--***************************************************************************** --* --* PROJECT: BingAda --* --* FILE: q_csv-q_read_file.ads --* --* AUTHOR: Javier Fuica Fernandez --* --***************************************************************************** with Ada.Containers.Vectors; with Q_Bingo; package Q_Csv.Q_Read_File is C_Max_Card_Name : constant := 5; subtype T_Name is String (1 .. C_Max_Card_Name); C_Numbers_In_A_Card : constant := 15; type T_Numbers is array (1 .. C_Numbers_In_A_Card) of Q_Bingo.T_Number; type T_Card is record R_Name : T_Name; R_Numbers : T_Numbers; end record; package Q_Bingo_Cards is new Ada.Containers.Vectors (Index_Type => Natural, Element_Type => T_Card); procedure P_Read_Bingo_Cards (V_File_Name : String; V_Cards : out Q_Bingo_Cards.Vector); end Q_Csv.Q_Read_File;