----------------------------------------------------------------------- -- ado-queries-loaders -- Loader for Database Queries -- Copyright (C) 2011- 2022 Stephane Carrez -- Written by Stephane Carrez (Stephane.Carrez@gmail.com) -- -- Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); -- you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. -- You may obtain a copy of the License at -- -- http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 -- -- Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software -- distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, -- WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. -- See the License for the specific language governing permissions and -- limitations under the License. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- with Ada.IO_Exceptions; with Ada.Directories; with Util.Files; with Util.Log.Loggers; with Util.Beans.Objects; with Util.Serialize.IO.XML; with Util.Serialize.Mappers.Record_Mapper; with ADO.Configs; package body ADO.Queries.Loaders is use Util.Log; use ADO.Connections; use Ada.Calendar; Log : constant Loggers.Logger := Loggers.Create ("ADO.Queries.Loaders"); Init_Time : constant Ada.Calendar.Time := Ada.Calendar.Time_Of (Year => Ada.Calendar.Year_Number'First, Month => 1, Day => 1); Infinity_Time : constant Ada.Calendar.Time := Ada.Calendar.Time_Of (Year => Ada.Calendar.Year_Number'Last, Month => 1, Day => 1); -- Check for file modification time at most every 60 seconds. FILE_CHECK_DELTA_TIME : constant Duration := 60.0; -- The list of query files defined by the application. Query_Files : Query_File_Access := null; Last_Query : Query_Index := 0; Last_File : File_Index := 0; -- Get the modification time of the XML query file associated with the query. function Modification_Time (File : in Query_File_Info) return Ada.Calendar.Time; -- Initialize the query SQL pattern with the value procedure Set_Query_Pattern (Into : in out Query_Pattern; Value : in Util.Beans.Objects.Object); -- ------------------------------ -- Register the query definition in the query file. Registration is done -- in the package elaboration phase. -- ------------------------------ procedure Register (File : in Query_File_Access; Query : in Query_Definition_Access) is begin Last_Query := Last_Query + 1; Query.File := File; Query.Next := File.Queries; Query.Query := Last_Query; File.Queries := Query; if File.Next = null and then Query_Files /= File then Last_File := Last_File + 1; File.Next := Query_Files; File.File := Last_File; Query_Files := File; end if; end Register; function Find_Driver (Name : in String) return Integer; function Find_Driver (Name : in String) return Integer is begin if Name'Length = 0 then return 0; end if; declare Driver : constant Connections.Driver_Access := Connections.Get_Driver (Name); begin if Driver = null then -- There is no problem to have an SQL query for unsupported drivers, but still -- report some warning. Log.Warn ("Database driver {0} not found", Name); return -1; end if; return Integer (Driver.Get_Driver_Index); end; end Find_Driver; -- ------------------------------ -- Get the modification time of the XML query file associated with the query. -- ------------------------------ function Modification_Time (File : in Query_File_Info) return Ada.Calendar.Time is Path : constant String := To_String (File.Path); begin return Ada.Directories.Modification_Time (Path); exception when Ada.IO_Exceptions.Name_Error => Log.Error ("XML query file '{0}' does not exist", Path); return Init_Time; end Modification_Time; -- ------------------------------ -- Returns True if the XML query file must be reloaded. -- ------------------------------ function Is_Modified (File : in out Query_File_Info) return Boolean is Now : constant Ada.Calendar.Time := Ada.Calendar.Clock; begin -- Have we passed the next check time? if File.Next_Check > Now then return False; end if; -- Next check in N seconds (60 by default). File.Next_Check := Now + FILE_CHECK_DELTA_TIME; -- See if the file was changed. declare M : constant Ada.Calendar.Time := Modification_Time (File); begin if File.Last_Modified = M then return False; end if; File.Last_Modified := M; return True; end; end Is_Modified; -- ------------------------------ -- Initialize the query SQL pattern with the value -- ------------------------------ procedure Set_Query_Pattern (Into : in out Query_Pattern; Value : in Util.Beans.Objects.Object) is begin Into.SQL := Util.Beans.Objects.To_Unbounded_String (Value); end Set_Query_Pattern; procedure Read_Query (Manager : in Query_Manager; File : in out Query_File_Info) is type Query_Info_Fields is (FIELD_CLASS_NAME, FIELD_PROPERTY_TYPE, FIELD_PROPERTY_NAME, FIELD_QUERY_NAME, FIELD_SQL_DRIVER, FIELD_SQL, FIELD_SQL_COUNT, FIELD_QUERY); -- The Query_Loader holds context and state information for loading -- the XML query file and initializing the Query_Definition. type Query_Loader is limited record Hash_Value : Unbounded_String; Query_Def : Query_Definition_Access; Query : Query_Info_Ref.Ref; Driver : Integer; end record; type Query_Loader_Access is access all Query_Loader; procedure Set_Member (Into : in out Query_Loader; Field : in Query_Info_Fields; Value : in Util.Beans.Objects.Object); -- ------------------------------ -- Called by the de-serialization when a given field is recognized. -- ------------------------------ procedure Set_Member (Into : in out Query_Loader; Field : in Query_Info_Fields; Value : in Util.Beans.Objects.Object) is begin case Field is when FIELD_CLASS_NAME => Append (Into.Hash_Value, " class="); Append (Into.Hash_Value, Util.Beans.Objects.To_Unbounded_String (Value)); when FIELD_PROPERTY_TYPE => Append (Into.Hash_Value, " type="); Append (Into.Hash_Value, Util.Beans.Objects.To_Unbounded_String (Value)); when FIELD_PROPERTY_NAME => Append (Into.Hash_Value, " name="); Append (Into.Hash_Value, Util.Beans.Objects.To_Unbounded_String (Value)); when FIELD_QUERY_NAME => Into.Query_Def := Find_Query (File, Util.Beans.Objects.To_String (Value)); Into.Driver := 0; if Into.Query_Def /= null then Into.Query := Query_Info_Ref.Create; end if; when FIELD_SQL_DRIVER => Into.Driver := Find_Driver (Util.Beans.Objects.To_String (Value)); when FIELD_SQL => if not Into.Query.Is_Null and then Into.Driver >= 0 and then Into.Query_Def /= null then Set_Query_Pattern (Into.Query.Value.Main_Query (Driver_Index (Into.Driver)), Value); end if; Into.Driver := 0; when FIELD_SQL_COUNT => if not Into.Query.Is_Null and then Into.Driver >= 0 and then Into.Query_Def /= null then Set_Query_Pattern (Into.Query.Value.Count_Query (Driver_Index (Into.Driver)), Value); end if; Into.Driver := 0; when FIELD_QUERY => if Into.Query_Def /= null then -- Now we can safely setup the query info associated with the query definition. Manager.Queries (Into.Query_Def.Query) := Into.Query; end if; Into.Query_Def := null; end case; end Set_Member; package Query_Mapper is new Util.Serialize.Mappers.Record_Mapper (Element_Type => Query_Loader, Element_Type_Access => Query_Loader_Access, Fields => Query_Info_Fields, Set_Member => Set_Member); Loader : aliased Query_Loader; Sql_Mapper : aliased Query_Mapper.Mapper; Reader : Util.Serialize.IO.XML.Parser; Mapper : Util.Serialize.Mappers.Processing; Path : constant String := To_String (File.Path); begin Log.Info ("Reading XML query {0}", Path); Loader.Driver := 0; -- Create the mapping to load the XML query file. Sql_Mapper.Add_Mapping ("class/@name", FIELD_CLASS_NAME); Sql_Mapper.Add_Mapping ("class/property/@type", FIELD_PROPERTY_TYPE); Sql_Mapper.Add_Mapping ("class/property/@name", FIELD_PROPERTY_NAME); Sql_Mapper.Add_Mapping ("query/@name", FIELD_QUERY_NAME); Sql_Mapper.Add_Mapping ("query/sql", FIELD_SQL); Sql_Mapper.Add_Mapping ("query/sql/@driver", FIELD_SQL_DRIVER); Sql_Mapper.Add_Mapping ("query/sql-count", FIELD_SQL_COUNT); Sql_Mapper.Add_Mapping ("query/sql-count/@driver", FIELD_SQL_DRIVER); Sql_Mapper.Add_Mapping ("query", FIELD_QUERY); Mapper.Add_Mapping ("query-mapping", Sql_Mapper'Unchecked_Access); -- Set the context for Set_Member. Query_Mapper.Set_Context (Mapper, Loader'Access); -- Read the XML query file. if Ada.Directories.Exists (Path) then Reader.Parse (Path, Mapper); File.Next_Check := Ada.Calendar.Clock + FILE_CHECK_DELTA_TIME; return; end if; if Manager.Loader = null then Log.Error ("XML query file '{0}' does not exist", Path); File.Next_Check := Ada.Calendar.Clock + FILE_CHECK_DELTA_TIME; return; end if; Log.Info ("Loading query {0} from static loader", File.File.Name.all); declare Content : constant access constant String := Manager.Loader (File.File.Name.all); begin if Content /= null then Reader.Parse_String (Content.all, Mapper); File.Next_Check := Infinity_Time; else Log.Error ("XML query file '{0}' does not exist", Path); File.Next_Check := Ada.Calendar.Clock + FILE_CHECK_DELTA_TIME; end if; end; end Read_Query; -- ------------------------------ -- Read the query definition. -- ------------------------------ procedure Read_Query (Manager : in Query_Manager; Into : in Query_Definition_Access) is begin if Manager.Queries (Into.Query).Is_Null or else Is_Modified (Manager.Files (Into.File.File)) then Read_Query (Manager, Manager.Files (Into.File.File)); end if; end Read_Query; -- ------------------------------ -- Initialize the queries to look in the list of directories specified by Paths. -- Each search directory is separated by ';' (yes, even on Unix). -- When Load is true, read the XML query file and initialize the query -- definitions from that file. -- ------------------------------ procedure Initialize (Manager : in out Query_Manager; Config : in ADO.Connections.Configuration'Class) is function Get_Config (Name : in String) return String; function Get_Config (Name : in String) return String is Value : constant String := Config.Get_Property (Name); begin if Value'Length > 0 then return Value; else return ADO.Configs.Get_Config (Name); end if; end Get_Config; Paths : constant String := Get_Config (Configs.QUERY_PATHS_CONFIG); Load : constant Boolean := Get_Config (Configs.QUERY_LOAD_CONFIG) = "true"; File : Query_File_Access := Query_Files; begin Log.Info ("Initializing query search paths to {0}", Paths); if Manager.Queries = null then Manager.Queries := new Query_Table (1 .. Last_Query); end if; if Manager.Files = null then Manager.Files := new File_Table (1 .. Last_File); end if; Manager.Driver := Config.Get_Driver; while File /= null loop declare Path : constant String := Util.Files.Find_File_Path (Name => File.Name.all, Paths => Paths); begin Manager.Files (File.File).File := File; Manager.Files (File.File).Last_Modified := Init_Time; Manager.Files (File.File).Next_Check := Init_Time; Manager.Files (File.File).Path := To_Unbounded_String (Path); if Load then Read_Query (Manager, Manager.Files (File.File)); end if; end; File := File.Next; end loop; end Initialize; -- ------------------------------ -- Find the query identified by the given name. -- ------------------------------ function Find_Query (Name : in String) return Query_Definition_Access is File : Query_File_Access := Query_Files; begin while File /= null loop declare Query : Query_Definition_Access := File.Queries; begin while Query /= null loop if Query.Name.all = Name then return Query; end if; Query := Query.Next; end loop; end; File := File.Next; end loop; Log.Warn ("Query {0} not found", Name); return null; end Find_Query; package body File is begin File.Name := Name'Access; File.Sha1_Map := Hash'Access; end File; package body Query is begin Query.Name := Query_Name'Access; Query.File := File; Register (File => File, Query => Query'Access); end Query; end ADO.Queries.Loaders;