-- Generated by utildgen.c from system includes with Interfaces.C; package Util.Systems.Constants is pragma Pure; -- Flags used when opening a file with open/creat. O_RDONLY : constant Interfaces.C.int := 8#000000#; O_WRONLY : constant Interfaces.C.int := 8#000001#; O_RDWR : constant Interfaces.C.int := 8#000002#; O_CREAT : constant Interfaces.C.int := 8#001000#; O_EXCL : constant Interfaces.C.int := 8#004000#; O_TRUNC : constant Interfaces.C.int := 8#002000#; O_APPEND : constant Interfaces.C.int := 8#000010#; O_CLOEXEC : constant Interfaces.C.int := 8#100000000#; O_SYNC : constant Interfaces.C.int := 8#000200#; O_DIRECT : constant Interfaces.C.int := 0; O_NONBLOCK : constant Interfaces.C.int := 8#000004#; -- Flags used by fcntl F_SETFL : constant Interfaces.C.int := 4; F_GETFL : constant Interfaces.C.int := 3; FD_CLOEXEC : constant Interfaces.C.int := 1; -- Flags used by dlopen RTLD_LAZY : constant Interfaces.C.int := 8#000001#; RTLD_NOW : constant Interfaces.C.int := 8#000002#; RTLD_NOLOAD : constant Interfaces.C.int := 8#000020#; RTLD_DEEPBIND : constant Interfaces.C.int := 8#000000#; RTLD_GLOBAL : constant Interfaces.C.int := 8#000010#; RTLD_LOCAL : constant Interfaces.C.int := 8#000004#; RTLD_NODELETE : constant Interfaces.C.int := 8#000200#; DLL_OPTIONS : constant String := "-ldl"; SYMBOL_PREFIX : constant String := "_"; end Util.Systems.Constants;