----------------------------------------------------------------------- -- are-generator -- Advanced Resource Embedder Generator -- Copyright (C) 2021, 2022, 2023 Stephane Carrez -- Written by Stephane Carrez (Stephane.Carrez@gmail.com) -- -- Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); -- you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. -- You may obtain a copy of the License at -- -- http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 -- -- Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software -- distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, -- WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. -- See the License for the specific language governing permissions and -- limitations under the License. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- with Ada.Directories; with Ada.Command_Line; with Are.Generator.Ada2012; with Are.Generator.C; with Are.Generator.Go; with Are.Installer; package body Are.Generator is use type GNAT.Strings.String_Access; use type Ada.Command_Line.Exit_Status; Ada_Generator : Are.Generator.Ada2012.Generator_Type; C_Generator : Are.Generator.C.Generator_Type; Go_Generator : Are.Generator.Go.Generator_Type; Installer : Are.Installer.Installer_Type; Config : GC.Command_Line_Configuration; Context : Are.Context_Type; Cur_Resource : Are.Resource_Access; procedure Add_Option (Switch, Value : in String) is begin if Switch = "--resource" then Are.Create_Resource (List => Context.Resources, Name => Value, Resource => Cur_Resource); else Installer.Add_Rule (Resource => Cur_Resource, Pattern => Value); end if; end Add_Option; procedure Specific_Options (Config : in out GC.Command_Line_Configuration; Context : in out Are.Context_Type'Class) is separate; -- ------------------------------ -- Return a string that identifies the program. -- ------------------------------ function Get_Title return String is begin return "Advanced Resource Embedder 1.4.0"; end Get_Title; -- ------------------------------ -- Print the command usage. -- ------------------------------ procedure Usage is begin GC.Display_Help (Config); Ada.Command_Line.Set_Exit_Status (Ada.Command_Line.Failure); end Usage; procedure Main is Has_Files : Boolean := False; begin GC.Set_Usage (Config => Config, Usage => "[switchs] {file|directory}", Help => -("are - resource embedder to include files " & "in your Ada,C/C++,Go binaries")); GC.Define_Switch (Config => Config, Output => Context.Verbose'Access, Switch => "-v", Long_Switch => "--verbose", Help => -("Verbose execution mode")); GC.Define_Switch (Config => Config, Output => Context.Debug'Access, Switch => "-vv", Long_Switch => "--debug", Help => -("Enable debug execution")); GC.Define_Switch (Config => Config, Output => Context.Version'Access, Switch => "-V", Long_Switch => "--version", Help => -("Print the program version")); GC.Define_Switch (Config => Config, Output => Context.Tmp_Dir'Access, Long_Switch => "--tmp=", Argument => "DIRECTORY", Help => -("Use the directory to build the resource files")); GC.Define_Switch (Config => Config, Output => Context.Keep_Temporary'Access, Switch => "-k", Long_Switch => "--keep", Help => -("Keep the directory used to prepare the resource files")); GC.Define_Switch (Config => Config, Output => Context.Output'Access, Switch => "-o:", Long_Switch => "--output=", Argument => "DIRECTORY", Help => -("Set the output directory path where generators " & "write the code")); GC.Define_Switch (Config => Config, Output => Context.Language'Access, Switch => "-l:", Long_Switch => "--lang=", Argument => "NAME", Help => -("Select the target generator language")); GC.Define_Switch (Config => Config, Output => Context.Rule_File'Access, Switch => "-r:", Long_Switch => "--rule=", Argument => "PATH", Help => -("Read the XML file that describe the resources to generate")); -- Hack to cope with different implementations of GNAT.Command_Line package. Specific_Options (Config, Context); GC.Define_Switch (Config => Config, Output => Context.Ignore_Case'Access, Long_Switch => "--ignore-case", Help => -("Ignore the case when comparing names")); GC.Define_Switch (Config => Config, Output => Context.Name_Index'Access, Long_Switch => "--name-access", Help => -("Generate support to query content with a name")); GC.Define_Switch (Config => Config, Output => Context.List_Content'Access, Long_Switch => "--list-access", Help => -("Generate support to list the content names")); GC.Define_Switch (Config => Config, Output => Context.Declare_Var'Access, Long_Switch => "--var-access", Help => -("Declare a variable to give access to each content")); GC.Define_Switch (Config => Config, Output => Context.Var_Prefix'Access, Long_Switch => "--var-prefix=", Argument => "PREFIX", Help => -("Defines the prefix to be used for variable names")); GC.Define_Switch (Config => Config, Output => Context.No_Type_Declaration'Access, Long_Switch => "--no-type-declaration", Help => -("Do not declare any type in the package " & "specification (assume they are inherited)")); GC.Define_Switch (Config => Config, Output => Context.Type_Name'Access, Long_Switch => "--type-name=", Argument => "NAME", Help => -("Define the name of the type used to hold the information")); GC.Define_Switch (Config => Config, Output => Context.Index_Type_Name'Access, Long_Switch => "--index-type-name=", Argument => "NAME", Help => -("Define the name of the index type used for name arrays")); GC.Define_Switch (Config => Config, Output => Context.Function_Name'Access, Long_Switch => "--function-name=", Argument => "NAME", Help => -("Define the name of the function to get the " & "information from a name")); GC.Define_Switch (Config => Config, Output => Context.Member_Content_Name'Access, Long_Switch => "--member-content=", Argument => "NAME", Help => -("Define the name data structure member holding " & "the content")); GC.Define_Switch (Config => Config, Output => Context.Member_Length_Name'Access, Long_Switch => "--member-length=", Argument => "NAME", Help => -("Define the name data structure member holding " & "the length")); GC.Define_Switch (Config => Config, Output => Context.Member_Modtime_Name'Access, Long_Switch => "--member-modtime=", Argument => "NAME", Help => -("Define the name data structure member holding " & "the modification time")); GC.Define_Switch (Config => Config, Output => Context.Member_Format_Name'Access, Long_Switch => "--member-format=", Argument => "NAME", Help => -("Define the name data structure member holding " & "the content format")); Ada_Generator.Setup (Config); GC.Getopt (Config => Config); if Context.Version then Ada.Text_IO.Put_Line (Get_Title); return; end if; if Context.Verbose or else Context.Debug then Are.Configure_Logs (Verbose => Context.Verbose, Debug => Context.Debug); end if; -- Emulate the Define_Switch with the Callback support if Context.Resource_Name /= null and then Context.Resource_Name'Length > 0 then Add_Option ("--resource", Context.Resource_Name.all); end if; if Context.Fileset_Pattern /= null and then Context.Fileset_Pattern'Length > 0 then Add_Option ("--fileset", Context.Fileset_Pattern.all); end if; if Context.Var_Prefix'Length > 0 then Context.Declare_Var := True; end if; -- Read the rule definitions. if Context.Rule_File'Length > 0 then Installer.Read_Package (Context.Rule_File.all, Context); if Context.Status /= 0 then Ada.Command_Line.Set_Exit_Status (Context.Status); return; end if; end if; -- Step #1: collect the files by scanning the directories and files passed as argument. loop declare use Ada.Directories; S : constant String := GC.Get_Argument; begin exit when S'Length = 0; Has_Files := True; if not Ada.Directories.Exists (S) then Context.Error ("path {0} does not exist", S); elsif Ada.Directories.Kind (S) = Ada.Directories.Directory then Installer.Scan_Directory (S, Context); else Context.Error ("path {0} is not a directory", S); end if; end; end loop; if not Has_Files then Usage; return; end if; -- Step #2: apply the package rules to load the files and optionally apply some -- specific transformations on them (such as running a Javascript minifier). Installer.Execute (Context); if Context.Status = 0 then -- Step #3: run the code generator. if Context.Language.all = "c" then C_Generator.Generate (Context.Resources, Context); elsif Context.Language.all = "go" then Go_Generator.Generate (Context.Resources, Context); elsif Context.Language.all = "Ada" or else Context.Language'Length = 0 then Ada_Generator.Generate (Context.Resources, Context); else Context.Error ("language {0} not recognized", Context.Language.all); end if; end if; if not Context.Keep_Temporary then declare Path : constant String := Context.Get_Generation_Path (""); begin if Ada.Directories.Exists (Path) then Ada.Directories.Delete_Tree (Path); end if; end; end if; Ada.Command_Line.Set_Exit_Status (Context.Status); end Main; -- ------------------------------ -- Write a list of lines in the output file. -- ------------------------------ procedure Put_Lines (File : in out Ada.Text_IO.File_Type; Lines : in Util.Strings.Vectors.Vector) is begin for Line of Lines loop Ada.Text_IO.Put_Line (File, Line); end loop; end Put_Lines; end Are.Generator;