pragma Ada_2005; pragma Style_Checks (Off); with Interfaces.C; use Interfaces.C; with Interfaces.C.Strings; package snd4ada_hpp is procedure termSnds; -- snd4ada.hpp:5 pragma Import (CPP, termSnds, "_Z8termSndsv"); function initLoop (pc : Interfaces.C.Strings.chars_ptr; vol : int) return int; -- snd4ada.hpp:7 pragma Import (CPP, initLoop, "_Z8initLoopPKci"); procedure initSnds; -- snd4ada.hpp:9 pragma Import (CPP, initSnds, "_Z8initSndsv"); function initSnd (pc : Interfaces.C.Strings.chars_ptr; vol : int) return int; -- snd4ada.hpp:11 pragma Import (CPP, initSnd, "_Z7initSndPKci"); procedure stopLoop (nbuf : int); -- snd4ada.hpp:13 pragma Import (CPP, stopLoop, "_Z8stopLoopi"); procedure stopLoops; -- snd4ada.hpp:15 pragma Import (CPP, stopLoops, "_Z9stopLoopsv"); procedure playLoop (nbuf : int); -- snd4ada.hpp:17 pragma Import (CPP, playLoop, "_Z8playLoopi"); procedure playSnd (nbuf : int); -- snd4ada.hpp:19 pragma Import (CPP, playSnd, "_Z7playSndi"); end snd4ada_hpp;