pragma Ada_2005; pragma Style_Checks (Off); with Interfaces.C; use Interfaces.C; with System; with Interfaces.C.Strings; with SDL_SDL_stdinc_h; package SDL_SDL_main_h is C_LINKAGE : aliased constant String := "C" & ASCII.NUL; -- ../include/SDL/SDL_main.h:38 -- unsupported macro: main SDL_main function SDL_main (argc : int; argv : System.Address) return int; -- ../include/SDL/SDL_main.h:57 pragma Import (C, SDL_main, "SDL_main"); procedure SDL_SetModuleHandle (hInst : System.Address); -- ../include/SDL/SDL_main.h:70 pragma Import (C, SDL_SetModuleHandle, "SDL_SetModuleHandle"); function SDL_RegisterApp (name : Interfaces.C.Strings.chars_ptr; style : SDL_SDL_stdinc_h.Uint32; hInst : System.Address) return int; -- ../include/SDL/SDL_main.h:72 pragma Import (C, SDL_RegisterApp, "SDL_RegisterApp"); procedure SDL_UnregisterApp; -- ../include/SDL/SDL_main.h:74 pragma Import (C, SDL_UnregisterApp, "SDL_UnregisterApp"); end SDL_SDL_main_h;