with Ada.Numerics; use Ada.Numerics; package Maths_Pack with SPARK_Mode is -- Types -- Angle range type, in radians. subtype T_Radians is Float range -2.0 * Pi .. 2.0 * Pi; -- Procedures and functions -- Return the inverse square root using the sqrtf builtin function Inv_Sqrt (X : Float) return Float with Pre => X >= Float'Succ (0.0), Post => Inv_Sqrt'Result > 0.0 and Inv_Sqrt'Result < 2.7E+22; -- Wrapper for Ada.Numerics.Elementary_Functions.Arctan function Atan (Y : Float; X : Float) return T_Radians; -- Wrapper for Ada.Numerics.Elementary_Functions.Arctan function Asin (X : Float) return T_Radians; end Maths_Pack;