------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- G N A T C O L L -- -- -- -- Copyright (C) 2002-2022, AdaCore -- -- -- -- This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it -- -- under terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free -- -- Software Foundation; either version 3, or (at your option) any later -- -- version. This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, -- -- but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHAN- -- -- TABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. -- -- -- -- As a special exception under Section 7 of GPL version 3, you are granted -- -- additional permissions described in the GCC Runtime Library Exception, -- -- version 3.1, as published by the Free Software Foundation. -- -- -- -- You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License and -- -- a copy of the GCC Runtime Library Exception along with this program; -- -- see the files COPYING3 and COPYING.RUNTIME respectively. If not, see -- -- . -- -- -- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ pragma Ada_2012; with Ada.Calendar; use Ada.Calendar; with Ada.Characters.Handling; use Ada.Characters.Handling; with Ada.Containers.Hashed_Sets; with Ada.Containers.Ordered_Sets; with Ada.Containers.Generic_Array_Sort; with Ada.Directories; with Ada.Exceptions; use Ada.Exceptions; with Ada.Strings; use Ada.Strings; with Ada.Strings.Fixed; use Ada.Strings.Fixed; with Ada.Strings.Hash_Case_Insensitive; with Ada.Strings.Maps; use Ada.Strings.Maps; with Ada.Strings.Unbounded; with Ada.Text_IO; use Ada.Text_IO; with System; use System; with GNAT.Case_Util; with GNAT.Directory_Operations; use GNAT.Directory_Operations; with GNAT.Expect; use GNAT.Expect; with GNAT.Expect.TTY; use GNAT.Expect.TTY; with GNAT.Regpat; use GNAT.Regpat; with GNAT.OS_Lib; use GNAT.OS_Lib; with GNATCOLL.Projects.Normalize; use GNATCOLL.Projects.Normalize; with GNATCOLL.Traces; use GNATCOLL.Traces; with GNATCOLL.Utils; use GNATCOLL.Utils; with GNATCOLL.VFS; use GNATCOLL.VFS; with GNATCOLL.VFS_Utils; use GNATCOLL.VFS_Utils; with GNATCOLL.Projects.Krunch; with GPR.Util; use GPR.Util; with GPR.Osint; with GPR.Opt; with GPR.Output; with GPR.Attr; use GPR.Attr; with GPR.Com; with GPR.Conf; use GPR.Conf; with GPR.Env; use GPR, GPR.Env; with GPR.Err; with GPR.Ext; with GPR.Names; use GPR.Names; with GPR.Part; with GPR.Proc; with GPR.PP; use GPR.PP; with GPR.Tree; use GPR.Tree; with GPR.Sinput; with GPR.Snames; use GPR.Snames; with GPR.Knowledge; with GPR.Sdefault; with DOM.Core.Nodes; with DOM.Core.Documents; with Input_Sources.File; with Sax.Readers; with Schema.Dom_Readers; package body GNATCOLL.Projects is package GU renames GNATCOLL.Utils; Me : constant Trace_Handle := Create ("Projects", Default => Off); Debug : constant Trace_Handle := Create ("Projects.Debug", Default => Off); Me_Gnat : constant Trace_Handle := Create ("Projects.GNAT", GNATCOLL.Traces.Off); Me_Aggregate_Support : constant Trace_Handle := Create ("Projects.Aggregate", Default => On); Me_SV : constant Trace_Handle := Create ("Projects.SV", Default => Off); -- Trace specific to Scenario/Untyped Variable computation. May create -- lots of output on relatively complex project trees, so makes sense -- to separate it from the main trace. Dummy_Suffix : constant String := ""; -- A dummy suffixes that is used for languages that have either no spec or -- no implementation suffix defined. Unknown_Importing_Projects : aliased constant Path_Name_Id_Array (1 .. 0) := (others => <>); -- A dummy array used while computing importing projects package Path_Sets is new Ada.Containers.Indefinite_Ordered_Sets (String); use Path_Sets; package Virtual_File_List is new Ada.Containers.Doubly_Linked_Lists (Element_Type => Virtual_File); procedure Unchecked_Free is new Ada.Unchecked_Deallocation (Scenario_Variable_Array, Scenario_Variable_Array_Access); procedure Unchecked_Free is new Ada.Unchecked_Deallocation (Untyped_Variable_Array, Untyped_Variable_Array_Access); procedure Unchecked_Free is new Ada.Unchecked_Deallocation (Project_Type'Class, Project_Type_Access); -------------------- -- Unchecked_Free -- -------------------- procedure Unchecked_Free (Arr : in out Project_Array_Access) is procedure Internal is new Ada.Unchecked_Deallocation (Project_Array, Project_Array_Access); begin Internal (Arr); end Unchecked_Free; package Project_Htables is new Ada.Containers.Indefinite_Hashed_Maps (Key_Type => Virtual_File, -- project path Element_Type => Project_Type, Hash => Full_Name_Hash, Equivalent_Keys => GNATCOLL.VFS."="); -- maps project paths (casing insensitive) to project types -- ??? This would not be needed if we could, in the prj* sources, associate -- user data with project nodes. type Source_File_Data; type Source_File_Data_Access is access all Source_File_Data; type Source_File_Data is record Project : Project_Type; File : GNATCOLL.VFS.Virtual_File; Lang : GPR.Name_Id; Source : GPR.Source_Id; Next : Source_File_Data_Access := null; end record; -- In some case, Lang might be set to Unknown_Language, if the file was -- set in the project (for instance through the Source_Files attribute), -- but no matching language was found. -- Next is only relevant when there may be more than one source with same -- base name. This can happen when root project is aggregate project, -- languages other than Ada are involved (i.e. C), or when list of -- languages is changed on the fly and same sources can be treated as those -- of different languages. In that case we can have multiple source files -- with same base name but different full names. Even sources with same -- full name can belong to different aggregated projects, so there are -- different Source_File_Data instances for such each such project; function Hash (File : GNATCOLL.VFS.Filesystem_String) return Ada.Containers.Hash_Type; function Equal (F1, F2 : GNATCOLL.VFS.Filesystem_String) return Boolean; pragma Inline (Hash, Equal); -- Either case sensitive or not, depending on the system package Names_Files is new Ada.Containers.Indefinite_Hashed_Maps (Key_Type => GNATCOLL.VFS.Filesystem_String, -- file base name Element_Type => Source_File_Data, Hash => Hash, Equivalent_Keys => Equal); -- maps for file base names to info about the file procedure Include_File (Map : in out Names_Files.Map; Key : GNATCOLL.VFS.Filesystem_String; Elem : Source_File_Data); -- If there is no file with same base name in map, adds the file as the -- first element in corresponding list. Otherwise adds it to the list. procedure Clean_Up (Map : in out Names_Files.Map); -- Clean up possibly existing lists of files with similar base names, -- then Clear the map itself. function Hash (Node : Project_Node_Id) return Ada.Containers.Hash_Type; pragma Inline (Hash); package Project_Sets is new Ada.Containers.Hashed_Sets (Element_Type => Project_Node_Id, Hash => Hash, Equivalent_Elements => "="); type Directory_Dependency is (Direct, As_Parent); -- The way a directory belongs to the project: either as a direct -- dependency, or because one of its subdirs belong to the project, or -- doesn't belong at all. package Directory_Statuses is new Ada.Containers.Indefinite_Hashed_Maps (Key_Type => GNATCOLL.VFS.Filesystem_String, -- Directory path Element_Type => Directory_Dependency, Hash => Hash, Equivalent_Keys => Equal); -- Whether a directory belongs to a project use Project_Htables, Extensions_Languages, Names_Files; use Directory_Statuses; type Project_Tree_Data (Is_Aggregated : Boolean) is record Env : Project_Environment_Access; Tree : GPR.Project_Node_Tree_Ref; View : GPR.Project_Tree_Ref; -- The description of the trees Status : Project_Status := From_File; Root : Project_Type := No_Project; -- The root of the project hierarchy Directories : Directory_Statuses.Map; -- Index on directory name -- ??? might not be needed anymore, using the hash tables already -- in GPR.* Timestamp : Ada.Calendar.Time := GNATCOLL.Utils.No_Time; -- Time when we last parsed the project from the disk case Is_Aggregated is when False => Sources : Names_Files.Map; -- Index on base source file names, returns information about -- the file. Objects_Basename : Names_Files.Map; -- The basename (with no extension or directory) of the object -- files. This is used to quickly filter out the relevant object -- or library files when an object directory is shared amongst -- multiple projects. This table does not point to the actual -- location of the object files, which might be in an extending -- project. It only provides a quick way to filter out irrelevant -- object files. Projects : Project_Htables.Map; -- Index on project paths. This table is filled when the project -- is loaded. when True => null; end case; end record; procedure Free (Self : in out Project_Tree_Data_Access); -- Free memory used by Self. function Get_View (Tree : GPR.Project_Tree_Ref; Path : Path_Name_Type) return GPR.Project_Id; -- Return the project view for the project Name type External_Variable_Callback is access procedure (Variable : Project_Node_Id; Prj : Project_Node_Id; Pkg : Project_Node_Id; Project : Project_Type); -- Called for a typed variable declaration that references an external -- variable in GPR. type Get_Directory_Path_Callback is access function (Project : GPR.Project_Id) return Path_Information; -- Called to get the directory path the Get_Directory function must -- return the Virtual_File function Get_Directory (Project : Project_Type; Callback : Get_Directory_Path_Callback) return Virtual_File; -- return the Virtual_File generated from the callback return. -- If callback returns a 0 length Path_Information then function returns -- the project object directory. -- If project not accessible return No_File. function Variable_Value_To_List (Project : Project_Type; Value : Variable_Value) return GNAT.Strings.String_List_Access; -- Allocate a new String_List that contains the strings stored in Value. -- Result must be freed by caller. procedure For_Each_Project_Node (Tree : GPR.Project_Node_Tree_Ref; Root : Project_Node_Id; Callback : access procedure (Tree : GPR.Project_Node_Tree_Ref; Node : Project_Node_Id)); -- Iterate over all projects in the tree. -- They are each returned once, the root project first and then all its -- imported projects. -- As opposed to For_Every_Project_Imported, this iteration in based on the -- project tree, and therefore can be used before the project view has been -- computed. -- This includes projects extended by Root. -- The order is: -- root project, project, extended_project_of_project,... function Default_Spec_Suffix (Self : Project_Environment'Class; Language_Name : String) return String; function Default_Body_Suffix (Self : Project_Environment'Class; Language_Name : String) return String; -- Return the default extensions for a given language, as registered -- through Register_Default_Language_Extension; procedure For_Each_External_Variable_Declaration (Root_Project : Project_Type; Recursive : Boolean; Callback : External_Variable_Callback); -- Iterate other all the typed variable declarations that reference -- external variables in Project (or one of its imported projects if -- Recursive is true). -- Callback is called for each of them. procedure Append (Self : in out Path_Name_Array; Path : GPR.Path_Name_Type); -- Resize Self if needed, and append a new value procedure Reset (Tree : in out Project_Tree'Class; Env : Project_Environment_Access); -- Make sure the Tree data has been created and initialized function Substitute_Dot (Unit_Name : String; Dot_Replacement : String) return String; -- Replace the '.' in unit_name with Dot_Replacement procedure Compute_Importing_Projects (Project : Project_Type'Class; Root_Project : Project_Type'Class); -- Compute the list of all projects that import, possibly indirectly, -- Project. procedure Reset_View (Tree : Project_Tree'Class); -- Clear internal tables for the view function String_Elements (Data : Project_Tree_Data_Access) return GPR.String_Element_Table.Table_Ptr; pragma Inline (String_Elements); -- Return access to the various tables that contain information about the -- project function Get_String (Id : GPR.File_Name_Type) return String; function Get_String (Id : GPR.Path_Name_Type) return String; pragma Inline (Get_String); -- Return the string in Name -- Same as GPR.Get_Name_String, but return "" in case of -- failure, instead of raising Assert_Failure. function Create_Flags (On_Error : GPR.Error_Handler; Require_Sources : Boolean := True; Ignore_Missing_With : Boolean := False; Report_Missing_Dirs : Boolean := True) return Processing_Flags; -- Return the flags to pass to the project manager in the context of GPS. -- Require_Sources indicates whether each language must have sources -- attached to it. function Length (Tree : GPR.Project_Tree_Ref; List : GPR.String_List_Id) return Natural; -- Return the number of elements in the list function Attribute_Value (Project : Project_Type; Attribute : String; Index : String := ""; Use_Extended : Boolean := False) return Variable_Value; -- Internal version of Attribute_Value function Has_Attribute (Project : Project_Type; Attribute : String; Index : String := "") return Boolean; -- Internal version of Has_Attribute function Attribute_Indexes (Project : Project_Type; Attribute : String; Use_Extended : Boolean := False) return GNAT.Strings.String_List; -- Internal version of Attribute_Indexes procedure Reset_View (Self : in out Project_Data'Class); -- Reset and free the internal data of the project view procedure Compute_Scenario_Variables (Tree : Project_Tree_Data_Access; Recursive : Boolean := True; Errors : Error_Report := null); -- Compute (and cache) the whole list of scenario variables for the -- project tree. -- This also ensures that each external reference actually exists function Source_File_Data_To_Info (S : Source_File_Data) return File_Info; -- Converts from one structure to the other procedure Compute_Imported_Projects (Project : Project_Type'Class); -- Compute and cache the list of projects imported by Project. -- Nothing is done if this is already known. -- This also include projects extended by Project. -- The order is -- root_project, project, project_extended_by_project, ... function Delete_File_Suffix (Filename : GNATCOLL.VFS.Filesystem_String; Project : Project_Type) return Natural; -- Return the last index in Filename before the beginning of the file -- suffix. Suffixes are searched independently from the language. -- If not matching suffix is found in project, the returned value will -- simply be Filename'Last. procedure Internal_Load (Tree : in out Project_Tree'Class; Root_Project_Path : GNATCOLL.VFS.Virtual_File; Errors : Projects.Error_Report; Report_Syntax_Errors : Boolean; Project : out Project_Node_Id; Packages_To_Check : GNAT.Strings.String_List_Access := All_Packs; Recompute_View : Boolean := True; Test_With_Missing_With : Boolean := True; Report_Missing_Dirs : Boolean := True; Implicit_Project : Boolean); -- Internal implementation of load. This doesn't reset the tree at all, -- but will properly setup the GNAT project manager so that error messages -- are redirected and fatal errors do not kill GPS. -- If Test_With_Missing_With is True, first test with ignoring unresolved -- "with" statement, in case we need to first parse the gnatlist attribute. procedure Parse_Source_Files (Self : in out Project_Tree); -- Find all the source files for the project, and cache them. -- At the same time, check that the gnatls attribute is coherent between -- all projects and subprojects, and memorize the sources in the -- hash-table. function Info (Tree : Project_Tree_Data_Access; File : GNATCOLL.VFS.Virtual_File) return File_Info; -- Internal version of Info procedure Create_Project_Instances (Self : Project_Tree'Class; Tree_For_Map : Project_Tree'Class; With_View : Boolean); function Instance_From_Node (Self : Project_Tree'Class; Tree_For_Map : Project_Tree'Class; Node : Project_Node_Id) return Project_Type; -- Create all instances of Project_Type for the loaded projects. -- Instances are put in Htable of Tree_For_Map parameter. -- This also resets the internal data for the view. function Handle_Subdir (Project : Project_Type; Id : GPR.Path_Name_Type; Xref_Dirs : Boolean) return Filesystem_String; -- Adds the object subdirectory to Id if one is defined function Kind_To_Part (Source : Source_Id) return Unit_Parts; -- Converts from Source.Kind to Unit_Parts function Set_Path_From_Gnatls_Attribute (Project : Project_Id; Tree : Project_Tree'Class; Errors : Error_Report := null) return Boolean; -- Look at the gnatls attribute, if defined, and update the predefined -- path if needed. -- Return True if the path was updated. procedure Put (Self : in out Pretty_Printer'Class; Project : Project_Node_Id; In_Tree : GPR.Project_Node_Tree_Ref; Id : Project_Id := GPR.No_Project; Increment : Positive := 3; Eliminate_Empty_Case_Constructions : Boolean := False); -- Internal version of Put, acting directly on the low-level structures Specific_Attributes_Registered : Boolean := False; procedure Register_Specific_Attributes; -- Register specific attributes like IDE'Artifact_Dir but only once per -- program run. Second attempt at registering the attribute leads to an -- error in libgpr. Host_Targets_List : GPR.Knowledge.String_Lists.List := GPR.Knowledge.String_Lists.Empty_List; Host_Targets_List_Set : Boolean := False; procedure Set_Host_Targets_List; -- Populates the list of host targets that include the host target itself -- and may as well have corresponding fallback targets. It also parses -- targetset.xml and populates Normalisation_Dictionary (see below). type Targetset_Info is record Canonical_Name : Ada.Strings.Unbounded.Unbounded_String; Regexp_Imgs : GPR.Knowledge.String_Lists.List; end record; function "<" (L, R : Targetset_Info) return Boolean is (Ada.Strings.Unbounded."<" (L.Canonical_Name, R.Canonical_Name)); package Targetset_Info_Set is new Ada.Containers.Ordered_Sets (Targetset_Info); Normalization_Dictionary : Targetset_Info_Set.Set; function Normalize_Target_Name (Target_Name : String) return String; -- Normalizes name of target against Normalization_Dictionary. If no match -- is found return Target_Name as is. function To_Mixed (S : String) return String; package Language_Sets is new Ada.Containers.Indefinite_Ordered_Sets (String); use Language_Sets; procedure Languages (Project : Project_Type; Recursive : Boolean := False; Langs : in out Language_Sets.Set); -- Internal implementation of Languages for non-aggregate project. -- It will update Langs with the supported languages by Project. -- If Recursive is True, then it will also add the supported languages -- by its imported projects. ----------- -- Lists -- ----------- type String_List_Iterator is record Current : Project_Node_Id; -- pointer to N_Literal_String or N_Expression end record; function Done (Iter : String_List_Iterator) return Boolean; -- Return True if Iter is past the end of the list of strings function Next (Tree : GPR.Project_Node_Tree_Ref; Iter : String_List_Iterator) return String_List_Iterator; -- Return the next item in the list function Data (Tree : GPR.Project_Node_Tree_Ref; Iter : String_List_Iterator) return GPR.Name_Id; -- Return the value pointed to by Iter. -- This could be either a N_String_Literal or a N_Expression node in the -- first case. -- The second case only works if Iter points to N_String_Literal. function Value_Of (Tree : GPR.Project_Node_Tree_Ref; Var : Scenario_Variable) return String_List_Iterator; -- Return an iterator over the possible values of the variable ------------ -- Errors -- ------------ generic Tree : Project_Tree'Class; procedure Mark_Project_Error (Project : Project_Id; Is_Warning : Boolean); -- Handler called when the project parser finds an error. -- Mark_Project_Incomplete should be true if any error should prevent the -- edition of project properties graphically. ------------------ -- Kind_To_Part -- ------------------ function Kind_To_Part (Source : Source_Id) return Unit_Parts is begin if Source = null then return Unit_Separate; end if; case Source.Kind is when Spec => return Unit_Spec; when Impl => return Unit_Body; when Sep => return Unit_Separate; end case; end Kind_To_Part; ------------------------ -- Mark_Project_Error -- ------------------------ procedure Mark_Project_Error (Project : Project_Id; Is_Warning : Boolean) is P : Project_Type; pragma Warnings (Off, P); -- ??? Without the pragma Warnings (Off), when compiling with -gnatwae, -- we get this error: -- warning: variable "P" is assigned but never read begin if not Is_Warning then if Project = GPR.No_Project then if Tree.Root_Project /= No_Project then declare Iter : Inner_Project_Iterator := Start (Tree.Root_Project); begin while Current (Iter) /= No_Project loop Current (Iter).Data.View_Is_Complete := False; Next (Iter); end loop; end; end if; else if Tree.Data.Root /= No_Project and then P.Data /= null then P := Project_Type (Project_From_Name (Tree.Data, Project.Name)); P.Data.View_Is_Complete := False; end if; end if; end if; end Mark_Project_Error; --------------- -- Tree_View -- --------------- function Tree_View (P : Project_Type'Class) return GPR.Project_Tree_Ref is begin return P.Data.Tree.View; end Tree_View; --------------- -- Tree_Tree -- --------------- function Tree_Tree (P : Project_Type'Class) return GPR.Project_Node_Tree_Ref is begin return P.Data.Tree.Tree; end Tree_Tree; --------------------- -- String_Elements -- --------------------- function String_Elements (Data : Project_Tree_Data_Access) return GPR.String_Element_Table.Table_Ptr is begin return Data.View.Shared.String_Elements.Table; end String_Elements; ------------ -- Length -- ------------ function Length (Tree : GPR.Project_Tree_Ref; List : GPR.String_List_Id) return Natural is L : String_List_Id := List; Count : Natural := 0; begin while L /= Nil_String loop Count := Count + 1; L := Tree.Shared.String_Elements.Table (L).Next; end loop; return Count; end Length; ---------------- -- Get_String -- ---------------- function Get_String (Id : GPR.File_Name_Type) return String is begin if Id = GPR.No_File then return ""; end if; return Get_Name_String (Id); exception when E : others => Trace (Me, E); return ""; end Get_String; function Get_String (Id : GPR.Path_Name_Type) return String is begin if Id = GPR.No_Path then return ""; end if; return Get_Name_String (Id); exception when E : others => Trace (Me, E); return ""; end Get_String; ---------- -- Name -- ---------- function Name (Project : Project_Type) return String is begin if Project.Data = null then return "default"; elsif Get_View (Project) /= GPR.No_Project then return Get_String (Get_View (Project).Display_Name); else return Get_String (GPR.Tree.Name_Of (Project.Data.Node, Project.Tree_Tree)); end if; end Name; ------------------ -- Project_Path -- ------------------ function Project_Path (Project : Project_Type; Host : String := Local_Host) return GNATCOLL.VFS.Virtual_File is View : constant GPR.Project_Id := Get_View (Project); begin if Project.Data = null or else Project.Data.Node = Empty_Project_Node then return GNATCOLL.VFS.No_File; elsif View = GPR.No_Project then -- View=GPR.No_Project case needed for the project wizard return To_Remote (Create (+Get_String (Path_Name_Of (Project.Data.Node, Project.Tree_Tree))), Host); else return To_Remote (Create (+Get_String (View.Path.Display_Name)), Host); end if; end Project_Path; ----------------- -- Source_Dirs -- ----------------- function Source_Dirs (Project : Project_Type; Recursive : Boolean := False; Include_Externally_Built : Boolean := True) return GNATCOLL.VFS.File_Array is Current_Dir : constant Filesystem_String := Get_Current_Dir; Iter : Inner_Project_Iterator; Count : Natural := 0; P : Project_Type; View : Project_Id; Src : String_List_Id; Aggregated : Aggregated_Project_List; Aggregated_Dirs : File_Array_Access := null; begin if Is_Aggregate_Project (Project) and then Recursive then Aggregated := Project.Data.View.Aggregated_Projects; while Aggregated /= null loop Append (Aggregated_Dirs, Source_Dirs (Project_From_Path (Project.Data.Tree, Aggregated.Path), Recursive => True, Include_Externally_Built => Include_Externally_Built)); Aggregated := Aggregated.Next; end loop; return Aggregated_Dirs.all; end if; Iter := Start (Project, Recursive); loop P := Current (Iter); exit when P = No_Project; View := Get_View (P); exit when View = GPR.No_Project; if Include_Externally_Built or else not Externally_Built (P) then Count := Count + Length (Project.Tree_View, View.Source_Dirs); end if; Next (Iter); end loop; declare Sources : File_Array (1 .. Count); Index : Natural := Sources'First; begin Iter := Start (Project, Recursive); loop P := Current (Iter); exit when P = No_Project; View := Get_View (P); exit when View = GPR.No_Project; if Include_Externally_Built or else not Externally_Built (P) then Src := View.Source_Dirs; while Src /= Nil_String loop Sources (Index) := Create (Normalize_Pathname (+Get_String (String_Elements (P.Data.Tree) (Src).Display_Value), Current_Dir, Resolve_Links => False)); Ensure_Directory (Sources (Index)); Index := Index + 1; Src := String_Elements (P.Data.Tree) (Src).Next; end loop; end if; Next (Iter); end loop; return Sources (1 .. Index - 1); end; end Source_Dirs; ------------------- -- Handle_Subdir -- ------------------- function Handle_Subdir (Project : Project_Type; Id : GPR.Path_Name_Type; Xref_Dirs : Boolean) return Filesystem_String is View : constant Project_Id := Get_View (Project); Env : constant Project_Environment_Access := Project.Data.Tree.Env; Path : constant Filesystem_String := Name_As_Directory (+Get_String (Id)); begin if not Xref_Dirs or else Xrefs_Subdir (Env.all)'Length = 0 or else View.Externally_Built then return Path; elsif GPR.Subdirs /= null then return Name_As_Directory (Path (Path'First .. Path'Last - GPR.Subdirs.all'Length - 1) & Xrefs_Subdir (Env.all)); else return Path & Name_As_Directory (Xrefs_Subdir (Env.all)); end if; end Handle_Subdir; ---------------- -- Object_Dir -- ---------------- function Object_Dir (Project : Project_Type) return GNATCOLL.VFS.Virtual_File is View : constant Project_Id := Get_View (Project); begin if View /= GPR.No_Project and then View.Object_Directory /= No_Path_Information then return Create (Handle_Subdir (Project, View.Object_Directory.Display_Name, False)); else return GNATCOLL.VFS.No_File; end if; end Object_Dir; ------------------- -- Artifacts_Dir -- ------------------- function Artifacts_Dir (Project : Project_Type) return GNATCOLL.VFS.Virtual_File is D : GNATCOLL.VFS.Virtual_File; Att : constant Attribute_Pkg_String := Build ("IDE", "Artifacts_Dir"); begin if Project.Data.Tree.Env.IDE_Mode and then Project.Has_Attribute (Att) and then Attribute_Value (Project, Att) /= "" then D := Create_From_Base (+Attribute_Value (Project, Att), Project.Project_Path.Dir_Name); Ensure_Directory (D); return D; end if; if Project.Object_Dir /= GNATCOLL.VFS.No_File then return Project.Object_Dir; end if; Trace (Me, Project.Name & " does not have an object dir"); D := Create (Project.Project_Path.Dir_Name & Project.Data.Tree.Env.Object_Subdir); Ensure_Directory (D); if Is_Writable (D) then return D; else Trace (Me, "Directory '" & D.Display_Full_Name & "' is not writable"); return GNATCOLL.VFS.No_File; end if; end Artifacts_Dir; ----------------- -- Object_Path -- ----------------- function Object_Path (Project : Project_Type; Recursive : Boolean := False; Including_Libraries : Boolean := False; Xrefs_Dirs : Boolean := False; Exclude_Externally : Boolean := False) return File_Array is View : constant Project_Id := Get_View (Project); begin if View = GPR.No_Project then return (1 .. 0 => <>); elsif Recursive then declare Iter : Project_Iterator := Start (Project, Recursive); Result : File_Array_Access; P : Project_Type; begin loop P := Current (Iter); exit when P = No_Project or else P.Get_View = GPR.No_Project; Prepend (Result, P.Object_Path (Recursive => False, Including_Libraries => Including_Libraries, Xrefs_Dirs => Xrefs_Dirs, Exclude_Externally => Exclude_Externally)); Next (Iter); end loop; return R : constant File_Array := Result.all do Unchecked_Free (Result); end return; end; elsif Including_Libraries and then View.Library and then View.Library_ALI_Dir /= No_Path_Information then -- Object_Directory is in fact always defined for projects read from -- files (if unspecified in the user's project, it defaults to the -- projects' own directory). -- For externally_built library projects, however, it should not be -- taken into account. if View.Externally_Built and then Exclude_Externally then return (1 .. 0 => <>); elsif View.Object_Directory = No_Path_Information or else View.Externally_Built then return (1 => Create (Handle_Subdir (Project, View.Library_ALI_Dir.Display_Name, Xrefs_Dirs))); else return (Create (Handle_Subdir (Project, View.Object_Directory.Display_Name, Xrefs_Dirs)), Create (Handle_Subdir (Project, View.Library_ALI_Dir.Display_Name, Xrefs_Dirs))); end if; elsif View.Object_Directory /= No_Path_Information then return (1 => Create (Handle_Subdir (Project, View.Object_Directory.Display_Name, Xrefs_Dirs))); else return (1 .. 0 => <>); end if; end Object_Path; ------------------- -- Library_Files -- ------------------- procedure Library_Files (Self : Project_Type; Recursive : Boolean := False; Including_Libraries : Boolean := True; Xrefs_Dirs : Boolean := False; ALI_Ext : GNATCOLL.VFS.Filesystem_String := ".ali"; Include_Predefined : Boolean := False; List : in out Library_Info_List'Class; Exclude_Overridden : Boolean := True) is Tmp : File_Array_Access; Prj_Iter : Project_Iterator; Current_Project : Project_Type; Info_Cursor : Names_Files.Cursor; Re : Pattern_Matcher_Access; package Virtual_File_Sets is new Ada.Containers.Hashed_Sets (Element_Type => Virtual_File, Hash => Full_Name_Hash, Equivalent_Elements => "=", "=" => "="); use Virtual_File_Sets; procedure Unchecked_Free is new Ada.Unchecked_Deallocation (Pattern_Matcher, Pattern_Matcher_Access); function Get_Base_Name (F : Virtual_File) return Filesystem_String; -- Return the base name of the argument. If ALI_Ext was a regular -- expression, this function simply strips the file extension -- (everything after and including the last dot in the file name). -- Otherwise, the suffix ALI_Ext is removed from the file name. function Is_Extending_All (P : Project_Type) return Boolean is (Is_Extending_All (P.Data.Node, P.Data.Tree.Tree)); function Find_Unit_In_Subtree (Map : Names_Files.Map; Key : GNATCOLL.VFS.Filesystem_String; Root : Project_Type) return Names_Files.Cursor; function Find_File_In_Subtree (Map : Names_Files.Map; Key : GNATCOLL.VFS.Filesystem_String; Root : Project_Type) return Names_Files.Cursor; -- Searches for Source_File_Data with given base name and a project from -- a project subtree that starts from Root. -- If the resulting Source_File_Data is not the first one in the list, -- it is placed in Local_Obj_Map and returned Cursor points to it. -- Local_Obj_Map must be cleared after each object file is processed. -- -- ??? This function seems to be the same as Create_From_Project. procedure Process_Project (Project : Project_Type); -- Process Project and append to List all relevant ALI files function Is_File_Based (SFD : Source_File_Data) return Boolean; -- Return whether the source file designated by SFD belongs to a -- file-based language (i.e. not a unit-based language, like Ada). Local_Obj_Map : Names_Files.Map; ------------------- -- Get_Base_Name -- ------------------- function Get_Base_Name (F : Virtual_File) return Filesystem_String is begin if Re = null then return F.Base_Name (ALI_Ext); else return F.Base_Name (F.File_Extension); end if; end Get_Base_Name; -------------------------- -- Find_Unit_In_Subtree -- -------------------------- function Find_Unit_In_Subtree (Map : Names_Files.Map; Key : GNATCOLL.VFS.Filesystem_String; Root : Project_Type) return Names_Files.Cursor is Cur : Names_Files.Cursor; Iter : Project_Iterator; SFD : Source_File_Data; begin Cur := Map.Find (Key); if Cur = Names_Files.No_Element then -- No object files with same base name expected for any project. return Cur; end if; SFD := Element (Cur); loop if not Is_File_Based (SFD) then Iter := Start (Extending_Project (Root, True)); while Current (Iter) /= No_Project loop if Current (Iter) = SFD.Project then -- Creating a temporary element to point to. Local_Obj_Map.Include (Key, SFD); return Local_Obj_Map.First; end if; Next (Iter); end loop; end if; exit when SFD.Next = null; SFD := SFD.Next.all; end loop; return Names_Files.No_Element; end Find_Unit_In_Subtree; -------------------------- -- Find_File_In_Subtree -- -------------------------- function Find_File_In_Subtree (Map : Names_Files.Map; Key : GNATCOLL.VFS.Filesystem_String; Root : Project_Type) return Names_Files.Cursor is Cur : Names_Files.Cursor; SFD : Source_File_Data; Extended_P : Project_Type; begin Cur := Map.Find (Key); if Cur = Names_Files.No_Element then -- No object files with same base name expected for any project. return Cur; end if; SFD := Element (Cur); -- Use a standard iterator (and remove aggregated projects ourselves) -- instead of an inner iterator, so that library projects aggregated -- in a library aggregate are also considered loop if Is_File_Based (SFD) then -- We can have as much c/c++ files with same name as possible. -- So what we need to do is only iterate through extended -- projects to check whether the current file belongs to them, -- but not through the whole project subtree, since we can find -- absolutely unrelated homonyms. Extended_P := Extending_Project (Root, True); loop -- All C library files are created when compiling a -- .c or .cpp file, so when processing -- a C library file, we want Library_Files to return -- .c(pp) as the corresponding source for -- .c.gli, and not the source of a homonym header. -- -- Since all compiled .c(pp) files generate a corresponding -- .c.gli file, we are guaranteed to find some -- Source_File_Data corresponding to a .c(pp) file with the -- same basename as Key, even if we skip the header files. if Extended_P = SFD.Project and then Kind_To_Part (SFD.Source) = Unit_Body then Local_Obj_Map.Include (Key, SFD); return Local_Obj_Map.First; end if; Extended_P := Extended_Project (Extended_P); exit when Extended_P = No_Project; end loop; end if; exit when SFD.Next = null; SFD := SFD.Next.all; end loop; return Names_Files.No_Element; end Find_File_In_Subtree; Seen, Added : Virtual_File_Sets.Set; --------------------- -- Process_Project -- --------------------- procedure Process_Project (Project : Project_Type) is Objects : constant File_Array := Object_Path (Project, Recursive => False, Including_Libraries => Including_Libraries, Xrefs_Dirs => Xrefs_Dirs); Dir : Virtual_File; Should_Append : Boolean; Lowest_Project : Project_Type; begin if Objects'Length = 0 or else Seen.Contains (Objects (Objects'First)) then return; end if; -- Only look at the first object directory (which is either -- object_dir, if it exists, or library_dir, if it exists). -- We never need to look at both of them. Dir := Objects (Objects'First); Seen.Include (Dir); Trace (Me, "Library_Files, reading dir " & Dir.Display_Full_Name); Tmp := Read_Dir (Dir); for F in Tmp'Range loop if (Re /= null and then Match (Re.all, +Tmp (F).Base_Name)) or else (Re = null and then Tmp (F).Has_Suffix (ALI_Ext)) then declare B : constant Filesystem_String := Get_Base_Name (Tmp (F)); B_Last : Integer := B'Last; Dot : Integer; P : Project_Type; begin Info_Cursor := Find_Unit_In_Subtree (Self.Data.Tree_For_Map.Objects_Basename, B, Self); if not Has_Element (Info_Cursor) then -- Special case for C files: the library file is -- file.c.gli -- instead of file.ali as we would have in Ada Dot := B'Last; while Dot >= B'First and then B (Dot) /= '.' loop Dot := Dot - 1; end loop; if Dot > B'First then B_Last := Dot - 1; Info_Cursor := Find_File_In_Subtree (Self.Data.Tree_For_Map.Objects_Basename, B (B'First .. B_Last), Project); end if; end if; -- An LI file is taking into account if: -- * it has a name that is known in this -- project (and thus matches one source file). -- This is a quick filter. -- * AND it is not overridden in one of the -- extending projects. -- This test is not necessary if we don't want -- to filter out overridden LI files if not Has_Element (Info_Cursor) then if Active (Me) then Trace (Me, "Library_Files not including : " & Display_Base_Name (Tmp (F)) & " (which is for unknown project)"); end if; Should_Append := False; elsif not Exclude_Overridden then Lowest_Project := Element (Info_Cursor).Project; Should_Append := Lowest_Project /= No_Project; else -- P is the candidate project that contains the -- LI file, but the latter might be overridden -- in any project extending P. P := Element (Info_Cursor).Project; -- This will contain the most-extending project -- that contains a homonym of the LI file Lowest_Project := P; P := P.Extending_Project; For_Each_Extending_Project : while P /= No_Project loop declare Objs : constant File_Array := P.Object_Path (Recursive => False, Including_Libraries => Including_Libraries, Xrefs_Dirs => Xrefs_Dirs); begin for Obj in Objs'Range loop if Create_From_Base (Tmp (F).Base_Name, Objs (Obj).Full_Name.all).Is_Regular_File then if Active (Me) then Trace (Me, "overridden in project " & P.Name); end if; Lowest_Project := P; exit; end if; end loop; end; P := P.Extending_Project; end loop For_Each_Extending_Project; -- Since we are traversing each directory only once, we -- cannot check that Lowest_Project is Project. Instead, -- we need to check with the object dirs. Should_Append := Lowest_Project = P; if not Should_Append then declare Lowest_Objs : constant File_Array := Lowest_Project.Object_Path (Recursive => False, Including_Libraries => Including_Libraries, Xrefs_Dirs => Xrefs_Dirs); begin for Ob in Lowest_Objs'Range loop Should_Append := Lowest_Objs (Ob) = Dir; exit when Should_Append; end loop; end; end if; end if; end; -- Take into account Recursive parameter to decide -- whether the library file belongs to Self when -- Recursive = False, in case several projects share -- the same object directory. We can only do that if -- the project isn't extended though. if Should_Append and then not Recursive and then Lowest_Project.Extending_Project = No_Project then Should_Append := Lowest_Project = Self; end if; if Has_Element (Info_Cursor) and then Added.Contains (Element (Info_Cursor).File) then Trace (Me, "Library_Files not including : " & Display_Base_Name (Tmp (F)) & " (which is overwritten in extends all project)"); elsif Should_Append then List.Append (Library_Info' (Library_File => Tmp (F), LI_Project => new Project_Type' (Lowest_Project), Non_Aggregate_Root_Project => new Project_Type'(Self), Source => new File_Info' (Source_File_Data_To_Info (Element (Info_Cursor))))); elsif Has_Element (Info_Cursor) and then Is_Extending_All (Project) then -- Corresponding source is not from current project, but -- current project is an extends all project, so any -- library file for a source of any project of the subtree -- belongs to current project. List.Append (Library_Info' (Library_File => Tmp (F), LI_Project => new Project_Type' (Lowest_Project), Non_Aggregate_Root_Project => new Project_Type'(Self), Source => new File_Info' (Source_File_Data_To_Info (Element (Info_Cursor))))); if Exclude_Overridden then -- Also so that we do not include corresponding -- overridden ALI file from the corresponding project, -- we need to store its name explicitly. Added.Include (Element (Info_Cursor).File); end if; elsif Active (Me) and then Has_Element (Info_Cursor) then Trace (Me, "Library_Files not including : " & Display_Base_Name (Tmp (F)) & " (which is for project " & Element (Info_Cursor).Project.Name & ")"); end if; Local_Obj_Map.Clear; end if; end loop; Unchecked_Free (Tmp); exception when VFS_Directory_Error => Trace (Me, "Couldn't open the directory " & Dir.Display_Full_Name); end Process_Project; ------------------- -- Is_File_Based -- ------------------- function Is_File_Based (SFD : Source_File_Data) return Boolean is Language : constant Language_Ptr := Get_Language_From_Name (Get_View (SFD.Project), Get_String (SFD.Lang)); begin return Language.Config.Kind = File_Based; end Is_File_Based; begin if Is_Aggregate_Project (Self) then if Active (Me) then Increase_Indent (Me, "Library file for an aggregate project"); end if; declare Aggregated : Aggregated_Project_List; P : Project_Type; begin -- processing aggregated project hierarchies Aggregated := Self.Data.View.Aggregated_Projects; while Aggregated /= null loop P := Project_Type (Project_From_Path (Self.Data.Tree, Aggregated.Path)); Library_Files (Self => P, Recursive => Recursive, Including_Libraries => Including_Libraries, Xrefs_Dirs => Xrefs_Dirs, ALI_Ext => ALI_Ext, Include_Predefined => False, List => List, Exclude_Overridden => Exclude_Overridden); Aggregated := Aggregated.Next; end loop; end; if Active (Me) then Decrease_Indent (Me, "Done Library file for aggregate project"); end if; return; end if; if Active (Me) then Increase_Indent (Me, "Library_Files for project " & Self.Project_Path.Display_Full_Name); end if; -- An extended project logically does not contain any ALI file when in -- non recursive mode, so we simply do not look for them. if not Recursive and then Self.Extending_Project /= No_Project then return; end if; if ALI_Ext (ALI_Ext'First) = '^' then Re := new Pattern_Matcher'(Compile (+ALI_Ext)); end if; -- We do not call Object_Path with Recursive=>True, but instead -- iterate explicitly on the projects so that we can control which of -- the object_dir or library_dir we want to use *for each project*. -- -- We always look for projects recursively: when the user specified -- Recursive=>False, we still want to look at the extended projects -- of Self, so that all ALI files are associated with the lowest -- extending project. If the user specified Recursive=>False and -- Self is an extended project, we have already exited this procedure. -- -- We are seeing extending projects before extended projects Prj_Iter := Self.Start_Reversed (Recursive => True); loop Current_Project := Current (Prj_Iter); exit when Current_Project = No_Project; -- Ignore projects that the user is not interested in (i.e. in -- non recursive mode, ignore all non-extended projects) if Recursive or else Current_Project = Self or else Current_Project.Extending_Project (Recurse => True) = Self then if Active (Me) then Trace (Me, "Current project: " & Current_Project.Project_Path.Display_Full_Name); end if; Process_Project (Current_Project); end if; Next (Prj_Iter); end loop; if Include_Predefined then declare Predef : constant File_Array_Access := Self.Data.Tree.Env.Predefined_Object_Path; Tmp : File_Array_Access; begin for P in Predef'Range loop if not Seen.Contains (Predef (P)) and then Predef (P).Is_Directory then Seen.Include (Predef (P)); Tmp := Read_Dir (Predef (P)); for F in Tmp'Range loop if (Re /= null and then Match (Re.all, +Tmp (F).Base_Name)) or else (Re = null and then Tmp (F).Has_Suffix (ALI_Ext)) then List.Append (Library_Info' (Library_File => Tmp (F), Non_Aggregate_Root_Project => null, LI_Project => null, Source => null)); end if; end loop; Unchecked_Free (Tmp); end if; end loop; end; end if; Unchecked_Free (Re); Added.Clear; if Active (Me) then Decrease_Indent (Me, "Done library files"); end if; end Library_Files; ------------------- -- Library_Files -- ------------------- function Library_Files (Self : Project_Type; Recursive : Boolean := False; Including_Libraries : Boolean := True; Xrefs_Dirs : Boolean := False; ALI_Ext : GNATCOLL.VFS.Filesystem_String := ".ali"; Include_Predefined : Boolean := False; Exclude_Overridden : Boolean := True) return GNATCOLL.VFS.File_Array_Access is use Library_Info_Lists; List : Library_Info_List; C : Library_Info_Lists.Cursor; Result : File_Array_Access; Index : Integer; begin Library_Files (Self, Recursive => Recursive, Including_Libraries => Including_Libraries, Xrefs_Dirs => Xrefs_Dirs, Include_Predefined => Include_Predefined, ALI_Ext => ALI_Ext, Exclude_Overridden => Exclude_Overridden, List => List); Result := new File_Array (1 .. Integer (Length (List))); Index := Result'First; C := List.First; while Has_Element (C) loop Result (Index) := Element (C).Library_File; Index := Index + 1; Next (C); end loop; List.Clear; return Result; end Library_Files; ---------- -- Free -- ---------- procedure Free (Self : in out File_Info_Access) is procedure Unchecked_Free is new Ada.Unchecked_Deallocation (File_Info, File_Info_Access); begin Unchecked_Free (Self); end Free; ---------- -- Free -- ---------- procedure Free (Self : in out Library_Info) is begin Free (Self.Source); Unchecked_Free (Self.LI_Project); Unchecked_Free (Self.Non_Aggregate_Root_Project); end Free; -------------- -- Clean_Up -- -------------- procedure Clean_Up (Map : in out Names_Files.Map) is El : Source_File_Data; Tmp_El : Source_File_Data_Access; procedure Unchecked_Free is new Ada.Unchecked_Deallocation (Source_File_Data, Source_File_Data_Access); begin for C in Map.Iterate loop El := Names_Files.Element (C); while El.Next /= null loop Tmp_El := El.Next; El.Next := El.Next.Next; Unchecked_Free (Tmp_El); end loop; end loop; Map.Clear; end Clean_Up; ----------- -- Clear -- ----------- overriding procedure Clear (Self : in out Library_Info_List) is L : Library_Info; C : Library_Info_Lists.Cursor := Self.First; begin while Library_Info_Lists.Has_Element (C) loop L := Library_Info_Lists.Element (C); Free (L); Library_Info_Lists.Next (C); end loop; Library_Info_Lists.Clear (Library_Info_Lists.List (Self)); -- inherited end Clear; -------------------------- -- Direct_Sources_Count -- -------------------------- function Direct_Sources_Count (Project : Project_Type) return Natural is begin -- ??? Should directly use the size of Source_Files, since this is now -- precomputed when the project is loaded if Get_View (Project) = GPR.No_Project then return 0; else return Project.Data.Files'Length; end if; end Direct_Sources_Count; ------------------------------ -- Source_File_Data_To_Info -- ------------------------------ function Source_File_Data_To_Info (S : Source_File_Data) return File_Info is Unit : Name_Id := No_Name; begin if S.Source /= null and then S.Source.Unit /= null then Unit := S.Source.Unit.Name; end if; return File_Info' (Project => S.Project, Root_Project => S.Project, File => S.File, Part => Kind_To_Part (S.Source), Name => Unit, Lang => S.Lang); end Source_File_Data_To_Info; ------------------------- -- Create_From_Project -- ------------------------- function Create_From_Project (Self : Project_Type'Class; Name : GNATCOLL.VFS.Filesystem_String) return File_Info is function Find_From_Base_Name (Name : GNATCOLL.VFS.Filesystem_String) return File_Info; -- Find the File_Info from the given base name function Create_From_Full_Name (File : Virtual_File) return File_Info; -- Create File_Info from the given file ------------------------- -- Find_From_Base_Name -- ------------------------- function Find_From_Base_Name (Name : GNATCOLL.VFS.Filesystem_String) return File_Info is Curs : Names_Files.Cursor; File : Virtual_File; Source : Source_File_Data; Imports : Boolean; Iter : Project_Iterator; begin -- Amongst all the files with the right basename, search the one, if -- any, that is visible from Self. Curs := Self.Data.Tree_For_Map.Sources.Find (Name); if Has_Element (Curs) then -- Check amongst all possibilities which one is in Self or its -- imported projects. Source := Element (Curs); loop Imports := Source.Project = Project_Type (Self) or else Source.Project = No_Project; -- predefined source file if not Imports then Iter := Self.Start (Recursive => True, Include_Extended => True); loop exit when Current (Iter) = No_Project; if Current (Iter) = Source.Project then Imports := True; exit; end if; Next (Iter); end loop; end if; if Imports then return Source_File_Data_To_Info (Source); end if; exit when Source.Next = null; Source := Source.Next.all; end loop; end if; -- Search in the predefined source path if Self.Data.Tree.Env.Predefined_Source_Path /= null then File := Locate_Regular_File (Name, Self.Data.Tree.Env.Predefined_Source_Path.all); if File /= GNATCOLL.VFS.No_File then Include_File (Self.Data.Tree_For_Map.Sources, Name, Source_File_Data' (Project => No_Project, File => File, Lang => No_Name, Source => null, Next => null)); return File_Info' (File => File, Project => No_Project, Root_Project => Project_Type (Self), Part => Unit_Separate, Name => No_Name, Lang => No_Name); end if; end if; return (File => GNATCOLL.VFS.No_File, Project => No_Project, Root_Project => Project_Type (Self), Part => Unit_Separate, Name => GPR.No_Name, Lang => GPR.No_Name); end Find_From_Base_Name; --------------------------- -- Create_From_Full_Name -- --------------------------- function Create_From_Full_Name (File : Virtual_File) return File_Info is Result : File_Info; begin Result := Info (Tree => Self.Data.Tree, File => File); if Result.File = GNATCOLL.VFS.No_File then Result := File_Info' (File => File, Project => No_Project, Root_Project => Project_Type (Self), Part => Unit_Separate, Name => GPR.No_Name, Lang => GPR.No_Name); end if; return Result; end Create_From_Full_Name; File : Virtual_File; Result : File_Info; begin if Project_Type (Self) = No_Project then return File_Info' (File => Create (Name), Project => No_Project, Root_Project => Project_Type (Self), Part => Unit_Separate, Name => GPR.No_Name, Lang => GPR.No_Name); end if; if Is_Absolute_Path (Name) then File := Create (Normalize_Pathname (Name, Resolve_Links => False)); return Create_From_Full_Name (File); else -- This is not an absolute name: first check the cache if Self.Data.Base_Name_To_Full_Path = null then -- If it's the first time we need the cache, create it here Self.Data.Base_Name_To_Full_Path := new Basename_To_Info_Cache.Map; end if; if Self.Data.Base_Name_To_Full_Path.Contains (String (Name)) then return Create_From_Full_Name (Self.Data.Base_Name_To_Full_Path.Element (String (Name))); else -- Not found in cache: get the result Result := Find_From_Base_Name (Name); -- .. and add it to the cache Self.Data.Base_Name_To_Full_Path.Insert (String (Name), Result.File); return Result; end if; end if; end Create_From_Project; ------------ -- Create -- ------------ function Create (Self : Project_Tree; Name : Filesystem_String; Project : Project_Type'Class := No_Project; Use_Source_Path : Boolean := True; Use_Object_Path : Boolean := True) return GNATCOLL.VFS.Virtual_File is File : GNATCOLL.VFS.Virtual_File; Ambiguous : Boolean; begin Create (Self, Name, Project, Use_Source_Path, Use_Object_Path, Ambiguous, File); return File; end Create; ------------ -- Create -- ------------ procedure Create (Self : Project_Tree; Name : GNATCOLL.VFS.Filesystem_String; Project : Project_Type'Class := No_Project; Use_Source_Path : Boolean := True; Use_Object_Path : Boolean := True; Ambiguous : out Boolean; File : out GNATCOLL.VFS.Virtual_File; Predefined_Only : Boolean := False) is Tree_For_Map : Project_Tree_Data_Access; -- The root tree Base : constant Filesystem_String := Base_Name (Name); Project2 : Project_Type; Path : Virtual_File := GNATCOLL.VFS.No_File; Iterator : Project_Iterator; Info_Cursor : Names_Files.Cursor; Source_Info : Source_File_Data; In_Predefined : Boolean := False; Duplicate_Obj : Boolean := False; function Ambiguous_Base_Name (First_SFD : Source_File_Data) return Boolean; -- Return false if any of source files in given list has different full -- paths than First_SFD. function Ambiguous_Base_Name (First_SFD : Source_File_Data) return Boolean is Next_SFD : Source_File_Data_Access := First_SFD.Next; begin while Next_SFD /= null loop if Next_SFD.File /= First_SFD.File then return True; end if; Next_SFD := Next_SFD.Next; end loop; return False; end Ambiguous_Base_Name; begin Ambiguous := False; if Self.Data = null then -- No view computed, we do not even know the source dirs File := GNATCOLL.VFS.No_File; return; end if; Tree_For_Map := Self.Data.Root.Data.Tree_For_Map; if Is_Absolute_Path (Name) then File := Create (Normalize_Pathname (Name, Resolve_Links => False)); return; end if; -- Is the file already in the cache ? -- This cache is automatically filled initially when the project is -- loaded, so we know that all source files of the project are in the -- cache and will be returned efficiently if not Predefined_Only and then Project.Data = null and then Use_Source_Path then Info_Cursor := Tree_For_Map.Sources.Find (Base); if Has_Element (Info_Cursor) then -- Multiple cases for ambiguity: -- 1 - multiple possible full paths -- 2 - same full path in multiple projects declare C : Source_File_Data renames Element (Info_Cursor); begin if Ambiguous_Base_Name (Element (Info_Cursor)) then Ambiguous := True; File := GNATCOLL.VFS.No_File; return; end if; if C.Next /= null then Ambiguous := True; end if; end; File := Element (Info_Cursor).File; return; end if; end if; -- When looking for a project file, check among those that are loaded. -- This means we might be looking outside of the source and obj dirs. if Equal (File_Extension (Name), Project_File_Extension) then if Project.Data /= null then Iterator := Project.Start (Recursive => False); else Iterator := Self.Root_Project.Start (Recursive => True); end if; loop Project2 := Current (Iterator); exit when Project2 = No_Project; if Case_Insensitive_Equal (+Project2.Project_Path.Base_Name, +Base) then if Path = GNATCOLL.VFS.No_File then Path := Project2.Project_Path; else -- Duplicate project base name. File := GNATCOLL.VFS.No_File; return; end if; end if; Next (Iterator); end loop; end if; if Path /= GNATCOLL.VFS.No_File then -- Found single project with given base name. File := Path; return; end if; -- We have to search in one or more projects if not Predefined_Only then if Project.Data /= null then Iterator := Project.Start (Recursive => False); else Iterator := Self.Root_Project.Start (Recursive => True); end if; while Path = GNATCOLL.VFS.No_File or else Duplicate_Obj loop -- Checking whenever we have an ambiguous object file. Project2 := Current (Iterator); exit when Project2 = No_Project; if Duplicate_Obj and then Locate_Regular_File (Name, Project2.Object_Path (Recursive => False, Including_Libraries => True)) /= GNATCOLL.VFS.No_File then File := GNATCOLL.VFS.No_File; return; end if; if not Duplicate_Obj and then Use_Source_Path then -- No need to check for object duplicates in source dirs. Path := Locate_Regular_File (Name, Project2.Source_Dirs (Recursive => False)); end if; if Use_Object_Path and then not Duplicate_Obj and then Path = GNATCOLL.VFS.No_File then -- We do not want to loose Path in the check fails. Path := Locate_Regular_File (Name, Project2.Object_Path (Recursive => False, Including_Libraries => True)); if Path /= GNATCOLL.VFS.No_File and then Is_Aggregate_Project (Self.Root_Project) and then Project.Data = null then -- Check is only relevant when root project is aggregate and -- no project has been given as an argument. Duplicate_Obj := True; end if; end if; Next (Iterator); end loop; end if; -- Only search in the predefined directories if the user did not -- specify an explicit project if Path = GNATCOLL.VFS.No_File and then Project.Data = null then if Use_Source_Path and then Self.Data.Env.Predefined_Source_Path /= null then Project2 := No_Project; Path := Locate_Regular_File (Name, Self.Data.Env.Predefined_Source_Path.all); end if; if Use_Object_Path and then Path = GNATCOLL.VFS.No_File and then Self.Data.Env.Predefined_Object_Path /= null then Project2 := No_Project; Path := Locate_Regular_File (Name, Self.Data.Env.Predefined_Object_Path.all); end if; In_Predefined := Path /= GNATCOLL.VFS.No_File; end if; -- If still not found, search in the current directory if Path = GNATCOLL.VFS.No_File then Project2 := No_Project; In_Predefined := False; Path := Locate_Regular_File (Name, (1 => Get_Current_Dir)); end if; -- If found, cache the result for future usage. -- We do not cache anything if the project was forced, however -- since this wouldn't work with extended projects were sources -- can be duplicated. -- Do not cache either files found in the current directory, since that -- could change. -- -- ??? There is a potential issue if for instance we found the file in -- a source dir but the next call specifies Use_Source_Path=>False. But -- that's an unlikely scenario because the user knows where to expect a -- file in general. if Path /= GNATCOLL.VFS.No_File and then Project.Data = null and then (Project2 /= No_Project -- found in a specific project or else In_Predefined) -- or in the runtime -- Make sure the predefined file does not hide a project source -- (since we bypassed the cached above when Predefined_Only is true) and then (not Predefined_Only or else not Tree_For_Map.Sources.Contains (Base)) then -- Language and Source are always unknown: if we had a source file, -- it would have been set in the cache while loading the project. -- However, for runtime files we do compute the language since these -- are likely to be source files Source_Info := Source_File_Data' (Project => No_Project, -- file is not a source File => Path, Lang => No_Name, Source => null, Next => null); if In_Predefined then Source_Info.Lang := Get_String (Language (Info (Self.Data, Path))); end if; Include_File (Tree_For_Map.Sources, Base, Source_Info); end if; File := Path; end Create; ---------- -- Free -- ---------- procedure Free (Self : in out File_And_Project_Array_Access) is procedure Unchecked_Free is new Ada.Unchecked_Deallocation (File_And_Project_Array, File_And_Project_Array_Access); begin Unchecked_Free (Self); end Free; ------------------ -- Source_Files -- ------------------ function Source_Files (Project : Project_Type; Recursive : Boolean := False; Include_Project_Files : Boolean := False) return File_And_Project_Array_Access is Count : Natural := 0; Index : Natural; P : Project_Type; Result : File_And_Project_Array_Access; Iter : Project_Iterator := Start (Project, Recursive => Recursive); begin -- Count files loop P := Current (Iter); exit when P = No_Project; if P.Data.Files /= null then Count := Count + P.Data.Files'Length; end if; if Include_Project_Files then Count := Count + 1; end if; Next (Iter); end loop; Result := new File_And_Project_Array (1 .. Count); Index := Result'First; Iter := Start (Project, Recursive => Recursive); loop P := Current (Iter); exit when P = No_Project; if Include_Project_Files then Result (Index) := (File => P.Project_Path, Project => P); Index := Index + 1; end if; if P.Data.Files /= null then for S in P.Data.Files'Range loop Result (Index) := (File => P.Data.Files (S), Project => P); Index := Index + 1; end loop; end if; Next (Iter); end loop; return Result; end Source_Files; ------------------ -- Source_Files -- ------------------ function Source_Files (Project : Project_Type; Recursive : Boolean := False; Include_Externally_Built : Boolean := True) return GNATCOLL.VFS.File_Array_Access is Count : Natural := 0; Index : Natural := 1; P : Project_Type; Sources : File_Array_Access; begin if not Recursive then if Project.Data = null or else Project.Data.Files = null or else (not Include_Externally_Built and then Externally_Built (Project)) then return new File_Array (1 .. 0); else return new File_Array'(Project.Data.Files.all); end if; end if; declare Iter : Project_Iterator := Start (Project, Recursive); begin -- Count files loop P := Current (Iter); exit when P = No_Project; -- Files may be null in case of a parse error if P.Data.Files /= null and then (Include_Externally_Built or else not Externally_Built (P)) then Count := Count + P.Data.Files'Length; end if; Next (Iter); end loop; Sources := new File_Array (1 .. Count); Iter := Start (Project, Recursive); -- Now add files to the Sources array loop P := Current (Iter); exit when P = No_Project; if P.Data.Files /= null and then (Include_Externally_Built or else not Externally_Built (P)) then for S in P.Data.Files'Range loop Sources (Index) := P.Data.Files (S); Index := Index + 1; end loop; end if; Next (Iter); end loop; Sort (Sources.all); return Sources; end; end Source_Files; --------------- -- Unit_Part -- --------------- function Unit_Part (Info : File_Info'Class) return Unit_Parts is begin return Info.Part; end Unit_Part; --------------- -- Unit_Name -- --------------- function Unit_Name (Info : File_Info'Class) return String is begin if Info.Name = No_Name then return ""; else return Get_String (Info.Name); end if; end Unit_Name; -------------- -- Language -- -------------- function Language (Info : File_Info'Class) return String is begin if Info.Lang = No_Name then -- This is likely a file from the predefined search path, for which -- no project information is available. Most likely from the Ada -- runtime. -- ??? Should we return "ada" return ""; else return Get_String (Info.Lang); end if; end Language; ------------- -- Project -- ------------- function Project (Info : File_Info'Class; Root_If_Not_Found : Boolean := False) return Project_Type is begin if Root_If_Not_Found and then Info.Project = No_Project then return Info.Root_Project; else return Info.Project; end if; end Project; ---------- -- Info -- ---------- function Info (Tree : Project_Tree_Data_Access; File : GNATCOLL.VFS.Virtual_File) return File_Info is Part : Unit_Parts; Id : Source_Id; Full : String := String (File.Full_Name (Normalize => True, Resolve_Links => not Tree.Env.Trusted_Mode).all); Path : Path_Name_Type; Lang : Name_Id; begin if File = GNATCOLL.VFS.No_File then return (File => GNATCOLL.VFS.No_File, Project => No_Project, Root_Project => Tree.Root, Part => Unit_Separate, Name => GPR.No_Name, Lang => GPR.No_Name); end if; -- Lookup in the project's Source_Paths_HT, rather than in -- Registry.Data.Sources, since the latter does not support duplicate -- base names. In GPR.Nmsc, names have been converted to lower case on -- case-insensitive file systems, so we need to do the same here. -- (Insertion is done in Check_File, where the Path passed in parameter -- comes from a call to Normalize_Pathname with the following args: -- Resolve_Links => Opt.Follow_Links_For_Files -- Case_Sensitive => True -- So we use the normalized name in the above call to Full_Name for -- full compatibility between GPS and the project manager Osint.Canonical_Case_File_Name (Full); Path := Path_Name_Type (Name_Id'(Get_String (Full))); Id := Source_Paths_Htable.Get (Tree.View.Source_Paths_HT, Path); if Id /= No_Source then Part := Kind_To_Part (Id); if Id.Unit /= null then return File_Info' (Project => Project_Type (Project_From_Name (Tree, Id.Project.Name)), Root_Project => Tree.Root, File => File, Part => Part, Name => Id.Unit.Name, Lang => Id.Language.Name); else return File_Info' (Project => Project_Type (Project_From_Name (Tree, Id.Project.Name)), Root_Project => Tree.Root, File => File, Part => Part, Name => No_Name, Lang => Id.Language.Name); end if; end if; -- Either the file was not cached, or there is no Source info. In both -- cases, that means the file is not a source file (although it might be -- a predefined source file), so we just use the default naming scheme. declare Ext : constant Filesystem_String := File.File_Extension (Normalize => True); Cursor : Extensions_Languages.Cursor; NS : Naming_Scheme_Access; begin if Ext = ".ads" then -- Do not compute the unit names, which requires parsing the file -- or the ALI file, since the GNAT runtime uses krunched names return File_Info' (Project => No_Project, Root_Project => Tree.Root, File => File, Part => Unit_Spec, Name => GPR.No_Name, Lang => Name_Ada); elsif Ext = ".adb" then return File_Info' (Project => No_Project, Root_Project => Tree.Root, File => File, Part => Unit_Body, Name => GPR.No_Name, Lang => Name_Ada); end if; -- Try and guess the language from the registered extensions if Ext = "" then -- This is a file without extension like Makefile or -- ChangeLog for example. Use the filename to get the proper -- language for this file. Cursor := Tree.Env.Extensions.Find (Base_Name (Full)); else Cursor := Tree.Env.Extensions.Find (+Ext); end if; if Has_Element (Cursor) then Lang := Extensions_Languages.Element (Cursor); else Lang := GPR.No_Name; NS := Tree.Env.Naming_Schemes; while NS /= null loop if +Ext = NS.Default_Spec_Suffix.all or else +Ext = NS.Default_Body_Suffix.all then Lang := Get_String (NS.Language.all); exit; end if; NS := NS.Next; end loop; end if; end; return (File => GNATCOLL.VFS.No_File, Project => No_Project, Root_Project => Tree.Root, Part => Unit_Separate, Name => GPR.No_Name, Lang => Lang); end Info; ---------- -- Info -- ---------- function Info (Self : Project_Tree'Class; File : GNATCOLL.VFS.Virtual_File) return File_Info is begin if Self.Data = null then raise Program_Error with "no project tree was parsed"; end if; if Is_Aggregate_Project (Self.Data.Root) then raise Program_Error with "root project is aggregate, cannot use Info"; end if; return Info (Self.Data, File); end Info; -------------- -- Info_Set -- -------------- function Info_Set (Self : Project_Tree'Class; File : GNATCOLL.VFS.Virtual_File) return File_Info_Set is M_Cur : Names_Files.Cursor; B_Name : constant Filesystem_String := File.Base_Name; Source : Source_File_Data; S_Info : File_Info; Tree_For_Map : Project_Tree_Data_Access; Result : File_Info_Set := (File_Info_Sets.Empty_Set with null record); function Unit_Kind_To_Part (Src_Kind : GPR.Source_Kind) return Unit_Parts; -- Translate GPR.Source_Kind into Unit_Parts. function Unit_Kind_To_Part (Src_Kind : GPR.Source_Kind) return Unit_Parts is begin case Src_Kind is when Spec => return Unit_Spec; when Impl => return Unit_Body; when Sep => return Unit_Separate; end case; end Unit_Kind_To_Part; begin if Self.Data = null then raise Program_Error with "no project tree was parsed"; end if; Tree_For_Map := Self.Data.Root.Data.Tree_For_Map; M_Cur := Tree_For_Map.Sources.Find (B_Name); if M_Cur = Names_Files.No_Element then Result.Include (Info (Self.Data, File)); return Result; end if; Source := Names_Files.Element (M_Cur); loop if Source.File = File then S_Info.Project := Source.Project; S_Info.Root_Project := Self.Root_Project; S_Info.File := File; if Source.Source /= null then -- One of the initially cached source files. S_Info.Part := Unit_Kind_To_Part (Source.Source.Kind); if Source.Source.Unit = No_Unit_Index then -- Not applicable to C and other non unit-based languages. S_Info.Name := No_Name; else S_Info.Name := Source.Source.Unit.Name; end if; S_Info.Lang := Source.Source.Language.Name; else -- Cached after a call to create, thus no Source_Id. The only -- thing known is the language. declare Tmp_Info : constant File_Info := Info (Self.Data, File); begin S_Info.Part := Tmp_Info.Part; S_Info.Lang := Tmp_Info.Lang; S_Info.Name := Tmp_Info.Name; end; end if; Result.Include (S_Info); end if; exit when Source.Next = null; Source := Source.Next.all; end loop; if Result.Is_Empty then -- The file does not belong to the project. However, we can still -- make some guesses regarding its language and various pieces of -- information. Result.Include (Info (Self.Data, File)); end if; return Result; end Info_Set; ---------- -- File -- ---------- function File (Info : File_Info'Class) return GNATCOLL.VFS.Virtual_File is begin return Info.File; end File; -------------------- -- Substitute_Dot -- -------------------- function Substitute_Dot (Unit_Name : String; Dot_Replacement : String) return String is Dot_Count : Natural := 0; begin for U in Unit_Name'Range loop if Unit_Name (U) = '.' then Dot_Count := Dot_Count + 1; end if; end loop; declare Uname : String (1 .. Unit_Name'Length + Dot_Count * (Dot_Replacement'Length - 1)); Index : Natural := Uname'First; begin for U in Unit_Name'Range loop if Unit_Name (U) = '.' then Uname (Index .. Index + Dot_Replacement'Length - 1) := Dot_Replacement; Index := Index + Dot_Replacement'Length; else Uname (Index) := Unit_Name (U); Index := Index + 1; end if; end loop; return Uname; end; end Substitute_Dot; -------------------- -- File_From_Unit -- -------------------- function File_From_Unit (Project : Project_Type; Unit_Name : String; Part : Unit_Parts; Language : String; File_Must_Exist : Boolean := True) return Filesystem_String is function Has_Predefined_Prefix (S : String) return Boolean; -- Return True is S has a name that starts like a predefined unit -- (e.g. a.b, which should be replaced by a~b) --------------------------- -- Has_Predefined_Prefix -- --------------------------- function Has_Predefined_Prefix (S : String) return Boolean is C : constant Character := S (S'First); begin return S (S'First + 1) = '-' and then (C = 'a' or else C = 'g' or else C = 'i' or else C = 's'); end Has_Predefined_Prefix; Unit : Name_Id; UIndex : Unit_Index; Lang : Language_Ptr; begin if Is_Ada_Predefined_Unit (Unit_Name) then declare Buffer : String := To_Lower (Substitute_Dot (Unit_Name, "-")); Len : Natural := Buffer'Length; begin pragma Assert (Buffer'First = 1); GNATCOLL.Projects.Krunch.Krunch (Buffer, Len, Maxlen => Buffer'Length, No_Predef => False); case Part is when Unit_Body | Unit_Separate => return +Buffer (1 .. Len) & ".adb"; when Unit_Spec => return +Buffer (1 .. Len) & ".ads"; end case; end; end if; -- Standard GNAT naming scheme -- ??? This isn't language independent, what if other languages have -- similar requirements. Should use configuration files as gprbuild does if Project = No_Project then if Language = "ada" then case Part is when Unit_Body => return +Substitute_Dot (Unit_Name, "-") & ".adb"; when Unit_Spec => return +Substitute_Dot (Unit_Name, "-") & ".ads"; when others => Assert (Me, False, "Unexpected Unit_Part"); return ""; end case; else return ""; end if; -- The project naming scheme else Unit := Get_Lower_Name_Id (Unit_Name); -- Take advantage of computation done by the project manager when we -- looked for source files UIndex := Units_Htable.Get (Project.Tree_View.Units_HT, Unit); if UIndex /= No_Unit_Index then case Part is when Unit_Body | Unit_Separate => if UIndex.File_Names (Impl) /= null then return +Get_String (UIndex.File_Names (Impl).File); end if; when Unit_Spec => if UIndex.File_Names (Spec) /= null then return +Get_String (UIndex.File_Names (Spec).File); end if; end case; end if; -- The unit does not exist yet. Perhaps we are creating a new file -- and trying to guess the correct file name if File_Must_Exist then return ""; end if; -- We can only perform guesses if the language is a valid for the -- project. Lang := Get_Language_From_Name (Get_View (Project), Language); if Lang = null then return ""; end if; declare Dot_Replacement : constant String := Get_String (Name_Id (Lang.Config.Naming_Data.Dot_Replacement)); Uname : String := Substitute_Dot (Unit_Name, Dot_Replacement); begin case Lang.Config.Naming_Data.Casing is when All_Lower_Case => GNAT.Case_Util.To_Lower (Uname); when All_Upper_Case => GNAT.Case_Util.To_Upper (Uname); when others => null; end case; -- Handle properly special naming such as a.b -> a~b if Case_Insensitive_Equal (Language, "ada") and then Uname'Length > 2 and then Has_Predefined_Prefix (Uname) then Uname (Uname'First + 1) := '~'; end if; case Part is when Unit_Body => return +(Uname & Get_Name_String (Name_Id (Lang.Config.Naming_Data.Body_Suffix))); when Unit_Spec => return +(Uname & Get_Name_String (Name_Id (Lang.Config.Naming_Data.Spec_Suffix))); when Unit_Separate => return +(Uname & Get_Name_String (Name_Id (Lang.Config.Naming_Data.Separate_Suffix))); end case; end; end if; end File_From_Unit; ---------------- -- Other_File -- ---------------- function Other_File (Self : Project_Tree; File : GNATCOLL.VFS.Virtual_File) return GNATCOLL.VFS.Virtual_File is -- Should we ask the user for the project ? -- in practice, it is likely that the other file is in the same -- project, so whichever project tree we choose we would likely end up -- with the same other file. Info : constant File_Info := File_Info (Self.Info_Set (File).First_Element); Unit : constant String := Unit_Name (Info); Part : Unit_Parts; function Test_Suffixes (Old_Suffix, New_Suffix : String) return Virtual_File; -- Substitute prefixes and check whether the file exists function Non_Unit_Based (Old_Part, New_Part : Attribute_Pkg_String) return Virtual_File; -- Handling of non-unit based languages ------------------- -- Test_Suffixes -- ------------------- function Test_Suffixes (Old_Suffix, New_Suffix : String) return Virtual_File is Other_F : constant Virtual_File := Self.Create (File.Base_Name (+Old_Suffix) & (+New_Suffix), Use_Object_Path => False); begin if Other_F = GNATCOLL.VFS.No_File then return File; else return Other_F; end if; end Test_Suffixes; -------------------- -- Non_Unit_Based -- -------------------- function Non_Unit_Based (Old_Part, New_Part : Attribute_Pkg_String) return Virtual_File is Suffix : constant String := Info.Project.Attribute_Value (Old_Part, Index => Info.Language); New_Suffix : constant String := Info.Project.Attribute_Value (New_Part, Index => Info.Language); begin return Test_Suffixes (Suffix, New_Suffix); end Non_Unit_Based; begin case Info.Part is when Unit_Spec => Part := Unit_Body; when Unit_Body | Unit_Separate => Part := Unit_Spec; end case; -- Do we have a unit-based language ? if Unit /= "" then -- Is there such a file in the project ? declare Base : constant Filesystem_String := File_From_Unit (Project (Info), Unit, Part, Language => Info.Language); begin if Base'Length > 0 then return Self.Create (Base, Use_Object_Path => False); end if; end; -- Special case for separate units, since the spec is a parent -- package if Info.Part = Unit_Separate then for J in reverse Unit'Range loop if Unit (J) = '.' then declare Base : constant Filesystem_String := File_From_Unit (Project (Info), Unit (Unit'First .. J - 1), Unit_Spec, Language => Info.Language); begin if Base'Length > 0 then return Self.Create (Base, Use_Object_Path => False); end if; end; end if; end loop; end if; -- Second special case for separate units. When no parent spec has -- been found, there still exists a scenario when separate is from -- a body unit that does not have a spec. We need an extra loop -- to not wrongly pick up the case when there is a chain of separates -- one declared in another. if Info.Part = Unit_Separate then for J in reverse Unit'Range loop if Unit (J) = '.' then declare Base : constant Filesystem_String := File_From_Unit (Project (Info), Unit (Unit'First .. J - 1), Unit_Body, Language => Info.Language); begin if Base'Length > 0 then return Self.Create (Base, Use_Object_Path => False); end if; end; end if; end loop; end if; -- Else try to guess from naming scheme declare Base : constant Filesystem_String := File_From_Unit (Project (Info), Unit, Part, Language => Info.Language, File_Must_Exist => False); begin if Base'Length > 0 then return GNATCOLL.VFS.Create_From_Dir (Dir => Create (Dir_Name (File)), Base_Name => Base); end if; end; -- Else try the default GNAT naming scheme for runtime files if Case_Insensitive_Equal (Info.Language, "ada") then declare Base : constant Filesystem_String := File_From_Unit (Project (Info), Unit, Part, Language => Info.Language); begin if Base'Length > 0 then return Self.Create (Base, Use_Object_Path => False); end if; end; end if; end if; -- Else simply try switching the extensions (useful for krunched names) -- for unit-based languages. -- For non-unit based languages, we only guess the "other file" if it -- actually exists in the project. We never try to create one, since -- there is no insurance the user needs one or its name will be -- consistent. if Info.Project = No_Project then case Info.Part is when Unit_Spec => return Test_Suffixes (".ads", ".adb"); when Unit_Body | Unit_Separate => return Test_Suffixes (".adb", ".ads"); end case; else case Info.Part is when Unit_Spec => return Non_Unit_Based (Spec_Suffix_Attribute, Impl_Suffix_Attribute); when Unit_Body | Unit_Separate => return Non_Unit_Based (Impl_Suffix_Attribute, Spec_Suffix_Attribute); end case; end if; end Other_File; --------------------- -- Attribute_Value -- --------------------- function Attribute_Value (Project : Project_Type; Attribute : String; Index : String := ""; Use_Extended : Boolean := False) return Variable_Value is Sep : constant Natural := Ada.Strings.Fixed.Index (Attribute, "#"); Attribute_Name : constant String := String (Attribute (Sep + 1 .. Attribute'Last)); Pkg_Name : constant String := String (Attribute (Attribute'First .. Sep - 1)); Project_View : constant Project_Id := Get_View (Project); Pkg : Package_Id := No_Package; Value : Variable_Value := Nil_Variable_Value; Var : Variable_Id; Arr : Array_Id; Elem : Array_Element_Id; N : Name_Id; Shared : Shared_Project_Tree_Data_Access; begin if Project_View = GPR.No_Project then return Nil_Variable_Value; end if; Shared := Project.Tree_View.Shared; if Pkg_Name /= "" then Pkg := Value_Of (Get_String (Pkg_Name), In_Packages => Project_View.Decl.Packages, Shared => Shared); if Pkg = No_Package then if Use_Extended and then Extended_Project (Project) /= No_Project then return Attribute_Value (Extended_Project (Project), Attribute, Index, Use_Extended); else return Nil_Variable_Value; end if; end if; Var := Shared.Packages.Table (Pkg).Decl.Attributes; Arr := Shared.Packages.Table (Pkg).Decl.Arrays; else Var := Project_View.Decl.Attributes; Arr := Project_View.Decl.Arrays; end if; N := Get_String (Attribute_Name); if Index /= "" then Elem := Value_Of (N, In_Arrays => Arr, Shared => Shared); if Elem /= No_Array_Element then Value := Value_Of (Index => Get_String (Index), In_Array => Elem, Shared => Shared, Force_Lower_Case_Index => Project.Has_Language (Index)); end if; else Value := Value_Of (N, In_Variables => Var, Shared => Shared); end if; if Value.Location = No_Location and then Use_Extended and then Extended_Project (Project) /= No_Project then return Attribute_Value (Extended_Project (Project), Attribute, Index, Use_Extended); else return Value; end if; end Attribute_Value; --------------------- -- Attribute_Value -- --------------------- function Attribute_Value (Project : Project_Type; Attribute : Attribute_Pkg_String; Index : String := ""; Default : String := ""; Use_Extended : Boolean := False) return String is View : constant Project_Id := Get_View (Project); Value : Variable_Value; Lang : Language_Ptr; Unit : Unit_Index; begin if Project = No_Project or else View = GPR.No_Project then return Default; end if; -- Special case for the naming scheme, since we need to get access to -- the default registered values for foreign languages if Attribute = Spec_Suffix_Attribute or else Attribute = Specification_Suffix_Attribute then Lang := Get_Language_From_Name (View, Index); if Lang /= null then return Get_String (Lang.Config.Naming_Data.Spec_Suffix); else declare Default : constant String := Default_Spec_Suffix (Project.Data.Tree.Env.all, Index); begin if Default = Dummy_Suffix then return ""; else return Default; end if; end; end if; elsif Attribute = Impl_Suffix_Attribute or else Attribute = Implementation_Suffix_Attribute then Lang := Get_Language_From_Name (View, Index); if Lang /= null then return Get_String (Lang.Config.Naming_Data.Body_Suffix); else declare Default : constant String := Default_Body_Suffix (Project.Data.Tree.Env.all, Index); begin if Default = Dummy_Suffix then return ""; else return Default; end if; end; end if; elsif Attribute = Separate_Suffix_Attribute then Lang := Get_Language_From_Name (View, "ada"); if Lang /= null then return Get_String (Lang.Config.Naming_Data.Separate_Suffix); else return ""; end if; elsif Attribute = Casing_Attribute then Lang := Get_Language_From_Name (View, "ada"); if Lang /= null then return GPR.Image (Lang.Config.Naming_Data.Casing); else return ""; end if; elsif Attribute = Dot_Replacement_Attribute then Lang := Get_Language_From_Name (View, "ada"); if Lang /= null then return Get_String (Lang.Config.Naming_Data.Dot_Replacement); else return ""; end if; elsif Attribute = Old_Implementation_Attribute or else Attribute = Body_Attribute then -- Index is a unit name Unit := Units_Htable.Get (Project.Tree_View.Units_HT, Get_String (Index)); if Unit /= No_Unit_Index and then Unit.File_Names (Impl) /= null then if Unit.File_Names (Impl).Index /= 0 then return Get_String (Unit.File_Names (Impl).Display_File) & " at" & Unit.File_Names (Impl).Index'Img; else return Get_String (Unit.File_Names (Impl).Display_File); end if; else -- We might have a separate or some other value. Fallback to -- looking in the attribute itself (but this won't handle the -- Index part -- perhaps separates are not usable in a multi-unit -- source file, which would seem logical anyway) null; end if; elsif Attribute = Old_Specification_Attribute or else Attribute = Spec_Attribute then -- Index is a unit name Unit := Units_Htable.Get (Project.Tree_View.Units_HT, Get_String (Index)); if Unit /= No_Unit_Index and then Unit.File_Names (Spec) /= null then if Unit.File_Names (Spec).Index /= 0 then return Get_String (Unit.File_Names (Spec).Display_File) & " at" & Unit.File_Names (Spec).Index'Img; else return Get_String (Unit.File_Names (Spec).Display_File); end if; else return ""; end if; end if; Value := Attribute_Value (Project, String (Attribute), Index, Use_Extended); case Value.Kind is when Undefined => return Default; when Single => return Value_Of (Value, Default); when List => Trace (Me, "Attribute " & String (Attribute) & " is not a single string"); return Default; end case; end Attribute_Value; ----------------------- -- Attribute_Project -- ----------------------- function Attribute_Project (Project : Project_Type; Attribute : Attribute_Pkg_String; Index : String := "") return Project_Type is Value : constant Variable_Value := Attribute_Value (Project, String (Attribute), Index); Tree : constant Project_Tree := (Data => Project.Data.Tree); begin if Value.Project = GPR.No_Project then return No_Project; else declare Name : constant String := Get_Name_String (Value.Project.Name); begin return Tree.Project_From_Name (Name); end; end if; end Attribute_Project; -------------------------- -- Attribute_Registered -- -------------------------- function Attribute_Registered (Name : String; Pkg : String) return Boolean is Lower_Pkg : constant String := To_Lower (Pkg); Pkg_Id : Package_Node_Id := Empty_Package; begin -- Need to make sure the predefined packages are already declared, or -- the new one will be discarded. GPR.Attr.Initialize; if Lower_Pkg = "" then Trace (Me, "Attribute_Registered called for empty package"); return True; end if; Pkg_Id := Package_Node_Id_Of (Get_String (Lower_Pkg)); if Pkg_Id = Empty_Package or else Pkg_Id = Unknown_Package then -- We don't even have such a package. return False; end if; return GPR.Attr.Attribute_Registered (Name, Pkg_Id); end Attribute_Registered; ---------------------------- -- Variable_Value_To_List -- ---------------------------- function Variable_Value_To_List (Project : Project_Type; Value : Variable_Value) return GNAT.Strings.String_List_Access is V : String_List_Id; S : String_List_Access; Shared : Shared_Project_Tree_Data_Access; begin case Value.Kind is when Undefined => return null; when Single => -- ??? Should we really convert to a list return new String_List' (1 .. 1 => new String'(Get_Name_String (Value.Value))); when List => S := new String_List (1 .. Length (Project.Tree_View, Value.Values)); V := Value.Values; Shared := Project.Tree_View.Shared; for J in S'Range loop Get_Name_String (Shared.String_Elements.Table (V).Value); S (J) := new String'(Name_Buffer (1 .. Name_Len)); V := Shared.String_Elements.Table (V).Next; end loop; return S; end case; end Variable_Value_To_List; --------------------- -- Attribute_Value -- --------------------- function Attribute_Value (Project : Project_Type; Attribute : Attribute_Pkg_List; Index : String := ""; Use_Extended : Boolean := False) return GNAT.Strings.String_List_Access is Value : constant Variable_Value := Attribute_Value (Project, String (Attribute), Index, Use_Extended); begin return Variable_Value_To_List (Project, Value); end Attribute_Value; ------------------- -- Has_Attribute -- ------------------- function Has_Attribute (Project : Project_Type; Attribute : String; Index : String := "") return Boolean is Shared : Shared_Project_Tree_Data_Access; Sep : constant Natural := Ada.Strings.Fixed.Index (Attribute, "#"); Attribute_Name : constant String := String (Attribute (Sep + 1 .. Attribute'Last)); Pkg_Name : constant String := String (Attribute (Attribute'First .. Sep - 1)); Project_View : constant Project_Id := Get_View (Project); Pkg : Package_Id := No_Package; Var : Variable_Id; Arr : Array_Id; N, I : Name_Id; Arr_Elem_Id : Array_Element_Id; begin if Project_View = GPR.No_Project then return False; end if; Shared := Project.Tree_View.Shared; if Pkg_Name /= "" then Pkg := Value_Of (Get_String (Pkg_Name), In_Packages => Project_View.Decl.Packages, Shared => Shared); if Pkg = No_Package then Trace (Me, "No such package " & Pkg_Name); return False; end if; Var := Shared.Packages.Table (Pkg).Decl.Attributes; Arr := Shared.Packages.Table (Pkg).Decl.Arrays; else Var := Project_View.Decl.Attributes; Arr := Project_View.Decl.Arrays; end if; N := Get_String (Attribute_Name); if Index /= "" then -- ??? That seems incorrect, we are not testing for the specific -- index Arr_Elem_Id := Value_Of (N, In_Arrays => Arr, Shared => Shared); if Arr_Elem_Id = No_Array_Element then return False; end if; I := Get_String (Index); return Value_Of (I, In_Array => Arr_Elem_Id, Shared => Shared, Force_Lower_Case_Index => Project.Has_Language (Index)) /= Nil_Variable_Value; else return not Value_Of (N, Var, Shared).Default; end if; end Has_Attribute; function Has_Attribute (Project : Project_Type; Attribute : Attribute_Pkg_String; Index : String := "") return Boolean is begin return Has_Attribute (Project, String (Attribute), Index); end Has_Attribute; function Has_Attribute (Project : Project_Type; Attribute : Attribute_Pkg_List; Index : String := "") return Boolean is begin return Has_Attribute (Project, String (Attribute), Index); end Has_Attribute; ----------------------- -- Attribute_Indexes -- ----------------------- function Attribute_Indexes (Project : Project_Type; Attribute : String; Use_Extended : Boolean := False) return GNAT.Strings.String_List is Shared : Shared_Project_Tree_Data_Access; Sep : constant Natural := Ada.Strings.Fixed.Index (Attribute, "#"); Attribute_Name : constant String := String (Attribute (Sep + 1 .. Attribute'Last)); Pkg_Name : constant String := String (Attribute (Attribute'First .. Sep - 1)); Project_View : constant Project_Id := Get_View (Project); Packages : GPR.Package_Table.Table_Ptr; Array_Elements : GPR.Array_Element_Table.Table_Ptr; Pkg : Package_Id := No_Package; Arr : Array_Id; Elem, Elem2 : Array_Element_Id; N : Name_Id; Count : Natural := 0; begin if Project_View = GPR.No_Project then return (1 .. 0 => null); end if; Shared := Project.Tree_View.Shared; Packages := Shared.Packages.Table; Array_Elements := Shared.Array_Elements.Table; if Pkg_Name /= "" then Pkg := Value_Of (Get_String (Pkg_Name), In_Packages => Project_View.Decl.Packages, Shared => Shared); if Pkg = No_Package then if Use_Extended and then Extended_Project (Project) /= No_Project then return Attribute_Indexes (Extended_Project (Project), Attribute, Use_Extended); else return (1 .. 0 => null); end if; end if; Arr := Packages (Pkg).Decl.Arrays; else Arr := Project_View.Decl.Arrays; end if; N := Get_String (Attribute_Name); Elem := Value_Of (N, In_Arrays => Arr, Shared => Shared); if Elem = No_Array_Element and then Use_Extended and then Extended_Project (Project) /= No_Project then return Attribute_Indexes (Extended_Project (Project), Attribute, Use_Extended); end if; Elem2 := Elem; while Elem2 /= No_Array_Element loop Count := Count + 1; Elem2 := Array_Elements (Elem2).Next; end loop; declare Result : String_List (1 .. Count); begin Count := Result'First; while Elem /= No_Array_Element loop Result (Count) := new String' (Get_String (Array_Elements (Elem).Index)); Count := Count + 1; Elem := Array_Elements (Elem).Next; end loop; return Result; end; end Attribute_Indexes; function Attribute_Indexes (Project : Project_Type; Attribute : Attribute_Pkg_String; Use_Extended : Boolean := False) return GNAT.Strings.String_List is begin return Attribute_Indexes (Project, String (Attribute), Use_Extended); end Attribute_Indexes; function Attribute_Indexes (Project : Project_Type; Attribute : Attribute_Pkg_List; Use_Extended : Boolean := False) return GNAT.Strings.String_List is begin return Attribute_Indexes (Project, String (Attribute), Use_Extended); end Attribute_Indexes; -------------- -- To_Mixed -- -------------- function To_Mixed (S : String) return String is Normalized : String := S; begin GNAT.Case_Util.To_Mixed (Normalized); return Normalized; end To_Mixed; --------------- -- Languages -- --------------- procedure Languages (Project : Project_Type; Recursive : Boolean := False; Langs : in out Language_Sets.Set) is Iter : Inner_Project_Iterator; Val : Variable_Value; P : Project_Type; begin if Get_View (Project) = GPR.No_Project then return; end if; Iter := Start (Project, Recursive); declare Value : String_List_Id; begin loop P := Current (Iter); exit when P = No_Project; if P.Has_Attribute (Languages_Attribute) then Val := Attribute_Value (P, String (Languages_Attribute)); case Val.Kind is when Undefined => null; when Single => Langs.Include (To_Mixed (Get_Name_String (Val.Value))); when List => Value := Val.Values; while Value /= Nil_String loop Langs.Include (To_Mixed (Get_String (String_Elements (P.Data.Tree)(Value).Value))); Value := String_Elements (P.Data.Tree)(Value).Next; end loop; end case; else Langs.Include (To_Mixed ("ada")); end if; Next (Iter); end loop; end; end Languages; --------------- -- Languages -- --------------- function Languages (Project : Project_Type; Recursive : Boolean := False) return String_List is Langs : Language_Sets.Set := Language_Sets.Empty_Set; begin if Project = No_Project or else Get_View (Project) = GPR.No_Project then return String_List'(1 .. 1 => new String'("Ada")); end if; -- Languages for the current project and its imported project Languages (Project, Recursive, Langs); if Project.Is_Aggregate_Project then declare Aggr_Array : Project_Array_Access := Project.Aggregated_Projects (Unwind_Aggregated => True); begin -- If this is an aggregate project for P of Aggr_Array.all loop Languages (P, Recursive, Langs); end loop; Unchecked_Free (Aggr_Array); end; end if; if Integer (Langs.Length) = 0 then -- Empty set, return Ada as the default language return String_List'(1 .. 1 => new String'("Ada")); else -- Convert the Set to a list of String Access declare Lang_List : String_List (1 .. Integer (Langs.Length)); Idx : Integer := Lang_List'First; begin for L of Langs loop Lang_List (Idx) := new String'(L); Idx := Idx + 1; end loop; return Lang_List; end; end if; end Languages; ------------------ -- Has_Language -- ------------------ function Has_Language (Project : Project_Type; Language : String) return Boolean is Normalized_Lang : constant Name_Id := Get_String (To_Lower (Language)); P : constant Project_Id := Get_View (Project); Lang : Language_Ptr; begin if P /= GPR.No_Project then Lang := P.Languages; while Lang /= null loop if Lang.Name = Normalized_Lang then return True; end if; Lang := Lang.Next; end loop; end if; return False; end Has_Language; ------------------------------- -- Get_Automatic_Config_File -- ------------------------------- function Get_Automatic_Config_File (Self : Project_Environment) return Boolean is begin return Self.Autoconf; end Get_Automatic_Config_File; ------------------ -- Get_Closures -- ------------------ procedure Get_Closures (Project : Project_Type; Mains : GNATCOLL.VFS.File_Array_Access; All_Projects : Boolean := True; Include_Externally_Built : Boolean := False; Status : out Status_Type; Result : out GNATCOLL.VFS.File_Array_Access) is Mains_Str_List : String_Vectors.Vector; Closure_Status : GPR.Util.Status_Type; Closures_List : String_Vectors.Vector; begin Trace (Me, "Get_Closures"); Unchecked_Free (Result); if Mains = null or else Mains'Length = 0 or else Project = No_Project then Status := Error; return; end if; for I in Mains'Range loop Mains_Str_List.Append (Mains (I).Display_Base_Name); end loop; GPR.Util.Get_Closures (Project.Get_View, Project.Tree_View, Mains => Mains_Str_List, All_Projects => All_Projects, Include_Externally_Built => Include_Externally_Built, Status => Closure_Status, Result => Closures_List); case Closure_Status is when Success => Status := Success; when Incomplete_Closure => Status := Incomplete_Closure; when others => Trace (Me, "cannot get closure, " & GPR.Util.Status_Type'Image (Closure_Status)); Status := Error; return; end case; if Closure_Status in Success | Incomplete_Closure then for Closure of Closures_List loop Append (Result, Create (+Closure)); end loop; end if; end Get_Closures; --------------------- -- Get_Config_File -- --------------------- function Get_Config_File (Self : Project_Environment) return GNATCOLL.VFS.Virtual_File is begin return Self.Config_File; end Get_Config_File; ---------------- -- Get_Target -- ---------------- function Get_Target (Project : Project_Type; Default_To_Host : Boolean := True) return String is Prj : Project_Type := Project; Target_From_Attribute : constant String := Project.Attribute_Value (Attribute => Target_Attribute, Use_Extended => True); function Extract_From_Attribute (Attribute : Attribute_Pkg_String; Suffix : String) return String; -- Attempt to extract target from the value of the given attribute, -- assuming the value is of the form . ---------------------------- -- Extract_From_Attribute -- ---------------------------- function Extract_From_Attribute (Attribute : Attribute_Pkg_String; Suffix : String) return String is Val : constant String := Project.Attribute_Value (Attribute => Attribute, Use_Extended => True); SL : constant Natural := Suffix'Length; begin if Val'Length > Suffix'Length and then To_Lower (Val (Val'Last - SL + 1 .. Val'Last)) = Suffix then return Val (Val'First .. Val'Last - SL); end if; return ""; end Extract_From_Attribute; begin -- What this explicitly set in the environment ? if Project.Data.Tree.Env.Forced_Target /= null then return Project.Data.Tree.Env.Forced_Target.all; end if; -- First check whether the "Target" attribute is explicitly given if Target_From_Attribute /= "" then -- The attribute target is defined and non-empty: look no further! -- But we need to clarify where does this attribute come from. -- It may be either declared in the project itself or in one of -- projects extending it, or it may be inherited from cgpr. -- In the last case we do not want to return it. while Prj /= No_Project loop declare Target_Value : constant Variable_Value := Value_Of (Get_String ("target"), Prj.Data.View.Decl.Attributes, Prj.Data.Tree.View.Shared); begin if Target_Value.Project = Prj.Data.View then return Target_From_Attribute; end if; end; Prj := Extended_Project (Prj); end loop; end if; -- Next: look for the legacy way of defining the target via -- the "gnat" in the package "ide". We expect something of the form -- "arm-eabi-gnat"; -- and we assume the target is the first part. declare G : constant String := Extract_From_Attribute (GNAT_Attribute, "-gnat"); begin if G /= "" then return G; end if; end; -- Also look, similarly, at the gnatls attribute, expecting something -- of the form "arm-eabi-gnatls" declare G : constant String := Extract_From_Attribute (Gnatlist_Attribute, "-gnatls"); begin if G /= "" then return G; end if; end; -- Nothing? The target is not defined. if Default_To_Host then return Target_From_Attribute; else return ""; end if; end Get_Target; ----------------- -- Get_Runtime -- ----------------- function Get_Runtime (Project : Project_Type) return String is List : GNAT.Strings.String_List_Access; S : String_Access; begin -- What this explicitly set in the environment ? if Project.Data.Tree.Env.Forced_Runtime /= null then return Project.Data.Tree.Env.Forced_Runtime.all; end if; -- First check whether the "Runtime" attribute is explicitly given declare Runtime : constant String := Project.Attribute_Value (Attribute => Runtime_Attribute, Index => "ada", Use_Extended => True); begin if Runtime /= "" then -- Got it! return Runtime; end if; end; -- Look for the legacy way of specifying the runtime as a --RTS -- argument in the builder switches. List := Project.Attribute_Value (Attribute => Builder_Default_Switches_Attribute, Index => "ada", Use_Extended => True); if List /= null then for L in List'Range loop S := List (L); if S /= null and then S'Length > 5 and then To_Lower (S (S'First .. S'First + 5)) = "--rts=" then return S (S'First + 6 .. S'Last); end if; end loop; end if; -- No runtime defined return ""; end Get_Runtime; ------------------------- -- Target_Same_As_Host -- ------------------------- function Target_Same_As_Host (Project : Project_Type) return Boolean is Tgt : constant String := Normalize_Target_Name (Project.Get_Target); begin if Tgt = "" then return True; end if; for T of Host_Targets_List loop if T = Tgt then return True; end if; end loop; return False; end Target_Same_As_Host; ------------------ -- Is_Main_File -- ------------------ function Is_Main_File (Project : Project_Type; File : GNATCOLL.VFS.Filesystem_String; Case_Sensitive : Boolean := True) return Boolean is Value : String_List_Access := Project.Attribute_Value (Attribute => Main_Attribute, Use_Extended => True); B_File : constant GNATCOLL.VFS.Filesystem_String := Base_Name (File); Files : VFS.File_Array_Access; Source : Boolean := False; function Check_Unit_Name (B_File : String; Unit : String) return Boolean; -- Checks that given file may correspond to a "unit" name specified -- in the Main attribute by checking all language body suffixes. --------------------- -- Check_Unit_Name -- --------------------- function Check_Unit_Name (B_File : String; Unit : String) return Boolean is Langs : GNAT.Strings.String_List_Access := new String_List'(Project.Languages); begin for L of Langs.all loop if Project.Has_Attribute (Impl_Suffix_Attribute, L.all) then if Equal (B_File, Unit & Project.Attribute_Value (Impl_Suffix_Attribute, L.all), Case_Sensitive => Case_Sensitive) then Free (Langs); return True; end if; end if; end loop; Free (Langs); return False; end Check_Unit_Name; begin if GNATCOLL.VFS_Utils.Is_Absolute_Path (File) then -- Check that given file is a source of Project first. Files := Project.Source_Files (Recursive => False); for F of Files.all loop if F.Full_Name = File then Source := True; exit; end if; end loop; Unchecked_Free (Files); if not Source then Free (Value); return False; end if; end if; for V in Value'Range loop if Equal (Value (V).all, +B_File, Case_Sensitive => Case_Sensitive) or else Check_Unit_Name (+B_File, Value (V).all) then Free (Value); return True; end if; end loop; Free (Value); return False; end Is_Main_File; ------------------- -- Get_Directory -- ------------------- function Get_Directory (Project : Project_Type; Callback : Get_Directory_Path_Callback) return Virtual_File is begin if Project = No_Project or else Get_View (Project) = GPR.No_Project then return GNATCOLL.VFS.No_File; else declare Dir : constant Filesystem_String := +Get_String (Name_Id (Callback (Get_View (Project)).Display_Name)); begin if Dir'Length > 0 then return Create (Name_As_Directory (Dir)); else -- ??? Can't we simply access Object_Dir in the view ? declare Path : constant File_Array := Project.Object_Path; begin if Path'Length /= 0 then return Path (Path'First); else return GNATCOLL.VFS.No_File; end if; end; end if; end; end if; end Get_Directory; --------------------------- -- Executables_Directory -- --------------------------- function Executables_Directory (Project : Project_Type) return Virtual_File is function Get_Exec_Directory_Callback (Project : GPR.Project_Id) return Path_Information; ---------------------------------- -- Get_Exec_Directory_Callback -- ---------------------------------- function Get_Exec_Directory_Callback (Project : GPR.Project_Id) return Path_Information is begin return Project.Exec_Directory; end Get_Exec_Directory_Callback; begin return Get_Directory (Project, Get_Exec_Directory_Callback'Unrestricted_Access); end Executables_Directory; ----------------------- -- Library_Directory -- ----------------------- function Library_Directory (Project : Project_Type) return GNATCOLL.VFS.Virtual_File is function Get_Library_Dir_Callback (Project : GPR.Project_Id) return Path_Information; ------------------------------ -- Get_Library_Dir_Callback -- ------------------------------ function Get_Library_Dir_Callback (Project : GPR.Project_Id) return Path_Information is begin return Project.Library_Dir; end Get_Library_Dir_Callback; begin return Get_Directory (Project, Get_Library_Dir_Callback'Unrestricted_Access); end Library_Directory; --------------------------- -- Library_Ali_Directory -- --------------------------- function Library_Ali_Directory (Project : Project_Type) return GNATCOLL.VFS.Virtual_File is function Get_Library_ALI_Dir_Callback (Project : GPR.Project_Id) return Path_Information; ---------------------------------- -- Get_Library_ALI_Dir_Callback -- ---------------------------------- function Get_Library_ALI_Dir_Callback (Project : GPR.Project_Id) return Path_Information is begin return Project.Library_ALI_Dir; end Get_Library_ALI_Dir_Callback; begin return Get_Directory (Project, Get_Library_ALI_Dir_Callback'Unrestricted_Access); end Library_Ali_Directory; --------------------------- -- For_Each_Project_Node -- --------------------------- procedure For_Each_Project_Node (Tree : GPR.Project_Node_Tree_Ref; Root : Project_Node_Id; Callback : access procedure (Tree : GPR.Project_Node_Tree_Ref; Node : Project_Node_Id)) is use Project_Sets; Seen : Project_Sets.Set; procedure Process_Project (Proj : Project_Node_Id); --------------------- -- Process_Project -- --------------------- procedure Process_Project (Proj : Project_Node_Id) is With_Clause : Project_Node_Id := First_With_Clause_Of (Proj, Tree); Extended : Project_Node_Id; begin if not Seen.Contains (Proj) then Seen.Include (Proj); Callback (Tree, Proj); while With_Clause /= Empty_Project_Node loop -- We have to ignore links back to the root project, -- which could only happen with "limited with", since -- otherwise the root project would not appear first in -- the topological sort, and then Start returns invalid -- results at least when its Recursive parameters is set -- to False. if Project_Node_Of (With_Clause, Tree) /= Root and then not Is_Virtual_Extending (Tree, Project_Node_Of (With_Clause, Tree)) then Process_Project (Project_Node_Of (With_Clause, Tree)); end if; With_Clause := Next_With_Clause_Of (With_Clause, Tree); end loop; -- Is this an extending project ? Extended := Extended_Project_Of (Project_Declaration_Of (Proj, Tree), Tree); if Extended /= Empty_Project_Node then Process_Project (Extended); end if; end if; end Process_Project; begin Process_Project (Root); end For_Each_Project_Node; ------------------------------- -- Compute_Imported_Projects -- ------------------------------- procedure Compute_Imported_Projects (Project : Project_Type'Class) is begin if Project.Data /= null and then Project.Data.Imported_Projects.Items = null then declare procedure Do_Add (T : GPR.Project_Node_Tree_Ref; P : Project_Node_Id); procedure Do_Add (T : GPR.Project_Node_Tree_Ref; P : Project_Node_Id) is Path : constant Path_Name_Type := GPR.Tree.Path_Name_Of (P, T); begin Append (Project.Data.Imported_Projects, Path); end Do_Add; begin For_Each_Project_Node (Project.Data.Tree.Tree, Project.Data.Node, Do_Add'Unrestricted_Access); end; end if; end Compute_Imported_Projects; -------------------- -- Start_Reversed -- -------------------- function Start_Reversed (Root_Project : Project_Type; Recursive : Boolean := True; Direct_Only : Boolean := False; Include_Extended : Boolean := True) return Project_Iterator is Iter : Project_Iterator; Project_Paths : Path_Sets.Set; procedure Add_Project (Project : Project_Type'Class); -- Fills Project_Iterator with a list of projects. For each of -- aggregated project trees (if any) corresponding projects are put in -- the list in the same reversed topological order as for regular -- project. Aggregate project itself goes in front of corresponding -- aggregated projects. procedure Add_Project (Project : Project_Type'Class) is P : Project_Type; Aggregated : Aggregated_Project_List; Iter_Inner : Inner_Project_Iterator; begin if Project.Get_View = GPR.No_Project then -- View has not been computed for this project. return; end if; if Is_Aggregate_Project (Project) then -- processing aggregated project hierarchies Aggregated := Project.Data.View.Aggregated_Projects; -- aggregate project goes first in reversed order. if Project_Paths.Find (Project_Path (Project).Display_Full_Name) = Path_Sets.No_Element then Iter.Project_List.Append (Project_Type (Project)); Project_Paths.Include (Project_Path (Project).Display_Full_Name); end if; while Aggregated /= null loop P := Project_Type (Project_From_Path (Project.Data.Tree, Aggregated.Path)); if Direct_Only then if Project_Paths.Find (Project_Path (P).Display_Full_Name) = Path_Sets.No_Element then -- we only need projects that are not yet in the list Iter.Project_List.Append (P); Project_Paths.Include (Project_Path (P).Display_Full_Name); end if; else Add_Project (P); end if; Aggregated := Aggregated.Next; end loop; end if; -- For the regular project (aggregated or root) do a full -- iteration placing projects in the list. Iter_Inner := Start_Reversed (Root_Project => Project, Recursive => Recursive, Direct_Only => Direct_Only, Include_Extended => Include_Extended); loop exit when Current (Iter_Inner) = No_Project; if Project_Paths.Find (Current (Iter_Inner).Project_Path.Display_Full_Name) = Path_Sets.No_Element then -- we only need projects that are not yet in the list if Is_Aggregate_Project (Current (Iter_Inner)) and then not Direct_Only then Add_Project (Current (Iter_Inner)); else Iter.Project_List.Append (Current (Iter_Inner)); Project_Paths.Include (Current (Iter_Inner).Project_Path.Display_Full_Name); end if; end if; Next (Iter_Inner); end loop; end Add_Project; begin Iter.Root := Root_Project; if not Recursive then Iter.Project_List.Append (Root_Project); Iter.Project_Idx := Iter.Project_List.First_Index; return Iter; end if; Add_Project (Root_Project); Project_Paths.Clear; Iter.Project_Idx := Iter.Project_List.First_Index; return Iter; end Start_Reversed; -------------------- -- Start_Reversed -- -------------------- function Start_Reversed (Root_Project : Project_Type; Recursive : Boolean := True; Direct_Only : Boolean := False; Include_Extended : Boolean := True) return Inner_Project_Iterator is Iter : Inner_Project_Iterator; begin Assert (Me, Root_Project.Data /= null, "Start: Uninitialized project passed as argument"); Compute_Imported_Projects (Root_Project); if Recursive then Iter := Inner_Project_Iterator' (Root => Root_Project, Direct_Only => Direct_Only, Importing => False, Reversed => True, Include_Extended => Include_Extended, Current => Root_Project.Data.Imported_Projects.Items'First - 1); Next (Iter); return Iter; else -- Include_Extended is in fact ignored here, since we only ever -- return the root project. return Inner_Project_Iterator' (Root => Root_Project, Direct_Only => Direct_Only, Importing => False, Reversed => False, -- irrelevant Include_Extended => Include_Extended, Current => Root_Project.Data.Imported_Projects.Items'First); end if; end Start_Reversed; ----------- -- Start -- ----------- function Start (Root_Project : Project_Type; Recursive : Boolean := True; Direct_Only : Boolean := False; Include_Extended : Boolean := True) return Project_Iterator is Iter : Project_Iterator; Project_Paths : Path_Sets.Set; procedure Add_Project (Project : Project_Type'Class); -- Fills Project_Iterator with a list of projects. For each of -- aggregated project trees (if any) corresponding projects are put in -- the list in the same topological order as for regular project. -- Aggregate project itself goes after corresponding aggregated -- projects. procedure Add_Project (Project : Project_Type'Class) is P : Project_Type; Aggregated : Aggregated_Project_List; Iter_Inner : Inner_Project_Iterator; begin if Project.Get_View = GPR.No_Project then -- View has not been computed for this project. return; end if; if Is_Aggregate_Project (Project) then -- processing aggregated project hierarchies Aggregated := Project.Data.View.Aggregated_Projects; while Aggregated /= null loop P := Project_Type (Project_From_Path (Project.Data.Tree_For_Map, Aggregated.Path)); if not Project_Paths.Contains (P.Project_Path.Display_Full_Name) then if Direct_Only then Project_Paths.Include (P.Project_Path.Display_Full_Name); Iter.Project_List.Append (P); else Add_Project (P); end if; end if; Aggregated := Aggregated.Next; end loop; -- aggregate project goes last in straight order if not Project_Paths.Contains (Project.Project_Path.Display_Full_Name) then Project_Paths.Include (Project.Project_Path.Display_Full_Name); Iter.Project_List.Append (Project_Type (Project)); end if; end if; -- For the regular project (aggregated or root) do a full -- iteration placing projects in the list. Iter_Inner := Start (Root_Project => Project, Recursive => Recursive, Direct_Only => Direct_Only, Include_Extended => Include_Extended); loop P := Current (Iter_Inner); exit when P = No_Project; if not Project_Paths.Contains (P.Project_Path.Display_Full_Name) then Project_Paths.Include (P.Project_Path.Display_Full_Name); if Is_Aggregate_Project (P) and then not Direct_Only then -- aggregate library Add_Project (P); else Iter.Project_List.Append (P); end if; end if; Next (Iter_Inner); end loop; end Add_Project; begin Iter.Root := Root_Project; if not Recursive then Iter.Project_List.Append (Root_Project); Iter.Project_Idx := Iter.Project_List.First_Index; return Iter; end if; Add_Project (Root_Project); Project_Paths.Clear; Iter.Project_Idx := Iter.Project_List.First_Index; return Iter; end Start; ----------- -- Start -- ----------- function Start (Root_Project : Project_Type; Recursive : Boolean := True; Direct_Only : Boolean := False; Include_Extended : Boolean := True) return Inner_Project_Iterator is Iter : Inner_Project_Iterator; begin Compute_Imported_Projects (Root_Project); if Recursive then Iter := Inner_Project_Iterator' (Root => Root_Project, Direct_Only => Direct_Only, Importing => False, Reversed => False, Include_Extended => Include_Extended, Current => Root_Project.Data.Imported_Projects.Last + 1); Next (Iter); return Iter; else return Inner_Project_Iterator' (Root => Root_Project, Direct_Only => Direct_Only, Importing => False, Reversed => False, -- irrelevant Include_Extended => Include_Extended, Current => Root_Project.Data.Imported_Projects.Items'First); end if; end Start; --------------------- -- Project_Imports -- --------------------- procedure Project_Imports (Parent : Project_Type; Child : Project_Type'Class; Include_Extended : Boolean := False; Imports : out Boolean; Is_Limited_With : out Boolean) is With_Clause : Project_Node_Id; Extended : Project_Node_Id; T : constant GPR.Project_Node_Tree_Ref := Parent.Data.Tree.Tree; begin Assert (Me, Child.Data /= null, "Project_Imports: no child provided"); if Parent = No_Project then Imports := True; Is_Limited_With := False; return; end if; With_Clause := First_With_Clause_Of (Parent.Data.Node, T); while With_Clause /= Empty_Project_Node loop -- We cannot compare the nodes directly, since they might be the same -- in two aggregated projects, even when this is not the same project if Get_Name_String (Path_Name_Of (Project_Node_Of (With_Clause, T), T)) = Child.Project_Path.Display_Full_Name then Imports := True; Is_Limited_With := Non_Limited_Project_Node_Of (With_Clause, T) = Empty_Project_Node; return; end if; With_Clause := Next_With_Clause_Of (With_Clause, T); end loop; -- Handling for extending projects ? if Include_Extended then Extended := Extended_Project_Of (Project_Declaration_Of (Parent.Data.Node, T), T); if Extended = Child.Data.Node then Imports := True; Is_Limited_With := False; return; end if; end if; -- Handling aggregate libraries if Is_Aggregate_Library (Parent) then Is_Limited_With := False; declare Aggregated : Aggregated_Project_List := Parent.Data.View.Aggregated_Projects; P : Project_Type; begin while Aggregated /= null loop P := Project_Type (Project_From_Path (Parent.Data.Tree, Aggregated.Path)); if P.Data = Child.Data then Imports := True; return; end if; Aggregated := Aggregated.Next; end loop; end; end if; Imports := False; Is_Limited_With := False; end Project_Imports; -------------------------------- -- Compute_Importing_Projects -- -------------------------------- procedure Compute_Importing_Projects (Project : Project_Type'Class; Root_Project : Project_Type'Class) is type Boolean_Array is array (Positive range <>) of Boolean; All_Prj : Path_Name_Id_Array_Access := Root_Project.Data.Imported_Projects.Items; All_Prj_Last : Integer := Root_Project.Data.Imported_Projects.Last; Importing : Path_Name_Id_Array_Access; Index : Integer; Parent : Project_Type; Imports, Is_Limited_With : Boolean; procedure Merge_Project (P : Project_Type; Inc : in out Boolean_Array); -- Merge the imported projects of P with the ones for Project ------------------- -- Merge_Project -- ------------------- procedure Merge_Project (P : Project_Type; Inc : in out Boolean_Array) is Index2 : Integer; begin for J in P.Data.Importing_Projects'Range loop Index2 := All_Prj'First; while All_Prj (Index2) /= P.Data.Importing_Projects (J) loop Index2 := Index2 + 1; end loop; Inc (Index2) := True; end loop; end Merge_Project; begin if Project.Data.Importing_Projects /= null then return; end if; -- Prevent a recursive call to this procedure: if the project has -- a "limited with", we could end up calling Compute_Importing_Project -- again for the same project, thus an infinite loop. To prevent this, -- we set Dummy. That means however that we will not correctly compute -- the list of imported project for imported projects below, so we -- should not store them. Project.Data.Importing_Projects := Unknown_Importing_Projects'Unrestricted_Access; if All_Prj = null then Compute_Imported_Projects (Root_Project); All_Prj := Root_Project.Data.Imported_Projects.Items; All_Prj_Last := Root_Project.Data.Imported_Projects.Last; end if; -- We consider that an extending project is "importing" its -- extended project, since it relies on it. declare Include : Boolean_Array (1 .. All_Prj_Last) := (others => False); Was_Unknown : Boolean; begin for Index in Include'Range loop Parent := Project_Type (Project_From_Path (Project.Data.Tree, All_Prj (Index))); -- Avoid processing a project twice if not Include (Index) and then Parent /= Project_Type (Project) then Project_Imports (Parent, Child => Project, Include_Extended => True, Imports => Imports, Is_Limited_With => Is_Limited_With); if Imports then Include (Index) := True; -- The list computed for Parent might be incorrect is -- somewhere there is a "limited with" that goes back to -- Project (since we have set a Dummy above to prevent -- infinite recursion). So we will reset the list to -- null below, which means we might end up recomputing -- it later. Was_Unknown := Parent.Data.Importing_Projects = null or else Parent.Data.Importing_Projects.all'Address = Unknown_Importing_Projects'Address; Compute_Importing_Projects (Parent, Root_Project); Merge_Project (Parent, Include); if Was_Unknown then -- We cannot rely on the computed value if the parent -- was also importing Project, so we must reset the cache -- in that case. Otherwise keep the cache for maximum -- efficiency for J in Parent.Data.Importing_Projects'Range loop if Parent.Data.Importing_Projects (J) = Get_View (Project).Path.Name then Unchecked_Free (Parent.Data.Importing_Projects); exit; end if; end loop; end if; end if; end if; end loop; -- Done processing everything Index := 0; for Inc in Include'Range loop if Include (Inc) then Index := Index + 1; end if; end loop; -- Keep the last place for the project itself Importing := new Path_Name_Id_Array (1 .. Index + 1); Index := Importing'First; for Inc in Include'Range loop if Include (Inc) then Importing (Index) := All_Prj (Inc); Index := Index + 1; end if; end loop; end; Importing (Importing'Last) := GPR.Tree.Path_Name_Of (Project.Data.Node, Project.Data.Tree.Tree); Project.Data.Importing_Projects := Importing; -- The code below is used for debugging if Active (Debug) then Trace (Debug, "Find_All_Projects_Importing: " & Project.Name); for J in Project.Data.Importing_Projects'Range loop Trace (Debug, Get_String (Project.Data.Importing_Projects (J))); end loop; end if; exception when E : others => Trace (Me, E); if Project.Data.Importing_Projects.all'Address /= Unknown_Importing_Projects'Address then Unchecked_Free (Project.Data.Importing_Projects); end if; Project.Data.Importing_Projects := null; end Compute_Importing_Projects; --------------------------------- -- Find_All_Projects_Importing -- --------------------------------- function Find_All_Projects_Importing (Project : Project_Type; Include_Self : Boolean := False; Direct_Only : Boolean := False) return Project_Iterator is Iter, Cleanup_Iter : Project_Iterator; Iter_Inner : Inner_Project_Iterator; Local_Roots : Project_Lists.Vector := Project_Lists.Empty_Vector; Project_Paths : Path_Sets.Set := Path_Sets.Empty_Set; procedure Add_Local_Roots (Project : Project_Type); -- creating a list of root level aggregated projects procedure Add_Local_Roots (Project : Project_Type) is P : Project_Type; Aggregated : Aggregated_Project_List; begin if Is_Aggregate_Project (Project) then Aggregated := Project.Data.View.Aggregated_Projects; while Aggregated /= null loop P := Project_Type (Project_From_Path (Project.Data.Tree, Aggregated.Path)); Add_Local_Roots (P); Aggregated := Aggregated.Next; end loop; else Local_Roots.Append (Project); end if; end Add_Local_Roots; begin Iter.Root := Project; Iter.Importing := True; if Is_Aggregate_Project (Project.Data.Tree_For_Map.Root) then -- We need to look for importing projects in all trees created for -- each directly aggregated project. Add_Local_Roots (Project.Data.Tree_For_Map.Root); for I in Local_Roots.First_Index .. Local_Roots.Last_Index loop Iter_Inner := Find_All_Projects_Importing (Project => Project, Root_Project => Local_Roots.Element (I), Include_Self => Include_Self, Direct_Only => Direct_Only); loop exit when Current (Iter_Inner) = No_Project; if not Project_Paths.Contains (Current (Iter_Inner).Project_Path.Display_Full_Name) then -- avoiding possible duplication Iter.Project_List.Append (Current (Iter_Inner)); Project_Paths.Include (Current (Iter_Inner).Project_Path.Display_Full_Name); end if; Next (Iter_Inner); end loop; -- We need to reset importing projects for each local root -- and the project in question before the next pass. Unchecked_Free (Project.Data.Importing_Projects); Cleanup_Iter := Start (Local_Roots (I)); while Current (Cleanup_Iter) /= No_Project loop Unchecked_Free (Current (Cleanup_Iter).Data.Importing_Projects); Next (Cleanup_Iter); end loop; end loop; Iter.Project_Idx := Iter.Project_List.First_Index; end if; Iter_Inner := Find_All_Projects_Importing (Project => Project, Root_Project => Project.Data.Tree_For_Map.Root, Include_Self => Include_Self, Direct_Only => Direct_Only); loop exit when Current (Iter_Inner) = No_Project; if not Project_Paths.Contains (Current (Iter_Inner).Project_Path.Display_Full_Name) then Project_Paths.Include (Current (Iter_Inner).Project_Path.Display_Full_Name); Iter.Project_List.Append (Current (Iter_Inner)); end if; Next (Iter_Inner); end loop; -- Again, we need to clean up all stored Importing_Projects, otherwise -- if somewhere in the hierarchy there is an aggregate/aggregate library -- project, the stored info is not correct. Cleanup_Iter := Start (Project.Data.Tree_For_Map.Root); while Current (Cleanup_Iter) /= No_Project loop Unchecked_Free (Current (Cleanup_Iter).Data.Importing_Projects); Next (Cleanup_Iter); end loop; Iter.Project_Idx := Iter.Project_List.First_Index; Project_Paths.Clear; return Iter; end Find_All_Projects_Importing; --------------------------------- -- Find_All_Projects_Importing -- --------------------------------- function Find_All_Projects_Importing (Project : Project_Type; Root_Project : Project_Type; Include_Self : Boolean := False; Direct_Only : Boolean := False) return Inner_Project_Iterator is Iter : Inner_Project_Iterator; begin if Project = No_Project then return Start (Root_Project, Recursive => True); end if; Trace (Me, "Find_All_Projects_Importing " & Project.Name & " with root=" & Root_Project.Name); Compute_Imported_Projects (Root_Project); Compute_Importing_Projects (Project, Root_Project); Iter := Inner_Project_Iterator' (Root => Project, Direct_Only => Direct_Only, Importing => True, Reversed => False, Include_Extended => True, -- ??? Should this be configurable Current => Project.Data.Importing_Projects'Last + 1); -- The project itself is always at index 'Last if not Include_Self then Iter.Current := Iter.Current - 1; end if; Next (Iter); return Iter; end Find_All_Projects_Importing; ------------- -- Current -- ------------- function Current (Iterator : Project_Iterator) return Project_Type is begin if Iterator.Project_List.To_Cursor (Iterator.Project_Idx) = Project_Lists.No_Element then return No_Project; end if; return Iterator.Project_List.Element (Iterator.Project_Idx); end Current; ------------- -- Current -- ------------- function Current (Iterator : Inner_Project_Iterator) return Project_Type is P : Path_Name_Type; begin if Iterator.Importing then if Iterator.Current >= Iterator.Root.Data.Importing_Projects'First then return Project_Type (Project_From_Path (Iterator.Root.Data.Tree_For_Map, Iterator.Root.Data.Importing_Projects (Iterator.Current))); end if; elsif Iterator.Current >= Iterator.Root.Data.Imported_Projects.Items'First and then Iterator.Current <= Iterator.Root.Data.Imported_Projects.Last then P := Iterator.Root.Data.Imported_Projects.Items (Iterator.Current); return Project_Type (Project_From_Path (Iterator.Root.Data.Tree_For_Map, P)); end if; return No_Project; end Current; --------------------- -- Is_Limited_With -- --------------------- function Is_Limited_With (Iterator : Project_Iterator) return Boolean is Imports, Is_Limited_With : Boolean; begin if Iterator.Importing then if Is_Aggregate_Project (Iterator.Root) then -- aggregate projects cannot be imported return False; end if; Project_Imports (Current (Iterator), Iterator.Root, Include_Extended => False, Imports => Imports, Is_Limited_With => Is_Limited_With); else Project_Imports (Iterator.Root, Current (Iterator), Include_Extended => False, Imports => Imports, Is_Limited_With => Is_Limited_With); end if; return Imports and Is_Limited_With; end Is_Limited_With; --------------------- -- Is_Limited_With -- --------------------- function Is_Limited_With (Iterator : Inner_Project_Iterator) return Boolean is Imports, Is_Limited_With : Boolean; begin if Iterator.Importing then Project_Imports (Current (Iterator), Iterator.Root, Include_Extended => False, Imports => Imports, Is_Limited_With => Is_Limited_With); else Project_Imports (Iterator.Root, Current (Iterator), Include_Extended => False, Imports => Imports, Is_Limited_With => Is_Limited_With); end if; return Imports and Is_Limited_With; end Is_Limited_With; ---------- -- Next -- ---------- procedure Next (Iterator : in out Project_Iterator) is begin Iterator.Project_Idx := Iterator.Project_Idx + 1; end Next; ---------- -- Next -- ---------- procedure Next (Iterator : in out Inner_Project_Iterator) is Imports, Is_Limited_With : Boolean; begin if Iterator.Reversed then Iterator.Current := Iterator.Current + 1; if Iterator.Direct_Only then if Iterator.Importing then while Iterator.Current <= Iterator.Root.Data.Importing_Projects'Last loop Project_Imports (Current (Iterator), Iterator.Root, Iterator.Include_Extended, Imports => Imports, Is_Limited_With => Is_Limited_With); exit when Imports; Iterator.Current := Iterator.Current + 1; end loop; else while Iterator.Current <= Iterator.Root.Data.Imported_Projects.Last loop Project_Imports (Iterator.Root, Current (Iterator), Iterator.Include_Extended, Imports => Imports, Is_Limited_With => Is_Limited_With); exit when Imports; Iterator.Current := Iterator.Current + 1; end loop; end if; end if; else Iterator.Current := Iterator.Current - 1; if Iterator.Direct_Only then if Iterator.Importing then while Iterator.Current >= Iterator.Root.Data.Importing_Projects'First loop Project_Imports (Current (Iterator), Iterator.Root, Iterator.Include_Extended, Imports => Imports, Is_Limited_With => Is_Limited_With); exit when Imports; Iterator.Current := Iterator.Current - 1; end loop; else while Iterator.Current >= Iterator.Root.Data.Imported_Projects.Items'First loop Project_Imports (Iterator.Root, Current (Iterator), Iterator.Include_Extended, Imports => Imports, Is_Limited_With => Is_Limited_With); exit when Imports; Iterator.Current := Iterator.Current - 1; end loop; end if; end if; end if; end Next; -------------------------------- -- Compute_Scenario_Variables -- -------------------------------- procedure Compute_Scenario_Variables (Tree : Project_Tree_Data_Access; Recursive : Boolean := True; Errors : Error_Report := null) is Typed_List : Scenario_Variable_Array_Access; Untyped_List : Untyped_Variable_Array_Access; T_Curr : Positive; U_Curr : Positive; T_Curr2 : Natural; Var_Quantity : Natural; Inconsistent_SC_Externals : GPR.Name_Id_Set.Set := GPR.Name_Id_Set.Empty_Set; function Count_Vars return Natural; -- Return the number of scenario variables in tree function Not_Already (UVs : Untyped_Variable_Array_Access; Last : Positive; Ext_Name : GPR.Name_Id) return Boolean; -- Checks that an untyped variable with same name -- has not been registered yet. procedure Register_Var (Variable : Project_Node_Id; Proj : Project_Node_Id; Pkg : Project_Node_Id; Project : Project_Type); -- Wrapper that calls either Register_Scenario_Var or -- Register_Untyped_Var depending on the kind of the variable. procedure Register_Scenario_Var (Variable : Project_Node_Id; Proj : Project_Node_Id; Pkg : Project_Node_Id; Project : Project_Type; Errors : Error_Report := null); -- Add the variable to the list of scenario variables, if not there yet -- (see the documentation for Scenario_Variables for the exact rules -- used to detect aliases). procedure Register_Untyped_Var (Variable : Project_Node_Id; Proj : Project_Node_Id; Pkg : Project_Node_Id; Project : Project_Type); -- Likewise, add the variable to the list of untyped variables. function External_Default (Project : Project_Type; Var : Project_Node_Id; Pkg : Project_Node_Id; T : GPR.Project_Node_Tree_Ref; Nested_Expr : Project_Node_Id := Empty_Project_Node) return Name_Id; -- Return the default value for the variable. Var must be a variable -- declaration or a variable reference. This routine supports only -- all kinds of expressions, but for composite values it will set on -- the Uses_Variables flag for the root project. -- Expr is only used for nested external references in the variable -- declaration to evaluate the proper expression. ---------------- -- Count_Vars -- ---------------- function Count_Vars return Natural is Count : Natural := 0; procedure Cb (Variable : Project_Node_Id; Prj : Project_Node_Id; Pkg : Project_Node_Id; Project : Project_Type); -- Increment the total number of variables -------- -- Cb -- -------- procedure Cb (Variable : Project_Node_Id; Prj : Project_Node_Id; Pkg : Project_Node_Id; Project : Project_Type) is pragma Unreferenced (Prj, Pkg); Node_Tree : constant GPR.Project_Node_Tree_Ref := Project.Data.Tree.Tree; Expr : Project_Node_Id := Expression_Of (Variable, Node_Tree); begin if Expression_Kind_Of (Variable, Node_Tree) = List then -- Extenal_As_list case. Just count as one and ignore the rest -- of expression. Count := Count + 1; return; end if; while Expr /= Empty_Project_Node loop Expr := First_Term (Expr, Node_Tree); if Next_Term (Expr, Node_Tree) /= Empty_Project_Node then -- Non-canonical nesting, we do not care. return; end if; Expr := Current_Term (Expr, Node_Tree); if Kind_Of (Expr, Node_Tree) = N_External_Value then Count := Count + 1; -- That is nesting, we need to iterate deeper. Expr := External_Default_Of (Expr, Node_Tree); else -- End of nesting. return; end if; end loop; end Cb; begin For_Each_External_Variable_Declaration (Tree.Root, Recursive => Recursive, Callback => Cb'Unrestricted_Access); return Count; end Count_Vars; ---------------------- -- External_Default -- ---------------------- function External_Default (Project : Project_Type; Var : Project_Node_Id; Pkg : Project_Node_Id; T : GPR.Project_Node_Tree_Ref; Nested_Expr : Project_Node_Id := Empty_Project_Node) return Name_Id is V : Variable_Value; Name : constant String := Get_Name_String (GPR.Tree.Name_Of (Var, T)); -- For diagnostic purposes. Proj : Project_Type := Tree.Root; Expr : Project_Node_Id := (if Nested_Expr = Empty_Project_Node then Expression_Of (Var, T) else Nested_Expr); procedure Check_Complexity (Expression : Project_Node_Id); -- Check whether or not the default value is a simple one, -- and mark project tree not editable, if the value is complex. procedure Check_Complexity (Expression : Project_Node_Id) is Expr : Project_Node_Id := Expression; begin if Kind_Of (Expr, T) /= N_Literal_String then Expr := First_Term (Expr, T); if Next_Term (Expr, T) /= Empty_Project_Node then Trace (Me, "No project editing: " & "Default value cannot be a concatenation"); Proj.Data.Uses_Variables := True; -- Prevent edition return; end if; Expr := Current_Term (Expr, T); if Kind_Of (Expr, T) = N_Variable_Reference then -- A variable reference, look for the corresponding string -- literal. declare Var : constant Name_Id := GPR.Tree.Name_Of (Expr, T); In_Prj : constant Project_Node_Id := Project_Node_Of (Expr, T); Decl : Project_Node_Id; begin if In_Prj /= Empty_Project_Node then -- This variable is defined in another project, get -- project reference. Proj := Project_Type (Project_From_Name (Tree, GPR.Tree.Name_Of (In_Prj, T))); else Proj := Project; end if; -- Look for Var declaration into the project Decl := First_Declarative_Item_Of (Project_Declaration_Of (Proj.Data.Node, T), T); while Decl /= Empty_Project_Node loop Expr := Current_Item_Node (Decl, T); if GPR.Tree.Name_Of (Expr, T) = Var then Expr := Expression_Of (Expr, T); Expr := First_Term (Expr, T); -- Get expression and corresponding term -- Check now that this is not a composite value if Next_Term (Expr, T) /= Empty_Project_Node then Trace (Me, "No project editing: " & "Default value cannot be a concatenation"); Proj.Data.Uses_Variables := True; -- Prevent edition return; end if; -- Get the string literal Expr := Current_Term (Expr, T); exit; end if; Decl := Next_Declarative_Item (Decl, T); end loop; end; end if; if Kind_Of (Expr, T) /= N_Literal_String then Trace (Me, "No project editing: " & "Default value can only be literal string"); Proj.Data.Uses_Variables := True; -- prevent edition return; end if; end if; end Check_Complexity; The_Name : Name_Id := No_Name; The_Package : Package_Id := No_Package; begin Expr := First_Term (Expr, T); Expr := Current_Term (Expr, T); if Kind_Of (Expr, T) /= N_External_Value then return No_Name; end if; Expr := External_Default_Of (Expr, T); if Expr = Empty_Project_Node then return No_Name; end if; Check_Complexity (Expr); The_Name := GPR.Tree.Name_Of (Pkg, T); The_Package := Project.Get_View.Decl.Packages; while The_Package /= No_Package and then Project.Tree_View.Shared.Packages.Table (The_Package).Name /= The_Name loop The_Package := Project.Tree_View.Shared.Packages.Table (The_Package).Next; end loop; if Active (Me_SV) then if Nested_Expr = Empty_Project_Node then Trace (Me_SV, "We will try to compute default of:"); else Trace (Me_SV, "We will try to compute default " & "of a nested sub-expression from:"); end if; Pretty_Print (Var, T, Backward_Compatibility => False); end if; V := GPR.Proc.Expression (Project => Project.Data.View, Shared => Project.Tree_View.Shared, From_Project_Node => Project.Node, From_Project_Node_Tree => T, Env => Project.Data.Tree.Env.Env, Pkg => The_Package, First_Term => First_Term (Expr, T), Kind => Expression_Kind_Of (Expr, T)); Trace (Me_SV, "Value is: " & Get_Name_String (V.Value)); return V.Value; exception when Ex : others => Trace (Me_SV, "Error when computing default for " & Name & " from project " & Project.Name & ":"); Trace (Me_SV, Exception_Information (Ex)); return GPR.No_Name; end External_Default; ----------------- -- Not_Already -- ----------------- function Not_Already (UVs : Untyped_Variable_Array_Access; Last : Positive; Ext_Name : GPR.Name_Id) return Boolean is begin for I in 1 .. Last - 1 loop if UVs (I).Name = Ext_Name then return False; end if; end loop; return True; end Not_Already; ------------------ -- Register_Var -- ------------------ procedure Register_Var (Variable : Project_Node_Id; Proj : Project_Node_Id; Pkg : Project_Node_Id; Project : Project_Type) is T : constant GPR.Project_Node_Tree_Ref := Project.Data.Tree.Tree; function Is_Simple_Scenario_Variable return Boolean; -- Check whether or not given variable is a simple canonical -- Scenario Variable, that is there are no concatenations in the -- default value or after the external variable declaration -- and so on. function Is_Simple_Scenario_Variable return Boolean is Expr : Project_Node_Id; begin Expr := First_Term (Expression_Of (Variable, T), T); if Next_Term (Expr, T) /= Empty_Project_Node then -- Not good, we have a declaration of the following kind: -- Val : Type := External ("Ext", "default") & return False; end if; Expr := Expression_Of (Variable, T); Expr := First_Term (Expr, T); Expr := Current_Term (Expr, T); Expr := External_Default_Of (Expr, T); if Expr /= Empty_Project_Node and then Kind_Of (Expr, T) /= N_Literal_String then Expr := First_Term (Expr, T); if Next_Term (Expr, T) /= Empty_Project_Node then -- Not good, we have a declaration of the following kind: -- Val : Type := External ("Ext", "default" & ) return False; end if; end if; return True; end Is_Simple_Scenario_Variable; begin Trace (Me_SV, "Project: " & Project.Project_Path.Display_Full_Name); case Kind_Of (Variable, T) is when N_Variable_Declaration => Register_Untyped_Var (Variable, Proj, Pkg, Project); when N_Typed_Variable_Declaration => if Is_Simple_Scenario_Variable then Register_Scenario_Var (Variable, Proj, Pkg, Project, Errors); else Register_Untyped_Var (Variable, Proj, Pkg, Project); end if; when others => Trace (Me, "Unexpected kind of variable"); end case; end Register_Var; --------------------------- -- Register_Scenario_Var -- --------------------------- procedure Register_Scenario_Var (Variable : Project_Node_Id; Proj : Project_Node_Id; Pkg : Project_Node_Id; Project : Project_Type; Errors : Error_Report := null) is pragma Unreferenced (Proj, Errors); T : constant GPR.Project_Node_Tree_Ref := Project.Data.Tree.Tree; V : constant Name_Id := External_Reference_Of (Variable, T); N : constant String := Get_String (V); Var : Scenario_Variable; Is_Valid, Duplicate_Found : Boolean; function "<" (L, R : String_Access) return Boolean is (L.all < R.all); procedure Sort_Values is new Ada.Containers.Generic_Array_Sort (Positive, String_Access, String_List); procedure Look_For_Duplicate_SVs (Ext_Ref_Name : String; Found : out Boolean); -- Compare current Var with all already stored Scenario Variables -- and if found check that they have same set of possible values. procedure Look_For_Duplicate_SVs (Ext_Ref_Name : String; Found : out Boolean) is Old_Var : Scenario_Variable := No_Variable; Dummy : Project_Tree; -- Possible_Values_Of doesn't reference the Tree parameter -- that has been left only for compatibility. begin for Index in 1 .. T_Curr - 1 loop if External_Name (Typed_List (Index)) = Ext_Ref_Name then Trace (Me_SV, "Same external already registered," & " comparing set of possible values"); Old_Var := Typed_List (Index); declare Old_Values : String_List_Access := new String_List'(Possible_Values_Of (Dummy, Old_Var)); New_Values : String_List_Access := new String_List'(Possible_Values_Of (Dummy, Var)); Values_Identical : Boolean := True; begin if Old_Values.all'Length /= New_Values.all'Length then Trace (Me_SV, "different amount of values"); Values_Identical := False; else Sort_Values (Old_Values.all); Sort_Values (New_Values.all); for I in Old_Values'Range loop if Old_Values (I).all /= New_Values (I).all then Trace (Me_SV, "Unmatched values: " & Old_Values (I).all & " and " & New_Values (I).all); Values_Identical := False; exit; end if; end loop; end if; Free (Old_Values); Free (New_Values); if not Values_Identical then if Old_Var.First_Project_Path = Var.First_Project_Path then -- Same project Trace (Me_SV, Project.Project_Path.Display_Full_Name & ": Scenario variables " & Get_Name_String (Old_Var.Var_Name) & " and " & Get_Name_String (Var.Var_Name) & " controlled by same external " & Ext_Ref_Name & " have different sets of possible values" & ASCII.LF); else -- Aggregated projects with same name Trace (Me_SV, "Scenario variables " & Get_Name_String (Old_Var.First_Project_Path) & ": " & Get_Name_String (Old_Var.Var_Name) & " and " & Project.Project_Path.Display_Full_Name & ": " & Get_Name_String (Var.Var_Name) & " controlled by same external " & Ext_Ref_Name & " have different sets of possible values" & ASCII.LF); end if; Inconsistent_SC_Externals.Include (Old_Var.Ext_Name); end if; end; Found := True; return; end if; end loop; Found := False; end Look_For_Duplicate_SVs; begin Trace (Me_SV, "Register_Scenario_Var " & Get_Name_String (GPR.Tree.Name_Of (Variable, T))); Var := Scenario_Variable' (Ext_Name => V, Var_Name => GPR.Tree.Name_Of (Variable, T), Default => External_Default (Project, Variable, Pkg, T), String_Type => String_Type_Of (Variable, T), Tree_Ref => T, Value => GPR.Ext.Value_Of (Tree.Env.Env.External, V, With_Default => External_Default (Project, Variable, Pkg, T)), First_Project_Path => Project.Data.View.Path.Display_Name); Look_For_Duplicate_SVs (N, Duplicate_Found); if Duplicate_Found then -- Nothing to add for the root one, however there may be some new -- nested ones. goto Unwind; end if; Typed_List (T_Curr) := Var; -- Ensure the external reference actually exists and has a valid -- value. Is_Valid := GPR.Ext.Value_Of (Tree.Env.Env.External, Var.Ext_Name) /= No_Name; if Is_Valid then declare Current : constant Name_Id := GPR.Ext.Value_Of (Tree.Env.Env.External, Var.Ext_Name); Iter : String_List_Iterator := Value_Of (T, Var); begin Is_Valid := False; while not Done (Iter) loop if Data (T, Iter) = Current then Is_Valid := True; exit; end if; Iter := Next (T, Iter); end loop; end; end if; if not Is_Valid then if Var.Default /= No_Name then GPR.Ext.Add (Tree.Env.Env.External, N, Get_Name_String (Var.Default), GPR.Ext.From_Command_Line); else GPR.Ext.Add (Tree.Env.Env.External, N, Get_Name_String (String_Value_Of (First_Literal_String (Var.String_Type, T), T)), GPR.Ext.From_Command_Line); end if; end if; T_Curr := T_Curr + 1; <> -- Unwinding nested external references if any. if Active (Me_SV) then Increase_Indent (Me_SV, "Unwind nested external references"); end if; declare Expression : Project_Node_Id; Expr : Project_Node_Id := Expression_Of (Variable, T); Ref : Name_Id; begin Expr := External_Default_Of (Current_Term (First_Term (Expr, T), T), T); Expression := Expr; while Expr /= Empty_Project_Node loop Expr := First_Term (Expr, T); if Next_Term (Expr, T) /= Empty_Project_Node then if Active (Me_SV) then Decrease_Indent (Me_SV, "Unwind terminated: Not canonical nesting"); end if; return; end if; Expr := Current_Term (Expr, T); if Kind_Of (Expr, T) = N_External_Value then Ref := String_Value_Of (External_Reference_Of (Expr, T), T); Trace (Me_SV, "Nested external reference: " & Get_Name_String (Ref)); Look_For_Duplicate_SVs (Get_Name_String (Ref), Duplicate_Found); if not Duplicate_Found then Var.Ext_Name := Ref; Var.Default := External_Default (Project, Variable, Pkg, T, Expression); Typed_List (T_Curr) := Var; T_Curr := T_Curr + 1; end if; Expr := External_Default_Of (Expr, T); Expression := Expr; else if Active (Me_SV) then Decrease_Indent (Me_SV, "Unwind finished"); end if; return; end if; end loop; end; end Register_Scenario_Var; -------------------------- -- Register_Untyped_Var -- -------------------------- procedure Register_Untyped_Var (Variable : Project_Node_Id; Proj : Project_Node_Id; Pkg : Project_Node_Id; Project : Project_Type) is pragma Unreferenced (Proj); T : constant GPR.Project_Node_Tree_Ref := Project.Data.Tree.Tree; V : constant Name_Id := External_Reference_Of (Variable, T); N : constant String := Get_String (V); Var : Untyped_Variable; begin Trace (Me_SV, "Register_Untyped_Var " & Get_Name_String (GPR.Tree.Name_Of (Variable, T))); for Index in 1 .. U_Curr - 1 loop if External_Name (Untyped_List (Index)) = N then -- Nothing to do return; end if; end loop; Var := Untyped_Variable' (Name => V, Default => External_Default (Project, Variable, Pkg, T), Value => GPR.Ext.Value_Of (Tree.Env.Env.External, V, With_Default => External_Default (Project, Variable, Pkg, T))); Untyped_List (U_Curr) := Var; U_Curr := U_Curr + 1; end Register_Untyped_Var; Context : GPR.Ext.Context := GPR.Ext.Get_Context (Tree.Env.Env.External); use GPR.Name_Id_Set; use GPR.Ext.Context_Map; use Ada.Containers; begin Trace (Me, "Compute the list of scenario variables"); Unchecked_Free (Tree.Env.Scenario_Variables); Unchecked_Free (Tree.Env.Untyped_Variables); Var_Quantity := Count_Vars; Typed_List := new Scenario_Variable_Array (1 .. Var_Quantity); T_Curr := Typed_List'First; Untyped_List := new Untyped_Variable_Array (1 .. Var_Quantity + Natural (Context.Length)); U_Curr := Untyped_List'First; For_Each_External_Variable_Declaration (Tree.Root, Recursive => Recursive, Callback => Register_Var'Unrestricted_Access); if Inconsistent_SC_Externals.Length = 0 then if T_Curr > Typed_List'Last then Tree.Env.Scenario_Variables := Typed_List; else Tree.Env.Scenario_Variables := new Scenario_Variable_Array'(Typed_List (1 .. T_Curr - 1)); Unchecked_Free (Typed_List); end if; else -- Moving SVs with inconsistent types to UVs T_Curr2 := T_Curr - 1 - Integer (Inconsistent_SC_Externals.Length); Tree.Env.Scenario_Variables := new Scenario_Variable_Array (1 .. T_Curr2); T_Curr2 := 1; for I in 1 .. T_Curr - 1 loop if Inconsistent_SC_Externals.Contains (Typed_List (I).Ext_Name) then if Not_Already (Untyped_List, U_Curr, Typed_List (I).Ext_Name) then Untyped_List (U_Curr) := (Name => Typed_List (I).Ext_Name, Default => Typed_List (I).Default, Value => Typed_List (I).Value); U_Curr := U_Curr + 1; end if; else Tree.Env.Scenario_Variables (T_Curr2) := Typed_List (I); T_Curr2 := T_Curr2 + 1; end if; end loop; Unchecked_Free (Typed_List); Inconsistent_SC_Externals.Clear; end if; if not Recursive then goto Skip_Extras; end if; -- We need to add remaining external references as untyped variables for SV of Tree.Env.Scenario_Variables.all loop declare SV_Name : String := External_Name (SV); begin GPR.Osint.Canonical_Case_Env_Var_Name (SV_Name); Context.Exclude (Get_Name_Id (SV_Name)); end; end loop; for UV of Untyped_List (1 .. U_Curr - 1) loop declare UV_Name : String := External_Name (UV); begin GPR.Osint.Canonical_Case_Env_Var_Name (UV_Name); Context.Exclude (Get_Name_Id (UV_Name)); end; end loop; -- Now add remaining externals to untyped variables. There is no way to -- get their default without actually parsing corresponding expressions, -- which requires full parsing of the project. So defaults are just set -- to current value. declare Context_Cur : GPR.Ext.Context_Map.Cursor := Context.First; begin while Context_Cur /= GPR.Ext.Context_Map.No_Element loop Untyped_List (U_Curr) := (Name => Key (Context_Cur), Default => Element (Context_Cur), Value => Element (Context_Cur)); U_Curr := U_Curr + 1; Next (Context_Cur); end loop; end; <> Context.Clear; if U_Curr > Untyped_List'Last then Tree.Env.Untyped_Variables := Untyped_List; else Tree.Env.Untyped_Variables := new Untyped_Variable_Array'(Untyped_List (1 .. U_Curr - 1)); Unchecked_Free (Untyped_List); end if; end Compute_Scenario_Variables; ------------------------ -- Scenario_Variables -- ------------------------ function Scenario_Variables (Self : Project_Tree; Root_Only : Boolean := False) return Scenario_Variable_Array is begin return Scenario_Variables (Self.Data, Root_Only); end Scenario_Variables; ----------------------- -- Untyped_Variables -- ----------------------- function Untyped_Variables (Self : Project_Tree; Root_Only : Boolean := False) return Untyped_Variable_Array is begin return Untyped_Variables (Self.Data, Root_Only); end Untyped_Variables; ------------------------ -- Scenario_Variables -- ------------------------ function Scenario_Variables (Tree : Project_Tree_Data_Access; Root_Only : Boolean := False) return Scenario_Variable_Array is SVs : Scenario_Variable_Array_Access; UVs : Untyped_Variable_Array_Access; begin if Tree = null or else Tree.Is_Aggregated then return (1 .. 0 => <>); end if; if Root_Only then -- We need to save the actual values because otherwise -- Compute_Scenario_Variables will overwrite them. SVs := Tree.Env.Scenario_Variables; UVs := Tree.Env.Untyped_Variables; Tree.Env.Scenario_Variables := null; Tree.Env.Untyped_Variables := null; Compute_Scenario_Variables (Tree, Recursive => False); declare Result : constant Scenario_Variable_Array := Tree.Env.Scenario_Variables.all; begin Unchecked_Free (Tree.Env.Scenario_Variables); Unchecked_Free (Tree.Env.Untyped_Variables); Tree.Env.Scenario_Variables := SVs; Tree.Env.Untyped_Variables := UVs; return Result; end; end if; if Tree.Env.Scenario_Variables = null then Compute_Scenario_Variables (Tree); end if; for V of Tree.Env.Scenario_Variables.all loop V.Value := GPR.Ext.Value_Of (Tree.Env.Env.External, V.Ext_Name, With_Default => V.Default); end loop; return Tree.Env.Scenario_Variables.all; end Scenario_Variables; ----------------------- -- Untyped_Variables -- ----------------------- function Untyped_Variables (Tree : Project_Tree_Data_Access; Root_Only : Boolean := False) return Untyped_Variable_Array is SVs : Scenario_Variable_Array_Access; UVs : Untyped_Variable_Array_Access; begin if Tree = null or else Tree.Is_Aggregated then return (1 .. 0 => <>); end if; if Root_Only then -- We need to save the actual values because otherwise -- Compute_Scenario_Variables will overwrite them. SVs := Tree.Env.Scenario_Variables; UVs := Tree.Env.Untyped_Variables; Tree.Env.Scenario_Variables := null; Tree.Env.Untyped_Variables := null; Compute_Scenario_Variables (Tree, Recursive => False); declare Result : constant Untyped_Variable_Array := Tree.Env.Untyped_Variables.all; begin Unchecked_Free (Tree.Env.Scenario_Variables); Unchecked_Free (Tree.Env.Untyped_Variables); Tree.Env.Scenario_Variables := SVs; Tree.Env.Untyped_Variables := UVs; return Result; end; end if; if Tree.Env.Untyped_Variables = null then Compute_Scenario_Variables (Tree); end if; for V of Tree.Env.Untyped_Variables.all loop V.Value := GPR.Ext.Value_Of (Tree.Env.Env.External, V.Name, With_Default => V.Default); end loop; return Tree.Env.Untyped_Variables.all; end Untyped_Variables; ------------------------ -- Scenario_Variables -- ------------------------ function Scenario_Variables (Self : Project_Tree; External_Name : String; Root_Only : Boolean := False) return Scenario_Variable is E : constant String := External_Name; Ext : Name_Id; List : Scenario_Variable_Array_Access; Var : Scenario_Variable; SVs : Scenario_Variable_Array_Access; UVs : Untyped_Variable_Array_Access; SV : Scenario_Variable; begin Ext := Get_String (E); if Root_Only then -- We need to save the actual values because otherwise -- Compute_Scenario_Variables will overwrite them. SVs := Self.Data.Env.Scenario_Variables; UVs := Self.Data.Env.Untyped_Variables; Self.Data.Env.Scenario_Variables := null; Self.Data.Env.Untyped_Variables := null; Compute_Scenario_Variables (Self.Data, Recursive => False); for V of Self.Data.Env.Scenario_Variables.all loop if V.Ext_Name = Ext then SV := V; Unchecked_Free (Self.Data.Env.Scenario_Variables); Unchecked_Free (Self.Data.Env.Untyped_Variables); Self.Data.Env.Scenario_Variables := SVs; Self.Data.Env.Untyped_Variables := UVs; return SV; end if; end loop; Unchecked_Free (Self.Data.Env.Scenario_Variables); Unchecked_Free (Self.Data.Env.Untyped_Variables); Self.Data.Env.Scenario_Variables := SVs; Self.Data.Env.Untyped_Variables := UVs; return No_Variable; end if; if Self.Data.Env.Scenario_Variables = null then Compute_Scenario_Variables (Self.Data); end if; for V of Self.Data.Env.Scenario_Variables.all loop if V.Ext_Name = Ext then return V; end if; end loop; Var := Scenario_Variable' (Ext_Name => Ext, Var_Name => No_Name, Default => No_Name, String_Type => Empty_Project_Node, -- ??? Won't be able to edit it Tree_Ref => null, Value => No_Name, First_Project_Path => GPR.No_Path); List := Self.Data.Env.Scenario_Variables; Self.Data.Env.Scenario_Variables := new Scenario_Variable_Array' (Self.Data.Env.Scenario_Variables.all & Var); Unchecked_Free (List); return Var; end Scenario_Variables; -------------------------- -- Get_Untyped_Variable -- -------------------------- function Get_Untyped_Variable (Self : Project_Tree; External_Name : String; Root_Only : Boolean := False) return Untyped_Variable is Ext : Name_Id; List : Untyped_Variable_Array_Access; Var : Untyped_Variable; SVs : Scenario_Variable_Array_Access; UVs : Untyped_Variable_Array_Access; UV : Untyped_Variable; begin Ext := Get_String (External_Name); if Root_Only then -- We need to save the actual values because otherwise -- Compute_Scenario_Variables will overwrite them. SVs := Self.Data.Env.Scenario_Variables; UVs := Self.Data.Env.Untyped_Variables; Self.Data.Env.Scenario_Variables := null; Self.Data.Env.Untyped_Variables := null; Compute_Scenario_Variables (Self.Data, Recursive => False); for V of Self.Data.Env.Untyped_Variables.all loop if V.Name = Ext then UV := V; Unchecked_Free (Self.Data.Env.Scenario_Variables); Unchecked_Free (Self.Data.Env.Untyped_Variables); Self.Data.Env.Scenario_Variables := SVs; Self.Data.Env.Untyped_Variables := UVs; return UV; end if; end loop; Unchecked_Free (Self.Data.Env.Scenario_Variables); Unchecked_Free (Self.Data.Env.Untyped_Variables); Self.Data.Env.Scenario_Variables := SVs; Self.Data.Env.Untyped_Variables := UVs; return No_Untyped_Variable; end if; if Self.Data.Env.Scenario_Variables = null then Compute_Scenario_Variables (Self.Data); end if; for V of Self.Data.Env.Untyped_Variables.all loop if V.Name = Ext then return V; end if; end loop; Var := Untyped_Variable' (Name => Ext, Default => No_Name, Value => No_Name); List := Self.Data.Env.Untyped_Variables; Self.Data.Env.Untyped_Variables := new Untyped_Variable_Array' (Self.Data.Env.Untyped_Variables.all & Var); Unchecked_Free (List); return Var; end Get_Untyped_Variable; ------------------- -- External_Name -- ------------------- function External_Name (Var : Scenario_Variable) return String is begin return Get_String (Var.Ext_Name); end External_Name; ------------------- -- External_Name -- ------------------- function External_Name (Var : Untyped_Variable) return String is begin return Get_String (Var.Name); end External_Name; ---------------------- -- External_Default -- ---------------------- function External_Default (Var : Scenario_Variable) return String is begin return Get_String (Var.Default); end External_Default; ---------------------- -- External_Default -- ---------------------- function External_Default (Var : Untyped_Variable) return String is begin return Get_String (Var.Default); end External_Default; --------------- -- Set_Value -- --------------- procedure Set_Value (Var : in out Scenario_Variable; Value : String) is begin Var.Value := Get_String (Value); end Set_Value; --------------- -- Set_Value -- --------------- procedure Set_Value (Var : in out Untyped_Variable; Value : String) is begin Var.Value := Get_String (Value); end Set_Value; ------------------------ -- Change_Environment -- ------------------------ procedure Change_Environment (Self : Project_Tree; Vars : Scenario_Variable_Array; UVars : Untyped_Variable_Array := Empty_Untyped_Variable_Array) is begin for V in Vars'Range loop GPR.Ext.Add (Self.Data.Env.Env.External, Get_String (Vars (V).Ext_Name), Get_String (Vars (V).Value), GPR.Ext.From_Command_Line); end loop; for V in UVars'Range loop GPR.Ext.Add (Self.Data.Env.Env.External, Get_String (UVars (V).Name), Get_String (UVars (V).Value), GPR.Ext.From_Command_Line); end loop; end Change_Environment; ------------------------ -- Change_Environment -- ------------------------ procedure Change_Environment (Self : Project_Environment; Name, Value : String) is begin GPR.Ext.Add (Self.Env.External, Name, Value, GPR.Ext.From_Command_Line); end Change_Environment; ----------- -- Value -- ----------- function Value (Self : Project_Environment; Name : String) return String is V : Name_Id; begin V := GPR.Ext.Value_Of (Self.Env.External, Get_String (Name)); if V /= No_Name then return Get_String (V); else return ""; end if; end Value; ----------- -- Value -- ----------- function Value (Var : Scenario_Variable) return String is begin return Get_String (Var.Value); end Value; ----------- -- Value -- ----------- function Value (Var : Untyped_Variable) return String is begin return Get_String (Var.Value); end Value; -------------- -- Get_View -- -------------- function Get_View (Tree : GPR.Project_Tree_Ref; Path : Path_Name_Type) return GPR.Project_Id is Proj : Project_List := Tree.Projects; begin while Proj /= null loop if Proj.Project.Path.Display_Name = Path and then Proj.Project.Qualifier /= Configuration then return Proj.Project; end if; Proj := Proj.Next; end loop; return GPR.No_Project; end Get_View; -------------- -- Get_View -- -------------- function Get_View (Project : Project_Type'Class) return GPR.Project_Id is begin if Project.Data = null or else Project.Data.Node = Empty_Project_Node then return GPR.No_Project; elsif Project.Data.View = GPR.No_Project then Project.Data.View := Get_View (Project.Tree_View, GPR.Tree.Path_Name_Of (Project.Data.Node, Project.Tree_Tree)); end if; return Project.Data.View; end Get_View; -------------------------------------------- -- For_Each_External_Variable_Declaration -- -------------------------------------------- procedure For_Each_External_Variable_Declaration (Root_Project : Project_Type; Recursive : Boolean; Callback : External_Variable_Callback) is Iterator : Project_Iterator := Start (Root_Project, Recursive); Current_Project : Project_Type; Tree : GPR.Project_Node_Tree_Ref; Var : Project_Node_Id; Pkg : Project_Node_Id; Prj : Project_Node_Id; begin loop Current_Project := Current (Iterator); exit when Current_Project.Data = null; Tree := Current_Project.Data.Tree.Tree; Pkg := Current_Project.Data.Node; Prj := Current_Project.Data.Node; Current_Project.Data.Uses_Variables := False; -- For all the packages and the common section while Pkg /= Empty_Project_Node loop Var := First_Variable_Of (Pkg, Tree); while Var /= Empty_Project_Node loop if Kind_Of (Var, Tree) in N_Typed_Variable_Declaration | N_Variable_Declaration and then Is_External_Variable (Var, Tree) then Callback (Var, Prj, Pkg, Current_Project); end if; if Kind_Of (Var, Tree) = N_Variable_Declaration or else (Kind_Of (Var, Tree) = N_Typed_Variable_Declaration and then not Is_External_Variable (Var, Tree)) then if Active (Debug) then Trace (Me, "Uses variable in " & Current_Project.Name); Pretty_Print (Var, Tree, Backward_Compatibility => False); end if; Current_Project.Data.Uses_Variables := True; end if; Var := Next_Variable (Var, Tree); end loop; if Pkg = Prj then Pkg := First_Package_Of (Prj, Tree); else Pkg := Next_Package_In_Project (Pkg, Tree); end if; end loop; Next (Iterator); end loop; end For_Each_External_Variable_Declaration; -------------- -- Switches -- -------------- procedure Switches (Project : Project_Type; In_Pkg : String; File : GNATCOLL.VFS.Virtual_File; Language : String; Value : out GNAT.Strings.String_List_Access; Is_Default_Value : out Boolean) is Val : Variable_Value; begin if Get_View (Project) /= GPR.No_Project then GPR.Util.Get_Switches (Source_File => File_Name_Type (Get_String (File.Display_Base_Name)), Source_Lang => Get_String (Language), Source_Prj => Project.Data.View, Pkg_Name => Get_String (To_Lower (In_Pkg)), Project_Tree => Project.Data.Tree.View, Value => Val, Is_Default => Is_Default_Value); Value := Variable_Value_To_List (Project, Val); else Value := null; end if; if Value = null then -- No switches Value := new String_List'(1 .. 0 => null); end if; end Switches; -------------- -- Value_Of -- -------------- function Value_Of (Tree : GPR.Project_Node_Tree_Ref; Var : Scenario_Variable) return String_List_Iterator is V, Expr : Project_Node_Id; begin case Kind_Of (Var.String_Type, Tree) is when N_String_Type_Declaration => return (Current => First_Literal_String (Var.String_Type, Tree)); when N_Attribute_Declaration | N_Typed_Variable_Declaration | N_Variable_Declaration => V := Expression_Of (Var.String_Type, Tree); case Kind_Of (V, Tree) is when N_Expression => Expr := First_Term (V, Tree); pragma Assert (Kind_Of (Expr, Tree) = N_Term); Expr := Current_Term (Expr, Tree); case Kind_Of (Expr, Tree) is when N_Literal_String_List => return (Current => First_Expression_In_List (Expr, Tree)); when N_External_Value => return (Current => External_Default_Of (Expr, Tree)); when others => return (Current => V); end case; when others => raise Program_Error; end case; when others => raise Program_Error; end case; end Value_Of; ---------- -- Done -- ---------- function Done (Iter : String_List_Iterator) return Boolean is begin return Iter.Current = Empty_Project_Node; end Done; ---------- -- Next -- ---------- function Next (Tree : GPR.Project_Node_Tree_Ref; Iter : String_List_Iterator) return String_List_Iterator is begin pragma Assert (Iter.Current /= Empty_Project_Node); case Kind_Of (Iter.Current, Tree) is when N_Literal_String => return (Current => Next_Literal_String (Iter.Current, Tree)); when N_Expression => return (Current => Next_Expression_In_List (Iter.Current, Tree)); when others => raise Program_Error; end case; end Next; ---------- -- Data -- ---------- function Data (Tree : GPR.Project_Node_Tree_Ref; Iter : String_List_Iterator) return GPR.Name_Id is begin pragma Assert (Kind_Of (Iter.Current, Tree) = N_Literal_String); return String_Value_Of (Iter.Current, Tree); end Data; ------------------------ -- Possible_Values_Of -- ------------------------ function Possible_Values_Of (Self : Project_Tree; Var : Scenario_Variable) return String_List is pragma Unreferenced (Self); Tree : constant GPR.Project_Node_Tree_Ref := Var.Tree_Ref; Count : Natural := 0; Iter : String_List_Iterator := Value_Of (Tree, Var); begin while not Done (Iter) loop Count := Count + 1; Iter := Next (Tree, Iter); end loop; declare Values : String_List (1 .. Count); begin Count := Values'First; Iter := Value_Of (Tree, Var); while not Done (Iter) loop Values (Count) := new String' (Get_Name_String (Data (Tree, Iter))); Count := Count + 1; Iter := Next (Tree, Iter); end loop; return Values; end; end Possible_Values_Of; --------------------------- -- Has_Imported_Projects -- --------------------------- function Has_Imported_Projects (Project : Project_Type) return Boolean is Iter : constant Inner_Project_Iterator := Start (Project, Recursive => True, Direct_Only => True); begin return Current (Iter) /= No_Project; end Has_Imported_Projects; --------- -- "=" -- --------- overriding function "=" (Prj1, Prj2 : Project_Type) return Boolean is begin if Prj1.Data = null then return Prj2.Data = null; elsif Prj2.Data = null then return False; else return Prj1.Data.Node = Prj2.Data.Node and then Prj1.Data.Tree = Prj2.Data.Tree; end if; end "="; --------- -- "<" -- --------- function Less (L, R : File_Info_Abstract'Class) return Boolean is begin return L < R; end Less; --------- -- "<" -- --------- function "<" (L, R : File_Info) return Boolean is begin return L.Project.Project_Path < R.Project.Project_Path; end "<"; ---------------------- -- Extended_Project -- ---------------------- function Extended_Project (Project : Project_Type) return Project_Type is Tree : constant GPR.Project_Node_Tree_Ref := Project.Data.Tree.Tree; Extended : constant Project_Node_Id := Extended_Project_Of (Project_Declaration_Of (Project.Data.Node, Tree), Tree); begin if Extended = Empty_Project_Node then return No_Project; else return Project_Type (Project_From_Name (Project.Data.Tree, GPR.Tree.Name_Of (Extended, Tree))); end if; end Extended_Project; ------------------------------------ -- Extended_Projects_Source_Files -- ------------------------------------ function Extended_Projects_Source_Files (Project : Project_Type) return GNATCOLL.VFS.File_Array_Access is P : Project_Type := Project; Result, Files : GNATCOLL.VFS.File_Array_Access; begin if Project.Data = null or else Project.Data.Files = null then return new File_Array (1 .. 0); end if; while P /= No_Project loop Files := P.Source_Files (Recursive => False); Append (Result, Files.all); Unchecked_Free (Files); P := Extended_Project (P); end loop; return Result; end Extended_Projects_Source_Files; ----------------------- -- Extending_Project -- ----------------------- function Extending_Project (Project : Project_Type; Recurse : Boolean := False) return Project_Type is Tree : constant GPR.Project_Node_Tree_Ref := Project.Data.Tree.Tree; Extending : Project_Node_Id := Empty_Project_Node; Extended : Project_Node_Id := Project.Data.Node; begin while Project_Declaration_Of (Extended, Tree) /= Empty_Project_Node loop Extending := Extending_Project_Of (Project_Declaration_Of (Extended, Tree), Tree); exit when not Recurse; -- Case of following extension chain: if we reached the of the chain, -- go back one step (to the last non-empty node) and exit. if Extending = Empty_Project_Node then Extending := Extended; exit; end if; -- Iterate Extended := Extending; end loop; if Extending = Empty_Project_Node then return No_Project; else return Project_Type (Project_From_Path (Project.Data.Tree, GPR.Tree.Path_Name_Of (Extending, Tree))); end if; end Extending_Project; ---------------------- -- Externally_Built -- ---------------------- function Externally_Built (Project : Project_Type) return Boolean is begin return Get_View (Project).Externally_Built; end Externally_Built; ----------- -- Build -- ----------- function Build (Package_Name, Attribute_Name : String) return Attribute_Pkg_String is begin return Attribute_Pkg_String (To_Lower (Package_Name) & '#' & To_Lower (Attribute_Name)); end Build; function Build (Package_Name, Attribute_Name : String) return Attribute_Pkg_List is begin return Attribute_Pkg_List (To_Lower (Package_Name) & '#' & To_Lower (Attribute_Name)); end Build; ------------------------ -- Delete_File_Suffix -- ------------------------ function Delete_File_Suffix (Filename : Filesystem_String; Project : Project_Type) return Natural is View : constant Project_Id := Get_View (Project); Lang : Language_Ptr; Suffix : Name_Id; begin -- View will be null when called from the project wizard if View /= GPR.No_Project then Lang := View.Languages; while Lang /= null loop Suffix := Name_Id (Lang.Config.Naming_Data.Spec_Suffix); if Suffix /= No_Name and then Utils.Ends_With (+Filename, Get_Name_String (Suffix)) then return Filename'Last - Natural (Length_Of_Name (Suffix)); end if; Suffix := Name_Id (Lang.Config.Naming_Data.Body_Suffix); if Suffix /= No_Name and then Utils.Ends_With (+Filename, Get_Name_String (Suffix)) then return Filename'Last - Natural (Length_Of_Name (Suffix)); end if; Lang := Lang.Next; end loop; end if; -- Check the default naming scheme as well ? Otherwise, it might happen -- that a project has its own naming scheme, but still references files -- in the runtime with the default naming scheme. declare Ext : constant String := GNAT.Directory_Operations.File_Extension (+Filename); begin if Ext = ".ads" or else Ext = ".adb" then return Filename'Last - 4; end if; end; return Filename'Last; end Delete_File_Suffix; --------------------- -- Executable_Name -- --------------------- function Executable_Name (Project : Project_Type; File : GNATCOLL.VFS.Filesystem_String; Include_Suffix : Boolean := False) return Filesystem_String is Base : constant Filesystem_String := Base_Name (File); Exec_Name : File_Name_Type; Main_Source : Source_Id; begin if Project = No_Project then Trace (Me, "Executable_Name: no project"); -- Simply remove the current extension, since we don't have any -- information on the file itself. return Base (Base'First .. Delete_File_Suffix (Base, Project)); else declare Norm : String := +Base; begin Osint.Canonical_Case_File_Name (Norm); Main_Source := Find_Source (In_Tree => Project.Data.Tree.View, Project => Project.Data.View, Base_Name => File_Name_Type (Get_String (Norm))); end; if Main_Source = No_Source then Trace (Me, "Executable_Name: source not found (" & (+Base) & ')'); return Base (Base'First .. Delete_File_Suffix (Base, Project)); end if; -- Do not include the suffix: it might be incorrect if we user will -- actually use a cross-compiler, since the suffix's default value -- depends on the host. Exec_Name := Executable_Of (Project => Project.Data.View, Shared => Project.Data.Tree.View.Shared, Main => Main_Source.File, Index => Main_Source.Index, Language => Get_Name_String (Main_Source.Language.Name), Include_Suffix => Include_Suffix); return +(Get_String (Exec_Name)); end if; end Executable_Name; ------------------ -- Create_Flags -- ------------------ function Create_Flags (On_Error : GPR.Error_Handler; Require_Sources : Boolean := True; Ignore_Missing_With : Boolean := False; Report_Missing_Dirs : Boolean := True) return Processing_Flags is begin if Require_Sources then return Create_Flags (Report_Error => On_Error, When_No_Sources => Warning, Require_Sources_Other_Lang => True, Compiler_Driver_Mandatory => False, Allow_Duplicate_Basenames => True, Require_Obj_Dirs => (if Report_Missing_Dirs then Warning else Silent), Allow_Invalid_External => Warning, Missing_Source_Files => Warning, Ignore_Missing_With => Ignore_Missing_With); else return Create_Flags (Report_Error => On_Error, When_No_Sources => Silent, Require_Sources_Other_Lang => False, Compiler_Driver_Mandatory => False, Allow_Duplicate_Basenames => True, Require_Obj_Dirs => (if Report_Missing_Dirs then Warning else Silent), Allow_Invalid_External => Silent, Missing_Source_Files => Warning, Ignore_Missing_With => Ignore_Missing_With); end if; end Create_Flags; ---------------------------- -- Has_Multi_Unit_Sources -- ---------------------------- function Has_Multi_Unit_Sources (Project : Project_Type) return Boolean is View : constant Project_Id := Get_View (Project); begin if View /= GPR.No_Project then return View.Has_Multi_Unit_Sources; end if; return False; end Has_Multi_Unit_Sources; ----------------------- -- Project_From_Name -- ----------------------- function Project_From_Name (Tree : Project_Tree_Data_Access; Name : GPR.Name_Id) return Project_Type'Class is Tree_For_Map : Project_Tree_Data_Access; P_Cursor, P_Found : Project_Htables.Cursor; Name_Found : Boolean := False; -- Name is a base name (for now), but the htable is indexed on the -- full path of the project. So we need to traverse all its elements. -- In the case of aggregate projects, we return No_Project if multiple -- projects match. Normalized : constant Filesystem_String := Create (+Get_String (Name)).Base_Name (Suffix => +GPR.Project_File_Extension, Normalize => True); -- The name of a project is not related to file names, and is always -- case-insensitive. So we convert to lower-case here. However, if we -- want a version of Project_From_Name that takes a path, we will need -- to use the filesystem's casing. -- -- We can't compare project names and file names, because child projects -- have names like "p.main" when the file name is "p-main". N : constant String := To_Lower (+Normalized); begin if Tree = null or else Tree.Tree = null then Trace (Me, "Project_From_Name: Registry not initialized"); return No_Project; else Tree_For_Map := Tree.Root.Data.Tree_For_Map; P_Cursor := Tree_For_Map.Projects.First; if Project_Qualifier_Of (Tree.Root.Data.Node, Tree.Tree) = GPR.Aggregate then while P_Cursor /= Project_Htables.No_Element loop if To_Lower (Element (P_Cursor).Name) = N then if Name_Found then Trace (Me, "Multiple projects with same name (" & N & ')'); return No_Project; else Name_Found := True; P_Found := P_Cursor; end if; end if; Next (P_Cursor); end loop; if Name_Found then return Element (P_Found); end if; else while P_Cursor /= Project_Htables.No_Element loop if To_Lower (Element (P_Cursor).Name) = N then return Element (P_Cursor); end if; Next (P_Cursor); end loop; end if; Trace (Me, "Get_Project_From_Name: " & Get_String (Name) & " wasn't found"); return No_Project; end if; end Project_From_Name; ----------------------- -- Project_From_Name -- ----------------------- function Project_From_Name (Self : Project_Tree'Class; Name : String) return Project_Type is begin return Project_Type (Project_From_Name (Self.Data, Get_String (Name))); end Project_From_Name; ----------------------- -- Project_From_Path -- ----------------------- function Project_From_Path (Self : Project_Tree'Class; Path : Virtual_File) return Project_Type is Tree_For_Map : constant Project_Tree_Data_Access := Self.Data.Root.Data.Tree_For_Map; -- An access to the root tree VF : constant GNATCOLL.VFS.Virtual_File := Create (Normalize_Pathname (Path.Full_Name, Resolve_Links => False)); P_Cursor : constant Project_Htables.Cursor := Tree_For_Map.Projects.Find (VF); begin if not Has_Element (P_Cursor) then return No_Project; end if; return Element (P_Cursor); end Project_From_Path; ----------------------- -- Project_From_Path -- ----------------------- function Project_From_Path (Tree : Project_Tree_Data_Access; Path_Id : Path_Name_Type) return Project_Type'Class is Tree_For_Map : constant Project_Tree_Data_Access := Tree.Root.Data.Tree_For_Map; -- An access to the root tree P_Cursor : constant Project_Htables.Cursor := Tree_For_Map.Projects.Find (Create (+Get_String (Path_Id))); begin if not Has_Element (P_Cursor) then return No_Project; end if; return Element (P_Cursor); end Project_From_Path; ---------------------- -- Set_Trusted_Mode -- ---------------------- procedure Set_Trusted_Mode (Self : in out Project_Environment; Trusted : Boolean := True) is begin Self.Trusted_Mode := Trusted; Opt.Follow_Links_For_Files := not Trusted; Opt.Follow_Links_For_Dirs := not Trusted; GNATCOLL.VFS.Symbolic_Links_Support (Active => not Trusted); end Set_Trusted_Mode; ------------------ -- Trusted_Mode -- ------------------ function Trusted_Mode (Self : Project_Environment) return Boolean is begin return Self.Trusted_Mode; end Trusted_Mode; -------------------------------- -- Set_Predefined_Source_Path -- -------------------------------- procedure Set_Predefined_Source_Path (Self : in out Project_Environment; Path : GNATCOLL.VFS.File_Array) is begin Unchecked_Free (Self.Predefined_Source_Files); Unchecked_Free (Self.Predefined_Source_Path); Self.Predefined_Source_Path := new File_Array'(Path); end Set_Predefined_Source_Path; procedure Set_Predefined_Object_Path (Self : in out Project_Environment; Path : GNATCOLL.VFS.File_Array) is begin Unchecked_Free (Self.Predefined_Object_Path); Self.Predefined_Object_Path := new File_Array'(Path); end Set_Predefined_Object_Path; procedure Set_Predefined_Project_Path (Self : in out Project_Environment; Path : GNATCOLL.VFS.File_Array) is begin Unchecked_Free (Self.Predefined_Project_Path); Self.Predefined_Project_Path := new File_Array'(Path); end Set_Predefined_Project_Path; ---------------------------- -- Predefined_Source_Path -- ---------------------------- function Predefined_Source_Path (Self : Project_Environment) return GNATCOLL.VFS.File_Array is begin if Self.Predefined_Source_Path = null then return (1 .. 0 => GNATCOLL.VFS.No_File); else return Self.Predefined_Source_Path.all; end if; end Predefined_Source_Path; function Predefined_Object_Path (Self : Project_Environment) return GNATCOLL.VFS.File_Array is begin if Self.Predefined_Object_Path = null then return (1 .. 0 => GNATCOLL.VFS.No_File); else return Self.Predefined_Object_Path.all; end if; end Predefined_Object_Path; function Predefined_Project_Path (Self : Project_Environment) return GNATCOLL.VFS.File_Array is Current : Virtual_File; begin if Self.Predefined_Project_Path = null then Current := Create (Get_Current_Dir); return (1 .. 1 => Current); else return Self.Predefined_Project_Path.all; end if; end Predefined_Project_Path; ------------------------ -- Set_Build_Tree_Dir -- ------------------------ procedure Set_Build_Tree_Dir (Self : in out Project_Environment; Dir : GNATCOLL.VFS.Filesystem_String) is pragma Unreferenced (Self); begin Free (GPR.Build_Tree_Dir); if Dir = "" then GPR.Build_Tree_Dir := null; else GPR.Build_Tree_Dir := new String'(+Dir); end if; end Set_Build_Tree_Dir; -------------------- -- Build_Tree_Dir -- -------------------- function Build_Tree_Dir (Self : Project_Environment) return GNATCOLL.VFS.Filesystem_String is pragma Unreferenced (Self); begin if GPR.Build_Tree_Dir = null then return ""; else return +GPR.Build_Tree_Dir.all; end if; end Build_Tree_Dir; ------------------ -- Set_Root_Dir -- ------------------ procedure Set_Root_Dir (Self : in out Project_Environment; Dir : GNATCOLL.VFS.Filesystem_String) is pragma Unreferenced (Self); begin Free (GPR.Root_Dir); if Dir = "" then GPR.Root_Dir := null; else GPR.Root_Dir := new String'(+Dir); end if; end Set_Root_Dir; -------------- -- Root_Dir -- -------------- function Root_Dir (Self : Project_Environment) return GNATCOLL.VFS.Filesystem_String is pragma Unreferenced (Self); begin if GPR.Root_Dir = null then return ""; else return +GPR.Root_Dir.all; end if; end Root_Dir; ----------------------- -- Set_Object_Subdir -- ----------------------- procedure Set_Object_Subdir (Self : in out Project_Environment; Subdir : GNATCOLL.VFS.Filesystem_String) is pragma Unreferenced (Self); begin Free (GPR.Subdirs); if Subdir = "." then GPR.Subdirs := null; else GPR.Subdirs := new String'(+Subdir); end if; end Set_Object_Subdir; ------------------- -- Object_Subdir -- ------------------- function Object_Subdir (Self : Project_Environment) return GNATCOLL.VFS.Filesystem_String is pragma Unreferenced (Self); begin if GPR.Subdirs = null then return ""; else return +GPR.Subdirs.all; end if; end Object_Subdir; ---------------------- -- Set_Xrefs_Subdir -- ---------------------- procedure Set_Xrefs_Subdir (Self : in out Project_Environment; Subdir : GNATCOLL.VFS.Filesystem_String) is begin Free (Self.Xrefs_Subdir); Self.Xrefs_Subdir := new String'(+Subdir); end Set_Xrefs_Subdir; function Xrefs_Subdir (Self : Project_Environment) return GNATCOLL.VFS.Filesystem_String is begin if Self.Xrefs_Subdir = null then return ""; else return +Self.Xrefs_Subdir.all; end if; end Xrefs_Subdir; ----------------------------- -- Predefined_Source_Files -- ----------------------------- function Predefined_Source_Files (Self : access Project_Environment) return GNATCOLL.VFS.File_Array is begin -- ??? A nicer way would be to implement this with a predefined project, -- and rely on the project parser to return the source -- files. Unfortunately, this doesn't work with the current -- implementation of this parser, since one cannot have two separate -- project hierarchies at the same time. if Self.Predefined_Source_Files = null and then Self.Predefined_Source_Path /= null then Self.Predefined_Source_Files := Read_Files_From_Dirs (Self.Predefined_Source_Path.all); end if; if Self.Predefined_Source_Files = null then return Empty_File_Array; else return Self.Predefined_Source_Files.all; end if; end Predefined_Source_Files; ------------------ -- Data_Factory -- ------------------ function Data_Factory (Self : Project_Tree) return Project_Data_Access is pragma Unreferenced (Self); begin return new Project_Data; end Data_Factory; ---------- -- Data -- ---------- function Data (Project : Project_Type) return Project_Data_Access is begin return Project.Data; end Data; ------------- -- On_Free -- ------------- procedure On_Free (Self : in out Project_Data) is begin Unchecked_Free (Self.Imported_Projects.Items); Unchecked_Free (Self.Importing_Projects); Reset_View (Self); end On_Free; ---------------- -- Reset_View -- ---------------- procedure Reset_View (Self : in out Project_Data'Class) is procedure Unchecked_Free is new Ada.Unchecked_Deallocation (Basename_To_Info_Cache.Map, Basename_To_Info_Cache_Map_Access); begin Self.View := GPR.No_Project; -- No need to reset Self.Imported_Projects, since this doesn't -- change when the view changes. Unchecked_Free (Self.Non_Recursive_Include_Path); Unchecked_Free (Self.Files); if Self.Base_Name_To_Full_Path /= null then Self.Base_Name_To_Full_Path.Clear; Unchecked_Free (Self.Base_Name_To_Full_Path); Self.Base_Name_To_Full_Path := null; end if; Self.View_Is_Complete := True; end Reset_View; ------------ -- Adjust -- ------------ overriding procedure Adjust (Self : in out Project_Type) is begin if Self.Data /= null then Self.Data.Refcount := Self.Data.Refcount + 1; end if; end Adjust; -------------- -- Finalize -- -------------- overriding procedure Finalize (Self : in out Project_Type) is procedure Unchecked_Free is new Ada.Unchecked_Deallocation (Project_Data'Class, Project_Data_Access); Data : Project_Data_Access := Self.Data; begin -- Make Finalize idempotent, since it could be called several times. -- See RM 7.6.1 (24) Self.Data := null; -- We never finalize unless Tree is null: the tree is set to null when -- the project_tree is unloaded. That means user cares about memory -- management. If we try to finalize when unload hasn't been called, and -- because the tree owns references to the project, this means Finalize -- is called by GNAT as part of processing the finalization_lists. In -- that case, it seems we always end up in a case where we access -- already deallocated memory. if Data /= null then Data.Refcount := Data.Refcount - 1; if Data.Refcount = 0 and then Data.Tree = null then On_Free (Data.all); Unchecked_Free (Data); Data := null; end if; end if; end Finalize; ---------------------------- -- Add_Language_Extension -- ---------------------------- procedure Add_Language_Extension (Self : in out Project_Environment; Language_Name : String; Extension : String) is Ext : String := Extension; begin Osint.Canonical_Case_File_Name (Ext); Self.Extensions.Include (Ext, Get_String (To_Lower (Language_Name))); end Add_Language_Extension; ----------------------------------------- -- Register_Default_Language_Extension -- ----------------------------------------- procedure Register_Default_Language_Extension (Self : in out Project_Environment; Language_Name : String; Default_Spec_Suffix : String; Default_Body_Suffix : String; Obj_Suffix : String := ".o") is Spec, Impl, Obj : String_Access; Spec_Suff : String := Default_Spec_Suffix; Impl_Suff : String := Default_Body_Suffix; begin -- GNAT doesn't allow empty suffixes, and will display an error when -- the view is recomputed, in that case. Therefore we substitute dummy -- empty suffixes instead if Default_Spec_Suffix = "" then Spec := new String'(Dummy_Suffix); else Osint.Canonical_Case_File_Name (Spec_Suff); Spec := new String'(Spec_Suff); end if; if Default_Body_Suffix = "" then Impl := new String'(Dummy_Suffix); else Osint.Canonical_Case_File_Name (Impl_Suff); Impl := new String'(Impl_Suff); end if; if Obj_Suffix = "" then Obj := new String'("-"); else Obj := new String'(Obj_Suffix); end if; Self.Naming_Schemes := new Naming_Scheme_Record' (Language => new String'(To_Lower (Language_Name)), Default_Spec_Suffix => Spec, Default_Body_Suffix => Impl, Obj_Suffix => Obj, Next => Self.Naming_Schemes); end Register_Default_Language_Extension; ------------------------- -- Default_Spec_Suffix -- ------------------------- function Default_Spec_Suffix (Self : Project_Environment'Class; Language_Name : String) return String is Tmp : Naming_Scheme_Access := Self.Naming_Schemes; Lang : constant String := To_Lower (Language_Name); begin while Tmp /= null loop if Tmp.Language.all = Lang then return Tmp.Default_Spec_Suffix.all; end if; Tmp := Tmp.Next; end loop; return ""; end Default_Spec_Suffix; ------------------------- -- Default_Body_Suffix -- ------------------------- function Default_Body_Suffix (Self : Project_Environment'Class; Language_Name : String) return String is Tmp : Naming_Scheme_Access := Self.Naming_Schemes; Lang : constant String := To_Lower (Language_Name); begin while Tmp /= null loop if Tmp.Language.all = Lang then return Tmp.Default_Body_Suffix.all; end if; Tmp := Tmp.Next; end loop; return ""; end Default_Body_Suffix; --------------------------- -- Registered_Extensions -- --------------------------- function Registered_Extensions (Self : Project_Environment; Language_Name : String) return GNAT.Strings.String_List is Lang : constant String := To_Lower (Language_Name); Lang_Id : constant Name_Id := Get_String (Lang); Iter : Extensions_Languages.Cursor := Self.Extensions.First; Count : Natural := 0; begin while Has_Element (Iter) loop if Element (Iter) = Lang_Id then Count := Count + 1; end if; Next (Iter); end loop; declare Args : String_List (1 .. Count); begin Count := Args'First; Iter := Self.Extensions.First; while Has_Element (Iter) loop if Element (Iter) = Lang_Id then Args (Count) := new String'(Key (Iter)); Count := Count + 1; end if; Next (Iter); end loop; return Args; end; end Registered_Extensions; ------------------ -- Root_Project -- ------------------ function Root_Project (Self : Project_Tree'Class) return Project_Type is begin if Self.Data = null then return No_Project; else return Self.Data.Root; end if; end Root_Project; ---------------------------------- -- Directory_Belongs_To_Project -- ---------------------------------- function Directory_Belongs_To_Project (Self : Project_Tree; Directory : GNATCOLL.VFS.Filesystem_String; Direct_Only : Boolean := True) return Boolean is Curs : constant Directory_Statuses.Cursor := Self.Data.Directories.Find (Name_As_Directory (Directory)); Belong : Directory_Dependency; begin if Has_Element (Curs) then Belong := Element (Curs); return Belong = Direct or else (not Direct_Only and then Belong = As_Parent); else return False; end if; end Directory_Belongs_To_Project; ---------- -- Hash -- ---------- function Hash (File : GNATCOLL.VFS.Filesystem_String) return Ada.Containers.Hash_Type is begin if GNATCOLL.VFS_Utils.Local_Host_Is_Case_Sensitive then return Ada.Strings.Hash (+File); else return Ada.Strings.Hash_Case_Insensitive (+File); end if; end Hash; function Hash (Node : Project_Node_Id) return Ada.Containers.Hash_Type is begin return Ada.Containers.Hash_Type (GPR.Tree.Hash (Node)); end Hash; ------------------ -- Include_File -- ------------------ procedure Include_File (Map : in out Names_Files.Map; Key : GNATCOLL.VFS.Filesystem_String; Elem : Source_File_Data) is M_Cur : Names_Files.Cursor; Inserted : Boolean; Elem_Access : Source_File_Data_Access; begin Map.Insert (Key, Elem, M_Cur, Inserted); if Inserted then return; end if; declare Found_Elem : constant Names_Files.Reference_Type := Map.Reference (M_Cur); begin if Found_Elem.Project = Elem.Project and then Found_Elem.File = Elem.File then -- Exactly same file, nothing has to be done. return; elsif Found_Elem.Next = null then Found_Elem.Next := new Source_File_Data'(Elem); else -- Look through other files with same base name and add elem -- if not present. Elem_Access := Found_Elem.Next; loop if Elem_Access.Project = Elem.Project and then Elem_Access.File = Elem.File then return; end if; if Elem_Access.Next = null then Elem_Access.Next := new Source_File_Data'(Elem); return; end if; Elem_Access := Elem_Access.Next; end loop; end if; end; end Include_File; ----------- -- Equal -- ----------- function Equal (F1, F2 : GNATCOLL.VFS.Filesystem_String) return Boolean is begin -- ??? In GPS, we used to take into account the sensitive of the build -- host. However, this wasn't correct either, because it was computed -- at elaboration time, so always with local_host. Ideally, we should -- have access to a Project_Environment to find this out. return Equal (+F1, +F2, Case_Sensitive => GNATCOLL.VFS_Utils.Local_Host_Is_Case_Sensitive); end Equal; ---------------------- -- Reload_If_Needed -- ---------------------- procedure Reload_If_Needed (Self : in out Project_Tree; Reloaded : out Boolean; Recompute_View : Boolean := False; Errors : Error_Report := null) is Iter : Inner_Project_Iterator; begin Iter := Start (Self.Root_Project); Reloaded := False; while Current (Iter) /= No_Project loop if File_Time_Stamp (Project_Path (Current (Iter))) > Self.Data.Timestamp then Trace (Me, "Reload_If_Needed: timestamp has changed for " & Current (Iter).Name); Reloaded := True; exit; end if; Next (Iter); end loop; if Reloaded then Self.Load (Env => Self.Data.Env, Root_Project_Path => Project_Path (Self.Root_Project), Recompute_View => Recompute_View, Errors => Errors); else Trace (Me, "Reload_If_Needed: nothing to do, timestamp unchanged"); end if; end Reload_If_Needed; ---------- -- Load -- ---------- procedure Load (Self : in out Project_Tree; Root_Project_Path : GNATCOLL.VFS.Virtual_File; Env : Project_Environment_Access := null; Packages_To_Check : GNAT.Strings.String_List_Access := No_Packs; Errors : Error_Report := null; Recompute_View : Boolean := True; Report_Missing_Dirs : Boolean := True) is Block_Me : constant Block_Trace_Handle := Create (Me, Root_Project_Path.Display_Full_Name); Tmp : Project_Tree'Class := Self; -- Must use same tag Previous_Project : Virtual_File; Previous_Status : Project_Status; Success : Boolean; Project : Project_Node_Id; Project_File : GNATCOLL.VFS.Virtual_File := Root_Project_Path; Pth : Path_Name_Type; begin Sinput.Clear_Source_File_Table; Sinput.Reset_First; if Active (Me_Gnat) then GPR.Current_Verbosity := GPR.High; end if; Set_Host_Targets_List; if Self.Data /= null and then Self.Data.Root /= No_Project then Previous_Project := Self.Root_Project.Project_Path; Previous_Status := Self.Data.Status; else Previous_Project := GNATCOLL.VFS.No_File; Previous_Status := Default; end if; if Env /= null then GPR.Ext.Reset_Context (Env.Env.External); end if; if Env /= null and then Env.Config_File.Is_Regular_File then Env.Set_Target_And_Runtime_From_Config; end if; -- Looking for the project file in predefined paths if the default -- project path has been initialized. if Env /= null and then Is_Initialized (Env.Env.Project_Path) then Find_Project (Env.Env.Project_Path, Root_Project_Path.Display_Full_Name, "", Pth); if Pth /= No_Path then Project_File := Create (+Get_Name_String (Pth)); end if; end if; if not Is_Regular_File (Project_File) then Trace (Me, "Load: " & Display_Full_Name (Root_Project_Path) & " is not a regular file"); Project_File := Create (Normalize_Pathname (Full_Name (Project_File) & Project_File_Extension, Resolve_Links => False)); if not Is_Regular_File (Project_File) then Trace (Me, "Load: " & Display_Full_Name (Project_File) & " is not a regular file"); if Errors /= null then Errors (Display_Full_Name (Root_Project_Path) & " is not a regular file"); end if; raise Invalid_Project; end if; end if; Tmp.Data := new Project_Tree_Data (Is_Aggregated => False); if Env = null then if Self.Data = null or else Self.Data.Env = null then Initialize (Tmp.Data.Env); else Tmp.Data.Env := Self.Data.Env; end if; else Tmp.Data.Env := Env; end if; -- Force a recomputation of the timestamp the next time Recompute_View -- is called. Tmp.Data.Timestamp := GNATCOLL.Utils.No_Time; Register_Specific_Attributes; Trace (Me, "Initial parsing to check the syntax"); Internal_Load (Tmp, Project_File, Errors, Report_Syntax_Errors => True, Project => Project, Packages_To_Check => Packages_To_Check, Recompute_View => False, Report_Missing_Dirs => Report_Missing_Dirs, Implicit_Project => False); GPR.Err.Initialize; -- Clear errors if Project = Empty_Project_Node then -- Reset the list of error messages, and keep current project -- unchanged if Self.Data = null then Self.Load_Empty_Project (Env => Tmp.Data.Env); end if; Free (Tmp.Data.View); Free (Tmp.Data); Trace (Me, "empty_node after parsing the tree"); raise Invalid_Project; end if; -- We know the project is syntactically correct, so we can go on with -- the processing (we can't reuse the previous parsing, because we need -- to Unload first. if Self.Data = null then Self.Data := Tmp.Data; else Project_Tree'Class (Self).Unload; Self.Data.Timestamp := GNATCOLL.Utils.No_Time; Self.Data.Env := Tmp.Data.Env; Free (Tmp.Data.View); Free (Tmp.Data); end if; Trace (Me, "Parsing again, now that we know the syntax is correct"); Internal_Load (Self, Project_File, Errors, Report_Syntax_Errors => False, -- already done above Project => Project, Packages_To_Check => Packages_To_Check, Recompute_View => Recompute_View, Report_Missing_Dirs => Report_Missing_Dirs, Implicit_Project => False); if Previous_Status = Default then Trace (Me, "Remove previous default project on disk, no longer used"); Delete (Previous_Project, Success); end if; end Load; --------------------- -- Set_Config_File -- --------------------- procedure Set_Config_File (Self : in out Project_Environment; Config_File : GNATCOLL.VFS.Virtual_File) is begin Self.Config_File := Config_File; end Set_Config_File; ------------------------------- -- Set_Automatic_Config_File -- ------------------------------- procedure Set_Automatic_Config_File (Self : in out Project_Environment; Autoconf : Boolean := True) is begin Self.Autoconf := Autoconf; end Set_Automatic_Config_File; -------------------- -- Add_Config_Dir -- -------------------- procedure Add_Config_Dir (Self : in out Project_Environment; Directory : GNATCOLL.VFS.Virtual_File) is pragma Unreferenced (Self); begin Name_Len := 0; Add_Str_To_Name_Buffer (Directory.Display_Full_Name); GPR.Conf.Add_Db_Switch_Arg (Name_Find); end Add_Config_Dir; ---------------- -- Initialize -- ---------------- procedure Initialize (Self : in out Project_Environment_Access; IDE_Mode : Boolean := False) is begin if Self = null then Self := new Project_Environment; end if; GPR.Tree.Initialize (Self.Env, Create_Flags (null)); GPR.Env.Initialize_Default_Project_Path (Self.Env.Project_Path, Target_Name => ""); Self.Predefined_Project_Path := new File_Array'(From_Path (+Get_Path (Self.Env.Project_Path))); Self.IDE_Mode := IDE_Mode; end Initialize; ----------- -- Reset -- ----------- procedure Reset (Tree : in out Project_Tree'Class; Env : Project_Environment_Access) is begin if Tree.Data = null then Tree.Data := new Project_Tree_Data (Is_Aggregated => False); if Env = null then Initialize (Tree.Data.Env); else Tree.Data.Env := Env; end if; end if; if Tree.Data.Tree = null then Tree.Data.Tree := new Project_Node_Tree_Data; end if; GPR.Tree.Initialize (Tree.Data.Tree); if Tree.Data.View = null then Tree.Data.View := new GPR.Project_Tree_Data; end if; GPR.Initialize (Tree.Data.View); end Reset; ----------------------------- -- Invalidate_Gnatls_Cache -- ----------------------------- procedure Invalidate_Gnatls_Cache (Self : in out Project_Environment) is begin Free (Self.Gnatls); end Invalidate_Gnatls_Cache; ------------------------ -- Set_Default_Gnatls -- ------------------------ procedure Set_Default_Gnatls (Self : in out Project_Environment; Gnatls : String) is begin Free (Self.Default_Gnatls); Self.Default_Gnatls := new String'(Gnatls); end Set_Default_Gnatls; ---------------------------- -- Set_Target_And_Runtime -- ---------------------------- procedure Set_Target_And_Runtime (Self : in out Project_Environment; Target : String := ""; Runtime : String := "") is begin Free (Self.Forced_Target); Free (Self.Forced_Runtime); if Target /= "" then Self.Forced_Target := new String'(Target); end if; if Runtime /= "" then Self.Forced_Runtime := new String'(Runtime); end if; end Set_Target_And_Runtime; ---------------------------------------- -- Set_Target_And_Runtime_From_Config -- ---------------------------------------- procedure Set_Target_And_Runtime_From_Config (Self : in out Project_Environment) is Config_Project_Node : GPR.Project_Node_Id; Project_Node_Tree : GPR.Project_Node_Tree_Ref := new Project_Node_Tree_Data; Project_Tree : Project_Tree_Ref := new GPR.Project_Tree_Data (Is_Root_Tree => True); Config : Project_Id; Success : Boolean; function Get_Config_Attribute_Value (Config_File : Project_Id; Project_Tree : Project_Tree_Ref; Name : String; Index : String := ""; Pack : String := "") return String; -- Retruns the value of specified attribute from configuration project -- or an empty string if corresponding attribute is not found. -- Name, Index and Pack parameters are not case-sensitive. function Gnatls_From_CGPR (Runtime : String; Gcc : String) return String; -- Constructs call to gnatls based on attributes from configuration -- project. -------------------------------- -- Get_Config_Attribute_Value -- -------------------------------- function Get_Config_Attribute_Value (Config_File : Project_Id; Project_Tree : Project_Tree_Ref; Name : String; Index : String := ""; Pack : String := "") return String is Shared : constant Shared_Project_Tree_Data_Access := Project_Tree.Shared; Conf_Decl : Declarations; Conf_Attr_Id : Variable_Id; Conf_Attr : Variable; Conf_Array_Id : Array_Id; Conf_Array : Array_Data; Conf_Array_Elem_Id : Array_Element_Id; Conf_Array_Elem : Array_Element; Conf_Pack_Id : Package_Id; Conf_Pack : Package_Element; function "=" (L : Name_Id; R : String) return Boolean is (To_Lower (Get_Name_String (L)) = To_Lower (R)); begin if Config_File = GPR.No_Project then return ""; end if; Conf_Decl := Config_File.Decl; if Pack /= "" then Conf_Pack_Id := Conf_Decl.Packages; while Conf_Pack_Id /= No_Package loop Conf_Pack := Shared.Packages.Table (Conf_Pack_Id); exit when Conf_Pack.Name = Pack; Conf_Pack_Id := Conf_Pack.Next; end loop; if Conf_Pack_Id = No_Package then return ""; else Conf_Decl := Conf_Pack.Decl; end if; end if; if Index = "" then Conf_Attr_Id := Conf_Decl.Attributes; while Conf_Attr_Id /= GPR.No_Variable loop Conf_Attr := Shared.Variable_Elements.Table (Conf_Attr_Id); if not Conf_Attr.Value.Default then if Conf_Attr.Name = Name then if Conf_Attr.Value.Kind = Single then return Get_Name_String (Conf_Attr.Value.Value); end if; end if; end if; Conf_Attr_Id := Conf_Attr.Next; end loop; else Conf_Array_Id := Conf_Decl.Arrays; while Conf_Array_Id /= No_Array loop Conf_Array := Shared.Arrays.Table (Conf_Array_Id); if Conf_Array.Name = Name then Conf_Array_Elem_Id := Conf_Array.Value; while Conf_Array_Elem_Id /= No_Array_Element loop Conf_Array_Elem := Shared.Array_Elements.Table (Conf_Array_Elem_Id); if Conf_Array_Elem.Index = Index then return Get_Name_String (Conf_Array_Elem.Value.Value); end if; Conf_Array_Elem_Id := Conf_Array_Elem.Next; end loop; end if; Conf_Array_Id := Conf_Array.Next; end loop; end if; return ""; end Get_Config_Attribute_Value; ---------------------- -- Gnatls_From_CGPR -- ---------------------- function Gnatls_From_CGPR (Runtime : String; Gcc : String) return String is Idx : Integer; begin if Gcc = "" then return "gnatls -v" & (if Runtime = "" then "" else "--RTS=" & Runtime); else Idx := Index (Gcc, "gcc", Backward); if Idx > Gcc'First and then Idx = Gcc'Last - 2 then return Gcc (Gcc'First .. Idx - 1) & "gnatls -v" & (if Runtime = "" then "" else " --RTS=" & Runtime); end if; end if; return "gnatls -v"; end Gnatls_From_CGPR; begin Trace (Me, "Set_Target_And_Runtime_From_Config"); if Self.Config_File = GNATCOLL.VFS.No_File or else not Self.Config_File.Is_Regular_File then Trace (Me, "Config file not found"); return; end if; GPR.Snames.Initialize; GPR.Attr.Initialize; GPR.Tree.Initialize (Project_Node_Tree); GPR.Initialize (Project_Tree); GPR.Part.Parse (In_Tree => Project_Node_Tree, Project => Config_Project_Node, Project_File_Name => Self.Config_File.Display_Full_Name, Packages_To_Check => GPR.All_Packages, Is_Config_File => True, Env => Self.Env); if not Present (Config_Project_Node) then Trace (Me, "Cannot parse config project"); return; end if; Proc.Process_Project_Tree_Phase_1 (In_Tree => Project_Tree, Project => Config, Packages_To_Check => GPR.All_Packages, Success => Success, From_Project_Node => Config_Project_Node, From_Project_Node_Tree => Project_Node_Tree, Env => Self.Env, Reset_Tree => False, On_New_Tree_Loaded => null); if not Success then Trace (Me, "Cannot process config project"); return; end if; declare CGPR_Target : constant String := Get_Config_Attribute_Value (Config, Project_Tree, "target"); CGPR_Runtime : constant String := Get_Config_Attribute_Value (Config, Project_Tree, "Runtime_Dir", "ADA"); CGPR_GCC : constant String := Get_Config_Attribute_Value (Config, Project_Tree, "Driver", "ADA", "Compiler"); begin Free (Self.Forced_Target); Free (Self.Forced_Runtime); if CGPR_Target /= "" then Self.Forced_Target := new String'(CGPR_Target); end if; if CGPR_Runtime /= "" then Self.Forced_Runtime := new String'(CGPR_Runtime); end if; Trace (Me, CGPR_GCC); Trace (Me, Gnatls_From_CGPR (CGPR_Runtime, CGPR_GCC)); Self.Set_Default_Gnatls (Gnatls_From_CGPR (CGPR_Runtime, CGPR_GCC)); end; Free (Project_Tree); Free (Project_Node_Tree); end Set_Target_And_Runtime_From_Config; ------------------------------------ -- Set_Path_From_Gnatls_Attribute -- ------------------------------------ function Set_Path_From_Gnatls_Attribute (Project : Project_Id; Tree : Project_Tree'Class; Errors : Error_Report := null) return Boolean is P : Package_Id; Value : Variable_Value; GNAT_Version : GNAT.Strings.String_Access; Shared : constant Shared_Project_Tree_Data_Access := Tree.Data.View.Shared; Unset : constant String := ""; function Get_Value_Of_Target (Project : Project_Id) return String; -- Look for the value of Target attribute in given project or projects -- extended by it recursively. function Get_Value_Of_Target (Project : Project_Id) return String is Elem : constant Variable_Value := Value_Of (Get_String ("target"), Project.Decl.Attributes, Shared); begin if Elem = Nil_Variable_Value or else Elem.Default or else Elem.Value = No_Name then if Project.Extends = GPR.No_Project then return Value_Of (Nil_Variable_Value, Unset); else return Get_Value_Of_Target (Project.Extends); end if; else return Value_Of (Elem, Unset); end if; end Get_Value_Of_Target; Target : constant String := (if Tree.Data.Env.Forced_Target /= null then Tree.Data.Env.Forced_Target.all else Get_Value_Of_Target (Project)); N_Target : constant String := Normalize_Target_Name (Target); function Get_Value_Of_Runtime (Project : Project_Id) return String; -- Look for the value of Runtime attribute in given project or projects -- extended by it recursively. function Get_Value_Of_Runtime (Project : Project_Id) return String is Elem : constant Array_Element_Id := Value_Of (Get_String ("runtime"), Project.Decl.Arrays, Shared); function Filter_Default (S : String) return String is (if S = "default" then Unset else S); -- Unlike gprconfig, gnatls cannot process --RTS=default, so we need -- to replace it with empty value. begin if Elem = No_Array_Element then if Project.Extends = GPR.No_Project then return Filter_Default (Value_Of (Nil_Variable_Value, Unset)); else return Filter_Default (Get_Value_Of_Runtime (Project.Extends)); end if; else return Filter_Default (Value_Of (Value_Of (Index => Get_String ("ada"), In_Array => Elem, Shared => Shared), Unset)); end if; end Get_Value_Of_Runtime; Runtime : constant String := (if Tree.Data.Env.Forced_Runtime /= null then Tree.Data.Env.Forced_Runtime.all else Get_Value_Of_Runtime (Project)); function Default_Gnatls return String; -- Compute the default 'gnatls' command to spawn function Default_Gnatls return String is No_Prefix : Boolean := False; begin if Tree.Data.Env.Config_File.Is_Regular_File and then Tree.Data.Env.Default_Gnatls /= null then return Tree.Data.Env.Default_Gnatls.all; end if; for Tgt of Host_Targets_List loop if N_Target = Tgt then No_Prefix := True; exit; end if; end loop; if Runtime /= Unset or else Target /= Unset then return (if Target /= Unset and then not No_Prefix then Target & '-' else "") & "gnatls" & (if Runtime /= Unset then " --RTS=" & Runtime else ""); else return Tree.Data.Env.Default_Gnatls.all; end if; end Default_Gnatls; function Process_Gnatls (Gnatls : String) return Boolean; function Process_Gnatls (Gnatls : String) return Boolean is begin if Tree.Data.Env.Gnatls = null or else (Tree.Data.Env.Gnatls.all /= Gnatls and then Tree.Data.Env.Gnatls.all /= No_Gnatls) then Tree.Data.Env.Set_Path_From_Gnatls (Gnatls => Gnatls, GNAT_Version => GNAT_Version, Errors => Errors); Free (GNAT_Version); return True; end if; return False; end Process_Gnatls; begin P := Value_Of (Name_Ide, In_Packages => Project.Decl.Packages, Shared => Shared); if P = No_Package then Trace (Me, "No package IDE, no gnatlist attribute"); return Process_Gnatls (Default_Gnatls); else -- Do we have a gnatlist attribute ? Value := Value_Of (Get_String ("gnatlist"), Tree.Data.View.Shared.Packages.Table (P).Decl.Attributes, Shared); if Value = Nil_Variable_Value then Trace (Me, "No attribute IDE'gnatlist"); return Process_Gnatls (Default_Gnatls); else declare Gnatls : constant String := Get_Name_String (Value.Value); begin if Gnatls = "" then return Process_Gnatls (Default_Gnatls); else if Runtime /= Unset or else Target /= Unset then Trace (Me, "Error, IDE'Gnatlist attribute cannot be set" & " when Runtime or Target is also set"); return Process_Gnatls (Default_Gnatls); end if; return Process_Gnatls (Gnatls); end if; end; end if; end if; end Set_Path_From_Gnatls_Attribute; ------------------ -- Spawn_Gnatls -- ------------------ procedure Spawn_Gnatls (Self : Project_Environment; Fd : out Process_Descriptor_Access; Gnatls_Args : Argument_List_Access; Errors : Error_Report) is Gnatls_Path : constant Virtual_File := Locate_On_Path (+Gnatls_Args (Gnatls_Args'First).all); begin if Gnatls_Path = GNATCOLL.VFS.No_File then Trace (Me, "Could not locate exec " & Gnatls_Args (Gnatls_Args'First).all); if Errors /= null then Errors ("Could not locate exec " & Gnatls_Args (Gnatls_Args'First).all); end if; else Trace (Me, "Spawning " & (+Gnatls_Path.Full_Name)); if Self.TTY_Process_Descriptor_Disabled then Fd := new Process_Descriptor; else Fd := new TTY_Process_Descriptor; end if; Non_Blocking_Spawn (Fd.all, +Gnatls_Path.Full_Name, Gnatls_Args (Gnatls_Args'First + 1 .. Gnatls_Args'Last), Buffer_Size => 0, Err_To_Out => True); end if; end Spawn_Gnatls; ----------------- -- Gnatls_Host -- ----------------- function Gnatls_Host (Self : Project_Environment) return String is pragma Unreferenced (Self); begin return Local_Host; end Gnatls_Host; -------------------------- -- Set_Path_From_Gnatls -- -------------------------- procedure Set_Path_From_Gnatls (Self : in out Project_Environment; Gnatls : String; GNAT_Version : out GNAT.Strings.String_Access; Errors : Error_Report := null) is Gnatls_Args : Argument_List_Access := Argument_String_To_List (Gnatls & " -v"); procedure Unchecked_Free is new Ada.Unchecked_Deallocation (Process_Descriptor'Class, Process_Descriptor_Access); Success : Boolean := True; Fd : Process_Descriptor_Access; begin if Self.Default_Gnatls /= null and then Self.Default_Gnatls.all = No_Gnatls then Self.Gnatls := new String'(Self.Default_Gnatls.all); Trace (Me, "Gnatls should not be invoked"); return; end if; if Self.Gnatls /= null and then Self.Gnatls.all = Gnatls then Trace (Me, "Gnatls was already run with same arguments: " & Gnatls); return; end if; Free (Self.Gnatls); Self.Gnatls := new String'(Gnatls); if Active (Me) then Increase_Indent (Me, "Executing " & Gnatls & " -v"); end if; begin Spawn_Gnatls (Project_Environment'Class (Self), Fd, Gnatls_Args, Errors); exception when others => Trace (Me, "Could not execute " & Gnatls_Args (1).all); if Errors /= null then Errors ("Could not execute " & Gnatls_Args (1).all); end if; Success := False; end; if not Success then Trace (Me, "Could not compute predefined paths"); if Errors /= null then Errors ("Could not compute predefined paths for this project."); Errors ("Subprojects might be incorrectly loaded, please make " & "sure they are in your ADA_PROJECT_PATH"); end if; if Active (Me) then Decrease_Indent (Me); end if; return; end if; if Fd /= null then declare S : constant String := GNATCOLL.Utils.Get_Command_Output (Fd); begin Trace (Me, "Output of gnatls is " & S); if S = "" and Errors /= null then Errors ("The output from '" & Gnatls & "-v' is empty"); end if; Set_Path_From_Gnatls_Output (Self, Output => S, GNAT_Version => GNAT_Version, Host => Gnatls_Host (Project_Environment'Class (Self))); end; Unchecked_Free (Fd); end if; Free (Gnatls_Args); if Active (Me) then Decrease_Indent (Me); end if; end Set_Path_From_Gnatls; --------------------------------- -- Set_Path_From_Gnatls_Output -- --------------------------------- procedure Set_Path_From_Gnatls_Output (Self : in out Project_Environment; Output : String; Host : String := GNATCOLL.VFS.Local_Host; GNAT_Version : out GNAT.Strings.String_Access) is type Path_Context is (None, Source_Path, Object_Path, Project_Path); Context : Path_Context := None; Current : GNATCOLL.VFS.File_Array_Access := new File_Array'(1 .. 0 => <>); Object_Path_Set : Boolean := False; procedure Add_Directory (S : String); -- Add S to the search path. -- If Source_Path is True, the source path is modified. -- Otherwise, the object path is modified. procedure Set_Context (New_Context : Path_Context); -- Change the context ------------------- -- Add_Directory -- ------------------- procedure Add_Directory (S : String) is Dir : Virtual_File; begin if S = "" then return; elsif S = "" then if not Object_Path_Set then -- Do not include "." in the default source/object paths: when -- the user is compiling, it would represent the object -- directory, when the user is searching file it would -- represent whatever the current directory is at that point, -- ... return; else Dir := Create_From_Base ("."); Ensure_Directory (Dir); Append (Current, Dir); end if; else Dir := To_Local (Create (+S, Host)); Append (Current, Dir); end if; end Add_Directory; ----------------- -- Set_Context -- ----------------- procedure Set_Context (New_Context : Path_Context) is begin case Context is when None => null; when Source_Path => Self.Set_Predefined_Source_Path (Current.all); when Object_Path => Object_Path_Set := True; Self.Set_Predefined_Object_Path (Current.all); when Project_Path => Self.Set_Predefined_Project_Path (Current.all); end case; if Active (Me) and then Context /= None then Trace (Me, "Set " & Context'Img & " from gnatls to:"); for J in Current'Range loop Trace (Me, " " & Current (J).Display_Full_Name); end loop; end if; Context := New_Context; Unchecked_Free (Current); if Context /= None then Current := new File_Array'(1 .. 0 => <>); end if; end Set_Context; F, L : Natural; begin F := Output'First; Skip_Blanks (Output, F); L := EOL (Output (F .. Output'Last)); declare S : constant String := Strip_CR (Output (F .. L - 1)); begin GNAT_Version := new String'(S (S'First + 7 .. S'Last)); Project_Environment'Class (Self).Set_GNAT_Version (GNAT_Version.all); end; F := L + 1; while F <= Output'Last loop L := EOL (Output (F .. Output'Last)); if GU.Starts_With (Output (F .. L - 1), "Source Search Path:") then Set_Context (Source_Path); elsif GU.Starts_With (Output (F .. L - 1), "Object Search Path:") then Set_Context (Object_Path); elsif GU.Starts_With (Output (F .. L - 1), "Project Search Path:") then Set_Context (Project_Path); elsif Context /= None then Add_Directory (Trim (Strip_CR (Output (F .. L - 1)), Ada.Strings.Left)); end if; F := L + 1; end loop; Set_Context (None); end Set_Path_From_Gnatls_Output; ------------------- -- Internal_Load -- ------------------- procedure Internal_Load (Tree : in out Project_Tree'Class; Root_Project_Path : GNATCOLL.VFS.Virtual_File; Errors : Projects.Error_Report; Report_Syntax_Errors : Boolean; Project : out Project_Node_Id; Packages_To_Check : GNAT.Strings.String_List_Access := All_Packs; Recompute_View : Boolean := True; Test_With_Missing_With : Boolean := True; Report_Missing_Dirs : Boolean := True; Implicit_Project : Boolean) is Block_Me : constant Block_Trace_Handle := Create (Me); procedure On_Error is new Mark_Project_Error (Tree); -- Any error while parsing the project marks it as incomplete, and -- prevents direct edition of the project. procedure Fail (S : String); -- Replaces Osint.Fail procedure Filter_Reload_Warnings (S : String); -- When loading a new project on top of an already loaded one, and both -- those projects have same name of external, but those externals -- correspond to different set of values, gprlib issues a warning. -- This warning is harmless and does not prevent the loading of the new -- project. However we can not clear the externals table since there are -- cases when we do want to store the values of all externals. -- So we just filter out such warnings. procedure Clean_Up_Node_Tree (Node_Tree : GPR.Project_Node_Tree_Ref; Tree : Project_Tree_Ref; Project_Node : Project_Node_Id; Project : Project_Id); -- Simple callback to free unused node trees that may be created for -- aggregated projects. ------------------------ -- Clean_Up_Node_Tree -- ------------------------ procedure Clean_Up_Node_Tree (Node_Tree : GPR.Project_Node_Tree_Ref; Tree : Project_Tree_Ref; Project_Node : Project_Node_Id; Project : Project_Id) is pragma Unreferenced (Tree, Project_Node, Project); Local_Node_Tree : GPR.Project_Node_Tree_Ref := Node_Tree; begin Free (Local_Node_Tree); end Clean_Up_Node_Tree; ---------------------------- -- Filter_Reload_Warnings -- ---------------------------- procedure Filter_Reload_Warnings (S : String) is Pattern : constant String := """ is illegal for typed string """; begin if Errors = null then Trace (Me, "calling output wrapper when Errors callback not set"); return; end if; if Index (S, Pattern) = 0 then Errors (S); end if; end Filter_Reload_Warnings; ---------- -- Fail -- ---------- procedure Fail (S : String) is begin if Report_Syntax_Errors and then Errors /= null then Errors (S); end if; end Fail; Predefined_Path : constant String := +To_Path (Predefined_Project_Path (Tree.Data.Env.all)); Errout_Handling : GPR.Part.Errout_Mode := GPR.Part.Always_Finalize; begin Traces.Assert (Me, Tree.Data /= null, "Tree data initialized"); Reset (Tree, Tree.Data.Env); Trace (Me, "project path is " & Predefined_Path); Initialize_Empty (Tree.Data.Env.Env.Project_Path); GPR.Env.Set_Path (Tree.Data.Env.Env.Project_Path, Predefined_Path); Project := Empty_Project_Node; -- Make sure errors are reinitialized before load GPR.Err.Initialize; if Test_With_Missing_With then Errout_Handling := GPR.Part.Never_Finalize; end if; if Errors = null then -- We do not want to loose the output in the wrapper if the callback -- is not specified. GPR.Output.Cancel_Special_Output; else if Tree.Data.Env.IDE_Mode then GPR.Output.Set_Special_Output (Filter_Reload_Warnings'Unrestricted_Access); else GPR.Output.Set_Special_Output (GPR.Output.Output_Proc (Errors)); end if; end if; GPR.Com.Fail := Fail'Unrestricted_Access; Tree.Data.Root := No_Project; Override_Flags (Tree.Data.Env.Env, Create_Flags (On_Error'Unrestricted_Access, Report_Missing_Dirs => not Report_Missing_Dirs, Ignore_Missing_With => Test_With_Missing_With)); GPR.Part.Parse (Tree.Data.Tree, Project, +Root_Project_Path.Full_Name, Packages_To_Check => Packages_To_Check, Errout_Handling => Errout_Handling, Store_Comments => True, Is_Config_File => False, Env => Tree.Data.Env.Env, Current_Directory => Get_Current_Dir, Implicit_Project => Implicit_Project); if not Active (Me_Aggregate_Support) and then Project /= Empty_Project_Node and then Project_Qualifier_Of (Project, Tree.Data.Tree) = GPR.Aggregate then Trace (Me, "Aggregate projects are not supported"); Fail ("Aggregate projects are not supported"); Project := Empty_Project_Node; GPR.Com.Fail := null; GPR.Output.Cancel_Special_Output; return; end if; if Project /= Empty_Project_Node and then Tree.Data.Tree.Incomplete_With then Trace (Me, "Could not find some with-ed projects"); -- Some "with" were found that could not be resolved. Check whether -- the user has specified a "gnatlist" switch. For this, we need to -- do phase1 of the processing (i.e. not look for sources). declare Success : Boolean; Tmp_Prj : Project_Id; Dummy : Boolean; begin Tree.Data.Projects.Clear; GPR.Proc.Process_Project_Tree_Phase_1 (In_Tree => Tree.Data.View, Project => Tmp_Prj, Packages_To_Check => Packages_To_Check, Success => Success, From_Project_Node => Project, From_Project_Node_Tree => Tree.Data.Tree, Env => Tree.Data.Env.Env, Reset_Tree => True, On_New_Tree_Loaded => Clean_Up_Node_Tree'Unrestricted_Access); if not Success or else Tmp_Prj = null then Trace (Me, "Processing phase 1 failed"); Project := Empty_Project_Node; else Trace (Me, "Looking for IDE'gnatlist attribute"); Dummy := Set_Path_From_Gnatls_Attribute (Tmp_Prj, Tree, Fail'Unrestricted_Access); end if; -- Reparse the tree so that errors are reported as usual -- (or not if the new project path solves the issue). Override_Flags (Tree.Data.Env.Env, Create_Flags (On_Error'Unrestricted_Access, Report_Missing_Dirs => Report_Missing_Dirs, Ignore_Missing_With => False)); Trace (Me, "Parsing project tree a second time"); Internal_Load (Tree => Tree, Root_Project_Path => Root_Project_Path, Errors => Errors, Report_Syntax_Errors => Report_Syntax_Errors, Project => Project, Recompute_View => Recompute_View, Packages_To_Check => Packages_To_Check, Test_With_Missing_With => False, Report_Missing_Dirs => Report_Missing_Dirs, Implicit_Project => Implicit_Project); GPR.Com.Fail := null; GPR.Output.Cancel_Special_Output; return; end; elsif Project = Empty_Project_Node and then Test_With_Missing_With then -- We had error, but we might be missing the one for missing withs. -- So we do a second parsing to make sure these error messages are -- there. Trace (Me, "Had error messages, reparsing to include missing withs"); Override_Flags (Tree.Data.Env.Env, Create_Flags (On_Error'Unrestricted_Access, Report_Missing_Dirs => Report_Missing_Dirs, Ignore_Missing_With => False)); Internal_Load (Tree => Tree, Root_Project_Path => Root_Project_Path, Errors => Errors, Report_Syntax_Errors => Report_Syntax_Errors, Project => Project, Recompute_View => Recompute_View, Packages_To_Check => Packages_To_Check, Test_With_Missing_With => False, Report_Missing_Dirs => Report_Missing_Dirs, Implicit_Project => Implicit_Project); GPR.Com.Fail := null; GPR.Output.Cancel_Special_Output; return; elsif Test_With_Missing_With then Trace (Me, "Project parsed with success"); -- We correctly parsed the project, but should finalize anyway if Report_Syntax_Errors then GPR.Err.Finalize; else GPR.Err.Initialize; end if; end if; -- Should we reprocess with a different predefined path ? -- We need to do a full reparse here (not just recompute the view), -- because changing gnatls might change the search path for projects, -- and thus the way the with statements are resolved. declare Success : Boolean; Tmp_Prj : Project_Id; Dummy : Boolean; begin Trace (Me, "Checking whether the gnatls attribute has changed"); -- Just clearing the projects htable is not enough, the memory will -- not be freed unless we set corresponding tree fields to null. -- Then finalize recognizes those project instances as useless -- and cleans them up. declare Cur : Project_Htables.Cursor := Tree.Data.Projects.First; begin while Cur /= Project_Htables.No_Element loop Project_Htables.Element (Cur).Data.Tree := null; Next (Cur); end loop; end; Tree.Data.Projects.Clear; GPR.Proc.Process_Project_Tree_Phase_1 (In_Tree => Tree.Data.View, Project => Tmp_Prj, Packages_To_Check => Packages_To_Check, Success => Success, From_Project_Node => Project, From_Project_Node_Tree => Tree.Data.Tree, Env => Tree.Data.Env.Env, Reset_Tree => True, On_New_Tree_Loaded => Clean_Up_Node_Tree'Unrestricted_Access); if Success and then Tmp_Prj /= null and then Set_Path_From_Gnatls_Attribute (Tmp_Prj, Tree, Fail'Unrestricted_Access) then Trace (Me, "load again with proper path"); Internal_Load (Tree => Tree, Root_Project_Path => Root_Project_Path, Errors => Errors, Report_Syntax_Errors => Report_Syntax_Errors, Project => Project, Recompute_View => Recompute_View, Packages_To_Check => Packages_To_Check, Test_With_Missing_With => False, Report_Missing_Dirs => Report_Missing_Dirs, Implicit_Project => Implicit_Project); GPR.Com.Fail := null; GPR.Output.Cancel_Special_Output; return; end if; if not Success then Project := Empty_Project_Node; GPR.Err.Finalize; return; end if; end; Override_Flags (Tree.Data.Env.Env, Create_Flags (null)); if Project /= Empty_Project_Node then Tree.Data.Root := Tree.Instance_From_Node (Tree, Project); -- Create the project instances, so that we can use the -- project_iterator (otherwise Current cannot return a project_type). -- These instances, for now, will have now view associated Create_Project_Instances (Tree, Tree, With_View => False); Tree.Set_Status (From_File); if Report_Syntax_Errors then -- Some errors might come form GPR.Part.Parse but only from -- GPR.Proc.Process_Project_Tree_Phase_1, like undefined -- externals. We need to show them. GPR.Err.Finalize; end if; GPR.Com.Fail := null; GPR.Output.Cancel_Special_Output; -- For future recomputations of the view we want to keep the same -- flag over and over again. Tree.Data.Env.Report_Missing_Dirs := Report_Missing_Dirs; -- For future recomputations of view we also want to keep the list -- of packages to check, but in case it is not a predefined one, -- we need a hard copy, since users might free the list right after -- the loading. if Packages_To_Check in No_Packs | All_Packs then Tree.Data.Env.Packages_To_Check := Packages_To_Check; else Tree.Data.Env.Packages_To_Check := new String_List (Packages_To_Check'Range); for I in Packages_To_Check'Range loop Tree.Data.Env.Packages_To_Check (I) := new String'(Packages_To_Check (I).all); end loop; end if; if Recompute_View then Tree.Recompute_View (Errors => Errors); end if; end if; GPR.Com.Fail := null; GPR.Output.Cancel_Special_Output; exception when Invalid_Project => GPR.Com.Fail := null; GPR.Output.Cancel_Special_Output; raise; when E : others => Trace (Me, E); GPR.Com.Fail := null; GPR.Output.Cancel_Special_Output; raise; end Internal_Load; ---------------- -- Reset_View -- ---------------- procedure Reset_View (Tree : Project_Tree'Class) is begin if not Tree.Data.Is_Aggregated then Clean_Up (Tree.Data.Sources); Clean_Up (Tree.Data.Objects_Basename); end if; Tree.Data.Directories.Clear; Unchecked_Free (Tree.Data.Env.Scenario_Variables); Unchecked_Free (Tree.Data.Env.Untyped_Variables); end Reset_View; -------------------- -- Recompute_View -- -------------------- procedure Recompute_View (Self : in out Project_Tree; Errors : Projects.Error_Report := null) is Block_Me : constant Block_Trace_Handle := Create (Me); Actual_Config_File : Project_Node_Id := Empty_Project_Node; Actual_Config_File_Tree : GPR.Project_Node_Tree_Ref := null; -- The config file that was used (and possibly augmented by custom -- naming schemes set in Register_Default_Language_Extension) procedure Add_Default_GNAT_Naming_Scheme (Config_File : in out GPR.Project_Node_Id; Project_Tree : GPR.Project_Node_Tree_Ref); -- A hook that will create a new config file (in memory), used for -- Get_Or_Create_Configuration_File and Process_Project_And_Apply_Config -- and add the default GNAT naming scheme to it. Nothing is done if the -- config_file already exists, to avoid overriding what the user might -- have put in there. procedure Add_GPS_Naming_Schemes_To_Config_File (Config_File : in out Project_Node_Id; Project_Tree : GPR.Project_Node_Tree_Ref); -- Add the naming schemes defined in GPS's configuration files to the -- configuration file (.cgpr) used to parse the project. procedure On_Error is new Mark_Project_Error (Self); -- Any error while processing the project marks it as incomplete, and -- prevents direct edition of the project. procedure Initialize_Source_Records; -- Compute extra information for each source file, in particular whether -- it is a separate (as opposed to a body). This might require extra -- parsing of the source file in some cases. procedure On_New_Tree_Loaded (Node_Tree : GPR.Project_Node_Tree_Ref; Tree : Project_Tree_Ref; Project_Node : Project_Node_Id; Project : Project_Id); -- Creates project instances for given project tree. -- This is called once per aggregated project tree Undefined_Externals_Present : Boolean := False; procedure Catch_Undefined_Externals (S : String); -- Sets Undefined_Externals_Present to true if there is at least one -- error message about undefined externals when loading the project. -- This only works in IDE mode, since for other tools there is no way -- to change the Scenario Variables mid-loading and recompute view. ------------------------------------ -- Add_Default_GNAT_Naming_Scheme -- ------------------------------------ procedure Add_Default_GNAT_Naming_Scheme (Config_File : in out Project_Node_Id; Project_Tree : GPR.Project_Node_Tree_Ref) is Auto_Cgpr : constant String := "auto.cgpr"; procedure Create_Attribute (Name : Name_Id; Value : String; Index : String := ""; Pkg : Project_Node_Id := Empty_Project_Node); ---------------------- -- Create_Attribute -- ---------------------- procedure Create_Attribute (Name : Name_Id; Value : String; Index : String := ""; Pkg : Project_Node_Id := Empty_Project_Node) is Attr : Project_Node_Id; pragma Unreferenced (Attr); Expr : Name_Id := No_Name; Val : Name_Id := No_Name; Parent : Project_Node_Id := Config_File; begin if Index /= "" then Name_Len := Index'Length; Name_Buffer (1 .. Name_Len) := Index; Val := Name_Find; end if; if Pkg /= Empty_Project_Node then Parent := Pkg; end if; Name_Len := Value'Length; Name_Buffer (1 .. Name_Len) := Value; Expr := Name_Find; Attr := Create_Attribute (Tree => Project_Tree, Prj_Or_Pkg => Parent, Name => Name, Index_Name => Val, Kind => GPR.Single, Value => Create_Literal_String (Expr, Project_Tree)); end Create_Attribute; -- Local variables Name : Name_Id; Naming : Project_Node_Id; Compiler : Project_Node_Id; -- Start of processing for Add_Default_GNAT_Naming_Scheme begin if Config_File = Empty_Project_Node then -- Create a dummy config file if none was found Name_Len := Auto_Cgpr'Length; Name_Buffer (1 .. Name_Len) := Auto_Cgpr; Name := Name_Find; -- An invalid project name to avoid conflicts with -- user-created ones. Name_Len := 5; Name_Buffer (1 .. Name_Len) := "_auto"; Config_File := Create_Project (In_Tree => Project_Tree, Name => Name_Find, Full_Path => Path_Name_Type (Name), Is_Config_File => True); -- Setup library support Create_Attribute (Name_Library_Support, "full"); Create_Attribute (Name_Library_Auto_Init_Supported, "true"); -- Declare an empty target Create_Attribute (Name_Target, ""); -- Setup Ada support (Ada is the default language here, since this -- is only called when no config file existed initially, i.e. for -- gnatmake). Create_Attribute (Name_Default_Language, "ada"); Compiler := Create_Package (Project_Tree, Config_File, "compiler"); Create_Attribute (Name_Driver, "gcc", "ada", Pkg => Compiler); Create_Attribute (Name_Language_Kind, "unit_based", "ada", Pkg => Compiler); Create_Attribute (Name_Dependency_Kind, "ALI_File", "ada", Pkg => Compiler); Naming := Create_Package (Project_Tree, Config_File, "naming"); Create_Attribute (Name_Spec_Suffix, ".ads", "ada", Pkg => Naming); Create_Attribute (Name_Body_Suffix, ".adb", "ada", Pkg => Naming); Create_Attribute (Name_Spec_Suffix, ".h", "c", Pkg => Naming); Create_Attribute (Name_Body_Suffix, ".c", "c", Pkg => Naming); Create_Attribute (Name_Spec_Suffix, ".hh", "c++", Pkg => Naming); Create_Attribute (Name_Body_Suffix, ".cpp", "c++", Pkg => Naming); Create_Attribute (Name_Dot_Replacement, "-", Pkg => Naming); Create_Attribute (Name_Casing, "lowercase", Pkg => Naming); end if; end Add_Default_GNAT_Naming_Scheme; ------------------------------------------- -- Add_GPS_Naming_Schemes_To_Config_File -- ------------------------------------------- procedure Add_GPS_Naming_Schemes_To_Config_File (Config_File : in out Project_Node_Id; Project_Tree : GPR.Project_Node_Tree_Ref) is NS : Naming_Scheme_Access := Self.Data.Env.Naming_Schemes; Attr : Project_Node_Id; Spec_Suffix, Body_Suffix, Obj_Suffix : Name_Id; Naming_Pkg, Compiler_Pkg : Project_Node_Id; pragma Unreferenced (Attr); begin if Config_File = Empty_Project_Node then -- Create a dummy config file if none was found. In that case we -- need to provide the Ada naming scheme as well Trace (Me, "Creating dummy configuration file"); Add_Default_GNAT_Naming_Scheme (Config_File, Project_Tree); -- Pretend we support shared and static libs. Since we are not -- trying to build anyway, this isn't dangerous, and allows -- loading some libraries projects which otherwise we could not -- load. Attr := Create_Attribute (Tree => Project_Tree, Prj_Or_Pkg => Config_File, Name => Get_String ("library_support"), Kind => Single, Value => Create_Literal_String (Tree => Project_Tree, Str => Get_String ("full"))); end if; Spec_Suffix := Get_String ("spec_suffix"); Body_Suffix := Get_String ("body_suffix"); Obj_Suffix := Get_String ("object_file_suffix"); Naming_Pkg := Create_Package (Tree => Project_Tree, Project => Config_File, Pkg => "naming"); Compiler_Pkg := Create_Package (Tree => Project_Tree, Project => Config_File, Pkg => "compiler"); while NS /= null loop if NS.Default_Spec_Suffix.all /= Dummy_Suffix then Attr := Create_Attribute (Tree => Project_Tree, Prj_Or_Pkg => Naming_Pkg, Kind => Single, Name => Spec_Suffix, Index_Name => Get_String (NS.Language.all), Value => Create_Literal_String (Tree => Project_Tree, Str => Get_String (NS.Default_Spec_Suffix.all))); end if; if NS.Default_Body_Suffix.all /= Dummy_Suffix then Attr := Create_Attribute (Tree => Project_Tree, Prj_Or_Pkg => Naming_Pkg, Kind => Single, Name => Body_Suffix, Index_Name => Get_String (NS.Language.all), Value => Create_Literal_String (Tree => Project_Tree, Str => Get_String (NS.Default_Body_Suffix.all))); end if; if NS.Obj_Suffix /= null then Attr := Create_Attribute (Tree => Project_Tree, Prj_Or_Pkg => Compiler_Pkg, Kind => Single, Name => Obj_Suffix, Index_Name => Get_String (NS.Language.all), Value => Create_Literal_String (Tree => Project_Tree, Str => Get_String (NS.Obj_Suffix.all))); end if; NS := NS.Next; end loop; Actual_Config_File := Config_File; Actual_Config_File_Tree := Project_Tree; end Add_GPS_Naming_Schemes_To_Config_File; ------------------------------- -- Initialize_Source_Records -- ------------------------------- procedure Initialize_Source_Records is procedure For_Sources (Project : Project_Id; Tree : Project_Tree_Ref; With_State : in out Integer); ----------------- -- For_Sources -- ----------------- procedure For_Sources (Project : Project_Id; Tree : Project_Tree_Ref; With_State : in out Integer) is pragma Unreferenced (With_State); Iter : Source_Iterator := For_Each_Source (In_Tree => Tree, Project => Project); Src : GPR.Source_Id; begin loop Src := Element (Iter); exit when Src = No_Source; -- ??? Calling Initialize_Source_Record computes additional -- information that we do not need at the moment, at the cost -- of a few system calls per source file. So instead we just -- duplicate the part that computes whether we have a separate -- unit. if False then GPR.Util.Initialize_Source_Record (Src); else if Src.Language.Config.Kind = Unit_Based and then Src.Kind = Impl and then GPR.Util.Is_Subunit (Src) then Src.Kind := Sep; end if; end if; Next (Iter); end loop; end For_Sources; procedure For_Projects_Imported is new For_Every_Project_Imported (Integer, For_Sources); State : Integer := 0; begin For_Projects_Imported (By => Self.Root_Project.Data.View, Tree => Self.Data.View, With_State => State, Include_Aggregated => True, Imported_First => False); end Initialize_Source_Records; View : Project_Id; Automatically_Generated : Boolean; Config_File_Path : String_Access; Flags : Processing_Flags; Iter : Inner_Project_Iterator; Timestamp : Time; procedure On_New_Tree_Loaded (Node_Tree : GPR.Project_Node_Tree_Ref; Tree : Project_Tree_Ref; Project_Node : Project_Node_Id; Project : Project_Id) is pragma Unreferenced (Project); Path : constant Virtual_File := Create (+Get_String (Path_Name_Of (Project_Node, Node_Tree))); T : Project_Tree'Class := Self; -- copy the tag of self P : Project_Type; C : constant Project_Htables.Cursor := Self.Data.Projects.Find (Path); begin Trace (Me, "Loaded an aggregated tree"); -- Recomputing the view might impact which aggregated projects are -- seen, so we need to create new project trees as needed. if Has_Element (C) and then Element (C).Data.Tree /= null then P := Element (C); if P.Data.Node /= Project_Node then -- The only way we can end up here is if the given aggregated -- tree is in fact a subtree of a previously processed -- aggregated tree. This means that we had already created all -- corresponding project instances and have nothing to do. return; end if; P.Data.Tree.View := Tree; T.Data := P.Data.Tree; -- temporary else T.Data := new Project_Tree_Data' (Is_Aggregated => True, Env => Self.Data.Env, Tree => Node_Tree, View => Tree, Status => Self.Data.Status, Timestamp => Self.Data.Timestamp, others => <>); -- T.Data.Tree should be set before the instances can be created T.Data.Root := T.Instance_From_Node (Self, Project_Node); end if; Create_Project_Instances (T, Tree_For_Map => Self, With_View => False); end On_New_Tree_Loaded; ------------------------------- -- Catch_Undefined_Externals -- ------------------------------- procedure Catch_Undefined_Externals (S : String) is Pattern : constant String := "undefined external reference"; begin if Errors = null then Trace (Me, "calling output wrapper when Errors callback not set"); return; end if; if Index (S, Pattern) /= 0 then Undefined_Externals_Present := True; end if; Errors (S); end Catch_Undefined_Externals; Sources_Count : constant Source_File_Index := GPR.Sinput.Source_File_Last; begin if Self.Data.Env.IDE_Mode then GPR.Output.Set_Special_Output (Catch_Undefined_Externals'Unrestricted_Access); else GPR.Output.Set_Special_Output (GPR.Output.Output_Proc (Errors)); end if; -- The views stored in the projects are no longer valid, we should make -- sure they are not called. declare C : Project_Htables.Cursor := Self.Data.Projects.First; begin while Has_Element (C) loop Element (C).Data.View := GPR.No_Project; Next (C); end loop; end; Reset_View (Self); GPR.Initialize (Self.Data.View); GPR.Ext.Reset_Context (Self.Data.Env.Env.External); Opt.Follow_Links_For_Files := not Self.Data.Env.Trusted_Mode; Opt.Follow_Links_For_Dirs := not Self.Data.Env.Trusted_Mode; begin Flags := Create_Flags (On_Error'Unrestricted_Access, Require_Sources => False, Report_Missing_Dirs => Self.Data.Env.Report_Missing_Dirs); -- Make sure errors are reinitialized before load GPR.Err.Initialize; Override_Flags (Self.Data.Env.Env, Flags); Trace (Me, "Configuration file is '" & Self.Data.Env.Config_File.Display_Full_Name & "' autoconf=" & Self.Data.Env.Autoconf'Img & " for target " & Self.Root_Project.Get_Target); -- Get_Target only returns a non-empty string when -- Set_Target_And_Runtime was called first; otherwise we depend on -- the project manager to extract target and runtime information -- from project attributes if Self.Root_Project.Data.Tree.Env.Forced_Runtime /= null then Set_Runtime_For (Get_String ("ada"), Self.Root_Project.Data.Tree.Env.Forced_Runtime.all); end if; Process_Project_And_Apply_Config (Main_Project => View, User_Project_Node => Self.Root_Project.Data.Node, Config_File_Name => Self.Data.Env.Config_File.Display_Full_Name, Autoconf_Specified => Self.Data.Env.Autoconf, Project_Tree => Self.Data.View, Project_Node_Tree => Self.Data.Tree, Packages_To_Check => Self.Data.Env.Packages_To_Check, Target_Name => Self.Root_Project.Get_Target, Allow_Automatic_Generation => Self.Data.Env.Autoconf, Automatically_Generated => Automatically_Generated, Config_File_Path => Config_File_Path, Env => Self.Data.Env.Env, Normalized_Hostname => "", On_Load_Config => Add_GPS_Naming_Schemes_To_Config_File'Unrestricted_Access, On_New_Tree_Loaded => On_New_Tree_Loaded'Unrestricted_Access); Free (Config_File_Path); -- Should we reprocess with a different predefined path ? -- A similar test has already been done in Internal_Load, which -- ensures we are resolving the with clauses correctly and not -- looking for source file with the wrong path. -- But we need to do this test again, in case the user has changed -- the scenario variables and they influence which gnatls command is -- run. Unfortunately, this mean we might have spent time looking -- for incorrect sources above. -- ??? It might be simpler to hide the Recompute_View altogether and -- force users to reload the project systematically (this would not -- change performance most likely) Trace (Me, "Checking whether the gnatls attribute has changed"); if View /= GPR.No_Project and then Set_Path_From_Gnatls_Attribute (View, Self, Errors) then Trace (Me, "recompute view a second time with proper path"); Reset_View (Self); GPR.Initialize (Self.Data.View); Process_Project_And_Apply_Config (Main_Project => View, User_Project_Node => Self.Root_Project.Data.Node, Config_File_Name => Self.Data.Env.Config_File.Display_Full_Name, Autoconf_Specified => Self.Data.Env.Autoconf, Project_Tree => Self.Data.View, Project_Node_Tree => Self.Data.Tree, Packages_To_Check => Self.Data.Env.Packages_To_Check, Allow_Automatic_Generation => Self.Data.Env.Autoconf, Automatically_Generated => Automatically_Generated, Config_File_Path => Config_File_Path, Env => Self.Data.Env.Env, Normalized_Hostname => "", On_Load_Config => Add_GPS_Naming_Schemes_To_Config_File'Unrestricted_Access, On_New_Tree_Loaded => On_New_Tree_Loaded'Unrestricted_Access); Free (Config_File_Path); end if; Override_Flags (Self.Data.Env.Env, Create_Flags (null)); exception when E : Invalid_Config => Trace (Me, Exception_Message (E)); -- not the exception itself if Errors /= null then Errors (Exception_Message (E)); end if; Override_Flags (Self.Data.Env.Env, Create_Flags (null)); -- Error message was already reported via GPR.Err null; end; -- Backward compatibility: load the project even if there was a fatal -- error. However, the view might be partial... -- if View = null then -- raise Invalid_Project; -- end if; Trace (Me, "View has been recomputed"); -- Now that we have the view, we can create the project instances if View = GPR.No_Project then -- There was an error, but we still want to manipulate that project Self.Data.Root.Data.View := Get_View (Self.Data.View, Path => GPR.Tree.Path_Name_Of (Self.Data.Root.Data.Node, Self.Data.Tree)); else Self.Data.Root.Data.View := View; end if; Create_Project_Instances (Self, Self, With_View => True); -- To get scenario variables from aggregated projects we first need -- all to fully parse all project trees and create instances of all -- projects. Compute_Scenario_Variables (Self.Data, Errors => Errors); Parse_Source_Files (Self); Initialize_Source_Records; -- If the timestamp have not been computed yet (ie we are loading a new -- project), do it now. -- We cannot simply use Clock here, since this returns local time, -- and the file timestamps will be returned in GMT, therefore we -- won't be able to compare. if Self.Data.Timestamp = GNATCOLL.Utils.No_Time and then Self.Data.Status = From_File then Iter := Start (Self.Root_Project); while Current (Iter) /= No_Project loop Timestamp := File_Time_Stamp (Project_Path (Current (Iter))); if Timestamp > Self.Data.Timestamp then Self.Data.Timestamp := Timestamp; end if; Next (Iter); end loop; end if; -- ??? Should not be needed since all errors are reported through the -- callback already. This avoids duplicate error messages in the console GPR.Err.Finalize; GPR.Output.Cancel_Special_Output; if Undefined_Externals_Present then Errors ("Some externals are undefined, project may be loaded incompletely" & ASCII.LF); Errors ("Set values of corresponding externals and reload the project" & ASCII.LF); end if; GPR.Sinput.Source_File_Trim (Sources_Count); -- Save the config file that was used to disk, if needed. This will -- be used when spawning other project-aware tools, since it might -- include extra naming schemes coming from calls to -- Register_Default_Language_Extension. if Self.Data.Env.Save_Config_File /= null and then Actual_Config_File /= Empty_Project_Node and then Self.Status = From_File then declare F : Ada.Text_IO.File_Type; type File_Pretty_Printer is new Pretty_Printer with null record; overriding procedure Put (Self : in out File_Pretty_Printer; C : Character); overriding procedure Put (Self : in out File_Pretty_Printer; C : Character) is pragma Unreferenced (Self); begin Put (F, C); end Put; P : File_Pretty_Printer; Gpsauto : Virtual_File; Dir : Virtual_File := Self.Root_Project.Object_Dir; begin if Dir = GNATCOLL.VFS.No_File then Dir := Create (Self.Root_Project.Project_Path.Dir_Name); end if; Gpsauto := Create_From_Dir (Dir => Dir, Base_Name => +Self.Data.Env.Save_Config_File.all); Trace (Me, "Saving config file to " & Gpsauto.Display_Full_Name); Ada.Text_IO.Create (F, Out_File, Gpsauto.Display_Full_Name); Put (Self => P, Project => Actual_Config_File, In_Tree => Actual_Config_File_Tree); Close (F); exception when Ada.Text_IO.Name_Error | Ada.Text_IO.Use_Error => Trace (Me, "Could not save config file"); end; end if; exception -- We can get an unexpected exception (actually Directory_Error) if the -- project file's path is invalid, for instance because it was -- modified by the user. when Invalid_Project => Trace (Me, "Could not compute project view"); GPR.Err.Finalize; GPR.Output.Cancel_Special_Output; raise; when E : others => Trace (Me, E); GPR.Err.Finalize; GPR.Output.Cancel_Special_Output; end Recompute_View; ------------------------ -- Instance_From_Node -- ------------------------ function Instance_From_Node (Self : Project_Tree'Class; Tree_For_Map : Project_Tree'Class; Node : Project_Node_Id) return Project_Type is Path : constant Virtual_File := Create (+Get_String (GPR.Tree.Path_Name_Of (Node, Self.Data.Tree))); Data : Project_Data_Access; P : Project_Type; C : constant Project_Htables.Cursor := Tree_For_Map.Data.Projects.Find (Path); begin if not Has_Element (C) then Data := Tree_For_Map.Data_Factory; Data.Tree := Self.Data; Data.Tree_For_Map := Tree_For_Map.Data; Data.Node := Node; P := Project_Type'(Ada.Finalization.Controlled with Data => Data); Tree_For_Map.Data.Projects.Include (Path, P); return P; else return Element (C); end if; end Instance_From_Node; ------------------------------ -- Create_Project_Instances -- ------------------------------ procedure Create_Project_Instances (Self : Project_Tree'Class; Tree_For_Map : Project_Tree'Class; With_View : Boolean) is procedure Do_Project (Proj : Project_Id; Tree : Project_Tree_Ref; S : in out Integer); procedure Do_Project2 (T : GPR.Project_Node_Tree_Ref; P : Project_Node_Id); ---------------- -- Do_Project -- ---------------- procedure Do_Project (Proj : Project_Id; Tree : Project_Tree_Ref; S : in out Integer) is pragma Unreferenced (S); -- , Tree); Iter : Project_Htables.Cursor; P : Project_Type; Path : Virtual_File; begin if not Proj.Virtual then Path := Create (+Get_String (Proj.Path.Display_Name)); Iter := Tree_For_Map.Data.Projects.Find (Path); if Has_Element (Iter) then P := Element (Iter); Reset_View (P.Data.all); -- For a given project, it does not matter much whether we are -- seeing the view from one aggregated project or another. But -- we must ensure that the project_id matches the view from the -- tree, otherwise the project will not be found by the prj* -- packages. if P.Data.Tree.View = null or else P.Data.Tree.View = Tree then P.Data.View := Proj; P.Data.Tree.View := Tree; -- must match Proj end if; elsif Active (Me) then Assert (Me, False, "Create_Project_Instances must be called" & " to create project_type for " & Path.Display_Full_Name); end if; end if; end Do_Project; ----------------- -- Do_Project2 -- ----------------- procedure Do_Project2 (T : GPR.Project_Node_Tree_Ref; P : Project_Node_Id) is pragma Unreferenced (T); Proj : Project_Type; begin Proj := Instance_From_Node (Self, Tree_For_Map, Node => P); Reset_View (Proj.Data.all); end Do_Project2; procedure For_All_Projects is new For_Every_Project_Imported (Integer, Do_Project); S : Integer := 0; begin if With_View then Assert (Me, Self.Data.Root.Data.View /= null, "Create_Project_Instances: Project not parsed"); For_All_Projects (Self.Data.Root.Data.View, Self.Data.View, S, Include_Aggregated => True); else For_Each_Project_Node (Self.Data.Tree, Self.Data.Root.Data.Node, Do_Project2'Unrestricted_Access); end if; end Create_Project_Instances; ------------------------ -- Load_Empty_Project -- ------------------------ procedure Load_Empty_Project (Self : in out Project_Tree; Env : Project_Environment_Access := null; Name : String := "empty"; Recompute_View : Boolean := True) is D : constant Filesystem_String := Name_As_Directory (Get_Current_Dir) & (+Name) & Project_File_Extension; Node : Project_Node_Id; begin Trace (Me, "Loading empty project"); Project_Tree'Class (Self).Unload; Reset (Self, Env); Node := GPR.Tree.Create_Project (In_Tree => Self.Data.Tree, Name => Get_String (Name), Full_Path => Path_Name_Type (Get_String (+D)), Is_Config_File => False); Self.Data.Root := Self.Instance_From_Node (Self, Node); Self.Set_Status (Empty); -- No language known for empty project Self.Data.Root.Set_Attribute (Languages_Attribute, (1 .. 0 => null)); Self.Data.Root.Data.Modified := False; Create_Project_Instances (Self, Self, With_View => False); if Recompute_View then Project_Tree'Class (Self).Recompute_View; end if; end Load_Empty_Project; --------------------------- -- Load_Implicit_Project -- --------------------------- procedure Load_Implicit_Project (Self : in out Project_Tree; Env : Project_Environment_Access := null; Recompute_View : Boolean := True) is Project_File : Virtual_File; Gprbuild_Path : Filesystem_String_Access; Project : Project_Node_Id; Implicit_Project_File_Path : constant String := "share" & Directory_Separator & "gpr" & Directory_Separator & '_' & Default_Project_File_Name; begin Trace (Me, "Loading implicit project "); Project_Tree'Class (Self).Unload; Reset (Self, Env); Gprbuild_Path := Locate_Exec_On_Path ("gprbuild"); if Gprbuild_Path = null then Trace (Me, "Gprbuild not found on path"); return; end if; Project_File := Get_Parent (Create (Dir_Name (Gprbuild_Path.all))); Project_File := Join (Project_File, +Implicit_Project_File_Path); Free (Gprbuild_Path); if not Project_File.Is_Regular_File then Trace (Me, "_default.gpr not found in expected location"); return; end if; Trace (Me, "Implicit project found " & Project_File.Display_Full_Name); Internal_Load (Self, Project_File, null, Report_Syntax_Errors => True, -- _default.gpr is safe Project => Project, Packages_To_Check => No_Packs, Recompute_View => Recompute_View, Implicit_Project => True); if Project = Empty_Project_Node then Trace (Me, "Cannot load implicit project"); return; end if; end Load_Implicit_Project; ------------------------ -- Parse_Source_Files -- ------------------------ procedure Parse_Source_Files (Self : in out Project_Tree) is Block_Me : constant Block_Trace_Handle := Create (Me); procedure Register_Directory (Directory : Filesystem_String); -- Register Directory as belonging to Project. -- The parent directories are also registered. ------------------------ -- Register_Directory -- ------------------------ procedure Register_Directory (Directory : Filesystem_String) is Dir : constant Filesystem_String := Name_As_Directory (Directory); Last : Integer := Dir'Last - 1; Curs : Directory_Statuses.Cursor; begin Self.Data.Directories.Include (Dir, Direct); loop while Last >= Dir'First and then Dir (Last) /= Directory_Separator and then Dir (Last) /= '/' loop Last := Last - 1; end loop; Last := Last - 1; exit when Last <= Dir'First; -- Register the name with a trailing directory separator Curs := Self.Data.Directories.Find (Dir (Dir'First .. Last + 1)); if not Has_Element (Curs) or else Element (Curs) /= Direct then Self.Data.Directories.Include (Dir (Dir'First .. Last + 1), As_Parent); end if; end loop; end Register_Directory; use Virtual_File_List; Gnatls : constant String := Self.Root_Project.Attribute_Value (Gnatlist_Attribute); Iter : Project_Iterator; Sources : String_List_Id; P : Project_Type; Source_Iter : Source_Iterator; Source : Source_Id; Source_File_List : Virtual_File_List.List; Tree_For_Map : constant Project_Tree_Data_Access := Self.Data.Root.Data.Tree_For_Map; begin Tree_For_Map.Objects_Basename.Clear; Iter := Self.Root_Project.Start (Recursive => True); loop P := Current (Iter); exit when P = No_Project; declare Ls : constant String := P.Attribute_Value (Gnatlist_Attribute); begin if Ls /= "" and then Ls /= Gnatls then -- We do not want to mark the project as incomplete for this -- warning, so we do not need to pass an actual Error_Handler GPR.Err.Error_Msg (Flags => Create_Flags (null), Msg => "?the project attribute IDE.gnatlist doesn't have" & " the same value as in the root project." & " The value """ & Gnatls & """ will be used", Project => Get_View (P)); end if; end; -- Reset the list of source files for this project. We must not -- Free it, since it is now stored in the previous project's instance Source_File_List := Virtual_File_List.Empty_List; -- Add the directories Sources := Get_View (P).Source_Dirs; while Sources /= Nil_String loop Register_Directory (+Get_String (String_Elements (Self.Data)(Sources).Value)); Sources := String_Elements (Self.Data)(Sources).Next; end loop; Register_Directory (+Get_String (Get_View (P).Object_Directory.Name)); Register_Directory (+Get_String (Get_View (P).Exec_Directory.Name)); -- Add the sources that are already in the project. -- Convert the names to UTF8 for proper handling in GPS Source_Iter := For_Each_Source (P.Data.Tree.View, Get_View (P), Locally_Removed => False); loop Source := Element (Source_Iter); exit when Source = No_Source; if Source.Replaced_By /= No_Source then -- In case of extending project inheriting package Naming of -- the extended one and source dirs of both projects containing -- same naming exception source, we will get a duplicate base -- name outside of aggregate project here which is not allowed. -- The replaced source needs to be ignored. goto Next_Source; end if; -- Get the absolute path name for this source Get_Name_String (Source.Path.Display_Name); declare File : constant Virtual_File := Create (+Name_Buffer (1 .. Name_Len)); begin if Self.Data.Root.Is_Aggregate_Project then -- If we have duplicates, create lists Include_File (Tree_For_Map.Sources, Base_Name (File), (P, File, Source.Language.Name, Source, null)); else -- No point in all the checks for regular project. Tree_For_Map.Sources.Include (Base_Name (File), (P, File, Source.Language.Name, Source, null)); end if; if Source.Object /= GPR.No_File and then Source.Language /= null -- and then Source.Language.Config.Object_File_Suffix /= -- Name_Op_Subtract ???? and then Get_String (Source.Language.Config.Object_File_Suffix) /= "-" then declare Obj_Suffix_Attr : constant String := Attribute_Value (Self.Data.Root, "compiler#object_file_suffix", "ada"); Base : constant Filesystem_String := Base_Name (Filesystem_String (Get_String (Source.Object)), +(if Obj_Suffix_Attr /= "" then Obj_Suffix_Attr else ".o")); Base_Last : Natural := Base'Last; begin -- In GPS, users might define ada-based languages -- when they have local variations. In this case, -- they are likely to define the object suffix as -- ".ali", which we need to ignore as well. if Utils.Ends_With (String (Base), ".ali") then Base_Last := Base_Last - 4; end if; -- We know the actual object file will be in either -- P or one of its extending projects. We can't -- compute this information now though, because the -- sources might not have been compiled. So the final -- computation is done directly in Library_Files. if Source.Index = 0 then -- ??? What if we have a non-aggregate root, that -- imports a library aggregate project ? -- if Is_Aggregate_Project (Self.Data.Root) then Include_File (Tree_For_Map.Objects_Basename, Base (Base'First .. Base_Last), (P, File, Source.Language.Name, Source, null)); -- else -- -- No point in all the checks for regular -- -- project. -- -- Tree_For_Map.Objects_Basename.Include -- (Base (Base'First .. Base_Last), -- (P, File, Source.Language.Name, Source, -- null)); -- end if; else -- if Is_Aggregate_Project (Self.Data.Root) then Include_File (Tree_For_Map.Objects_Basename, Base (Base'First .. Base_Last) & "~" & (+Image (Integer (Source.Index), Min_Width => 0)), (P, File, Source.Language.Name, Source, null)); -- else -- -- No point in all the checks for regular -- -- project. -- -- Tree_For_Map.Objects_Basename.Include -- (Base (Base'First .. Base_Last) & "~" -- & (+Image -- (Integer (Source.Index), -- Min_Width => 0)), -- (P, File, Source.Language.Name, Source, -- null)); -- end if; end if; end; end if; -- The project manager duplicates files that contain several -- units. Only add them once in the project sources -- (and thus only when the Index is 0 (single unit) or 1 -- (first of multiple units). -- For source-based languages, we allow duplicate sources if Source.Unit = null or else Source.Index <= 1 then Prepend (Source_File_List, File); end if; end; <> Next (Source_Iter); end loop; -- Register the sources in our own caches declare Count : constant Ada.Containers.Count_Type := Virtual_File_List.Length (Source_File_List); Files : constant File_Array_Access := new File_Array (1 .. Natural (Count)); Current : Virtual_File_List.Cursor := First (Source_File_List); J : Natural := Files'First; begin while Has_Element (Current) loop -- ??? Create new virtual files to work around compiler bug. -- The ideal would have been to write: -- Files (J) := Element (Current) -- in order to avoid memory reallocations. Files (J) := Create (Element (Current).Full_Name); Next (Current); J := J + 1; end loop; Unchecked_Free (P.Data.Files); P.Data.Files := Files; if P.Data.Base_Name_To_Full_Path = null then P.Data.Base_Name_To_Full_Path := new Basename_To_Info_Cache.Map; else P.Data.Base_Name_To_Full_Path.Clear; end if; for F of P.Data.Files.all loop P.Data.Base_Name_To_Full_Path.Include (String (F.Base_Name), F); end loop; end; Next (Iter); end loop; end Parse_Source_Files; ------------ -- Unload -- ------------ procedure Unload (Self : in out Project_Tree) is Iter : Project_Htables.Cursor; Data : Project_Data_Access; begin if Self.Data = null then return; end if; Iter := Self.Data.Projects.First; -- Since we are going to free the tree, removing any reference to it in -- the projects that the user might keep around while Has_Element (Iter) loop Data := Element (Iter).Data; if Data.Tree.Tree /= Self.Data.Tree then Free (Data.Tree.Tree); end if; Data.Tree := null; Reset_View (Data.all); Data.Node := Empty_Project_Node; Next (Iter); end loop; if Self.Data.View /= null then Reset (Self.Data.View); end if; Self.Data.Root := No_Project; GPR.Tree_Private_Part.Projects_Htable.Reset (Self.Data.Tree.Projects_HT); Sinput.Clear_Source_File_Table; Sinput.Reset_First; -- Reset the scenario variables. -- The issue is that a given variable might currently have a value, and -- then be used in another project where that value is now illegal. -- Do not reset if we have an empty project, since otherwise we lose the -- values set from the command line -- ??? Don't reset after all, this is too tricky to get right, and might -- be plain wrong in fact. -- if Self.Data.Status /= Empty then -- GPR.Ext.Reset (Self.Data.Tree); -- end if; Reset_View (Self); -- Free all projects. This will decrease the refcounting for their data -- and possibly free the memory Self.Data.Projects.Clear; -- Do not reset the tree node, since it also contains the environment -- variables, which we want to preserve in case the user has changed -- them before loading the project. Free (Self.Data.View); end Unload; --------------------- -- Get_Environment -- --------------------- function Get_Environment (Self : Project_Type) return Project_Environment_Access is begin if Self = No_Project or Self.Data.Tree = null then return null; else return Self.Data.Tree.Env; end if; end Get_Environment; -------------------------- -- Is_Aggregate_Library -- -------------------------- function Is_Aggregate_Library (Self : Project_Type) return Boolean is begin return Project_Qualifier_Of (Self.Data.Node, Self.Data.Tree.Tree) = GPR.Aggregate_Library; end Is_Aggregate_Library; -------------------------- -- Is_Aggregate_Project -- -------------------------- function Is_Aggregate_Project (Self : Project_Type) return Boolean is begin if Self = No_Project or else Self.Data = null or else Self.Data.Tree = null then return False; else return Project_Qualifier_Of (Self.Data.Node, Self.Data.Tree.Tree) in GPR.Aggregate_Project; end if; end Is_Aggregate_Project; ------------------------- -- Is_Abstract_Project -- ------------------------- function Is_Abstract_Project (Self : Project_Type) return Boolean is begin return Project_Qualifier_Of (Self.Data.Node, Self.Data.Tree.Tree) = Abstract_Project; end Is_Abstract_Project; ----------------- -- Is_Editable -- ----------------- function Is_Editable (Project : Project_Type) return Boolean is Att : constant Attribute_Pkg_String := Build ("IDE", "Read_Only"); begin return (Project.Project_Path.Is_Writable or else not Project.Project_Path.Is_Regular_File) and then not Project.Data.Uses_Variables and then not Project.Data.Tree.Root.Is_Aggregate_Project and then Project.Data.View_Is_Complete and then (not Project.Has_Attribute (Att) or else To_Lower (Project.Attribute_Value (Att)) /= "true"); end Is_Editable; -------------- -- Finalize -- -------------- procedure Finalize is begin null; -- GPR.Finalize; -- Atree.Atree_Private_Part.Nodes.Free; end Finalize; --------- -- Put -- --------- procedure Put (Self : in out Pretty_Printer; C : Character) is pragma Unreferenced (Self); begin Ada.Text_IO.Put (C); end Put; --------- -- Put -- --------- procedure Put (Self : in out Pretty_Printer; S : String) is begin for C in S'Range loop Put (Pretty_Printer'Class (Self), S (C)); end loop; end Put; -------------- -- New_Line -- -------------- procedure New_Line (Self : in out Pretty_Printer) is begin Put (Pretty_Printer'Class (Self), ASCII.LF); end New_Line; --------- -- Put -- --------- procedure Put (Self : in out Pretty_Printer; Project : Project_Type'Class; Increment : Positive := 3; Eliminate_Empty_Case_Constructions : Boolean := False) is begin Put (Self => Self, Project => Project.Data.Node, In_Tree => Project.Data.Tree.Tree, Id => Project.Data.View, Increment => Increment, Eliminate_Empty_Case_Constructions => Eliminate_Empty_Case_Constructions); end Put; --------- -- Put -- --------- procedure Put (Self : in out Pretty_Printer'Class; Project : Project_Node_Id; In_Tree : GPR.Project_Node_Tree_Ref; Id : Project_Id := GPR.No_Project; Increment : Positive := 3; Eliminate_Empty_Case_Constructions : Boolean := False) is procedure W_Char (C : Character); procedure W_Eol; procedure W_Str (S : String); ------------ -- W_Char -- ------------ procedure W_Char (C : Character) is begin Put (Self, C); end W_Char; ----------- -- W_Eol -- ----------- procedure W_Eol is begin New_Line (Self); end W_Eol; ----------- -- W_Str -- ----------- procedure W_Str (S : String) is begin Put (Self, S); end W_Str; begin GPR.PP.Pretty_Print (Project => Project, In_Tree => In_Tree, Increment => Increment, Eliminate_Empty_Case_Constructions => Eliminate_Empty_Case_Constructions, Minimize_Empty_Lines => False, W_Char => W_Char'Unrestricted_Access, W_Eol => W_Eol'Unrestricted_Access, W_Str => W_Str'Unrestricted_Access, Backward_Compatibility => False, Id => Id); end Put; ---------- -- Node -- ---------- function Node (Project : Project_Type'Class) return GPR.Project_Node_Id is begin return Project.Data.Node; end Node; ---------- -- Tree -- ---------- function Tree (Data : Project_Tree_Data_Access) return GPR.Project_Node_Tree_Ref is begin return Data.Tree; end Tree; ------------------- -- Set_Attribute -- ------------------- procedure Set_Attribute (Self : Project_Type; Attribute : Attribute_Pkg_List; Values : GNAT.Strings.String_List; Scenario : Scenario_Variable_Array := All_Scenarios; Index : String := ""; Prepend : Boolean := False) is begin if not Self.Is_Editable then raise Project_Not_Editable; end if; GNATCOLL.Projects.Normalize.Set_Attribute (Self.Data.Tree, Self, Attribute, Values, Scenario, Index, Prepend); end Set_Attribute; procedure Set_Attribute (Self : Project_Type; Attribute : Attribute_Pkg_String; Value : String; Scenario : Scenario_Variable_Array := All_Scenarios; Index : String := ""; At_Index : Natural := 0) is begin if not Self.Is_Editable then raise Project_Not_Editable; end if; GNATCOLL.Projects.Normalize.Set_Attribute (Self.Data.Tree, Self, Attribute, Value, Scenario, Index, At_Index); end Set_Attribute; ---------------------- -- Delete_Attribute -- ---------------------- procedure Delete_Attribute (Self : Project_Type; Attribute : Attribute_Pkg_String; Scenario : Scenario_Variable_Array := All_Scenarios; Index : String := "") is begin if not Self.Is_Editable then raise Project_Not_Editable; end if; GNATCOLL.Projects.Normalize.Delete_Attribute (Self.Data.Tree, Self, String (Attribute), Scenario, Index); end Delete_Attribute; procedure Delete_Attribute (Self : Project_Type; Attribute : Attribute_Pkg_List; Scenario : Scenario_Variable_Array := All_Scenarios; Index : String := "") is begin if not Self.Is_Editable then raise Project_Not_Editable; end if; GNATCOLL.Projects.Normalize.Delete_Attribute (Self.Data.Tree, Self, String (Attribute), Scenario, Index); end Delete_Attribute; --------------------- -- Rename_And_Move -- --------------------- procedure Rename_And_Move (Self : Project_Type; New_Name : String; Directory : GNATCOLL.VFS.Virtual_File; Errors : Error_Report := null) is Old_Path : constant Virtual_File := Self.Project_Path; begin if not Self.Is_Editable then raise Project_Not_Editable; end if; GNATCOLL.Projects.Normalize.Rename_And_Move (Self.Data.Tree, Self, New_Name, Directory, Errors); Self.Data.Tree.Projects.Delete (Old_Path); Self.Data.Tree.Projects.Include (Self.Project_Path, Self); if Self.Data.View /= GPR.No_Project then Self.Data.View.Display_Name := Get_String (New_Name); end if; -- This is no longer the default project, since it was -- renamed. Otherwise, Project_Path would still return "" when saving -- the default project. Trace (Me, "Set project status to From_File"); Self.Data.Tree.Status := From_File; Reset_All_Caches (Self.Data.Tree); end Rename_And_Move; ---------------------------- -- Register_New_Attribute -- ---------------------------- function Register_New_Attribute (Name : String; Pkg : String; Is_List : Boolean := False; Indexed : Boolean := False; Case_Sensitive_Index : Boolean := False) return String is Lower_Pkg : constant String := To_Lower (Pkg); Pkg_Id : Package_Node_Id := Empty_Package; Attr_Id : Attribute_Node_Id; Attr_Kind : Defined_Attribute_Kind; Var_Kind : Defined_Variable_Kind; begin -- Need to make sure the predefined packages are already declared, or -- the new one will be discarded. GPR.Attr.Initialize; if Lower_Pkg /= "" then Pkg_Id := Package_Node_Id_Of (Get_String (Lower_Pkg)); if Pkg_Id = Empty_Package or else Pkg_Id = Unknown_Package then Trace (Me, "Register_New_Package (" & Lower_Pkg & ")"); Register_New_Package (Name => Lower_Pkg, Id => Pkg_Id); if Pkg_Id = Empty_Package or else Pkg_Id = Unknown_Package then Trace (Me, "Error registering new package"); end if; end if; end if; if Pkg_Id = Empty_Package then Attr_Id := Attribute_Node_Id_Of (Name => Get_String (Name), Starting_At => GPR.Attr.Attribute_First); else Attr_Id := Attribute_Node_Id_Of (Name => Get_String (Name), Starting_At => First_Attribute_Of (Pkg_Id)); end if; if Is_List then Var_Kind := GPR.List; else Var_Kind := GPR.Single; end if; if Indexed then if Case_Sensitive_Index then Attr_Kind := GPR.Attr.Associative_Array; else Attr_Kind := GPR.Attr.Case_Insensitive_Associative_Array; end if; -- Priority is given to the registered type if Attr_Id /= Empty_Attribute then Attr_Kind := Attribute_Kind_Of (Attr_Id); if Attr_Kind = Attribute_Kind'(Single) then Attr_Kind := GPR.Attr.Associative_Array; end if; end if; else Attr_Kind := Attribute_Kind'(Single); end if; if Attr_Id = Empty_Attribute then if Lower_Pkg = "" then return "Project attributes cannot be added at the top level of" & " project files, only in packages"; else if Active (Me) then Trace (Me, "Register_New_Attribute (" & Name & ", " & Lower_Pkg & ", " & Attr_Kind'Img & ", " & Var_Kind'Img & ")"); end if; Register_New_Attribute (Name => Name, In_Package => Pkg_Id, Attr_Kind => Attr_Kind, Var_Kind => Var_Kind, Index_Is_File_Name => False, Opt_Index => False); end if; else if Attribute_Kind_Of (Attr_Id) /= Attr_Kind or else Variable_Kind_Of (Attr_Id) /= Var_Kind then return Name & ": attributes was already defined but with a" & " different type"; end if; end if; return ""; end Register_New_Attribute; ---------------------------------- -- Register_Specific_Attributes -- ---------------------------------- procedure Register_Specific_Attributes is begin if Specific_Attributes_Registered then -- Already registered during previous loads, nothing to do. return; end if; if not Attribute_Registered ("Artifacts_Dir", "IDE") then declare S : constant String := Register_New_Attribute ("Artifacts_Dir", "IDE"); begin if S /= "" then Trace (Me, "Cannot register attribute IDE'Artefact_Dir: " & S); end if; end; end if; if not Attribute_Registered ("Read_Only", "IDE") then declare S : constant String := Register_New_Attribute ("Read_Only", "IDE"); begin if S /= "" then Trace (Me, "Cannot register attribute IDE'Artefact_Dir: " & S); end if; end; end if; -- If it didn't work the first time it won't work at all, no use trying -- again. Specific_Attributes_Registered := True; end Register_Specific_Attributes; ---------- -- Save -- ---------- function Save (Project : Project_Type; Force : Boolean := False; Errors : Error_Report := null) return Boolean is File : Ada.Text_IO.File_Type; type File_Pretty_Printer is new Pretty_Printer with null record; overriding procedure Put (Self : in out File_Pretty_Printer; C : Character); overriding procedure Put (Self : in out File_Pretty_Printer; S : String); --------- -- Put -- --------- overriding procedure Put (Self : in out File_Pretty_Printer; C : Character) is pragma Unreferenced (Self); begin Put (File, C); end Put; overriding procedure Put (Self : in out File_Pretty_Printer; S : String) is pragma Unreferenced (Self); begin Put (File, S); end Put; PP : File_Pretty_Printer; begin if not Project.Is_Editable then raise Project_Not_Editable; end if; if not Is_Regular_File (Project.Project_Path) or else Project.Data.Modified or else Force then if Is_Regular_File (Project_Path (Project)) and then not Is_Writable (Project_Path (Project)) then if Errors /= null then Errors ("The file " & Display_Full_Name (Project_Path (Project)) & " is not writable. Project not saved"); end if; Trace (Me, "Project file not writable: " & Project_Path (Project).Display_Full_Name); return False; end if; declare Filename : constant Virtual_File := Project_Path (Project); Dirname : Virtual_File renames Dir (Filename); begin Trace (Me, "Save_Project: Creating new file " & Filename.Display_Full_Name); begin Ada.Directories.Create_Path (Dirname.Display_Full_Name); exception when Ada.Directories.Name_Error | Ada.Directories.Use_Error => Trace (Me, "Couldn't create directory " & Dirname.Display_Full_Name); if Errors /= null then Errors ("Couldn't create directory " & Dirname.Display_Full_Name); end if; return False; end; Normalize_Cases (Project.Data.Tree.Tree, Project); Create (File, Mode => Out_File, Name => +Full_Name (Filename)); PP.Put (Project => Project); Close (File); Project.Data.Modified := False; Trace (Me, "Set project status to From_File"); Project.Data.Tree.Status := From_File; return True; exception when Ada.Text_IO.Name_Error => Trace (Me, "Couldn't create " & Filename.Display_Full_Name); if Errors /= null then Errors ("Couldn't create file " & Filename.Display_Full_Name); end if; return False; end; end if; return False; end Save; -------------- -- Modified -- -------------- function Modified (Project : Project_Type; Recursive : Boolean := False) return Boolean is Iter : Inner_Project_Iterator := Start (Project, Recursive); P : Project_Type; begin loop P := Current (Iter); exit when P = GNATCOLL.Projects.No_Project; if P.Data.Modified then return True; end if; Next (Iter); end loop; return False; end Modified; ------------------ -- Set_Modified -- ------------------ procedure Set_Modified (Project : Project_Type; Modified : Boolean) is begin Project.Data.Modified := Modified; end Set_Modified; ----------------------------- -- Remove_Imported_Project -- ----------------------------- procedure Remove_Imported_Project (Project : Project_Type; Imported_Project : Project_Type) is Tree : constant GPR.Project_Node_Tree_Ref := Project.Data.Tree.Tree; With_Clause : Project_Node_Id := First_With_Clause_Of (Project.Node, Tree); Next : Project_Node_Id; Iter : Project_Iterator; Remove : Boolean := True; Basename : constant Filesystem_String := Base_Name (Imported_Project.Project_Path.Full_Name, Project_File_Extension); Dep_ID : constant Name_Id := Get_String (+Basename); Tree_Node : constant GPR.Project_Node_Tree_Ref := Project.Data.Tree.Tree; begin if not Project.Is_Editable then raise Project_Not_Editable; end if; if With_Clause /= Empty_Project_Node and then GPR.Tree.Name_Of (With_Clause, Tree) = GPR.Tree.Name_Of (Imported_Project.Node, Tree) then Set_First_With_Clause_Of (Project.Node, Tree, Next_With_Clause_Of (With_Clause, Tree)); else loop Next := Next_With_Clause_Of (With_Clause, Tree); exit when Next = Empty_Project_Node; if GPR.Tree.Name_Of (Next, Tree) = GPR.Tree.Name_Of (Imported_Project.Node, Tree) then Set_Next_With_Clause_Of (With_Clause, Tree, Next_With_Clause_Of (Next, Tree)); end if; With_Clause := Next; end loop; end if; Project.Data.Modified := True; -- Need to reset all the caches, since the caches contain the indirect -- dependencies as well. Reset_All_Caches (Project.Data.Tree); Iter := Start (Project.Data.Tree.Root, Recursive => True); while Current (Iter) /= No_Project loop Trace (Me, " " & Current (Iter).Project_Path.Display_Full_Name); if Current (Iter) = Imported_Project then Remove := False; exit; end if; Projects.Next (Iter); end loop; if Remove and then Dep_ID /= No_Name then Tree_Private_Part.Projects_Htable.Remove (Tree_Node.Projects_HT, Dep_ID); end if; end Remove_Imported_Project; ---------------------- -- Reset_All_Caches -- ---------------------- procedure Reset_All_Caches (Tree : Project_Tree_Data_Access) is Cursor : Project_Htables.Cursor := Tree.Projects.First; begin while Has_Element (Cursor) loop Unchecked_Free (Element (Cursor).Data.Imported_Projects.Items); Unchecked_Free (Element (Cursor).Data.Importing_Projects); Next (Cursor); end loop; end Reset_All_Caches; -------------------------- -- Add_Imported_Project -- -------------------------- function Add_Imported_Project (Tree : Project_Tree; Project : Project_Type'Class; Imported_Project_Location : GNATCOLL.VFS.Virtual_File; Packages_To_Check : GNAT.Strings.String_List_Access := No_Packs; Errors : Error_Report := null; Use_Relative_Path : Boolean := True; Use_Base_Name : Boolean := False; Limited_With : Boolean := False) return Import_Project_Error is Tree_Node : constant GPR.Project_Node_Tree_Ref := Project.Data.Tree.Tree; use GPR.Tree_Private_Part; procedure Fail (S : String); ---------- -- Fail -- ---------- procedure Fail (S : String) is begin if Errors /= null then Errors (S); end if; end Fail; Basename : constant Filesystem_String := Base_Name (Imported_Project_Location, Project_File_Extension); Imported_Project : Project_Node_Id := Empty_Project_Node; Dep_ID : Name_Id; Dep_Name : GPR.Tree_Private_Part.Project_Name_And_Node; Error : Import_Project_Error; begin if not Project.Is_Editable then raise Project_Not_Editable; end if; GPR.Output.Set_Special_Output (Fail'Unrestricted_Access); GPR.Com.Fail := Fail'Unrestricted_Access; Dep_ID := Get_String (+Basename); Dep_Name := Tree_Private_Part.Projects_Htable.Get (Tree_Node.Projects_HT, Dep_ID); if Dep_Name /= No_Project_Name_And_Node then -- ??? We used to compare on the build server, but that might not be -- necessary (and we do not have access to this information in -- GNATCOLL in any case). if not File_Equal (Format_Pathname (+Get_String (Path_Name_Of (Dep_Name.Node, Tree_Node))), Imported_Project_Location.Full_Name, Local_Host) then Fail ("A different project with the same name" & " already exists in the project tree."); GPR.Output.Cancel_Special_Output; GPR.Com.Fail := null; return Project_Already_Exists; else Imported_Project := Dep_Name.Node; end if; else Override_Flags (Tree.Data.Env.Env, Create_Flags (null, False)); GPR.Part.Parse (Tree_Node, Imported_Project, +Full_Name (Imported_Project_Location), Packages_To_Check => Packages_To_Check, Is_Config_File => False, Current_Directory => Get_Current_Dir, Env => Tree.Data.Env.Env); GPR.Err.Finalize; end if; if Imported_Project = Empty_Project_Node then Trace (Me, "Add_Imported_Project: imported project not found (" & Imported_Project_Location.Display_Full_Name & ")"); GPR.Output.Cancel_Special_Output; GPR.Com.Fail := null; return Imported_Project_Not_Found; end if; Compute_Importing_Projects (Project, Project.Data.Tree.Root); Error := Add_Imported_Project (Tree => Project.Data.Tree, Project => Project, Imported_Project => Tree.Instance_From_Node (Tree, Imported_Project), Errors => Errors, Use_Relative_Path => Use_Relative_Path, Use_Base_Name => Use_Base_Name, Limited_With => Limited_With); if Error = Success then Create_Project_Instances (Tree, Tree, With_View => False); end if; return Error; end Add_Imported_Project; -------------------------- -- Add_Imported_Project -- -------------------------- function Add_Imported_Project (Project : Project_Type; Imported_Project : Project_Type; Errors : Error_Report := null; Use_Relative_Path : Boolean := True; Use_Base_Name : Boolean := False; Limited_With : Boolean := False) return Import_Project_Error is begin if not Project.Is_Editable then raise Project_Not_Editable; end if; Compute_Importing_Projects (Project, Project.Data.Tree.Root); return GNATCOLL.Projects.Normalize.Add_Imported_Project (Tree => Project.Data.Tree, Project => Project, Imported_Project => Imported_Project, Errors => Errors, Use_Relative_Path => Use_Relative_Path, Use_Base_Name => Use_Base_Name, Limited_With => Limited_With); -- No need for Create_Project_Instances in this version, since the -- imported_project was already in memory. end Add_Imported_Project; ------------------------------ -- Delete_Scenario_Variable -- ------------------------------ procedure Delete_Scenario_Variable (Tree : Project_Tree'Class; External_Name : String; Keep_Choice : String; Delete_Direct_References : Boolean := True) is begin if not Tree.Root_Project.Is_Editable then Trace (Me, "Project is not editable"); return; end if; GNATCOLL.Projects.Normalize.Delete_Scenario_Variable (Tree.Data, Tree.Root_Project, External_Name, Keep_Choice, Delete_Direct_References); -- Mark all projects in the hierarchy as modified, since they are -- potentially all impacted. declare Cursor : Project_Htables.Cursor := Tree.Data.Projects.First; begin while Has_Element (Cursor) loop Element (Cursor).Set_Modified (True); Next (Cursor); end loop; end; end Delete_Scenario_Variable; ----------------- -- Rename_Path -- ----------------- function Rename_Path (Self : Project_Type; Old_Path : GNATCOLL.VFS.Virtual_File; New_Path : GNATCOLL.VFS.Virtual_File; Use_Relative_Paths : Boolean) return Boolean is begin if not Self.Is_Editable then raise Project_Not_Editable; end if; return GNATCOLL.Projects.Normalize.Rename_Path (Self.Data.Tree, Self, Old_Path, New_Path, Use_Relative_Paths); end Rename_Path; -------------------- -- Create_Project -- -------------------- function Create_Project (Tree : Project_Tree'Class; Name : String; Path : GNATCOLL.VFS.Virtual_File) return Project_Type is D : constant Filesystem_String := Name_As_Directory (Path.Full_Name) & (+Translate (To_Lower (Name), To_Mapping (".", "-"))) & GNATCOLL.Projects.Project_File_Extension; Project : constant Project_Node_Id := GPR.Tree.Create_Project (In_Tree => Tree.Data.Tree, Name => Get_String (Name), Full_Path => Path_Name_Type (Get_String (+D)), Is_Config_File => False); P : Project_Type; begin P := Tree.Instance_From_Node (Tree, Project); P.Set_Modified (True); return P; end Create_Project; -------------------------- -- Set_Extended_Project -- -------------------------- procedure Set_Extended_Project (Self : GNATCOLL.Projects.Project_Type; Extended : GNATCOLL.Projects.Project_Type; Extend_All : Boolean := False; Use_Relative_Paths : Boolean := False) is begin if not Self.Is_Editable then raise Project_Not_Editable; end if; if Use_Relative_Paths then declare Path : constant Filesystem_String := Relative_Path (Extended.Project_Path, Self.Project_Path); begin Set_Extended_Project_Path_Of (Self.Data.Node, Self.Data.Tree.Tree, To => Path_Name_Type (Get_String (+Path))); end; else Set_Extended_Project_Path_Of (Self.Data.Node, Self.Data.Tree.Tree, To => Path_Name_Type (Get_String (+Extended.Project_Path.Full_Name))); end if; Set_Extended_Project_Of (Project_Declaration_Of (Self.Data.Node, Self.Data.Tree.Tree), Self.Data.Tree.Tree, To => Extended.Node); if Extend_All then Set_Is_Extending_All (Self.Data.Node, Self.Data.Tree.Tree); end if; end Set_Extended_Project; ------------------------------ -- Create_Scenario_Variable -- ------------------------------ function Create_Scenario_Variable (Project : Project_Type; Name : String; Type_Name : String; External_Name : String) return Scenario_Variable is Tree_Node : constant GPR.Project_Node_Tree_Ref := Project.Data.Tree.Tree; Typ, Var : Project_Node_Id; begin if not Project.Is_Editable then Trace (Me, "Project is not editable"); return GNATCOLL.Projects.No_Variable; end if; GNATCOLL.Projects.Normalize.Normalize (Project.Data.Tree, Project); Typ := Create_Type (Tree_Node, Project.Data.Node, Type_Name); Var := Create_Typed_Variable (Tree_Node, Project.Data.Node, Name, Typ, Add_Before_First_Case_Or_Pkg => True); Set_Value_As_External (Tree_Node, Var, External_Name); Project.Set_Modified (True); -- Clear the cache Unchecked_Free (Project.Data.Tree.Env.Scenario_Variables); return (Ext_Name => Get_String (External_Name), Var_Name => No_Name, Default => No_Name, Value => No_Name, String_Type => Typ, Tree_Ref => Tree_Node, First_Project_Path => GPR.No_Path); end Create_Scenario_Variable; -------------------------- -- Change_External_Name -- -------------------------- procedure Change_External_Name (Tree : Project_Tree'Class; Variable : in out Scenario_Variable; New_Name : String) is Tree_Node : constant GPR.Project_Node_Tree_Ref := Tree.Data.Tree; procedure Callback (Project, Parent, Node, Choice : Project_Node_Id); -- Called for each matching node for the environment variable -------------- -- Callback -- -------------- procedure Callback (Project, Parent, Node, Choice : Project_Node_Id) is pragma Unreferenced (Project, Parent, Choice); begin if Kind_Of (Node, Tree_Node) = N_External_Value then Set_String_Value_Of (External_Reference_Of (Node, Tree_Node), Tree_Node, Get_String (New_Name)); end if; end Callback; Ext_Ref : constant Name_Id := Get_String (External_Name (Variable)); begin if not Tree.Root_Project.Is_Editable then Trace (Me, "Project is not editable"); return; end if; GNATCOLL.Projects.Normalize.Normalize (Tree.Data, Tree.Root_Project); For_Each_Environment_Variable (Tree.Data.Tree, Tree.Root_Project, Ext_Ref, No_Name, Callback'Unrestricted_Access); Tree.Root_Project.Set_Modified (True); -- Create the new variable, to avoid errors when computing the view of -- the project. Variable.Ext_Name := Get_String (New_Name); Tree.Change_Environment ((1 => Variable)); end Change_External_Name; ----------------------- -- Set_Default_Value -- ----------------------- procedure Set_Default_Value (Tree : Project_Tree'Class; External_Name : String; Default : String) is Tree_Node : constant GPR.Project_Node_Tree_Ref := Tree.Data.Tree; procedure Callback (Project, Parent, Node, Choice : Project_Node_Id); -- Called for each matching node for the environment variable -------------- -- Callback -- -------------- procedure Callback (Project, Parent, Node, Choice : Project_Node_Id) is pragma Unreferenced (Project, Parent, Choice); begin if Kind_Of (Node, Tree_Node) = N_Typed_Variable_Declaration then Set_External_Default_Of (Current_Term (First_Term (Expression_Of (Node, Tree_Node), Tree_Node), Tree_Node), Tree_Node, Enclose_In_Expression (Create_Literal_String (Get_String (Default), Tree_Node), Tree_Node)); end if; end Callback; begin if not Tree.Root_Project.Is_Editable then Trace (Me, "Project is not editable"); return; end if; For_Each_Environment_Variable (Tree.Data.Tree, Tree.Root_Project, Get_String (External_Name), No_Name, Callback'Unrestricted_Access); Tree.Root_Project.Set_Modified (True); end Set_Default_Value; ------------------ -- Rename_Value -- ------------------ procedure Rename_Value (Tree : Project_Tree'Class; External_Name : String; Old_Value : String; New_Value : String) is Tree_N : constant GPR.Project_Node_Tree_Ref := Tree.Data.Tree; Old_V : constant Name_Id := Get_String (Old_Value); New_V : constant Name_Id := Get_String (New_Value); N : constant Name_Id := Get_String (External_Name); procedure Callback (Project, Parent, Node, Choice : Project_Node_Id); -- Called for each matching node for the environment variable -------------- -- Callback -- -------------- procedure Callback (Project, Parent, Node, Choice : Project_Node_Id) is pragma Unreferenced (Project, Parent); C : Project_Node_Id; begin case Kind_Of (Node, Tree_N) is when N_External_Value => if External_Default_Of (Node, Tree_N) /= Empty_Project_Node and then Expression_As_String (Tree_N, External_Default_Of (Node, Tree_N)) = Old_V then if Kind_Of (External_Default_Of (Node, Tree_N), Tree_N) = N_Literal_String then Set_String_Value_Of (External_Default_Of (Node, Tree_N), Tree_N, New_V); else Set_External_Default_Of (Node, Tree_N, Create_Literal_String (New_V, Tree_N)); end if; end if; when N_String_Type_Declaration => C := First_Literal_String (Node, Tree_N); while C /= Empty_Project_Node loop if String_Value_Of (C, Tree_N) = Old_V then Set_String_Value_Of (C, Tree_N, New_V); exit; end if; C := Next_Literal_String (C, Tree_N); end loop; when N_Case_Item => Set_String_Value_Of (Choice, Tree_N, New_V); when others => null; end case; end Callback; begin if not Tree.Root_Project.Is_Editable then Trace (Me, "Project is not editable"); return; end if; GNATCOLL.Projects.Normalize.Normalize (Tree.Data, Tree.Root_Project); For_Each_Environment_Variable (Tree.Data.Tree, Tree.Root_Project, N, Old_V, Callback'Unrestricted_Access); if GPR.Ext.Value_Of (Tree.Data.Env.Env.External, N) /= No_Name and then GPR.Ext.Value_Of (Tree.Data.Env.Env.External, N) = Old_V then GPR.Ext.Add (Tree.Data.Env.Env.External, External_Name, New_Value, GPR.Ext.From_Command_Line); end if; Tree.Root_Project.Set_Modified (True); end Rename_Value; ------------------ -- Remove_Value -- ------------------ procedure Remove_Value (Tree : Project_Tree'Class; External_Name : String; Value : String) is Tree_N : constant GPR.Project_Node_Tree_Ref := Tree.Data.Tree; Delete_Variable : exception; Type_Decl : Project_Node_Id := Empty_Project_Node; V_Name : constant Name_Id := Get_String (Value); Ext_Var : constant Name_Id := Get_String (External_Name); procedure Callback (Project, Parent, Node, Choice : Project_Node_Id); -- Called for each matching node for the environment variable -------------- -- Callback -- -------------- procedure Callback (Project, Parent, Node, Choice : Project_Node_Id) is pragma Unreferenced (Project, Choice); C, C2 : Project_Node_Id; begin case Kind_Of (Node, Tree_N) is when N_String_Type_Declaration => Type_Decl := Node; C := First_Literal_String (Node, Tree_N); if Next_Literal_String (C, Tree_N) = Empty_Project_Node then raise Delete_Variable; end if; if String_Value_Of (C, Tree_N) = V_Name then Set_First_Literal_String (Node, Tree_N, Next_Literal_String (C, Tree_N)); return; end if; loop C2 := Next_Literal_String (C, Tree_N); exit when C2 = Empty_Project_Node; if String_Value_Of (C2, Tree_N) = V_Name then Set_Next_Literal_String (C, Tree_N, Next_Literal_String (C2, Tree_N)); exit; end if; C := C2; end loop; when N_External_Value => if External_Default_Of (Node, Tree_N) /= Empty_Project_Node and then String_Value_Of (External_Default_Of (Node, Tree_N), Tree_N) = V_Name then Set_External_Default_Of (Node, Tree_N, Empty_Project_Node); end if; when N_Case_Item => C := First_Case_Item_Of (Current_Item_Node (Parent, Tree_N), Tree_N); if C = Node then Set_First_Case_Item_Of (Current_Item_Node (Parent, Tree_N), Tree_N, Next_Case_Item (C, Tree_N)); return; end if; loop C2 := Next_Case_Item (C, Tree_N); exit when C2 = Empty_Project_Node; if C2 = Node then Set_Next_Case_Item (C, Tree_N, Next_Case_Item (C2, Tree_N)); end if; C := C2; end loop; when others => null; end case; end Callback; begin if not Tree.Root_Project.Is_Editable then Trace (Me, "Project is not editable"); return; end if; GNATCOLL.Projects.Normalize.Normalize (Tree.Data, Tree.Root_Project); For_Each_Environment_Variable (Tree.Data.Tree, Tree.Root_Project, Ext_Var, Get_String (Value), Callback'Unrestricted_Access); -- Reset the value of the external variable if needed if GPR.Ext.Value_Of (Tree.Data.Env.Env.External, Ext_Var) = V_Name then if Type_Decl /= Empty_Project_Node then GPR.Ext.Add (Tree.Data.Env.Env.External, External_Name, Get_String (String_Value_Of (First_Literal_String (Type_Decl, Tree_N), Tree_N)), GPR.Ext.From_Command_Line); else GPR.Ext.Add (Tree.Data.Env.Env.External, External_Name, "", GPR.Ext.From_Command_Line); end if; end if; Tree.Root_Project.Set_Modified (True); exception when Delete_Variable => Tree.Delete_Scenario_Variable (External_Name => External_Name, Keep_Choice => Value, Delete_Direct_References => False); end Remove_Value; ---------------- -- Add_Values -- ---------------- procedure Add_Values (Tree : Project_Tree'Class; Variable : Scenario_Variable; Values : GNAT.Strings.String_List) is Tree_N : constant GPR.Project_Node_Tree_Ref := Tree.Data.Tree; Type_Node, Var : Project_Node_Id; Iter : Inner_Project_Iterator := Tree.Root_Project.Start; P : Project_Type; begin loop P := Current (Iter); exit when P = No_Project; if not P.Is_Editable then Trace (Me, "Project is not editable: " & P.Name); return; end if; GNATCOLL.Projects.Normalize.Normalize (Tree.Data, P); Var := Find_Scenario_Variable (Tree_N, P, External_Name (Variable)); -- If variable is defined in the current project, then modify the -- type to Values. if Var /= Empty_Project_Node then Type_Node := String_Type_Of (Var, Tree_N); pragma Assert (Type_Node /= Empty_Project_Node); -- Set_First_Literal_String (Type_Node, Empty_Node); for J in Values'Range loop Add_Possible_Value (Tree_N, Type_Node, Values (J).all); end loop; P.Set_Modified (True); end if; Next (Iter); end loop; end Add_Values; ---------- -- Free -- ---------- procedure Free (Self : in out Project_Environment_Access) is procedure Unchecked_Free is new Ada.Unchecked_Deallocation (Project_Environment'Class, Project_Environment_Access); procedure Unchecked_Free is new Ada.Unchecked_Deallocation (Naming_Scheme_Record, Naming_Scheme_Access); NS : Naming_Scheme_Access; begin if Self /= null then while Self.Naming_Schemes /= null loop NS := Self.Naming_Schemes; Self.Naming_Schemes := NS.Next; Free (NS.Language); Free (NS.Default_Spec_Suffix); Free (NS.Default_Body_Suffix); Free (NS.Obj_Suffix); Unchecked_Free (NS); end loop; Unchecked_Free (Self.Predefined_Object_Path); Unchecked_Free (Self.Predefined_Source_Path); Unchecked_Free (Self.Predefined_Project_Path); Unchecked_Free (Self.Predefined_Source_Files); Free (Self.Xrefs_Subdir); Self.Extensions.Clear; Free (Self.Save_Config_File); Free (Self.Default_Gnatls); Free (Self.Gnatls); Free (Self.Forced_Target); Free (Self.Forced_Runtime); if not (Self.Packages_To_Check in All_Packs | No_Packs) then Free (Self.Packages_To_Check); end if; Free (Self.Env); Unchecked_Free (Self); end if; end Free; ---------- -- Free -- ---------- procedure Free (Self : in out Project_Tree_Data_Access) is procedure Unchecked_Free is new Ada.Unchecked_Deallocation (Project_Tree_Data, Project_Tree_Data_Access); begin if Self /= null then if Self.Tree /= null then GPR.Tree_Private_Part.Project_Node_Table.Free (Self.Tree.Project_Nodes); Free (Self.Tree); end if; if not Self.Is_Aggregated then Self.Projects.Clear; end if; Unchecked_Free (Self); end if; end Free; ---------- -- Free -- ---------- procedure Free (Self : in out Project_Tree_Access) is procedure Unchecked_Free is new Ada.Unchecked_Deallocation (Project_Tree'Class, Project_Tree_Access); begin if Self /= null then Free (Self.Data); Unchecked_Free (Self); end if; end Free; ------------ -- Status -- ------------ function Status (Self : Project_Tree) return Project_Status is begin if Self.Data = null then return Empty; else return Self.Data.Status; end if; end Status; ---------------- -- Set_Status -- ---------------- procedure Set_Status (Self : Project_Tree; Status : Project_Status) is begin Trace (Me, "set project status to " & Status'Img); Self.Data.Status := Status; end Set_Status; ------------ -- Append -- ------------ procedure Append (Self : in out Path_Name_Array; Path : GPR.Path_Name_Type) is Tmp : Path_Name_Id_Array_Access; begin if Self.Items = null then Self.Items := new Path_Name_Id_Array (1 .. 4); Self.Last := 0; elsif Self.Last = Self.Items'Last then Tmp := Self.Items; Self.Items := new Path_Name_Id_Array (1 .. Self.Items'Last * 2); Self.Items (Tmp'Range) := Tmp.all; Unchecked_Free (Tmp); end if; Self.Last := Self.Last + 1; Self.Items (Self.Last) := Path; end Append; -------------------------- -- Set_Save_Config_File -- -------------------------- procedure Set_Save_Config_File (Self : in out Project_Environment; Name : GNATCOLL.VFS.Filesystem_String) is begin Self.Save_Config_File := new String'(+Name); end Set_Save_Config_File; ----------------------------------------------- -- Set_Disable_Use_Of_TTY_Process_Descriptor -- ----------------------------------------------- procedure Set_Disable_Use_Of_TTY_Process_Descriptor (Self : in out Project_Environment; Disabled : Boolean) is begin Self.TTY_Process_Descriptor_Disabled := Disabled; end Set_Disable_Use_Of_TTY_Process_Descriptor; --------------------------- -- Set_Host_Targets_List -- --------------------------- procedure Set_Host_Targets_List is Gprbuild_Path : Filesystem_String_Access; KB_Dir, TS_File : GNATCOLL.VFS.Virtual_File; KB : GPR.Knowledge.Knowledge_Base; use GPR.Knowledge; use GPR.Knowledge.String_Lists; TS_Id : GPR.Knowledge.Targets_Set_Id; use DOM.Core, DOM.Core.Nodes; use Input_Sources.File; use Sax.Readers; use Schema.Dom_Readers; Input : File_Input; Reader : Schema.Dom_Readers.Tree_Reader; File_Node : DOM.Core.Node; N, N2 : DOM.Core.Node; begin Trace (Me, "Set_Host_Targets_List"); if Host_Targets_List_Set then -- No point reparsing KB more than once. return; end if; Host_Targets_List_Set := True; Gprbuild_Path := Locate_Exec_On_Path ("gprbuild"); if Gprbuild_Path = null then Trace (Me, "Gprbuild not found on path"); return; end if; KB_Dir := Get_Parent (Create (Dir_Name (Gprbuild_Path.all))); KB_Dir := Join (Join (KB_Dir, "share"), "gprconfig"); Free (Gprbuild_Path); GPR.Knowledge.Parse_Knowledge_Base (KB, KB_Dir.Display_Full_Name, Parse_Compiler_Info => False); GPR.Knowledge.Get_Targets_Set (KB, GPR.Sdefault.Hostname, TS_Id); Host_Targets_List := GPR.Knowledge.Get_Fallback_List (Base => KB, On_Target => TS_Id); Host_Targets_List.Append (GPR.Knowledge.Normalized_Target (KB, TS_Id)); GPR.Knowledge.Free_Knowledge_Base (KB); TS_File := Join (KB_Dir, "targetset.xml"); if not TS_File.Is_Regular_File then Trace (Me, "targetset.xml not found"); return; end if; Open (TS_File.Display_Full_Name, Input); Reader.Set_Feature (Schema_Validation_Feature, False); Reader.Set_Feature (Validation_Feature, False); -- Do not use DTD Parse (Reader, Input); Close (Input); File_Node := DOM.Core.Documents.Get_Element (Get_Tree (Reader)); if Node_Name (File_Node) = "gprconfig" then N := First_Child (File_Node); while N /= null loop if Node_Name (N) = "targetset" then declare Attr : constant DOM.Core.Node := Get_Named_Item (Attributes (N), "canonical"); TS_Info : Targetset_Info; use Ada.Strings.Unbounded; begin if Attr /= null then TS_Info.Canonical_Name := To_Unbounded_String (Node_Value (Attr)); end if; N2 := First_Child (N); while N2 /= null loop if Node_Name (N2) = "target" then if TS_Info.Canonical_Name = Null_Unbounded_String then TS_Info.Canonical_Name := To_Unbounded_String (Node_Value (First_Child (N2))); end if; TS_Info.Regexp_Imgs.Append (Node_Value (First_Child (N2))); end if; N2 := Next_Sibling (N2); end loop; Normalization_Dictionary.Include (TS_Info); end; end if; N := Next_Sibling (N); end loop; end if; declare Doc : Document := Get_Tree (Reader); begin Free (Doc); end; Free (Reader); end Set_Host_Targets_List; ------------------------- -- Aggregated_Projects -- ------------------------- function Aggregated_Projects (Project : Project_Type; Unwind_Aggregated : Boolean := True) return Project_Array_Access is P : Project_Type; Aggregated : Aggregated_Project_List; P_Files_Agg : Project_Array_Access; Result : Project_Array_Access := new Project_Array'(Empty_Project_Array); procedure Append (Files : in out Project_Array_Access; P : Project_Type); procedure Append (Files : in out Project_Array_Access; P : Project_Type) is Tmp : Project_Array_Access; begin if Files = null then Files := new Project_Array'(1 => P); else Tmp := new Project_Array (1 .. Files'Length + 1); Tmp (1 .. Files'Length) := Files.all; Tmp (Tmp'Last) := P; Unchecked_Free (Files); Files := Tmp; end if; end Append; begin if Project.Get_View = GPR.No_Project then -- View has not been computed for this project. return Result; end if; if not Project.Is_Aggregate_Project then return Result; end if; Aggregated := Project.Data.View.Aggregated_Projects; while Aggregated /= null loop P := Project_Type (Project_From_Path (Project.Data.Tree_For_Map, Aggregated.Path)); if Unwind_Aggregated and then P.Is_Aggregate_Project then P_Files_Agg := P.Aggregated_Projects; for P_File_Agg of P_Files_Agg.all loop Append (Result, P_File_Agg); end loop; Unchecked_Free (P_Files_Agg); else Append (Result, P); end if; Aggregated := Aggregated.Next; end loop; return Result; end Aggregated_Projects; --------------------------- -- Normalize_Target_Name -- --------------------------- function Normalize_Target_Name (Target_Name : String) return String is use Ada.Strings.Unbounded; begin if Target_Name = "" then return ""; end if; for TS_Info of Normalization_Dictionary loop for Regexp_Img of TS_Info.Regexp_Imgs loop declare Pattern : constant Pattern_Matcher := Compile ("^" & Regexp_Img & "$"); begin if Match (Pattern, Target_Name) > Target_Name'First - 1 then return To_String (TS_Info.Canonical_Name); end if; exception when Expression_Error => -- We do not care about possible errors, if the regexp is -- bad we simply ignore it for normalization purposes. null; end; end loop; end loop; return Target_Name; end Normalize_Target_Name; begin -- GPR.Initialize; -- Csets.Initialize; Snames.Initialize; -- Disable verbose messages from project manager, not useful in GPS Opt.Quiet_Output := True; -- Unchecked_Shared_Lib_Imports is only relevant for builders Opt.Unchecked_Shared_Lib_Imports := True; end GNATCOLL.Projects;