-- Services for the Allegro A4988 Stepper Motor Driver -- Copyright (C)2021, Philip Munts, President, Munts AM Corp. -- -- Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without -- modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met: -- -- * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, -- this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. -- -- THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS "AS IS" -- AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE -- IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE -- ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT HOLDER OR CONTRIBUTORS BE -- LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR -- CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF -- SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS -- INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN -- CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) -- ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE -- POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. -- NOTE: This package bit-bangs the step signal to the A4988 driver. For more -- accurate timing, you should generate the step signal from some kind of -- dedicated real-time hardware, such as a microcontroller. WITH Ada.Calendar; WITH GPIO; WITH Stepper; USE TYPE Ada.Calendar.Time; USE TYPE GPIO.Pin; USE TYPE Stepper.Rate; USE TYPE Stepper.Steps; PACKAGE BODY A4988 IS microseconds : CONSTANT Duration := 1.0E-6; milliseconds : CONSTANT Duration := 1.0E-3; -- A4988 device object constructors FUNCTION Create (Steps : Stepper.Steps; -- Number of steps per rotation Rate : Stepper.Rate; -- Default step rate (Hertz) Step : NOT NULL GPIO.Pin; Dir : NOT NULL GPIO.Pin; Enable : GPIO.Pin := NULL; Reset : GPIO.Pin := NULL; Sleep : GPIO.Pin := NULL) RETURN Device IS dev : DeviceClass; BEGIN Initialize(dev, Steps, Rate, Step, Dir, Enable, Reset, Sleep); RETURN NEW DeviceClass'(dev); END Create; FUNCTION Create (Steps : Stepper.Steps; -- Number of steps per rotation Rate : Stepper.Rate; -- Default step rate (Hertz) Step : NOT NULL GPIO.Pin; Dir : NOT NULL GPIO.Pin; Enable : GPIO.Pin := NULL; Reset : GPIO.Pin := NULL; Sleep : GPIO.Pin := NULL) RETURN Stepper.Output IS dev : DeviceClass; BEGIN Initialize(dev, Steps, Rate, Step, Dir, Enable, Reset, Sleep); RETURN NEW DeviceClass'(dev); END Create; -- A4988 device object initializer PROCEDURE Initialize (Self : IN OUT DeviceClass; Steps : Stepper.Steps; -- Number of steps per rotation Rate : Stepper.Rate; -- Default step rate (Hertz) Step : NOT NULL GPIO.Pin; Dir : NOT NULL GPIO.Pin; Enable : GPIO.Pin := NULL; Reset : GPIO.Pin := NULL; Sleep : GPIO.Pin := NULL) IS BEGIN -- Validate parameters IF Steps < 1 THEN RAISE Stepper.Error WITH "Invalid number of steps per rotation"; END IF; IF Rate <= 0.0 THEN RAISE Standard.Stepper.Error WITH "Invalid value for rate"; END IF; Step.Put(False); Dir.Put(False); Self.numsteps := Steps; Self.steprate := Rate; Self.step_pin := Step; Self.dir_pin := Dir; Self.enable_pin := Enable; Self.reset_pin := Reset; Self.sleep_pin := Sleep; Self.Reset; Self.Disable; Self.Sleep; Self.Wakeup; Self.Enable; END Initialize; -- Stepper interface methods PROCEDURE Put (Self : IN OUT DeviceClass; steps : Stepper.Steps) IS BEGIN Put(Self, steps, Self.steprate); END Put; PROCEDURE Put (Self : IN OUT DeviceClass; steps : Stepper.Steps; rate : Stepper.Rate) IS interval : CONSTANT Duration := 1.0/Duration(rate); nexttime : Ada.Calendar.Time := Ada.Calendar.Clock; BEGIN -- Validate parameters IF Rate <= 0.0 THEN RAISE Standard.Stepper.Error WITH "Invalid value for rate"; END IF; IF steps > 0 THEN Self.dir_pin.Put(True); -- Forward (nominal, depends on motor wiring) ELSIF steps < 0 THEN Self.dir_pin.Put(False); -- Reverse (nominal, depends on motor wiring) ELSE RETURN; END IF; -- NOTE: Exact timing for the step pulse train will be determined by the -- resolution of the DELAY statement on the target platform. FOR n IN 1 .. ABS steps LOOP Self.step_pin.Put(True); DELAY 2.0*microseconds; -- Datasheet typical minimum is 1 microsecond Self.step_pin.Put(False); nexttime := nexttime + interval; DELAY nexttime - Ada.Calendar.Clock; END LOOP; END Put; FUNCTION StepsPerRotation(Self : IN OUT DeviceClass) RETURN Stepper.Steps IS BEGIN RETURN Self.numsteps; END StepsPerRotation; -- Other methods PROCEDURE Enable(Self : DeviceClass) IS BEGIN IF Self.enable_pin /= NULL THEN Self.enable_pin.Put(False); END IF; END Enable; PROCEDURE Disable(Self : DeviceClass) IS BEGIN IF Self.enable_pin /= NULL THEN Self.enable_pin.Put(True); END IF; END Disable; PROCEDURE Reset(Self : DeviceClass) IS BEGIN IF Self.reset_pin /= NULL THEN Self.reset_pin.Put(False); DELAY 1.0*microseconds; Self.reset_pin.Put(True); DELAY 1.0*microseconds; END IF; END Reset; PROCEDURE Sleep(Self : DeviceClass) IS BEGIN IF Self.sleep_pin /= NULL THEN Self.sleep_pin.Put(False); END IF; END Sleep; PROCEDURE Wakeup(Self : DeviceClass) IS BEGIN IF Self.sleep_pin /= NULL THEN Self.sleep_pin.Put(True); DELAY 1.0*milliseconds; -- Wait for charge pump to stabilize END IF; END Wakeup; END A4988;