with Ada.Text_IO; with Ada.Characters.Latin_1; -- Characters in the -- ISO 8859-1 character set package body Display_Control is -- Assumes that the display accepts and processes American -- National Standards Institute (ANSI) escape sequences. -- Code to start an ANSI control string (the Escape -- control character and the left bracket character) ANSI_Start : constant String := Ada.Characters.Latin_1.ESC & '['; procedure Bold_On is begin -- "ESC[1m" turns on Bold Ada.Text_IO.Put (ANSI_Start & "1m"); -- Send any buffered characters to the display Ada.Text_IO.Flush; end Bold_On; procedure Blink_On is begin -- "ESC[5m" turns on Blink Ada.Text_IO.Put (ANSI_Start & "5m"); Ada.Text_IO.Flush; end Blink_On; procedure Normal is begin -- "ESC[0m" turns off all attributes Ada.Text_IO.Put (ANSI_Start & "0m"); Ada.Text_IO.Flush; end Normal; end Display_Control;