------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- Language Server Protocol -- -- -- -- Copyright (C) 2021-2022, AdaCore -- -- -- -- This is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under -- -- terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Soft- -- -- ware Foundation; either version 3, or (at your option) any later ver- -- -- sion. This software is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, -- -- but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHAN- -- -- TABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public -- -- License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU -- -- General Public License distributed with this software; see file -- -- COPYING3. If not, go to http://www.gnu.org/licenses for a complete copy -- -- of the license. -- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ with Ada.Strings.UTF_Encoding; with Libadalang.Analysis; use Libadalang.Analysis; with Laltools.Common; use Laltools.Common; with Laltools.Refactor.Suppress_Separate; use Laltools.Refactor.Suppress_Separate; with LSP.Common; with LSP.Messages; with LSP.Messages.Client_Requests; with LSP.Lal_Utils; with VSS.Strings.Conversions; package body LSP.Ada_Handlers.Refactor_Suppress_Seperate is ------------------------ -- Append_Code_Action -- ------------------------ procedure Append_Code_Action (Self : in out Command; Context : Context_Access; Commands_Vector : in out LSP.Messages.CodeAction_Vector; Target_Separate : Basic_Decl) is Pointer : LSP.Commands.Command_Pointer; Code_Action : LSP.Messages.CodeAction; Subp_Name : constant Libadalang.Analysis.Name := Target_Separate.P_Defining_Name.F_Name; Where : constant LSP.Messages.Location := LSP.Lal_Utils.Get_Node_Location (Subp_Name); Action_Title : constant VSS.Strings.Virtual_String := VSS.Strings.To_Virtual_String ("Suppress separate subprogram " & Subp_Name.Text); begin Self.Initialize (Context => Context.all, Where => ((uri => Where.uri), Where.span.first)); Pointer.Set (Self); Code_Action := (title => Action_Title, kind => (Is_Set => True, Value => LSP.Messages.RefactorRewrite), diagnostics => (Is_Set => False), edit => (Is_Set => False), isPreferred => (Is_Set => False), disabled => (Is_Set => False), command => (Is_Set => True, Value => (Is_Unknown => False, title => <>, Custom => Pointer))); Commands_Vector.Append (Code_Action); end Append_Code_Action; ------------ -- Create -- ------------ overriding function Create (JS : not null access LSP.JSON_Streams.JSON_Stream'Class) return Command is begin return V : Command do pragma Assert (JS.R.Is_Start_Object); JS.R.Read_Next; while not JS.R.Is_End_Object loop pragma Assert (JS.R.Is_Key_Name); declare Key : constant Ada.Strings.UTF_Encoding.UTF_8_String := VSS.Strings.Conversions.To_UTF_8_String (JS.R.Key_Name); begin JS.R.Read_Next; if Key = "context" then LSP.Types.Read_String (JS, V.Context); elsif Key = "where" then LSP.Messages.TextDocumentPositionParams'Read (JS, V.Where); else JS.Skip_Value; end if; end; end loop; JS.R.Read_Next; end return; end Create; ------------- -- Execute -- ------------- overriding procedure Execute (Self : Command; Handler : not null access LSP.Server_Notification_Receivers. Server_Notification_Receiver'Class; Client : not null access LSP.Client_Message_Receivers. Client_Message_Receiver'Class; Error : in out LSP.Errors.Optional_ResponseError) is use Laltools.Refactor; use LSP.Messages; use LSP.Types; use VSS.Strings.Conversions; Message_Handler : LSP.Ada_Handlers.Message_Handler renames LSP.Ada_Handlers.Message_Handler (Handler.all); Context : LSP.Ada_Contexts.Context renames Message_Handler.Contexts.Get (Self.Context).all; Document : constant LSP.Ada_Documents.Document_Access := Message_Handler.Get_Open_Document (Self.Where.textDocument.uri); Apply : Client_Requests.Workspace_Apply_Edit_Request; Workspace_Edits : WorkspaceEdit renames Apply.params.edit; Label : Optional_Virtual_String renames Apply.params.label; Node : constant Ada_Node := Document.Get_Node_At (Context, Self.Where.position); Target_Separate : constant Basic_Decl := Get_Node_As_Name (Node).Parent.Parent.Parent.As_Basic_Decl; Suppressor : Separate_Suppressor; Edits : Refactoring_Edits; function Analysis_Units return Analysis_Unit_Array is (Context.Analysis_Units); -- Provides the Context Analysis_Unit_Array to the Mode_Changer begin if Target_Separate.Is_Null then Error := (Is_Set => True, Value => (code => LSP.Errors.InvalidRequest, message => VSS.Strings.To_Virtual_String ("Failed to execute the Suppress Separate refactoring. " & "The target subprogram could not be resolved precisely."), data => <>)); return; end if; Suppressor := Create (Target_Separate); Edits := Suppressor.Refactor (Analysis_Units'Access); if Edits = No_Refactoring_Edits then Error := (Is_Set => True, Value => (code => LSP.Errors.UnknownErrorCode, message => VSS.Strings.Conversions.To_Virtual_String ("Failed to execute the Suppress Separate refactoring."), data => <>)); else Workspace_Edits := LSP.Lal_Utils.To_Workspace_Edit (Edits => Edits, Resource_Operations => Message_Handler.Resource_Operations, Versioned_Documents => Message_Handler.Versioned_Documents, Document_Provider => Message_Handler'Access, Rename => True); Label := (Is_Set => True, Value => To_Virtual_String (Command'External_Tag)); Client.On_Workspace_Apply_Edit_Request (Apply); end if; exception when E : others => LSP.Common.Log (Message_Handler.Trace, E); Error := (Is_Set => True, Value => (code => LSP.Errors.UnknownErrorCode, message => VSS.Strings.Conversions.To_Virtual_String ("Failed to execute the Suppress Separate refactoring."), data => <>)); end Execute; ---------------- -- Initialize -- ---------------- procedure Initialize (Self : in out Command'Class; Context : LSP.Ada_Contexts.Context; Where : LSP.Messages.TextDocumentPositionParams) is begin Self.Context := Context.Id; Self.Where := Where; end Initialize; ------------------- -- Write_Command -- ------------------- procedure Write_Command (S : access Ada.Streams.Root_Stream_Type'Class; C : Command) is JS : LSP.JSON_Streams.JSON_Stream'Class renames LSP.JSON_Streams.JSON_Stream'Class (S.all); begin JS.Start_Object; JS.Key ("context"); LSP.Types.Write_String (S, C.Context); JS.Key ("where"); LSP.Messages.TextDocumentPositionParams'Write (S, C.Where); JS.End_Object; end Write_Command; end LSP.Ada_Handlers.Refactor_Suppress_Seperate;