----------------------------------------------------------------------- -- users - User creation, password tests -- Copyright (C) 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012, 2017, 2018 Stephane Carrez -- Written by Stephane Carrez (Stephane.Carrez@gmail.com) -- -- Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); -- you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. -- You may obtain a copy of the License at -- -- http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 -- -- Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software -- distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, -- WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. -- See the License for the specific language governing permissions and -- limitations under the License. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- with Util.Test_Caller; with Util.Measures; with Util.Log.Loggers; with ADO; with ADO.Sessions; with ADO.SQL; with ADO.Objects; with Ada.Calendar; with AWA.Users.Modules; with AWA.Tests.Helpers.Users; package body AWA.Users.Services.Tests is use ADO; use ADO.Objects; Log : constant Util.Log.Loggers.Logger := Util.Log.Loggers.Create ("AWA.Users.Services.Tests"); package Caller is new Util.Test_Caller (Test, "Users.Services"); procedure Add_Tests (Suite : in Util.Tests.Access_Test_Suite) is begin Caller.Add_Test (Suite, "Test AWA.Users.Services.Create_User", Test_Create_User'Access); Caller.Add_Test (Suite, "Test AWA.Users.Services.Close_Session", Test_Logout_User'Access); Caller.Add_Test (Suite, "Test AWA.Users.Services.Authenticate, Close_Session", Test_Login_User'Access); Caller.Add_Test (Suite, "Test AWA.Users.Services.Lost_Password, Reset_Password", Test_Reset_Password_User'Access); Caller.Add_Test (Suite, "Test AWA.Users.Module.Get_User_Module", Test_Get_Module'Access); end Add_Tests; -- ------------------------------ -- Test creation of a user -- ------------------------------ procedure Test_Create_User (T : in out Test) is Principal : AWA.Tests.Helpers.Users.Test_User; begin -- Create the user AWA.Tests.Helpers.Users.Create_User (Principal); T.Assert (not Principal.User.Is_Null, "User is created"); T.Assert (Principal.User.Get_Id > 0, "User has an allocated key"); T.Assert (Principal.Email.Get_Id > 0, "Email has an allocated key"); T.Assert (not Principal.Session.Is_Null, "Session must be created"); T.Assert (Principal.Session.Get_End_Date.Is_Null, "Session must be opened"); -- Verify the user session declare use type Ada.Calendar.Time; S1 : Session_Ref; U1 : User_Ref; T1 : constant Ada.Calendar.Time := Principal.Session.Get_Start_Date; begin Principal.Manager.Verify_Session (Id => Principal.Session.Get_Id, Session => S1, User => U1); T.Assert (not S1.Is_Null, "Null session returned by Verify_Session"); T.Assert (not U1.Is_Null, "Null user returned by Verify_Session"); T.Assert (S1.Get_End_Date.Is_Null, "Session must not be finished"); -- After we read the date/time from the database, we can loose -- the sub-second precision and we can't safely compare with the -- original. T.Assert (T1 - 1.0 <= S1.Get_Start_Date, "Invalid start date"); T.Assert (T1 + 1.0 >= S1.Get_Start_Date, "Invalid start date"); Principal.Manager.Close_Session (Principal.Session.Get_Id); end; end Test_Create_User; -- ------------------------------ -- Test logout of a user -- ------------------------------ procedure Test_Logout_User (T : in out Test) is Principal : AWA.Tests.Helpers.Users.Test_User; begin -- Create the user AWA.Tests.Helpers.Users.Create_User (Principal); T.Assert (not Principal.User.Is_Null, "User is created"); T.Assert (Principal.User.Get_Id > 0, "User has an allocated key"); T.Assert (Principal.Email.Get_Id > 0, "Email has an allocated key"); AWA.Tests.Helpers.Users.Logout (Principal); -- Verify the user session declare S1 : Session_Ref; U1 : User_Ref; begin Principal.Manager.Verify_Session (Id => Principal.Session.Get_Id, Session => S1, User => U1); T.Assert (False, "Verify_Session should report a non-existent session"); exception when Not_Found => null; end; begin AWA.Tests.Helpers.Users.Logout (Principal); T.Assert (False, "Second logout should report a non-existent session"); exception when Not_Found => null; end; end Test_Logout_User; -- ------------------------------ -- Test creation of a user -- ------------------------------ procedure Test_Login_User (T : in out Test) is use type Ada.Calendar.Time; Principal : AWA.Tests.Helpers.Users.Test_User; T1 : Ada.Calendar.Time; begin begin Principal.Email.Set_Email ("nobody@gmail.com"); AWA.Tests.Helpers.Users.Login (Principal); T.Assert (False, "Login succeeded with an invalid user name"); exception when Not_Found => null; end; -- Create the user T1 := Ada.Calendar.Clock; AWA.Tests.Helpers.Users.Create_User (Principal); Log.Info ("Created user and session is {0}", ADO.Identifier'Image (Principal.Session.Get_Id)); AWA.Tests.Helpers.Users.Logout (Principal); delay 1.0; AWA.Tests.Helpers.Users.Login (Principal); Log.Info ("Logout and login with session {0}", ADO.Identifier'Image (Principal.Session.Get_Id)); T.Assert (not Principal.User.Is_Null, "User is created"); T.Assert (Principal.User.Get_Id > 0, "User has an allocated key"); T.Assert (Principal.Email.Get_Id > 0, "Email has an allocated key"); T.Assert (not Principal.Session.Is_Null, "Session is not created"); -- Verify the user session declare S1 : Session_Ref; U1 : User_Ref; Ts : constant Ada.Calendar.Time := Principal.Session.Get_Start_Date; T2 : constant Ada.Calendar.Time := Ada.Calendar.Clock; begin Principal.Manager.Verify_Session (Id => Principal.Session.Get_Id, Session => S1, User => U1); T.Assert (not S1.Is_Null, "Null session returned by Verify_Session"); T.Assert (not U1.Is_Null, "Null user returned by Verify_Session"); T.Assert (S1.Get_End_Date.Is_Null, "Session end date must be null"); T.Assert (Ts - 1.0 <= S1.Get_Start_Date, "Invalid start date 1"); T.Assert (Ts + 1.0 >= S1.Get_Start_Date, "Invalid start date 2"); -- Storing a date in the database will loose some precision. T.Assert (S1.Get_Start_Date >= T1 - 1.0, "Start date is invalid 1"); T.Assert (S1.Get_Start_Date <= T2 + 10.0, "Start date is invalid 3"); Principal.Manager.Close_Session (Principal.Session.Get_Id); end; end Test_Login_User; -- ------------------------------ -- Test password reset process -- ------------------------------ procedure Test_Reset_Password_User (T : in out Test) is use type AWA.Users.Principals.Principal_Access; Principal : AWA.Tests.Helpers.Users.Test_User; Key : AWA.Users.Models.Access_Key_Ref; begin -- Create the user AWA.Tests.Helpers.Users.Create_User (Principal); AWA.Tests.Helpers.Users.Logout (Principal); -- Start the lost password process. Principal.Manager.Lost_Password (Email => Principal.Email.Get_Email); AWA.Tests.Helpers.Users.Login (Principal); -- Get the access key to reset the password declare DB : ADO.Sessions.Session := Principal.Manager.Get_Session; Query : ADO.SQL.Query; Found : Boolean; begin -- Find the access key Query.Set_Filter ("user_id = ?"); Query.Bind_Param (1, Principal.User.Get_Id); Key.Find (DB, Query, Found); T.Assert (Found, "Access key for lost_password process not found"); Principal.Manager.Reset_Password (Key => Key.Get_Access_Key, Password => "newadmin", IpAddr => "", Principal => Principal.Principal); T.Assert (Principal.Principal /= null, "No principal returned"); Principal.User := Principal.Principal.Get_User; Principal.Session := Principal.Principal.Get_Session; -- Search the access key again, it must have been removed. Key.Find (DB, Query, Found); T.Assert (not Found, "The access key is still present in the database"); end; T.Assert (not Principal.User.Is_Null, "User is created"); T.Assert (Principal.User.Get_Id > 0, "User has an allocated key"); T.Assert (Principal.Email.Get_Id > 0, "Email has an allocated key"); T.Assert (not Principal.Session.Is_Null, "Session is not created"); AWA.Tests.Helpers.Users.Logout (Principal); end Test_Reset_Password_User; -- ------------------------------ -- Test Get_User_Module operation -- ------------------------------ procedure Test_Get_Module (T : in out Test) is use type AWA.Users.Modules.User_Module_Access; begin declare M : constant AWA.Users.Modules.User_Module_Access := AWA.Users.Modules.Get_User_Module; begin T.Assert (M /= null, "Get_User_Module returned null"); end; declare S : Util.Measures.Stamp; M : AWA.Users.Modules.User_Module_Access; begin for I in 1 .. 1_000 loop M := AWA.Users.Modules.Get_User_Module; end loop; Util.Measures.Report (S, "Get_User_Module (1000)"); T.Assert (M /= null, "Get_User_Module returned null"); end; end Test_Get_Module; end AWA.Users.Services.Tests;