------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- Ada Web Server -- -- -- -- Copyright (C) 2000-2022, AdaCore -- -- -- -- This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify -- -- it under terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the -- -- Free Software Foundation; either version 3, or (at your option) any -- -- later version. This library is distributed in the hope that it will be -- -- useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of -- -- MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. -- -- -- -- As a special exception under Section 7 of GPL version 3, you are -- -- granted additional permissions described in the GCC Runtime Library -- -- Exception, version 3.1, as published by the Free Software Foundation. -- -- -- -- You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License and -- -- a copy of the GCC Runtime Library Exception along with this program; -- -- see the files COPYING3 and COPYING.RUNTIME respectively. If not, see -- -- . -- -- -- -- As a special exception, if other files instantiate generics from this -- -- unit, or you link this unit with other files to produce an executable, -- -- this unit does not by itself cause the resulting executable to be -- -- covered by the GNU General Public License. This exception does not -- -- however invalidate any other reasons why the executable file might be -- -- covered by the GNU Public License. -- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ pragma Ada_2012; -- Routines here are wrappers around standard sockets and SSL. -- -- IMPORTANT: The default certificate used for the SSL connection is -- "cert.pem" (in the working directory) if it exists. If this file does -- not exists it is required to initialize the SSL layer certificate with -- AWS.Server.Set_Security. with Ada.Command_Line; with Ada.Containers.Indefinite_Hashed_Maps; with Ada.Containers.Indefinite_Holders; with Ada.Directories; with Ada.Strings.Equal_Case_Insensitive; with Ada.Strings.Hash_Case_Insensitive; with Ada.Strings.Unbounded; with Ada.Task_Attributes; with Ada.Task_Identification; with Ada.Task_Termination; with Ada.Unchecked_Conversion; with Ada.Unchecked_Deallocation; with Interfaces.C.Strings; with System.Memory; with System.Storage_Elements; with AWS.Config; with AWS.Net.Log; with AWS.Net.SSL.Certificate.Impl; with AWS.Net.SSL.RSA_DH_Generators; with AWS.OS_Lib; with AWS.Translator; with AWS.Utils; with GNAT.String_Split; package body AWS.Net.SSL is use Ada.Strings; use Interfaces; use type C.int; use type C.long; use type TSSL.Pointer; use type TSSL.SSL_CTX; use type TSSL.SSL_Handle; subtype NSST is Net.Std.Socket_Type; package Locking is procedure Initialize; -- Initialize OpenSSL version less 1.1 locking callbacks, this makes -- OpenSSL implementation thread safe. end Locking; function Lib_Realloc (Ptr : System.Address; Size : System.Memory.size_t) return System.Address with Convention => C; -- C library could use null pointer as input parameter for realloc, but -- gnatmem does not care about it and logging Free of the null pointer. function BIO_Debug_Write (BIO : TSSL.BIO_Access; Buf : C.Strings.chars_ptr; Size : C.int) return C.int with Convention => C; Debug_BIO_Method : TSSL.BIO_Method_Access; Debug_BIO_Output : TSSL.BIO_Access; package Host_Certificates is new Ada.Containers.Indefinite_Hashed_Maps (String, TSSL.SSL_CTX, Hash => Hash_Case_Insensitive, Equivalent_Keys => Equal_Case_Insensitive); package Char_Array_Holder is new Ada.Containers.Indefinite_Holders (C.char_array, "=" => C."="); procedure Set_Session_Cache_Size (Context : TSSL.SSL_CTX; Size : Integer); -- Check the session cache size for specified context. Check error codes -- and raise exception on errors. function To_Char_Array (Protocols : SV.Vector) return C.char_array; -- Converts Protocols to OpenSSL library protocol-list format function To_Char_Array (Protocol : String) return C.char_array is (C."&" (C.char'Val (Protocol'Length), C.To_C (Protocol, False))); -- Converts Protocol to OpenSSL library protocol name format Empty_Char_Array : constant C.char_array := (1 .. 0 => C.nul); function ALPN_Callback (SSL : TSSL.SSL_Handle; Out_Pr : access C.Strings.chars_ptr; Outlen : access C.unsigned_char; In_Pr : C.Strings.chars_ptr; Inlen : C.unsigned; Arg : TSSL.Pointer) return C.int with Convention => C; protected type TS_SSL is procedure Set_IO (Socket : in out Socket_Type); -- Bind the SSL handle with the BIO pair procedure Initialize (Certificate_Filename : String; Security_Mode : Method; Priorities : String; Ticket_Support : Boolean; Key_Filename : String; Exchange_Certificate : Boolean; Certificate_Required : Boolean; Trusted_CA_Filename : String; CRL_Filename : String; Session_Cache_Size : Natural; ALPN : C.char_array); procedure Prepare (Security_Mode : Method; Priorities : String; Ticket_Support : Boolean; Exchange_Certificate : Boolean; Certificate_Required : Boolean; Trusted_CA_Filename : String; CRL_Filename : String; Session_Cache_Size : Natural); procedure Initialize_Host_Certificate (Host : String; Certificate_Filename : String; Key_Filename : String); procedure ALPN_Set (Protos : C.char_array); procedure ALPN_Include (Protocol : String); procedure Finalize; procedure Clear_Session_Cache; procedure Set_Session_Cache_Size (Size : Natural); function Session_Cache_Number return Natural; procedure Set_Verify_Callback (Callback : System.Address); procedure Check_CRL; -- Check Certificate Revocation List, if this file has changed reload it function Get_Context return TSSL.SSL_CTX; private Default_Context : TSSL.SSL_CTX := TSSL.Null_CTX; CRL_Filename : C.Strings.chars_ptr := C.Strings.Null_Ptr; CRL_Time_Stamp : Calendar.Time := Utils.AWS_Epoch; Hosts : Host_Certificates.Map; Security_Mode : Method; Ticket_Support : Boolean; Exchange_Certificate : Boolean; Certificate_Required : Boolean; Session_Cache_Size : Natural; Priorities : C.Strings.chars_ptr; Prio_TLS13 : C.Strings.chars_ptr; ALPN : Char_Array_Holder.Holder; Trusted_CA_Filename : C.Strings.chars_ptr; Trusted_CA_Stack : TSSL.STACK_OF_X509_NAME := TSSL.Null_STACK_OF_X509_NAME; end TS_SSL; function Server_Name_Callback (Session : SSL_Handle; ad : access C.int; -- documentation not found Hosts : access Host_Certificates.Map) return C.int with Convention => C; -- Callback to get server name on server side as client sent type Memory_Access is access all Stream_Element_Array (1 .. Stream_Element_Offset'Last); Default_Config : constant Config := new TS_SSL; Data_Index : C.int; -- Application specific data's index Max_Overhead : Stream_Element_Count range 0 .. 2**15 := 180 with Atomic; for Max_Overhead'Size use 16; -- Need size limitation because Stream_Element_Count is 64 bit and could -- not guarantee Atomic on 32 bit platform. Debug_Level : Natural := 0 with Atomic; DH_Params : array (0 .. 1) of aliased TSSL.DH := (others => TSSL.Null_Pointer) with Atomic_Components; RSA_Params : array (0 .. 1) of aliased TSSL.RSA := (others => TSSL.Null_Pointer) with Atomic_Components; -- 0 element for current use, 1 element for remain usage after creation new -- 0 element. DH_Length : constant C.int := 2048; RSA_Length : constant C.int := 2048; function DH_Generate_cb (a, b : C.int; cb : access TSSL.BN_GENCB) return C.int with Convention => C; DH_Generate_Callback : aliased TSSL.BN_GENCB := (cb => DH_Generate_cb'Access, others => <>); procedure Socket_Read (Socket : Socket_Type); -- Read encripted data from socket if necessary procedure Socket_Write (Socket : Socket_Type; Gone : C.int := 0); -- Write encripted data to socket if availabe procedure Error_If (Error : Boolean) with Inline; -- Raises Socket_Error if Error is true. Attach the SSL error message procedure Error_If (Socket : Socket_Type; Error : Boolean) with Inline; -- Raises and log Socket_Error if Error is true. -- Attach the SSL error message. procedure File_Error (Prefix, Name : String) with No_Return; -- Prefix is the type of file key or certificate that was expected procedure Do_Handshake (Socket : in out Socket_Type; Success : out Boolean); -- Perform SSL handshake function Error_Stack return String renames Certificate.Impl.Error_Stack; -- Returns error stack of the last SSL error in multiple lines function Error_Str (Code : TSSL.Error_Code) return String renames Certificate.Impl.Error_Str; -- Returns the SSL error message for error Code procedure Init_Random; -- Initialize the SSL library with a random number procedure Initialize_Default_Config; -- Initializes default config. It could be called more then once, because -- secondary initialization is ignored. function Verify_Callback (preverify_ok : C.int; ctx : TSSL.X509_STORE_CTX) return C.int with Convention => C; -- This routine is needed to be able to retreive the client's certificate -- and validate it thought the user's verification routine if provided. function Tmp_RSA_Callback (SSL : SSL_Handle; Is_Export : C.int; Keylength : C.int) return TSSL.RSA with Convention => C; function Tmp_DH_Callback (SSL : SSL_Handle; Is_Export : C.int; Keylength : C.int) return TSSL.DH with Convention => C; procedure Secure (Source : Net.Socket_Type'Class; Target : out Socket_Type; Config : SSL.Config); -- Common code for Secure_Server and Secure_Client routines procedure Set_Accept_State (Socket : Socket_Type); -- Server session initialization procedure Set_Connect_State (Socket : Socket_Type; Host : String); -- Client session initialization ------------------------- -- Abort_DH_Generation -- ------------------------- procedure Abort_DH_Generation is begin Abort_DH_Flag := True; end Abort_DH_Generation; ------------------- -- Accept_Socket -- ------------------- overriding procedure Accept_Socket (Socket : Net.Socket_Type'Class; New_Socket : in out Socket_Type) is Success : Boolean; begin if New_Socket.Config = null then Initialize_Default_Config; New_Socket.Config := Default_Config; end if; SSL_Accept : loop Net.Std.Accept_Socket (Socket, NSST (New_Socket)); New_Socket.Config.Set_IO (New_Socket); Set_Accept_State (New_Socket); Do_Handshake (New_Socket, Success); exit SSL_Accept when Success; Shutdown (New_Socket); end loop SSL_Accept; end Accept_Socket; -------------------------- -- Add_Host_Certificate -- -------------------------- procedure Add_Host_Certificate (Config : SSL.Config; Host : String; Certificate_Filename : String; Key_Filename : String := "") is begin Config.Initialize_Host_Certificate (Host, Certificate_Filename, Key_Filename); end Add_Host_Certificate; ------------------- -- ALPN_Callback -- ------------------- function ALPN_Callback (SSL : TSSL.SSL_Handle; Out_Pr : access C.Strings.chars_ptr; Outlen : access C.unsigned_char; In_Pr : C.Strings.chars_ptr; Inlen : C.unsigned; Arg : TSSL.Pointer) return C.int is pragma Unreferenced (SSL); ALPN : Char_Array_Holder.Holder with Import; for ALPN'Address use Arg; Server : constant C.Strings.char_array_access := ALPN.Reference.Element; begin if TSSL.SSL_select_next_proto (Out_Pr, Outlen, C.Strings.To_Chars_Ptr (Server), Server'Length, In_Pr, Inlen) /= TSSL.OPENSSL_NPN_NEGOTIATED then Outlen.all := 0; end if; return TSSL.SSL_TLSEXT_ERR_OK; end ALPN_Callback; -------------- -- ALPN_Set -- -------------- function ALPN_Get (Socket : Socket_Type) return String is use type C.unsigned, C.Strings.chars_ptr; Data : aliased C.Strings.chars_ptr; Size : aliased C.unsigned; begin TSSL.SSL_get0_alpn_selected (Socket.SSL, Data'Access, Size'Access); if Data = C.Strings.Null_Ptr or else Size = 0 then return ""; end if; return C.Strings.Value (Data, C.size_t (Size)); end ALPN_Get; ------------------ -- ALPN_Include -- ------------------ procedure ALPN_Include (Config : SSL.Config; Protocol : String) is begin Config.ALPN_Include (Protocol); end ALPN_Include; -------------- -- ALPN_Set -- -------------- procedure ALPN_Set (Config : SSL.Config; Protocols : SV.Vector) is begin Config.ALPN_Set (To_Char_Array (Protocols)); end ALPN_Set; --------------------- -- BIO_Debug_Write -- --------------------- function BIO_Debug_Write (BIO : TSSL.BIO_Access; Buf : C.Strings.chars_ptr; Size : C.int) return C.int is pragma Unreferenced (BIO); begin Debug_Output (C.Strings.Value (Buf, C.size_t (Size))); return Size; end BIO_Debug_Write; ------------------------ -- Cipher_Description -- ------------------------ overriding function Cipher_Description (Socket : Socket_Type) return String is Buffer : aliased C.char_array := (1 .. 256 => <>); Result : constant String := C.Strings.Value (TSSL.SSL_CIPHER_description (TSSL.SSL_get_current_cipher (Socket.SSL).all, Buffer'Unchecked_Access, Buffer'Length)); begin if Result'Length > 0 and then Result (Result'Last) = ASCII.LF then return Result (Result'First .. Result'Last - 1); end if; return Result; end Cipher_Description; ------------- -- Ciphers -- ------------- procedure Ciphers (Cipher : not null access procedure (Name : String)) is use type C.Strings.chars_ptr; Name : C.Strings.chars_ptr; Ctx : constant TSSL.SSL_CTX := TSSL.SSL_CTX_new (TSSL.TLS_method); SSL : SSL_Handle; begin Error_If (Ctx = TSSL.Null_CTX); SSL := TSSL.SSL_new (Ctx); Error_If (SSL = TSSL.Null_Handle); for J in 0 .. C.int'Last loop Name := TSSL.SSL_get_cipher_list (SSL, J); exit when Name = C.Strings.Null_Ptr; Cipher (C.Strings.Value (Name)); end loop; TSSL.SSL_free (SSL); TSSL.SSL_CTX_free (Ctx); end Ciphers; ------------------------- -- Clear_Session_Cache -- ------------------------- procedure Clear_Session_Cache (Config : SSL.Config := Null_Config) is begin if Config = Null_Config then Default_Config.Clear_Session_Cache; else Config.Clear_Session_Cache; end if; end Clear_Session_Cache; ------------- -- Connect -- ------------- overriding procedure Connect (Socket : in out Socket_Type; Host : String; Port : Positive; Wait : Boolean := True; Family : Family_Type := Family_Unspec) is Success : Boolean; begin Net.Std.Connect (NSST (Socket), Host, Port, Wait, Family); if Socket.Config = null then Initialize_Default_Config; Socket.Config := Default_Config; end if; Socket.Config.Set_IO (Socket); if Socket.Sessn /= null then Set_Session_Data (Socket, Socket.Sessn); Socket.Sessn := null; end if; Set_Connect_State (Socket, Host); if Wait then -- Do handshake only in case of wait connection completion Do_Handshake (Socket, Success); if not Success then declare Error_Text : constant String := Error_Stack; begin Net.Log.Error (Socket, Error_Text); Net.Std.Shutdown (NSST (Socket)); raise Socket_Error with Error_Text; end; end if; end if; end Connect; -------------------- -- DH_Generate_cb -- -------------------- function DH_Generate_cb (a, b : C.int; cb : access TSSL.BN_GENCB) return C.int is pragma Unreferenced (a, b, cb); begin return Boolean'Pos (not Abort_DH_Flag); end DH_Generate_cb; ------------------ -- Do_Handshake -- ------------------ procedure Do_Handshake (Socket : in out Socket_Type; Success : out Boolean) is use TSSL; Res : C.int; begin loop Res := SSL_do_handshake (Socket.SSL); Success := Res = 1; exit when Success; case SSL_get_error (Socket.SSL, Res) is when SSL_ERROR_WANT_READ => Socket_Read (Socket); when SSL_ERROR_WANT_WRITE => Socket_Write (Socket); when others => exit; end case; end loop; Socket_Write (Socket); end Do_Handshake; procedure Do_Handshake (Socket : in out Socket_Type) is Success : Boolean; begin Do_Handshake (Socket, Success); if not Success then Raise_Socket_Error (Socket, Error_Stack); end if; end Do_Handshake; -------------- -- Error_If -- -------------- procedure Error_If (Error : Boolean) is begin if Error then Raise_Socket_Error (Socket_Type'(Std.Socket_Type with others => <>), Error_Stack); end if; end Error_If; procedure Error_If (Socket : Socket_Type; Error : Boolean) is begin if Error then Raise_Socket_Error (Socket, Error_Stack); end if; end Error_If; ---------------- -- File_Error -- ---------------- procedure File_Error (Prefix, Name : String) is begin raise Socket_Error with Prefix & " file """ & Name & """ error." & ASCII.LF & Error_Stack; end File_Error; ---------- -- Free -- ---------- overriding procedure Free (Socket : in out Socket_Type) is begin if Socket.SSL /= TSSL.Null_Handle then TSSL.SSL_free (Socket.SSL); TSSL.BIO_free (Socket.IO); Socket.SSL := TSSL.Null_Handle; end if; NSST (Socket).Free; end Free; ---------- -- Free -- ---------- procedure Free (Session : in out Session_Type) is begin if Session /= null then TSSL.SSL_SESSION_free (TSSL.SSL_Session (Session)); Session := null; end if; end Free; procedure Free (Key : in out Private_Key) is begin if Key /= Null_Private_Key then EVP_PKEY_free (Key); Key := Null_Private_Key; end if; end Free; ----------------- -- Generate_DH -- ----------------- procedure Generate_DH is use type TSSL.BIO_Access; OK : Boolean; DH : aliased TSSL.DH; Bits : constant C.int := DH_Length; function Loaded return Boolean; procedure Save; ------------ -- Loaded -- ------------ function Loaded return Boolean is Filename : constant String := RSA_DH_Generators.Parameters_Filename ("dh-" & Utils.Image (Integer (Bits)), Exist => True); C_Name : aliased C.char_array := C.To_C (Filename); IO : TSSL.BIO_Access; begin if Filename = "" then return False; end if; IO := TSSL.BIO_new (TSSL.BIO_s_file); Error_If (IO = null); Error_If (TSSL.BIO_read_filename (IO, C.Strings.To_Chars_Ptr (C_Name'Unchecked_Access)) = 0); Error_If (TSSL.PEM_read_bio_DHparams (IO, DH'Access, null, TSSL.Null_Pointer) /= DH); DH_Time (DH_Time_Idx + 1) := Ada.Directories.Modification_Time (Filename); DH_Time_Idx := DH_Time_Idx + 1; TSSL.BIO_free (IO); return True; end Loaded; ---------- -- Save -- ---------- procedure Save is Filename : constant String := RSA_DH_Generators.Parameters_Filename ("dh-" & Utils.Image (Integer (Bits)), Exist => False); C_Name : aliased C.char_array := C.To_C (Filename); BIO : TSSL.BIO_Access; begin if Filename = "" then return; end if; BIO := TSSL.BIO_new (TSSL.BIO_s_file); Error_If (BIO = null); Error_If (TSSL.BIO_write_filename (BIO, C.Strings.To_Chars_Ptr (C_Name'Unchecked_Access)) = 0); Error_If (TSSL.PEM_write_bio_DHparams (BIO, DH) = 0); TSSL.BIO_free (BIO); end Save; begin DH_Lock.Try_Lock (OK); if not OK then return; end if; DH := TSSL.DH_new; Error_If (DH = TSSL.Null_Pointer); if DH_Params (0) /= TSSL.Null_Pointer or else not Loaded then if TSSL.DH_generate_parameters_ex (params => DH, prime_len => DH_Length, generator => (if DH_Time_Idx = 0 then 2 else 5), cb => DH_Generate_Callback'Access) = 0 then Error_If (not Abort_DH_Flag); else DH_Time (DH_Time_Idx + 1) := Ada.Calendar.Clock; DH_Time_Idx := DH_Time_Idx + 1; Save; end if; end if; if DH_Params (1) /= TSSL.Null_Pointer then TSSL.DH_free (DH_Params (1)); end if; DH_Params (1) := DH_Params (0); DH_Params (0) := DH; DH_Lock.Unlock; end Generate_DH; ------------------ -- Generate_RSA -- ------------------ procedure Generate_RSA is OK : Boolean; BN : TSSL.BIGNUM; RSA : TSSL.RSA; begin RSA_Lock.Try_Lock (OK); if not OK then return; end if; BN := TSSL.BN_new; Error_If (TSSL."=" (BN, TSSL.BIGNUM (TSSL.Null_Pointer))); Error_If (TSSL.BN_set_word (BN, TSSL.RSA_F4) = 0); RSA := TSSL.RSA_new; Error_If (RSA = TSSL.Null_Pointer); Error_If (TSSL.RSA_generate_key_ex (RSA, RSA_Length, BN, TSSL.Null_Pointer) = 0); TSSL.BN_free (BN); if RSA_Params (1) /= TSSL.Null_Pointer then TSSL.RSA_free (RSA_Params (1)); end if; RSA_Params (1) := RSA_Params (0); RSA_Params (0) := RSA; RSA_Time (RSA_Time_Idx + 1) := Ada.Calendar.Clock; RSA_Time_Idx := RSA_Time_Idx + 1; RSA_Lock.Unlock; end Generate_RSA; ----------------- -- Init_Random -- ----------------- procedure Init_Random is use Ada.Calendar; use System.Storage_Elements; Buf : String := Duration'Image (Clock - Time_Of (Year => Year_Number'First, Month => Month_Number'First, Day => Day_Number'First)) & Integer_Address'Image (To_Integer (Init_Random'Address)); begin TSSL.RAND_seed (Buf'Address, Buf'Length); end Init_Random; ---------------- -- Initialize -- ---------------- procedure Initialize (Config : in out SSL.Config; Certificate_Filename : String; Security_Mode : Method := TLS; Priorities : String := ""; Ticket_Support : Boolean := False; Key_Filename : String := ""; Exchange_Certificate : Boolean := False; Certificate_Required : Boolean := False; Trusted_CA_Filename : String := ""; CRL_Filename : String := ""; Session_Cache_Size : Natural := 16#4000#; ALPN : SV.Vector := SV.Empty_Vector) is begin if Config = null then Config := new TS_SSL; end if; Config.Initialize (Certificate_Filename, Security_Mode, Priorities, Ticket_Support, Key_Filename, Exchange_Certificate, Certificate_Required, Trusted_CA_Filename, CRL_Filename, Session_Cache_Size, To_Char_Array (ALPN)); end Initialize; ------------------------------- -- Initialize_Default_Config -- ------------------------------- procedure Initialize_Default_Config (Certificate_Filename : String; Security_Mode : Method := TLS; Priorities : String := ""; Ticket_Support : Boolean := False; Key_Filename : String := ""; Exchange_Certificate : Boolean := False; Certificate_Required : Boolean := False; Trusted_CA_Filename : String := ""; CRL_Filename : String := ""; Session_Cache_Size : Natural := 16#4000#; ALPN : SV.Vector := SV.Empty_Vector) is begin Default_Config.Initialize (Certificate_Filename, Security_Mode, Priorities, Ticket_Support, Key_Filename, Exchange_Certificate, Certificate_Required, Trusted_CA_Filename, CRL_Filename, Session_Cache_Size, To_Char_Array (ALPN)); end Initialize_Default_Config; procedure Initialize_Default_Config is package CNF renames AWS.Config; Default : CNF.Object renames CNF.Default_Config; begin Default_Config.Initialize (Certificate_Filename => CNF.Certificate (Default), Security_Mode => Method'Value (CNF.Security_Mode (Default)), Priorities => CNF.Cipher_Priorities (Default), Ticket_Support => CNF.TLS_Ticket_Support (Default), Key_Filename => CNF.Key (Default), Exchange_Certificate => CNF.Exchange_Certificate (Default), Certificate_Required => CNF.Certificate_Required (Default), Trusted_CA_Filename => CNF.Trusted_CA (Default), CRL_Filename => CNF.CRL_File (Default), Session_Cache_Size => 16#4000#, ALPN => Empty_Char_Array); end Initialize_Default_Config; ----------------- -- Lib_Realloc -- ----------------- function Lib_Realloc (Ptr : System.Address; Size : System.Memory.size_t) return System.Address is begin if Ptr = System.Null_Address then return System.Memory.Alloc (Size); else return System.Memory.Realloc (Ptr, Size); end if; end Lib_Realloc; ---------- -- Load -- ---------- function Load (Filename : String) return Private_Key is Key : aliased Private_Key := EVP_PKEY_new; IO : constant TSSL.BIO_Access := TSSL.BIO_new (TSSL.BIO_s_file); Name : aliased C.char_array := C.To_C (Filename); Pwd : aliased C.char_array := C.To_C (Net.SSL.Certificate.Get_Password (Filename)); begin if TSSL.BIO_read_filename (IO, C.Strings.To_Chars_Ptr (Name'Unchecked_Access)) = 0 or else PEM_read_bio_PrivateKey (IO, Key'Access, null, (if Pwd'Length <= 1 -- 1 means just the nul char then TSSL.Null_Pointer else Pwd'Address)) /= Key then TSSL.BIO_free (IO); EVP_PKEY_free (Key); File_Error ("Key", Filename); end if; TSSL.BIO_free (IO); return Key; end Load; --------------- -- Log_Error -- --------------- procedure Log_Error (Text : String) is begin Log.Error (Socket_Type'(Net.Std.Socket_Type with others => <>), Text); end Log_Error; ------------- -- Pending -- ------------- overriding function Pending (Socket : Socket_Type) return Stream_Element_Count is Res : constant C.int := TSSL.SSL_pending (Socket.SSL); begin Error_If (Socket, Res < 0); return Stream_Element_Count (Res); end Pending; ------------- -- Receive -- ------------- overriding procedure Receive (Socket : Socket_Type; Data : out Stream_Element_Array; Last : out Stream_Element_Offset) is Len : C.int; First : Stream_Element_Offset := Data'First; begin loop Len := TSSL.SSL_read (Socket.SSL, Data (First)'Address, Data'Length - C.int (First - Data'First)); if Len > 0 then First := First + Stream_Element_Offset (Len); Last := First - 1; exit when Last = Data'Last; else exit when First > Data'First and then NSST (Socket).Pending = 0; case TSSL.SSL_get_error (Socket.SSL, Len) is when TSSL.SSL_ERROR_WANT_READ => Socket_Read (Socket); when TSSL.SSL_ERROR_WANT_WRITE => Socket_Write (Socket); when TSSL.SSL_ERROR_SYSCALL => Raise_Socket_Error (Socket, "System error (" & Utils.Image (OS_Lib.Socket_Errno) & ") on SSL receive"); when TSSL.SSL_ERROR_ZERO_RETURN => if Len = 0 then raise Socket_Error with Peer_Closed_Message; else Raise_Socket_Error (Socket, Error_Stack); end if; when others => Raise_Socket_Error (Socket, Error_Stack); end case; end if; end loop; end Receive; ------------- -- Release -- ------------- procedure Release (Config : in out SSL.Config) is procedure Free is new Unchecked_Deallocation (TS_SSL, SSL.Config); begin if Config /= null then Config.Finalize; Free (Config); end if; end Release; ------------ -- Secure -- ------------ procedure Secure (Source : Net.Socket_Type'Class; Target : out Socket_Type; Config : SSL.Config) is begin Std.Socket_Type (Target) := Std.Socket_Type (Source); if Config = null then Initialize_Default_Config; Target.Config := Default_Config; else Target.Config := Config; end if; Target.Config.Set_IO (Target); end Secure; ------------------- -- Secure_Client -- ------------------- function Secure_Client (Socket : Net.Socket_Type'Class; Config : SSL.Config := Null_Config; Host : String := "") return Socket_Type is Result : Socket_Type; begin Secure (Socket, Result, Config); Set_Connect_State (Result, Host); return Result; end Secure_Client; ------------------- -- Secure_Server -- ------------------- function Secure_Server (Socket : Net.Socket_Type'Class; Config : SSL.Config := Null_Config) return Socket_Type is Result : Socket_Type; begin Secure (Socket, Result, Config); Set_Accept_State (Result); return Result; end Secure_Server; ---------- -- Send -- ---------- overriding procedure Send (Socket : Socket_Type; Data : Stream_Element_Array; Last : out Stream_Element_Offset) is RC : C.int; RW : constant RW_Data_Access := Net.Socket_Type (Socket).C; Pack_Size : Stream_Element_Count := Stream_Element_Count'Min (RW.Pack_Size, Data'Length); begin if not Check (Socket, (Input => False, Output => True)) (Output) then Last := Last_Index (Data'First, 0); return; end if; if not RW.Can_Wait then declare Free : constant Stream_Element_Offset := Socket.Output_Space; begin if Free > 0 and then Pack_Size + Max_Overhead > Free and then Socket.Output_Busy > 0 then if Free <= Max_Overhead then Last := Last_Index (Data'First, 0); return; else Pack_Size := Free - Max_Overhead; end if; end if; end; end if; loop RC := TSSL.SSL_write (Socket.SSL, Data'Address, C.int (Pack_Size)); if RC > 0 then if RC < C.int (Pack_Size) then -- Pack_Size initialization. This condition would be true only -- once per SSL socket. RW.Pack_Size := Stream_Element_Count (RC); end if; Socket_Write (Socket, RC); Last := Data'First + Stream_Element_Offset (RC) - 1; return; else declare Error_Code : constant C.int := TSSL.SSL_get_error (Socket.SSL, RC); Err_Code : TSSL.Error_Code; Err_No : Integer; use type TSSL.Error_Code; begin case Error_Code is when TSSL.SSL_ERROR_WANT_READ => Socket_Read (Socket); when TSSL.SSL_ERROR_WANT_WRITE => Socket_Write (Socket); when TSSL.SSL_ERROR_SYSCALL => Err_No := OS_Lib.Socket_Errno; if Err_No = 0 then Socket_Write (Socket); Last := Data'First - 1; return; else Raise_Socket_Error (Socket, "System error (" & Utils.Image (Err_No) & ") on SSL send"); end if; when others => Err_Code := TSSL.ERR_get_error; if Err_Code = 0 then Raise_Socket_Error (Socket, "Error (" & Utils.Image (Integer (Error_Code)) & ") on SSL send"); else Raise_Socket_Error (Socket, Error_Str (Err_Code)); end if; end case; end; end if; end loop; end Send; -------------------------- -- Server_Name_Callback -- -------------------------- function Server_Name_Callback (Session : SSL_Handle; ad : access C.int; -- documentation not found Hosts : access Host_Certificates.Map) return C.int is pragma Unreferenced (ad); use C.Strings; Server_Name : constant chars_ptr := TSSL.SSL_get_servername (Session); CH : Host_Certificates.Cursor; Dummy : TSSL.SSL_CTX; begin if Server_Name = Null_Ptr then return TSSL.SSL_TLSEXT_ERR_OK; end if; declare Host : constant String := Value (Server_Name); begin CH := Hosts.Find (Host); if not Host_Certificates.Has_Element (CH) then declare Wilded : constant String := Wildcard_Before_Dot (Host); begin if Wilded /= Host then CH := Hosts.Find (Wilded); end if; end; end if; end; if Host_Certificates.Has_Element (CH) then Dummy := TSSL.SSL_set_SSL_CTX (Session, Host_Certificates.Element (CH)); end if; return TSSL.SSL_TLSEXT_ERR_OK; exception when E : others => Log_Error (Ada.Exceptions.Exception_Information (E)); return TSSL.SSL_TLSEXT_ERR_ALERT_FATAL; end Server_Name_Callback; -------------------------- -- Session_Cache_Number -- -------------------------- function Session_Cache_Number (Config : SSL.Config := Null_Config) return Natural is Cfg : constant SSL.Config := (if Config = Null_Config then Default_Config else Config); begin return Cfg.Session_Cache_Number; end Session_Cache_Number; ------------------ -- Session_Data -- ------------------ function Session_Data (Socket : Socket_Type) return Session_Type is begin return Session_Type (TSSL.SSL_get1_session (Socket.SSL)); end Session_Data; ---------------------- -- Session_Id_Image -- ---------------------- function Session_Id_Image (Session : Session_Type) return String is use TSSL; subtype Binary_Array is Stream_Element_Array (1 .. 1024); type Binary_Access is access all Binary_Array; function To_Array is new Unchecked_Conversion (Pointer, Binary_Access); Len : aliased C.unsigned; Id : Binary_Access; begin if Session = null then return ""; end if; Id := To_Array (SSL_SESSION_get_id (SSL_Session (Session), Len'Access)); return Translator.Base64_Encode (Id (1 .. Stream_Element_Offset (Len))); end Session_Id_Image; function Session_Id_Image (Socket : Socket_Type) return String is begin return Session_Id_Image (Session_Type (TSSL.SSL_get_session (Socket.SSL))); end Session_Id_Image; -------------------- -- Session_Reused -- -------------------- function Session_Reused (Socket : Socket_Type) return Boolean is use TSSL; Rc : constant C.int := SSL_session_reused (Socket.SSL); begin if Rc = 0 then return False; end if; Error_If (Socket, Rc /= 1); return True; end Session_Reused; ---------------------- -- Set_Accept_State -- ---------------------- procedure Set_Accept_State (Socket : Socket_Type) is begin Socket.Config.Check_CRL; TSSL.SSL_set_accept_state (Socket.SSL); if RSA_Params (0) = TSSL.Null_Pointer and then DH_Params (0) = TSSL.Null_Pointer then if not RSA_Lock.Locked and then not DH_Lock.Locked then Start_Parameters_Generation (DH => True); end if; else if RSA_Params (0) /= TSSL.Null_Pointer then TSSL.SSL_set_tmp_rsa_callback (SSL => Socket.SSL, RSA_CB => Tmp_RSA_Callback'Access); end if; if DH_Params (0) /= TSSL.Null_Pointer then TSSL.SSL_set_tmp_dh_callback (SSL => Socket.SSL, DH_CB => Tmp_DH_Callback'Access); end if; end if; end Set_Accept_State; ---------------- -- Set_Config -- ---------------- procedure Set_Config (Socket : in out Socket_Type; Config : SSL.Config) is begin Socket.Config := Config; end Set_Config; ----------------------- -- Set_Connect_State -- ----------------------- procedure Set_Connect_State (Socket : Socket_Type; Host : String) is begin TSSL.SSL_set_connect_state (Socket.SSL); if Host /= "" then Error_If (TSSL.SSL_set_tlsext_host_name (Socket.SSL, C.To_C (Host)) = 0); end if; end Set_Connect_State; --------------- -- Set_Debug -- --------------- procedure Set_Debug (Level : Natural; Output : Debug_Output_Procedure := null) is begin Debug_Level := Level; Debug_Output := Output; end Set_Debug; ---------------------------- -- Set_Session_Cache_Size -- ---------------------------- procedure Set_Session_Cache_Size (Size : Natural; Config : SSL.Config := Null_Config) is begin if Config = Null_Config then Initialize_Default_Config; Default_Config.Set_Session_Cache_Size (Size); else Config.Set_Session_Cache_Size (Size); end if; end Set_Session_Cache_Size; ---------------------------- -- Set_Session_Cache_Size -- ---------------------------- procedure Set_Session_Cache_Size (Context : TSSL.SSL_CTX; Size : Integer) is begin case TSSL.SSL_CTX_set_session_cache_mode (Ctx => Context, Mode => (if Size = 0 then TSSL.SSL_SESS_CACHE_OFF else TSSL.SSL_SESS_CACHE_SERVER)) is when TSSL.SSL_SESS_CACHE_OFF | TSSL.SSL_SESS_CACHE_SERVER => null; when others => raise Socket_Error with "Unexpected session cache mode"; end case; Error_If (TSSL.SSL_CTX_ctrl (Ctx => Context, Cmd => TSSL.SSL_CTRL_SET_SESS_CACHE_SIZE, Larg => C.long (Size), Parg => TSSL.Null_Pointer) = -1); end Set_Session_Cache_Size; ---------------------- -- Set_Session_Data -- ---------------------- procedure Set_Session_Data (Socket : in out Socket_Type; Data : Session_Type) is begin if Socket.SSL = TSSL.Null_Handle or else Socket.Get_FD = No_Socket then Socket.Sessn := Data; else Error_If (Socket, TSSL.SSL_set_session (Socket.SSL, TSSL.SSL_Session (Data)) = 0); end if; end Set_Session_Data; ------------------------- -- Set_Verify_Callback -- ------------------------- procedure Set_Verify_Callback (Config : in out SSL.Config; Callback : System.Address) is begin Config.Set_Verify_Callback (Callback); end Set_Verify_Callback; ----------------------------- -- Show_Session_Statistic -- ----------------------------- procedure Show_Session_Statistic (Config : SSL.Config; Report : not null access procedure (Line : String)) is use TSSL; Ctx : constant SSL_CTX := Config.Get_Context; procedure Output (Title : String; Cmd : C.int); ------------ -- Output -- ------------ procedure Output (Title : String; Cmd : C.int) is begin Report (Title & TSSL.SSL_CTX_ctrl (Ctx, Cmd, 0, Null_Pointer)'Img); end Output; begin Output ("cache_size ", SSL_CTRL_GET_SESS_CACHE_SIZE); Output ("number ", SSL_CTRL_SESS_NUMBER); Output ("connect ", SSL_CTRL_SESS_CONNECT); Output ("connect_good ", SSL_CTRL_SESS_CONNECT_GOOD); Output ("connect_renegotiate", SSL_CTRL_SESS_CONNECT_RENEGOTIATE); Output ("accept ", SSL_CTRL_SESS_ACCEPT); Output ("accept_good ", SSL_CTRL_SESS_ACCEPT_GOOD); Output ("accept_renegotiate ", SSL_CTRL_SESS_ACCEPT_RENEGOTIATE); Output ("hits ", SSL_CTRL_SESS_HIT); Output ("cb_hits ", SSL_CTRL_SESS_CB_HIT); Output ("misses ", SSL_CTRL_SESS_MISSES); Output ("timeouts ", SSL_CTRL_SESS_TIMEOUTS); Output ("cache_full ", SSL_CTRL_SESS_CACHE_FULL); end Show_Session_Statistic; -------------- -- Shutdown -- -------------- overriding procedure Shutdown (Socket : Socket_Type; How : Shutmode_Type := Shut_Read_Write) is RC : C.int; Both : Boolean := False; function Error_Processing return Boolean; -- Exit from shutdown loop on True result ---------------------- -- Error_Processing -- ---------------------- function Error_Processing return Boolean is Error_Code : constant C.int := TSSL.SSL_get_error (Socket.SSL, RC); Err_Code : TSSL.Error_Code; RIO : TSSL.BIO_Access; BIO : TSSL.BIO_Access; Retry : aliased C.int; use type TSSL.Error_Code, TSSL.BIO_Access; begin case Error_Code is when TSSL.SSL_ERROR_WANT_READ => if Net.Socket_Type (Socket).Timeout > Shutdown_Read_Timeout then Socket_Write (Socket); Wait_For (Input, NSST (Socket), Shutdown_Read_Timeout); end if; Socket_Read (Socket); when TSSL.SSL_ERROR_WANT_WRITE => Socket_Write (Socket); when TSSL.SSL_ERROR_SYSCALL => RIO := TSSL.BIO_get_retry_BIO (Socket.IO, Retry'Access); BIO := TSSL.SSL_get_rbio (Socket.SSL); Err_Code := TSSL.ERR_get_error; if Err_Code /= 0 or else TSSL.SSL_want (Socket.SSL) /= TSSL.SSL_NOTHING or else Retry /= 0 or else Socket.IO.Flags /= 0 or else RIO.Flags /= 0 or else BIO.Flags /= 0 or else Socket.Pending /= 0 then Net.Log.Error (Socket, "Unexpected SSL_ERROR_SYSCALL " & Boolean'Image (RIO = Socket.IO) & ' ' & Boolean'Image (BIO = Socket.IO) & Err_Code'Img & TSSL.SSL_want (Socket.SSL)'Img & Retry'Img & Socket.IO.Flags'Img & RIO.Flags'Img & BIO.Flags'Img & Socket.Pending'Img & Std.Pending (NSST (Socket))'Img); return True; end if; when others => Err_Code := TSSL.ERR_get_error; if Err_Code = 0 then Net.Log.Error (Socket, "Error (" & Utils.Image (Integer (Error_Code)) & ") on SSL shutdown"); else Net.Log.Error (Socket, Error_Str (Err_Code)); end if; return True; end case; return False; exception when Socket_Error => return True; end Error_Processing; begin if Socket.SSL /= TSSL.Null_Handle then loop RC := TSSL.SSL_shutdown (Socket.SSL); exit when RC > 0; if RC = 0 then -- First part of bidirectional shutdown done if How = Shut_Write then exit; end if; if Both then exit when Error_Processing; else Both := True; end if; else exit when Error_Processing; end if; end loop; end if; Net.Std.Shutdown (NSST (Socket), How); end Shutdown; --------------- -- Signature -- --------------- function Signature (Ptr : System.Address; Size : C.size_t; Key : Private_Key; Hash : Hash_Method) return Stream_Element_Array is use TSSL; use type C.unsigned, C.size_t; To_EVP_MD : constant array (Hash_Method) of EVP_MD := (MD5 => EVP_md5, SHA1 => EVP_sha1, SHA224 => EVP_sha224, SHA256 => EVP_sha256, SHA384 => EVP_sha384, SHA512 => EVP_sha512); Md : constant EVP_MD := To_EVP_MD (Hash); D_Ctx : constant EVP_MD_CTX := EVP_MD_CTX_new; Dig : Stream_Element_Array (1 .. Stream_Element_Offset (EVP_MD_size (Md))); D_Size : aliased C.unsigned := Dig'Length; S_Ctx : EVP_PKEY_CTX; Res : Stream_Element_Array (1 .. Stream_Element_Offset (EVP_PKEY_size (Key))); S_Size : aliased C.size_t := Res'Length; begin Error_If (EVP_DigestInit (D_Ctx, Md) = 0); Error_If (EVP_DigestUpdate (D_Ctx, Ptr, Size) = 0); Error_If (EVP_DigestFinal (D_Ctx, Dig'Address, D_Size'Access) = 0); EVP_MD_CTX_free (D_Ctx); if D_Size /= Dig'Length then raise Program_Error with "Digest length error"; end if; S_Ctx := SSL.EVP_PKEY_CTX_new (Key, ENGINE (Null_Pointer)); Error_If (S_Ctx = EVP_PKEY_CTX (Null_Pointer)); Error_If (EVP_PKEY_sign_init (S_Ctx) <= 0); Error_If (EVP_PKEY_CTX_set_signature_md (S_Ctx, To_EVP_MD (Hash)) <= 0); Error_If (EVP_PKEY_sign (S_Ctx, Res'Address, S_Size'Access, Dig'Address, Dig'Length) <= 0); EVP_PKEY_CTX_free (S_Ctx); if S_Size > Res'Length then raise Program_Error with "Signature length error " & S_Size'Img & Res'Length'Img; end if; return Res (1 .. Stream_Element_Offset (S_Size)); end Signature; ----------------- -- Socket_Pair -- ----------------- overriding procedure Socket_Pair (S1, S2 : out Socket_Type) is ST1, ST2 : Std.Socket_Type; begin Std.Socket_Pair (ST1, ST2); S1 := Secure_Server (ST1); S2 := Secure_Client (ST2); end Socket_Pair; ----------------- -- Socket_Read -- ----------------- procedure Socket_Read (Socket : Socket_Type) is use TSSL; Data : aliased Memory_Access; Len : Stream_Element_Offset; Last : Stream_Element_Offset; begin Socket_Write (Socket); Len := Stream_Element_Offset (BIO_nwrite0 (Socket.IO, Data'Address)); Net.Std.Receive (NSST (Socket), Data (1 .. Len), Last); if TSSL.BIO_nwrite (Socket.IO, Data'Address, C.int (Last)) /= C.int (Last) then raise Socket_Error with "Not enought memory."; end if; end Socket_Read; ------------------ -- Socket_Write -- ------------------ procedure Socket_Write (Socket : Socket_Type; Gone : C.int := 0) is use TSSL; Data : aliased Memory_Access; Cnt : constant C.int := BIO_nread0 (Socket.IO, Data'Address); Cnt1 : C.int; Last : Stream_Element_Offset; Plain : constant Net.Std.Socket_Type := NSST (Socket); begin if Cnt <= 0 then return; end if; if Gone > 0 and then Cnt - Gone > C.int (Max_Overhead) then -- Looks like Max_Overhead is not enought Max_Overhead := Stream_Element_Offset (Cnt - Gone); Log.Error (Socket, "Increase Max_Overhead to" & Max_Overhead'Img & " in the aws-net-ssl_openssl.adb to avoid send locking"); end if; Plain.Send (Data (1 .. Stream_Element_Offset (Cnt)), Last); if Last < Stream_Element_Offset (Cnt) then if not Net.Socket_Type (Socket).C.Can_Wait then Log.Error (Socket, "Unexpected blocking send"); end if; -- Most likely Max_Overhead value is not enought, send rest data -- locking. Plain.Send (Data (Last + 1 .. Stream_Element_Offset (Cnt))); end if; Cnt1 := BIO_nread (Socket.IO, Data'Address, Cnt); if Cnt1 /= Cnt then if SSL_get_shutdown (Socket.SSL) /= 0 then Log.Error (Socket, "Shutdown detected" & Cnt'Img & Cnt1'Img); else raise Program_Error with Cnt'Img & Cnt1'Img; end if; end if; end Socket_Write; Keep_M, Keep_R, Keep_F : System.Address; ------------- -- Locking -- ------------- package body Locking is type Task_Identifier is new C.unsigned_long; type Lock_Index is new C.int; type Mode_Type is mod 2 ** C.int'Size; type Task_Data is record TID : Task_Identifier; Keep_Termination_Handler : Task_Termination.Termination_Handler; end record; subtype Filename_Type is C.Strings.chars_ptr; subtype Line_Number is C.int; Finalized : Boolean := False; -- Need to avoid access to finalized protected locking objects Keep_Termination_Handler : Task_Termination.Termination_Handler; -- To keep previous common task termination handler package Task_Identifiers is new Task_Attributes (Task_Data, (TID => 0, Keep_Termination_Handler => null)); procedure Finalize; protected Task_Id_Generator is procedure Get_Task_Id (Id : out Task_Identifier) with Post => Id > 0; -- Return a uniq Id starting from 1 and incrementing one by one procedure Finalize_Task (Cause : Task_Termination.Cause_Of_Termination; T : Task_Identification.Task_Id; X : Exceptions.Exception_Occurrence); private Id_Counter : Task_Identifier := 0; end Task_Id_Generator; subtype RW_Mutex is AWS.Utils.RW_Semaphore (1); type RW_Mutex_Access is access all RW_Mutex; Locks : array (1 .. Lock_Index (TSSL.CRYPTO_num_locks)) of RW_Mutex; F : Utils.Finalizer (Finalize'Access) with Unreferenced; procedure Lock (Mode : Mode_Type; Locker : in out RW_Mutex) with Inline; procedure Locking_Function (Mode : Mode_Type; N : Lock_Index; File : Filename_Type; Line : Line_Number) with Convention => C; function Dyn_Create (File : Filename_Type; Line : Line_Number) return RW_Mutex_Access with Convention => C; procedure Dyn_Lock (Mode : Mode_Type; Locker : RW_Mutex_Access; File : Filename_Type; Line : Line_Number) with Convention => C; procedure Dyn_Destroy (Locker : RW_Mutex_Access; File : Filename_Type; Line : Line_Number) with Convention => C; function Get_Task_Identifier return Task_Identifier with Convention => C; ---------------- -- Dyn_Create -- ---------------- function Dyn_Create (File : Filename_Type; Line : Line_Number) return RW_Mutex_Access is pragma Unreferenced (File, Line); begin return new RW_Mutex; end Dyn_Create; ----------------- -- Dyn_Destroy -- ----------------- procedure Dyn_Destroy (Locker : RW_Mutex_Access; File : Filename_Type; Line : Line_Number) is pragma Unreferenced (File, Line); Temp : RW_Mutex_Access := Locker; procedure Free is new Unchecked_Deallocation (RW_Mutex, RW_Mutex_Access); begin Free (Temp); end Dyn_Destroy; -------------- -- Dyn_Lock -- -------------- procedure Dyn_Lock (Mode : Mode_Type; Locker : RW_Mutex_Access; File : Filename_Type; Line : Line_Number) is pragma Unreferenced (File, Line); begin Lock (Mode, Locker.all); end Dyn_Lock; -------------- -- Finalize -- -------------- procedure Finalize is begin for J in DH_Params'Range loop if DH_Params (J) /= TSSL.Null_Pointer then TSSL.DH_free (DH_Params (J)); DH_Params (J) := TSSL.Null_Pointer; end if; end loop; if Keep_M /= System.Null_Address and then TSSL.CRYPTO_set_mem_functions (Keep_M, Keep_R, Keep_F) = 0 then Keep_M := System.Null_Address; end if; Finalized := True; end Finalize; ------------------------- -- Get_Task_Identifier -- ------------------------- function Get_Task_Identifier return Task_Identifier is TA : constant Task_Identifiers.Attribute_Handle := Task_Identifiers.Reference; CT : Task_Identification.Task_Id; begin if TA.TID = 0 then Task_Id_Generator.Get_Task_Id (TA.TID); CT := Task_Identification.Current_Task; TA.Keep_Termination_Handler := Task_Termination.Specific_Handler (CT); Task_Termination.Set_Specific_Handler (CT, Task_Id_Generator.Finalize_Task'Access); end if; return TA.TID; end Get_Task_Identifier; ---------------- -- Initialize -- ---------------- procedure Initialize is begin if TSSL.OpenSSL_version_num < 16#10101000# then -- We do not have to install thread id_callback on MS Windows and -- on platforms where getpid returns different id for each thread. -- But it is easier to install it for all platforms. TSSL.CRYPTO_set_id_callback (Get_Task_Identifier'Address); TSSL.CRYPTO_set_locking_callback (Locking_Function'Address); TSSL.CRYPTO_set_dynlock_create_callback (Dyn_Create'Address); TSSL.CRYPTO_set_dynlock_lock_callback (Dyn_Lock'Address); TSSL.CRYPTO_set_dynlock_destroy_callback (Dyn_Destroy'Address); else -- Do not need any special locking callbacks since OpenSSL version -- 1.1.1, but we need to finalize all tasks because of another -- reason. -- OpenSSL finalizes all threads automatically including in GNAT -- tasks, but too late, when GNAT already deallocated task control -- block. We have overriden memory allocation routines with -- CRYPTO_set_mem_functions in this package initialization. And -- when OpenSSL deallocates thread specific memory on GNAT task -- without control block, the new control block automatically -- allocated again and we've got memory leak at task termination. -- If we deallocate OpenSSL thread specific memore before -- deallocation of the GNAT task control block we avoid -- deallocation after the control block gone. Keep_Termination_Handler := Task_Termination.Current_Task_Fallback_Handler; Task_Termination.Set_Dependents_Fallback_Handler (Locking.Task_Id_Generator.Finalize_Task'Access); end if; end Initialize; ---------- -- Lock -- ---------- procedure Lock (Mode : Mode_Type; Locker : in out RW_Mutex) is begin if Finalized then return; end if; case Mode is when TSSL.CRYPTO_LOCK or TSSL.CRYPTO_WRITE => Locker.Write; when TSSL.CRYPTO_LOCK or TSSL.CRYPTO_READ => Locker.Read; when TSSL.CRYPTO_UNLOCK or TSSL.CRYPTO_WRITE => Locker.Release_Write; when TSSL.CRYPTO_UNLOCK or TSSL.CRYPTO_READ => Locker.Release_Read; when others => null; end case; end Lock; ---------------------- -- Locking_Function -- ---------------------- procedure Locking_Function (Mode : Mode_Type; N : Lock_Index; File : Filename_Type; Line : Line_Number) is pragma Unreferenced (File, Line); begin Lock (Mode, Locks (N)); end Locking_Function; ----------------------- -- Task_Id_Generator -- ----------------------- protected body Task_Id_Generator is ------------------- -- Finalize_Task -- ------------------- procedure Finalize_Task (Cause : Task_Termination.Cause_Of_Termination; T : Task_Identification.Task_Id; X : Exceptions.Exception_Occurrence) is use type Task_Termination.Termination_Handler; TA : Task_Identifiers.Attribute_Handle; begin if TSSL.OpenSSL_version_num < 16#10101000# then -- It is task specific termination handler for OpenSSL 1.0 and -- older for locking support. TA := Task_Identifiers.Reference (T); TSSL.ERR_remove_state (C.int (TA.TID)); if TA.Keep_Termination_Handler /= null then TA.Keep_Termination_Handler (Cause, T, X); end if; else -- It is common task termination handler for OpenSSL 1.1 and -- newer to avoid memory leak on overriden by -- CRYPTO_set_mem_functions memory allocation routines. TSSL.OPENSSL_thread_stop; if Keep_Termination_Handler /= null then Keep_Termination_Handler (Cause, T, X); end if; end if; end Finalize_Task; ----------------- -- Get_Task_Id -- ----------------- procedure Get_Task_Id (Id : out Task_Identifier) is begin Id_Counter := Id_Counter + 1; Id := Id_Counter; end Get_Task_Id; end Task_Id_Generator; end Locking; --------------------------------- -- Start_Parameters_Generation -- --------------------------------- procedure Start_Parameters_Generation (DH : Boolean; Logging : access procedure (Text : String) := null) is begin RSA_DH_Generators.Start_Parameters_Generation (DH, Logging); end Start_Parameters_Generation; --------------------- -- Tmp_DH_Callback -- --------------------- function Tmp_DH_Callback (SSL : SSL_Handle; Is_Export : C.int; Keylength : C.int) return TSSL.DH is pragma Unreferenced (SSL, Is_Export, Keylength); -- Ignore export restrictions begin return DH_Params (0); end Tmp_DH_Callback; ---------------------- -- Tmp_RSA_Callback -- ---------------------- function Tmp_RSA_Callback (SSL : SSL_Handle; Is_Export : C.int; Keylength : C.int) return TSSL.RSA is pragma Unreferenced (SSL, Is_Export, Keylength); -- Ignore export restrictions begin return RSA_Params (0); end Tmp_RSA_Callback; ------------------- -- To_Char_Array -- ------------------- function To_Char_Array (Protocols : SV.Vector) return C.char_array is use type C.size_t; Idx : C.size_t := 0; begin -- Calculate length of the result into Idx for P of Protocols loop Idx := Idx + P'Length + 1; end loop; declare Protos : C.char_array (1 .. Idx); begin -- Fill the result into Protos Idx := Protos'First; for P of Protocols loop Protos (Idx .. Idx + P'Length) := To_Char_Array (P); Idx := Idx + P'Length + 1; end loop; return Protos; end; end To_Char_Array; ------------ -- TS_SSL -- ------------ protected body TS_SSL is ------------------ -- ALPN_Include -- ------------------ procedure ALPN_Include (Protocol : String) is use type C.size_t, C.char_array; Ref : C.Strings.char_array_access; Idx : C.size_t; Len : C.size_t; CA : constant C.char_array := To_Char_Array (Protocol); begin if ALPN.Is_Empty then ALPN_Set (CA); return; end if; Ref := ALPN.Reference.Element; Idx := Ref'First; loop Len := C.char'Pos (Ref (Idx)); if Ref (Idx .. Idx + Len) = CA then -- Already there return; end if; Idx := Idx + Len + 1; exit when Idx > Ref'Last; end loop; pragma Assert (Idx = Ref'Last + 1); ALPN_Set (Ref.all & CA); end ALPN_Include; -------------- -- ALPN_Set -- -------------- procedure ALPN_Set (Protos : C.char_array) is begin Error_If (TSSL.SSL_CTX_set_alpn_protos (Default_Context, Protos, Protos'Length) /= 0); ALPN.Replace_Element (Protos); if Protos'Length > 0 then TSSL.SSL_CTX_set_alpn_select_cb (Default_Context, ALPN_Callback'Access, ALPN'Address); end if; end ALPN_Set; --------------- -- Check_CRL -- --------------- procedure Check_CRL is use type Ada.Calendar.Time; use type C.Strings.chars_ptr; procedure Reload_CRL_File (Context : TSSL.SSL_CTX); --------------------- -- Reload_CRL_File -- --------------------- procedure Reload_CRL_File (Context : TSSL.SSL_CTX) is Store : constant TSSL.X509_STORE := TSSL.SSL_CTX_get_cert_store (Context); Lookup : constant TSSL.X509_LOOKUP := TSSL.X509_STORE_add_lookup (Store, TSSL.X509_LOOKUP_file); Param : constant TSSL.X509_VERIFY_PARAM := TSSL.X509_VERIFY_PARAM_new; begin -- Load CRL Error_If (TSSL.X509_load_crl_file (Lookup, CRL_Filename, TSSL.X509_FILETYPE_PEM) /= 1); -- Set up certificate store to check CRL Error_If (TSSL.X509_VERIFY_PARAM_set_flags (Param, TSSL.X509_V_FLAG_CRL_CHECK) < 0); Error_If (TSSL.X509_STORE_set1_param (Store, Param) < 0); TSSL.X509_VERIFY_PARAM_free (Param); end Reload_CRL_File; begin -- We need to load the CRL file if CRL_Time_Stamp is AWS_Epoch (it -- has never been loaded) or the time stamp has changed on disk. if CRL_Filename /= C.Strings.Null_Ptr then declare TS : constant Calendar.Time := Utils.File_Time_Stamp (C.Strings.Value (CRL_Filename)); begin if CRL_Time_Stamp = Utils.AWS_Epoch or else CRL_Time_Stamp /= TS then CRL_Time_Stamp := TS; Reload_CRL_File (Default_Context); for Context of Hosts loop Reload_CRL_File (Context); end loop; end if; end; end if; end Check_CRL; ------------------------- -- Clear_Session_Cache -- ------------------------- procedure Clear_Session_Cache is begin TSSL.SSL_CTX_flush_sessions (Default_Context, C.long'Last); for Context of Hosts loop TSSL.SSL_CTX_flush_sessions (Context, C.long'Last); end loop; end Clear_Session_Cache; ---------------- -- File_Error -- ---------------- procedure File_Error (Prefix, Name : String) is begin raise Socket_Error with Prefix & " file """ & Name & """ error." & ASCII.LF & Error_Stack; end File_Error; -------------- -- Finalize -- -------------- procedure Finalize is begin TSSL.SSL_CTX_free (Default_Context); Default_Context := TSSL.Null_CTX; for Context of Hosts loop TSSL.SSL_CTX_free (Context); end loop; Hosts.Clear; C.Strings.Free (Trusted_CA_Filename); C.Strings.Free (CRL_Filename); C.Strings.Free (Priorities); C.Strings.Free (Prio_TLS13); end Finalize; ----------------- -- Get_Context -- ----------------- function Get_Context return TSSL.SSL_CTX is begin return Default_Context; end Get_Context; ---------------- -- Initialize -- ---------------- procedure Initialize (Certificate_Filename : String; Security_Mode : Method; Priorities : String; Ticket_Support : Boolean; Key_Filename : String; Exchange_Certificate : Boolean; Certificate_Required : Boolean; Trusted_CA_Filename : String; CRL_Filename : String; Session_Cache_Size : Natural; ALPN : C.char_array) is begin Prepare (Security_Mode, Priorities, Ticket_Support, Exchange_Certificate, Certificate_Required, Trusted_CA_Filename, CRL_Filename, Session_Cache_Size); Initialize_Host_Certificate ("", Certificate_Filename, Key_Filename); if ALPN'Length > 0 then ALPN_Set (ALPN); end if; end Initialize; --------------------------------- -- Initialize_Host_Certificate -- --------------------------------- procedure Initialize_Host_Certificate (Host : String; Certificate_Filename : String; Key_Filename : String) is use C.Strings; use Interfaces.C; type Meth_Func is access function return TSSL.SSL_Method with Convention => C; procedure Set_Certificate; Methods : constant array (Method) of Meth_Func := (TLS => TSSL.TLS_method'Access, TLS_Server => TSSL.TLS_server_method'Access, TLS_Client => TSSL.TLS_client_method'Access, TLSv1 => TSSL.TLSv1_method'Access, TLSv1_Server => TSSL.TLSv1_server_method'Access, TLSv1_Client => TSSL.TLSv1_client_method'Access, TLSv1_1 => TSSL.TLSv1_1_method'Access, TLSv1_1_Server => TSSL.TLSv1_1_server_method'Access, TLSv1_1_Client => TSSL.TLSv1_1_client_method'Access, TLSv1_2 => TSSL.TLSv1_2_method'Access, TLSv1_2_Server => TSSL.TLSv1_2_server_method'Access, TLSv1_2_Client => TSSL.TLSv1_2_client_method'Access); Context : TSSL.SSL_CTX; Dummy : C.long; --------------------- -- Set_Certificate -- --------------------- procedure Set_Certificate is use type TSSL.STACK_OF_X509_NAME; PK : constant Private_Key := Load ((if Key_Filename = "" then Certificate_Filename else Key_Filename)); begin -- Get the single certificate or certificate chain from -- the file Cert_Filename. if TSSL.SSL_CTX_use_certificate_chain_file (Ctx => Context, File => To_C (Certificate_Filename)) /= 1 then File_Error ("Certificate", Certificate_Filename); end if; Error_If (TSSL.SSL_CTX_use_PrivateKey (Context, TSSL.EVP_PKEY (PK)) /= 1); Error_If (TSSL.SSL_CTX_check_private_key (Ctx => Context) /= 1); if Exchange_Certificate then declare Data : aliased constant Stream_Element_Array := Signature (Command_Line.Command_Name, PK, SHA224); begin Error_If (TSSL.SSL_CTX_set_session_id_context (Context, Data'Address, C.unsigned'Min (TSSL.SSL_MAX_SSL_SESSION_ID_LENGTH, Data'Length)) = 0); end; end if; -- Set Trusted Certificate Authority if any if Trusted_CA_Filename /= Null_Ptr then Error_If (TSSL.SSL_CTX_load_verify_locations (Context, Trusted_CA_Filename, Null_Ptr) /= 1); if Exchange_Certificate then -- Let server send to client CA authority names it trust if Trusted_CA_Stack = TSSL.Null_STACK_OF_X509_NAME then Trusted_CA_Stack := TSSL.SSL_load_client_CA_file (Trusted_CA_Filename); else Trusted_CA_Stack := TSSL.SSL_dup_CA_list (Trusted_CA_Stack); end if; TSSL.SSL_CTX_set_client_CA_list (Context, Trusted_CA_Stack); end if; end if; end Set_Certificate; begin if Default_Context /= TSSL.Null_CTX and then Host = "" then return; end if; -- Initialize context Context := TSSL.SSL_CTX_new (Methods (Security_Mode).all); Error_If (Context = TSSL.Null_CTX); if not Ticket_Support then Error_If (TSSL.SSL_CTX_set_options (Context, TSSL.SSL_OP_NO_TICKET) = 0); end if; Error_If (TSSL.SSL_CTX_ctrl (Ctx => Context, Cmd => TSSL.SSL_CTRL_MODE, Larg => TSSL.SSL_MODE_ENABLE_PARTIAL_WRITE + TSSL.SSL_MODE_ACCEPT_MOVING_WRITE_BUFFER, Parg => TSSL.Null_Pointer) = 0); if Exchange_Certificate then -- Client is requested to send its certificate once Error_If (TSSL.SSL_CTX_set_ex_data (Context, Data_Index, TSSL.Null_Pointer) = 0); declare Mode : C.int := TSSL.SSL_VERIFY_PEER + TSSL.SSL_VERIFY_CLIENT_ONCE; begin if Certificate_Required then Mode := Mode + TSSL.SSL_VERIFY_FAIL_IF_NO_PEER_CERT; end if; TSSL.SSL_CTX_set_verify (Context, Mode, Verify_Callback'Address); end; end if; if Certificate_Filename /= "" then Set_Certificate; end if; if Prio_TLS13 /= Null_Ptr and then TSSL.SSL_CTX_set_ciphersuites (Context, Prio_TLS13) = 0 then Log_Error (Error_Stack); -- Do not try to set Prio_TLS13 with errors again Free (Prio_TLS13); end if; if Priorities /= Null_Ptr and then TSSL.SSL_CTX_set_cipher_list (Context, Priorities) = 0 then Log_Error (Error_Stack); -- Do not try to set priorities with errors again Free (Priorities); end if; Set_Session_Cache_Size (Context, Session_Cache_Size); Dummy := TSSL.SSL_CTX_set_tlsext_servername_callback (Context, Server_Name_Callback'Address); Dummy := TSSL.SSL_CTX_set_tlsext_servername_arg (Context, Hosts'Address); if Host = "" then Default_Context := Context; else Hosts.Insert (Host, Context); end if; if Certificate_Filename /= "" then Check_CRL; end if; end Initialize_Host_Certificate; ------------- -- Prepare -- ------------- procedure Prepare (Security_Mode : Method; Priorities : String; Ticket_Support : Boolean; Exchange_Certificate : Boolean; Certificate_Required : Boolean; Trusted_CA_Filename : String; CRL_Filename : String; Session_Cache_Size : Natural) is use Ada.Strings.Unbounded; use C.Strings; use GNAT.String_Split; TLS13 : constant String := "TLS13-"; Prio_TLS13 : Unbounded_String := To_Unbounded_String ("TLS_AES_256_GCM_SHA384" & ":TLS_CHACHA20_POLY1305_SHA256" & ":TLS_AES_128_GCM_SHA256"); -- Will be C.Strings.Value (TSSL.OSSL_default_ciphersuites); -- in OpenSSL 3.0 Prio_Slices : Slice_Set; Prio_Others : String (Priorities'First .. Priorities'Last + 1); Last_Others : Natural := Priorities'First - 1; Modified_TLS13 : Boolean := False; function Has_Cipher_TLS13 (Cipher : String) return Boolean; function New_C_String (Item : String) return chars_ptr is (if Item = "" then Null_Ptr else New_String (Item)); procedure Append_TLS13_If_Absent (Cipher : String); procedure Remove_Cipher_TLS13 (Cipher : String); function Is_Substring (S : String; Sub : String; Shift : Natural) return Boolean is (S'Length >= Sub'Length + Shift and then S (S'First + Shift .. S'First + Shift + Sub'Length - 1) = Sub); ---------------------------- -- Append_TLS13_If_Absent -- ---------------------------- procedure Append_TLS13_If_Absent (Cipher : String) is begin if not Has_Cipher_TLS13 (Cipher) then if Prio_TLS13 = Null_Unbounded_String then Prio_TLS13 := To_Unbounded_String (Cipher); else Append (Prio_TLS13, ':'); Append (Prio_TLS13, Cipher); end if; Modified_TLS13 := True; end if; end Append_TLS13_If_Absent; ---------------------- -- Has_Cipher_TLS13 -- ---------------------- function Has_Cipher_TLS13 (Cipher : String) return Boolean is Idx : constant Natural := Index (Prio_TLS13, Cipher); function Right_Start return Boolean is (Idx = 1 or else Element (Prio_TLS13, Idx - 1) = ':'); begin if Idx = 0 then return False; elsif Idx < Length (Prio_TLS13) - Cipher'Length + 1 then -- Not last in the list return Element (Prio_TLS13, Idx + Cipher'Length) = ':' and then Right_Start; end if; return Right_Start; end Has_Cipher_TLS13; ------------------------- -- Remove_Cipher_TLS13 -- ------------------------- procedure Remove_Cipher_TLS13 (Cipher : String) is Idx : Natural; begin if Cipher = "" then Prio_TLS13 := Null_Unbounded_String; Modified_TLS13 := True; return; end if; Idx := Index (Prio_TLS13, Cipher); if Idx /= 0 and then (Idx = 1 or else Element (Prio_TLS13, Idx - 1) = ':') then if Idx = Length (Prio_TLS13) - Cipher'Length + 1 then if Idx = 1 then Prio_TLS13 := Null_Unbounded_String; else Head (Prio_TLS13, Idx - 2); end if; Modified_TLS13 := True; elsif Element (Prio_TLS13, Idx + Cipher'Length) = ':' then Replace_Slice (Prio_TLS13, Idx, Idx + Cipher'Length, ""); Modified_TLS13 := True; end if; end if; end Remove_Cipher_TLS13; begin Create (Prio_Slices, Priorities, ":"); for S of Prio_Slices loop if Is_Substring (S, TLS13, 0) then Append_TLS13_If_Absent (S (S'First + TLS13'Length .. S'Last)); elsif Is_Substring (S, TLS13, 1) then declare Cipher : constant String := S (S'First + TLS13'Length + 1 .. S'Last); begin if S (S'First) in '!' | '-' | '+' then Remove_Cipher_TLS13 (Cipher); if S (S'First) = '+' then Append_TLS13_If_Absent (Cipher); end if; end if; end; else Prio_Others (Last_Others + 1 .. Last_Others + S'Length) := S; Last_Others := Last_Others + S'Length + 1; Prio_Others (Last_Others) := ':'; end if; end loop; if Prio_Others (Last_Others) = ':' then Last_Others := Last_Others - 1; end if; TS_SSL.Security_Mode := Security_Mode; TS_SSL.Ticket_Support := Ticket_Support; TS_SSL.Exchange_Certificate := Exchange_Certificate; TS_SSL.Certificate_Required := Certificate_Required; TS_SSL.Session_Cache_Size := Session_Cache_Size; TS_SSL.CRL_Filename := New_C_String (CRL_Filename); TS_SSL.Trusted_CA_Filename := New_C_String (Trusted_CA_Filename); TS_SSL.Priorities := New_C_String (Prio_Others (Prio_Others'First .. Last_Others)); if Modified_TLS13 then if Prio_TLS13 = Null_Unbounded_String then TS_SSL.Security_Mode := (case Security_Mode is when TLS => TLSv1_2, when TLS_Server => TLSv1_2_Server, when TLS_Client => TLSv1_2_Client, when others => Security_Mode); else TS_SSL.Prio_TLS13 := New_String (To_String (Prio_TLS13)); end if; end if; end Prepare; -------------------------- -- Session_Cache_Number -- -------------------------- function Session_Cache_Number return Natural is use TSSL; begin -- ??? Maybe summary ? return Natural (SSL_CTX_ctrl (Default_Context, SSL_CTRL_SESS_NUMBER, 0, Null_Pointer)); end Session_Cache_Number; ------------ -- Set_IO -- ------------ procedure Set_IO (Socket : in out Socket_Type) is use TSSL; Inside_IO, Net_IO : aliased BIO_Access; begin Socket.SSL := SSL_new (Default_Context); Error_If (Socket, Socket.SSL = Null_Handle); Error_If (BIO_new_bio_pair (Inside_IO'Access, 0, Net_IO'Access, 0) = 0); case Debug_Level is when 0 => null; when 1 => BIO_set_callback (Inside_IO, BIO_debug_callback'Access); when 2 => BIO_set_callback (Net_IO, BIO_debug_callback'Access); when others => BIO_set_callback (Inside_IO, BIO_debug_callback'Access); BIO_set_callback (Net_IO, BIO_debug_callback'Access); end case; if Debug_Output /= null then if Debug_BIO_Output = null then Debug_BIO_Method := TSSL.BIO_s_null; Debug_BIO_Method.Bwrite := BIO_Debug_Write'Address; Debug_BIO_Output := TSSL.BIO_new (Debug_BIO_Method); end if; BIO_set_callback_arg (Inside_IO, Debug_BIO_Output); BIO_set_callback_arg (Net_IO, Debug_BIO_Output); end if; Socket.IO := Net_IO; SSL_set_bio (Socket.SSL, Inside_IO, Inside_IO); end Set_IO; ---------------------------- -- Set_Session_Cache_Size -- ---------------------------- procedure Set_Session_Cache_Size (Size : Natural) is begin Set_Session_Cache_Size (Default_Context, Size); for Context of Hosts loop Set_Session_Cache_Size (Context, Size); end loop; end Set_Session_Cache_Size; ------------------------- -- Set_Verify_Callback -- ------------------------- procedure Set_Verify_Callback (Callback : System.Address) is procedure Set_Callback (Context : TSSL.SSL_CTX); ------------------ -- Set_Callback -- ------------------ procedure Set_Callback (Context : TSSL.SSL_CTX) is begin Error_If (TSSL.SSL_CTX_set_ex_data (Context, Data_Index, Callback) = 0); end Set_Callback; begin Set_Callback (Default_Context); for Context of Hosts loop Set_Callback (Context); end loop; end Set_Verify_Callback; end TS_SSL; --------------------- -- Verify_Callback -- --------------------- function Verify_Callback (preverify_ok : C.int; ctx : TSSL.X509_STORE_CTX) return C.int is use type C.unsigned; use type Net.SSL.Certificate.Verify_Callback; function To_Callback is new Unchecked_Conversion (System.Address, Net.SSL.Certificate.Verify_Callback); CB : aliased Net.SSL.Certificate.Verify_Callback; SSL : SSL_Handle; SSL_CTX : TSSL.SSL_CTX; Cert : TSSL.X509; Res : C.int := preverify_ok; Mode : C.unsigned; Status : C.int; begin -- The SSL structure SSL := TSSL.X509_STORE_CTX_get_ex_data (ctx, TSSL.SSL_get_ex_data_X509_STORE_CTX_idx); -- The SSL context, this is the one we are looking for as it contains -- the register callback. SSL_CTX := TSSL.SSL_get_SSL_CTX (SSL); -- Get the current verification mode Mode := TSSL.SSL_get_verify_mode (SSL); -- Get the certificate as stored into the context Cert := TSSL.X509_STORE_CTX_get_current_cert (ctx); -- Get current error status, this will be stored into the certificate -- by the read routine below. It will be available in the user's verify -- callback if needed. Status := TSSL.X509_STORE_CTX_get_error (ctx); -- Get the user's callback stored at the Data_Index CB := To_Callback (TSSL.SSL_CTX_get_ex_data (SSL_CTX, Data_Index)); if CB /= null then if CB (Net.SSL.Certificate.Impl.Read (Status, Cert)) then Res := 1; else Res := 0; end if; end if; -- If we did not ask to fail if no peer cert was received just -- unconditionally returns 1 (OK). if (Mode and TSSL.SSL_VERIFY_FAIL_IF_NO_PEER_CERT) = 0 then return 1; else return Res; end if; end Verify_Callback; ------------- -- Version -- ------------- function Version (Build_Info : Boolean := False) return String is use TSSL; Result : constant String := C.Strings.Value (OpenSSL_version (OPENSSL_VERSION0)); begin if Build_Info then return Result & ASCII.LF & C.Strings.Value (OpenSSL_version (OPENSSL_CFLAGS)) & ASCII.LF & C.Strings.Value (OpenSSL_version (OPENSSL_BUILT_ON)) & ASCII.LF & C.Strings.Value (OpenSSL_version (OPENSSL_PLATFORM)) & ASCII.LF & C.Strings.Value (OpenSSL_version (OPENSSL_DIR)); else return Result; end if; end Version; begin TSSL.CRYPTO_get_mem_functions (M => Keep_M, R => Keep_R, F => Keep_F); -- Set the RTL memory allocation routines is necessary only to be able -- gnatmem to detect memory leaks allocated inside of OpenSSL library. -- If we do not use gnatmem memory allocation interceptor we don't need -- this interception and all GNAT tasks termination interception too by the -- way. See Locking.Initialize for OpenSSL 1.1.1 and newer comment. -- Would be good to have flag in System.Memory which defines is the gnatmem -- interceptors is in action. if TSSL.CRYPTO_set_mem_functions (M => System.Memory.Alloc'Address, R => Lib_Realloc'Address, F => System.Memory.Free'Address) = 0 then -- In "OpenSSL FIPS Object Module" based on OpenSSL version 1.0.1e -- we are unable to setup our own memory allocation routines. GNATMEM -- would not be aware of memory allocations inside of OpenSSL in this -- case, but AWS is able to run anyway. Keep_M := System.Null_Address; -- To do not restore back end if; Locking.Initialize; if TSSL.SSL_library_init /= 0 then Init_Random; Data_Index := TSSL.SSL_CTX_get_ex_new_index (0, TSSL.Null_Pointer, TSSL.Null_Pointer, TSSL.Null_Pointer, TSSL.Null_Pointer); else Data_Index := -1; end if; end AWS.Net.SSL;