with Text_Io; use Text_Io; with Ada.Exceptions; use Ada.Exceptions; with Agpl.Gdk.Constants; with Agpl.Gdk.Drawer; with Agpl.Gdk.Drawer_Arc; with Agpl.Gdk.Drawer_Figures; with Agpl.Gdk.Drawer_Rectangle; with Agpl.Gdk.Modal_Drawing_Area; with Agpl.Gdk.Palette; with Agpl.Optimization.Concorde; use Agpl.Optimization.Concorde; with Gdk.Drawable; use Gdk.Drawable; with Ada.Command_Line; use Ada.Command_Line; with Ada.Numerics.Elementary_Functions; use Ada.Numerics.Elementary_Functions; with Ada.Numerics.Float_Random; use Ada.Numerics.Float_Random; with Gnat.Os_Lib; -- ATSP solutions for a given number of cities: -- Invoke with: [seed] -- Each city has random cost in either way. procedure T016_atsprand is package Colors renames Agpl.Gdk.Constants.Colors; package MDA renames Agpl.Gdk.Modal_Drawing_Area; procedure Usage is begin Put_Line ("Usage: [random seed]"); end Usage; N : Cities; R : Generator; type String_Access is access all String; Color_List : constant array (1 .. 4) of String_Access := (1 => new String'("red"), 2 => new String'("#00aa00"), 3 => new String'("#0000ff"), 4 => new String'("magenta")); begin if Argument_Count < 1 then Usage; return; end if; if Argument_Count = 1 then Reset (R); else Reset (R, Integer'Value (Argument (2))); end if; N := Cities'Value (Argument (1)); declare type City_Pos is record X, Y : Float; end record; City_Poses : array (1 .. N) of City_Pos; C : Cost_Matrix (1 .. N, 1 .. N); begin -- Fill random cities positions in coords <1 .. 100> for I in City_Poses'Range loop City_Poses (I).X := Random (R) * 100.0; City_Poses (I).Y := Random (R) * 100.0; end loop; -- Compute distances completely at random for Row in C'Range loop for Col in C'Range (2) loop if Row = Col then C (Row, Col) := 0; else C (Row, Col) := Costs (Random (R) * 100.0) + 2; end if; end loop; end loop; declare Sol : constant Result_Matrix := Solve_ATSP ((1 => 1), C); begin print_Problem (C); Print_Solution (C, (1 => 1), Sol, No_Return => False); -- Display graphically the solution: declare Area : MDA.Object; ------------------- -- Draw_Solution -- ------------------- procedure Draw_Solution (Drawable : in Gdk_Drawable) is use Agpl.Gdk; use Agpl.Gdk.Palette; Pal : aliased Palette.Object; Draw : Drawer.Object; begin Pal.Set_Drawable (Drawable); Draw.Set_Drawable (Drawable); Drawer.Draw_Begin (Draw); -- Draw border Drawer.Draw (Draw, Drawer_Rectangle.Create (Get_Color (Pal, Colors.White), 0.0, 0.0, 100.0, 100.0, Fill => True)); Drawer_Figures.Draw_Segment (0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 100.0, Get_Color (Pal, Colors.Black), Draw); Drawer_Figures.Draw_Segment (0.0, 100.0, 100.0, 100.0, Get_Color (Pal, Colors.Black), Draw); Drawer_Figures.Draw_Segment (100.0, 100.0, 100.0, 0.0, Get_Color (Pal, Colors.Black), Draw); Drawer_Figures.Draw_Segment (100.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, Get_Color (Pal, Colors.Black), Draw); -- Draw cities for I in City_Poses'Range loop Drawer.Draw (Draw, Drawer_Arc.Create_Circle (Get_Color (Pal, "#aaaaaa"), City_Poses (I).X, City_Poses (I).Y, 2.0, Fill => True)); end loop; for I in 1 .. 1 loop Drawer.Draw (Draw, Drawer_Arc.Create_Circle (Get_Color (Pal, Color_List (Integer (I)).all), City_Poses (1).X, City_Poses (1).Y, 2.0, Fill => True)); end loop; -- Draw tours for Salesman in Sol'Range loop for City in Sol'First (2) .. Sol'Last (2) - 1 loop Drawer_Figures.Draw_Segment (City_Poses (Sol (Salesman, City)).X, City_Poses (Sol (Salesman, City)).Y, City_Poses (Sol (Salesman, City + 1)).X, City_Poses (Sol (Salesman, City + 1)).Y, Get_Color (Pal, Color_List (Integer (Salesman)).all), Draw); end loop; Drawer_Figures.Draw_Segment (City_Poses (Sol (Salesman, Sol'Last (2))).X, City_Poses (Sol (Salesman, Sol'Last (2))).Y, City_Poses (Sol (Salesman, Sol'First (2))).X, City_Poses (Sol (Salesman, Sol'First (2))).Y, Get_Color (Pal, Colors.Black), -- Draw in black the returning line Draw); end loop; -- Show Drawer.Draw_End (Draw); end Draw_Solution; begin Area.Show (Draw_Solution'Access); end; end; end; exception when No_Solution => Put_Line ("NO VALID SOLUTION FOUND"); raise; when E : others => Put_Line ("Exception: " & Exception_Information (E)); end T016_atsprand;