with TestBinary.Clients; with TestBinary.Models; with Swagger; with Util.Http.Clients.Curl; with Ada.Text_IO; with Ada.Command_Line; with Ada.Calendar.Formatting; with Ada.Exceptions; procedure TestBinary.Client is use Ada.Text_IO; procedure Usage; Server : constant Swagger.UString := Swagger.To_UString ("http://localhost:8080/v2"); Arg_Count : constant Natural := Ada.Command_Line.Argument_Count; Arg : Positive := 1; procedure Usage is begin Put_Line ("Usage: TestBinary {params}..."); end Usage; begin if Arg_Count <= 1 then Usage; return; end if; Util.Http.Clients.Curl.Register; declare Command : constant String := Ada.Command_Line.Argument (Arg); Item : constant String := Ada.Command_Line.Argument (Arg + 1); C : TestBinary.Clients.Client_Type; begin C.Set_Server (Server); Arg := Arg + 2; exception when E : Constraint_Error => Put_Line ("Constraint error raised: " & Ada.Exceptions.Exception_Message (E)); end; end TestBinary.Client;