private with Ada.Text_IO; private with GNAT.OS_Lib; private with CLIC.Subcommand.Instance; private with CLIC.TTY; private with CLIC.Config; package CLIC_Ex.Commands is procedure Execute; private Config_DB : CLIC.Config.Instance; procedure Set_Global_Switches (Config : in out CLIC.Subcommand.Switches_Configuration); package Sub_Cmd is new CLIC.Subcommand.Instance (Main_Command_Name => "clic_example", Version => "0.0.0", Set_Global_Switches => Set_Global_Switches, Put => Ada.Text_IO.Put, Put_Line => Ada.Text_IO.Put_Line, Put_Error => Ada.Text_IO.Put_Line, Error_Exit => GNAT.OS_Lib.OS_Exit, TTY_Chapter => CLIC.TTY.Info, TTY_Description => CLIC.TTY.Description, TTY_Version => CLIC.TTY.Version, TTY_Underline => CLIC.TTY.Underline, TTY_Emph => CLIC.TTY.Emph); end CLIC_Ex.Commands;