if R = null then if Active (Me_Error) then Trace (Me_Error, "Transaction failed (null result): " & Display_Query (Query, Prepared) & Image (Connection.all, Params)); end if; Set_Failure (Connection); elsif Is_Select then -- ??? Should use the local mirror database when doing a select, -- to speed up queries. Are we guaranteed, with the mirror, that -- doing a INSERT on the master, and immediately a SELECT on the -- slave will return the newly inserted values ? Connection.Success := Is_Success (DBMS_Forward_Cursor'Class (R.all)); if not Connection.Success then if Active (Me_Error) then Trace (Me_Error, "select failed: " & Display_Query (Query, Prepared) & Image (Connection.all, Params) & " " & Status (DBMS_Forward_Cursor'Class (R.all)) & " " & Error_Msg (DBMS_Forward_Cursor'Class (R.all)) & Get_User); end if; Set_Failure (Connection); elsif Active (Me_Select) then Trace (Me_Select, Display_Query (Query, Prepared) & Image (Connection.all, Params) & Get_Rows & " " & Status (DBMS_Forward_Cursor'Class (R.all)) & Get_User); end if; else Connection.Success := Is_Success (DBMS_Forward_Cursor'Class (R.all)); if not Connection.Success then if Active (Me_Error) then -- This trace might duplicate information already available -- if both the SQL and SQL.ERRORS streams are active (since -- the result of the SQL has already shown the error message). -- However, it is useful when only SQL.ERRORS is active. Trace (Me_Error, "Transaction failed: " & Display_Query (Query, Prepared) & Image (Connection.all, Params) & " " & Status (DBMS_Forward_Cursor'Class (R.all)) & " " & Error_Msg (DBMS_Forward_Cursor'Class (R.all)) & Get_User); end if; Set_Failure (Connection, Error_Msg (DBMS_Forward_Cursor'Class (R.all))); elsif Active (Me_Query) then declare Q : constant String := Display_Query (Query, Prepared); begin if Q = "BEGIN" then Increase_Indent (Me_Query, Q & Image (Connection.all, Params) & Get_Rows & " " & Status (DBMS_Forward_Cursor'Class (R.all)) & Get_User); else Trace (Me_Query, Q & Image (Connection.all, Params) & Get_Rows & " " & Status (DBMS_Forward_Cursor'Class (R.all)) & Get_User); end if; end; end if; end if; end Post_Execute_And_Log; ----------------------- -- Start_Transaction -- ----------------------- function Start_Transaction (Connection : access Database_Connection_Record'Class) return Boolean is begin if not Connection.In_Transaction or else not Connection.Automatic_Transactions then Execute (Connection, "BEGIN"); Connection.In_Transaction := True; return True; end if; return False; end Start_Transaction; ---------------- -- Initialize -- ---------------- overriding procedure Initialize (Self : in out Transaction_Controller) is begin Self.Started := Self.DB.Start_Transaction; end Initialize; -------------- -- Finalize -- -------------- overriding procedure Finalize (Self : in out Transaction_Controller) is begin if Self.Started then Self.DB.Commit_Or_Rollback; end if; end Finalize; --------------------- -- Execute_And_Log -- --------------------- procedure Execute_And_Log (Result : in out Forward_Cursor'Class; Connection : access Database_Connection_Record'Class; Query : String; Prepared : Prepared_Statement'Class := No_Prepared; Direct : Boolean; Params : SQL_Parameters := No_Parameters) is Is_Select : Boolean; Is_Commit_Or_Rollback : Boolean := False; Stmt : DBMS_Stmt := No_DBMS_Stmt; R : Abstract_Cursor_Access; Was_Started : Boolean; pragma Unreferenced (Was_Started); Is_Prepared : constant Boolean := Prepared /= Prepared_Statement'Class (No_Prepared); Index_By : Field_Index'Base; Start : Time; Q : access String := Query'Unrestricted_Access; -- Should be safe here, we do not intend to free anything begin if Active (Me_Perf) then Start := Clock; end if; if Is_Prepared then -- Compute the query. We cannot reference the query before -- that, since it might not have been computed yet. Compute_And_Prepare_Statement (Prepared, Connection, Stmt); Is_Select := Prepared.Get.Is_Select; Q := Prepared.Get.Query_Str; else Is_Select := Is_Select_Query (Query); end if; if Active (Me_Query) then Is_Commit_Or_Rollback := Equal (Q.all, "commit", Case_Sensitive => False) or else Equal (Q.all, "rollback", Case_Sensitive => False); if Is_Commit_Or_Rollback then Decrease_Indent (Me_Query); end if; end if; -- Transaction management: do we need to start a transaction ? if Connection.Automatic_Transactions then if not Is_Select then Is_Commit_Or_Rollback := Equal (Q.all, "commit", Case_Sensitive => False) or else Equal (Q.all, "rollback", Case_Sensitive => False); end if; if Connection.In_Transaction and then not Connection.Success then Trace (Me_Error, "Ignored, since transaction in failure: " & Display_Query (Q.all, Prepared) & " (" & Connection.Username.To_String & ")"); return; elsif Equal (Q.all, "begin", Case_Sensitive => False) then if not Connection.In_Transaction then Connection.In_Transaction := True; else -- Ignore silently: GNATCOLL might have started a transaction -- without the user knowing, for instance on the first SELECT -- statement if Always_Use_Transactions is true. return; end if; elsif not Connection.In_Transaction and then (Connection.Always_Use_Transactions or else (not Is_Commit_Or_Rollback and then not Is_Select)) -- INSERT, UPDATE, LOCK, DELETE,... and then (Q'Length <= 7 -- for sqlite or else Q (Q'First .. Q'First + 6) /= "PRAGMA ") and then (Q'Length <= 7 -- for sqlite or else Q (Q'First .. Q'First + 6) /= "ANALYZE") then -- Start a transaction automatically Was_Started := Start_Transaction (Connection); if not Connection.Success then return; end if; end if; else if Equal (Q.all, "begin", Case_Sensitive => False) then Connection.In_Transaction := True; end if; end if; if Perform_Queries then R := Connect_And_Execute (Connection => Connection, Query => Q.all, Stmt => Stmt, Is_Select => Is_Select, Direct => Direct, Params => Params); if R = null then if Active (Me_Error) then if Stmt /= No_DBMS_Stmt then Trace (Me_Error, "Failed to execute prepared (" & Prepared.Get.Name.To_String & ") " & Q.all & " " & Image (Connection.all, Params) & " error=" & Error (Connection)); else Trace (Me_Error, "Failed to execute " & Q.all & " " & Image (Connection.all, Params) & " error=" & Error (Connection)); end if; end if; Set_Failure (Connection); else Index_By := (if Is_Prepared then Prepared.Get.Index_By else No_Field_Index); if Direct and then (R.all not in DBMS_Direct_Cursor'Class or Index_By /= No_Field_Index) then -- DBMS does not support Direct_Cursor or indexed cursor -- requested. We now need to read all the results and store -- them into GNATCOLL implemented Direct_Cursor. declare R2 : constant Abstract_Cursor_Access := Task_Safe_Instance (R, Index_By); begin Finalize (DBMS_Forward_Cursor'Class (R.all)); Unchecked_Free (R); R := R2; end; end if; Post_Execute_And_Log (R, Connection, Q.all, Prepared, Is_Select, Params); end if; Result.Res := R; end if; if Connection.Automatic_Transactions and then Connection.In_Transaction and then Is_Commit_Or_Rollback then Connection.In_Transaction := False; end if; if Active (Me_Perf) then Trace (Me_Perf, "Finished executing query:" & Duration'Image ((Clock - Start) * 1000.0) & " ms"); end if; end Execute_And_Log; ----------------------- -- Insert_And_Get_PK -- ----------------------- function Insert_And_Get_PK (Connection : access Database_Connection_Record'Class; Query : GNATCOLL.SQL.SQL_Query; Params : SQL_Parameters := No_Parameters; PK : SQL_Field_Integer) return Integer is begin return Insert_And_Get_PK (Connection, To_String (To_String (Query, Connection.all)), Params, PK); end Insert_And_Get_PK; ----------------------- -- Insert_And_Get_PK -- ----------------------- function Insert_And_Get_PK (Connection : access Database_Connection_Record; Query : String; Params : SQL_Parameters := No_Parameters; PK : SQL_Field_Integer) return Integer is R : Forward_Cursor; Id : Integer; begin Fetch (R, Connection, Query, Params); Id := Last_Id (R, Connection, PK); if Active (Me_Query) then Trace (Me_Query, " => id=" & Id'Img); end if; return Id; end Insert_And_Get_PK; ----------- -- Fetch -- ----------- procedure Fetch (Result : out Forward_Cursor; Connection : access Database_Connection_Record'Class; Query : String; Params : SQL_Parameters := No_Parameters) is begin Result := No_Element; Execute_And_Log (Result, Connection, Query, No_Prepared, Direct => False, Params => Params); end Fetch; ----------- -- Fetch -- ----------- procedure Fetch (Result : out Forward_Cursor; Connection : access Database_Connection_Record'Class; Query : SQL_Query; Params : SQL_Parameters := No_Parameters) is begin Fetch (Result, Connection, To_String (To_String (Query, Connection.all)), Params); end Fetch; ----------- -- Fetch -- ----------- procedure Fetch (Result : out Direct_Cursor; Connection : access Database_Connection_Record'Class; Query : String; Params : SQL_Parameters := No_Parameters) is begin Result := No_Direct_Element; Execute_And_Log (Result, Connection, Query, No_Prepared, Direct => True, Params => Params); end Fetch; ----------- -- Fetch -- ----------- overriding procedure Fetch (Result : out Direct_Cursor; Connection : access Database_Connection_Record'Class; Query : GNATCOLL.SQL.SQL_Query; Params : SQL_Parameters := No_Parameters) is begin Fetch (Result, Connection, To_String (To_String (Query, Connection.all)), Params => Params); end Fetch; ------------- -- Execute -- ------------- procedure Execute (Connection : access Database_Connection_Record'Class; Query : SQL_Query; Params : SQL_Parameters := No_Parameters) is R : Forward_Cursor; begin Fetch (R, Connection, Query, Params); end Execute; ------------- -- Execute -- ------------- procedure Execute (Connection : access Database_Connection_Record'Class; Query : String; Params : SQL_Parameters := No_Parameters) is R : Forward_Cursor; begin Fetch (R, Connection, Query, Params); end Execute; ------------- -- Success -- ------------- function Success (Connection : access Database_Connection_Record) return Boolean is begin return Connection.Success; end Success; ----------------- -- Set_Failure -- ----------------- procedure Set_Failure (Connection : access Database_Connection_Record'Class; Error_Msg : String := "") is begin Connection.Success := False; if Connection.Error_Msg = Null_XString then if Error_Msg /= "" then Connection.Error_Msg := To_XString (Error_Msg); else declare E : constant String := Error (Connection); begin if E /= "" then Connection.Error_Msg := To_XString (E); end if; end; end if; end if; end Set_Failure; -------------------- -- In_Transaction -- -------------------- function In_Transaction (Connection : access Database_Connection_Record'Class) return Boolean is begin return Connection.In_Transaction; end In_Transaction; -------------- -- Rollback -- -------------- procedure Rollback (Connection : access Database_Connection_Record'Class; Error_Msg : String := "") is begin if Connection.In_Transaction or else not Connection.Automatic_Transactions then Connection.Success := True; -- we are allowed to perform this Execute (Connection, "ROLLBACK"); Connection.In_Transaction := False; if Connection.Error_Msg = Null_XString and then Error_Msg /= "" then Connection.Error_Msg := To_XString (Error_Msg); end if; -- A rollback can only fail if the connection to the database -- was broken. But in that case the transaction is lost anyway, -- so it behaves as if the rollback had succeeded. Connection.Success := True; end if; end Rollback; ------------------------ -- Commit_Or_Rollback -- ------------------------ procedure Commit_Or_Rollback (Connection : access Database_Connection_Record'Class) is begin if Connection.In_Transaction or else not Connection.Automatic_Transactions then if Connection.Success then Execute (Connection, "COMMIT"); else Rollback (Connection); -- Still marked as failed, since the transaction was never -- performed. Connection.Success := False; end if; Connection.In_Transaction := False; end if; end Commit_Or_Rollback; ---------------------- -- Invalidate_Cache -- ---------------------- procedure Invalidate_Cache is begin Trace (Me_Query, "Invalidate SQL cache"); Query_Cache.Reset; end Invalidate_Cache; ---------------------- -- Reset_Connection -- ---------------------- procedure Reset_Connection (Connection : access Database_Connection_Record'Class; Username : String := "") is begin if Connection.In_Transaction then Rollback (Connection); -- In case a previous thread had started on end if; Connection.Success := True; Connection.Automatic_Transactions := True; if Username /= "" or else Connection.Username = Null_XString then Connection.Username := To_XString (Username); end if; Connection.Error_Msg := Null_XString; end Reset_Connection; ------------------------ -- Last_Error_Message -- ------------------------ function Last_Error_Message (Connection : access Database_Connection_Record'Class) return String is begin return Connection.Error_Msg.To_String; end Last_Error_Message; ------------ -- Adjust -- ------------ overriding procedure Adjust (Self : in out Forward_Cursor) is begin if Self.Res /= null then Self.Res.Refcount := Self.Res.Refcount + 1; end if; end Adjust; -------------- -- Finalize -- -------------- overriding procedure Finalize (Self : in out Forward_Cursor) is Res : Abstract_Cursor_Access := Self.Res; begin Self.Res := null; -- Make Finalize idempotent if Res /= null then Res.Refcount := Res.Refcount - 1; if Res.Refcount = 0 then Finalize (DBMS_Forward_Cursor'Class (Res.all)); Unchecked_Free (Res); end if; end if; end Finalize; -------------------- -- Processed_Rows -- -------------------- function Processed_Rows (Self : Forward_Cursor) return Natural is begin if Self.Res = null then return 0; else return Processed_Rows (DBMS_Forward_Cursor'Class (Self.Res.all)); end if; end Processed_Rows; ------------- -- Has_Row -- ------------- function Has_Row (Self : Forward_Cursor) return Boolean is begin if Self.Res = null then return False; else return Has_Row (DBMS_Forward_Cursor'Class (Self.Res.all)); end if; end Has_Row; ---------- -- Next -- ---------- procedure Next (Self : in out Forward_Cursor) is begin if Self.Res /= null then Next (DBMS_Forward_Cursor'Class (Self.Res.all)); end if; end Next; ----------- -- Value -- ----------- function Value (Self : Forward_Cursor; Field : Field_Index) return String is begin return Value (DBMS_Forward_Cursor'Class (Self.Res.all), Field); end Value; --------------------- -- Unbounded_Value -- --------------------- function Unbounded_Value (Self : Forward_Cursor; Field : Field_Index) return Unbounded_String is begin return Unbounded_Value (DBMS_Forward_Cursor'Class (Self.Res.all), Field); end Unbounded_Value; ------------------- -- XString_Value -- ------------------- function XString_Value (Self : Forward_Cursor; Field : Field_Index) return XString is begin return XString_Value (DBMS_Forward_Cursor'Class (Self.Res.all), Field); end XString_Value; ------------------- -- Boolean_Value -- ------------------- function Boolean_Value (Self : Forward_Cursor; Field : Field_Index) return Boolean is begin return Boolean_Value (DBMS_Forward_Cursor'Class (Self.Res.all), Field); end Boolean_Value; ------------------- -- Integer_Value -- ------------------- function Integer_Value (Self : Forward_Cursor; Field : Field_Index) return Integer is begin return Integer_Value (DBMS_Forward_Cursor'Class (Self.Res.all), Field); end Integer_Value; ------------------- -- Integer_Value -- ------------------- function Integer_Value (Self : Forward_Cursor; Field : Field_Index; Default : Integer) return Integer is begin return Integer_Value (DBMS_Forward_Cursor'Class (Self.Res.all), Field); exception when Constraint_Error | Interfaces.C.Strings.Dereference_Error => return Default; end Integer_Value; ------------------ -- Bigint_Value -- ------------------ function Bigint_Value (Self : Forward_Cursor; Field : Field_Index) return Long_Long_Integer is begin return Bigint_Value (DBMS_Forward_Cursor'Class (Self.Res.all), Field); end Bigint_Value; ------------------ -- Bigint_Value -- ------------------ function Bigint_Value (Self : Forward_Cursor; Field : Field_Index; Default : Long_Long_Integer) return Long_Long_Integer is begin return Bigint_Value (DBMS_Forward_Cursor'Class (Self.Res.all), Field); exception when Constraint_Error | Interfaces.C.Strings.Dereference_Error => return Default; end Bigint_Value; ----------------- -- Float_Value -- ----------------- function Float_Value (Self : Forward_Cursor; Field : Field_Index) return Float is begin return Float_Value (DBMS_Forward_Cursor'Class (Self.Res.all), Field); end Float_Value; function Float_Value (Self : Forward_Cursor; Field : Field_Index; Default : Float) return Float is begin return Float_Value (DBMS_Forward_Cursor'Class (Self.Res.all), Field); exception when Constraint_Error | Interfaces.C.Strings.Dereference_Error => return Default; end Float_Value; ---------------------- -- Long_Float_Value -- ---------------------- function Long_Float_Value (Self : Forward_Cursor; Field : Field_Index) return Long_Float is begin return Long_Float_Value (DBMS_Forward_Cursor'Class (Self.Res.all), Field); end Long_Float_Value; function Long_Float_Value (Self : Forward_Cursor; Field : Field_Index; Default : Long_Float) return Long_Float is begin return Long_Float_Value (DBMS_Forward_Cursor'Class (Self.Res.all), Field); exception when Constraint_Error | Interfaces.C.Strings.Dereference_Error => return Default; end Long_Float_Value; ----------- -- Value -- ----------- function Money_Value (Self : Forward_Cursor; Field : Field_Index) return T_Money is begin return Money_Value (DBMS_Forward_Cursor'Class (Self.Res.all), Field); end Money_Value; ---------------- -- Time_Value -- ---------------- function Time_Value (Self : Forward_Cursor; Field : Field_Index) return Ada.Calendar.Time is begin return Time_Value (DBMS_Forward_Cursor'Class (Self.Res.all), Field); end Time_Value; ------------- -- Is_Null -- ------------- function Is_Null (Self : Forward_Cursor; Field : Field_Index) return Boolean is begin return Is_Null (DBMS_Forward_Cursor'Class (Self.Res.all), Field); end Is_Null; ------------- -- Last_Id -- ------------- function Last_Id (Self : Forward_Cursor; Connection : access Database_Connection_Record'Class; Field : SQL_Field_Integer) return Integer is begin if Perform_Queries then if Self.Res = null then return -1; else return Last_Id (DBMS_Forward_Cursor'Class (Self.Res.all), Connection, Field); end if; else return 1; -- Dummy end if; end Last_Id; --------------------- -- Get_Description -- --------------------- function Get_Description (Connection : access Database_Connection_Record'Class) return Database_Description is begin return Database_Description (Connection.Descr); end Get_Description; ----------------- -- Field_Count -- ----------------- function Field_Count (Self : Forward_Cursor) return Field_Index is begin return Field_Count (DBMS_Forward_Cursor'Class (Self.Res.all)); end Field_Count; ---------------- -- Field_Name -- ---------------- function Field_Name (Self : Forward_Cursor; Field : Field_Index) return String is begin return Field_Name (DBMS_Forward_Cursor'Class (Self.Res.all), Field); end Field_Name; ----------- -- First -- ----------- procedure First (Self : in out Direct_Cursor) is begin First (DBMS_Direct_Cursor'Class (Self.Res.all)); end First; ------------- -- Current -- ------------- function Current (Self : Forward_Cursor) return Positive is begin return Current (DBMS_Forward_Cursor'Class (Self.Res.all)); end Current; ---------- -- Last -- ---------- procedure Last (Self : in out Direct_Cursor) is begin Last (DBMS_Direct_Cursor'Class (Self.Res.all)); end Last; -------------- -- Absolute -- -------------- procedure Absolute (Self : in out Direct_Cursor; Row : Positive) is begin Absolute (DBMS_Direct_Cursor'Class (Self.Res.all), Row); end Absolute; -------------- -- Relative -- -------------- procedure Relative (Self : in out Direct_Cursor; Step : Integer) is begin Relative (DBMS_Direct_Cursor'Class (Self.Res.all), Step); end Relative; ---------- -- Find -- ---------- procedure Find (Self : in out Direct_Cursor; Value : Integer) is begin Find (Self, Image (Value, Min_Width => 0)); end Find; procedure Find (Self : in out Direct_Cursor; Value : String) is begin Tasking.Find (Self.Res, Value); end Find; -------------------- -- Mark_As_Closed -- -------------------- procedure Mark_As_Closed (Connection : access Database_Connection_Record'Class; Closed : Boolean) is begin Query_Cache.Mark_DB_As_Free (Database_Connection (Connection), Closed); end Mark_As_Closed; ---------------- -- Was_Closed -- ---------------- function Was_Closed (Connection : access Database_Connection_Record'Class) return Boolean is begin return Query_Cache.Was_Freed (Database_Connection (Connection)); end Was_Closed; ---------- -- Free -- ---------- procedure Free (Connection : in out Database_Connection) is procedure Unchecked_Free is new Ada.Unchecked_Deallocation (Database_Connection_Record'Class, Database_Connection); begin if Connection /= null then Close (Connection); Mark_As_Closed (Connection, Closed => True); Unchecked_Free (Connection); end if; end Free; ------------- -- Prepare -- ------------- function Prepare (Query : SQL_Query; Auto_Complete : Boolean := False; Use_Cache : Boolean := False; On_Server : Boolean := False; Index_By : Field_Index'Base := No_Field_Index; Name : String := "") return Prepared_Statement is Stmt : Prepared_Statement; Ptr : Prepared_Statements.Element_Access; begin Stmt.Set (Prepared_Statement_Data' (Query => Query, Query_Str => null, -- Computed later Is_Select => False, -- Computed later Use_Cache => Use_Cache, Cached_Result => No_Cache_Id, Index_By => Index_By, On_Server => On_Server, Name => Null_XString, Prepared => null)); Query_Cache.Set_Id (Stmt); Ptr := Stmt.Unchecked_Get; Ptr.Name := Prepared_Statement_Name (Name, Ptr.Cached_Result); if Auto_Complete then GNATCOLL.SQL.Auto_Complete (Ptr.Query); end if; return Stmt; end Prepare; ------------- -- Prepare -- ------------- function Prepare (Query : String; Use_Cache : Boolean := False; On_Server : Boolean := False; Index_By : Field_Index'Base := No_Field_Index; Name : String := "") return Prepared_Statement is Stmt : Prepared_Statement; Ptr : Prepared_Statements.Element_Access; begin if Active (Me_Query) then Trace (Me_Query, "compute (" & Name & "): " & Query); end if; Stmt.Set (Prepared_Statement_Data' (Query => No_Query, Query_Str => new String'(Query), Is_Select => Is_Select_Query (Query), Use_Cache => Use_Cache, Cached_Result => No_Cache_Id, Index_By => Index_By, On_Server => On_Server, Name => Null_XString, Prepared => null)); Query_Cache.Set_Id (Stmt); Ptr := Stmt.Unchecked_Get; Ptr.Name := Prepared_Statement_Name (Name, Ptr.Cached_Result); return Stmt; end Prepare; ----------------- -- Clear_Cache -- ----------------- procedure Clear_Cache (Stmt : Prepared_Statement) is begin Query_Cache.Unset_Cache (Stmt.Get); end Clear_Cache; -------------------- -- Fetch_Internal -- -------------------- procedure Fetch_Internal (Result : out Forward_Cursor'Class; Connection : access Database_Connection_Record'Class; Stmt : Prepared_Statement'Class; Params : SQL_Parameters) is Direct : constant Boolean := Result in Direct_Cursor'Class; Found : Boolean; procedure Put_Result (Item : Forward_Cursor'Class); procedure Put_Result (Item : Forward_Cursor'Class) is begin if Direct then Direct_Cursor (Result) := Direct_Cursor (Item); else Forward_Cursor (Result) := Forward_Cursor (Item); end if; end Put_Result; begin Put_Result (No_Direct_Element); if Stmt.Is_Null then Trace (Me_Error, "Prepared statement was freed, can't execute"); return; end if; if Stmt.Get.Use_Cache and then Connection.Descr.Caching and then Params = No_Parameters -- Parameters not supported for now then declare RC : Direct_Cursor; begin Query_Cache.Get_Result (Stmt, RC, Found); if Found then if Active (Me_Cache) then Trace (Me_Cache, "(" & Stmt.Get.Name.To_String & "): from cache"); end if; Put_Result (RC); return; end if; end; declare RE : Forward_Cursor; begin -- for the caching do not need the Direct cursor, because it have -- to be translated into cache task safe anyway. Execute_And_Log (RE, Connection, "", Stmt, Direct => False, Params => Params); if Success (Connection) then Query_Cache.Set_Cache (Stmt, RE); -- Recursive reuse get from cache code of this routine Fetch_Internal (Result, Connection, Stmt, Params); elsif Direct then -- Just to return error in direct cursor type Put_Result (Task_Safe_Instance (RE, Stmt.Get.Index_By)); else -- Just to return error Put_Result (RE); end if; return; end; end if; -- Cache processing Execute_And_Log (Result, Connection, "", Stmt, Direct => Direct, Params => Params); end Fetch_Internal; ----------- -- Fetch -- ----------- procedure Fetch (Result : out Direct_Cursor; Connection : access Database_Connection_Record'Class; Stmt : Prepared_Statement'Class; Params : SQL_Parameters := No_Parameters) is begin Fetch_Internal (Result, Connection, Stmt, Params); end Fetch; ----------- -- Fetch -- ----------- procedure Fetch (Result : out Forward_Cursor; Connection : access Database_Connection_Record'Class; Stmt : Prepared_Statement'Class; Params : SQL_Parameters := No_Parameters) is begin Fetch_Internal (Result, Connection, Stmt, Params); end Fetch; ----------------------- -- Insert_And_Get_PK -- ----------------------- function Insert_And_Get_PK (Connection : access Database_Connection_Record; Stmt : Prepared_Statement'Class; Params : SQL_Parameters := No_Parameters; PK : SQL_Field_Integer) return Integer is Result : Forward_Cursor; Id : Integer; begin Execute_And_Log (Result, Connection, "", Stmt, Direct => False, Params => Params); Id := Last_Id (Result, Connection, PK); if Active (Me_Query) then Trace (Me_Query, " => id=" & Id'Img); end if; return Id; end Insert_And_Get_PK; ------------- -- Execute -- ------------- procedure Execute (Connection : access Database_Connection_Record'Class; Stmt : Prepared_Statement'Class; Params : SQL_Parameters := No_Parameters) is R : Forward_Cursor; begin Fetch (R, Connection, Stmt, Params); end Execute; ------------------------- -- Connect_And_Prepare -- ------------------------- function Connect_And_Prepare (Connection : access Database_Connection_Record; Query : String; Name : String; Direct : Boolean) return DBMS_Stmt is pragma Unreferenced (Connection, Query, Direct, Name); begin return No_DBMS_Stmt; end Connect_And_Prepare; ------------- -- Execute -- ------------- function Execute (Connection : access Database_Connection_Record; Prepared : DBMS_Stmt; Is_Select : Boolean; Direct : Boolean; Params : SQL_Parameters := No_Parameters) return Abstract_Cursor_Access is pragma Unreferenced (Connection, Prepared, Is_Select, Direct, Params); begin return null; end Execute; --------- -- "+" -- --------- function "+" (Value : access constant String) return SQL_Parameter is R : SQL_Parameter; P : SQL_Parameter_Text; begin P.Str_Ptr := Value.all'Unrestricted_Access; P.Make_Copy := False; R.Set (P); return R; end "+"; function "+" (Value : String) return SQL_Parameter is R : SQL_Parameter; P : SQL_Parameter_Text; begin P.Str_Val := To_Unbounded_String (Value); P.Make_Copy := False; R.Set (P); return R; end "+"; function "+" (Value : Unbounded_String) return SQL_Parameter is R : SQL_Parameter; P : SQL_Parameter_Text; begin P.Str_Val := Value; P.Make_Copy := False; R.Set (P); return R; end "+"; ---------- -- Copy -- ---------- function Copy (Value : access constant String) return SQL_Parameter is R : SQL_Parameter; P : SQL_Parameter_Text; begin P.Str_Ptr := Value.all'Unrestricted_Access; P.Make_Copy := True; R.Set (P); return R; end Copy; --------- -- "+" -- --------- function "+" (Value : Integer) return SQL_Parameter is R : SQL_Parameter; P : SQL_Parameter_Integer; begin P.Val := Value; R.Set (P); return R; end "+"; --------------- -- As_Bigint -- --------------- function As_Bigint (Value : Long_Long_Integer) return SQL_Parameter is R : SQL_Parameter; P : SQL_Parameter_Bigint; begin P.Val := Value; R.Set (P); return R; end As_Bigint; --------- -- "+" -- --------- function "+" (Value : Boolean) return SQL_Parameter is R : SQL_Parameter; P : SQL_Parameter_Boolean; begin P.Val := Value; R.Set (P); return R; end "+"; --------- -- "+" -- --------- function "+" (Value : Float) return SQL_Parameter is R : SQL_Parameter; P : SQL_Parameter_Float; begin P.Val := Value; R.Set (P); return R; end "+"; ------------------- -- As_Long_Float -- ------------------- function As_Long_Float (Value : Long_Float) return SQL_Parameter is R : SQL_Parameter; P : SQL_Parameter_Long_Float; begin P.Val := Value; R.Set (P); return R; end As_Long_Float; --------- -- "+" -- --------- function "+" (Value : Character) return SQL_Parameter is R : SQL_Parameter; P : SQL_Parameter_Character; begin P.Char_Val := Value; R.Set (P); return R; end "+"; --------- -- "+" -- --------- function "+" (Time : Ada.Calendar.Time) return SQL_Parameter is R : SQL_Parameter; P : SQL_Parameter_Time; begin P.Val := Time; R.Set (P); return R; end "+"; --------- -- "+" -- --------- function "+" (Value : T_Money) return SQL_Parameter is R : SQL_Parameter; P : SQL_Parameter_Money; begin P.Val := Value; R.Set (P); return R; end "+"; ---------- -- Free -- ---------- procedure Free (Self : in out Prepared_Statement_Data) is L, L2 : Prepared_In_Session_List; Count : Natural := 0; begin -- If there is a single DB, we are in one of two cases: -- - either the stmt was local to a procedure, and we are finalizing -- on exit of the procedure. It is thus safe to use the DB. -- - or we have a global variable that was only used from a single -- connection. Since the application is finalizing, we can use the -- session if it is still valid -- If there are more than one DB, we have a global variable and the -- application is finalizing. Don't do anything on the DBMS, just free -- memory. if Self.Prepared /= null and then Self.Prepared.Next = null then if Active (Me_Query) then Trace (Me_Query, "Finalize stmt on server: " & Self.Name.To_String); end if; if not Query_Cache.Was_Freed (Self.Prepared.DB) then Finalize (Self.Prepared.DB, Self.Prepared.Stmt); end if; Unchecked_Free (Self.Prepared); elsif Self.Prepared /= null then L := Self.Prepared; while L /= null loop L2 := L.Next; Unchecked_Free (L); Count := Count + 1; L := L2; end loop; if Active (Me_Query) then Trace (Me_Query, "Finalize stmt on server: " & Self.Name.To_String & " (for" & Count'Img & " connections)"); end if; end if; Query_Cache.Unset_Cache (Self); Free (Self.Query_Str); end Free; ---------------------------- -- Automatic_Transactions -- ---------------------------- procedure Automatic_Transactions (Connection : access Database_Connection_Record'Class; Active : Boolean := True) is begin Connection.Automatic_Transactions := Active; end Automatic_Transactions; ---------------------------- -- Automatic_Transactions -- ---------------------------- function Automatic_Transactions (Connection : access Database_Connection_Record'Class) return Boolean is begin return Connection.Automatic_Transactions; end Automatic_Transactions; ------------------------------------- -- Is_Prepared_On_Server_Supported -- ------------------------------------- function Is_Prepared_On_Server_Supported (Connection : access Database_Connection_Record) return Boolean is pragma Unreferenced (Connection); begin return True; end Is_Prepared_On_Server_Supported; --------------------------- -- Is_Prepared_On_Server -- --------------------------- function Is_Prepared_On_Server (Stmt : Prepared_Statement) return Boolean is use type Prepared_Statements.Element_Access; Ref : constant Prepared_Statements.Element_Access := Stmt.Unchecked_Get; begin return Ref /= null and then Ref.Prepared /= null and then Ref.Prepared.Stmt /= No_DBMS_Stmt; end Is_Prepared_On_Server; end GNATCOLL.SQL.Exec;