----------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- file : socketest.adb [$Revision: 110555 $] ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- This is an indirect translation into GNAT Ada -- of the Java example in file "socketest.java". with ada.exceptions; with ada.text_io; with sockets; with sockets.internet; procedure sockettest is t : sockets.stream_socket; ins : sockets.input_stream_ptr; lf : constant character := character'val (10); ch : character := ' '; begin sockets.open (t, sockets.internet.new_address (12, "www.cs.fsu.edu")); ins := sockets.get_input_stream (t); while ch /= lf loop character'read (ins,ch); ada.text_io.put (ch); end loop; exception when e : others => ada.text_io.put_line ("error " & ada.exceptions.exception_name (e)); end sockettest;