----------------------------------------------------------------------- -- util-dates-iso8601 -- ISO8601 dates -- Copyright (C) 2011, 2013, 2015, 2016, 2017, 2018, 2020, 2022 Stephane Carrez -- Written by Stephane Carrez (Stephane.Carrez@gmail.com) -- -- Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); -- you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. -- You may obtain a copy of the License at -- -- http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 -- -- Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software -- distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, -- WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. -- See the License for the specific language governing permissions and -- limitations under the License. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- package body Util.Dates.ISO8601 is -- ------------------------------ -- Parses an ISO8601 date and return it as a calendar time. -- Raises Constraint_Error if the date format is not recognized. -- ------------------------------ function Value (Date : in String) return Ada.Calendar.Time is use Ada.Calendar; use Ada.Calendar.Formatting; use Ada.Calendar.Time_Zones; Result : Date_Record; Pos : Natural; begin if Date'Length < 4 then raise Constraint_Error with "Invalid date"; end if; Result.Hour := 0; Result.Minute := 0; Result.Second := 0; Result.Sub_Second := 0.0; Result.Time_Zone := 0; Result.Year := Year_Number'Value (Date (Date'First .. Date'First + 3)); if Date'Length = 4 then -- ISO8601 date: YYYY Result.Month := 1; Result.Month_Day := 1; elsif Date'Length = 7 and then Date (Date'First + 4) = '-' then -- ISO8601 date: YYYY-MM Result.Month := Month_Number'Value (Date (Date'First + 5 .. Date'Last)); Result.Month_Day := 1; elsif Date'Length = 8 then -- ISO8601 date: YYYYMMDD Result.Month := Month_Number'Value (Date (Date'First + 4 .. Date'First + 5)); Result.Month_Day := Day_Number'Value (Date (Date'First + 6 .. Date'First + 7)); elsif Date'Length >= 9 and then Date (Date'First + 4) = '-' and then Date (Date'First + 7) = '-' then -- ISO8601 date: YYYY-MM-DD Result.Month := Month_Number'Value (Date (Date'First + 5 .. Date'First + 6)); Result.Month_Day := Day_Number'Value (Date (Date'First + 8 .. Date'First + 9)); -- ISO8601 date: YYYY-MM-DDTHH if Date'Length > 12 then if Date (Date'First + 10) /= 'T' then raise Constraint_Error with "invalid date"; end if; Result.Hour := Hour_Number'Value (Date (Date'First + 11 .. Date'First + 12)); Pos := Date'First + 13; end if; if Date'Length > 15 then if Date (Date'First + 13) /= ':' then raise Constraint_Error with "invalid date"; end if; Result.Minute := Minute_Number'Value (Date (Date'First + 14 .. Date'First + 15)); Pos := Date'First + 16; end if; if Date'Length >= 17 then if Date (Date'First + 16) /= ':' or else Date'Length <= 18 then raise Constraint_Error with "invalid date"; end if; Result.Second := Second_Number'Value (Date (Date'First + 17 .. Date'First + 18)); Pos := Date'First + 19; if Pos <= Date'Last then if Date (Pos) = '.' or else Date (Pos) = ',' then if Date'Length < 22 then raise Constraint_Error with "invalid date"; end if; declare Value : constant Natural := Natural'Value (Date (Pos + 1 .. Pos + 3)); begin Result.Sub_Second := Second_Duration (Duration (Value) / 1000.0); end; Pos := Pos + 4; end if; if Pos <= Date'Last then -- ISO8601 timezone: Z -- ISO8601 timezone: +hh or -hh -- ISO8601 timezone: +hhmm or -hhmm -- ISO8601 timezone: +hh:mm or -hh:mm if Date (Pos) = 'Z' then if Pos /= Date'Last then raise Constraint_Error with "invalid date"; end if; elsif Date (Pos) /= '-' and then Date (Pos) /= '+' then raise Constraint_Error with "invalid date"; elsif Pos + 2 = Date'Last then Result.Time_Zone := 60 * Time_Offset'Value (Date (Pos + 1 .. Date'Last)); elsif Pos + 4 = Date'Last then Result.Time_Zone := 60 * Time_Offset'Value (Date (Pos + 1 .. Pos + 2)) + Time_Offset'Value (Date (Pos + 3 .. Date'Last)); elsif Pos + 5 = Date'Last and then Date (Pos + 3) = ':' then Result.Time_Zone := 60 * Time_Offset'Value (Date (Pos + 1 .. Pos + 2)) + Time_Offset'Value (Date (Pos + 4 .. Date'Last)); else raise Constraint_Error with "invalid date"; end if; end if; end if; end if; else raise Constraint_Error with "invalid date"; end if; return Time_Of (Result); end Value; -- ------------------------------ -- Return the ISO8601 date. -- ------------------------------ function Image (Date : in Ada.Calendar.Time) return String is D : Date_Record; begin Split (D, Date); return Image (D); end Image; function Image (Date : in Date_Record) return String is To_Char : constant array (0 .. 9) of Character := "0123456789"; Result : String (1 .. 10) := "0000-00-00"; begin Result (1) := To_Char (Date.Year / 1000); Result (2) := To_Char (Date.Year / 100 mod 10); Result (3) := To_Char (Date.Year / 10 mod 10); Result (4) := To_Char (Date.Year mod 10); Result (6) := To_Char (Date.Month / 10); Result (7) := To_Char (Date.Month mod 10); Result (9) := To_Char (Date.Month_Day / 10); Result (10) := To_Char (Date.Month_Day mod 10); return Result; end Image; function Image (Date : in Ada.Calendar.Time; Precision : in Precision_Type) return String is D : Date_Record; begin Split (D, Date); return Image (D, Precision); end Image; function Image (Date : in Date_Record; Precision : in Precision_Type) return String is use type Ada.Calendar.Time_Zones.Time_Offset; To_Char : constant array (0 .. 9) of Character := "0123456789"; Result : String (1 .. 29) := "0000-00-00T00:00:00.000-00:00"; N, Tz : Natural; begin Result (1) := To_Char (Date.Year / 1000); Result (2) := To_Char (Date.Year / 100 mod 10); Result (3) := To_Char (Date.Year / 10 mod 10); Result (4) := To_Char (Date.Year mod 10); if Precision = YEAR then return Result (1 .. 4); end if; Result (6) := To_Char (Date.Month / 10); Result (7) := To_Char (Date.Month mod 10); if Precision = MONTH then return Result (1 .. 7); end if; Result (9) := To_Char (Date.Month_Day / 10); Result (10) := To_Char (Date.Month_Day mod 10); if Precision = DAY then return Result (1 .. 10); end if; Result (12) := To_Char (Date.Hour / 10); Result (13) := To_Char (Date.Hour mod 10); if Precision = HOUR then return Result (1 .. 13); end if; Result (15) := To_Char (Date.Minute / 10); Result (16) := To_Char (Date.Minute mod 10); if Precision = MINUTE then return Result (1 .. 16); end if; Result (18) := To_Char (Date.Second / 10); Result (19) := To_Char (Date.Second mod 10); if Precision = SECOND then return Result (1 .. 19); end if; N := Natural (Date.Sub_Second * 1000.0); Result (21) := To_Char (N / 100); Result (22) := To_Char ((N mod 100) / 10); Result (23) := To_Char (N mod 10); if Date.Time_Zone < 0 then Tz := Natural (-Date.Time_Zone); else Result (24) := '+'; Tz := Natural (Date.Time_Zone); end if; Result (25) := To_Char (Tz / 600); Result (26) := To_Char ((Tz / 60) mod 10); Tz := Tz mod 60; Result (28) := To_Char (Tz / 10); Result (29) := To_Char (Tz mod 10); return Result; end Image; end Util.Dates.ISO8601;