--EMACSCMD:(progn (wisi-parse-buffer 'face)(font-lock-ensure)) with Ada.Containers.Vectors; procedure Ada_Mode.Quantified_Expressions is begin -- Example code from Georg Bauhaus if (for some J in 1 .. 10 => J/2 = 0) then null; end if; if (for some J in 1 .. 10 => J/2 = 0) then null; end if; if (for some J in 1 .. 10 => J/2 = 0) then null; end if; if (for some J in 1 .. 10 => J/2 = 0) then null; end if; if (for some J in 1 .. 10 => J/2 = 0) then null; end if; if (for some J in 1 .. 10 => J/2 = 0) then null; end if; if (for some J in 1 .. 10 => J/2 = 0) then null; end if; declare package Float_Vectors is new Ada.Containers.Vectors (Positive, Float); Board : Float_Vectors.Vector; begin --EMACSCMD:(test-face "Float" nil) --EMACSCMD:(test-face "reverse" 'font-lock-keyword-face) --EMACSCMD:(test-face "Board" nil) for Element : Float of reverse Board loop Element := Element * 2.0; end loop; for Element : Float of reverse Board loop Element := Element * 2.0; end loop; for Element : Float of reverse Board loop Element := Element * 2.0; end loop; for Element : Float of reverse Board loop Element := Element * 2.0; end loop; for Element : Float of reverse Board loop Element := Element * 2.0; end loop; for Element : Float of reverse Board loop Element := Element * 2.0; end loop; for Element : Float of reverse Board loop Element := Element * 2.0; end loop; -- no ":", "reverse for Element of Board loop Element := Element * 2.0; end loop; for Element of Board loop Element := Element * 2.0; end loop; for Element of Board loop Element := Element * 2.0; end loop; for Element of Board loop Element := Element * 2.0; end loop; for Element of Board loop Element := Element * 2.0; end loop; end; end Ada_Mode.Quantified_Expressions;