-- All_RGB. See https://allrgb.com/ -- -- "The objective of allRGB is simple: To create images with one -- pixel for every RGB color (16,777,216); not one color missing, -- and not one color twice." -- -- This program is derived from mini.adb and recurve.adb. with GID; with Ada.Calendar, Ada.Characters.Handling, Ada.Command_Line, Ada.Numerics.Discrete_Random, Ada.Streams.Stream_IO, Ada.Strings.Unbounded, Ada.Text_IO, Ada.Unchecked_Deallocation; with Interfaces; procedure All_RGB is use Ada.Streams.Stream_IO, Ada.Text_IO; procedure Blurb is begin Put_Line (Standard_Error, "All_RGB * Creates an ""all RGB"" image (in .ppm format) similar to a given image"); Put_Line (Standard_Error, " ""all RGB"" = 1 pixel per possible RGB colour (8-bit colour channels)"); New_Line (Standard_Error); Put_Line (Standard_Error, "Simple test for the GID (Generic Image Decoder) package"); Put_Line (Standard_Error, "Package version " & GID.version & " dated " & GID.reference); Put_Line (Standard_Error, "URL: " & GID.web); New_Line (Standard_Error); Put_Line (Standard_Error, "Syntax:"); Put_Line (Standard_Error, "all_rgb [option] [[option] ...]"); New_Line (Standard_Error); Put_Line (Standard_Error, "Options:"); Put_Line (Standard_Error, " -lp: set Lp distance (l1, l2, l3, linf); default: -l2"); Put_Line (Standard_Error, " -ix: set number of iterations (x = 1 million iterations); default: -x100"); Put_Line (Standard_Error, " -s: set start image as """" instead of a trivial, then randomized, image"); New_Line (Standard_Error); end Blurb; use Interfaces; type RGB is record r, g, b : Unsigned_8; end record; type Dist_Type is (L1, L2, L3, Linf); generic dist_choice : Dist_Type; function Monotone_Function_of_Distance (p, q : RGB) return Natural; pragma Inline (Monotone_Function_of_Distance); function Monotone_Function_of_Distance (p, q : RGB) return Natural is begin -- The goal of the use of generics is to optimize -- out the following case statement when the function -- is inlined in the main iteration loop: case dist_choice is when L1 => return abs (Integer (p.r) - Integer (q.r)) + abs (Integer (p.g) - Integer (q.g)) + abs (Integer (p.b) - Integer (q.b)); when L2 => return (Integer (p.r) - Integer (q.r)) ** 2 + (Integer (p.g) - Integer (q.g)) ** 2 + (Integer (p.b) - Integer (q.b)) ** 2; when L3 => return (abs (Integer (p.r) - Integer (q.r))) ** 3 + (abs (Integer (p.g) - Integer (q.g))) ** 3 + (abs (Integer (p.b) - Integer (q.b))) ** 3; when Linf => return Integer'Max (Integer'Max ((Integer (p.r) - Integer (q.r)), (Integer (p.g) - Integer (q.g))), (Integer (p.b) - Integer (q.b))); end case; end Monotone_Function_of_Distance; procedure Swap (p, q : in out RGB) is pragma Inline (Swap); tmp : constant RGB := p; begin p := q; q := tmp; end Swap; type Bitmap is array (Integer range <>, Integer range <>) of RGB; type p_Bitmap is access Bitmap; procedure Dispose is new Ada.Unchecked_Deallocation (Bitmap, p_Bitmap); -- Load image into a 24-bit truecolor RGB raw bitmap (for a PPM output) procedure Load_raw_image ( image : in out GID.Image_Descriptor; bmp : in out Bitmap; next_frame : out Ada.Calendar.Day_Duration ) is subtype Primary_color_range is Unsigned_8; pos_x, pos_y, max_y : Natural; -- procedure Set_X_Y (x, y : Natural) is begin pos_x := x; pos_y := y; end Set_X_Y; -- procedure Put_Pixel ( red, green, blue : Primary_color_range; alpha : Primary_color_range ) is pragma Unreferenced (alpha); begin bmp (pos_x, max_y - pos_y) := (red, green, blue); pos_x := pos_x + 1; -- ^ GID requires us to look to next pixel on the right for next time. end Put_Pixel; stars : Natural := 0; procedure Feedback (percents : Natural) is so_far : constant Natural := percents / 10; begin for i in stars + 1 .. so_far loop Put (Standard_Error, '*'); end loop; stars := so_far; end Feedback; procedure Load_image is new GID.Load_Image_Contents ( Primary_color_range, Set_X_Y, Put_Pixel, Feedback, GID.fast ); begin max_y := GID.Pixel_Height (image) - 1; Load_image (image, next_frame); end Load_raw_image; subtype All_RGB_Range is Integer range 0 .. 4095; generic transform_dist_choice : Dist_Type; procedure Transform (src : in Bitmap; dst : out Bitmap; do_clear : Boolean; tr_iterations : Integer); procedure Transform (src : in Bitmap; dst : out Bitmap; do_clear : Boolean; tr_iterations : Integer) is x1, y1, x2, y2 : Integer; s1, s2 : RGB; package Side_Random is new Ada.Numerics.Discrete_Random (All_RGB_Range); use Side_Random; gen : Generator; dist_no_swap, dist_swap : Natural; function M_Funct_Dist_Lx is new Monotone_Function_of_Distance (transform_dist_choice); mix_phase : Integer := 3 * 4096 ** 2; do_swap : Boolean; total_iter : Integer; tick : Integer; -- begin if do_clear then -- Deterministic bitmap with all possible 8-bit-per-channel colours. for r in Unsigned_8'(0) .. 255 loop for g in Unsigned_8'(0) .. 255 loop for b in Unsigned_8'(0) .. 255 loop x1 := Integer (r) + Integer (g and 15) * 256; y1 := Integer (b) + Integer (Shift_Right (g, 4)) * 256; dst (x1, y1) := (r, g, b); end loop; end loop; end loop; else mix_phase := 0; end if; -- Reset (gen); total_iter := mix_phase + tr_iterations; tick := total_iter / 10; for i in 1 .. total_iter loop x1 := Random (gen); y1 := Random (gen); x2 := Random (gen); y2 := Random (gen); if i <= mix_phase then -- In the initial phase (mix phase) we always swap pixels, in -- order to have an uniform looking, randomized background. do_swap := True; else -- We improve the colour distance to source image -- for a pair of randomly chosen pixels. s1 := src (x1 * src'Last (1) / dst'Last (1), y1 * src'Last (2) / dst'Last (2)); s2 := src (x2 * src'Last (1) / dst'Last (1), y2 * src'Last (2) / dst'Last (2)); dist_no_swap := M_Funct_Dist_Lx (s1, dst (x1, y1)) + M_Funct_Dist_Lx (s2, dst (x2, y2)); dist_swap := M_Funct_Dist_Lx (s1, dst (x2, y2)) + M_Funct_Dist_Lx (s2, dst (x1, y1)); do_swap := dist_swap < dist_no_swap; -- Note that destination pixels' colours are *pairwise* improved -- in the sense of being closer to the source image's pixels' colours. -- However, pixel at (x1, y1), or at (x2, y2), might -- have *individually*, after the swap, colours that are -- more different from the source's than before the swap. -- A consequence is that we do not have the risk having pixels -- that are prematurely stuck in a local optimum. end if; if do_swap then Swap (dst (x1, y1), dst (x2, y2)); end if; if i rem tick = 0 then Put (Standard_Error, '*'); end if; end loop; end Transform; procedure Dump_PPM (name : String; bmp : Bitmap) is f : Ada.Streams.Stream_IO.File_Type; begin Create (f, Out_File, name & ".ppm"); -- PPM Header: String'Write ( Stream (f), "P6 " & Integer'Image (bmp'Length (1)) & Integer'Image (bmp'Length (2)) & " 255" & ASCII.LF ); for y in bmp'Range (2) loop for x in bmp'Range (1) loop Unsigned_8'Write (Stream (f), bmp (x, y).r); Unsigned_8'Write (Stream (f), bmp (x, y).g); Unsigned_8'Write (Stream (f), bmp (x, y).b); end loop; end loop; Close (f); end Dump_PPM; procedure Process (name : String; Lx : Dist_Type; iterations : Integer; startup_name : String) is use Ada.Calendar, Ada.Characters.Handling; f : Ada.Streams.Stream_IO.File_Type; i : GID.Image_Descriptor; up_name : constant String := To_Upper (name); try_tga : constant Boolean := name'Length >= 4 and then up_name (up_name'Last - 3 .. up_name'Last) = ".TGA"; clears : constant Boolean := startup_name = ""; use_startup : constant Boolean := not clears; up_startup_name : constant String := To_Upper (startup_name); try_tga_startup : constant Boolean := startup_name'Length >= 4 and then up_startup_name (up_startup_name'Last - 3 .. up_startup_name'Last) = ".TGA"; -- next_frame : Day_Duration := 0.0; T0, T1 : Time; procedure Transform_L1 is new Transform (L1); procedure Transform_L2 is new Transform (L2); procedure Transform_L3 is new Transform (L3); procedure Transform_Linf is new Transform (Linf); src, dst : p_Bitmap := null; iter_m_img : constant String := Integer'Image (iterations / 1e6); begin -- -- Load the image in its original format -- Open (f, In_File, name); Put_Line (Standard_Error, "Processing " & name & "..."); -- GID.Load_Image_Header (i, Stream (f).all, try_tga); if use_startup then Put (Standard_Error, ".........v"); end if; Put_Line (Standard_Error, ".........v.........v"); T0 := Clock; -- src := new Bitmap (0 .. GID.Pixel_Width (i) - 1, 0 .. GID.Pixel_Height (i) - 1); Load_raw_image (i, src.all, next_frame); Close (f); dst := new Bitmap (All_RGB_Range, All_RGB_Range); if use_startup then Open (f, In_File, startup_name); GID.Load_Image_Header (i, Stream (f).all, try_tga_startup); Load_raw_image (i, dst.all, next_frame); Close (f); end if; case Lx is when L1 => Transform_L1 (src.all, dst.all, clears, iterations); when L2 => Transform_L2 (src.all, dst.all, clears, iterations); when L3 => Transform_L3 (src.all, dst.all, clears, iterations); when Linf => Transform_Linf (src.all, dst.all, clears, iterations); end case; Dump_PPM (name (name'First .. name'Last - 4) & '_' & Dist_Type'Image (Lx) & '_' & iter_m_img (iter_m_img'First + 1 .. iter_m_img'Last) & 'M', dst.all); Dispose (src); Dispose (dst); T1 := Clock; Put_Line (Standard_Error, "Time elapsed:" & Duration'Image (T1 - T0) & " seconds."); end Process; Lx : Dist_Type := L2; iter : Integer := 100e6; use Ada.Command_Line, Ada.Strings.Unbounded; startup : Unbounded_String; begin if Argument_Count = 0 then Blurb; return; end if; for i in 1 .. Argument_Count loop declare arg : constant String := Argument (i); begin if arg'Length >= 3 and then arg (arg'First) = '-' then case arg (arg'First + 1) is when 'l' => Lx := Dist_Type'Value (arg (arg'First + 1 .. arg'Last)); when 'i' => iter := 1e6 * Integer'Value (arg (arg'First + 2 .. arg'Last)); when 's' => startup := To_Unbounded_String (arg (arg'First + 2 .. arg'Last)); when others => Blurb; return; end case; else Process (Argument (i), Lx, iter, To_String (startup)); end if; end; end loop; end All_RGB;