with Ada.Text_IO; with Ada.Characters.Handling; with Simple_Logging; with CLIC.TTY; package body CLIC.User_Input is package TIO renames Ada.Text_IO; package Char renames Ada.Characters.Handling; User_Input_Error : exception; Answer_Char : constant array (Answer_Kind) of Character := (Yes => 'Y', No => 'N', Always => 'A'); ----------------- -- Answer_Kind -- ----------------- function Answer_String (Kind : Answer_Kind) return String is (case Kind is when Yes => "yes", when No => "no", when Always => "always"); --------------- -- Flush_TTY -- --------------- procedure Flush_TTY is C : Character; Available : Boolean; begin loop TIO.Get_Immediate (C, Available); exit when not Available; end loop; exception when TIO.End_Error => null; end Flush_TTY; ------------------------- -- Print_Valid_Answers -- ------------------------- procedure Print_Valid_Answers (Valid : Answer_Set; Default : Answer_Kind) is begin for Kind in Answer_Kind loop if Valid (Kind) then TIO.Put ("[" & (if Kind = Default then TTY.Bold ("" & Answer_Char (Kind)) else "" & Answer_Char (Kind)) & "] " & Img (Kind) & " "); end if; end loop; TIO.Put ("(default is " & TTY.Bold (Img (Default)) & ") "); end Print_Valid_Answers; ----------- -- Query -- ----------- function Query (Question : String; Valid : Answer_Set; Default : Answer_Kind) return Answer_Kind is ----------------- -- Use_Default -- ----------------- function Use_Default return Answer_Kind is begin TIO.Put_Line ("Using default: " & Img (Default)); return Default; end Use_Default; begin loop TIO.Put_Line (Question); if Not_Interactive or else not TTY.Is_TTY then return Use_Default; end if; -- Flush the input that the user may have entered by mistake before -- the question is asked. Flush_TTY; Print_Valid_Answers (Valid, Default); -- Get user input declare Input : constant String := TIO.Get_Line; begin -- Empty line means the user pressed enter without any answer if Input'Length = 0 then return Use_Default; end if; if Input'Length = 1 then for Kind in Answer_Kind loop if Valid (Kind) and then Char.To_Upper (Input (Input'First)) = Answer_Char (Kind) then -- We got a valid answer return Kind; end if; end loop; end if; --- Check if the user input the whole answer for Kind in Answer_Kind loop if Valid (Kind) and then Char.To_Lower (Input) = Answer_String (Kind) then return Kind; end if; end loop; TIO.Put_Line ("Invalid answer."); end; end loop; exception when TIO.End_Error => -- This happens on the user hitting Ctrl-D, and no further -- input can be obtained as stdin is closed raise User_Interrupt; end Query; ----------------- -- Query_Multi -- ----------------- function Query_Multi (Question : String; Choices : AAA.Strings.Vector; Page_Size : Positive := 10) return Positive is Answers : constant array (Positive range <>) of Character := ('1', '2', '3', '4', '5', '6', '7', '8', '9', '0', 'a', 'b', 'c', 'd', 'e', 'f', 'g', 'h', 'i', 'j', 'k', 'l', 'm', 'n', 'o', 'p', 'q', 'r', 's', 't', 'u', 'v', 'w', 'x', 'y', 'z'); pragma Assert (Answers'First = Positive'First); Use_Pager : constant Boolean := Natural (Choices.Length) > Page_Size; Page_Start : Positive := 1; Page_End : Positive; -- Points always to the last valid choice; there can be an extra choice -- if Use_Pager, to move forward the list. ------------------- -- Print_Choices -- ------------------- procedure Print_Choices is begin Page_End := Positive'Min (Choices.Last_Index, Page_Start + Page_Size - 1); -- Print the choices proper for I in Page_Start .. Page_End loop TIO.Put_Line (" " & (if I = Page_Start then TTY.Bold ("" & Answers (I - Page_Start + 1)) else TTY.Emph ("" & Answers (I - Page_Start + 1))) & ". " & Choices (I)); end loop; -- And the pager if needed if Use_Pager then TIO.Put_Line (TTY.Emph (" " & Answers (Page_End - Page_Start + 2)) & ". (See more choices...)"); end if; end Print_Choices; begin loop begin TIO.Put_Line (Question); if Not_Interactive then Simple_Logging.Info ("Using default choice in non-interactive mode: " & Choices.First_Element); Simple_Logging.Warning (TTY.Is_TTY'Img); return Choices.First_Index; end if; -- Flush the input that the user may have entered by mistake -- before the question is asked. Flush_TTY; Print_Choices; TIO.Put_Line ("Enter your choice index (first is default): "); TIO.Put ("> "); declare Answer_Line : constant String := TIO.Get_Line; Answer_Char : Character; Answer_Pos : Natural := 0; Extra : constant Natural := (if Use_Pager then 1 else 0); -- We have an extra entry in the list in this case begin if Answer_Line = "" then return Page_Start; elsif Answer_Line'Length > 1 then raise User_Input_Error with "answer too long"; end if; Answer_Char := Answer_Line (Answer_Line'First); -- Find the user's choice, and correct it with the actual page -- we are showing to them. for I in Answers'Range loop if Answer_Char = Answers (I) then Answer_Pos := I; end if; end loop; if Answer_Pos = 0 then raise User_Input_Error with "Choice out of range"; end if; Answer_Pos := Answer_Pos + Page_Start - 1; if Answer_Pos not in Page_Start .. Page_End + Extra then raise User_Input_Error with "Choice out of range"; end if; -- We have a valid choice; either change pages or return choice if Answer_Pos = Page_End + 1 then Page_Start := Page_Start + Page_Size; if Page_Start > Choices.Last_Index then Page_Start := Choices.First_Index; end if; else return Answer_Pos; end if; end; exception when TIO.End_Error => -- This happens on the user hitting Ctrl-D, and no further -- input can be obtained as stdin is closed Simple_Logging.Debug ("End_Error caught."); raise User_Interrupt; when User_Input_Error => Simple_Logging.Info (TTY.Error (U ("✗ ")) & "Not a valid choice, please use a line index."); when others => Simple_Logging.Warning ("Unexpected input, exiting."); raise User_Interrupt; end; end loop; end Query_Multi; --------- -- Img -- --------- function Img (Kind : Answer_Kind) return String is (case Kind is when Yes => "Yes", when No => "No", when Always => "Always"); ------------------ -- Query_String -- ------------------ function Query_String (Question : String; Default : String; Validation : String_Validation_Access) return String is ----------------- -- Use_Default -- ----------------- function Use_Default return String is begin TIO.Put_Line ("Using default: '" & Default & "'"); return Default; end Use_Default; -------------- -- Is_Valid -- -------------- function Is_Valid (Str : String) return Boolean is (Validation = null or else Validation (Str)); begin loop TIO.Put_Line (Question & " (" & "default: '" & Default & "')"); if Not_Interactive or else not TTY.Is_TTY then return Use_Default; end if; -- Print a prompt TIO.Put ("> "); -- Flush the input that the user may have entered by mistake before -- the question is asked. Flush_TTY; -- Get user input declare Input : constant String := TIO.Get_Line; begin -- Empty line means the user pressed enter without any answer if Input'Length = 0 and then Is_Valid (Default) then return Use_Default; end if; if Is_Valid (Input) then -- We got a valid answer return Input; end if; TIO.Put_Line ("Invalid answer."); end; end loop; exception when TIO.End_Error => -- This happens on the user hitting Ctrl-D, and no further -- input can be obtained as stdin is closed raise User_Interrupt; end Query_String; ----------------------- -- Continue_Or_Abort -- ----------------------- procedure Continue_Or_Abort is Foo : String := "bar"; Bar : Integer; begin if Not_Interactive then Simple_Logging.Detail ("Non-interactive session, continuing"); else Flush_TTY; TIO.Put_Line ("Press Enter to continue or Ctrl-C to abort"); TIO.Get_Line (Foo, Bar); end if; end Continue_Or_Abort; --------------------- -- Validated_Input -- --------------------- function Validated_Input (Question : String; Prompt : String; Valid : Answer_Set; Default : access function (User_Input : String) return Answer_Kind; Confirm : String := "Is this information correct?"; Is_Valid : access function (User_Input : String) return Boolean) return Answer_With_Input is begin TIO.Put_Line (Question); loop TIO.Put (Prompt); declare Input : constant String := TIO.Get_Line; begin if Is_Valid (Input) then declare Result : Answer_With_Input := (Input'Length, Input, No); begin Result.Answer := Query (Confirm, Valid, Default (Input)); if Result.Answer /= No then return Result; end if; end; end if; end; end loop; end Validated_Input; end CLIC.User_Input;