-- A simple filesystem, which will pass through most operations to a source -- directory. However it stores everything rot13 encrypted. -- -- call with -- ./rotfs_main source_directory mount_point -s with Ada.Directories; with Ada.Command_Line; with Fuse; with RotFS; procedure RotFS_Main is User_Data : RotFS.User_Data_Type; Arguments : Fuse.Arguments_Type; begin -- Catch the first argument given and use it as source directory... User_Data.Root_Dir := new String'(Ada.Directories.Full_Name (Ada.Command_Line.Argument(1))); -- ...and pass the rest to Fuse. for I in 2 .. Ada.Command_Line.Argument_Count loop Arguments.Append (Ada.Command_Line.Argument (I)); end loop; RotFS.Fuse_Rot.General.Put_Message("Root Dir: " & User_Data.Root_Dir.all); -- call Fuse RotFS.Fuse_Rot.Main (Arguments, User_Data); end RotFS_Main; -- vim: ts=3 sw=3 et