------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- Language Server Protocol -- -- -- -- Copyright (C) 2018-2022, AdaCore -- -- -- -- This is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under -- -- terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Soft- -- -- ware Foundation; either version 3, or (at your option) any later ver- -- -- sion. This software is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, -- -- but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHAN- -- -- TABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public -- -- License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU -- -- General Public License distributed with this software; see file -- -- COPYING3. If not, go to http://www.gnu.org/licenses for a complete copy -- -- of the license. -- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- -- This is driver to run LSP server for Ada language. with Ada.Characters.Latin_1; with Ada.Text_IO; with Ada.Exceptions; use Ada.Exceptions; with GNAT.Command_Line; use GNAT.Command_Line; with GNAT.Traceback.Symbolic; use GNAT.Traceback.Symbolic; with GNAT.OS_Lib; with GNAT.Strings; pragma Warnings (Off, "is an internal GNAT unit"); with System.Soft_Links; with System.Secondary_Stack; with VSS.Application; with VSS.Standard_Paths; with VSS.Strings.Conversions; with GNATCOLL.Memory; use GNATCOLL.Memory; with GNATCOLL.Traces; use GNATCOLL.Traces; with GNATCOLL.VFS; use GNATCOLL.VFS; with LSP.Ada_Handlers; with LSP.Ada_Handlers.Named_Parameters_Commands; with LSP.Ada_Handlers.Other_File_Commands; with LSP.Ada_Handlers.Refactor_Imports_Commands; with LSP.Ada_Handlers.Refactor_Add_Parameter; with LSP.Ada_Handlers.Refactor_Remove_Parameter; with LSP.Ada_Handlers.Refactor_Move_Parameter; with LSP.Ada_Handlers.Refactor_Change_Parameter_Mode; with LSP.Ada_Handlers.Refactor_Change_Parameters_Type; with LSP.Ada_Handlers.Refactor_Change_Parameters_Default_Value; with LSP.Ada_Handlers.Refactor_Suppress_Seperate; with LSP.Ada_Handlers.Refactor_Extract_Subprogram; with LSP.Ada_Handlers.Refactor_Introduce_Parameter; with LSP.Ada_Handlers.Refactor_Pull_Up_Declaration; with LSP.Commands; with LSP.Error_Decorators; with LSP.Fuzz_Decorators; with LSP.GPR_Handlers; with LSP.Memory_Statistics; with LSP.Predefined_Completion; with LSP.Servers; with LSP.Stdio_Streams; -------------------- -- LSP.Ada_Driver -- -------------------- procedure LSP.Ada_Driver is procedure On_Uncaught_Exception (E : Exception_Occurrence); -- Reset LAL contexts in Message_Handler after catching some exception. procedure Register_Commands; -- Register all known commands procedure Die_On_Uncaught (E : Exception_Occurrence); -- Quit the process when an uncaught exception reaches this. Used for -- fuzzing. Server_Trace : constant Trace_Handle := Create ("ALS.MAIN", From_Config); -- Main trace for the LSP. In_Trace : constant Trace_Handle := Create ("ALS.IN", Off); Out_Trace : constant Trace_Handle := Create ("ALS.OUT", Off); -- Traces that logs all input & output. For debugging purposes. Server : aliased LSP.Servers.Server; Stream : aliased LSP.Stdio_Streams.Stdio_Stream; Ada_Handler : aliased LSP.Ada_Handlers.Message_Handler (Server'Access, Server_Trace); GPR_Handler : aliased LSP.GPR_Handlers.Message_Handler; Error_Decorator : aliased LSP.Error_Decorators.Error_Decorator (Server_Trace, Ada_Handler'Unchecked_Access, On_Uncaught_Exception'Unrestricted_Access); -- This decorator catches all Property_Error exceptions and provides -- default responses for each request. It also reset Libadalang Context -- on any other exception. --------------------------- -- On_Uncaught_Exception -- --------------------------- procedure On_Uncaught_Exception (E : Exception_Occurrence) is begin Trace (Server_Trace, "EXCEPTION: " & Exception_Name (E) & Ada.Characters.Latin_1.LF & Symbolic_Traceback (E)); Ada_Handler.Handle_Error; end On_Uncaught_Exception; --------------------- -- Die_On_Uncaught -- --------------------- procedure Die_On_Uncaught (E : Exception_Occurrence) is begin Trace (Server_Trace, "EXCEPTION: " & Exception_Name (E) & Ada.Characters.Latin_1.LF & Symbolic_Traceback (E)); -- An exception occurred while fuzzing: make it fatal. GNAT.OS_Lib.OS_Exit (42); end Die_On_Uncaught; ----------------------- -- Register_Commands -- ----------------------- procedure Register_Commands is begin LSP.Commands.Register (LSP.Ada_Handlers.Other_File_Commands.Command'Tag); LSP.Commands.Register (LSP.Ada_Handlers.Named_Parameters_Commands.Command'Tag); LSP.Commands.Register (LSP.Ada_Handlers.Refactor_Imports_Commands.Command'Tag); LSP.Commands.Register (LSP.Ada_Handlers.Refactor_Suppress_Seperate.Command'Tag); LSP.Commands.Register (LSP.Ada_Handlers.Refactor_Extract_Subprogram.Command'Tag); LSP.Commands.Register (LSP.Ada_Handlers.Refactor_Introduce_Parameter.Command'Tag); LSP.Commands.Register (LSP.Ada_Handlers.Refactor_Pull_Up_Declaration.Command'Tag); -- Refactoring - Change Subprogram Signature Commands LSP.Commands.Register (LSP.Ada_Handlers.Refactor_Add_Parameter.Command'Tag); LSP.Commands.Register (LSP.Ada_Handlers.Refactor_Remove_Parameter.Command'Tag); LSP.Commands.Register (LSP.Ada_Handlers.Refactor_Move_Parameter.Command'Tag); LSP.Commands.Register (LSP.Ada_Handlers.Refactor_Change_Parameter_Mode.Command'Tag); LSP.Commands.Register (LSP.Ada_Handlers.Refactor_Change_Parameters_Type.Command'Tag); LSP.Commands.Register (LSP.Ada_Handlers.Refactor_Change_Parameters_Default_Value. Command'Tag); end Register_Commands; use GNAT.Strings; Cmdline : Command_Line_Configuration; Fuzzing_Activated : constant Boolean := not VSS.Application.System_Environment.Value ("ALS_FUZZING").Is_Empty; ALS_Home : constant VSS.Strings.Virtual_String := VSS.Application.System_Environment.Value ("ALS_HOME"); GPR_Path : constant VSS.Strings.Virtual_String := VSS.Application.System_Environment.Value ("GPR_PROJECT_PATH"); Path : constant VSS.Strings.Virtual_String := VSS.Application.System_Environment.Value ("PATH"); Home_Dir : constant Virtual_File := Create_From_UTF8 (VSS.Strings.Conversions.To_UTF_8_String ((if ALS_Home.Is_Empty then VSS.Standard_Paths.Writable_Location (VSS.Standard_Paths.Home_Location) else ALS_Home))); ALS_Dir : constant Virtual_File := Home_Dir / ".als"; Clean_ALS_Dir : Boolean := False; GNATdebug : constant Virtual_File := Create_From_Base (".gnatdebug"); Tracefile_Name : aliased String_Access; Config_File : Virtual_File; Help_Arg : aliased Boolean := False; Version_Arg : aliased Boolean := False; Language_GPR_Arg : aliased Boolean := False; Memory_Monitor_Enabled : Boolean; begin -- Handle the command line Set_Usage (Cmdline, Help => "Command line interface for the Ada Language Server"); Define_Switch (Cmdline, Output => Tracefile_Name'Access, Long_Switch => "--tracefile=", Help => "Full path to a file containing traces configuration"); Define_Switch (Cmdline, Output => Language_GPR_Arg'Access, Long_Switch => "--language-gpr", Help => "Handle GPR language instead of Ada"); Define_Switch (Cmdline, Output => Version_Arg'Access, Long_Switch => "--version", Help => "Display the program version"); Define_Switch (Cmdline, Output => Help_Arg'Access, Long_Switch => "--help", Help => "Display this help"); begin Getopt (Cmdline); exception when GNAT.Command_Line.Exit_From_Command_Line => Free (Cmdline); GNAT.OS_Lib.OS_Exit (0); end; Free (Cmdline); if Version_Arg then Ada.Text_IO.Put_Line ("ALS version: " & $VERSION); GNAT.OS_Lib.OS_Exit (0); end if; -- Look for a traces file, in this order: -- - passed on the command line via --tracefile, -- - in a .gnatdebug file locally -- - in "traces.cfg" in the ALS home directory if Tracefile_Name /= null and then Tracefile_Name.all /= "" then Config_File := Create (+Tracefile_Name.all); if not Config_File.Is_Regular_File then Ada.Text_IO.Put_Line ("Could not find the specified traces file"); GNAT.OS_Lib.OS_Exit (1); end if; Parse_Config_File (Config_File); elsif GNATdebug.Is_Regular_File then Parse_Config_File (GNATdebug); elsif ALS_Dir.Is_Directory then Clean_ALS_Dir := True; -- Search for custom traces config in traces.cfg Parse_Config_File (+Virtual_File'(ALS_Dir / "traces.cfg").Full_Name); -- Set log file Set_Default_Stream (">" & (+Virtual_File'(ALS_Dir / "als").Full_Name) & ".$T.$$.log:buffer_size=0"); end if; if Tracefile_Name /= null then Free (Tracefile_Name); end if; Server_Trace.Trace ("ALS version: " & $VERSION); Server_Trace.Trace ("Initializing server ..."); Server_Trace.Trace ("GPR PATH: " & VSS.Strings.Conversions.To_UTF_8_String (GPR_Path)); Server_Trace.Trace ("PATH: " & VSS.Strings.Conversions.To_UTF_8_String (Path)); -- Start monitoring the memory if the memory monitor trace is active Memory_Monitor_Enabled := Create ("DEBUG.ADA_MEMORY").Is_Active; if Memory_Monitor_Enabled then GNATCOLL.Memory.Configure (Activate_Monitor => True); end if; if not Language_GPR_Arg then -- Load predefined completion items LSP.Predefined_Completion.Load_Predefined_Completion_Db (Server_Trace); Register_Commands; end if; Server.Initialize (Stream'Unchecked_Access); begin if Language_GPR_Arg then Server.Run (GPR_Handler'Unchecked_Access, GPR_Handler'Unchecked_Access, Server => null, On_Error => On_Uncaught_Exception'Unrestricted_Access, Server_Trace => Server_Trace, In_Trace => In_Trace, Out_Trace => Out_Trace); elsif Fuzzing_Activated then -- Fuzzing mode means registering the fuzzing decorators and -- registering Die_On_Uncaught as error handler. declare Fuzz_Requests : aliased LSP.Fuzz_Decorators.Fuzz_Request_Decorator (Server_Trace, Error_Decorator'Unchecked_Access, Die_On_Uncaught'Unrestricted_Access); Fuzz_Notifications : aliased LSP.Fuzz_Decorators.Fuzz_Notification_Decorator (Server_Trace, Ada_Handler'Unchecked_Access, Ada_Handler'Unchecked_Access); begin Server.Run (Fuzz_Requests'Unchecked_Access, Fuzz_Notifications'Unchecked_Access, Server => Ada_Handler'Unchecked_Access, On_Error => Die_On_Uncaught'Unrestricted_Access, Server_Trace => Server_Trace, In_Trace => In_Trace, Out_Trace => Out_Trace); end; else Server.Run (Error_Decorator'Unchecked_Access, Ada_Handler'Unchecked_Access, Server => Ada_Handler'Unchecked_Access, On_Error => On_Uncaught_Exception'Unrestricted_Access, Server_Trace => Server_Trace, In_Trace => In_Trace, Out_Trace => Out_Trace); end if; exception when E : others => Server_Trace.Trace ("FATAL - Unexpected exception in the main thread: " & Exception_Name (E) & " - " & Exception_Message (E)); Server_Trace.Trace (Symbolic_Traceback (E)); end; Server_Trace.Trace ("Shutting server down ..."); -- Dump the memory statistics if the memory monitor trace is active if Memory_Monitor_Enabled then declare Memory_Stats : constant String := LSP.Memory_Statistics.Dump_Memory_Statistics (3); begin Server_Trace.Trace (Memory_Stats); end; end if; Ada_Handler.Stop_File_Monitoring; Server.Finalize; if Clean_ALS_Dir then Ada_Handler.Clean_Logs (ALS_Dir); end if; Ada_Handler.Cleanup; -- Clean secondary stack up declare Stack : System.Secondary_Stack.SS_Stack_Ptr := System.Soft_Links.Get_Sec_Stack.all; begin System.Secondary_Stack.SS_Free (Stack); System.Soft_Links.Set_Sec_Stack (Stack); end; end LSP.Ada_Driver;