----------------------------------------------------------------------- -- util-serialize-io-csv -- CSV Serialization Driver -- Copyright (C) 2011, 2015, 2016, 2017, 2021, 2022 Stephane Carrez -- Written by Stephane Carrez (Stephane.Carrez@gmail.com) -- -- Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); -- you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. -- You may obtain a copy of the License at -- -- http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 -- -- Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software -- distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, -- WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. -- See the License for the specific language governing permissions and -- limitations under the License. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- with Ada.Strings.Unbounded; with Ada.Characters.Latin_1; with Ada.IO_Exceptions; with Ada.Containers; with Util.Strings; with Util.Dates.ISO8601; package body Util.Serialize.IO.CSV is -- ------------------------------ -- Set the field separator. The default field separator is the comma (','). -- ------------------------------ procedure Set_Field_Separator (Stream : in out Output_Stream; Separator : in Character) is begin Stream.Separator := Separator; end Set_Field_Separator; -- ------------------------------ -- Enable or disable the double quotes by default for strings. -- ------------------------------ procedure Set_Quotes (Stream : in out Output_Stream; Enable : in Boolean) is begin Stream.Quote := Enable; end Set_Quotes; -- ------------------------------ -- Write the value as a CSV cell. Special characters are escaped using the CSV -- escape rules. -- ------------------------------ procedure Write_Cell (Stream : in out Output_Stream; Value : in String) is begin if Stream.Column > 1 then Stream.Write (Stream.Separator); end if; Stream.Column := Stream.Column + 1; if Stream.Quote then Stream.Write ('"'); end if; for I in Value'Range loop if Value (I) = '"' then Stream.Write (""""""); else Stream.Write (Value (I)); end if; end loop; if Stream.Quote then Stream.Write ('"'); end if; end Write_Cell; procedure Write_Cell (Stream : in out Output_Stream; Value : in Integer) is begin if Stream.Column > 1 then Stream.Write (Stream.Separator); end if; Stream.Column := Stream.Column + 1; Stream.Write (Util.Strings.Image (Value)); end Write_Cell; procedure Write_Cell (Stream : in out Output_Stream; Value : in Boolean) is begin if Stream.Column > 1 then Stream.Write (Stream.Separator); end if; Stream.Column := Stream.Column + 1; if Value then Stream.Write ("true"); else Stream.Write ("false"); end if; end Write_Cell; procedure Write_Cell (Stream : in out Output_Stream; Value : in Util.Beans.Objects.Object) is use Util.Beans.Objects; begin case Util.Beans.Objects.Get_Type (Value) is when TYPE_NULL => if Stream.Column > 1 then Stream.Write (Stream.Separator); end if; Stream.Column := Stream.Column + 1; if Stream.Quote then Stream.Write ("""null"""); else Stream.Write ("null"); end if; when TYPE_BOOLEAN => if Stream.Column > 1 then Stream.Write (Stream.Separator); end if; Stream.Column := Stream.Column + 1; if Util.Beans.Objects.To_Boolean (Value) then Stream.Write ("true"); else Stream.Write ("false"); end if; when TYPE_INTEGER => if Stream.Column > 1 then Stream.Write (Stream.Separator); end if; Stream.Column := Stream.Column + 1; -- Stream.Write ('"'); Stream.Write (Util.Beans.Objects.To_Long_Long_Integer (Value)); -- Stream.Write ('"'); when others => Stream.Write_Cell (Util.Beans.Objects.To_String (Value)); end case; end Write_Cell; -- ------------------------------ -- Start a new row. -- ------------------------------ procedure New_Row (Stream : in out Output_Stream) is begin while Stream.Column < Stream.Max_Columns loop Stream.Write (Stream.Separator); Stream.Column := Stream.Column + 1; end loop; Stream.Write (ASCII.CR); Stream.Write (ASCII.LF); Stream.Column := 1; Stream.Row := Stream.Row + 1; end New_Row; -- ----------------------- -- Write the attribute name/value pair. -- ----------------------- overriding procedure Write_Attribute (Stream : in out Output_Stream; Name : in String; Value : in String) is pragma Unreferenced (Name); begin Stream.Write_Cell (Value); end Write_Attribute; overriding procedure Write_Wide_Attribute (Stream : in out Output_Stream; Name : in String; Value : in Wide_Wide_String) is begin null; end Write_Wide_Attribute; overriding procedure Write_Attribute (Stream : in out Output_Stream; Name : in String; Value : in Integer) is pragma Unreferenced (Name); begin Stream.Write_Cell (Value); end Write_Attribute; overriding procedure Write_Attribute (Stream : in out Output_Stream; Name : in String; Value : in Boolean) is pragma Unreferenced (Name); begin Stream.Write_Cell (Value); end Write_Attribute; overriding procedure Write_Attribute (Stream : in out Output_Stream; Name : in String; Value : in Util.Beans.Objects.Object) is pragma Unreferenced (Name); begin Stream.Write_Cell (Value); end Write_Attribute; overriding procedure Write_Entity (Stream : in out Output_Stream; Name : in String; Value : in Util.Beans.Objects.Object) is pragma Unreferenced (Name); begin Stream.Write_Cell (Value); end Write_Entity; -- ----------------------- -- Write the entity value. -- ----------------------- overriding procedure Write_Entity (Stream : in out Output_Stream; Name : in String; Value : in String) is pragma Unreferenced (Name); begin Stream.Write_Cell (Value); end Write_Entity; overriding procedure Write_Wide_Entity (Stream : in out Output_Stream; Name : in String; Value : in Wide_Wide_String) is begin null; end Write_Wide_Entity; overriding procedure Write_Entity (Stream : in out Output_Stream; Name : in String; Value : in Boolean) is pragma Unreferenced (Name); begin Stream.Write_Cell (Value); end Write_Entity; overriding procedure Write_Entity (Stream : in out Output_Stream; Name : in String; Value : in Integer) is pragma Unreferenced (Name); begin Stream.Write_Cell (Value); end Write_Entity; overriding procedure Write_Entity (Stream : in out Output_Stream; Name : in String; Value : in Ada.Calendar.Time) is begin Stream.Write_Entity (Name, Util.Dates.ISO8601.Image (Value, Util.Dates.ISO8601.SUBSECOND)); end Write_Entity; overriding procedure Write_Long_Entity (Stream : in out Output_Stream; Name : in String; Value : in Long_Long_Integer) is begin Stream.Write_Entity (Name, Long_Long_Integer'Image (Value)); end Write_Long_Entity; overriding procedure Write_Long_Entity (Stream : in out Output_Stream; Name : in String; Value : in Long_Long_Float) is begin Stream.Write_Entity (Name, Long_Long_Float'Image (Value)); end Write_Long_Entity; overriding procedure Write_Enum_Entity (Stream : in out Output_Stream; Name : in String; Value : in String) is begin Stream.Write_Entity (Name, Value); end Write_Enum_Entity; -- ------------------------------ -- Write the attribute with a null value. -- ------------------------------ overriding procedure Write_Null_Attribute (Stream : in out Output_Stream; Name : in String) is begin Stream.Write_Entity (Name, ""); end Write_Null_Attribute; -- ------------------------------ -- Write an entity with a null value. -- ------------------------------ overriding procedure Write_Null_Entity (Stream : in out Output_Stream; Name : in String) is begin Stream.Write_Null_Attribute (Name); end Write_Null_Entity; -- ------------------------------ -- Get the header name for the given column. -- If there was no header line, build a default header for the column. -- ------------------------------ function Get_Header_Name (Handler : in Parser; Column : in Column_Type) return String is use type Ada.Containers.Count_Type; Default_Header : constant String := "ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ"; Result : String (1 .. 10); N, R : Natural; Pos : Positive := Result'Last; begin if Handler.Headers.Length >= Ada.Containers.Count_Type (Column) then return Handler.Headers.Element (Positive (Column)); end if; N := Natural (Column - 1); loop R := N mod 26; N := N / 26; Result (Pos) := Default_Header (R + 1); exit when N = 0; Pos := Pos - 1; end loop; return Result (Pos .. Result'Last); end Get_Header_Name; -- ------------------------------ -- Set the cell value at the given row and column. -- The default implementation finds the column header name and -- invokes Write_Entity with the header name and the value. -- ------------------------------ procedure Set_Cell (Handler : in out Parser; Value : in String; Row : in Row_Type; Column : in Column_Type) is use Ada.Containers; begin if Row = 0 then -- Build the headers table. declare Missing : constant Integer := Integer (Column) - Integer (Handler.Headers.Length); begin if Missing > 0 then Handler.Headers.Set_Length (Handler.Headers.Length + Count_Type (Missing)); end if; Handler.Headers.Replace_Element (Positive (Column), Value); end; else declare Name : constant String := Handler.Get_Header_Name (Column); begin -- Detect a new row. Close the current object and start a new one. if Handler.Row /= Row then if Row > 1 then Handler.Sink.Finish_Object ("", Handler); else Handler.Sink.Start_Array ("", Handler); end if; Handler.Sink.Start_Object ("", Handler); end if; Handler.Row := Row; Handler.Sink.Set_Member (Name, Util.Beans.Objects.To_Object (Value), Handler); end; end if; end Set_Cell; -- ------------------------------ -- Set the field separator. The default field separator is the comma (','). -- ------------------------------ procedure Set_Field_Separator (Handler : in out Parser; Separator : in Character) is begin Handler.Separator := Separator; end Set_Field_Separator; -- ------------------------------ -- Get the field separator. -- ------------------------------ function Get_Field_Separator (Handler : in Parser) return Character is begin return Handler.Separator; end Get_Field_Separator; -- ------------------------------ -- Set the comment separator. When a comment separator is defined, a line which starts -- with the comment separator will be ignored. The row number will not be incremented. -- ------------------------------ procedure Set_Comment_Separator (Handler : in out Parser; Separator : in Character) is begin Handler.Comment := Separator; end Set_Comment_Separator; -- ------------------------------ -- Get the comment separator. Returns ASCII.NUL if comments are not supported. -- ------------------------------ function Get_Comment_Separator (Handler : in Parser) return Character is begin return Handler.Comment; end Get_Comment_Separator; -- ------------------------------ -- Setup the CSV parser and mapper to use the default column header names. -- When activated, the first row is assumed to contain the first item to de-serialize. -- ------------------------------ procedure Set_Default_Headers (Handler : in out Parser; Mode : in Boolean := True) is begin Handler.Use_Default_Headers := Mode; end Set_Default_Headers; -- ------------------------------ -- Parse the stream using the CSV parser. -- Call Set_Cell for each cell that has been parsed indicating the row and -- column numbers as well as the cell value. -- ------------------------------ overriding procedure Parse (Handler : in out Parser; Stream : in out Util.Streams.Buffered.Input_Buffer_Stream'Class; Sink : in out Reader'Class) is use Ada.Strings.Unbounded; C : Character; Token : Unbounded_String; Column : Column_Type := 1; Row : Row_Type := 0; In_Quote_Token : Boolean := False; In_Escape : Boolean := False; Ignore_Row : Boolean := False; begin if Handler.Use_Default_Headers then Row := 1; end if; Handler.Headers.Clear; Handler.Sink := Sink'Unchecked_Access; loop Stream.Read (Char => C); if C = Ada.Characters.Latin_1.CR or else C = Ada.Characters.Latin_1.LF then if C = Ada.Characters.Latin_1.LF then Handler.Line_Number := Handler.Line_Number + 1; end if; if not Ignore_Row then if In_Quote_Token and then not In_Escape then Append (Token, C); elsif Column > 1 or else Length (Token) > 0 then Parser'Class (Handler).Set_Cell (To_String (Token), Row, Column); Set_Unbounded_String (Token, ""); Row := Row + 1; Column := 1; In_Quote_Token := False; In_Escape := False; end if; else Ignore_Row := False; end if; elsif C = Handler.Separator and then not Ignore_Row then if In_Quote_Token and then not In_Escape then Append (Token, C); else Parser'Class (Handler).Set_Cell (To_String (Token), Row, Column); Set_Unbounded_String (Token, ""); Column := Column + 1; In_Quote_Token := False; In_Escape := False; end if; elsif C = '"' and then not Ignore_Row then if In_Quote_Token then In_Escape := True; elsif In_Escape then Append (Token, C); In_Escape := False; elsif Ada.Strings.Unbounded.Length (Token) = 0 then In_Quote_Token := True; else Append (Token, C); end if; elsif C = Handler.Comment and then Handler.Comment /= ASCII.NUL and then Column = 1 and then Length (Token) = 0 then Ignore_Row := True; elsif not Ignore_Row then Append (Token, C); In_Escape := False; end if; end loop; exception when Ada.IO_Exceptions.Data_Error => Parser'Class (Handler).Set_Cell (To_String (Token), Row, Column); Handler.Sink := null; return; end Parse; -- ------------------------------ -- Get the current location (file and line) to report an error message. -- ------------------------------ overriding function Get_Location (Handler : in Parser) return String is begin return Util.Strings.Image (Handler.Line_Number); end Get_Location; end Util.Serialize.IO.CSV;