-- -- Check if an image is opaque (fully non-transparent). -- -- Small-size demo for the GID (Generic Image Decoder) package. -- For a larger example, look for to_bmp.adb . -- with GID; with Ada.Calendar, Ada.Characters.Handling, Ada.Command_Line, Ada.Streams.Stream_IO, Ada.Text_IO; with Interfaces; procedure Is_opaque is use Ada.Characters.Handling, Ada.Streams.Stream_IO, Ada.Text_IO; procedure Blurb is begin Put_Line (Current_Error, "Is_opaque * check if an image is opaque (fully non-transparent)"); Put_Line (Current_Error, "GID (Generic Image Decoder) package version " & GID.version & " dated " & GID.reference); Put_Line (Current_Error, "URL: " & GID.web); New_Line (Current_Error); Put_Line (Current_Error, "Syntax:"); Put_Line (Current_Error, "is_opaque [...]"); New_Line (Current_Error); end Blurb; procedure Check_raw_image ( image : in out GID.Image_Descriptor; next_frame : out Ada.Calendar.Day_Duration; opaque : out Boolean ) is use Interfaces; subtype Primary_Color_Range is Unsigned_8; -- procedure Set_X_Y (x, y : Natural) is begin null; end Set_X_Y; -- procedure Put_Pixel (red, green, blue : Primary_Color_Range; alpha : Primary_Color_Range) is pragma Unreferenced (blue, green, red); begin opaque := opaque and alpha = Primary_Color_Range'Last; end Put_Pixel; stars : Natural := 0; procedure Feedback (percents : Natural) is so_far : constant Natural := percents / 5; begin for i in stars + 1 .. so_far loop Put (Current_Error, '*'); end loop; stars := so_far; end Feedback; procedure Load_image is new GID.Load_Image_Contents (Primary_Color_Range, Set_X_Y, Put_Pixel, Feedback, GID.fast); begin opaque := True; Load_image (image, next_frame); end Check_raw_image; procedure Process (image_name : String) is f : Ada.Streams.Stream_IO.File_Type; i : GID.Image_Descriptor; up_name : constant String := To_Upper (image_name); -- next_frame : Ada.Calendar.Day_Duration := 0.0; opaque_frame : Boolean; begin -- -- Load the image in its original format -- Open (f, In_File, image_name); Put_Line (Current_Error, "Checking " & image_name & "..."); -- GID.Load_Image_Header ( i, Stream (f).all, try_tga => image_name'Length >= 4 and then up_name (up_name'Last - 3 .. up_name'Last) = ".TGA" ); if GID.Expect_Transparency (i) then Put_Line (Current_Error, ".........v.........v"); -- loop Check_raw_image (i, next_frame, opaque_frame); New_Line (Current_Error); exit when next_frame = 0.0 or not opaque_frame; end loop; if opaque_frame then Put_Line (Current_Error, " Opaque: all pixels of all frames are opaque."); else Put_Line (Current_Error, " Not opaque: at least one pixel of one frame is not opaque."); end if; else Put_Line (Current_Error, " Opaque: no transparency information."); end if; Close (f); end Process; use Ada.Command_Line; begin if Argument_Count = 0 then Blurb; return; end if; for i in 1 .. Argument_Count loop Process (Argument (i)); end loop; end Is_opaque;