----------------------------------------------------------------------- -- util-files-rolling -- Rolling file manager -- Copyright (C) 2022 Stephane Carrez -- Written by Stephane Carrez (Stephane.Carrez@gmail.com) -- -- Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); -- you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. -- You may obtain a copy of the License at -- -- http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 -- -- Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software -- distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, -- WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. -- See the License for the specific language governing permissions and -- limitations under the License. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- with GNAT.Regpat; with Util.Dates.Simple_Format; package body Util.Files.Rolling is use type Ada.Calendar.Time; use type Ada.Directories.File_Size; -- ------------------------------ -- Format the file pattern with the date and index to produce a file path. -- ------------------------------ function Format (Pattern : in String; Date : in Ada.Calendar.Time; Index : in Natural) return String is Pos : Natural := Pattern'First; Result : Unbounded_String; Info : Util.Dates.Date_Record; First : Natural; begin Util.Dates.Split (Info, Date); while Pos <= Pattern'Last loop if Pattern (Pos) /= '%' or else Pos = Pattern'Last then Ada.Strings.Unbounded.Append (Result, Pattern (Pos)); Pos := Pos + 1; elsif Pattern (Pos + 1) = 'i' then Ada.Strings.Unbounded.Append (Result, Util.Strings.Image (Index)); Pos := Pos + 2; elsif Pos + 3 < Pattern'Last and then Pattern (Pos + 1) = 'd' and then Pattern (Pos + 2) = '{' then Pos := Pos + 3; First := Pos; while Pos <= Pattern'Last and Pattern (Pos) /= '}' loop Pos := Pos + 1; end loop; Append (Result, Util.Dates.Simple_Format (Pattern (First .. Pos - 1), Date)); Pos := Pos + 1; else Ada.Strings.Unbounded.Append (Result, Pattern (Pos)); Pos := Pos + 1; end if; end loop; return To_String (Result); end Format; -- ------------------------------ -- Initialize the file manager to roll the file referred by `Path` by using -- the pattern defined in `Pattern`. -- ------------------------------ procedure Initialize (Manager : in out File_Manager; Path : in String; Pattern : in String; Policy : in Policy_Type; Strategy : in Strategy_Type) is begin Manager.Deadline := Ada.Calendar.Clock; Manager.File_Path := To_Unbounded_String (Path); Manager.Pattern := To_Unbounded_String (Pattern); Manager.Cur_Index := 0; Manager.Policy := Policy.Kind; case Policy.Kind is when Size_Policy | Size_Time_Policy | Time_Policy => Manager.Max_Size := Policy.Size; Manager.Interval := Policy.Interval; when others => null; end case; Manager.Strategy := Strategy.Kind; case Strategy.Kind is when Ascending_Strategy | Descending_Strategy => Manager.Min_Index := Strategy.Min_Index; Manager.Max_Index := Strategy.Max_Index; Manager.Max_Files := Manager.Max_Index - Manager.Min_Index; when Direct_Strategy => Manager.Max_Files := Strategy.Max_Files; end case; Manager.Rollover; end Initialize; -- ------------------------------ -- Get the current path (it may or may not exist). -- ------------------------------ function Get_Current_Path (Manager : in File_Manager) return String is begin return To_String (Manager.File_Path); end Get_Current_Path; -- ------------------------------ -- Check if a rollover is necessary based on the rolling strategy. -- ------------------------------ function Is_Rollover_Necessary (Manager : in out File_Manager) return Boolean is Now : Ada.Calendar.Time; begin if Manager.Policy = No_Policy then return False; end if; if Manager.Policy = Time_Policy then Now := Ada.Calendar.Clock; if Now < Manager.Deadline then return False; end if; -- Continue checking if the path has changed. end if; declare Current : constant String := To_String (Manager.File_Path); Exists : constant Boolean := Ada.Directories.Exists (Current); begin if not Exists and Manager.Policy = Size_Policy then return False; end if; if Exists and then Manager.Policy in Size_Policy | Size_Time_Policy and then Ada.Directories.Size (Current) >= Manager.Max_Size then return True; end if; if Manager.Policy = Size_Policy then return False; end if; -- Time_Policy or Size_Time_Policy Now := Ada.Calendar.Clock; if Now < Manager.Deadline then return False; end if; -- Check if the file pattern was changed due to the date. declare Pat : constant String := To_String (Manager.Pattern); Path : constant String := Format (Pattern => Pat, Date => Now, Index => Manager.Cur_Index); begin -- Get a new deadline to check for time change. Manager.Deadline := Now + Duration (Manager.Interval); return Path /= Manager.Last_Path; end; exception when Ada.Directories.Name_Error => -- Even if we check for file existence, an exception could -- be raised if the file is moved/deleted. return False; end; end Is_Rollover_Necessary; -- ------------------------------ -- Perform a rollover according to the strategy that was configured. -- ------------------------------ procedure Rollover (Manager : in out File_Manager) is begin case (Manager.Strategy) is when Ascending_Strategy => Manager.Rollover_Ascending; when Descending_Strategy => Manager.Rollover_Descending; when Direct_Strategy => Manager.Rollover_Direct; end case; end Rollover; procedure Rollover_Ascending (Manager : in out File_Manager) is Now : constant Ada.Calendar.Time := Ada.Calendar.Clock; Old : constant String := Manager.Get_Current_Path; Path : constant String := Format (Pattern => To_String (Manager.Pattern), Date => Now, Index => Manager.Cur_Index); Dir : constant String := Ada.Directories.Containing_Directory (Path); Names : Util.Strings.Vectors.Vector; First : Natural := 0; Last : Natural := 0; begin if Ada.Directories.Exists (Dir) then Manager.Eligible_Files (Dir, Now, Names, First, Last); while Natural (Names.Length) > Manager.Max_Files loop begin Ada.Directories.Delete_File (Compose (Dir, Names.First_Element)); exception when Ada.Directories.Name_Error => null; end; Names.Delete_First; end loop; end if; Manager.Cur_Index := Last + 1; -- Too many files, rename old ones. if Manager.Cur_Index > Manager.Max_Index then Manager.Cur_Index := Manager.Max_Index - Natural (Names.Length); for Name of Names loop Manager.Rename (Compose (Dir, Name)); Manager.Cur_Index := Manager.Cur_Index + 1; end loop; end if; Manager.Rename (Old); end Rollover_Ascending; procedure Rename (Manager : in out File_Manager; Old : in String) is Path : constant String := Format (Pattern => To_String (Manager.Pattern), Date => Manager.Deadline, Index => Manager.Cur_Index); Dir : constant String := Ada.Directories.Containing_Directory (Path); begin if Ada.Directories.Exists (Old) then if not Ada.Directories.Exists (Dir) then Ada.Directories.Create_Path (Dir); end if; Util.Files.Rename (Old_Name => Old, New_Name => Path); Manager.Last_Path := To_Unbounded_String (Path); end if; end Rename; procedure Rollover_Descending (Manager : in out File_Manager) is Now : constant Ada.Calendar.Time := Ada.Calendar.Clock; Old : constant String := Manager.Get_Current_Path; Path : constant String := Format (Pattern => To_String (Manager.Pattern), Date => Now, Index => Manager.Cur_Index); Dir : constant String := Ada.Directories.Containing_Directory (Path); Names : Util.Strings.Vectors.Vector; First : Natural := 0; Last : Natural := 0; begin if Ada.Directories.Exists (Dir) then Manager.Eligible_Files (Dir, Now, Names, First, Last); while Natural (Names.Length) > Manager.Max_Files loop begin Ada.Directories.Delete_File (Compose (Dir, Names.Last_Element)); exception when Ada.Directories.Name_Error => null; end; Names.Delete_Last; end loop; end if; Manager.Cur_Index := First; if not Names.Is_Empty then Manager.Cur_Index := Manager.Min_Index + Natural (Names.Length); for Name of reverse Names loop Manager.Rename (Compose (Dir, Name)); Manager.Cur_Index := Manager.Cur_Index - 1; end loop; end if; Manager.Rename (Old); end Rollover_Descending; procedure Rollover_Direct (Manager : in out File_Manager) is begin null; end Rollover_Direct; -- ------------------------------ -- Get the regex pattern to identify a file that must be purged. -- The default is to extract the file pattern part of the file manager pattern. -- ------------------------------ function Get_Purge_Pattern (Manager : in File_Manager; Date : in Ada.Calendar.Time) return String is Full_Pat : constant String := To_String (Manager.Pattern); Name_Pat : constant String := Ada.Directories.Simple_Name (Full_Pat); Pos : Natural := Name_Pat'First; Result : Unbounded_String; Found : Boolean := False; First : Natural; begin while Pos <= Name_Pat'Last loop if Name_Pat (Pos) = '%' and then Pos + 1 <= Name_Pat'Last and then Name_Pat (Pos + 1) = 'i' then if not Found then Append (Result, "([0-9]+)"); Found := True; else Append (Result, "[0-9]+"); end if; Pos := Pos + 2; elsif Pos + 3 < Name_Pat'Last and then Name_Pat (Pos + 1) = 'd' and then Name_Pat (Pos + 2) = '{' then Pos := Pos + 3; First := Pos; while Pos <= Name_Pat'Last and Name_Pat (Pos) /= '}' loop Pos := Pos + 1; end loop; Append (Result, Util.Dates.Simple_Format (Name_Pat (First .. Pos - 1), Date)); Pos := Pos + 1; else Append (Result, Name_Pat (Pos)); Pos := Pos + 1; end if; end loop; return To_String (Result); end Get_Purge_Pattern; -- ------------------------------ -- Find the files that are eligible to purge in the given directory. -- ------------------------------ procedure Eligible_Files (Manager : in out File_Manager; Path : in String; Date : in Ada.Calendar.Time; Names : in out Util.Strings.Vectors.Vector; First_Index : out Natural; Last_Index : out Natural) is function Get_Index (Name : in String) return Natural; function Compare (Left, Right : in String) return Boolean; Search_Filter : constant Ada.Directories.Filter_Type := (Ada.Directories.Ordinary_File => True, Ada.Directories.Directory => False, Ada.Directories.Special_File => False); Pattern : constant String := Manager.Get_Purge_Pattern (Date); Regex : constant GNAT.Regpat.Pattern_Matcher := GNAT.Regpat.Compile (Pattern); Glob1 : constant String := Util.Strings.Replace (Pattern, "([0-9]+)", "*", False); Glob2 : constant String := Util.Strings.Replace (Glob1, "[0-9]+", "*", False); Search : Ada.Directories.Search_Type; Ent : Ada.Directories.Directory_Entry_Type; function Get_Index (Name : in String) return Natural is Matches : GNAT.Regpat.Match_Array (0 .. 1); begin if GNAT.Regpat.Match (Regex, Name) then GNAT.Regpat.Match (Regex, Name, Matches); return Natural'Value (Name (Matches (1).First .. Matches (1).Last)); else return 0; end if; exception when others => return 0; end Get_Index; function Compare (Left, Right : in String) return Boolean is Left_Index : constant Natural := Get_Index (Left); Right_Index : constant Natural := Get_Index (Right); begin return Left_Index < Right_Index; end Compare; package Sort_Names is new Util.Strings.Vectors.Generic_Sorting (Compare); begin Ada.Directories.Start_Search (Search, Directory => Path, Pattern => Glob2, Filter => Search_Filter); while Ada.Directories.More_Entries (Search) loop Ada.Directories.Get_Next_Entry (Search, Ent); declare Name : constant String := Ada.Directories.Simple_Name (Ent); begin Names.Append (Name); end; end loop; Sort_Names.Sort (Names); if not Names.Is_Empty then First_Index := Get_Index (Names.First_Element); Last_Index := Get_Index (Names.Last_Element); else First_Index := Manager.Min_Index; Last_Index := Manager.Min_Index; end if; end Eligible_Files; end Util.Files.Rolling;