pragma Ada_2005; pragma Style_Checks (Off); with Interfaces.C; use Interfaces.C; limited with SDL_SDL_version_h; with Interfaces.C.Strings; with System; limited with SDL_SDL_rwops_h; with SDL_SDL_stdinc_h; with SDL_SDL_video_h; package SDL_SDL_ttf_h is SDL_TTF_MAJOR_VERSION : constant := 2; -- ../include/SDL/SDL_ttf.h:40 SDL_TTF_MINOR_VERSION : constant := 0; -- ../include/SDL/SDL_ttf.h:41 SDL_TTF_PATCHLEVEL : constant := 11; -- ../include/SDL/SDL_ttf.h:42 -- arg-macro: procedure SDL_TTF_VERSION (X) -- { (X).major := SDL_TTF_MAJOR_VERSION; (X).minor := SDL_TTF_MINOR_VERSION; (X).patch := SDL_TTF_PATCHLEVEL; } -- unsupported macro: TTF_MAJOR_VERSION SDL_TTF_MAJOR_VERSION -- unsupported macro: TTF_MINOR_VERSION SDL_TTF_MINOR_VERSION -- unsupported macro: TTF_PATCHLEVEL SDL_TTF_PATCHLEVEL -- arg-macro: procedure TTF_VERSION (X) -- SDL_TTF_VERSION(X) UNICODE_BOM_NATIVE : constant := 16#FEFF#; -- ../include/SDL/SDL_ttf.h:67 UNICODE_BOM_SWAPPED : constant := 16#FFFE#; -- ../include/SDL/SDL_ttf.h:68 TTF_STYLE_NORMAL : constant := 16#00#; -- ../include/SDL/SDL_ttf.h:92 TTF_STYLE_BOLD : constant := 16#01#; -- ../include/SDL/SDL_ttf.h:93 TTF_STYLE_ITALIC : constant := 16#02#; -- ../include/SDL/SDL_ttf.h:94 TTF_STYLE_UNDERLINE : constant := 16#04#; -- ../include/SDL/SDL_ttf.h:95 TTF_STYLE_STRIKETHROUGH : constant := 16#08#; -- ../include/SDL/SDL_ttf.h:96 TTF_HINTING_NORMAL : constant := 0; -- ../include/SDL/SDL_ttf.h:103 TTF_HINTING_LIGHT : constant := 1; -- ../include/SDL/SDL_ttf.h:104 TTF_HINTING_MONO : constant := 2; -- ../include/SDL/SDL_ttf.h:105 TTF_HINTING_NONE : constant := 3; -- ../include/SDL/SDL_ttf.h:106 -- arg-macro: procedure TTF_RenderText (font, text, fg,TTF_RenderText_Shaded(font, text, fg, bg) -- TTF_RenderText_Shaded(font, text, fg, bg) -- arg-macro: procedure TTF_RenderUTF8 (font, text, fg,TTF_RenderUTF8_Shaded(font, text, fg, bg) -- TTF_RenderUTF8_Shaded(font, text, fg, bg) -- arg-macro: procedure TTF_RenderUNICODE (font, text, fg,TTF_RenderUNICODE_Shaded(font, text, fg, bg) -- TTF_RenderUNICODE_Shaded(font, text, fg, bg) -- unsupported macro: TTF_SetError SDL_SetError -- unsupported macro: TTF_GetError SDL_GetError function TTF_Linked_Version return access constant SDL_SDL_version_h.SDL_version; -- ../include/SDL/SDL_ttf.h:64 pragma Import (C, TTF_Linked_Version, "TTF_Linked_Version"); procedure TTF_ByteSwappedUNICODE (swapped : int); -- ../include/SDL/SDL_ttf.h:74 pragma Import (C, TTF_ByteSwappedUNICODE, "TTF_ByteSwappedUNICODE"); -- skipped empty struct u_TTF_Font -- skipped empty struct TTF_Font function TTF_Init return int; -- ../include/SDL/SDL_ttf.h:80 pragma Import (C, TTF_Init, "TTF_Init"); function TTF_OpenFont (file : Interfaces.C.Strings.chars_ptr; ptsize : int) return System.Address; -- ../include/SDL/SDL_ttf.h:86 pragma Import (C, TTF_OpenFont, "TTF_OpenFont"); function TTF_OpenFontIndex (file : Interfaces.C.Strings.chars_ptr; ptsize : int; index : long) return System.Address; -- ../include/SDL/SDL_ttf.h:87 pragma Import (C, TTF_OpenFontIndex, "TTF_OpenFontIndex"); function TTF_OpenFontRW (src : access SDL_SDL_rwops_h.SDL_RWops; freesrc : int; ptsize : int) return System.Address; -- ../include/SDL/SDL_ttf.h:88 pragma Import (C, TTF_OpenFontRW, "TTF_OpenFontRW"); function TTF_OpenFontIndexRW (src : access SDL_SDL_rwops_h.SDL_RWops; freesrc : int; ptsize : int; index : long) return System.Address; -- ../include/SDL/SDL_ttf.h:89 pragma Import (C, TTF_OpenFontIndexRW, "TTF_OpenFontIndexRW"); function TTF_GetFontStyle (font : System.Address) return int; -- ../include/SDL/SDL_ttf.h:97 pragma Import (C, TTF_GetFontStyle, "TTF_GetFontStyle"); procedure TTF_SetFontStyle (font : System.Address; style : int); -- ../include/SDL/SDL_ttf.h:98 pragma Import (C, TTF_SetFontStyle, "TTF_SetFontStyle"); function TTF_GetFontOutline (font : System.Address) return int; -- ../include/SDL/SDL_ttf.h:99 pragma Import (C, TTF_GetFontOutline, "TTF_GetFontOutline"); procedure TTF_SetFontOutline (font : System.Address; outline : int); -- ../include/SDL/SDL_ttf.h:100 pragma Import (C, TTF_SetFontOutline, "TTF_SetFontOutline"); function TTF_GetFontHinting (font : System.Address) return int; -- ../include/SDL/SDL_ttf.h:107 pragma Import (C, TTF_GetFontHinting, "TTF_GetFontHinting"); procedure TTF_SetFontHinting (font : System.Address; hinting : int); -- ../include/SDL/SDL_ttf.h:108 pragma Import (C, TTF_SetFontHinting, "TTF_SetFontHinting"); function TTF_FontHeight (font : System.Address) return int; -- ../include/SDL/SDL_ttf.h:111 pragma Import (C, TTF_FontHeight, "TTF_FontHeight"); function TTF_FontAscent (font : System.Address) return int; -- ../include/SDL/SDL_ttf.h:116 pragma Import (C, TTF_FontAscent, "TTF_FontAscent"); function TTF_FontDescent (font : System.Address) return int; -- ../include/SDL/SDL_ttf.h:121 pragma Import (C, TTF_FontDescent, "TTF_FontDescent"); function TTF_FontLineSkip (font : System.Address) return int; -- ../include/SDL/SDL_ttf.h:124 pragma Import (C, TTF_FontLineSkip, "TTF_FontLineSkip"); function TTF_GetFontKerning (font : System.Address) return int; -- ../include/SDL/SDL_ttf.h:127 pragma Import (C, TTF_GetFontKerning, "TTF_GetFontKerning"); procedure TTF_SetFontKerning (font : System.Address; allowed : int); -- ../include/SDL/SDL_ttf.h:128 pragma Import (C, TTF_SetFontKerning, "TTF_SetFontKerning"); function TTF_FontFaces (font : System.Address) return long; -- ../include/SDL/SDL_ttf.h:131 pragma Import (C, TTF_FontFaces, "TTF_FontFaces"); function TTF_FontFaceIsFixedWidth (font : System.Address) return int; -- ../include/SDL/SDL_ttf.h:134 pragma Import (C, TTF_FontFaceIsFixedWidth, "TTF_FontFaceIsFixedWidth"); function TTF_FontFaceFamilyName (font : System.Address) return Interfaces.C.Strings.chars_ptr; -- ../include/SDL/SDL_ttf.h:135 pragma Import (C, TTF_FontFaceFamilyName, "TTF_FontFaceFamilyName"); function TTF_FontFaceStyleName (font : System.Address) return Interfaces.C.Strings.chars_ptr; -- ../include/SDL/SDL_ttf.h:136 pragma Import (C, TTF_FontFaceStyleName, "TTF_FontFaceStyleName"); function TTF_GlyphIsProvided (font : System.Address; ch : SDL_SDL_stdinc_h.Uint16) return int; -- ../include/SDL/SDL_ttf.h:139 pragma Import (C, TTF_GlyphIsProvided, "TTF_GlyphIsProvided"); function TTF_GlyphMetrics (font : System.Address; ch : SDL_SDL_stdinc_h.Uint16; minx : access int; maxx : access int; miny : access int; maxy : access int; advance : access int) return int; -- ../include/SDL/SDL_ttf.h:145 pragma Import (C, TTF_GlyphMetrics, "TTF_GlyphMetrics"); function TTF_SizeText (font : System.Address; text : Interfaces.C.Strings.chars_ptr; w : access int; h : access int) return int; -- ../include/SDL/SDL_ttf.h:150 pragma Import (C, TTF_SizeText, "TTF_SizeText"); function TTF_SizeUTF8 (font : System.Address; text : Interfaces.C.Strings.chars_ptr; w : access int; h : access int) return int; -- ../include/SDL/SDL_ttf.h:151 pragma Import (C, TTF_SizeUTF8, "TTF_SizeUTF8"); function TTF_SizeUNICODE (font : System.Address; text : access SDL_SDL_stdinc_h.Uint16; w : access int; h : access int) return int; -- ../include/SDL/SDL_ttf.h:152 pragma Import (C, TTF_SizeUNICODE, "TTF_SizeUNICODE"); function TTF_RenderText_Solid (font : System.Address; text : Interfaces.C.Strings.chars_ptr; fg : SDL_SDL_video_h.SDL_Color) return access SDL_SDL_video_h.SDL_Surface; -- ../include/SDL/SDL_ttf.h:160 pragma Import (C, TTF_RenderText_Solid, "TTF_RenderText_Solid"); function TTF_RenderUTF8_Solid (font : System.Address; text : Interfaces.C.Strings.chars_ptr; fg : SDL_SDL_video_h.SDL_Color) return access SDL_SDL_video_h.SDL_Surface; -- ../include/SDL/SDL_ttf.h:162 pragma Import (C, TTF_RenderUTF8_Solid, "TTF_RenderUTF8_Solid"); function TTF_RenderUNICODE_Solid (font : System.Address; text : access SDL_SDL_stdinc_h.Uint16; fg : SDL_SDL_video_h.SDL_Color) return access SDL_SDL_video_h.SDL_Surface; -- ../include/SDL/SDL_ttf.h:164 pragma Import (C, TTF_RenderUNICODE_Solid, "TTF_RenderUNICODE_Solid"); function TTF_RenderGlyph_Solid (font : System.Address; ch : SDL_SDL_stdinc_h.Uint16; fg : SDL_SDL_video_h.SDL_Color) return access SDL_SDL_video_h.SDL_Surface; -- ../include/SDL/SDL_ttf.h:174 pragma Import (C, TTF_RenderGlyph_Solid, "TTF_RenderGlyph_Solid"); function TTF_RenderText_Shaded (font : System.Address; text : Interfaces.C.Strings.chars_ptr; fg : SDL_SDL_video_h.SDL_Color; bg : SDL_SDL_video_h.SDL_Color) return access SDL_SDL_video_h.SDL_Surface; -- ../include/SDL/SDL_ttf.h:182 pragma Import (C, TTF_RenderText_Shaded, "TTF_RenderText_Shaded"); function TTF_RenderUTF8_Shaded (font : System.Address; text : Interfaces.C.Strings.chars_ptr; fg : SDL_SDL_video_h.SDL_Color; bg : SDL_SDL_video_h.SDL_Color) return access SDL_SDL_video_h.SDL_Surface; -- ../include/SDL/SDL_ttf.h:184 pragma Import (C, TTF_RenderUTF8_Shaded, "TTF_RenderUTF8_Shaded"); function TTF_RenderUNICODE_Shaded (font : System.Address; text : access SDL_SDL_stdinc_h.Uint16; fg : SDL_SDL_video_h.SDL_Color; bg : SDL_SDL_video_h.SDL_Color) return access SDL_SDL_video_h.SDL_Surface; -- ../include/SDL/SDL_ttf.h:186 pragma Import (C, TTF_RenderUNICODE_Shaded, "TTF_RenderUNICODE_Shaded"); function TTF_RenderGlyph_Shaded (font : System.Address; ch : SDL_SDL_stdinc_h.Uint16; fg : SDL_SDL_video_h.SDL_Color; bg : SDL_SDL_video_h.SDL_Color) return access SDL_SDL_video_h.SDL_Surface; -- ../include/SDL/SDL_ttf.h:196 pragma Import (C, TTF_RenderGlyph_Shaded, "TTF_RenderGlyph_Shaded"); function TTF_RenderText_Blended (font : System.Address; text : Interfaces.C.Strings.chars_ptr; fg : SDL_SDL_video_h.SDL_Color) return access SDL_SDL_video_h.SDL_Surface; -- ../include/SDL/SDL_ttf.h:203 pragma Import (C, TTF_RenderText_Blended, "TTF_RenderText_Blended"); function TTF_RenderUTF8_Blended (font : System.Address; text : Interfaces.C.Strings.chars_ptr; fg : SDL_SDL_video_h.SDL_Color) return access SDL_SDL_video_h.SDL_Surface; -- ../include/SDL/SDL_ttf.h:205 pragma Import (C, TTF_RenderUTF8_Blended, "TTF_RenderUTF8_Blended"); function TTF_RenderUNICODE_Blended (font : System.Address; text : access SDL_SDL_stdinc_h.Uint16; fg : SDL_SDL_video_h.SDL_Color) return access SDL_SDL_video_h.SDL_Surface; -- ../include/SDL/SDL_ttf.h:207 pragma Import (C, TTF_RenderUNICODE_Blended, "TTF_RenderUNICODE_Blended"); function TTF_RenderGlyph_Blended (font : System.Address; ch : SDL_SDL_stdinc_h.Uint16; fg : SDL_SDL_video_h.SDL_Color) return access SDL_SDL_video_h.SDL_Surface; -- ../include/SDL/SDL_ttf.h:216 pragma Import (C, TTF_RenderGlyph_Blended, "TTF_RenderGlyph_Blended"); procedure TTF_CloseFont (font : System.Address); -- ../include/SDL/SDL_ttf.h:228 pragma Import (C, TTF_CloseFont, "TTF_CloseFont"); procedure TTF_Quit; -- ../include/SDL/SDL_ttf.h:231 pragma Import (C, TTF_Quit, "TTF_Quit"); function TTF_WasInit return int; -- ../include/SDL/SDL_ttf.h:234 pragma Import (C, TTF_WasInit, "TTF_WasInit"); function TTF_GetFontKerningSize (font : System.Address; prev_index : int; index : int) return int; -- ../include/SDL/SDL_ttf.h:237 pragma Import (C, TTF_GetFontKerningSize, "TTF_GetFontKerningSize"); end SDL_SDL_ttf_h;