------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- File: rezip_lib.adb -- Description: Recompression tool to make archives smaller. -- Core moved from Rezip (main). Still Q&D ! -- Author: Gautier de Montmollin ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- -- To do: -- * In order to facilitate customization, ReZip could have a config file -- ( http://sf.net/projects/ini-files/ ) to store external packer -- program names. See ZipMax as an example... -- -- External programs used (feel free to customize/add/remove): -- 7-Zip, KZip, Zip (info-zip), AdvZip, DeflOpt -- Web URL's: see Zipper_specification below or run ReZip without arguments. with Zip.Headers, Zip.Compress, UnZip; with Zip.Create; use Zip.Create; with Zip_Streams; use Zip_Streams; with My_feedback, Flexible_temp_files; with Ada.Calendar; use Ada.Calendar; with Ada.Characters.Handling; use Ada.Characters.Handling; with Ada.Directories; use Ada.Directories; with Ada.Float_Text_IO; use Ada.Float_Text_IO; with Ada.Integer_Text_IO; use Ada.Integer_Text_IO; with Ada.IO_Exceptions; with Ada.Numerics.Discrete_Random; with Ada.Numerics.Elementary_Functions; with Ada.Numerics.Float_Random; with Ada.Streams.Stream_IO; use Ada.Streams.Stream_IO; with Ada.Strings.Fixed; use Ada.Strings.Fixed, Ada.Strings; with Ada.Strings.Unbounded; use Ada.Strings.Unbounded; with Ada.Text_IO; use Ada.Text_IO; with Ada.Unchecked_Deallocation; with Dual_IO; with Interfaces; use Interfaces; with GNAT.OS_Lib; package body Rezip_lib is function S (Source : Ada.Strings.Unbounded.Unbounded_String) return String renames Ada.Strings.Unbounded.To_String; function U (Source : String) return Ada.Strings.Unbounded.Unbounded_String renames Ada.Strings.Unbounded.To_Unbounded_String; -- This might be better read from a config file... -- type Zipper_specification is record name, title, URL, options : Unbounded_String; expanded_options : Unbounded_String; -- options with dynamically expanded tokens made_by_version : Unsigned_16; pkzm : Zip.PKZip_method; limit : Zip.Zip_32_Data_Size_Type; -- Compression is considered too slow or unefficient beyond limit -- E.g., kzip's algorithm might be O(N^2) or worse; on large files, -- deflate_e or other methods are better anyway randomized : Boolean; end record; NN : constant Unbounded_String := Null_Unbounded_String; -- Give up recompression above a certain data size for some external packers like KZip -- or Zopfli. -- kzip_zopfli_limit : constant := 2_000_000; type Approach is ( original, shrink, reduce_4, deflate_3, deflate_r, lzma_2, lzma_3, presel_1, presel_2, external_1, external_2, external_3, external_4, external_5, external_6, external_7, external_8, external_9, external_10, external_11, external_12 ); subtype Internal is Approach range Approach'Succ (Approach'First) .. Approach'Pred (external_1); subtype External is Approach range external_1 .. Approach'Last; ext : array (External) of Zipper_specification := ( -- Zip 2.32 or later: (U ("zip"), U ("Zip"), U ("http://info-zip.org/"), U ("-9"), NN, 20, Zip.deflate, 0, False), -- 7-Zip 4.64 or later; Deflate: (U ("7z"), U ("7-Zip"), U ("http://7-zip.org/"), U ("a -tzip -mm=deflate -mfb=258 -mpass=#RAND#(7,15) -mmc=10000"), NN, 20, Zip.deflate, 0, True), (U ("7z"), U ("7-Zip"), NN, U ("a -tzip -mm=deflate64 -mfb=257 -mpass=15 -mmc=10000"), NN, 21, Zip.deflate_e, 0, False), -- KZip: (U ("kzip"), U ("KZIP"), U ("http://www.advsys.net/ken/utils.htm"), U ("/rn /b0"), NN, 20, Zip.deflate, kzip_zopfli_limit, True), (U ("kzip"), U ("KZIP"), NN, U ("/rn /b#RAND_EXP#(1,2048)"), NN, 20, Zip.deflate, kzip_zopfli_limit, True), -- Zip 3.0 or later; BZip2: (U ("zip"), U ("Zip"), U ("http://info-zip.org/"), U ("-#RAND#(1,9) -Z bzip2"), NN, 46, Zip.bzip2, 0, True), -- 7-Zip 9.20 or later; LZMA: (U ("7z"), U ("7-Zip"), NN, U ("a -tzip -mm=LZMA -mx=9"), NN, 63, Zip.lzma_meth, 0, False), (U ("7z"), U ("7-Zip"), NN, -- LZ77: BT3 or BT4, dictionary size 2**19 = 512 KiB U ("a -tzip -mm=LZMA:a=2:d=19:mf=bt#RAND#(3,4):fb=128:lc=0:lp=2"), NN, 63, Zip.lzma_meth, 0, False), (U ("7z"), U ("7-Zip"), NN, -- LZ77: BT3 or BT4, dictionary size 2**25 = 32 MiB U ("a -tzip -mm=LZMA:a=2:d=25:mf=bt#RAND#(3,4):fb=255:lc=7"), NN, 63, Zip.lzma_meth, 0, False), (U ("7z"), U ("7-Zip"), NN, -- LZ77: BT3 or BT4, dictionary size 2**26 = 64 MiB U ("a -tzip -mm=LZMA:a=2:d=26:mf=bt#RAND#(3,4):fb=222:lc=8:lp0:pb1"), NN, 63, Zip.lzma_meth, 0, False), (U ("7z"), U ("7-Zip"), NN, -- Super-randomized version U ("a -tzip -mm=LZMA:a=2:d=#RAND_EXP#(1,65535)k:mf=bt#RAND#(2,4):fb=#RAND#(128,273):lc=#RAND#(0,8):lp#RAND#(0,4):pb#RAND#(0,4)"), NN, 63, Zip.lzma_meth, 0, True), -- AdvZip: advancecomp v1.19+ interesting for the Zopfli algorithm (U ("advzip"), U ("AdvZip"), U ("http://advancemame.sf.net/comp-readme.html"), U ("-a -4"), NN, 20, Zip.deflate, kzip_zopfli_limit, False) ); defl_opt : constant Zipper_specification := (U ("deflopt"), U ("DeflOpt"), U ("http://www.walbeehm.com/download/"), NN, NN, 0, Zip.deflate, 0, False); procedure Rezip ( from_zip_file : String; to_zip_file : String; format_choice : Zip_format_set := all_formats; -- force output into selected format set touch : Boolean := False; -- set time stamps to now lower : Boolean := False; -- set full file names to lower case delete_comment : Boolean := False; -- delete zip comment randomized_stable : Positive := 1; log_file : String := ""; html_report : String := ""; alt_tmp_file_radix : String := ""; -- e.g. "X:\temp\rz_" internal_only : Boolean := False -- Zip-Ada algorithms only, no ext. call ) is package DFIO is new Dual_IO.Float_IO (Float); procedure Rip_data ( archive : Zip.Zip_info; -- from this archive... input : in out Root_Zipstream_Type'Class; data_name : String; -- extract this data rip_rename : String; -- to this file (compressed) unzip_rename : String; -- and this one (uncompressed) header : out Zip.Headers.Local_File_Header ) is file_index : Zip_Streams.ZS_Index_Type; comp_size : Zip.Zip_32_Data_Size_Type; uncomp_size : Zip.Zip_32_Data_Size_Type; file_out : Ada.Streams.Stream_IO.File_Type; dummy_encoding : Zip.Zip_name_encoding; dummy_crc : Unsigned_32; use UnZip; begin Zip.Find_offset ( info => archive, name => data_name, name_encoding => dummy_encoding, file_index => file_index, comp_size => comp_size, uncomp_size => uncomp_size, crc_32 => dummy_crc ); Set_Index (input, file_index); Zip.Headers.Read_and_check (input, header); -- Skip name and extra field Set_Index (input, Index (input) + Zip_Streams.ZS_Size_Type (header.extra_field_length + header.filename_length) ); -- * Get the data, compressed Ada.Streams.Stream_IO.Create (file_out, Out_File, rip_rename); Zip.Copy_chunk (input, Stream (file_out).all, Integer (comp_size)); Close (file_out); if unzip_rename /= "" then -- * Get the data, uncompressed Extract ( from => archive, what => data_name, rename => unzip_rename, options => (test_only => False, junk_directories => False, case_sensitive_match => True, extract_as_text => False ) ); end if; end Rip_data; Approach_to_Method : constant array (Internal) of Zip.Compress.Compression_Method := (shrink => Zip.Compress.Shrink, reduce_4 => Zip.Compress.Reduce_4, deflate_3 => Zip.Compress.Deflate_3, deflate_r => Zip.Compress.Deflate_R, lzma_2 => Zip.Compress.LZMA_2, lzma_3 => Zip.Compress.LZMA_3, presel_1 => Zip.Compress.Preselection_1, presel_2 => Zip.Compress.Preselection_2 ); type Packer_info is record size : Zip.Zip_32_Data_Size_Type; zfm : Unsigned_16; count : Natural; saved : Integer_64; -- Number of bytes saved by chosen method -- NB: can be negative if -defl chosen: suboptimal recompression, -- but compatible method. saved_ex_aequo : Integer_64; -- Number of bytes saved if method is as good as -- the winning method. uncomp_size : Unsigned_64; -- summed uncompressed sizes might be more than 2**32 expanded_options : Unbounded_String; iter : Positive; -- iterations needed LZMA_EOS : Boolean; end record; type Packer_info_array is array (Approach) of Packer_info; type Dir_entry; type p_Dir_entry is access Dir_entry; -- type Dir_entry is record head : Zip.Headers.Central_File_Header; name : Unbounded_String; next : p_Dir_entry := null; chosen_approach : Approach := original; info : Packer_info_array; end record; function Radix return String is begin if alt_tmp_file_radix = "" then return Flexible_temp_files.Radix; else return alt_tmp_file_radix; end if; end Radix; function Temp_name ( is_compressed : Boolean; appr : Approach ) return String is initial : constant array (Boolean) of Character := ('u', 'c'); begin return Radix & "_!" & initial (is_compressed) & '!' & Trim (Integer'Image (Approach'Pos (appr)), Left) & "!_.tmp"; end Temp_name; function Img (a : Approach; html : Boolean) return String is function Repl (s : String) return String is t : String := s; begin for i in t'Range loop if html and t (i) = ':' then t (i) := ' '; end if; -- Break too long texts within a cell. end loop; return t; end Repl; begin if a in External then return "External: " & S (ext (a).title) & ", " & Repl (S (ext (a).expanded_options)); else declare s : constant String := Approach'Image (a); begin return s (s'First) & To_Lower (s (s'First + 1 .. s'Last) & (Approach'Width - s'Length + 1) * ' '); end; end if; end Img; -- From AZip_Common... function Image_1000 (r : Zip.Zip_32_Data_Size_Type; separator : Character := ''') return String is s : constant String := Zip.Zip_32_Data_Size_Type'Image (r); t : String (s'First .. s'First + (s'Length * 4) / 3); j, c : Natural; begin -- For signed integers -- if r < 0 then -- return '-' & Image_1000(abs r, separator); -- end if; -- -- We build result string t from right to left j := t'Last + 1; c := 0; for i in reverse s'First .. s'Last loop exit when s (i) = ' ' or s (i) = '-'; if c > 0 and then c mod 3 = 0 then j := j - 1; t (j) := separator; end if; j := j - 1; t (j) := s (i); c := c + 1; end loop; return t (j .. t'Last); end Image_1000; function Image_1000 (r : Integer_64; separator : Character := ''') return String is s : constant String := Integer_64'Image (r); t : String (s'First .. s'First + (s'Length * 4) / 3); j, c : Natural; begin -- For signed integers if r < 0 then return '-' & Image_1000 (abs r, separator); end if; -- We build result string t from right to left j := t'Last + 1; c := 0; for i in reverse s'First .. s'Last loop exit when s (i) = ' ' or s (i) = '-'; if c > 0 and then c mod 3 = 0 then j := j - 1; t (j) := separator; end if; j := j - 1; t (j) := s (i); c := c + 1; end loop; return t (j .. t'Last); end Image_1000; procedure Call_external ( packer : String; args : String ) is use GNAT.OS_Lib; procedure Dispose is new Ada.Unchecked_Deallocation (Argument_List, Argument_List_Access); list : Argument_List_Access; ok : Boolean; begin Dual_IO.Put_Line (packer & " [" & args & ']'); list := Argument_String_To_List (args); GNAT.OS_Lib.Spawn (packer, list.all, ok); Dispose (list); if not ok then Dual_IO.Put_Line ( "Warning: cannot call " & packer & ". Is it callable through the ""path"" ?" ); end if; end Call_external; seed_iterator : Natural; procedure Call_external_expanded ( packer : String; options : String; other_args : String; expand : in out Unbounded_String -- expanded arguments ) is type Token is (rand, rand_exp); begin expand := U (options); for t in Token loop -- Replace all tokens: ##(a,b) loop declare tok : constant String := '#' & Token'Image (t) & '#'; idx : constant Natural := Index (expand, tok); par : Natural; replace_by : Unbounded_String; begin -- put_line("Token: " & Token'Image(t) & " " & S(expand)); exit when idx = 0; -- No more of token t to replace par := Index (expand, ")", idx); declare opt : constant String := S (expand); -- partially processed option string curr : constant String := opt (idx + 1 .. opt'Last); -- current option par_a : constant Natural := Index (curr, "("); par_z : constant Natural := Index (curr, ")"); comma : constant Natural := Index (curr, ","); n1, n2, n : Integer; begin n1 := Integer'Value (curr (par_a + 1 .. comma - 1)); n2 := Integer'Value (curr (comma + 1 .. par_z - 1)); case t is when rand => -- Replace #RAND#(n1,n2) by a number between n1 and n2. -- Uniform distribution: U(n1,n2). declare subtype rng is Integer range n1 .. n2; package Rnd is new Ada.Numerics.Discrete_Random (rng); gen : Rnd.Generator; begin Rnd.Reset (gen, seed_iterator); -- seed_iterator is itself randomized. seed_iterator := seed_iterator + 1; n := Rnd.Random (gen); end; replace_by := U (Trim (Integer'Image (n), Left)); when rand_exp => -- Replace #RAND_EXP#(n1,n2) by a number between n1 and n2. -- Strong bias towards small numbers (rather close to n1 than to n2). -- -- Example (k=1, n1=1, n2=100): P(X in [1;10]) = 1/2; P(X in [10;100]) = 1/2. -- -- The CDF is: F(x) = ((log x - log n1) / (log n2 - log n1)) ^ (1/k). -- declare use Ada.Numerics.Float_Random, Ada.Numerics.Elementary_Functions; gen : Generator; l1, l2, l, u : Float; k : constant := 2; begin Reset (gen, seed_iterator); -- seed_iterator is itself randomized. seed_iterator := seed_iterator + 1; u := Random (gen); -- u is Uniform in [0;1] l1 := Log (Float (n1)); l2 := Log (Float (n2)); l := l1 + (l2 - l1) * (u ** k); n := Integer (Exp (l)); end; replace_by := U (Trim (Integer'Image (n), Left)); end case; Replace_Slice (expand, idx, par, S (replace_by)); end; end; end loop; end loop; Call_external (packer, S (expand) & ' ' & other_args); end Call_external_expanded; function Temp_Zip_Name return String is begin return Simple_Name (Radix) & "_$temp$.zip"; end Temp_Zip_Name; procedure Try_deleting_Temp_Zip_File is begin if Exists (Temp_Zip_Name) then Delete_File (Temp_Zip_Name); end if; exception when Ada.IO_Exceptions.Use_Error => null; end Try_deleting_Temp_Zip_File; procedure Process_External ( packer : String; options : String; out_name : String; is_rand : Boolean; is_deflate : Boolean; info : out Packer_info ) is rand_winner : constant String := Simple_Name (Radix) & "_$rand$.tmp"; options_winner : Unbounded_String; data_name : constant String := Simple_Name (Temp_name (False, original)); header : Zip.Headers.Local_File_Header; MyStream : aliased File_Zipstream; cur_dir : constant String := Current_Directory; size_memory : array (1 .. randomized_stable) of Zip.Zip_32_Data_Size_Type := (others => 0); current_size : Zip.Zip_32_Data_Size_Type := 0; zfm : Unsigned_16; attempt : Positive := 1; dummy_exp_opt : Unbounded_String; zi_ext : Zip.Zip_info; begin -- We jump into the TEMP directory, to avoid putting pathes into the -- temporary zip file. Set_Directory (Containing_Directory (Radix)); loop Try_deleting_Temp_Zip_File; -- remove (eventually broken) zip Call_external_expanded ( packer, options, Temp_Zip_Name & ' ' & data_name, info.expanded_options ); if (not Exists (Temp_Zip_Name)) and then Ada.Directories.Size (data_name) = 0 then -- ADVZip 1.19 doesn't create a zip file for a 0-size entry; we call Zip instead... Call_external_expanded ("zip", "", Temp_Zip_Name & ' ' & data_name, dummy_exp_opt); end if; if is_deflate then -- Post processing of "deflated" entry with DeflOpt: Call_external (S (defl_opt.name), Temp_Zip_Name); end if; -- Now, rip Set_Name (MyStream, Temp_Zip_Name); Open (MyStream, In_File); Zip.Load (zi_ext, MyStream, True); Rip_data ( archive => zi_ext, input => MyStream, data_name => data_name, rip_rename => out_name, unzip_rename => "", header => header ); Close (MyStream); Try_deleting_Temp_Zip_File; -- if randomized_stable = 1 or not is_rand then -- normal behaviour (1 attempt) current_size := header.dd.compressed_size; zfm := header.zip_type; info.iter := 1; exit; end if; -- -- Here, we process the cases where compressed sizes need -- to be reduced and we expect a stable size over n=randomized_stable -- attempts. -- if attempt = 1 or else header.dd.compressed_size < current_size -- better size then current_size := header.dd.compressed_size; zfm := header.zip_type; if Exists (rand_winner) then Delete_File (rand_winner); end if; Rename (out_name, rand_winner); options_winner := info.expanded_options; end if; -- -- Manage the array of last n=randomized_stable sizes -- if attempt > size_memory'Last then for i in size_memory'First + 1 .. size_memory'Last loop size_memory (i - 1) := size_memory (i); end loop; size_memory (size_memory'Last) := current_size; else size_memory (attempt) := current_size; end if; -- -- Check stability over n=randomized_stable attempts -- if attempt >= randomized_stable then if size_memory (randomized_stable) = size_memory (1) then if Exists (out_name) then Delete_File (out_name); end if; Rename (rand_winner, out_name); info.expanded_options := options_winner; info.iter := attempt; exit; end if; end if; attempt := attempt + 1; end loop; info.size := current_size; info.uncomp_size := Unsigned_64 (header.dd.uncompressed_size); -- uncomp_size should not matter (always the same). info.zfm := zfm; info.LZMA_EOS := (zfm = 14) and (header.bit_flag and Zip.Headers.LZMA_EOS_Flag_Bit) /= 0; -- We jump back to the startup directory. Set_Directory (cur_dir); end Process_External; -- Compress data as raw compressed data procedure Process_Internal_Raw (a : Approach; e : in out Dir_entry) is File_in : aliased File_Zipstream; File_out : aliased File_Zipstream; begin Set_Name (File_in, Temp_name (False, original)); Open (File_in, In_File); Set_Name (File_out, Temp_name (True, a)); Create (File_out, Out_File); Zip.Compress.Compress_data ( input => File_in, output => File_out, input_size_known => True, input_size => e.head.short_info.dd.uncompressed_size, method => Approach_to_Method (a), feedback => My_feedback'Access, password => "", content_hint => Zip.Compress.Guess_type_from_name (S (e.name)), CRC => e.head.short_info.dd.crc_32, -- we take the occasion to compute the CRC if not -- yet available (e.g. JAR) output_size => e.info (a).size, zip_type => e.info (a).zfm ); e.info (a).LZMA_EOS := e.info (a).zfm = 14; Close (File_in); Close (File_out); end Process_Internal_Raw; -- Compress data as a Zip archive (like external methods), then call post-processing procedure Process_Internal_as_Zip (a : Approach; e : in out Dir_entry) is zip_file : aliased File_Zipstream; archive : Zip_Create_Info; data_name : constant String := Simple_Name (Temp_name (False, original)); zi_ext : Zip.Zip_info; header : Zip.Headers.Local_File_Header; MyStream : aliased File_Zipstream; cur_dir : constant String := Current_Directory; begin Set_Directory (Containing_Directory (Radix)); Create_Archive (archive, zip_file'Unchecked_Access, Temp_Zip_Name); Set (archive, Approach_to_Method (a)); Add_File (archive, data_name); Finish (archive); -- Post processing of "deflated" entry with DeflOpt: Call_external (S (defl_opt.name), Temp_Zip_Name); -- Now, rip Set_Name (MyStream, Temp_Zip_Name); Open (MyStream, In_File); Zip.Load (zi_ext, MyStream, True); Rip_data ( archive => zi_ext, input => MyStream, data_name => data_name, rip_rename => Temp_name (True, a), unzip_rename => "", header => header ); e.info (a).size := header.dd.compressed_size; e.info (a).zfm := header.zip_type; e.info (a).LZMA_EOS := (header.zip_type = 14) and (header.bit_flag and Zip.Headers.LZMA_EOS_Flag_Bit) /= 0; Close (MyStream); Try_deleting_Temp_Zip_File; Set_Directory (cur_dir); end Process_Internal_as_Zip; time_0 : constant Ada.Calendar.Time := Clock; procedure Repack_contents (orig_name, repacked_name, html_report_name : String) is zi : Zip.Zip_info; MyStream : aliased File_Zipstream; list, e, curr : p_Dir_entry := null; repacked_zip_file : aliased File_Zipstream; null_packer_info : constant Packer_info := (0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, NN, 1, False); total : Packer_info_array := (others => null_packer_info); -- total(a).count counts the files where approach 'a' was optimal -- total(a).saved counts the saved bytes when approach 'a' was optimal total_choice : Packer_info := null_packer_info; summary : Ada.Text_IO.File_Type; T0, T1 : Ada.Calendar.Time; repack_duration : Duration; -- type Approach_Filtering is array (Approach) of Boolean; consider_a_priori : Approach_Filtering; -- lightred : constant String := "#f43048"; procedure Process_one (unique_name : String) is comp_size : Zip.Zip_32_Data_Size_Type; uncomp_size : Zip.Zip_32_Data_Size_Type; choice : Approach := original; deco : constant String := "-->-->-->" & (20 + unique_name'Length) * '-'; mth : Zip.PKZip_method; consider : Approach_Filtering; gain, gain_a : Integer_64; -- procedure Winner_color is begin if e.info (choice).size < e.info (original).size then Put (summary, ""); -- We were able to reduce the size. :-) elsif e.info (choice).size = e.info (original).size then Put (summary, ""); -- Original was already the best. else Put (summary, ""); -- Forced to a format with a less efficient compression. :-( end if; end Winner_color; -- use Zip; begin -- Start with the set of approaches that has been decided for all entries. consider := consider_a_priori; if unique_name = "" or else (unique_name (unique_name'Last) = '\' or unique_name (unique_name'Last) = '/' ) then return; -- directories are useless entries! end if; total_choice.count := total_choice.count + 1; Dual_IO.Close_and_Append_Log; -- have an up to date copy on file system Dual_IO.Put_Line (deco); Dual_IO.Put_Line ( ' ' & Integer'Image ((100 * total_choice.count) / Zip.Entries (zi)) & "% - Processing " & unique_name & ',' & Integer'Image (total_choice.count) & " of" & Integer'Image (Zip.Entries (zi)) ); Dual_IO.Put_Line (deco); Dual_IO.New_Line; -- e := new Dir_entry; if curr = null then curr := e; list := e; else curr.next := e; curr := e; end if; e.name := U (unique_name); e.head.made_by_version := 20; -- version 2.0 e.head.comment_length := 0; e.head.disk_number_start := 0; e.head.internal_attributes := 0; -- 0: seems binary; 1, text e.head.external_attributes := 0; -- Dual_IO.Put (" Phase 1: dump & unzip -"); Rip_data ( archive => zi, input => MyStream, data_name => unique_name, rip_rename => Temp_name (True, original), unzip_rename => Temp_name (False, original), header => e.head.short_info ); -- if touch then e.head.short_info.file_timedate := Zip.Convert (time_0); end if; if lower then e.name := U (To_Lower (S (e.name))); end if; -- Get reliable data from zi Zip.Get_sizes ( info => zi, name => unique_name, comp_size => comp_size, uncomp_size => uncomp_size ); Dual_IO.Put_Line (" done"); -- -- Apply limitations: skip some methods if certain conditions are met. -- For instance: -- Shrink may in rare cases be better, but only for tiny files. -- KZip and Zopfli are excellent but really too slow on large files. -- for a in Approach loop case a is when original => null; when shrink => consider (a) := consider (a) and uncomp_size <= 6000; when reduce_4 => consider (a) := consider (a) and uncomp_size <= 9000; when External => consider (a) := consider (a) and (ext (a).limit = 0 or uncomp_size <= ext (a).limit); when others => null; end case; end loop; Dual_IO.Put_Line (" Phase 2: try different tactics..."); -- Try_all_approaches : -- for a in Approach loop if consider (a) then Dual_IO.Put (" -o-> " & Img (a, html => False)); e.info (a).iter := 1; case a is -- when original => -- This is from the original .zip - just record size and method e.info (a).size := comp_size; e.info (a).zfm := e.head.short_info.zip_type; e.info (a).LZMA_EOS := (e.info (a).zfm = 14) and (e.head.short_info.bit_flag and Zip.Headers.LZMA_EOS_Flag_Bit) /= 0; mth := Zip.Method_from_code (e.info (a).zfm); -- when Internal => if Approach_to_Method (a) in Zip.Compress.Deflation_Method and not internal_only then -- We will post-process our internal Deflate with DeflOpt. Process_Internal_as_Zip (a, e.all); else Process_Internal_Raw (a, e.all); end if; when External => Dual_IO.New_Line; Process_External ( S (ext (a).name), S (ext (a).options), Temp_name (True, a), ext (a).randomized, ext (a).pkzm = Zip.deflate, e.info (a) ); e.head.made_by_version := ext (a).made_by_version; ext (a).expanded_options := e.info (a).expanded_options; -- end case; total (a).size := total (a).size + e.info (a).size; if e.info (a).size < e.info (choice).size then -- Hurra, we found a smaller size than previous choice! choice := a; end if; if choice = original and not format_choice (mth) then -- This occurs if we want to make an archive with only a certain set of formats, -- for instance deflate_or_store, which is the most compatible. -- Since approach _a_ uses a format in the desired set, the choice will be -- forced out of original, even with a worse size. choice := a; end if; Dual_IO.New_Line; end if; end loop Try_all_approaches; -- total_choice.size := total_choice.size + e.info (choice).size; total (choice).count := total (choice).count + 1; total_choice.uncomp_size := total_choice.uncomp_size + Unsigned_64 (uncomp_size); gain := Integer_64 (e.info (original).size) - Integer_64 (e.info (choice).size); total (choice).saved := total (choice).saved + gain; -- We award now the ex-aequo's. Caution: multiple counting if you take the sum of totals -- over all approachs, but it is good for knowing the strength of an individual approach. for a in Approach loop if consider (a) then gain_a := Integer_64 (e.info (original).size) - Integer_64 (e.info (a).size); if gain_a = gain then total (a).saved_ex_aequo := total (a).saved_ex_aequo + gain; end if; end if; end loop; total_choice.saved := total_choice.saved + gain; -- Dual_IO.New_Line; Dual_IO.Put ( " Phase 3: Winner is " & Img (choice, html => False) & "; gain in bytes:" & Integer_64'Image (gain) & "; writing data -" ); -- * Summary outputs Put (summary, "" & Trim (Integer'Image (total_choice.count), Left) & -- '/' & -- Trim(Integer'Image(Zip.Entries(zi)),Left) & "" & "" & unique_name & ", " & Image_1000 (uncomp_size) & ""); for a in Approach loop if consider_a_priori (a) then if not consider (a) then Put (summary, "skipped"); elsif a = choice then Winner_color; elsif e.info (a).size = e.info (choice).size then -- ex aequo Put (summary, ""); else Put (summary, ""); end if; if consider (a) then Put (summary, Image_1000 (e.info (a).size)); end if; if choice = a then Put (summary, ""); end if; Put (summary, ""); end if; end loop; -- Recall winner approach, method and size: Put (summary, "" & Img (choice, html => True) & ""); Put (summary, "" & Zip.Image (Zip.Method_from_code (e.info (choice).zfm)) & "" ); Put (summary, "" & Zip.Image (Zip.Method_from_code (e.info (original).zfm)) & "" ); Winner_color; Put (summary, Image_1000 (e.info (choice).size)); Put (summary, ""); if e.info (original).size > 0 then Put ( summary, 100.0 * Float (e.info (choice).size) / Float (e.info (original).size), 3, 2, 0 ); Put (summary, "%"); end if; Put (summary, ""); if uncomp_size > 0 then Put ( summary, 100.0 * Float (e.info (choice).size) / Float (uncomp_size), 3, 2, 0 ); Put (summary, "%"); end if; Put (summary, ""); Put (summary, Image_1000 (uncomp_size)); Put (summary, ""); Put (summary, Integer'Image (e.info (choice).iter)); Put_Line (summary, ""); -- -- Write winning data: -- e.head.short_info.extra_field_length := 0; -- We choose to ignore it... -- No data descriptor after data (bit 3); no EOS for LZMA (bit 1): e.head.short_info.bit_flag := e.head.short_info.bit_flag and (2#1111_1111_1111_0101#); -- Set the LZMA EOS flag if present in winner entry (checked by 7-Zip v.17.01): if e.info (choice).LZMA_EOS then e.head.short_info.bit_flag := e.head.short_info.bit_flag or Zip.Headers.LZMA_EOS_Flag_Bit; end if; -- Set or adjust the pre-data data descriptor: -- NB: even if missing pre-data, CRC will have been computed -- at least with one internal method e.head.short_info.dd.uncompressed_size := uncomp_size; -- Put the winning size and method e.head.short_info.dd.compressed_size := e.info (choice).size; e.head.short_info.zip_type := e.info (choice).zfm; e.head.local_header_offset := Unsigned_32 (Index (repacked_zip_file)) - 1; Zip.Headers.Write (repacked_zip_file, e.head.short_info); String'Write (repacked_zip_file'Access, S (e.name)); -- Copy the compressed data Zip.Copy_file (Temp_name (True, choice), repacked_zip_file); Dual_IO.Put_Line (" done"); Dual_IO.New_Line; end Process_one; procedure Process_all is new Zip.Traverse (Process_one); ed : Zip.Headers.End_of_Central_Dir; function Webcolor (a : Approach) return String is v : Float; sr, sg, sb : String (1 .. 10); begin if total_choice.saved > 0 and -- with options like -defl ot -fast_dec, we may have -- negative values or other strange things: total (a).saved >= 0 then v := Float (total (a).saved) / Float (total_choice.saved); -- ^ contribution of approach 'a' else v := 0.0; end if; Put (sr, 512 + Integer (144.0 + 111.0 * (1.0 - v)), 16); sb := sr; Put (sg, 512 + Integer (238.0 + 17.0 * (1.0 - v)), 16); return sr (sr'Last - 2 .. sr'Last - 1) & sg (sg'Last - 2 .. sg'Last - 1) & sb (sb'Last - 2 .. sb'Last - 1); end Webcolor; meth : Zip.Compress.Compression_Method; begin -- Repack_contents T0 := Clock; for a in Approach loop case a is when original => consider_a_priori (a) := True; when Internal => meth := Approach_to_Method (a); case meth is when Zip.Compress.Single_Method => consider_a_priori (a) := format_choice (Zip.Compress.Method_to_Format (meth)); when Zip.Compress.Multi_Method => -- For the sake of simplicity, we consider the Multi_Method's -- only when all formats are admitted. consider_a_priori (a) := format_choice = all_formats; end case; when External => consider_a_priori (a) := format_choice (ext (a).pkzm) and not internal_only; end case; end loop; Set_Name (MyStream, orig_name); Open (MyStream, In_File); Zip.Load (zi, MyStream, True); Set_Name (repacked_zip_file, repacked_name); Create (repacked_zip_file, Out_File); Create (summary, Out_File, html_report_name); -- -- HTML Report begins here. -- Put_Line (summary, "ReZip summary for file " & orig_name & "" ); Put_Line (summary, ""); Put_Line (summary, " "); Put_Line (summary, "

ReZip summary for file " & orig_name & "

" ); Put_Line (summary, "ReZip - Zip-Ada Library version " & Zip.version & " dated " & Zip.reference ); if format_choice /= all_formats then Put_Line (summary, "
" & "
An option that filters methods is on, " & "result(s) may be sub-optimal - see details at bottom.

" ); end if; Put_Line (summary, "
"); Put (summary, "" & "" ); for a in Approach loop if consider_a_priori (a) then if a in External then ext (a).expanded_options := ext (a).options; end if; Put (summary, ""); end if; end loop; Put_Line (summary, ""); Put (summary, "" & "" ); -- Additionally, we show a row with the Approach's Compression_Method's output format (the -- Zip.PKZip_method). If it is not unique, we mention it. for a in Approach loop if consider_a_priori (a) then case a is when original => Put (summary, ""); when Internal => Put (summary, ""); when External => Put (summary, ""); end case; end if; end loop; Put_Line (summary, "" & "" & "" & "" & "" & "" & "" & "" ); -- -- 1/ Recompress each file into the new archive: -- Process_all (zi); -- -- 2/ Almost done - write Central Directory: -- ed.central_dir_offset := Unsigned_32 (Index (repacked_zip_file)) - 1; ed.total_entries := 0; ed.central_dir_size := 0; ed.main_comment_length := 0; declare comment : constant String := Zip.Zip_comment (zi); begin if not delete_comment then ed.main_comment_length := comment'Length; end if; -- Restart at the beginning of the list e := list; while e /= null loop ed.total_entries := ed.total_entries + 1; Zip.Headers.Write (repacked_zip_file, e.head); String'Write (repacked_zip_file'Access, S (e.name)); ed.central_dir_size := ed.central_dir_size + Zip.Headers.central_header_length + Unsigned_32 (e.head.short_info.filename_length); e := e.next; end loop; ed.disknum := 0; ed.disknum_with_start := 0; ed.disk_total_entries := ed.total_entries; Zip.Headers.Write (repacked_zip_file, ed); if not delete_comment then String'Write (repacked_zip_file'Access, comment); end if; end; Close (repacked_zip_file); Close (MyStream); -- -- Cleanup. -- for a in Approach loop if consider_a_priori (a) then if Exists (Temp_name (True, a)) then Delete_File (Temp_name (True, a)); end if; if a = original then -- also an uncompressed data file to delete Delete_File (Temp_name (False, a)); end if; end if; end loop; -- -- Report total files per approach. -- Put (summary, ""); for a in Approach loop if consider_a_priori (a) then Put (summary, "" ); end if; end loop; Put (summary, "" & ""); -- -- Report total compressed bytes. -- Put (summary, ""); for a in Approach loop if consider_a_priori (a) then Put (summary, "" ); end if; end loop; Put (summary, ""); -- -- Report total saved bytes per approach. -- Put (summary, ""); for a in Approach loop if consider_a_priori (a) then Put (summary, ""); end if; end loop; Put (summary, "" & ""); -- -- Report total saved bytes per approach, *including ex-aequos*. -- Put (summary, ""); for a in Approach loop if consider_a_priori (a) then Put (summary, ""); end if; end loop; Put (summary, ""); Put_Line (summary, "
Approach:" & Img (a, html => True) & "
File name, uncompressed size:Approach's
format →
"); meth := Approach_to_Method (a); case meth is when Zip.Compress.Single_Method => Put (summary, Zip.Image (Zip.Compress.Method_to_Format (meth))); when Zip.Compress.Multi_Method => Put (summary, "(Various formats)"); end case; Put (summary, "" & Zip.Image (ext (a).pkzm) & "ChoiceChoice's
% of
% of
TOTAL FILES (of chosen optimal approach)" & Integer'Image (total (a).count) & "" & Integer'Image (total_choice.count) & "" ); Put_Line (summary, "
TOTAL COMPRESSED BYTES" & Image_1000 (total (a).size) & "" & Image_1000 (total_choice.size) & "" ); if total (original).size > 0 then Put (summary, 100.0 * Float (total_choice.size) / Float (total (original).size), 3, 2, 0 ); Put (summary, "%"); end if; Put (summary, ""); if total_choice.uncomp_size > 0 then Put (summary, 100.0 * Float (total_choice.size) / Float (total_choice.uncomp_size), 3, 2, 0 ); Put (summary, "%"); end if; Put_Line (summary, "
TOTAL BYTES SAVED (by chosen optimal approach)" & Image_1000 (total (a).saved) & "" & Image_1000 (total_choice.saved) & "" ); if total (original).size > 0 then Put (summary, 100.0 * Float (total_choice.saved) / Float (total (original).size), 3, 2, 0 ); Put (summary, "%"); end if; Put (summary, ""); if total_choice.uncomp_size > 0 then Put (summary, 100.0 * Float (total_choice.saved) / Float (total_choice.uncomp_size), 3, 2, 0 ); Put (summary, "%"); end if; Put_Line (summary, "
TOTAL BYTES SAVED (by chosen or ex-aequo optimal approach)" & Image_1000 (total (a).saved_ex_aequo) & ""); Put_Line (summary, "

"); Put_Line (summary, "
Options used for ReZip
"); Put_Line (summary, "
Randomized_stable =" & Integer'Image (randomized_stable) & "
"); Put_Line (summary, " Formats allowed:
"); for f in format_choice'Range loop Put_Line (summary, " "); end loop; Put_Line (summary, "
" & Zip.Image (f) & "" & Boolean'Image (format_choice (f)) & "
"); Put_Line (summary, "
"); T1 := Clock; repack_duration := T1 - T0; Put (summary, "Time elapsed : "); Put (summary, Float (repack_duration), 4, 2, 0); Put (summary, " seconds, or"); Put (summary, Float (repack_duration) / 60.0, 4, 2, 0); Put (summary, " minutes, or"); Put (summary, Float (repack_duration) / 3600.0, 4, 2, 0); Put_Line (summary, " hours.
"); Close (summary); Dual_IO.Put ("Time elapsed : "); DFIO.Put (Float (repack_duration), 4, 2, 0); Dual_IO.Put_Line (" sec"); Dual_IO.Put_Line ("All details for " & orig_name & " in " & html_report_name); end Repack_contents; -- This is for randomizing the above seed_iterator. -- On GNAT the clock-based Reset is too coarse: it gives many times -- the same seed when called with small time intervals. -- subtype Seed_Range is Integer range 1 .. 1_000_000; package Rnd_seed is new Ada.Numerics.Discrete_Random (Seed_Range); gen_seed : Rnd_seed.Generator; begin Rnd_seed.Reset (gen_seed); -- 1x clock-based randomization seed_iterator := Rnd_seed.Random (gen_seed); if alt_tmp_file_radix = "" then Flexible_temp_files.Initialize; end if; Dual_IO.Create_Log (log_file); Repack_contents (from_zip_file, to_zip_file, html_report); Dual_IO.Close_Log; if alt_tmp_file_radix = "" then Flexible_temp_files.Finalize; end if; end Rezip; procedure Show_external_packer_list is procedure Display (p : Zipper_specification) is fix : String (1 .. 8) := (others => ' '); begin Insert (fix, fix'First, S (p.title)); Ada.Text_IO.Put (" " & fix); fix := (others => ' '); Insert (fix, fix'First, S (p.name)); Ada.Text_IO.Put_Line (" Executable: " & fix & " URL: " & S (p.URL)); end Display; name_is_new : Boolean; begin for e in External loop name_is_new := True; for ee in External'First .. External'Pred (e) loop name_is_new := name_is_new and ext (e).name /= ext (ee).name; end loop; if name_is_new then Display (ext (e)); end if; end loop; Display (defl_opt); end Show_external_packer_list; end Rezip_lib;