------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- Language Server Protocol -- -- -- -- Copyright (C) 2018-2019, AdaCore -- -- -- -- This is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under -- -- terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Soft- -- -- ware Foundation; either version 3, or (at your option) any later ver- -- -- sion. This software is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, -- -- but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHAN- -- -- TABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public -- -- License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU -- -- General Public License distributed with this software; see file -- -- COPYING3. If not, go to http://www.gnu.org/licenses for a complete copy -- -- of the license. -- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ with System; with Interfaces.C.Strings; with Ada.Streams; pragma Warnings (Off); with System.Win32; pragma Warnings (On); package Spawn.Windows_API is pragma Preelaborate; subtype HANDLE is System.Win32.HANDLE; subtype DWORD is System.Win32.DWORD; subtype WORD is System.Win32.WORD; subtype BOOL is System.Win32.BOOL; subtype WCHAR is Interfaces.C.wchar_t; subtype LPSTR is Interfaces.C.Strings.chars_ptr; subtype LPBYTE is LPSTR; type LPWSTR is access all WCHAR; type STARTUPINFOW is record cb : DWORD := 0; lpReserved : LPWSTR; lpDesktop : LPWSTR; lpTitle : LPWSTR; dwX : DWORD := 0; dwY : DWORD := 0; dwXSize : DWORD := 0; dwYSize : DWORD := 0; dwXCountChars : DWORD := 0; dwYCountChars : DWORD := 0; dwFillAttribute : DWORD := 0; dwFlags : DWORD := 0; wShowWindow : WORD := 0; cbReserved2 : WORD := 0; lpReserved2 : LPBYTE; hStdInput : aliased HANDLE := 0; hStdOutput : aliased HANDLE := 0; hStdError : aliased HANDLE := 0; end record with Convention => C; STARTF_USESTDHANDLES : constant DWORD := 16#00000100#; -- The hStdInput, hStdOutput, and hStdError members contain additional -- information. -- -- If this flag is specified when calling one of the process creation -- functions, the handles must be inheritable and the function's -- bInheritHandles parameter must be set to TRUE. type PROCESS_INFORMATION is record hProcess : HANDLE; hThread : HANDLE; dwProcessId : DWORD; dwThreadId : DWORD; end record with Convention => C; CREATE_NO_WINDOW : constant DWORD := 16#08000000#; -- The process is a console application that is being run without a console -- window. Therefore, the console handle for the application is not set. CREATE_UNICODE_ENVIRONMENT : constant DWORD := 16#00000400#; -- If this flag is set, the environment block pointed to by lpEnvironment -- uses Unicode characters. Otherwise, the environment block uses ANSI -- characters. function CreateProcessW (lpApplicationName : Interfaces.C.wchar_array; lpCommandLine : in out Interfaces.C.wchar_array; lpProcessAttributes : access System.Win32.SECURITY_ATTRIBUTES; lpThreadAttributes : access System.Win32.SECURITY_ATTRIBUTES; bInheritHandles : BOOL; dwCreationFlags : DWORD; lpEnvironment : Interfaces.C.wchar_array; lpCurrentDirectory : Interfaces.C.wchar_array; lpStartupInfo : access STARTUPINFOW; lpProcessInformation : access PROCESS_INFORMATION) return BOOL with Import, Convention => Stdcall, External_Name => "CreateProcessW"; type OVERLAPPED is record Internal : System.Address := System.Null_Address; InternalHigh : System.Address := System.Null_Address; Offset : DWORD := 0; OffsetHigh : DWORD := 0; hEvent : HANDLE := 0; end record; generic type CUSTOM_OVERLAPPED is limited private; package Generic_Read_Write_Ex is type Callback is access procedure (dwErrorCode : DWORD; dwNumberOfBytesTransfered : DWORD; lpOverlapped : access CUSTOM_OVERLAPPED) with Convention => Stdcall; function ReadFileEx (hFile : HANDLE; lpBuffer : out Ada.Streams.Stream_Element_Array; nNumberOfBytesToRead : DWORD; lpOverlapped : access CUSTOM_OVERLAPPED; lpCompletionRoutine : Callback) return BOOL with Import, Convention => Stdcall, External_Name => "ReadFileEx"; function WriteFileEx (hFile : HANDLE; lpBuffer : Ada.Streams.Stream_Element_Array; nNumberOfBytesToWrite : DWORD; lpOverlapped : access CUSTOM_OVERLAPPED; lpCompletionRoutine : Callback) return BOOL with Import, Convention => Stdcall, External_Name => "WriteFileEx"; end Generic_Read_Write_Ex; function CancelIo (hFile : HANDLE) return BOOL with Import, Convention => Stdcall, External_Name => "CancelIo"; function CreateNamedPipeA (lpName : Interfaces.C.char_array; dwOpenMode : DWORD; dwPipeMode : DWORD; nMaxInstances : DWORD; nOutBufferSize : DWORD; nInBufferSize : DWORD; nDefaultTimeOut : DWORD; lpSecurityAttributes : access System.Win32.SECURITY_ATTRIBUTES) return HANDLE with Import, Convention => Stdcall, External_Name => "CreateNamedPipeA"; PIPE_ACCESS_INBOUND : constant DWORD := 16#1#; -- The flow of data in the pipe goes from client to server only. This mode -- gives the server the equivalent of GENERIC_READ access to the pipe. The -- client must specify GENERIC_WRITE access when connecting to the pipe. PIPE_ACCESS_OUTBOUND : constant DWORD := 16#2#; -- The flow of data in the pipe goes from server to client only. This mode -- gives the server the equivalent of GENERIC_WRITE access to the pipe. The -- client must specify GENERIC_READ access when connecting to the pipe. FILE_FLAG_OVERLAPPED : constant DWORD := 16#40000000#; PIPE_TYPE_BYTE : constant DWORD := 0; PIPE_WAIT : constant DWORD := 0; PIPE_UNLIMITED_INSTANCES : constant DWORD := 255; Pipe_Name_Prefix : constant String := "\\.\pipe\"; function CreateEventW (lpSecurityAttributes : access System.Win32.SECURITY_ATTRIBUTES; bManualReset : BOOL; bInitialState : BOOL; lpName : LPWSTR) return HANDLE with Import, Convention => Stdcall, External_Name => "CreateEventW"; function SetEvent (hEvent : HANDLE) return BOOL with Import, Convention => Stdcall, External_Name => "SetEvent"; type HANDLE_Array is array (Positive range <>) of HANDLE; function WaitForMultipleObjectsEx (nCount : DWORD; lpHandles : HANDLE_Array; bWaitAll : BOOL; dwMilliseconds : DWORD; bAlertable : BOOL) return DWORD with Import, Convention => Stdcall, External_Name => "WaitForMultipleObjectsEx"; MAXIMUM_WAIT_OBJECTS : constant := 64; WAIT_IO_COMPLETION : constant DWORD := 16#C0#; WAIT_TIMEOUT : constant DWORD := 16#102#; function GetExitCodeProcess (hProcess : HANDLE; lpExitCode : access DWORD) return BOOL with Import, Convention => Stdcall, External_Name => "GetExitCodeProcess"; subtype Environment_Block is Interfaces.C.wchar_array (1 .. Interfaces.C.size_t'Last); type Environment_Block_Access is access all Environment_Block; function GetEnvironmentStringsW return Environment_Block_Access with Import, Convention => Stdcall, External_Name => "GetEnvironmentStringsW"; function FreeEnvironmentStringsW (lpszEnvironmentBlock : Environment_Block_Access) return BOOL with Import, Convention => Stdcall, External_Name => "FreeEnvironmentStringsW"; function Get_Handle (fd : Interfaces.C.int) return HANDLE with Import, Convention => Stdcall, External_Name => "_get_osfhandle"; ERROR_OPERATION_ABORTED : constant DWORD := 995; -- he I/O operation has been aborted because of either a thread exit or an -- application request. function SearchPath (lpPath : LPWSTR; lpFileName : LPWSTR; lpExtension : LPWSTR; nBufferLength : DWORD; lpBuffer : LPWSTR; lpFilePart : access LPWSTR) return DWORD with Import, Convention => Stdcall, External_Name => "SearchPathW"; -- Searches for a specified file in a specified path MAX_PATH : constant := 32767; -- Max file name length. Legacy MAX_PATH was 256 end Spawn.Windows_API;