pragma Assertion_Policy (Check); with Ada.Strings.Fixed; package body GraphML_Writers is package S_F renames Ada.Strings.Fixed; use type S_U.Unbounded_String; function "+" (Str : String) return S_U.Unbounded_String is (S_U.To_Unbounded_String (Str)); NODE_TAG : constant String := "node"; EDGE_TAG : constant String := "edge"; NAME_TAG : constant S_U.Unbounded_String := +"name"; TYPE_TAG : constant S_U.Unbounded_String := +"type"; SUBTYPE_TAG : constant S_U.Unbounded_String := +"subtype"; function Edge_Data_Hash (Id : Edge_Data) return Ada.Containers.Hash_Type is use type Ada.Containers.Hash_Type; begin return 5 * Ada.Containers.Hash_Type (Id.Source_Id) + 3 * Ada.Containers.Hash_Type (Id.Target_Id) + S_U.Hash (Id.Edge_Ty); end Edge_Data_Hash; function Replace_All (Str : String; From : Character; To : String) return String; function Replace_All (Str : String; From : Character; To : String) return String is function Replace_Inner (Str : String; Index : Natural) return String; function Replace_Inner (Str : String; Index : Natural) return String is begin if Index = Str'First - 1 then return Str; elsif Str (Index) = From then return Replace_Inner (S_F.Replace_Slice (Str, Index, Index, To), Index - Str'First); else return Replace_Inner (Str, Index - 1); end if; end Replace_Inner; begin return Replace_Inner (Str, Str'Last); end Replace_All; function Escape (Str : String) return String; function Escape (Str : String) return String is begin return Replace_All (Replace_All (Replace_All (Replace_All (Replace_All (Str, '&', "&"), '<', "<"), '>', ">"), '"', """), ''', "'"); end Escape; function Escape (Str : S_U.Unbounded_String) return String; function Escape (Str : S_U.Unbounded_String) return String is begin return Escape (S_U.To_String (Str)); end Escape; function Image (Ty : GraphML_Type) return String; function Image (Ty : GraphML_Type) return String is begin case Ty is when GraphML_Boolean => return "boolean"; when GraphML_Int => return "int"; when GraphML_String => return "string"; end case; end Image; procedure Write_String (Stream : Ada.Streams.Stream_IO.Stream_Access; Indent : Natural; Str : String); procedure Write_String (Stream : Ada.Streams.Stream_IO.Stream_Access; Indent : Natural; Str : String) is use S_F; begin String'Write (Stream, Indent * " "); String'Write (Stream, Str); Character'Write (Stream, ASCII.CR); Character'Write (Stream, ASCII.LF); end Write_String; procedure Write_Attribute_Keys (Stream : Ada.Streams.Stream_IO.Stream_Access; For_Tag : String; Attributes : Attribute_Definition_Sets.Map); procedure Write_Attribute_Keys (Stream : Ada.Streams.Stream_IO.Stream_Access; For_Tag : String; Attributes : Attribute_Definition_Sets.Map) is use Attribute_Definition_Sets; begin for Attribute in Attributes.Iterate loop declare Id_Attr : constant String := "id=""" & Escape (Key (Attribute)) & """"; For_Attr : constant String := "for=""" & For_Tag & """"; Attr_Name_Attr : constant String := """" & Escape (Key (Attribute)) & """"; Attr_Type_Attr : constant String := "attr.type=""" & Image (Element (Attribute)) & """"; begin Write_String (Stream, 1, ""); end; end loop; end Write_Attribute_Keys; function Create_GraphML_Writer (Filename : String; Node_Attributes : Attribute_Definition_Sets.Map := Attribute_Definition_Sets.Empty_Map; Edge_Attributes : Attribute_Definition_Sets.Map := Attribute_Definition_Sets.Empty_Map) return GraphML_File is XMLNS : constant String := "xmlns="""""; XMLNS_XSI : constant String := "xmlns:xsi="""""; SCHEMALOCATION : constant String := "schemaLocation="" " & """"; begin return File : GraphML_File do Ada.Streams.Stream_IO.Create (File.File, Mode => Ada.Streams.Stream_IO.Out_File, Name => Filename); File.Stream := Ada.Streams.Stream_IO.Stream (File.File); File.Node_Attributes := Node_Attributes; File.Node_Attributes.Insert (NAME_TAG, GraphML_String); File.Node_Attributes.Insert (TYPE_TAG, GraphML_String); File.Node_Attributes.Insert (SUBTYPE_TAG, GraphML_String); File.Edge_Attributes := Edge_Attributes; File.Edge_Attributes.Insert (TYPE_TAG, GraphML_String); Write_String (File.Stream, 0, ""); Write_String (File.Stream, 0, ""); Write_Attribute_Keys (File.Stream, NODE_TAG, File.Node_Attributes); Write_Attribute_Keys (File.Stream, EDGE_TAG, File.Edge_Attributes); Write_String (File.Stream, 1, ""); end return; end Create_GraphML_Writer; procedure Close (This : in out GraphML_File) is begin Write_String (This.Stream, 1, ""); Write_String (This.Stream, 0, ""); Ada.Streams.Stream_IO.Close (This.File); end Close; procedure Write_Data (Stream : Ada.Streams.Stream_IO.Stream_Access; Attribute_Definitions : Attribute_Definition_Sets.Map; Attribute_Values : Attribute_Value_Sets.Map); procedure Write_Data (Stream : Ada.Streams.Stream_IO.Stream_Access; Attribute_Definitions : Attribute_Definition_Sets.Map; Attribute_Values : Attribute_Value_Sets.Map) is use Attribute_Value_Sets; begin for Attribute in Attribute_Values.Iterate loop if Attribute_Definitions.Contains (Key (Attribute)) then declare Key_Attr : constant String := "key=""" & Escape (Key (Attribute)) & """"; Value : constant String := Escape (Element (Attribute)); begin Write_String (Stream, 3, "" & Value & ""); end; end if; end loop; end Write_Data; procedure Write_Node_Internal (File : in out GraphML_File; Node_Key : String; Node_Name : String; Node_Ty : String; Node_Subty : String; Has_Node_Subty : Boolean; Node_Attributes : Attribute_Value_Sets.Map); procedure Write_Node_Internal (File : in out GraphML_File; Node_Key : String; Node_Name : String; Node_Ty : String; Node_Subty : String; Has_Node_Subty : Boolean; Node_Attributes : Attribute_Value_Sets.Map) is Key : constant S_U.Unbounded_String := +Node_Key; Id : constant Node_Id := (if File.Known_Nodes.Contains (Key) then File.Known_Nodes.Element (Key).Id else File.Next_Node_Id); Data : constant Node_Data := (Id => Id, Ty => +Node_Ty, Subty => +Node_Subty, Attributes => Node_Attributes); Id_Attr : constant String := "id=""" & S_F.Trim (Id'Image, Ada.Strings.Left) & """"; Subty : constant String := (if Has_Node_Subty then ":" & Escape (Node_Subty) else ""); Labels_Attr : constant String := "labels="":" & Escape (Node_Ty) & Subty & """"; begin if File.Known_Nodes.Contains (Key) then return; end if; File.Known_Nodes.Insert (Key, Data); File.Next_Node_Id := Id + 1; Write_String (File.Stream, 2, "<" & NODE_TAG & " " & Id_Attr & " " & Labels_Attr & ">"); declare Attributes : Attribute_Value_Sets.Map := Node_Attributes; begin Attributes.Insert (NAME_TAG, +Node_Name); Attributes.Insert (TYPE_TAG, +Node_Ty); if Has_Node_Subty then Attributes.Insert (SUBTYPE_TAG, +Node_Subty); end if; Write_Data (File.Stream, File.Node_Attributes, Attributes); end; Write_String (File.Stream, 2, ""); end Write_Node_Internal; procedure Write_Node (This : in out GraphML_File; Node_Key : String; Node_Name : String; Node_Ty : Node_Type; Node_Attributes : Attribute_Value_Sets.Map := Attribute_Value_Sets.Empty_Map) is begin Write_Node_Internal (This, Node_Key, Node_Name, String (Node_Ty), "", False, Node_Attributes); end Write_Node; procedure Write_Node (This : in out GraphML_File; Node_Key : String; Node_Name : String; Node_Ty : Node_Type; Node_Subty : Node_Subtype; Node_Attributes : Attribute_Value_Sets.Map := Attribute_Value_Sets.Empty_Map) is NODE_SUBTY_STRING : constant String := String (Node_Subty); HAS_NODE_SUBTY : constant Boolean := NODE_SUBTY_STRING /= ""; begin Write_Node_Internal (This, Node_Key, Node_Name, String (Node_Ty), NODE_SUBTY_STRING, HAS_NODE_SUBTY, Node_Attributes); end Write_Node; procedure Write_Edge_Internal (File : in out GraphML_File; Source_Node_Key : String; Target_Node_Key : String; Edge_Ty : String; Edge_Attributes : Attribute_Value_Sets.Map); procedure Write_Edge_Internal (File : in out GraphML_File; Source_Node_Key : String; Target_Node_Key : String; Edge_Ty : String; Edge_Attributes : Attribute_Value_Sets.Map) is Source_Id : constant Node_Id := File.Known_Nodes.Element (+Source_Node_Key).Id; Target_Id : constant Node_Id := File.Known_Nodes.Element (+Target_Node_Key).Id; Element : constant Edge_Data := (Source_Id => Source_Id, Target_Id => Target_Id, Edge_Ty => +Edge_Ty, Attributes => Edge_Attributes); Source_Attr : constant String := "source=""" & S_F.Trim (Source_Id'Image, Ada.Strings.Left) & """"; Target_Attr : constant String := "target=""" & S_F.Trim (Target_Id'Image, Ada.Strings.Left) & """"; Label_Attr : constant String := "label=""" & Escape (Edge_Ty) & """"; begin if File.Known_Edges.Contains (Element) then return; end if; File.Known_Edges.Insert (Element); Write_String (File.Stream, 2, "<" & EDGE_TAG & " " & Source_Attr & " " & Target_Attr & " " & Label_Attr & ">"); declare TY : constant String := "type=" & Escape (Edge_Ty); SOURCE : constant String := "source=" & Escape (Source_Node_Key); TARGET : constant String := "target=" & Escape (Target_Node_Key); Attributes : Attribute_Value_Sets.Map := Edge_Attributes; begin Write_String (File.Stream, 3, "" & TY & " " & SOURCE & " " & TARGET & " " & TY & ""); Attributes.Insert (TYPE_TAG, +Edge_Ty); Write_Data (File.Stream, File.Edge_Attributes, Attributes); end; Write_String (File.Stream, 2, ""); end Write_Edge_Internal; procedure Write_Edge (This : in out GraphML_File; Source_Node_Key : String; Target_Node_Key : String; Edge_Ty : Edge_Type; Edge_Attributes : Attribute_Value_Sets.Map := Attribute_Value_Sets.Empty_Map) is begin pragma Assert (This.Known_Nodes.Contains (+Source_Node_Key), "Source_Node for " & String (Edge_Ty) & " absent: " & Source_Node_Key); pragma Assert (This.Known_Nodes.Contains (+Target_Node_Key), "Target_Node for " & String (Edge_Ty) & " absent: " & Target_Node_Key); Write_Edge_Internal (This, Source_Node_Key, Target_Node_Key, String (Edge_Ty), Edge_Attributes); end Write_Edge; end GraphML_Writers;