-- Steps for decoding a JPEG image -- -- 1. Huffman decompression -- 2. Inverse quantization -- 3. Inverse cosine transform -- 4. Upsampling -- 5. Color transformation -- 6. Image reconstruction -- -- The JPEG decoder is largely inspired -- by the NanoJPEG code by Martin J. Fiedler. -- With the author's permission. Many thanks! -- -- Other informations: -- http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/JPEG -- !! ** Some optimizations to consider ** -- !! ssx, ssy ,ssxmax, ssymax -- as generic parameters + specialized instances -- !! consider only power-of-two upsampling factors ? -- !! simplify upsampling loops in case of power-of-two upsampling factors -- using Shift_Right -- !! Col_IDCT output direct to "flat", or something similar to NanoJPEG with GID.Buffering; with Ada.Text_IO, Ada.Integer_Text_IO, Ada.IO_Exceptions; package body GID.Decoding_JPG is use GID.Buffering; use Ada.Text_IO; generic type Number is mod <>; procedure Big_endian_number ( from : in out Input_buffer; n : out Number ); pragma Inline (Big_endian_number); procedure Big_endian_number ( from : in out Input_buffer; n : out Number ) is b : U8; begin n := 0; for i in 1 .. Number'Size / 8 loop Get_Byte (from, b); n := n * 256 + Number (b); end loop; end Big_endian_number; procedure Big_endian is new Big_endian_number (U16); procedure Read (image : in out Image_descriptor; sh : out Segment_head) is b : U8; id : constant array (JPEG_marker) of U8 := (SOI => 16#D8#, -- SOF_0 => 16#C0#, SOF_1 => 16#C1#, SOF_2 => 16#C2#, SOF_3 => 16#C3#, SOF_5 => 16#C5#, SOF_6 => 16#C6#, SOF_7 => 16#C7#, SOF_8 => 16#C8#, SOF_9 => 16#C9#, SOF_10 => 16#CA#, SOF_11 => 16#CB#, SOF_13 => 16#CD#, SOF_14 => 16#CE#, SOF_15 => 16#CF#, -- DHT => 16#C4#, DAC => 16#CC#, DQT => 16#DB#, DRI => 16#DD#, -- APP_0 => 16#E0#, APP_1 => 16#E1#, APP_2 => 16#E2#, APP_3 => 16#E3#, APP_4 => 16#E4#, APP_5 => 16#E5#, APP_6 => 16#E6#, APP_7 => 16#E7#, APP_8 => 16#E8#, APP_9 => 16#E9#, APP_10 => 16#EA#, APP_11 => 16#EB#, APP_12 => 16#EC#, APP_13 => 16#ED#, APP_14 => 16#EE#, -- COM => 16#FE#, SOS => 16#DA#, EOI => 16#D9# ); begin Get_Byte (image.buffer, b); if b /= 16#FF# then raise error_in_image_data with "JPEG: expected marker here"; end if; Get_Byte (image.buffer, b); for m in id'Range loop if id (m) = b then sh.kind := m; Big_endian (image.buffer, sh.length); sh.length := sh.length - 2; -- We consider length of contents, without the FFxx marker. if some_trace then Put_Line ( "Segment [" & JPEG_marker'Image (sh.kind) & "], length:" & U16'Image (sh.length)); end if; return; end if; end loop; raise error_in_image_data with "JPEG: unknown marker here: FF, " & U8'Image (b); end Read; shift_arg : constant array (0 .. 15) of Integer := (1 => 0, 2 => 1, 4 => 2, 8 => 3, others => -1); -- SOF - Start Of Frame (the real header) procedure Read_SOF (image : in out Image_descriptor; sh : Segment_head) is use Bounded_255; b, bits_pp_primary, id_base : U8; w, h : U16; compo : JPEG_defs.Component; begin case sh.kind is when SOF_0 => image.detailed_format := To_Bounded_String ("JPEG, Baseline DCT (SOF_0)"); when SOF_2 => image.detailed_format := To_Bounded_String ("JPEG, Progressive DCT (SOF_2)"); image.interlaced := True; when others => raise unsupported_image_subformat with "JPEG: image type not yet supported: " & JPEG_marker'Image (sh.kind); end case; Get_Byte (image.buffer, bits_pp_primary); if bits_pp_primary /= 8 then raise unsupported_image_subformat with "JPEG: bits per primary color=" & U8'Image (bits_pp_primary) & " (not supported)"; end if; image.bits_per_pixel := 3 * Positive (bits_pp_primary); Big_endian (image.buffer, h); Big_endian (image.buffer, w); if w = 0 then raise error_in_image_data with "JPEG: zero image width"; end if; if h = 0 then raise error_in_image_data with "JPEG: zero image height"; end if; image.width := Positive_32 (w); image.height := Positive_32 (h); -- Number of components: Get_Byte (image.buffer, b); image.subformat_id := Integer (b); -- image.JPEG_stuff.max_samples_hor := 0; image.JPEG_stuff.max_samples_ver := 0; id_base := 1; -- For each component: 3 bytes information: ID, sampling factors, quantization table number for i in 1 .. image.subformat_id loop -- Component ID (1 = Y, 2 = Cb, 3 = Cr, 4 = I, 5 = Q) Get_Byte (image.buffer, b); if b = 0 then -- Workaround for a bug in some encoders, for instance Intel(R) JPEG Library, -- version [] as in some Photoshop versions : IDs are numbered 0, 1, 2. id_base := 0; end if; if b - id_base > Component'Pos (Component'Last) then raise error_in_image_data with "JPEG: SOF: invalid component ID: " & U8'Image (b); end if; compo := JPEG_defs.Component'Val (b - id_base); image.JPEG_stuff.components (compo) := True; declare stuff : JPEG_stuff_type renames image.JPEG_stuff; info : JPEG_defs.Info_per_component_A renames stuff.info (compo); begin -- Sampling factors (bit 0-3 vert., 4-7 hor.) Get_Byte (image.buffer, b); info.samples_ver := Natural (b mod 16); info.samples_hor := Natural (b / 16); stuff.max_samples_hor := Integer'Max (stuff.max_samples_hor, info.samples_hor); stuff.max_samples_ver := Integer'Max (stuff.max_samples_ver, info.samples_ver); -- Quantization table number Get_Byte (image.buffer, b); info.qt_assoc := Natural (b); end; end loop; for c in Component loop if image.JPEG_stuff.components (c) then declare stuff : JPEG_stuff_type renames image.JPEG_stuff; info : JPEG_defs.Info_per_component_A renames stuff.info (c); begin info.up_factor_x := stuff.max_samples_hor / info.samples_hor; info.up_factor_y := stuff.max_samples_ver / info.samples_ver; info.shift_x := shift_arg (info.up_factor_x); info.shift_y := shift_arg (info.up_factor_y); end; end if; end loop; if Natural (sh.length) < 6 + 3 * image.subformat_id then raise error_in_image_data with "JPEG: SOF segment too short"; end if; if some_trace then Put_Line ("Frame has following components:"); for c in JPEG_defs.Component loop Put_Line ( JPEG_defs.Component'Image (c) & " -> " & Boolean'Image (image.JPEG_stuff.components (c)) ); end loop; end if; if image.JPEG_stuff.components = YCbCr_set then image.JPEG_stuff.color_space := YCbCr; elsif image.JPEG_stuff.components = Y_Grey_set then image.JPEG_stuff.color_space := Y_Grey; image.greyscale := True; elsif image.JPEG_stuff.components = CMYK_set then image.JPEG_stuff.color_space := CMYK; else raise unsupported_image_subformat with "JPEG: only YCbCr, Y_Grey and CMYK color spaces are currently supported"; end if; image.detailed_format := image.detailed_format & ", " & JPEG_defs.Supported_color_space'Image (image.JPEG_stuff.color_space); if some_trace then Put_Line ( "Color space: " & JPEG_defs.Supported_color_space'Image (image.JPEG_stuff.color_space) ); end if; if image.JPEG_stuff.color_space = CMYK then raise unsupported_image_subformat with "JPEG: CMYK color space is currently not properly decoded"; end if; end Read_SOF; procedure Read_DHT (image : in out Image_descriptor; data_length : Natural) is remaining : Integer_M32 := Integer_M32 (data_length); -- data remaining in segment b : U8; ht_idx : Natural; kind : AC_DC; counts : array (1 .. 16) of Integer_M32; idx : Natural; currcnt, spread, remain_vlc : Integer_M32; begin multi_tables : loop Get_Byte (image.buffer, b); remaining := remaining - 1; if b >= 8 then kind := AC; else kind := DC; end if; ht_idx := Natural (b and 7); if some_trace then Put_Line ( "Huffman Table (HT) #" & Natural'Image (ht_idx) & ", " & AC_DC'Image (kind) ); end if; if image.JPEG_stuff.vlc_defs (kind, ht_idx) = null then image.JPEG_stuff.vlc_defs (kind, ht_idx) := new VLC_table; end if; for i in counts'Range loop Get_Byte (image.buffer, b); remaining := remaining - 1; counts (i) := Integer_M32 (b); end loop; remain_vlc := 65_536; spread := 65_536; idx := 0; for codelen in counts'Range loop spread := spread / 2; currcnt := counts (codelen); if currcnt > 0 then if remaining < currcnt then raise error_in_image_data with "JPEG: DHT data too short"; end if; remain_vlc := remain_vlc - currcnt * spread; if remain_vlc < 0 then raise error_in_image_data with "JPEG: DHT table too short for data"; end if; for i in reverse 1 .. currcnt loop Get_Byte (image.buffer, b); for j in reverse 1 .. spread loop image.JPEG_stuff.vlc_defs (kind, ht_idx)(idx) := (bits => U8 (codelen), code => b); idx := idx + 1; end loop; end loop; remaining := remaining - currcnt; end if; end loop; while remain_vlc > 0 loop remain_vlc := remain_vlc - 1; image.JPEG_stuff.vlc_defs (kind, ht_idx)(idx).bits := 0; idx := idx + 1; end loop; exit multi_tables when remaining <= 0; end loop multi_tables; end Read_DHT; procedure Read_DQT (image : in out Image_descriptor; data_length : Natural) is remaining : Integer := data_length; -- data remaining in segment b, q8 : U8; q16 : U16; qt_idx : Natural; high_prec : Boolean; begin multi_tables : loop Get_Byte (image.buffer, b); remaining := remaining - 1; high_prec := b >= 8; qt_idx := Natural (b and 7); if some_trace then Put_Line ("Quantization Table (QT) #" & U8'Image (b)); end if; for i in QT'Range loop if high_prec then Big_endian (image.buffer, q16); remaining := remaining - 2; image.JPEG_stuff.qt_list (qt_idx)(i) := Natural (q16); else Get_Byte (image.buffer, q8); remaining := remaining - 1; image.JPEG_stuff.qt_list (qt_idx)(i) := Natural (q8); end if; end loop; exit multi_tables when remaining <= 0; end loop multi_tables; end Read_DQT; procedure Read_DRI (image : in out Image_descriptor) is ri : U16; begin Big_endian (image.buffer, ri); if some_trace then Put_Line (" Restart interval set to:" & U16'Image (ri)); end if; image.JPEG_stuff.restart_interval := Natural (ri); end Read_DRI; procedure Read_EXIF (image : in out Image_descriptor; data_length : Natural) is b, orientation_value : U8; x, ifd0_entries : Natural; Exif_signature : constant String := "Exif" & ASCII.NUL & ASCII.NUL; signature : String (1 .. 6); IFD_tag : U16; endianness : Character; -- 'M' (Motorola) or 'I' (Intel): EXIF chunks may have different endiannesses, -- even though the whole JPEG format has a fixed endianness! begin if some_trace then Put_Line ("APP1"); end if; if data_length < 6 then -- Skip segment data for i in 1 .. data_length loop Get_Byte (image.buffer, b); end loop; else for i in 1 .. 6 loop Get_Byte (image.buffer, b); signature (i) := Character'Val (b); end loop; if signature /= Exif_signature then for i in 7 .. data_length loop -- Skip remaining of APP1 data Get_Byte (image.buffer, b); -- since we don't know how to use it. end loop; if some_trace then Put_Line ("APP1 is not Exif"); end if; return; end if; Get_Byte (image.buffer, b); -- TIFF 6.0 header (1st of 8 bytes) endianness := Character'Val (b); if some_trace then Put_Line ("APP1 is Exif; endianness is " & endianness); end if; for i in 8 .. 14 loop -- TIFF 6.0 header (2-8 of 8 bytes) Get_Byte (image.buffer, b); end loop; -- Number of IFD0 entries (2 bytes) ifd0_entries := 0; Get_Byte (image.buffer, b); ifd0_entries := Natural (b); Get_Byte (image.buffer, b); if endianness = 'I' then ifd0_entries := ifd0_entries + 16#100# * Natural (b); else ifd0_entries := Natural (b) + 16#100# * ifd0_entries; end if; if some_trace then Put_Line ("EXIF's IFD0 has" & Natural'Image (ifd0_entries) & " entries."); end if; x := 17; while x <= data_length - 12 loop Get_Byte (image.buffer, b); IFD_tag := U16 (b); Get_Byte (image.buffer, b); if endianness = 'I' then IFD_tag := IFD_tag + 16#100# * U16 (b); else IFD_tag := U16 (b) + 16#100# * IFD_tag; end if; if some_trace then Put ("IFD tag:"); Ada.Integer_Text_IO.Put (Natural (IFD_tag), Base => 16); New_Line; end if; for i in 3 .. 8 loop Get_Byte (image.buffer, b); end loop; if endianness = 'I' then Get_Byte (image.buffer, orientation_value); for i in 10 .. 12 loop Get_Byte (image.buffer, b); end loop; else Get_Byte (image.buffer, b); Get_Byte (image.buffer, orientation_value); Get_Byte (image.buffer, b); Get_Byte (image.buffer, b); end if; x := x + 12; if IFD_tag = 16#112# then case orientation_value is when 1 => image.display_orientation := Unchanged; when 8 => image.display_orientation := Rotation_90; when 3 => image.display_orientation := Rotation_180; when 6 => image.display_orientation := Rotation_270; when others => image.display_orientation := Unchanged; end case; if some_trace then Put_Line ( "IFD tag 0112: Orientation set to: " & Orientation'Image (image.display_orientation) ); end if; exit; end if; end loop; -- Skip rest of data for i in x .. data_length loop Get_Byte (image.buffer, b); end loop; end if; end Read_EXIF; -------------------- -- Image decoding -- -------------------- procedure Load (image : in out Image_descriptor) is -- -- Bit buffer -- buf : U32 := 0; bufbits : Natural := 0; function Show_bits (bits : Natural) return Natural is newbyte, marker : U8; begin if bits = 0 then return 0; end if; while bufbits < bits loop begin Get_Byte (image.buffer, newbyte); bufbits := bufbits + 8; buf := buf * 256 + U32 (newbyte); if newbyte = 16#FF# then Get_Byte (image.buffer, marker); case marker is when 0 => null; when 16#D8# => -- SOI here ? null; -- 2015-04-26: occured in one (of many) picture -- taken by an Olympus VG120,D705. See test/img/bcase_1.jpg when 16#D9# => -- EOI here ? null; -- !! signal end when 16#D0# .. 16#D7# => bufbits := bufbits + 8; buf := buf * 256 + U32 (marker); when others => raise error_in_image_data with "JPEG: Invalid code (bit buffer): " & U8'Image (marker); end case; end if; exception when Ada.IO_Exceptions.End_Error => newbyte := 16#FF#; bufbits := bufbits + 8; buf := buf * 256 + U32 (newbyte); end; end loop; return Natural ( Shift_Right (buf, bufbits - bits) and (Shift_Left (1, bits) - 1) ); end Show_bits; procedure Skip_bits (bits : Natural) is pragma Inline (Skip_bits); dummy : Integer; pragma Unreferenced (dummy); begin if bufbits < bits then dummy := Show_bits (bits); end if; bufbits := bufbits - bits; end Skip_bits; function Get_bits (bits : Natural) return Integer is pragma Inline (Get_bits); res : constant Integer := Show_bits (bits); begin Skip_bits (bits); return res; end Get_bits; -- type Info_per_component_B is record ht_idx_AC : Natural; ht_idx_DC : Natural; width, height, stride : Natural; dcpred : Integer := 0; end record; info_A : Component_info_A renames image.JPEG_stuff.info; info_B : array (Component) of Info_per_component_B; procedure Get_VLC ( vlc : VLC_table; code : out U8; value_ret : out Integer ) is -- Step 1 happens here: Huffman decompression value : Integer := Show_bits (16); bits : Natural := Natural (vlc (value).bits); begin if bits = 0 then raise error_in_image_data with "JPEG: VLC table: bits = 0"; end if; Skip_bits (bits); value := Integer (vlc (value).code); code := U8 (value); bits := Natural (U32 (value) and 15); value_ret := 0; if bits /= 0 then value := Get_bits (bits); if value < Integer (Shift_Left (U32'(1), bits - 1)) then value := value + 1 - Integer (Shift_Left (U32'(1), bits)); end if; value_ret := value; end if; end Get_VLC; function Clip (x : Integer) return Integer is pragma Inline (Clip); begin if x < 0 then return 0; elsif x > 255 then return 255; else return x; end if; end Clip; type Block_8x8 is array (0 .. 63) of Integer; -- Ordering within a 8x8 block, in zig-zag zig_zag : constant Block_8x8 := (0, 1, 8, 16, 9, 2, 3, 10, 17, 24, 32, 25, 18, 11, 4, 5, 12, 19, 26, 33, 40, 48, 41, 34, 27, 20, 13, 6, 7, 14, 21, 28, 35, 42, 49, 56, 57, 50, 43, 36, 29, 22, 15, 23, 30, 37, 44, 51, 58, 59, 52, 45, 38, 31, 39, 46, 53, 60, 61, 54, 47, 55, 62, 63); procedure Decode_Block (c : Component; block : in out Block_8x8) is value, coef : Integer; code : U8; qt_local : JPEG_defs.QT renames image.JPEG_stuff.qt_list (info_A (c).qt_assoc); -- W1 : constant := 2841; W2 : constant := 2676; W3 : constant := 2408; W5 : constant := 1609; W6 : constant := 1108; W7 : constant := 565; -- procedure Row_IDCT (start : Integer) is pragma Inline (Row_IDCT); x0, x1, x2, x3, x4, x5, x6, x7, x8, val : Integer; begin x1 := block (start + 4) * 2**11; x2 := block (start + 6); x3 := block (start + 2); x4 := block (start + 1); x5 := block (start + 7); x6 := block (start + 5); x7 := block (start + 3); if x1 = 0 and x2 = 0 and x3 = 0 and x4 = 0 and x5 = 0 and x6 = 0 and x7 = 0 then val := block (start + 0) * 8; block (start + 0 .. start + 7) := (others => val); else x0 := (block (start + 0) * 2**11) + 128; x8 := W7 * (x4 + x5); x4 := x8 + (W1 - W7) * x4; x5 := x8 - (W1 + W7) * x5; x8 := W3 * (x6 + x7); x6 := x8 - (W3 - W5) * x6; x7 := x8 - (W3 + W5) * x7; x8 := x0 + x1; x0 := x0 - x1; x1 := W6 * (x3 + x2); x2 := x1 - (W2 + W6) * x2; x3 := x1 + (W2 - W6) * x3; x1 := x4 + x6; x4 := x4 - x6; x6 := x5 + x7; x5 := x5 - x7; x7 := x8 + x3; x8 := x8 - x3; x3 := x0 + x2; x0 := x0 - x2; x2 := (181 * (x4 + x5) + 128) / 256; x4 := (181 * (x4 - x5) + 128) / 256; block (start + 0) := (x7 + x1) / 256; block (start + 1) := (x3 + x2) / 256; block (start + 2) := (x0 + x4) / 256; block (start + 3) := (x8 + x6) / 256; block (start + 4) := (x8 - x6) / 256; block (start + 5) := (x0 - x4) / 256; block (start + 6) := (x3 - x2) / 256; block (start + 7) := (x7 - x1) / 256; end if; end Row_IDCT; procedure Col_IDCT (start : Integer) is pragma Inline (Col_IDCT); x0, x1, x2, x3, x4, x5, x6, x7, x8, val : Integer; begin x1 := block (start + 8 * 4) * 256; x2 := block (start + 8 * 6); x3 := block (start + 8 * 2); x4 := block (start + 8 * 1); x5 := block (start + 8 * 7); x6 := block (start + 8 * 5); x7 := block (start + 8 * 3); if x1 = 0 and x2 = 0 and x3 = 0 and x4 = 0 and x5 = 0 and x6 = 0 and x7 = 0 then val := Clip (((block (start) + 32) / 2**6) + 128); for row in reverse 0 .. 7 loop block (start + row * 8) := val; end loop; else x0 := (block (start) * 256) + 8192; x8 := W7 * (x4 + x5) + 4; x4 := (x8 + (W1 - W7) * x4) / 8; x5 := (x8 - (W1 + W7) * x5) / 8; x8 := W3 * (x6 + x7) + 4; x6 := (x8 - (W3 - W5) * x6) / 8; x7 := (x8 - (W3 + W5) * x7) / 8; x8 := x0 + x1; x0 := x0 - x1; x1 := W6 * (x3 + x2) + 4; x2 := (x1 - (W2 + W6) * x2) / 8; x3 := (x1 + (W2 - W6) * x3) / 8; x1 := x4 + x6; x4 := x4 - x6; x6 := x5 + x7; x5 := x5 - x7; x7 := x8 + x3; x8 := x8 - x3; x3 := x0 + x2; x0 := x0 - x2; x2 := (181 * (x4 + x5) + 128) / 256; x4 := (181 * (x4 - x5) + 128) / 256; block (start + 8 * 0) := Clip (((x7 + x1) / 2**14) + 128); block (start + 8 * 1) := Clip (((x3 + x2) / 2**14) + 128); block (start + 8 * 2) := Clip (((x0 + x4) / 2**14) + 128); block (start + 8 * 3) := Clip (((x8 + x6) / 2**14) + 128); block (start + 8 * 4) := Clip (((x8 - x6) / 2**14) + 128); block (start + 8 * 5) := Clip (((x0 - x4) / 2**14) + 128); block (start + 8 * 6) := Clip (((x3 - x2) / 2**14) + 128); block (start + 8 * 7) := Clip (((x7 - x1) / 2**14) + 128); end if; end Col_IDCT; begin -- Decode_Block -- -- Step 2 happens here: Inverse quantization Get_VLC (image.JPEG_stuff.vlc_defs (DC, info_B (c).ht_idx_DC).all, code, value); -- First value in block (0: top left) uses a predictor. info_B (c).dcpred := info_B (c).dcpred + value; block := (0 => info_B (c).dcpred * qt_local (0), others => 0); coef := 0; loop Get_VLC (image.JPEG_stuff.vlc_defs (AC, info_B (c).ht_idx_AC).all, code, value); exit when code = 0; -- EOB if (code and 16#0F#) = 0 and code /= 16#F0# then raise error_in_image_data with "JPEG: error in VLC AC code for de-quantization"; end if; coef := coef + Integer (Shift_Right (code, 4)) + 1; if coef > 63 then raise error_in_image_data with "JPEG: coefficient for de-quantization is > 63"; end if; block (zig_zag (coef)) := value * qt_local (coef); exit when coef = 63; end loop; -- Step 3 happens here: Inverse cosine transform for row in 0 .. 7 loop Row_IDCT (row * 8); end loop; for column in 0 .. 7 loop Col_IDCT (column); end loop; end Decode_Block; type Macro_block is array ( Component range <>, -- component Positive range <>, -- x sample range Positive range <> -- y sample range ) of Block_8x8; procedure Out_Pixel_8 (br, bg, bb : U8) is pragma Inline (Out_Pixel_8); function Times_257 (x : Primary_color_range) return Primary_color_range is pragma Inline (Times_257); begin return 16 * (16 * x) + x; -- this is 257 * x, = 16#0101# * x -- Numbers 8-bit -> no OA warning at instanciation. Returns x if type Primary_color_range is mod 2**8. end Times_257; full_opaque : constant Primary_color_range := Primary_color_range'Last; begin case Primary_color_range'Modulus is when 256 => Put_Pixel ( Primary_color_range (br), Primary_color_range (bg), Primary_color_range (bb), full_opaque ); when 65_536 => Put_Pixel ( Times_257 (Primary_color_range (br)), Times_257 (Primary_color_range (bg)), Times_257 (Primary_color_range (bb)), full_opaque -- Times_257 makes max intensity FF go to FFFF ); when others => raise invalid_primary_color_range with "JPEG: color range not supported"; end case; end Out_Pixel_8; -- !! might be generic parameters ssxmax : constant Natural := image.JPEG_stuff.max_samples_hor; ssymax : constant Natural := image.JPEG_stuff.max_samples_ver; procedure Upsampling_and_output ( m : Macro_block; x0, y0 : Natural ) is flat : array (Component, 0 .. 8 * ssxmax - 1, 0 .. 8 * ssymax - 1) of Integer; generic color_space : Supported_color_space; procedure Color_transformation_and_output; -- procedure Color_transformation_and_output is y_val, cb_val, cr_val, c_val, m_val, w_val : Integer; y_val_8 : U8; begin for ymb in flat'Range (3) loop exit when y0 + ymb >= Integer (image.height); Set_X_Y (x0, Integer (image.height) - 1 - (y0 + ymb)); for xmb in flat'Range (2) loop exit when x0 + xmb >= Integer (image.width); case color_space is when YCbCr => y_val := flat (Y, xmb, ymb) * 256; cb_val := flat (Cb, xmb, ymb) - 128; cr_val := flat (Cr, xmb, ymb) - 128; Out_Pixel_8 ( br => U8 (Clip ((y_val + 359 * cr_val + 128) / 256)), bg => U8 (Clip ((y_val - 88 * cb_val - 183 * cr_val + 128) / 256)), bb => U8 (Clip ((y_val + 454 * cb_val + 128) / 256)) ); when Y_Grey => y_val_8 := U8 (flat (Y, xmb, ymb)); Out_Pixel_8 (y_val_8, y_val_8, y_val_8); when CMYK => -- !! find a working conversion formula. -- perhaps it is more complicated (APP_2 -- color profile must be used ?) c_val := flat (Y, xmb, ymb); m_val := flat (Cb, xmb, ymb); y_val := flat (Cr, xmb, ymb); w_val := flat (I, xmb, ymb) - 255; Out_Pixel_8 ( br => U8 (255 - Clip (c_val + w_val)), bg => U8 (255 - Clip (m_val + w_val)), bb => U8 (255 - Clip (y_val + w_val)) ); end case; end loop; end loop; end Color_transformation_and_output; -- procedure Ct_YCbCr is new Color_transformation_and_output (YCbCr); procedure Ct_Y_Grey is new Color_transformation_and_output (Y_Grey); procedure Ct_CMYK is new Color_transformation_and_output (CMYK); blk_idx : Integer; upsx, upsy : Natural; begin -- Step 4 happens here: Upsampling for c in Component loop if image.JPEG_stuff.components (c) then upsx := info_A (c).up_factor_x; upsy := info_A (c).up_factor_y; for x in reverse 1 .. info_A (c).samples_hor loop for y in reverse 1 .. info_A (c).samples_ver loop -- We are at the 8x8 block level blk_idx := 63; for y8 in reverse 0 .. 7 loop for x8 in reverse 0 .. 7 loop declare val : constant Integer := m (c, x, y)(blk_idx); big_pixel_x : constant Natural := upsx * (x8 + 8 * (x - 1)); big_pixel_y : constant Natural := upsy * (y8 + 8 * (y - 1)); begin -- Repeat pixels for component c, sample (x,y), -- position (x8,y8). for rx in reverse 0 .. upsx - 1 loop for ry in reverse 0 .. upsy - 1 loop flat (c, rx + big_pixel_x, ry + big_pixel_y) := val; end loop; end loop; end; blk_idx := blk_idx - 1; end loop; end loop; end loop; end loop; end if; end loop; -- Step 5 and 6 happen here: Color transformation and output case image.JPEG_stuff.color_space is when YCbCr => Ct_YCbCr; when Y_Grey => Ct_Y_Grey; when CMYK => Ct_CMYK; end case; end Upsampling_and_output; -- Start Of Scan (and image data which follow) -- procedure Read_SOS is components, b, id_base : U8; compo : Component := Component'First; mbx, mby : Natural := 0; mbsizex, mbsizey, mbwidth, mbheight : Natural; rstcount : Natural := image.JPEG_stuff.restart_interval; nextrst : U16 := 0; w : U16; start_spectral_selection, end_spectral_selection, successive_approximation : U8; begin Get_Byte (image.buffer, components); if some_trace then Put_Line ( "Start of Scan (SOS), with" & U8'Image (components) & " components" ); end if; if image.subformat_id /= Natural (components) then raise error_in_image_data with "JPEG: components mismatch in Scan segment"; end if; id_base := 1; for i in 1 .. components loop Get_Byte (image.buffer, b); if b = 0 then -- Workaround for bugged encoder (see above) id_base := 0; end if; if b - id_base > Component'Pos (Component'Last) then raise error_in_image_data with "JPEG: Scan: invalid ID: " & U8'Image (b); end if; compo := Component'Val (b - id_base); if not image.JPEG_stuff.components (compo) then raise error_in_image_data with "JPEG: component " & Component'Image (compo) & " has not been defined in the header (SOF) segment"; end if; -- Huffman table selection Get_Byte (image.buffer, b); info_B (compo).ht_idx_AC := Natural (b mod 16); info_B (compo).ht_idx_DC := Natural (b / 16); end loop; -- Parameters for progressive display format (SOF_2) Get_Byte (image.buffer, start_spectral_selection); Get_Byte (image.buffer, end_spectral_selection); Get_Byte (image.buffer, successive_approximation); -- -- End of SOS segment, image data follow. -- mbsizex := ssxmax * 8; -- pixels in a row of a macro-block mbsizey := ssymax * 8; -- pixels in a column of a macro-block mbwidth := (Integer (image.width) + mbsizex - 1) / mbsizex; -- width in macro-blocks mbheight := (Integer (image.height) + mbsizey - 1) / mbsizey; -- height in macro-blocks if some_trace then Put_Line (" mbsizex = " & Integer'Image (mbsizex)); Put_Line (" mbsizey = " & Integer'Image (mbsizey)); Put_Line (" mbwidth = " & Integer'Image (mbwidth)); Put_Line (" mbheight = " & Integer'Image (mbheight)); end if; for c in Component loop if image.JPEG_stuff.components (c) then info_B (c).width := (Integer (image.width) * info_A (c).samples_hor + ssxmax - 1) / ssxmax; info_B (c).height := (Integer (image.height) * info_A (c).samples_ver + ssymax - 1) / ssymax; info_B (c).stride := (mbwidth * mbsizex * info_A (c).samples_hor) / ssxmax; if some_trace then Put_Line (" Details for component " & Component'Image (c)); Put_Line (" samples in x " & Integer'Image (info_A (c).samples_hor)); Put_Line (" samples in y " & Integer'Image (info_A (c).samples_ver)); Put_Line (" width " & Integer'Image (info_B (c).width)); Put_Line (" height " & Integer'Image (info_B (c).height)); Put_Line (" stride " & Integer'Image (info_B (c).stride)); Put_Line ( " AC/DC table index " & Integer'Image (info_B (compo).ht_idx_AC) & ", " & Integer'Image (info_B (compo).ht_idx_DC) ); end if; if (info_B (c).width < 3 and info_A (c).samples_hor /= ssxmax) or (info_B (c).height < 3 and info_A (c).samples_ver /= ssymax) then raise error_in_image_data with "JPEG: component " & Component'Image (c) & ": sample dimension mismatch"; end if; end if; end loop; -- if image.interlaced then raise unsupported_image_subformat with "JPEG: progressive format not yet functional"; end if; declare mb : Macro_block (Component, 1 .. ssxmax, 1 .. ssymax); x0, y0 : Integer := 0; begin macro_blocks_loop : loop components_loop : for c in Component loop if image.JPEG_stuff.components (c) then samples_y_loop : for sby in 1 .. info_A (c).samples_ver loop samples_x_loop : for sbx in 1 .. info_A (c).samples_hor loop Decode_Block (c, mb (c, sbx, sby)); end loop samples_x_loop; end loop samples_y_loop; end if; end loop components_loop; -- All components of the current macro-block are decoded. -- Step 4, 5, 6 happen here: Upsampling, color transformation, output Upsampling_and_output (mb, x0, y0); -- mbx := mbx + 1; x0 := x0 + ssxmax * 8; if mbx >= mbwidth then mbx := 0; x0 := 0; mby := mby + 1; y0 := y0 + ssymax * 8; Feedback ((100 * mby) / mbheight); exit macro_blocks_loop when mby >= mbheight; end if; if image.JPEG_stuff.restart_interval > 0 then rstcount := rstcount - 1; if rstcount = 0 then -- Here begins the restart. bufbits := Natural (U32 (bufbits) and 16#F8#); -- byte alignment -- Now the restart marker. We expect a w := U16 (Get_bits (16)); if some_trace then Put_Line ( " Restart #" & U16'Image (nextrst) & " Code " & U16'Image (w) & " after" & Natural'Image (image.JPEG_stuff.restart_interval) & " macro blocks" ); end if; if w not in 16#FFD0# .. 16#FFD7# or (w and 7) /= nextrst then raise error_in_image_data with "JPEG: expected RST (restart) marker Nb " & U16'Image (nextrst); end if; nextrst := (nextrst + 1) and 7; rstcount := image.JPEG_stuff.restart_interval; -- Block-to-block predictor variables are reset. for c in Component loop info_B (c).dcpred := 0; end loop; end if; end if; end loop macro_blocks_loop; end; end Read_SOS; -- sh : Segment_head; b : U8; begin -- Load loop Read (image, sh); case sh.kind is when DQT => -- Quantization Table Read_DQT (image, Natural (sh.length)); when DHT => -- Huffman Table Read_DHT (image, Natural (sh.length)); when DRI => -- Restart Interval Read_DRI (image); when EOI => -- End Of Input exit; when SOS => -- Start Of Scan Read_SOS; exit; when others => -- Skip segment data for i in 1 .. sh.length loop Get_Byte (image.buffer, b); end loop; end case; end loop; end Load; end GID.Decoding_JPG;