-- -- -- procedure Test_SMTP_Client Copyright (c) Dmitry A. Kazakov -- -- Test Luebeck -- -- Summer, 2016 -- -- -- -- Last revision : 23:22 29 Sep 2017 -- -- -- -- This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or -- -- modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as -- -- published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of -- -- the License, or (at your option) any later version. This library -- -- is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT -- -- ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of -- -- MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU -- -- General Public License for more details. You should have -- -- received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with -- -- this library; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, -- -- Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. -- -- -- -- As a special exception, if other files instantiate generics from -- -- this unit, or you link this unit with other files to produce an -- -- executable, this unit does not by itself cause the resulting -- -- executable to be covered by the GNU General Public License. This -- -- exception does not however invalidate any other reasons why the -- -- executable file might be covered by the GNU Public License. -- --____________________________________________________________________-- with Ada.Characters.Latin_1; use Ada.Characters.Latin_1; with Ada.Exceptions; use Ada.Exceptions; with Ada.Text_IO; use Ada.Text_IO; with GNAT.Sockets.SMTP; use GNAT.Sockets.SMTP; with GNAT.Sockets.Server; use GNAT.Sockets.Server; with GNAT.Sockets.Server.Handles; use GNAT.Sockets.Server.Handles; with Strings_Edit.Streams; use Strings_Edit.Streams; with Ada.Streams.Stream_IO; with GNAT.Exception_Traces; with GNAT.Sockets.Server.Secure.X509; with GNAT.Sockets.SMTP.Client.Synchronous; with Strings_Edit.Lexicographical_Order; use Strings_Edit.Lexicographical_Order; procedure Test_SMTP_Client is use GNAT.Sockets.SMTP.Client; use GNAT.Sockets.SMTP.Client.Synchronous; Server_Address : constant String := ""; CRLF : constant String := CR & LF; begin GNAT.Exception_Traces.Trace_On (GNAT.Exception_Traces.Every_Raise); declare Factory : aliased Connections_Factory; Server : aliased Connections_Server (Factory'Access, 0); begin Put_Line ("SMTP synchronous client test started"); Send ( Server => Server, Host => Server_Address, Message => Create ( From => "", Subject => "Synchronous client test", To => "", Contents => "Hello all" ), User => "User", Password => "Password", Timeout => 10.0 ); Put_Line ("SMTP synchronous client test completed"); end; declare Factory : aliased Connections_Factory; Server : aliased Connections_Server (Factory'Access, 0); Client : Connection_Ptr := new SMTP_Client ( Listener => Server'Unchecked_Access, Reply_Length => 1024, Input_Size => 80, Output_Size => 1024 ); begin Put_Line ("SMTP asynchronous client test started"); Set_Credentials (SMTP_Client (Client.all), "user", "password"); Send ( SMTP_Client (Client.all), Create ( From => "", Subject => "Sample", To => "", Contents => "Hello all" ) ); Connect (Server, Client, "", SMTP_Port); delay 10.0; -- Don't know how long it would take Put_Line ("SMTP asynchronous client test started"); end; declare Factory : aliased Connections_Factory; Server : aliased Connections_Server (Factory'Access, 0); Reference : Handle; begin Trace_On ( Factory => Factory, Received => GNAT.Sockets.Server.Trace_Decoded, Sent => GNAT.Sockets.Server.Trace_Decoded ); Set ( Reference, new SMTP_Client ( Listener => Server'Unchecked_Access, Reply_Length => 1024, Input_Size => 80, Output_Size => 1024 -- The maximum line length -- according to the standard ) ); declare Client : SMTP_Client renames SMTP_Client (Ptr (Reference).all); procedure Test_1 is File : Ada.Streams.Stream_IO.File_Type; begin Set_Credentials (Client, "test", "pwd", SMTP_CRAM_MD5); Put_Line ("SMTP client test 1 started"); Ada.Streams.Stream_IO.Open ( File, Ada.Streams.Stream_IO.In_File, "test_smtp_client.adb" ); Send ( Client, Create ( From => "", Subject => "Test 1.1", To => "", Contents => "Hello" ) ); Send ( Client, Create ( From => "", Subject => "Test 1.2", To => "", Contents => ".Muiltiline" & CRLF & ".test" & CRLF & "with dots" ) ); declare Message : Mail := Create ( From => "", Subject => "Test 1.3", To => "" ); begin Attach_Stream ( Message, Ada.Streams.Stream_IO.Stream (File).all ); Send (Client, Message); end; Connect ( Server, Client'Unchecked_Access, Server_Address, SMTP_Port ); while not Is_Down (Client) loop -- Busy waiting delay 0.1; end loop; Ada.Streams.Stream_IO.Close (File); Put_Line ("Test 1. SMTP client finished"); end Test_1; procedure Test_2 is Stream : aliased String_Stream (1024 * 4); Message : Mail := Create ( From => "", Subject => "Test 2", To => "", Contents => "See attachments." ); begin Put_Line ("SMTP client test 2 started"); Set ( Stream, ( "Discussion: All of the primitive function " & "attributes except Rounding and Machine " & "correspond to subprograms in the " & "Generic_Primitive_Functions generic package " & "proposed as a separate ISO standard (ISO/IEC " & "DIS 11729) for Ada 83. The Scaling, " & "Unbiased_Rounding, and Truncation attributes " & "correspond to the Scale, Round, and Truncate " & "functions, respectively, in " & "Generic_Primitive_Functions. The Rounding " & "attribute rounds away from zero; this " & "functionality was not provided in " & "Generic_Primitive_Functions. The name Round " & "was not available for either of the primitive " & "function attributes that perform rounding, " & "since an attribute of that name is used for " & "a different purpose for decimal fixed point " & "types. Likewise, the name Scale was not " & "available, since an attribute of that name is " & "also used for a different purpose for decimal " & "fixed point types. The functionality of the " & "Machine attribute was also not provided in " & "Generic_Primitive_Functions. The functionality " & "of the Decompose procedure of " & "Generic_Primitive_Functions is only provided in " & "the form of the separate attributes Exponent " & "and Fraction. The functionality of the " & "Successor and Predecessor functions of " & "Generic_Primitive_Functions is provided by " & "the extension of the existing Succ and Pred " & "attributes." ) ); Rewind (Stream); Attach_File ( Message => Message, Disposition => "test_smtp_client.adb", Contents => "test_smtp_client.adb" ); Attach_Stream ( Message => Message, Disposition => "text.txt", Contents => Stream ); Send (Client, Message); Connect ( Server, Client'Unchecked_Access, Server_Address, SMTP_Port ); while not Is_Down (Client) loop -- Busy waiting delay 0.1; end loop; Put_Line ("Test 2. SMTP client finished"); end Test_2; procedure Test_3 is Stream : aliased String_Stream (100); Message : Mail := Create ( From => "", Subject => "Test 3", To => "", Contents => "See attachments." ); begin Put_Line ("SMTP client test 3 started"); Set (Stream, "Test stream"); Attach_Stream ( Message => Message, Disposition => "text.txt", Contents => Stream ); Set_Credentials ( Client, "mailbox@dmitry-kazakov.de", "015ztgnQ?4kPyuv", SMTP_CRAM_MD5 ); Send (Client, Message); Connect ( Server, Client'Unchecked_Access, Server_Address, SMTP_Port ); while not Is_Down (Client) loop -- Busy waiting delay 0.1; end loop; Put_Line ("Test 3. SMTP client finished"); end Test_3; begin Set_Enhanced (Client, True); Test_1; Test_2; Test_3; end; end; declare use GNAT.Sockets.Server.Secure.X509; Factory : aliased X509_Authentication_Factory ( Decoded_Size => 1024 ); Server : aliased Connections_Server (Factory'Access, 0); Reference : Handle; begin Add_System_Trust (Factory); Add_Key_From_PEM_File ( Factory => Factory, Certificate_File => "test.cert.pem", Key_File => "test.key.pem" ); Add_Key_From_PEM_File ( Factory => Factory, Certificate_File => "test.cert.pem", Key_File => "test.key.pem" ); Generate_Diffie_Hellman_Parameters (Factory); Trace_On ( Factory => Factory, Received => GNAT.Sockets.Server.Trace_Any, Sent => GNAT.Sockets.Server.Trace_Any ); Set_TLS_Tracing ( Factory => Factory, Session => True, Decoded => True ); Set ( Reference, new SMTP_Client ( Listener => Server'Unchecked_Access, Reply_Length => 1024, Input_Size => 80, Output_Size => 1024 -- The maximum line length -- according to the standard ) ); declare Client : SMTP_Client renames SMTP_Client (Ptr (Reference).all); procedure Test_4 is Stream : aliased String_Stream (100); Message : Mail := Create ( From => "", Subject => "Test 4", To => "", Contents => "See attachments." ); begin Put_Line ("SMTP client test 4 started"); Set (Stream, "Test stream"); Attach_Stream ( Message => Message, Disposition => "text.txt", Contents => Stream ); Set_Credentials ( Client, "username", "password", SMTP_CRAM_MD5 ); Send (Client, Message); Connect ( Server, Client'Unchecked_Access, Server_Address, SMTP_Port ); while not Is_Down (Client) loop -- Busy waiting delay 0.1; end loop; Put_Line ("Test 4. SMTP client finished"); end Test_4; begin Set_Enhanced (Client, True); Test_4; end; end; exception when Error : others => Put_Line ("Error: " & Exception_Information (Error)); end Test_SMTP_Client;